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TFW I stopped watching this garbage three episodes ago

Previous >>>201873928
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/\ PEAKE /\
So what's going to happen at the end of this season? Blacks take King's Landing?
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This is your Rhaenyra now.
So how much of the two-year production time was spent on the dragon CGI for this episode
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>You just look like your father
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unexpectedly cool character this episode
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not enough
Is it really that hard making CGI dragons nowadays?
daemon bros...we got too cocky
Not enough.
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what was aemond saying in this scene
buck broken by a tully. sad!
canonically the biggest and stiffest cock
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i lost my taooba folder im so sad
Nothing, he was just staring
I literal just skip the episodes and watch the inside the episode on HBOs channel now then watch any scenes at look interesting
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what's with lady jeyne's demeanor? she acts all shady
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Colebros.. it can't end like this . why?
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"The Rogue Prince" lost to THIS?!?
based zoomer
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Good night helaenamaniacs
what the fuck is that real???
>You're going to be licking spittles on the wall
Where are the Northmen Jace acquired?
he's so ugly i don't understand how he has fangirls
There was no taooba this episode anyway. Aemond ran like a bitch.
>d-dont hit me
I don't know why some of you seem to be ind denial.

Clearly, we are getting fall of King's Landing next episode and not Gullet. Larys is clearly set up to smuggle Aegon out while Aemond is going to fly to empty Harrenhal. All of Daemon shit is just set up for a just as planned when he and Rhaenyra take King's Landing. Yea it makes no sense, but it's also meant to be a le epic twist for the audience.

No one cares the order was different in the books.
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oscar was based this episode ngl

the hateboner for daemon is getting tiresome though
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>a drunk dude tamed a dragon with zero effort
Rhaena is a failure
Every episode is somehow worse than the last, I don't know how they manage it. Everything about the dragonseed plotline was stupid as fuck, from stealing Jace's idea and pretending he's against it to blame him, to recruiting in King's Landing instead of Dragonstone, to the nonsensical argument that only exists to try and make you hate Jace, to Rhaenyra herding a bunch of people with no training in front of Vermithor to get eaten and forcing them there and not even sending them in one at a time, to KL finding out there's a dragon there only when it's literally over the city when they should have been preparing for this forever etc etc.
Andal supremacy
she is pissed that blackcels tried to double cross her by sending her some useless dragons so she is sending all of them to fuck off to pentos
I'd fuck her until she stops being a lesbo
I fucking told you he looked weird.
Is it a strategy to ward nonces off?
Is this peak Vale phenotype? She has resting Aerie face.
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unironically gave me hope for the future
That's fine but why would Rhaenyra even care about Daemon, she's been wanting to ditch him and now has the dragons to tell both Daemon and Jace to fuck off like she obviously wants.
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>“I see no reason to cast aside loyalty. No matter how loathsome I may find her representative, the Prince.”
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dey heah
Ulf inherited the dragon, Rhaena did not. It's like how Danaerys did and Viserys didn't.
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>It's been a long while, Rhaenyra.
>Long and hard didst thou fight, Realm’s Delight. Spurned by the oaths of men.
>Be assured, the Iron Throne resteth close at hand.
>Alas, I am returned. To be granted Alicent footjobs once more.
>Upon my name as Viserys I Targaryen, the first of his name!
You fuckers are blind, I'd gladly /ss/ lil Oscar
I miss the old /got/, bros...nowadays no one's talking about how Daemon got humiliated by a literal child. A Tully child. The best scene of tye episode and no one is talking abkut that they keep on going about muh cripple FAGong
this doesn't work like that
This was the dumbest plotline in the whole episode. Bar none.
It's just meant to make them look good when they team up. They are misleading the audience even though it has no narrative logic behind it.
They are coming...
Rhaenyra and Daemon hates Rhaena right? Why else would they let her try and tame Seasmoke when they faked Laenor's death
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comfy rickard thorne, in his pre-bitterbridge days
>Northerners crossing the twins

fuck bros... hour of the wolf soon ?
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ayo we finna do thangs diffrent in da norf
As a joke. But also because the writers have made too many changes and can't handle the implications of the events that follow.
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queen of the seven kingdoms, camping in a shitty tent in the woods
lol Condal and Hess really hated Daemon didn't they
also seriously killing a loyal dude because of a thing he did out of loyalty and you don't get how that might backfire when you're now counting on his house to be loyal? I mean it won't because they'll write it so it's fine since they don't understand how shit works
>mogged by Baelon: lost his heirship and was exiled
>mogged by Rhaenyra: exiled again and forced to live in Pentos because he was ashamed
>mogged by Oscar Tully
daemon can't win
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The fish cometh.
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Alicent butt
on a side note why are armed always shown gutting some shit ?

what, to feed the queen? they think knights are doing chef work?
>jeez i sure hope i don’t get shot down by city guards and watch as my prince gets ripped apart as I apologize to him before I die
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what's jace thinking?
If we end on King's Landing though, I wonder what the fuck will she do there for 2 fucking seasons if the plan is to go to 5.

