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Nothing happens: The show
What about the part where
Literally every tv show now.
theres a containment general and you chose to make a thread outside of it because...?
It's so bad, they should really just cancel it.
They love it there
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They're trying to focus the show on the female characters but women do absolutely nothing in the books besides fucking and having children, so every episode is about women doing jack shit for an hour + sometimes dragons
There is male full frontal nudity, women being valid and tons of black people. Whats not to like?
I noticed in this episode there seemed to be a black person in practically every single scene.
is anyone still watching this
that's why i switched to watching lesser known 20th century movies. concise, to the point, fun
I liked last night's episode desu senpai. Previous 2 sucked
It’s all been shit since Person of Interest ended in 2017. I haven’t actually finished a television series since 2017.

When people call the absolute slop that was Succession the ‘best show HBO has ever made’ then you know television as a medium is completely fucked.
Most of the slop on TV now could be reduced down to a 2 hour movie. Its really disgusting when you watch 10 episodes, 1 hour each, and literally 4/5ths of it is just filler.
I'm really shocked that this show is being hype. Episode 5 is the most boring thing I've ever watched, I couldn't bring myself to continue watching, horribly boring shit
GoT was a thousand times better, even the last few seasons
ive been rewatching LOST clips on youtube, goddamn shit back then was amazing.
i don't see any hype for it now. like anywhere not even reddit.

it's mental because season 1 was a hit even after the GOT backlash, so they decide to do nothing this season then also stick the GOT theme on it. Lmao
yes GoT was a million times better but i must admit season 2 grows a bit on me.
This is true. If the dialogue were good, or even just quicker-paced like in The Wire or Gilmore Girls, it'd be fine. Most TV shows are too slow and navelgazing to be worthwhile experiences, you literally have to be low IQ to withstand a lot of them nowadays.
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Latest from last meeting I was at
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No female nudity = the show
A lot of filler that’s for sure
Yes. But there isn't one reason.
1) The 2007 writers strike
2) MFA programs are junk now
3) streaming - fewer episodes per season
4) serialization
5) unions
6) writers being on Twitter
7) wokeshit
I’m still watching, but I’m finding myself rolling my eyes at certain parts of every episode this season.
This is why episodic series will always be better than long form series.
It takes very talented writers to write serialized tv. 95% of writers aren't cut out for it.
5% is generous, for the sheer amount of tv shows being pumped out right now, maybe 0.00001% is memorable

The house of Targaryen will fall when the mad king was stabbed by Ser Jaime Lannister and Robert ended up being the new King
The first two scenes of this show were between black men and white women. What are they saying?
Thats because beats in every episode were designed around the ad slots, so there were multiple high points before and after the ads

In streaming there is no such structure so all of it fills like filler
Dude what if TV was like, really long boring movies XD?
Every time a character starts gibberish I skip
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>/tv/ praises redditpool and gets filtered by a game of thrones prequel
What the FUCK happened to this place?
I have reverted to my monkey brain when watching this garbage series, now all I care about is CGI big dragon fights created by a sweatshop of overworked pajeets.
The show died when monke left us. You know it to be true.
Because the general is filled with spammers and paid shills. It's pretty damn obvious at this point
It's still pretty good, but zoomers can't handle slow paces and no comedy. Although it crushed basically all disney+ and amazon streaming shows so maybe it's just the brown people posting here who knows
Prequels should only be one off things
t.pozzed faggot
Lmao, that can’t be real.
Better Call Saul and Andor are the only good shows that have been produced in many years
So boring
Dark was good too
>you must be brown cos you just can’t handle le high IQ game of niggers show
> Aughh! Le Zoomers at it again!?!!

No retardo, it's because this pos show has 10/10 production values but a script full of stupid shit like Septa Rhaenyra
BCS is as shit as GOTD for basically the same reasons
Disney shills have no shame at all do they
Cumia brought this up recently and said the same thing. I’ll check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.
>no argument
Classic browncel behavior, I accept your concession
Obviously don’t give them money. But if you can’t admit it’s leagues above anything else they’ve made, you’re beyond help at this point.
battle of the wine aunts
normally i love wine aunts but this fucking bores me
>same guy who was filtered by BCS is too fat to accurately type another series of letters
Embarrassing. Lose some weight.
>faggot thinks anyone cares about his wrong opinions
Whats his appeal, I never got it
>minor typo
>I’ve won the heckin internet argument
Typical BCS midwit. Go record your 4 hour long “video essay” and leave us in peace
I care about his opinions SO SHUT THE FUCK UP
Take my updoot kind sir!
This show is not slow paced. It's fast paced but is also slow because the characters keep having the same conversations over and over.

