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When the hammer falls upon the dragon Edition
prev >>201891165
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Cute and canon!
But they’re obviously doing the fall of King’s Landing.
The season finale cliffhanger will be the start of the battle of the Gullet, with Jace and dragonseeds flying off.
Hugh is based
I can't believe he betrays my niggas the blacks tho
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>mfw when uncle starts screaming at me about not going out and riding my dragon in battle
that dragon needs to get a buccal fat removal surgery
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The Red Kraken approaches.
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House of the Troons
>wants to bog the dragons
They've whitewashed him so much there's no way he's betraying the blacks.
>why, yes, I will join the people I blame for my kid's death
>Dreamfyre is much bigger than S8 Drogon, A little bigger than Caraxes.
get on the fuckign dragon NOW
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Honestly, does Hugh even need any further reason to betray Rhaenyra after what happened in the Dragon Hole?
Where the FUCK has the Mario Naharis poster?
I seethe everytime someone from the Black faction is magically able to land a ship on the outskirts of the city and infiltrate the city like it’s no problem. It’d be less gay if they actually made of a point of addressing like: “by the way, we are landing 25 miles south of King’s Landing so no will spot our arrival.”
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I’m pregnant.
Anyone else find it odd that every religion is real, with its adherents able to perform supernatural miracles, EXCEPT for The Seven?
Why doesn't he just take the dragon and his wife and fuck off to Essos?
Is the storming of the dragon pit next ep or next season?
>he doesn't know about The Warrior
Warrior himself decapitated Syrax
Doesn’t happen till the Blacks take Kings Landing
Why the fuck would he
She didn't deceive any of them. Here's 2 dragons, you're all probably going to die but if you don't you'll be elevated beyond your wildest dreams
Any webm requests?
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King Jacaerys Targaryen First of His Name
The world's most boring fantasy show ever made
wow spoilers
His chat with his wife made it clear that he's doing dragoning for his own benefit and his wife's, so I can see them doing a storyline about the Greens being a higher bidder. I don't know how they're going to have Ulf flip though.
I want to FUCK Rhaenyra, if you catch my drift
I thought Helaena was pure and innocent. Turns out she's just another Targ whore fucking around. Poor Aegon, he deserved better.
When Ulf stepped in the pile of goop in Silverwing's cave, there was dragon eggs in there, right? Isn't that kind of a big deal?
Where the fuck are the Tyrells in all of this? Isn't Highgarden one of Kingslandings main food supplier?
Other "fake" religions probably had poor propaganda
Lord Tyrell is a toddler
>um ackshually she didn't "technically" deceive them so Hugh should be fine with her murdering all these innocent people with her dumb plan
Aegon burns Rhaenyra and eats her.
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she looked good as heck this 'sode
Strong looking lad.
They forgot...
you need to be a special kind of retard not to understand the stakes of trying to tame a dragon
Not really Dragons back then shat eggs like hens.
anyone have a webm of Dyana getting her ass slapped?
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>From Essos came three rival competitors, grandsons of King Jaehaerys through his daughter Saera, each sired by a different father. One was said to be the very image of his grandsire in his youth. Another, a bastard born to a triarch of Old Volantis, arrived with bags of gold and a dwarf elephant. The lavish gifts he distributed amongst the poorer lords undoubtedly helped his claim. The elephant proved less useful. (Princess Saera herself was still alive and well in Volantis, and only thirty-four years of age; her own claim was clearly superior to those of any of her bastard sons, but she did not choose to press it. “I have my own kingdom here,” she said, when asked if she meant to return to Westeros.)
saera won
this. i bet shes doing messalina style gangbangs in the kings landing brothels all the time and then she plays this im just an innocent autist act for her family. never trust a targaryen woman
The food must make sacred pilgrimage around Dorne and through the Narrow Sea before it is fit to be eaten.
Aemond please stop making shit up. You’re not fucking her.
Alicent killing herself would've worked better
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Saera is basically what Rhaenyra would end up becoming had she left the crown
They should have made my favorite character Plump Barmaid a dragonseed
In my headcanon Daemon impregnated his aunt Gael, which explains why Good Queen Alysanne sent him away to the Vale as punishment. Also explains the widening antipathy between Jaehaerys and Alysanne as Jaehaerys was just happy to have a grandchild who wasn't a weak cuck and knighted Daemon when he was 16.
>They knew what they were getting into! Guards, stop them from escaping even at the cost of your own lives!
my enbyfu
>Faced with such a clamor from their own bannermen, the castellan, steward, and mother of the young Lord Tyrell of Highgarden, acting as regents for the boy, suddenly thought better of their support for King Aegon, and decided House Tyrell would take no part in this struggle.
they feared the hightowers and the bees
Is he going on a MONGREL genocide?
Dyana will claim Grey Ghost
Helaegonsisters, we lost :(
And it would have made equally little difference to the show as a whole
Might as well feed the dragon
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>Anyone else find it odd that every religion is real
What other religions are "real" except The Old Gods and The Lord of Light? GoT has like a dozen religions.
>tfw Aegon hit the wall
I actually thought she gonna drown herself.
>Alicents allies in the counsel become aegons allies
Kino desu
What the fuck do the dragons on Dragonstone eat?
daemon could have just had willem sent to the wall
She should get on my dragon and ride iykwim
>when he said "they're mongrels" and her mom just snickered at him
lmao btfo
she should just pass the inheritance to her trueborn sons by Daemon and have jace be the lord of driftmark or whatever
is aemond a charli xcx fan
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The Seven just give their adherents a simple attribute bonus, which seems less flashy and impressive, but is arguably more powerful than other religions, where only a select few priests can perform miracles some of the time.
>she should just pass the inheritance to her trueborn sons by Daemon
that is what the based queen is going to do
>Throw them all in as a walking buffet and order your guards to not let them escape.

