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It's been /got/ for 13 years, we're not changing the fucking name edition
>Though Lady Johanna’s wish to put every ironman to the sword was frustrated, no man could doubt that the Lannisters had paid their debt by the time the fight was done. Hundreds of longships and fishing boats were burned, with as many homes and villages. The wives and children of the ironborn who had wreaked such havoc on the westerlands were put to the sword wherever they were found. Amongst the slain were nine of the Red Kraken’s cousins, two of his three sisters and their husbands, Lord Drumm of Old Wyk and Lord Goodbrother of Great Wyk, as well as the Lords Volmark and Harlaw of Harlaw, Botley of Lordsport, and Stonehouse of Old Wyk. Thousands more would die of starvation before the year was done, for the Lannisters also carried off many tons of stored grain and salt fish, and despoiled that which they could not carry. Though Toron Greyjoy remained upon the Seastone Chair when his defenders beat off the Lannister assault upon the walls of Pyke, his half-brother Rodrik was taken and brought back to Casterly Rock, where Lady Johanna had him gelded and made him her son’s fool.
you people are genuinely mentally ill
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You stand before Rhaenyra, first of her name, the Realm's Delight, the Whore of Dragonstone, Maegor with Teats, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men. She has one question for you.

Have you /got/ a /hot d/?
Hotd is a different show, idiots.
/got/dunk/ or bust
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Nay. Have you got an old whore's cunny?
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I'm a hardcore HotD fan, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Dragonstone where I would often train with Jacaerys in the courtyard and help Rhaenyra with the Crowning Ceremony, but one day as I was talking to Rhaenyra, we went to my chambers for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on Earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How.. How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"

This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Maester Gerardys and he agreed you would be PERFECT for the Queensguard, you just have to do... one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the magic to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Gerardys said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut... if you want it quick... Get a rope and a nice hanging by the neck works."

I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and I purchased a rope. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.
You’re here with us.
>show so good the general has to rely on /got/ images for the OP
Ill-made, spiteful little production.
I never thought I'd see a based Tully. Daemon being put in his place was the only good thing about this filler side quest.
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fuck you /GOT/ was where it all started it will always be /GOT/ to me regardless of the spinoff
It’s been nothing but paid shills for five years
Wait, we're supposed to get paid? What the fuck
The Dance of Dragons is one of the most bizarre example of authorial bias, both book and show. What kind of writers try to sell a conflict as "grey" and "both sides having heroes and villains" but then proceeds to frame the conflict as heroic good guys vs slimy obvious bad guys?
I dont care /tv/ I love HOTD
the black girl leave that caste did she find that dragon and did she leave the baby dragons with NECKLADY
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>here are those Valyrians you’ve read so much about
What the fuck are these balls and why are they shown in every single scene
why did the bum guy fly his dragon by king's landing? I thought he was either trying to kill Aemond or was a secret team green sympathizer, but instead he just flew his dragon by the enemy army and then back to dragonstone
He couldn’t control it, retard
But Rhaenyra is a raving mad tyrant in the books?
George is a green chad in the books. It’s why the greens win literally everything and win in the end. Aegon II is remembered as a chad and a legitimate Targaryen king, rhaenyra Is remembered as a usurpur and maegor with tits
>Rhaenyra cheated first
Kek Daemon is now basically justified
It's weird that losing control of silverwing ended with her 500 miles away from dragonstone at kings landing. But I get the feeling the show thinks the two are within viewing-distance of eachother.
Is daughter-fucking justified for targs? You know they will portray his cheating as vile in contrast to rhaenyra's cheating which is liberating.
They showed dragon stone when he was flying back to it. It was like a mile away. Honestly I don’t blame the show, george is a fucking retard with scale and Westeros is wayyyy too big
If he fucks his daughter this show is now based and I kneel to Hess-sama
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>nigger gets the equivalent of superpowers
>immediately kneels in service to white women
is no true /got/hotd/poster
why did this show have to go woke and add dragons (metaphor for trans people) as the strongest things?
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better out than in, i always say
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to be fair, so do I
Was Silverwing getting freaky with Ulf? What happened there?
It's very obviously a trap retard, they show you all the other dragon riders mounted and waiting nearby. The plan was to lure Aemond to Dragonstone and then jump him with 6 dragons at once.
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why is the show so obsessive at emma's side profile?
>Varys, the Master of Whispers, is an enigmatic figure in Game of Thrones, who is in charge of espionage for the king and also behind numerous plots and
>in House of the Dragon, there is also such a figure, who knows of many secrets and plots, his name is... Larys
Who writes this crap?
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Can someone explain why there are like 3 separate /hotd/got/asiof threads now?