>It's still pretty good, but zoomers can't handle slow paces and no comedy.
>Season 1
>Guy gets his pants pulled down
>Fart noise
>A bunch of guys laughing
>Fart noise inserted in

Is season 2 missing fart sfx sounds?
So can we stop pretending this shit was ever good
It was great and now it's just ok with some sparks of greatness here and there
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it was never great you fucking moron
it's literally soap opera tier, a garbage show where there's almost nothing of substance and the same conversation points are repeated over and over except with a slight variation between different characters
this show is one of the biggest filters there ever was, if you think it's good, you are straight up retarded
anyone who likes this deserves nothing but profound disdain and endless contempt
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>it's a 'Daemon having wacky spooky dreams or talking to that Scottish witch' episode
>it's a 'Rhaenyra pouting at Dragonstone while talking to her hamming dyke advisor' episode
>it's a 'Corlys bastard making sure the ship is ready to set off for the 6th time' episode
>it's a 'foreshadowing of Hugh and Ulf for the 5th time' episode
Pretty much this. All of the bad of GoT and none of the (admittedly very little) good.
>the woke uprising happens
>now literally all shows are about rich people or royalty/royal families
Thanks but we already have Shrek 2
Because they whitewashed Rhaenyra and made her boring as fuck, the show is just "Men bad"
Wow...there's a word I never in a million years would have thought would be used to describe this show.
>Literally every tv show now.
Take the animepill. We're in an anime golden age atm.
Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Devilman Crybaby, Pluto, Mushoku Tensei, Vinland Saga, Frieren, Rurouni Kenshin, Demon Slayer, Shingeki no Kyojin, Baki, Heavenly Delusion, Spy x Family etc.
wheres all the violence? this is like downton abbey with dragons
>it's bad because I say so + buzzwords + seethe
Good morning saars
most of what you named is slop but I agree with your general claim about anime being better overall
>it feels like a drama show for women
who do you think is the target audience?
at least Liv Cooke is hot.
lolno, dickhead. Enjoy your girlboss soap opera.
generals are posted by marketing advertising companies by their stay while they do real work. They come here for literally 10 seconds about every 2 hours to post a stupid shill general for their show. How are you this retarded and out of the loop?
by their staff*
dropped this show on 3rd episode and guess what did they do in 4th one? this wokification of media will never end will it?
pssh you guys are dumb its still worth watching better then a lot of other shows being made today (and yes I know, its not THAT good but better then nothing and better then most shows being made today)
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Alright, but the game still sucks

Trash overrated remake


Good if you only watch the first season, second the director and all the talented staff fucked off since they'd rather make MtF tranime like Onimai

Good but Farmland saga was mid

Most overrated slop ever created, literal feminist trash to make incels worship women when they're blatantly retarded like the protagonist in that trash

you only like it because the mangaka is a convicted pedo and got away with it

>demon slayer
I you like that trash and you're over the age of 15 you should KYS asap

Only good up until the ocean reveal, then CRAPPA took over and it becomes a CGI shitfest. Also the ending the protag literally becomes a cuckold

Pukeworthy character designs

>Heavenly delusion
Pic related, tranime

Decent but also overrated
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>better then
So S2 will end with the taking of King's Landing, right?
>zoomers can't handle it
lmao go fuck yourself retard aren't you one of those ppl who names their kids daenerys or khaleesi or smth BTFO
I, too, am a retarded pleb unable to appreciate Shogun
Anime hasn't been good since 2006.
This show is poorly written and even more poorly acted. Simple as.
its above average by modern standards
>just turn off your brain bro
fuck no. it's also geared towards 15 year olds, just like capeshit
dropped it on the 4th episode of season 2 because im not a /pol/tard. i just realized i dont care if any of these people live or die
"Hey GOT was a hit ! Let's slap together a cheap money-grab follow up."
Keep in mind: every single one of these streaming shows is designed to be watched simultaneously as one scrolls instagram.
Robert? you talking about that fat shit with a hammer? yeah bullshit. And his brother Stannis was chosen by the lord of light lol!
Anyone who likes House of the Fagon is incorrect and a faggot.
Cyberpunk quasi objectively is great, give it another chance if you haven't since release.
Agreed on Vinland take, maybe I am just burned out on vikings, I found it sorta boring.
I am sad about your Frieren take I was about it watch that.