Not only was that evil, it was also retarded. You have a limited supply of bastards. One on one would conserve them better if things go awry, it'll also let you learn what made the last bastard fail and glue able yo give the next contestant advice while conserving them. Nevermind just not allowing them to change their mind, she started with Vermithor which would clearly be the hardest tame and she put them all (including her guards KEK) in a blast zone if Vermithor just happened to reject the first applicant and blasted them, killing literally everyone.

>Have one person walk into tame silverwing, observe what made him fail and die if he doesn't tame them. Get next person, tell him what to do.
He should fly to Turkey and get hair transplant asap. I got the biggest ick from seeing him bald ngl.
terrible idea, Jace would actually be a great king
also Aegon and Vis are bastards too, Laenor was still alive
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Wtf was his problem? This is self hate.
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>1 entire season of doing literally nothing
well done corlys, well fucking done
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'Sperg by day, brothel queen by night.
Average Argentinian.
He's kind of scaring me.
still a targ tho
when is Abigail Thorn aka PhilosophyTube appearing?
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what's with lady arryn? she always has a shady bitch face on
are Tullys this based in the books?
Back to plebbit with you
I assumed that they grab large fish and cetaceans from the ocean like an eagle.
shes very horny, only the most delusinal aegonbros can deny the sexual tension here
If they had Aegon I’s armor stashed away, maybe they’ll give Halaena Rhaenys or Visenya’s armor.