there's only one episode left of the season we dont need this shite
If it was a trap, why would they be standing around unmounted in the open staring at him instead of hiding?

"It was a trap" is just wishful thinking from those who want to give the writers more credit, rather than, "we just wanted a cool scene where rhaenyra smirks victoriously at Aemond"
Only Rhaenyra was unmounted, you can literally see Hugh on the back of Vermithor to her left.
>GoT captain of kingsguard is the Kingslayer
>HotD's is the Kingmaker
Wtf George??
>a river meanders
>call the river Mander
Dragons have been shown to be playful and mischievous.
dragons have different temperaments, she probably just thought he was cute
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>a town is old
>"mayhaps I shall name this... Oldtown"
It's a fucking dragon, are you gonna say no when it presents its giant steaming cloaca? It could literally swallow you whole.
Did you not see the bar scene? Ulf maxed charisma
>gigantic wall
>call it The Wall
to be fair that's how half the towns in england are named
This episode made me officially pro green because Rhaeneryia gave dragons to a bunch of lowly kings landing peasants. Stupid bitch. She should have been at least smart enough to leave vermithor unclaimed.
I wish to someday reach this level of "I'm gonna say it" face.
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You gotta have nigger or spic blood, our bane is suppressing this instinct
>/got/ for 13 years
spoken like a true summer show child
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>It's been /got/ for 13 years
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>The laugh would not be contained any longer. It burst from Cersei's lips, and echoed down the hall.
new thread (blacks only)

Jace (in the episode) was right. Imagine they won the war and some of the dragons survived instead of all of them dying. Now most of the dragons are in the hands of people of dubious loyalty, including most of the largest ones. Hugh could do whatever he wanted with Vermithor, which would be the strongest dragon after Vhagar died, and there wouldn't be a thing the Targs could do about it. It has the potential to be the Blackfyre rebellions but worse.
Wait till the bump limit, mouth breather.
>Jace (in the episode) was right.

Jace was the won who suggested it, he's just butthurt they have targ hair
Like I said, Jace in the episode, in which his opinion is suddenly the inverse of what it was in the previous episode and also in the book.
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Just finished the episode
Aemond must be feeling pretty retarded for killing his brother's dragon now.
I'm sure he can solo 5 dragons
sara hess self inserted into the show using an asian woman who was not asian in the book. she then wrote in a forced romance that wasn't in the book with the white female protagonist with blonde hair.

she is an asian lesbian and married to a white female with blonde hair.
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he should always have felt retarded about that. goddamn sperg.
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>you are now just realize this show is hess' gay wank fantasy

between the weird footfag shit , all men having mommy issues ,and lesbian ships it all makes sense now
The sweet nectar of revenge.
Condal unironically seems to be in love with Rhaenyra. Don't necessarily mean the actress herself, maybe maybe not, but 100% in love with the characters.
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Why is there a retard trying to change the general name?
Jace suggested that highborn with Targ blood (and loyalty to Rhaenyra) should do it. Rhaenyra just handed it out to random bastards with no idea about their loyalty
Thinks that it will somehow stop jannies from ACK'ing the thread after the season ends .

ie. he is a retarded faggot
/got/hotd/ continues for months after the show is over. Once The Hedge Night trailer is out we will become /got/hotd/dunk/. It’s already been decided but some retard is trying to get us nuked by Jannie’s calling it /asoiaf/.
Addams turned out to be immediately loyal so everyone else should too.
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Seriously annoying. i hate that faggot like you won't believe
Go make your own gen in /tg/ if you want to call it that. The general is not yours to rename.
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someone who's a knower pls explain..