She's just gonna fuck around for almost 20 episodes at KL until the storming of the dragonpit in season 5?
>a fucking fish
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when you’ve seen the likes of luke, jace, tommen… oscar feels like a downgrade
>So, my mother's a whore
Cope. He's literally the only good thing about the episode not including Vermithor and Silverwing scenes
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This would've been some god-tier gooncore if we were still allowed to see female nudity on TV
didn't leakers say there was going to be a battle this episode? they are always wrong
my only regret is that daemon did not live to see his daughter getting railed again and again by a hightower lad, giving him six hightower granddaughters
>lol Condal and Hess really hated Daemon didn't they
oh yes they were seething back in s1 at how the fans loved him
They're just dumb. And I also blame whoever else on the writing team thought this would be a better way to spend screentime than... Literally anything except the antithesis of how war, loyalty, and raiding worked in the Medieval era. Not to mention the random hatred all the Riverlords have mustered for the sake of someone that's clearly disloyal and would have been backstabbing them had Daemon not changed things.
>i am no longer *The* bastard im just a fucking bastard ...its over
Who were the three dragons at the end of the episode?
the retardation is unreal
I get that but it will be stupid, she's been going on about how she doesn't need him and needs to act like she's alone and that was when she had no big dragons which she now does. The logic in this show breaks apart the moment you think about anything at all.
It'll do
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did she really need to wear a conspicuous red cloak when doing this
She should be completely naked with a full red bush.
You being a pedophile doesn't mean his entire plotline isn't patently retarded if you stop to think for more than 12 seconds about what's happening.
the only thing they have leaked is the poop in their diapers
I don't know I'm busy staring at his lips
I guess Alicent will really go to Oldtown in the SF, as will Rhaenyra and Daemon reunite in Harrenhal
it's so retarded viewers don't forget who she is
ulf's friend looks weirdly familiar to me
Alicent. Could you stop giving rimjobs to men for FIVE MINUTES?
I'd take a sheer gown and a hint of nip at this point
I think they just want a feel good ending for the "good guys." They have been doing jack shit all season but get King's Landing at the end due to their master plan. For normies this will like reverse Red Wedding.
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lot of fake leaks but that being said, watching the trailer for ep 8 over and over these go exactly as it looks in the preview

i hope they aren true but..
They're everyone's bar friends
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Really why did Jace and Luke even bother? Book Rhaenyra at least cared about them, I just don't get the sense that show Rhaenyra would ever spend more than 5 minutes being sad when Jace dies, if that.
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So is she going to die with Dreamfyre or is she going to seppuku herself because she doesn't want to take part in the battle
I agree my fellow shota connoisseur.
But beggars can't be choosers.
And it'll take forever for Rhaenyras younger boys to grow
syrax, vermithor and silverwing
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Syrax, Vermithor and Silverwing.
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Hugh will be a fucking traitor and he predicted it. Is he a dreamer now too?
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i just feel like i've seen him in something before
fans love him
>make him evil
fans still love him
>make him stupid and pathetic because that will show them
same as what they're doing to jace
should have written rhaenicent fanfic instead of making an entire show around it
Doesn't Daemon with Caraxes solo Aemond and Vhaegar?
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I agree that the sene was stupid but the idea, considering the commentary, was to give Oscar tully a win against daemon ie. daemon wanted to keep willem in his pocket but his hand was forced in front of the riverlords.

part of me thinks it might have been a middle finger to GRRM given blackwoods are his pet house.
also worried that Alyssane and the benjicot will be cut. its going to look pretty cucked of the blackwoods to be enthusiastic Black followers after they just got thrown under the bus like that.
....in that episode, though, it is Alicent who realizes her justification for the war is false?
"If you dropped dead right now, the Blacks would not support my claim and I'd probably be executed."
Or they'll give her Maelor's plot line
she doesn't give a shit anymore
What line from the teaser?
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was he based?
He's not a dreamer, it's a obvious thought to have.
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It's more like a sacrifice, aye, but the last blow it's his so I guess you could say that.
Helaemond soon
Based? Based on what?
I was going to like that if only because Jace planned it in the book and never got to take part in it but based on how they're treating him he'll either not be there or be useless or die and have it be his own fault so Rhaenyra is justified in not caring.
For some reason I thought they would kiss especially after he said that line above Harwin.
So off the trailer, did they just move the Cannibal to kings landing for some reason? How the fuck did they get the wild dragon with a stick permanently lodged up his ass to cooperate with that?
No? It's straight up a suicide run that leaves them all dead.
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I know Aemond miss Sunfyre
she was getting some looks from the maidens around her. I wont be surprised if she gets caught and the Ros treatment soon
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>Rhaena claims Sheepstealer in the Vale
The entire show seems to be an aggressive fuck you to George and his writing because the retarded writers think they can come up with something better. The sad part is you have normies actually cheering for this slop while calling it the best episode yet. At this point it seems like the fuck you is more directed at George in the "you put in all that effort when it was this easy" rather than just shitting on his favorite parts of the verse.
>It’s incredibly difficult to merely exist as a woman in House of the Dragon, let alone thrive. Alicent is denied the opportunity to serve as Queen Regent and is later removed from the small council altogether, with Aemond advising her to spend her time on “domestic” pursuits instead. Even Rhaenyra, who is the Queen, has to contend with her male council talking over and around her.