Overall you really seem to watch a lot of anime you hate.
>Good but Farmland saga was mid
if you had read the manga you would know that it becomes as subversive as the average popular western show, it was good until the timeskip but afterwards it becomes progressively more atrocious
Thing that is most missing is humor. In GoT there are lots of gallows humor jokes or some pratfalls. You can easily kill 15 minutes of a show just following some villager cleaning poop out of a barn and then finding a diamond. Its like this show has filler but its not funny filler. I think the one thing male writers do better than female is write entertaining filler. Women just think conversations that go nowhere are respectable filler.
>Heavenly delusion
literally had her brain transplanted and then gets raped by the childhood hero the male brain idolized, pure kino
>Women just think conversations that go nowhere are respectable filler.
If done well it can work when you are watching for the first time since you can't immediately know if the discussion amounts to anything in the next scene, at the end of the episode, in the next episode or a few episodes to the future.
But after it retrospectively becomes clear that it was just pointless filler then it both gives you a really bad impression of the show in general and makes it nearly un-rewatchable, who wants to sit through pointless filler conversations again?
>dragon eats a few dozen tagaryan bastards
what do you want
Injecting quips and puns where I they don’t belong is reddit millennial nonsense. This is one of the few things HotD does better than GoT
A show full of nudity, and the sexiest one was this chick in a nun's outfit.
>A show full of nudity
Which show is that?
My European kino is full of whining women and niggers now wow based. I love China please take over world hegemon.
God I hope those leaks are real. A Baratheon dynasty on the Iron Throne would be pure kino
Whoever the showrunners are, they skimmed through s5, s6, s7, s8 (the worst seasons) and thought "hmmm we can do that too!"
what's the point of putting a slightly interesting scene in the last 10 minutes of an episode? does it make up for 50 minutes of literally nothing? are they just trying to draw this out for 10 seasons
when breaking bad does it for 4 straight seasons no one bats na eye
>Stay tuned for the next episode to see if something happens
>Last 10 minutes of season finale has some action & plot development
>Wait years until next season to see if something happens
>Spend a third of episode rehashing stuff because it has been years since the last season
>What do you mean viewership is way down and we're cancelled?
>Why is everyone watching older complete shows?
The writers got pissed that Daemon was the most popular character so they sent him to the Haunted castle, you WILL love Rhaenyra chuds
>Literally every tv show now.
That's because every fucking studio decided that the premier television format of 8 one hour episodes is the standard for adaptions now, even if a 2-3 hour movie adaption would suffice. So many shows are just filled with padding to kill time and pump minutes watched analytics to please shareholders.
Even in the later seasons for GoT, tuning in on Sunday for a new episode was a big deal. This show never gives you that feeling.
Has nothing to do with zoomers, it's really bad quality. You don't have thought provoking scenes or good dialogue. You have lesbians making out and scenes of characters in a room saying nothing
Because they had to waste your time by showing the queen camping in the woods and swimming in a lake
Downtown abbey at least has historical value, this has shit
Her and young Alicent were the only attractive women in this show... the rest are ugly
>it's an Alicent wearing a green dress scene
Really puts into perspective how bad this season is
>people waited two years for this shit
>they will wait another 2 years just to be disappointed all over again.
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I feel like the show is really lacking humor, soul and heroes root for.
Is there even a single likable character anymore? maybe that would be fine if the writing was better or if it wasn't so bleak all the time
but everyone knows they loses the seven kingdoms and the one of last two of their kind is a schizo that burnt everything and the other one is an autist that kills the schizo so what's the point of watching this show?
funny because there's supposed to be a war going on between degenerate royals with overpowered dragons
Other anon is retard, but GoT had actual charm. Characters smiled actually, even laughed, made decent jokes even if it got excessive. Mundane conversations always at least had wit and nuance.
It wasn't endless cello music or whatever this
>drama series laugh track
Bullshit is they play in every single scene in this boring ass estate sale trash bin reject of a show.
With fewer and far less interesting characters with 90iq writers and its 100% shot in some palace or castle interior and sometimes CGI fest.
>GoT was a thousand times better
>even the last few seasons
Let's not go crazy. HOTD is frustrating but it's not that bad
>Dragon chooses who to bond with because... well just *because* okay!!!