How was GOT able to pump out 10 high quality episodes every year (s1-s6) while /HOTD/ needs two years breaks to pump out 8 episodes of dogshit ?

is it all just dragon CGI budget ?
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>so everyone else should too.
Uhh yeah let's see how that works out.
The entire scene where Rhaenyra greets the dragonseeds made it painfully clear how hard hess is forcing her self insert. There are a bunch of pointless cuts to Mysaria on the staircase, and the shots are also framed so that she's visible in the background when the focus is on Rhaenyra. At one point Rhaenyra even turns her head back to acknowledge her as being responsible for her newfound confidence and smiles before continuing her speech.
he never specified, and there is no way to know a Mallister or Tarly is any less likely to turncoat and make a play for the throne with Vermithor than a bastard
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heh, this is funny, /asoiaf/ is bleh

thread wars are silly
i have a feeling hugh will atleast have a valid reason ie he will get screwed over .

Ulf is just a bumbling retard that will fuck everything up because he's a bumbling retard.
To my understand, the CGI is what makes it expensive, not a long production cycle.
>Thinks that it will somehow stop jannies from ACK'ing the thread after the season ends .
One of the mods is a resident in the gen and they allow us to have /got/hotd/ for months off season. But I can’t see them allowing it if the gen is named after the books and not /tv/ related.
that and the strikes
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is this the thread?
im really hoping /dunk/ will save ASIOF showverse

>no reddit lizards
>hopefully will appeal to men ( or atleast won't 100% be a feminist fantasy and soap opera for women)
>solid source material
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>wHaT iF rHaEnYs CaMe ThRoUgH tHe FlOoR oN a DrAgOn?!
>wHaT iF rHaEnYrA kIsSeD mYsArIa FoR nO rEaSoN?!
I don't think Daemon even fucks Nettles in the book. He was just simping for her so I doubt he'll fuck his daughter he doesn't care about.
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i don't blame them
i cant find an SDR 2160p torrent for ep7 :(
who is Condal's self-insert?
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We already had a vote in a poll that the thread would be called /got/hotd/dunk/ when the time comes. There is an anon who is upset his idea /asoiaf/ didn’t win and he’s trying to force it anyway. There is no way they will allow us to keep the gen off season if it’s named after a book franchise with retarded thread pics of the seven pointed star.
Isn't he supposed to be fucking the witch while he's at harrenhal?
>without you i'm a silhouette
it's just hbo strategy now, succession was every 2 years after the 2nd season, the last of us will be 2 years, the white lotus 2 years, euphoria is due to be 3 years, the gilded age 2 years(slightly less between 1 and 2), westworld was every 2 years etc
Apparently she'll be Aemond's squeeze once he's there. Can't have Rhaenyra get cucked despite her swapping spit with a literal whore in his absence.
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What was the point of Larys killing and replacing all of the less loyal staff in the Red Keep if literally everyone still works for Mysaria and gives her all the intel?
That's Aemond. There's nothing about Daemon even interacting with Alys in the book. Show is pure fanfiction with the Daemon and Alys storyline in Harrenhal
What is the showrunner for Dunk?
Condal seemed like a great pick at first, and it’s clear he has love for some of the Westerosi houses and makes an effort to give places like Storm’s End and Harrenhall a worthy on-screen presence, but he’s been a pretty bad showrunner all in all. Maybe he’s held back by budget and other limitations but why the fuck couldn’t we just simply have a Reach storyline this season?
you got the webm of blackwood twink smoking?
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>yfw all these long-running shows with 2 year gaps between seasons means people literally die without getting to see the finished story
I cry
He was cutting off Otto's access to mysaria through the servants. I don't think he really gave a shit about mysaria and fucking with Otto was his main objective.
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I am henceforth naming ANYONE who posts in the /ASIOF/ board a traitor and a fag who is furthering the enshittification of this general