The patriarchy is at full force. I think Alicent, naively, thought she could bypass it because they are her own kin. But she’s still seen for her gender, and her gender only. It’s funny watching Rhaenyra’s journey, as we’re all so separated during filming. Seeing Emma [Rhaenyra] in their small council chambers, and how she is just so overlooked and underutilized within those walls, it’s so frustrating.
hahahah this show is so fucking pozzed.
So what does it really matter if a couple bastards get dragons if basically the war is decided once Aemond dies since Vhagar is the big bad?
He's just being reasonable.
They literally had him go full racial supremacist this episode. That's like the gravest sin a modern writer could come up with. It's nothing but downhill for Jace from now on.
Sunfyre is still too little for any of Rhaenyra's dragon besides Syrax, Moondancer and Vermax
If not passionate lovemaking fucking the same cunt that brought him into the world at least let Jace rape her
Why are you here then? Everybody hates you.
Point was, Rhaenyra was actually asking and going to believe Alicent if she said Viserys did change his mind, literally she was going to be sad but drop her claim if Alicent said Viserys meant it. It's insane.
What ethnicity are these people, probably? Westerosi? Or descended from slaves brought over by Targaryens?
>part of me thinks it might have been a middle finger to GRRM
The entire show feels like that.
>Rhaenyra and Alicent barely have any personality besides MUH PEACE
>Cutting Nettles and giving her plot to Rhaena
>Fucking the Blackwoods in the arse
>Daemon is a boring retard who despite being one of the smartest Targs around fell for Alys Rivers tricks
>Jace is a boring chud
to be fair grrm is retarded
So he doesn't kill the biggest dragon and its rider?
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When's the show about this crazy motherfucker?
>should have written rhaenicent fanfic instead of making an entire show around it
its already is
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Which ones do you want?
this, why are fags acting like his books aren't fantasy reddit slop
The dragonseeds were his idea in the book holy fuck, Rhaenyra was doing nothing there, it was all Jace and he never had a problem with them. Why even have characters if you're going to make them the opposite of the original version. Fuck I hate these writers.
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He's an entertaining retard though. He puts in a lot of effort to make shit that is fun to watch unfold even if it's fueled by his fetishes and insecurities. These people just have bland dogshit being pulled out 24/7.
It's implied that they're more pure stock from Valyria.
>Rhaenyra was actually asking and going to believe Alicent if she said Viserys did change his mind
>literally she was going to be sad but drop her claim if Alicent said Viserys meant it
I don't think so
the classic ones at least
How do you respond to this thread without sounding retard?
It's gonna 2 years until we see them do anything
You wish.
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I’m only a humble phoneposter but I will give you what I have.
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They are being pretty dishonest saying Vermithor is "the closest to Vhagar" when it's like half the size.
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imagine how hard jace is seething while eating here
Don't be a green or blackfag, don't be a pedophile, and don't pretend this show is good.
But he's super fierce, bro! The fiercest!
i feel bad for him desu
based taooba poster, thx
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Wise words.
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So when Hugh was talking about his mother I can only assume she's supposed to be Saera right? Man she was a huge whore.
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>bunch of sigils visible, piper, mooton, even vance in the preview
>part of me thinks it might have been a middle finger to GRRM
Yeah it's the same with everything else.
>Rhaenyra 's bad or stupid actions are understandable because of her children's death and her downfall is tragic
haha actually she was in love with her evil stepmother and she didn't really care about her kids dying, she was a perfectly saintly peacemaker
if anyone around Rhaenyra did a good thing actually they didn't it was all Rhaenyra and they were actually against it and therefore bad
if Rhaenyra did a bad thing that was actually a good thing or someone around her actually did it
>Rhaenyra was doing nothing
And that is the problem to hotd writers. Rhaenyra can't be a fat lazy cunt who does nothing which is why they take everything from Jace and give it to Rhaenyra
>Who sent the dragons to protect the Vale and to keep Joff safe? Jace on the book, Rhaenyra on the show.
>Who comes up with the idea of Dragonseeds? Mysaria and Rhaenyra on the show, Jace on the book.
>Who leads the Black Council? It's Jace, but Rhaenyra is leading.
>Who reconciles Corlys and the Blacks? Jace, but again it's Rhaenyra (and Baela)
You can be prepared to see Rhaenyra be the one plotting to invade King's Landing instead of Jace and Corlys
Words are wind.
dragons for ants
I dont things its always a deliberate finger to GRRM so much as the writers had a preconceived story of ' men bad and patriarchy is responsible for everything' and they are just using GRRM's work to deliver that message.
>Rhaenyra and Alicent barely have any personality besides MUH PEACE