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Learned from the best
>Let's not go crazy. HOTD is frustrating but it's not that bad
It is that bad, Got had no black people everywhere and Daenerys was treated as the crazy bitch she was, unlike Hotd where Rhaenys killed thousands and nobody brings that up. She is a girlboss and Men Bad. Just terrible
based, you triggered them hard
There's slow pace and there's
>Daemon has weird visions in Harrenhal for 6 episodes
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All television shows are bad and are the lowest form of art. Only a select few feature length movies are good enough to have earned being called kino
When did you realize that it's boring DEI shit
When the fat black guy in the pub had to rile up the Targaryen bastard to go answer Rhaenyra's call. I kept thinking "why are there poor black people drinking in pubs in King's Landing"
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episode 5:
>nothing happens
>"chill out anon, this episode sets up the next episode"
episode 6:
>nothing happens
>"chill out anon, this episode sets up the next episode"
episode 7:
>nothing happens
>"chill out anon, this episode sets up the next episode"
surely something will happen in episode 8. surely we won't spend 40 minutes setting up a conflict just to end on a cliffhanger that isn't resolved until season 3.
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I'll be more fair, anon.

shit writing and underdeveloped characters.
shit writing and underdeveloped characters.
pure unfiltered shit.
shit writing and underdeveloped characters.
pretty good.
fine for the first few episodes then turns into battle shonen slop with too many filler episodes.
>demon slayer
shit writing and underdeveloped characters with good animation.
first season is one of the best anime productions ever made. everything after that is dogshit and you're a fucking retard for shilling it post-ending.
pure unfiltered shit.
>Heavenly delusion
pure unfiltered shit.
shit writing and underdeveloped characters.
I agree with most of those but you revealed yourself as a pleb by getting filtered by heavenly delusion
They did that instead of Burning Mill. Ridiculous.
desu that's the only one on the list I haven't watched so I lied. you could be right.
The moment black Velaryons was announced. Obviously.
wut japanime?
das right
I kinda tuned out of this show when I saw the raceswaps.
Westernshit needs to stop doing that, makes me not want to watch any of it.
funniest post
Ricecel or currycel?
The only anime /got/ would really be interested in is Attack on Titan, Claymore, and Berserk.
hard disagree on AoT (it's awful). vinland and frieren are good recs depending on what they like about /got/. I don't know any females who didn't like frieren and they all share the normie position that /got/ only got bad in the last few episodes.
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>nothing happens
This should have been a 3 seasons show. They are stretching the source material too far.
The writers are cucking Daemon hard. Not only does he not get his victory at Stone Hedge, but he doesn't even fuck Alys, his wife and ex are hooking up, and he's getting dabbed on by a Tully Twink. Absolutely none of this happened, or was even suggested in the book.
prince daemon, btw.
>AIniggers in charge of taste
>Girl boss soap opera
It really is a daytime soap opera with dragons
Edgerunners was pure slop and you're delusional if you thought otherwise.
Vinland Saga is even more boring than AoT.
>Mushoku Tensei
>Golden age
Maybe if you're a pedophile or a NEET because that seems to be the target audience
It feels like we just keep having the same scenes in every episode. Like every episode in the first half had rhaenyra arguing for a peaceful solution, every episode has daemon hallucinating and politicking with the riverlords, every episode has Alicent fucking Criston and moping about being passed aside. It doesn’t feel like anyone is going through an arc but just seeing the same thing happen over and over again.
>that clip
the body and the mind are not distinct; one informs the other; the brain is literally dependent on chemicals synthesized by the body.
>Dragon chooses who to bond with because... well just *because* okay!!!
so just like cats then?
They've written a character drama only problem is the characters are all shit
something happened to 4chan when they introduced this kid, holy moly...
Good job triggering the Pajeets but don't get cocky most of them are disney shills promoting the deadpool movie, you won't get this many (thou)s if you try this in a month
They made it clear they hate Daemon and were shocked to see he has a lot of fans. This season is revenge for that, if people won't stop liking him when he does bad things they make him pathetic and stupid instead.