How lazy can screenwriters / actors / production crews / CGI artists / extras / location scouts / editors be?
Yes. This is the real general.
Correct, we were /asoiaf/ while in exile on /tg/. Now we wear our rightful title once more - the /got/hotd/dunk general.
thanks my nigga
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that's not why
No ratcatchers this episode?
I’m really excited for it too, mostly because I am curious to see a show set it Gurms world that is relatively light hearted compared to the others.
tv shows are not as easy to produce as they were back then
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The cats will do fine.
we had to make room for mysaria x rhaenyra and more scenes of people saying the same thing over and over, sorry
tbf succ's season 3 was delayed because of covid and s4 because they were still debating on ending it with 4/5 seasons
They're still in the tapestry in the opening credits.
Being real generous with 6
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i pledge my loyalty to house /got/hotd/dunc/
may the whore of /asoiaf/ meet its end
>more scenes of people saying the same thing over and over,
What would you have him do?
Shut the fuck up. Stop repeating shill lies. The cost of cgi does not explian the shitty dialogue or the huge gaps between seasons. Most shows film back to back. The next season won't start shooting for MONTHS. Shut up.
of course it's why, and of course they won't admit it
the cracks were showing by late s3, although they were minor
s4 and their lack of comprehension of the kino themes of affc is where it all started tumbling down
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I meant in terms of length of season and production quality.

writing started nosediving from season 5
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Gwayne..w-what are you doing?

not like this bro...it wasn't supposed to end like this
HBO tell them when to shoot not the other way around lmfao do you really think anybody in the gilded age had clout to tell hbo what the fuck to do, the only show that had such leverage was got, succ didn't blow up until it was about to end
TLOU and HOTD I can understand.but there is no reason that a season of Succession, White Lotus or Euphoria should take 2 years. They're tv shows about normal people standing around talking in real locations.
>dayum this northern boy is sexy
This is why you should cancel your HBO subscription if you have it. Look at how they ruined Westworld.
Reading comprehension, get some
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>Where are the ratcatchers? Are they safe? Are they alright?
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I pledge my sword and my life to /got/hotd/dunk/. Let us hope our off season reign is long and prosperous.
probably actors schedules, contracts are not as predatory in the tv industry as they were before
where is the dragon size chart
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The catcatchers
they were brave, Lord Vader
>MFs get to play pretend for work and now can negotiate 2 years of vacation on top of that.

Harvey weinstein should spend lifetime in the worst prison for ruining tv alone...
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aye i can agree with that
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A toast ...

I wish you good fortune in TAOBA posting to come
And so The Dance of the Autists beings.
>Wahhhhh I get paid millions to pretend to be someone else on screen
This is why actors belong in the gulag.
preston didn't like the episode
Just until you find another cloak to turn yours for, Amos?
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I’ll look for you in the general. Now it begins.
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Ewan gets baller garb in this. No wonder he likes the role.
How do I dress like this without looking like a cosplayer?
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But will it pay for his chin reduction surgery?
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it seems..in your anger...you hanged them...