which is why they are so boring even to normies
>>Cutting Nettles and giving her plot to Rhaena
To be ffair nettles is nothing but a plot device which they've made with rhaena and the seeds
>Fucking the Blackwoods in the arse

this does seem like a FU to george

>Daemon is a boring retard
that part is cannon for this part of the story

>Jace is a boring chud

have to make him an evil male and racist before killing him
Don’t use low effort off topic threads made by this retard. Make another next time to use instead.
Inb4 he pulls a switcheroo and joins Eggy
Redpill me on the house whose sigil is a woman getting fucked by snakes.
>good guys aren't eating
>bad guys are eating
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what's helaena doing here
all targs are whore man or woman
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Can't see shit.
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It's basically saying Vhagar could stand up to Balerion.
>I don't think so
of course she would have, she even considered dropping her claim and handing over her children last season, she's only doing this because Viserys and muh prophecy she has no ambition or real attachment to her kids
Getting fitted for her Brothel Queen outfit.
I’m hoping there will be a lot of action and battles in season 3 and it’s not stagnant like this whole season. I know I’ll probably be disappointed.
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Unironically what was the point of this scene
Aemond told her to join the war and fly on Dreamfyre. Why can't she go ride the real dragoncock and concieve Maelor instead of talking with this twat.
I really hope this will be an entertaining scene with with acting like an arrogant bitch. I'm going to enjoy it.
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>the first actual conversation helaenaemond will have
Yeah but Saera was a mega whore.
>if true
Jesus Christ what a shit season of a lot of nothing happening. Two years of waiting to watch the same episode over and over again.
I thought he was saying his mother was some random Lyseni whore that fucked Baelon considering he said he was Viserys and Daemon's brother.
>I’m hoping there will be a lot of action and battles in season 3
Size doesn't seem to matter. Daemon and Caraxes take out Aemond and Vhagar
cool to see the seeds and everything, but i cannot get myself to enjoy them knowing what hugh and ulf will do in the future…
>>>201875164 (You) #
>what delusional cope. Luke was way more arrogant and hotheaded than Jace. lol
Would he seethe harder than Jacey??
Yeah it's straight-up character assassination. Jace is the main reason TB did anything at this point and they're taking it from him and giving it to Rhaenyra while making him look bad. Fuck this shit.
Why not just flee the city and go link up with Daeron?
purification ritual
I don't agree.
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where's this supposed to be
Ulf said that, not Hugh
She reminds me of Jar Jar Binks or something. I can't place my finger on it. She has goofy alien vibes.
Meleys was so beautiful
When Hugh is talking about her he says that she used to say that he "Looked like HER BROTHERS boys Viserys and Daemon."
Apparently muh patriarchy.
But it's pretty decent so far...especially s1, and no I'm not black or green just like Daemon and Jace so far
Show Luke literally wanted to give Driftmark to Vaemond and had no spine. Really both their characters got destroyed, book Jace and Luke were cool.
no way, things have been going at a snails pace this season because they want to milk this shit into seven seasons. if they pull this skip then we're getting 3, maybe 4 total
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Nice digits, but the writers sucking off Alicent again because they really love her for some reason.
Mooton castle mayhaps OR is it Rook's Rest again
She looks in pain. Maybe Aemond got frustrated and hurt her. Bitch.
aemondbros once aemond dies we are team hugh because its simple, the biggest dragon should be king
big if true, i'll no longer be a taoobabro
>Battle of the Gullet
>Battle of the Honeywine
>Battle at Red Fork
>Battle at Acorn Hall
>Battle by the Lakeshore/Fishfeed
>Fall of King's Landing
>Butcher's Ball
>Siege of Longtable
>Sack of Bitterbridge
>First Tumbleton
>Fall of Dragonstone
>Battle Above God's Eye
>Fall of the Dragonpit
>Second Tumbleton
Normies are turning against him based on what I've seen. It's bad for him.
>don't be a pedophile
But it's part of /got/, seems like you're a newfag
I can't stop noticing.
... You're entitled to your opinion.
>Hear me ACK-
why was Rhaenyra just standing there at the end, shouldn't she have been on her dragon ready to fight? She was trying to set a trap, or what was the point of that final scene?
Ulfbros, are we the baddies?
>According to Mushroom, Ulf raped three maidens each night and fed those who displeased him to his dragon, Silverwing
>the green armies job in every single one of them
She is free now.
Daemon knew there was no way he could beat Vhagar in a straight up fight, which is why he took Nettles and Sheepstealer with him. His run at Vhagar is a complete kamikaze attack - Caraxes is like half the size of Vhagar. So I guess size doesn't matter if you and your dragon are both willing to kill themselves to take out the other.