A man can hope.
Being a dragonrider was his copium into considering himself legitimate. When Rhaenyra was letting other bastards ride dragons it ruined his copium
You will never fuck her. She’d rather fuck her burnt cock brother than you.
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>This is self hate.
Yes. When I read the leaks that he'll talk about Harwin, I didn't expect it to be like that, him accusing Rhaenyra for sleeping with his father and giving him dark hair.
Dyana will claim a big cock in her mouth, like the whore she is.
Is it me or that looks like a trap?
>They know I'm not Laenor's son because my hair is black like Harwin Strong's
Yes, that's the only thing that makes Jace look different to Laenor
She's fucking pissed because she got bamboozled. She thought she'd get a dragon to defend her castle but instead she got two useless babbies and a big fucking target painted on her.
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Xey are so hot
>living on a moutain top
>ask to FOSTER some damn kids and ask for a dragon, get fucking baby dragons with the kids
I’d be a little upset too on the deal
Did he not confront her in the books?
>One of the major and most powerful house in Westeros just decided they don't want to be involved in the civil war for the iron thone.
Smart but how the fuck did they get away with it?
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>On today’s episode of ‘escape to the country’ we have Alicent, who wants to leave the big city life in search of something in the countryside….
>She enjoys swimming. Fully clothed.
Do we think Helaena masturbates in inappropriate times and places the way some autists can tend to do
Pov: you're a rat tied to 50 balloons
>the books
Anon, the Dance section of the books is 10 pages long and it reads like “Daemon took Harrnehall, while back in King’s Landing, Aemond fucked Helaena but in the meantime Daeron took this random town in the Reach. Also Rhaenyra did nothing”.
Because they have the FOOD. You’re not saying shit to them via raven, they’ll enjoy their crops and you just have to grumble looking at them
Technically that wold be considered being disrobed. She is practically naked for everyone
i like her neck, i like females with long necks
why are there just black people everywhere now
I could see the whole summer islanders angle for the sailors in hull and driftmark but are they legit just retconning blacks into every region now?
wish she drowned fr fr
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>little Lord Tyrell’s mother wrote to say that she had reason to doubt the loyalty of her son’s bannermen, and “being a mere woman, am not myself fit to lead a host to war.”
she made the smart move and pulled a woman moment. it's funny because simultaneously with this, there's a woman leading the lannisters into battle against the greyjos
Don't lie, the Dance is one of the if not the longest part of the book and it's fucking endless.
ESG score
It’s you.
He's pretty based.
I thought she was going to sudoku
Fire and blood is a history book
Dance of the dragons is but a mere few pages to a chapter. The rest of the book fills out the AFTERMATH of the dance. All these character interactions are most of the time, purely tv made.
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what if she fucks you?
>our guy just wants silver hair like the other targaryens
its not fair
>proceeds to send absolutely zero help until Rhaenyra is dead
She got them back in the end. Arryns still recall the rape of Ronnel by Visenya and carry the fire of revenge inside of them.
Nta but I think it's more that he knew full well about Harwin, his copium was the "you're a Targaryen, that's all that matters", and not just the blood but basically Jace is culturally Targaryen, he knows his stuff, learned High Valyrian, his dragon egg hatched, he looks and acts the part in all ways other than the color of his hair. He'd likely be fine with people who were also part of the Targ and Targ-adjacent nobility including say, bastards who grew up as part of it and did their best to fit in, but if you get literal randos off the streets it's like none of the effort he put into acting all Targaryen matters, they can look more Targ-ish and have bigger dragons and that probably triggers his impostor syndrome something fierce. Also, you know, the fact that you can't trust said randos at all.
So, Ulf the White is betraying the Black right away?
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The tranny Oliver Lennard is in next episode.
i want to lick her arms
Actual bullshit, it's 300+ pages.
She has nice muscle definition.
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She taught him the ways of the world, it wasn’t forceful…he wanted to ride yknow
>tfw I am a lanky marfan syndromed soiboi
Bets on whether or not they address him being a tranny? Wasn’t the original Skahatz whatever admiral also a crossdresser in the books?
But I guess that would hurt Olly’s feelings so they’ll just treat his character as a suspiciously tall female.
Salty femoid hands typed this.
>Because they have the FOOD.
Why is Kingslanding starving then?
Yeah but I love the regency more, aegon 3rd getting promoted was fun to read for me