also why the FUCK is the writing so God damn lazy and bad on hotd? they literally have the material handed to them on a silver platter and can't write engaging episodes, fucking hell
What happened in the originsl scene that had so many people seething???
Chins like that don't require reduction, they need to be sown back through the English populace.
Is Vermithor a flying dragon like Vhagar?
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those posters are redditors and their mother is a whore
Why don't they just hire cats?
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All dragons fly in GRRM world.
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cats smell bad
Smallfolk would hunt the cats with slingshots for meat. In retrospect, it may have been better that Otto didn't bring 100 of them in.
The small folk of King's Landing ate all of them during the blockade
He seems to dislike any episode with Rhaenyra white washing which is pretty based. Shame he can't seem to see through that in real life too.
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>I'm in control here
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The costume department loves him.
That depends, do you have Ewan’s rizz? There are plenty of Jeepers Creepers esque overcoats out there that are still wearable in normal day to day life. If it’s the Storms End one you like look for “oilskin overcoats”, there are plenty of mens ones at equestrian stores. Or you could commission an exact replica, but you’d be looking at close to a grand in cost.
I wonder if Mysandei is sabotaging Rhaenyra and basically lying about everything.
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In the book, Oscar fucks off to Essos after the Dance ends and founds the Stormbreakers merc company. He's listed with no wife and no children. His brother Kermit inherits the Lord Paramountcy of the Riverlands and it's from Kermit's line that the Tullys we meet in ASOIAF come.
If it gets her scourged naked through the streets until dead, I'm down with that idea.
Remember at the start of the season when Mysaria was trying to flee the continent and in total despair because her spy network had been destroyed, it's members killed, scattered, or turned their cloaks? But then one pep talk from Rhaenyra is all it apparently took to re-establish a network so strong it BTFO's Larys' and has near total free reign in King's Landing, controlling the Goldcloaks, starting riots, and spiriting away dozens of dragonseeds at will?
will forever be based
No one has ever laid a trap by standing in the open several miles away in plain view, and not even moving into action once spotted. Not even Rhaenyra is that stupid. The whole purpose of the scene was to have Rhaenyra stare down Aemond, with no more thought put behind it than that.
Just strong woman things anon.
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>POV you travel all the way to Lys to pay Saera targaryen to trample on your balls
Where the FUCK is Black Aly
>my mexican dragon Verga
I'm wondering that to, considering her importance starts at the beginning of the Dance at Burning Mill and continues throughout and yet we've not even gotten a namedrop.
Because GRRM wrote the Dance of Dragons to foreshadow the end of ASOIAF.

Dance of Dragons ends with a broken Targaryen boy king and a mutiliated Lannister Hand ruling. King Aegon, the Broken King, and his Hand, Tyland Lannister.

ASOIAF will end with a broken Stark boy king ruling and his mutilated Lannister Kand ruling. King Bran the Broken and his Hand, Tyrion Lannister.
Lord Paramont Kermit of the Riverlands
That's a gila monster, ese.
so he's gay?
why did rhaenyra need mysaria to tell her to check for targ bastards as well? is she that dumb that she needed help to come to such an obvious conclusion.

mysaria isn't even smart, the show is just constantly giving her shit to make her seem that way
They should have pursued him back to Kings Landing and wore Vhagar down further before engaging Aemond in battle. Albeit Addam, Hugh, and Ulf probably aren’t ready to do battle yet. They should have sent Baela though to bait Aemond so she could at least blow up the city gates and let the smallfolk flee Kings Landing. Ulf doesn’t know how to do that yet
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What’s the other 0.01%?
Fujos might read it that way, but it's just as likely that he died young or wed and had a family that never enters Westerosi records and there's a school of Tully fishes swimming through the Free Cities.
Boring. Symmetry is not all that important, see Gene Wolf.
Agreed. Apples to apples repetition of history is so rare it should be rated as hackery in literature.
In the show, Oscar and Kermit are one character so Show!Oscar is the Bran and Sansa Stark descends from while Daemon's descendant, Jon, gets btfo'd to the Wall. I guess Gendry counts as Daemon's descandant and gets to nut in Arya and become Lord of Storm's End though
They only cut Nettles so they could parade black people around more
a nigga named kermit
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>cutting a black character to parade other black characters around more
It's a joy to see the lumpen races eat each other.
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That and they couldn't have Daemon realizing what a bitch Rhaenyra is and going after brown tomboy ass instead.
fuck nettles
Beesburybros, where we at?
Just means Oscar won't go to Essos, so this demon is Blackfish's grandfather five generations back.
Dude doesn't wipe his ass for years and then another dude comes and forces his erect penis past layer after layer of asshair and shit crust to get to the gooey wormy shithole. This makes normal people feel ill but fags and troons seethe at this reasonable response.
Ah the famous liberal tolerance
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We are ALWAYS here and busy.
The hive stands by.
Stinging the shit out of the Tarbecks.