(Read the text - Caraxes basically dives in and grabs on, dragging them both down together. In the few seconds before Vhagar dies to gravity, she completely guts him and rips a wing off.)
He said without sounding retarded. Every 4chan general is host to a group of retards, that doesn't mean it's ideal behavior.
You sounded retard, you aren't retard are you?
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So he really gets to ride a dragon? kek what a shit show
I'm a show casual, what was Jace implying with the hair color thing? I didn't really get it
that's why they had him say mongrels and question rhaenyra, they're not even hiding how they want to ruin every guy anywhere around rhaenyra
don't care I will always love Jace
you-saa stole vaegar you-saa in big doo-doo now
maester propaganda
Jesus christ what a painful read
I've been shotapilled, I want to make sweet slow passionate love to Oscar Tully!!
How did Drogon get so big so fast?
Do we like Ulf and Hugh?
Well she's right.
He's a bastard but now there's a bunch of other bastards that look more Targaryan than he does
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>trannyarchy next episode
I hope Alicent leaves AFTER Helaena dies because if she ditches Helaena beforehand I’m going to beg for Alicent to be a brothel queen.
And he will upset her.
Magic is back plus he's not contained into a big dragon cage also Martin needs him big otherwise what's the point lmao
he's a bastard, his father is supposed to be the black guy from season 1 who left, but its extremely obvious that he's the son of rhaenyra's season 1 lover
they betray the whore so yeah they are based. they also prove jace right and make the whore look like a retard so they are double based
>>Battle of the Gullet
>>Battle of the Honeywine
I'm thinking it might be mentioned in the last episode, or S3 will open with that
>>Battle at Red Fork
Apparently it's off screen
>>Battle at Acorn Hall
Probably cut or combine with Red Fork
>>Battle by the Lakeshore/Fishfeed
MAYBE it will happen unless they cut Black Aly and Bloody Ben
>>Fall of King's Landing
>>Butcher's Ball
Definitely S3
>>Siege of Longtable
>>Sack of Bitterbridge
Unlikely to happen since Maelor doesn't exist
Don't think about it. It's like the whole Laenor surviving thing. It's just fanservice, it's not supposed to make sense. If that had actually happened in the books they would have all mobbed him with their dragons because there would be no way for Vhagar to fly fast enough to reach Kings Landing. Nothing about the scene makes any sense even, did they tell Ulf to fly to KL? If they didn't how did they realize he was going there? How did they know Aemonds would follow?
God the acting is just so fucking baaaaaaad.

And it's hilarious how the show can't keep track of how big the dragons are supposed to be.
Hugh is based. Ulf is reddit.
What's this taooba stuff?
I need to read the books, the series didn't exactly flesh out Luke as a character

I see four Targaryens and two BASTARDS
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Was this whole season just fucking filler episodes?
Now we have to wait like 2 more years for the next season?
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saera won
The responses are mixed. I've seen many negative comments about him but there are also those who defend him. It's interesting that it's happening now because he only has one episode left.
NTA but in the book it wasn't explicit whether him and his brothers are bastards or not, the show just being retarded
did he do anything else this episode other than tell Larys about a rumor he heard?
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I am just grief sex enthusiast
Jaehaera had more character than luke.

I miss jaehaera.
>Brothel Bastards
This show is the ultimate proof that books should either get animated adaptations or remain in the mind of the reader and be supplemented with artwork.
They bring CHAOS to the plot so yes

House Piper. They get fucked by Aemond on Vhagar, and much later by the Mountain and his raiders.
Nor did F&B, anon is talking bullshit.
>Helaena sort of looks like Alyssa
>daemon gonna link up with Rhaenyra in kings landing
Oh no.
>he only has one episode left
It's happening already?
when will our girl get a W?
The characters as written no longer make sense really, they're just given lines to try and make people think "this character is good", "this character is bad" without any thought for consistency.
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>really love her for some reason.