is next weeks episode the finale?
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>fucks the mom and the son, at the same time
why was visenya so based
Only if she bring Lady Misery
Please help me. Why did Ulf go back to King's landing?
No, that was based Racallio Ryndoon, he's part of the Regency story.
>get to fuck a prime milf AND fly a dragon
women wrote this
They didn’t ask nicely…
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Realm's Delight
She SHOULD fuck her burnt husband, instead of fucking around with Aemond, Tyland and Mushroom for all I know.
>Smart but how the fuck did they get away with it?
they got away with it because the blacks won
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Remember me?
Regency era sucks
Nope, at this point Rhaenyra was completely checked out of the war still grieving for Luke's death, Jace was the one leading the Blacks, getting most of their allies, talking Corlys into staying and being Hand and recruiting all the dragonseeds (on Dragonstone out of people nominally loyal to Rhaenyra not asking around in King's Landing). There was never any actual drama about Jace being a bastard inside TB itself, he was why they were managing to do anything at this point and he got the dragonseeds because they would have been completely fucked otherwise.
>real magic tier
R’hllor and Old Gods
>something magical is going on
Drowned God, Many Faced God, Mother Rhoyne, Old Ones of Leng, Church of Starry Wisdom
Though they’re most likely all manifestations of the same fundamental magical forces.
they won't. Look at her face when she says "she"
Vhagar is Garfield.
>sorry, I ate those food
It's called a joyride, anon. He was excited to fly on a dragon.
I just assumed he couldnt control it and just let it fly to kings landing till he could control it
Random drunk flying
Because the show needed a scene where Aemond realizes that the Blacks have now found riders for Vermithor and the other blue dragon that Ulf has.
Who was the guy with Alicent?
>he doesnt enjoy the cattle show
Larys walking into the room as Orwyle is picking up Aegon
Femoids like that ship
The men are
Richard Thorne. They culled his baby-killing storyline.
She never visits him. She dgaf.
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Rickard Thorne, actually a notable character from the book, but his purpose has been cut from the show, so I'm not sure why they're giving some focus
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The best part of the regency is when 12 year old Visy 2 shows up with his pregnant wife and starts clowning on all the old boomers trying to use his big bro.
Aemond will never fuck her. If he does I’ll pay you 5 bucks.
>Old Gods
The Old Gods aren't even "gods". It's just the tree internet with people memories uploaded to it.
They’re just combining him with Willis fell
She's been milking injured Aegon to make Maelor. Just doing her duty.
More like Sunfyre’s delicacy.
>visible lacey bra behind his wifebeater
Hasn’t he ever heard of “trying too hard”?
Because there's a blockade
>but there's a land route
You have fun transporting that shit by wagon, the draft animals will eat most of it before it's there
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>whos the bastard now, mother!
trannies are male incels, they'll never understand why women don't dress like that
His baldness gave her the ick. No way she is touching him.
Yeah, and you all belong on reddit
>hair dye
unironically I've been saying this, why couldn't he just dye his hair
Ever tried training a wild animal, anon? Do the same thing to piss them off ten times in a row and they will start hating you on sight. After ten or more failures, the chance of Vermithor and co. suddenly accepting some annoying rando as their rider would drop down to zero for a very long time.
t. Helaemond femoid
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aaah~ the muskiest of crotch aromas, this is the one i want
>Jace, they’ll know as soon as they see your ugly, obviously Strong-inherited, brown pubes
Everyone always goes on and on about Torrhen Stark "the King who knelt"
But real ones know that Ronnel Arryn "the King who flew" is the real MC
That's what makes them trannies
Trial by seven just for uttering this nonsense in my thread
Would be kino, he'd be a king
I mean yes the problem was the hair colour only, it's not like Laenor was black and Jace came out completely white...
Projecting much? Helaemond is an abomination. The whore Helaena should've stayed true to her husband Aegon.
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Why did the dynamic duo keep the news from Aemond? Are they trying to play both sides of the brother feud?
>land route when they can fly.
Haleana could actually do something worthwhile instead of being a useless autist and transport food.
Egg has two friends now, Larys and the Grand Maester
Dragons are not wild animals, they are blood magic demon spawns. Some, for example Drogon, even understand political symbolism
Such an oddly sexual moment
Aegon offers Ulf a night on the town together
Whereis him
Too late.
Somehow he's even more attractive after being TAOOBA'd though
To be honest, that’s what should be happening with every Targaryen second son.