Both shows are trash but /got/ had better threads.
if you think that's funny then idk what to tell you
how 2 get valyrian gf?
>mysaria isn't even smart, the show is just constantly giving her shit to make her seem that way
classic case of dumb writers writing smart characters
some examples

Queen Rhaenyra = Queen Daenerys

Tyland Lannister = Tyrion Lannister

King Aegon II = King Joffrey Baratheon (they even both get poisoned on the cusp of victory)

King Aegon III the Broken King = King Bran Stark the Broken

Gaemon Palehair = King Aegon VI

Alicent Hightower = Cersei Lannister

Criston Cole = Jaime Lannister

King Viserys I = King Robert Baratheon

Otto Hightower = Tywin Lannister
Have a BDG (big dragon cock)
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It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times.
survive dragonfire and she will ride you until your last breath
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>Once The Hedge Night trailer is out we will become /got/hotd/dunk/.

I've got my fingers crossed that /dunk/ will be the one show from the Gurmverse that isn't shit.
Most of these are not parallels at all.
Nettles was delicious brown, so not black enough. They get to go a few shades darker with rhaena.
guess i gotta become a blood mage
pretty much everywhere it's gonna be hot

yeah other than Cole &Jaimie( Kingmaker v. Kingslayer ) that anon is completely wrong
>the deluge of Dunk/Egg smutfics on AO3
I don't think I'm ready for shota Targ domination of a hunky hedge knight that would die to protect him.
Did I miss something, why did they send the dragon kids out of The Aery?
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Oscar's bloodline rules Westeros at the end of this world's story

Edmure Tully and Robin Arryn are also ruling the Riverlands and the Vale at the end of the show too
The Vale can't be defended against a dragon attack, so they aren't safe there, hence shipping them to Pentos.
The sent them to the Eerie to wait to see if they can send them to Pentos where it's safer
Seems kinda pointless to send them there only to send them off again, but I guess it was safer than staying on Dragonstone where assassins are a nightly occurance
Rhaena is supposed to be going with them on the Gay Abandon to Pentos but she ran off to try to claim Sheepstealer.
Aegon wasn't going to win, he was going to be executed. I think it's very possible he poisoned himself.
say whatever you want about D&D but they never added a self insert character
What? You mean show Baela? Because Rhaena is about what book Nettles should look like if you assume a Targ prince had a bastard with a Summer Island whore, she's clearly mixed.
The kino ending they should do is Aegon knows his wine is poisoned but drinks it anyway
Yeah, and if anything Rhaenyra is more of a parallel to Cersie than Dany. Both Rhaenyra and Cersie have birth to bastards and passed them off as legitimate. Both were beautiful women who seethed about any women more attractive than them as they grew older and fatter. And both will be eaten by a dragon.
Is Otto still alive in the show?
You don't King Bran the Broken and King Aegon the Broken aren't meant to be parallels or Tyrion and Tyland?

Or Cersei & Daenerys versus Alicent & Rhaenyra, I don't mean the show version here but the book version