I too love her, for some reason.
the book is written like a history book, with conflicting sources. laenor being gay and rhaenyra being close to harwyn strong is from the book. its just not confirmed because we don't have any POVs
I miss her huge forehead
im sorry but its hilarious to me that rhaenyra just stood there and watched as at least 50 innocent ppl got torched or chomped by that dragon, and she doesnt even give the slightest shit. and we are supposed to be rooting for her? shes the 'good guy'?
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Here (s)he is. At least they had the balls to give the tyroshis green beards.
Grief sex won't happen anon, just hope for the Brothel Queens. The only chance we could see her naked
why should she? they're bastards

He will be vindicated by history.
Except the attack with Melys was also a suicide attack that failed miserably. Why then does Daemon succeed? And stick to the show characters since this is slash teevee slash
The scar tissue on Aegons burnt dick will tickle Helaena's walls in all the good ways
>2 white males actually got dragons
What the fuck?
did they switch directors?
Based on that, who has the biggest cock?
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I mean it is basically, it's just not as much of an issue as the show tries to make it. Jace certainly didn't have a problem with getting commoners with Targ heritage to ride dragons, since you know he's the one who fucking recruited them in the book. Just not in King's Landing which is moronic.
yeah we're definitely not getting all of those, or most of them will happen off screen

it annoys me that they seem to be restricted by budget while they made GoT im sure with less money and with a much bigger scope, for years, every year
yahhhhhhs kweeeen
Something along the God's Eye? That seems like the only thing that makes some sense since all the armies are converging around there
what the fuck is that?
They won the wyne and first tumbleton
>runs giant wealthy brothel in Pentos
>gets knocked up by all the wealthiest men there
>Her kids travel the world and have a great time while their relatives slaughter each other
Jaehaerys SEETHING
Because in the books she got ambushed suddenly by two dragons working together instead of running ahead to kill herself against Vhagar for no reason then running away while the dragon the size of a house suddenly got the drop on her.

The Dragoncock
They turn out to be shitty people, don't you worry.
I'm sure they'll find some way to blame him for exactly the commoner dragonseeds turning traitor. Just before they kill him so it looks justified.
Daelaena sex soon? And it's bother me so much how Daemon didn't even interact with Helaena at all so far because she got every characteristic that he would love
For some reason the big fat black guy in the pub activated my loathing.
Prince Jacaerys Velaryon
>Responsible, bold, and politically savvy, Jace was protective of his family.
>Jacaerys became skilled at arms by serving as a squire.
>"Though his fifteenth nameday was still half a year away, Prince Jacaerys proved himself a man, and a worthy heir to the Iron Throne."
Prince Lucerys Velaryon
>Luke was a strong strapping lad, skilled in arms.
>Lucerys and his brother Jacaerys volunteered to serve as her envoys to the lords of Westeros to raise support for her claim, and to show their legitimacy as Targaryens by riding on dragons.
>"Our uncle calls us Strongs, and claims we are bastards, but when the lords see us on dragonback they will know that for a lie. Only Targaryens ride dragons."
Prince Joffrey Velaryon
>Joff was a strapping lad.
>During the Storming of the Dragonpit, Joffrey donned squire's armor and begged the queen to let him ride to the Dragonpit and mount Tyraxes.
>"I want to fight for you, Mother, as my brothers did. Let me prove that I am as brave as they were."
Stop spreading misinformation, he doesn't die this season.
Sink or swim, faggots.

What did Hugh do wrong, exactly? Besides usurping Daeron's throne? Book Ulf is a monster though.
i did say green armies; they only won those battles because of daeron and tessarion, and betrayers. the hightowers literally were about to crumble and fall apart until the dragons showed up
Is essos supposed to be not-middle east or what?
Esl here, is strapping another word for handsome??
Probably Maidenpool. Rhaenyra mentioned that she ordered the Mootons to retake Rooks Rest.
>shes the 'good guy'?
No you moron, she never was. You just have a childish perspective on how stories play out.
my read is that Rhaenys is gambling on being able to kill Aegon and Sunfyre quickly, which would cripple the Greens. She fails and gets smashed by Vhagar.
Not a suicide attack at all. She goes after the smaller Sunfyre, then tries to run after she thinks she kills him only to get jumpscared by big V.
Tall and Strong
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You were led to believe that she's a yaaaad kween so when she does controversial stuff you get confused. Don't stay on either side and just enjoy the evil shit they do against the each other and have fun seeing the justifications play out.
Do people non-ironically actually watch this show?
>in the books
what the fuck