>Daemon bitching for 40 years that he could have a kingdom
>when him + his wife + their daughter’s dragon could’ve gotten him a kingdom wherever he felt like it in Essos
Aemond showed himself to be a pretty mean boss, they don't want to break bad news to him, especially when its just a rumor
Horses anon, horses.
Thank you bro
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>Because there's a blockade
>>but there's a land route
>You have fun transporting that shit by wagon
this is a major point many don't understand

when you look at any map pre-locomotion, anything substantial is being moved by canal, river, lake, or ocean

if it's inland whatsoever, it basically doesn't exist beyond a pastoral-farming setup, land borders don't mean shit to trade
No, he is afraid of Aemonds reaction because he can't prove someone is riding seasmoke and he was trying to force Larys to mention it.
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Cope. He is gross and disgusting.
he neglected her and now shes finding love and pleasure with the brother who paid attention to her. its aegons fault
what draft animals? do you realize there's rivers going from the Reach almost all the way to KL?
Unsurprisingly troons are particularly introspective
It would just make hi look more of a bastard
What’s the other guy’s house again? It’s too bad that in both councils, the roles and members are so poorly defined.
All I even know from the Black Council is that Corlys presides as Hand and someone else on the Council is a Celtigar.
They'll flip the script and Rhaenyra will want to grant them lofty lands like Storm's End, but Daemon and/or Jayce will throw a fit because they're MONGRELS and Hugh will betray them because he's a stupid dumb white man who flipped before Rhaenyra could overrule them.
>transport the food by river up to a certain point
>disembark and wagon it the rest of the way
This. it's fucking retarded.
>Aemond doesn't know shit about the dragons despite every barfly in KL knowing about Rhaenyra's casting couch.
>Nobody sees the dragons until they are past the Red Keep when dragons are the biggest thread from Team Black and Aemond is currently not even close to Vhagar
>Dragonstone and KL are 400 miles apart, it takes several hours for a one way trip and a day back and forth
>Aemond's best idea is following the dragon when everybody should get ready for a full on assault. Who could have told that this dragon is just a one-off?
>He then gets lured away onto a day-long trip when other dragons could be around the corner to exploit his absence
>flies straight to Dragonstone and suddenly nopes out, what did he expect? Even if Vermithor wasn't around, Caraxes could have teleported there
>why would anybody alert Aemond of the fact that he should be prepared for a serious multi-dragon attack?
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You forgot BroomeCHAD
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Tbf, I wouldn't mess with that whale either.
The truth is they wanted a repeat of the riots and blockade of the Game of Thrones books, but it doesn't make sense in this case.
The blockade in the books was Renly and the Tyrells blocking off the Rose Road from where the city gets it's food.
You would think a crutch would be built to not break.
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Will the hammer fall?
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Season 1 Jace had to be the strong older brother and pretend that everything is alright because he didn't want his little brother to be insecure. Its obvious though that he always had issues about being a bastard.
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I'm being a speedwatching retard, but wtf was this about? What the hell is Larys doing here?
he needs to eat and drink less
>could have lured Aemond somewhere else so they could all ambush him
>just lets him know she has more dragons so he can plan around that
I know she said she wanted to win without more bloodshed, but you know what would actually make the greens surrender at that point? Getting rid of Aemond and Vhagar.
He is trying to save the greens.
he's speedrunning aegon's recovery so he can walk, so he can escape from aemond and/or rhaenyra
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>brother who paid attention to her
>first thing he says to her is that she needs to die in battle because of something he did and hurts her
Jasper "Ironrod" Wylde, Master of Laws