Literally, Rhaenyra even has 3 bastard children with her guard similar to Cersei and Jaime with both of them even naming one Joffrey
yup he's in the next ep
Nope, House Beesbury executed him.
No he was eaten by rats.
I'm calling it now that Alicent is the one who poisons Aegon in the end
Imagine being some lowborn poacher just hunting game in the Kingswood, when suddenly the Queen herself wanders by, with only a single Kingsguard with her. For days they just sit there in shitty tents, doing literally nothing. Imagine how easy it would be to put an arrow or two in the guard's unarmored throat, then all you'd have to do is wait for the queen to come back from her swim and give her a good bash over the head. Imagine the weeks you would spend in your peasant fuckhut with Alicent Hightower your new personal cocksleeve.
Yes, he goes full auto next episode.
Rhaenyra is a much closer parallel to Cersei than Dany yea, especially with the drinking and turn to paranoia and vindictiveness after her children start dying. Rhaenyra wasn't as sociopathic as Cersei though, IMO.
So what are we getting next episode? The Gullet? Honeywine? Nothing? Maybe a fanfic skirmish between all the dragons?
>im really hoping /dunk/ will save ASIOF showverse

It needs to be a comfy British production with nice settings and wide shots and slow panning, not a hectic spastic American one, get someone who has done some BBC/PBS series as the showrunner.
man I opened villains wiki by mistake because a fuckton of google links are villains wiki, and I got spoiled
so spoilers obv but buck hammer was there, and I got curious and read what he does, he seems kinda nice in the show
Jace, Rhaeny and Mysaria threesome
cliffhangers with various armies escorted by dragons moving out, dragons preparing to attack kings landing, and Sheepstealer gets tamed
expect nothing
aegon, aemond, and helaena threesome
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Alicent Hightower is a perfect goddess and no man would ever force himself on such a good and kind lady.
good post
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Aemond is definitely burning some kind of village on Vhagar and there is a coast line visible. Where do we think it is?

Zoomers have no sense of humor and it shows with the lame /hotd/ threads.

death to sara hess
I think it's just some random coastal city he burns on his way back in anger, or shortly after returning
just my guess though
The show died the moment she left
we'll most likely get him get progressively darker as the show goes on. We saw hints of it where he showed he was very into the idea of being a lord so he and his loved ones could be protected. You can see the trajectory from that protective motivation he has
Maybe it's rook's rest. Rhaenyra said she was getting lord mooton to take it back.
rhaenyra lost all of her aura

she's literally nothing now. just a deep voiced broad who likes women
Why, if anyone died before S2 they got spared
It doesn't look like it at all. It looks more like Duskendale but that was already burned a few eps ago. I think it's just a random city Aemond burns and which one doesn't really matter. I'm nit sure which it is though.
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I don't care for the kid they cast as Egg, he looks weird but maybe he's one of those rare child actors who are actually talented?
>"my mother always used to tell me I was no different than her brother's sons"
he's 100% gonna be like "fuck rhaenyra, that whore. why not me?
I will cream my panties
reminder sandoq single-handedly embarrassed the kingsguard and house peake
westerosi knights aint shit
Let's see him with a shaved head first.
why did they have to add scene with dragon eating random dudes
just burn em like dragons always did ur gonna get the vore sickos excited
He's a man, a white one at that. This pos writers are SALIVATING at the prospect of turning him into an irredeemable piece of shit.
he has a big ass head, he'll be ok
Dragons eat burned people. They showed us this in ASOIAF.
It was only for a couple of episodes but they literally created pic related to air their grievances and complain about the people shitting on their shitty writing.
ye but those were burned corpses
Silverwing booped Ulf and sniffed his crotch. I think they knew exactly what they were doing.
Boysmell <3
How alive do you think the people vermithor was eating were?
they were moving n screaming and shit nigga wtf is ur fucking problem jesus fucking christ I'm outta here
>Larys sits in the corner advising Aegon on the best position and thrust techniques for a cripple while jerking it to Helaena's feet
shiiiieeet mane u rite these nigga wilin n shit
cept it's unlikely DnD got the 'bran the broken' stuff from George. In a behind scenes book they basically state they gave bran stuff because they liked the actor doing the dumb voice and really didn't think of it much beyond that.
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What an awful choice of words.
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>You see my baby sends your love around
>Just to use it on another like a trick now
>Only comes like a thief in the night
>But you know that it's not right
>Now I know that it was foolish of me
>To give away such a pivotal part of me
>It's only sad because it could've been easy
>Yeah, it could've been easy
he is literally me
I just watched the last episode. Where was Fucking Nettles? Is she coming next season?
>King Viserys I = King Robert Baratheon
Aside from a few superficial similarities like mourning a dead lover and dying before shit hits the fan, they were polar opposites. Bobby B earned his crown and peace in the realm with balls and brawn in equal measure. He's the giga chad Daemon wishes he could be.
I have this theory that footfags are mentally retarded and they're like 5 year olds in a post-puberty body
The basis of my theory is that when we're babies we find feet amusing, we play with our foot, we laugh when we move our toes, etc. Feet are the best shit ever. Footfags never got over their baby mentality and now praise feet, they're babies in the body of men.
I dont think he's going to be the same in the show. but we'll see in 10 years or whatever the fuck
anon, you have terrible taste in music
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>He doesn't know
Anon... Rhaena has been in the show since the first season.
I think she's a qt and I don't care who knows it
my brain just likes getting my feet licked it's not that deep
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There wasn't enough black people in the original story, so they needed to make the velaryons black. Do you understand?
She'll show you her feet if you ask nicely ;)
According to the legitimate leaker Alicent makes a “big sacrifice” when she meets with Rhaenyra on Dragonstone in the final. It’s related to the reason they meet and they agree on it. Maybe Alicent agrees Aemond needs to die in exchange for the safety of her other kids.
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Blame Forza Horizon Pulse Radio, I'm just following the playlist.
>tfw no roman empress mommy
Why even live bros
it's over, anon. they cut her.