kind of interesting they confirmed saera actually did raise her kids. makes her less of a bitch
He laughs at her toast but I mean…having the guy who murdered your child rape you probably isn’t good but whatever.
Maybe the Gullet, unless the sea battle in the preview is a show addition or a conflict I've forgotten about.
hes the only black character in this show that didnt bother me. ulf hanging out with some bravosii degenerate seems on point
I really really wish this show wouldn't make references to things that happened in episodes that aired 3 years ago
>he only has one episode left
He'd make a pretty prostitute, that sucks.
At the cost of his own life and dragon...
she easily got over luke's death
she'll easily get over jace's death
why would she care about some randos
It's a falseflagging faggot...saw those post in the previous threads i guess something bad happen in the latest episode that ticks off green so much that they resorting to spread blatant lies now
We haven't been shown yet (except leaving his cute poo wife). But this episode Jace alluded to what Hugh will probably do, try to become king himself.
all filler no thriller
essos is just a bunch of exotic locales, the free cities aren't middle eastern
Jace is right though, his anger is justified considering the dragonseeds turn. The loyalty of the other ones being in question is what sends major cracks through the Black faction, ultimately leading to the Velaryons, Rhaenyra's strongest allies, withdrawing from the war. Yea, in the book he didn't have a problem with the dragonseeds but doing this way shows Rhaenyra's decision-making is not great, although she has little choice. Kissing Mysaria is also foolish and even though they seemingly portray Rhaenyra's actions as positive, there is subtext that these actions are not what is best for the realm. It's threaded through the whole show even with the YASSS QUEEN SLAY surface angle they present. Some of the characterizations are fucked up and events are wonky due to how they messed with the time line.
>Get told about a book event
>Start seething while asking to talk about the show that's an adaptation of that book which hasn't gotten to that event
>Ask questions using show logic for that book event
>Seethe even harder when you're corrected that the book had different logic and a completely different execution
I'm not sure what you're doing but I'd like you to stop.
Which is funny, neither fanart nor the series portrays the string boys as physically imposing
I accept your concession.
It's not a crazy idea to think giving some random assholes massive power suddenly and seeing what happens might not be such a good idea.
Cringe...it doesn't have to be rape because Daemon got that charm that could sway Helaena

Could also be Darry or Lord Harroway's Town, since we know those were actually burned in the books.
So he portrays a male character??
>words words words
They watched season 2 of Rome
he has those plump lips that are made for cocksucking
>Mushroom tells us that Hammer celebrated by beating one of the queen’s household knights to death in a brothel on the Street of Silk when the two men quarreled over the maidenhood of a young virgin
>One such, Ser Roger Corne, made so bold as to knock the crown off Hammer’s head. “A crown does not make a man a king,” he said. “You should wear a horseshoe on your head, blacksmith.” It was a foolish thing to do. Lord Hugh was not amused. At his command, his men forced Ser Roger to the ground, whereupon the blacksmith’s bastard nailed not one but three horseshoes to the knight’s skull.
Also betraying Rhaenyra and wanting to be king if you count those as bad things
Goy. I was literally watching that scene thinking “this is like the varys-little finger talk but for nigger cattle goyim
Every guy on this show looks like the faggiest twink in San Francisco.
They will blame Jace for them turning, maybe he's rude to them or something and it will be his fault. Rhaenyra can't be to blame for anything.
There is no subtext, that's the problem. You as an intelligent viewer can assume the consequences these actions should have, but the writers are writing for idiots, so they will simply ignore them and continue on. There is no subtext that the kiss was a mistake in their eyes, the Dragonseeds turning will clearly be blamed on Jace, and both of them are already far less unlikeable and obviously fucked people than what we see in the book.
Meds and MENA's