There's a Massey in Rhaenyra's council but I couldn't recognize him in a picture
The rivers aren't navigable, as far as we know. The one transport we saw on the land route was with wagons, and in the books the road gets blockaded when the Tyrells do a blockade.
Alternatively it's a big plot hole that GRRM and the showrunners kind of forgot about.
Do your axe wound ooze puss when you think of it?
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The only way I could explain it is that Larys is in charge of that and he knows but deliberately keeps it hidden because he wants Aemond and the others to get fucked while he sneaks Aegon out.
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>leave me out of your white ass brother sister feud, you stupid ass cracker
Amazingly the ethos of Orwyle from the books is kind of preserved in this adaptation.
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Rat mentioned
It's literally the exact same thing as Rhaenys at the coronation. Fucking making sense, GIRLBOSS.
I get it, but what's this about the sentry giving warning. What's he trying to stage?
>Prequel about gigachad Robert in his youth never ever.
Gods he was strong then.
Baelor rescued the the Dragon Knight from a snake pit where all the snakes refused to bite him because of how pure and pious he is.
Yeah but then Rhaenyra would seem to be ok with war and we can't have that.
>sun is male and moon is female
Medfags and Japs are something else.
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Vaghar still is too formidable , they could have had serious injury
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>his sun is female and moon is male
Moon is egg
What if Aemond wants to visit his bro while he's out of bed doing rehab with Orwyle?
I just know that Jace would post on /pol/
yeah but it's just bastards and if they win the war it doesn't matter anyway
In defense of that scene, the dragonseeds can probably barely even control their dragons yet (even if it seems to be an instinctive skin changing-type connection with your dragon). So not the best idea to go charging at an experienced dragonrider. Or she could’ve just used Ulf, Addam and Hugh as fodder to distract Aemond.
Still a stupid scene.
But it makes sense
getting to see this cutie dressed down in his undershirt was the highlight of the episode
>Alicent talks about sacrifice
>Helaena forgives her

So yeah Alicent is ditching her lmao.
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Sadly the whore of dragonstone wont have a satisfying death to us. It will be dicksucking as fuck
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>Moon is egg
It is known.
What's the endgame though, does she think Aemond will just surrender or what?
They are, the Ironborn raid the Reach sailing through the Mander and I think Margaery tells Sansa at some point that they sail the river for fun
The Green council isn't to hard to name. Alicent, Aemond, Tyland, Orwyle, Larys, Criston. Also Otto and (formerly) Lyman. It's really only Jasper Wylde that flies a bit under the radar.
>linked to the sky, sky father, Deus Pater, etc.

>smaller than the sun (like the relationship between men and women)
>linked to menstruation (30-day cycles)
It’s always been this way anon-kun.
I will never forgive this abhorrent shitshow for not making not-queen Rhaenys Targaetheon the way she was supposed to be
oh shit it's Garp
Emma is actually very pretty, shame about the whole, you know, thing
>The rivers aren't navigable, as far as we know.
River galleys and runners are mentioned several times in the main series.
The fact that anyone is dumb enough to be impressed by this is why religions exist IRL.
These memes are getting pretty brutal.
otto said calmly
>I choose fire



GRRM is seething.
Why hasn’t the full council met in so long? What the fuck is Tyland doing again? It seems to only be Jasper and Larys clocking in these days.
audience is honest to God too dumb for that
It is in English, just like other Germanic languages.
Auntie Rhaenys deserved better
Harder to have drama about Rhaenyra's kids when you have a dark haired Targaryen around them.
I now fully expect a scene of a Blackwood woman raping a Bracken twink in the Winds of Winter, so GRRM can rectify the slight done to the Blackwood in HotD.
Tyland is the one wrestling the pirate tranny
>no fun allowed
The Chad and honourable Bracken, devout follower of the Faith of the Seven and supporter of the One True King