not counting teenaged laena, they're like 0-2 on casting cute young black girls in this show, so i was hoping third time might be the charm. but no. they keep shoving rhaena down our throats.
I guess security is just a nebulous concept during time of war in Westeros.
>be me
>8th grade
>everyone in shoes
>qt girl brings flats to school instead
>mesmerized by the toe cleavage
>makes me rock hard everytime i see them
It’s been downhill ever since
We aren’t using that one. Let it die.
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A cheeky brat like that needs some serious connection.
>another rhaenicent scene
tired of this shit. they should just have nyra kill alicent
You are terminally gay if don't consider women's feet to be a sex organ.
Even women themselves know this. Why do (You) think high heels, open-toed shoes and pedicures are a thing?
Good Lord, what a faggot.
why is she dressing like a man?
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>wasting withnail on some shitty two episode character
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based brat poster
Real new
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This actor is nothing like older Aegon. Bad casting
>(you)ing himself in his own thread desperately trying to keep it bumped.
Bran being king in the end is straight from George. It's already been confirmed and since the timeline in GRRM's books is slow, Bran will be King of Westeros before he even hits 13 years old similar to Aegon the Broken King
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the show was off the rails literally by episode one when they changed a bunch of shit for literally no reason and compromised the the early seeds set that carry right on into book 4. why make Tyrion pretty? why isn't there snow around? why is Theon not a prick? why is the wall baby sized? why did they completely discombobulate the prologue? why did they make Catelyn a dumb girlish asshole instead of the sharp tactical one to foil Ed's dumb sweet heart? why can arya shoot a bow all of a sudden? why add in a completely new prostitute character and start Tyrion off that way? i'll tell you why. to squeeze in Pod's dick jokes later on and make room for a bunch of Cersei Robert scenes that never happened and do nothing for the plot or thematics and other boorish filler. also, the costume design was gay fantasy horseshit when we could have had kino real plate with SICK decorative embellishments and kino real nobleman wear and so on. Game of Thrones fucking sucked from day goddamn one. took something that could have been good and made a boring ass soap opera in a coat of videogame paint instead. you're retarded if you like any of it.
This is not a tranny. This is late stage fujoing. She is probably obsessed with k-pop. I bet she had a Tumblr full of Matt Smith era Doctor Who. I bet she wrote Sherlock fanfiction.
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women who are obsessed with kpop don't look like that
She makes herself look like a kpop twink

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