I think Braavo's i suppose to be Venice.
every episode be like
>rhaynera autistically looking at nothing and responding to people with a blank stare
>shitty montage with non-characters talking or doing something the viewer doesn't care about
>a 2 minute dragon scene at the end to get the viewer excited for the next episode
ofc it does lesbians aren't real
The music during the kiss sounded ominous to me. Also, Rhaenyra being impulsive in the show and getting romantically involved with others on whim has been shown time and time again to create more problems.
Both of those are situated up river while the town in the trailer is clearly near a larger open body of water. And Maidenpool is the only one thats described as a walled city. And the head of house Mooton in the show is the one that Sunfyre kills when they retake Rooks Rest. I don't see how it is anything but Maidenpool.
not to be gay but yes!
>be Viserys
>sister-wife dies tragically in childbirth
>it is now your duty to remarry and sire more heirs
>slut daughter wants your dick bad
>do nothing for 10 years and then force her to marry a gay guy
He killed millions.
These are things which are being set up to cause problems for other people who will be the ones to blame for these situations. It's like how she fathered 3 bastards being blamed on Laenor just being absolutely incapable of somehow busting a nut in her regardless of what they try, and him not dying instead of her possibly murdering him for her own gain. In both scenarios where her random romantic flings have caused problems the writers have sanitized it so it's others' reaction, and the fault of others as to why the problems exist. The trend won't change.
I don't understand what Jace was bitching about, he still obviously has Targ blood through his mother.
this, I guarantee the IRS problems down the line will be solely caused by the Lannister and she will have nothing to do with it.
The entire justification for him not being a bastard(apart from the fact that he's clearly 100% white) was
>He can't be a bastard, he rides a dragon!
Only for 3 new bastards to start riding dragons.
it was his cousin not sister wife IDIOT
Imagine if they had made Harwin black/mulatto and picked mixed actors for the StronG boys kek
how does being a bastard change that? The dragons are supposed to recognize marriage vows? Targ blood is targ blood
>a gay guy
how was he supposed to know? he couldn't even clock his own brother being gay for him
he literally spelled it out lol
also bastards riding dragon destroys a lot of the mysticism about the targaryens
Female Daemon would had been a gigaslut
yeah it would only make sense if rhaenyra was going to get people without targ blood
really it's the writers wanting to make him look bad but not thinking about the logic of it
I don't agree entirely, they sanitized some things, sure, like the fake death plot and a few other instances where Rhaenyra's poor decision-making is transferred to other characters. But the agreement between Laenor and Rhaenyra was identical to F&B. It's played up as two people being restricted by the society they live in but at the same time a good ruler would understand that rule is a duty, and they do not have the same freedom as others. The show focuses less on abjectly pinning things in Rhaenyra solely, but she isn't meant to be portrayed as perfect.
The Westerosi don't know anything about the way dragons work, so it was a thin justification the same way them having black hair in the books was a thin justification to slander them. Basically
>Obviously he's the kid of two dragon riders, he can ride a dragon too!
To trick normies into believing it.
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Queen Visenya was basically a female Daemon, which is interesting because he now carries her sword.
laenor is half-targ so if jace was his son he would be mostly targ blood which would grant him the ability to ride dragons
but with rhaenrya showing that you don't need majority targ blood but just a bit it opens again the possibility to the world that he is a bastard
They sanitized everything about her. Book Rhaenyra is just as much of a drunk degenerate as Aegon who murdered her husband, had three bastards, was a paranoid wreck, and was only kept together by Daemon and Jace doing the hard work. In this scenario, Daemon is somehow struggling with the Riverlords and didn't immediately burn House Bracken to soot, Jace is a whiny retard that gave away a castle without thinking about it properly, and is now no longer responsible for his own idea, and is also a racist. Laenor and Rhaenyra's "agreement" seems to have stopped at "I won't out you for having random bastards and you won't out me for being gay", in this situation she really tried her best to have kids with him but the poor gay man just couldn't find a nut to bust unlike the thousands irl who can do it easily. Not to mention other shit like her not wanting to go to war after her son was killed, and doing everything to get peace just to hammer in that it's all the evil men+Alicent's fault when book Rhaenyra was more realistic in refusing to heed the demands of literal usurpers or negotiate anything but their surrender. Laenor is the one who becomes the drunk degenerate in her stead, Daemon and Jace become the burdens in her stead, and every one of her flaws is given to someone else or explained away.
except this was also true for darklyn having just a little tag blood and he was fine with that
it's just bullshit to make him look bad
Nta and it's at the point I just can't treat Rhaenyra as a character, I just see the writers destroying all the other characters to try and make me like her and it's not working.
I don't recall exactly, but doesn't she only start drinking and turning paranoid and vindictive after she takes KL? They definitely sanitized some of her flaws, but not all of them. And there is still time for them to make that more apparent, even if you are pessimistic about it.
What Maelor's plot line?
nta but she turns paranoid and vindictive after Jace's death, which she obviously won't in the show because you're supposed to hate Jace
I don't bother either. She's a cutout of a character who has nothing interesting going for her. She's not Cersei, Sansa, or Arianne in terms of having a personality you can put your finger on, and a unique way of holding a reader/viewers attention, she's just boring.
I'm pretty sure she's already fat by the time she gets usurped, and the paranoia starts after the miscarriage. Even if they did do it now, they'd just Daenerys it again and make it a sudden change which isn't in line with the perfect princess they've built up who was blessed by the White Hart. There's basically no way to get to that point now when her young son gets killed and she runs off to the mother of the killer to ask for forgiveness.
does anyone else find it funny that the black people are seamen when they can't even swim lols
You sound like you slurp up seamen.
>tfw you realize most of the US navy is black and brown
>none of them can swim
>it's not even a requirement to be able to
Is that Malcolm McDowell?
In 200 years

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