The Virgin and dishonourable Blackwood, tree worshipping heathen and supporter of the kinslayer and his falseborn king
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If only there was some other distinguishing characteristic.
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>Can't even show a beheading anymore

Is this still on HBO or did it move to network tv?
Why is my poor boy Aegon in so much pain….? He doesn’t deserve this.
it's not clear how far up the mander you can sail
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All targs are whores
Alicent is relieved of her duty, Cole replaced Otto as hand but also is off leading the armies, Tyland is off dealing with the triarchy, Aemond became regent and took Aegon's seat. I guess Orwyle is kind of busy with Aegon.
>doesnt deserve this
I want to go camping with Alicent
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Big F
>Is this still on HBO or did it move to network tv?
They definitely toned down the sex and violence in GotD. There are 2 beheadings and 5 pairs of tits in the GoT pilot alone.
The humiliation ritual must be completed.
>night, moon
The shinto gods for the sun and moon are female and male anyway.
>He doesn’t deserve this.
He hung 99 innocent men.
In the books did her dark hair play a part in her not getting the crown?
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>The look on the dragons face
He can smell Jaehaerys blood in him.
Why are the Lannister’s the punching bag of there HOTD writers? Tyland gets frequently humiliated, Jason got rejected, and in the preview of the next episode Tyland gets thrown into mud by the trannie Abigail Thorn.
It seems the Lannister’s are the archetypical ‘bumbling pathetic white man’ trope that subversive feminists love to write
In the Game of Thrones universe, the good guys suffer
Except for those that saw the light of the Seven thanks to good king Baelor
you're right, he deserves worse
>Aegon’s crutch breaks and he stumbles to the ground
>Orwyle: “oh God, oh God” (it’s even in the subtitles)
Orwyle Rh’llor monotheist confirmed?
Or did the show just fuck up?
Hmmmm you think they toned down to make more friendly?
For both of these claims there is no evidence.
It was just a bit of fun? Aegon never knew how a healthy relationship works because Alicent and Viserys neglected him… my poor Aegon >>201894910
And one guilty one

When I review picrel I realise why we disagree.
No, her being female and her kids having the last name Velaryon
>council is supposed to break down if any of its members are away on travel for weeks (months even) at a time
Seems like a pretty silly way to run a kingdom, nay prosecute a war, if they can’t even pull deputies or something to preside at the council in their stead.
This. The writers are obsessed with giving all of book Rhaenyra's bad traits to Daemon (and Jace).
It sounds like an ad-libbed fuck up.
>Viserys neglected him
viserys was literally dying.
He is educated enough in the Faith of the Seven that are One to know they are monotheistic
Atheists say it all the time as a phrase rather than actually meaning it

Ben was an idiot kek
>killed the ratcatchers
>now hes traped in his room like a rat in a rat trap
poetic justice
Even so, Orwyle should be saying “oh Gods” which is the actual Westeros variant.
Rightfully so
I was confused as well. Maybe he's such a nerd that he refers to the Seven in singular, since it's canon that they are merely seven aspects of a single deity.
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Most white advances came out of France, Italy, parts of Germany (towards the West), parts of Britain, until the 1800s.
Scandinavians, particulary Swedes and Icelanders are the purest native Europeans.
Maybe Death is the only god he serves
>the sun is female because....because one region said so okay?!
It makes no logical or symbolic sense
Come on, anon, let him larp as a pure norlander or something.
Yeah this is what people miss, it's not just about Jace, it's him knowing how much it hurt and eventually killed Luke.
Jace actually doesn’t speak High Valyrian well, as we saw in S1. So he’s got that going against him too. Being a dragonrider is essentially his only claim to legitimacy, and now Rhaenyra has destroyed it.
Because woke
he looked so fucking hot here bros, am I gay?
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>ratcatchers wiped out
>rats take full control of kings landing
Total victory.
He was learning advanced stuff and clearly putting effort into it.
He needs to repay his sin
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>honourable Bracken
what did you say?

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