I'm not watching the second season. Every character is either incredibly stupid and selfish, just straight up amoral or a combination or the two. The worst part is that the world treats these characters like they're not all pieces of shit and lets them get away with shit like killing someone for no reason at a ball.
>But it's le edgy just like real life
Grow up. My favourite bit of shit writing was the epic drama at the end of the penultimate episode where she can kill the people who just tried to kill her and are acting against her interests but decides not to. But this is a smart show so you can't just put nonsense like that in without lampshading it "I didn't win because I didn't want to". Truly a smart show for adults.
It's GoT S5.
>gay ass soap opera drama with hideous cgi dragons in the back
Who watches this shit, women?
true, but at least it has cgi dragons which is more than other shows nowadays
Everything about the targaryens is so fucking gay
KING damon, plebs
at least scenery changes, and important social and gender messages are transmitted
but they practice wincest and have dragons dude. until they didn't.
that guy who didn't have a dragon and wanted to put it in a Stark girl was alright. just one of the lads.
Martin's dragons are by far the most boring, lifeless fucking dragons ever made in popular fiction
They were dreadfully dull in GoT and they're no better here
so? battle between dragons is fucking boring. unless you write the riders to be retarded they're flying in open sky where you can't be surprised. everyone sees everything coming from a mile
i think the shows don't utilize them often because of costs. getting the CGI right is not cheap, it's a whole lot of man-hours in a modular container somewhere.
i like dragons as biological weapons, as a concept. it's not even a new concept in fantasy fiction.
AoT doesn't even get great until season 4. Vinland Saga season 2 is magnitudes better than season 1. Typical midwit taste you got there.
Mexican telenovela with dragons: the show.
kys those are all shit
Ulf and the men are based as hell. This past ep is great with Jace ranting like Hitler about the mongrels, Ulf joyriding through kings landing, and the Hull brothers getting their recognition
>1) The 2007 writers strike
>5) unions
elaborate, please.
>It’s all been shit since Person of Interest ended in 2017.
Based. People shit on network television but shit actually happens. Plus that show had cute girls.
The show needs a fellowship. Instead its full miserble would be killers and rapist.
you are replying to an anon who mentioned how stupid septa Rhaenyra was.
and you claim no arguments?
do you believe Rhaenyra going to the sept to meet Alicent ok? mayne you even consider it good writing?
I like the new Rhaenyra
he had to suffer to become Rhaenyra's obedient dog.
they "fixed" him like Rhaenyra wanted.
the absolute shit about Viserys not wanting the crown when all he had to do was withdraw in the 101 council.
>everything is mens fault
>completely ignores the fact that the whole shitshow started because two women were given power
What did the writers mean by this?
gods, he was cute then!
i feel really bad for him.
Been around since ‘67, at least.
They’re little more than huge, temperamental horses that breathe fire. At least they can speak in most other series.
Why did they think people need to see those scenes more than once?
Are they making sure everyone hates blacks?
it's literally a man's brain in a woman's body
His point is that there's no such thing as a "man's brain."
The brain is affected by hormones produced in the body, so if you take a brain out of a man and put it into a woman it becomes a woman's brain.
In this case though it's more of a sci-fi thing, since the story also has an old woman who has her brain implanted into the body of a little girl because she wants to extend her life.
there are some women "epic badass" characters in the book but they already cut like half of them
Daemon goes to Harrenhal and cucks Rhaenyra with a teenage dragonseed named Nettles, the writers removed this character entirely from the show and now Rhaenyra cucks him with Mysaria instead
Shouldn't fewer episodes per season equal more stuff happening? How did 20+ episode seasons had so much more stuff happening than sub 10 ones?
They're all obsessed with ending up in "one perfect shot" and "the beauty of" compilations and nothing else.

Brown SEAmonkeys are the ones praising the shit out of this tripe 24/7 on social media with endless posts about how this character is serving cunt or that character is mothering all over the haters. Genocide all flipfaggot tranny filippinos and the entire industry would be saved overnight.

>Cyberpunk Edgerunners
>Shingeki no Kyojin
Drink bleach and kill yourself. You're not a struggler, you're a manlet faggot. None of the hardships in your life have any narrative purpose, you just tell yourself that because you're a raped faggot cuckold like guts, just with a skinnyfat manlet build instead.
Based as fuck kill all tranimefaggots

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