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HOH: Quinn

previously on /bb/: >>203037844
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will tipsy quinn go in for a kiss?
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>....what do you mean....i might be going on the block?
reminds me of red
like his annoying weirder cousin
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captive audience
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Based Rubina and Cam mentioned Mad Max and Fury Road. Cam has fucking kino taste
Joseph proclaims himself as the "movie guy" and seems to not know shit besides blockbusters or a24 stuff
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Thanks for the 70k and fillipino dwarf sex, grodner! hope those niggas have fun in that house for another 45 days kek
to be fair this is what any HOH ceremony looks like at 3:30 in the morning. they're all awkward unless they feel the need to pretend otherwise
Leah should fuck Quinn for safety a la Allison from big brother 4
i wonder if he will be on tiktok lives with Cedric and Lisa soon
oh wow i didn't even realize it was so late
sorry i meant to say 2:30. i don't even know if they're normally this late but i've noticed that half of them usually look like they couldn't care less
half of them were asleep already and woke up for the hoh reveal
yeah it was always hilarious to see Kenney bail like 15 minutes into each ceremony
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she shined his key
he came
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end it now
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feeds the rest of the season lookin real grim right now
they really haven't been that great the last two weeks anyway
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yeah, i think the angela punishment has been the only thing of note really
the mak sots leah petal room was pretty comfy as well but other than that
leah looks weird with so much make up on. sometimes she looks like her face is bruised
dismiss them quinn for the love of grod
yeah she wears instagram filter makeup in the harsh bb house lighting
never good
luckily she only wears it for show stuff
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quinn is buzzed and crying because he thought that nobody would like him in the house before coming in
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i hope he doesnt look up all the drama when he gets out but he seems like the type that would do that
they gay as fuck in the hoh room
if he stopped being so god damned tryhard he seems like an okay guy
he absolutely will and it will probably break him. dude seems to be all about this shit and might not have a lot of close friends
Let Ainsley in the house!
tkor's gnawing her nails
he definitely seems to act normal with people but yeah puts on way too much of a show when he knows the cameras are on him
>quinn: id love to hear about your guys favs as well, if you dont want to go to bed
>quinn: another question, do you think they would be friends with you in real life?
let them go quinn
as i hold them hostage myself =D
big make loves KC and angela from 20
loves Ian
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quinn should say the first three to leave are noms as a joke haha ;)
that'd be fucking tittys
the edit of this should be great
>quinn: anyone else want to share their faves?
>mak: i think people are like its bed time
>quinn: thats fair thats fair
>leah: we should put a pin it, but i want to hear kimos fav
kimo loves KC and michael bruener
loves taylor loves dayvon
quinn just wants to do a bb podcast
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ok he finally wrapping it up. joseph going to have his 1 on 1 now
>quinn: anyone who wants to use my HoH bathroom can
>*winks at leah*
leah lingering no surprise there
backyard is open, they gave them a grill
Mj hit cam with her shoe fucking around too kek
having a labor day bbq with big mak
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>hey mj you’re free to treat yourself in my shower if you know what I mean….
risky move giving the retards in this house an open flame
quinn has promised basically everyone but amgela, rubina,and kimo safety kek
He better pray veto goes well
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has t'whore seriously been claiming she was going to boot tucker in a tie?

what a disgusting piece of shit, lol.
It was her master plan chud, and don’t bring up how she never said it in the DR ok?
thats what she told makensy earlier in the rock room
said if she was making a game move, she would've booted tucker but added the caveat that it would've been hard because of rubina
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>telling your love rival about crushing on leah
Sots earning a spot otb
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god loves big mak
triple sevens for luck
>SotS: i think we should keep tkor kimo and rubina
>quinn: im putting up angela, rubina and kimo
>SotS: damn, ok
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>three days of seven gets in a row
is this the first time they casted two people that fit the nerdy superfan archetype in the same season?
kek based
Sots started off trying to say that he and Quinn are the new Johnny Mac and Steve and they should keep the T'kor, Kimo, Rubina trio around like how they kept the twins and Austin together.
based quinn
Jason and Steve in BB17
>we should keep tkor kimo and rubina
he wanted to keep them as a target so people dont target sots leah and quinn
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6:30 my time and they're almost all still up
fuck my life right now
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operating a grill in the big brother house with big mak
>taking mj and cam as goats
has he said who his replacement nom might be?
>quinn: you think including tkor and not kimo would be a problem
>joseph: i dont know...
>quinn: she's smart though
"I'm not owned! I totally meant to trip face first into shit!"
no though he and joseph seemed to view tkor as a jury threat
but I also think joe would be a prime possibility kek
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>megaalliance with 9 people left
love to see it
>all those anons manifesting a Quinn HOH last night then seething that he won

Lol. Lmao even
>joseph: she(leah) doesnt know it , but she has the two best fucking players in the house
The show is over. Imagine being one of those imbeciles coping themselves to death pretending the show has purpose. The joy is gone, the soul is gone. Nothing but limitless fiveheads and mmhmmms. Joy is over, Big Brother is over. With Tucker gone the spirit of bb is gone
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nah, i still get to watch big mak stumble around in the house and come up aces somehow
Quinn wants to put Kimo up because he's so fucking paranoid lol
get over it
he was dull as shit the last two weeks
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gotta respect the delusion
tkor is really up her own ass
Big mak is the only little bit of soul left with that i agree with u
>sots: straight up, i want rubina out bro
>quinn: shes crazy, well not crazy
>sots: shes annoying
Shut up faggot
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Quinn reminds me of this guy sometimes
>With Tucker gone the spirit of bb is gone
you come in here crying and saying this shit yet you call me a faggot?
based nerds
Nah Tucker’s HOH was based. It was t’kimo/rubina ruining the vibes at times but Tucker was smartly shutting them out. Tucker definitely fell in a slump once t’kor put him up though and he never got back out of it which is sad. /bb/‘s meth head deserved better
"I was in 8th grade, and I got to practice with the JV soccer team in high school."
crying almost as hard as tucker after the last veto ceremony lmao. your boy got outplayed and smoked by big mak of all people
Mj rubbing cams head again
sots bros we'll have to deal with an alliance with ick man for the now
>It was t’kimo/rubina ruining the vibes
i hate that he attached himself to them
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sots will have the last laugh
>rubina up in the HoH room with quinn
>they are talking about his dogs
Total DR count so far

Tucker 150
Quinn 114
Angela 109
Chelsie 82
Makensy 70
T'Kor 58
Kimo 46
Cam 44
Rubina 40
Leah 38
Joseph 37
Brooklyn 55
Cedric 80
Kenney 45
Lisa 26
Matt 27
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>Joseph 37
oof. not very SotS worthy
joseph a bit buzzed talking to tkor on hammock
does joe just suck in diary or what?
T’kor basically confirmed to sots that she put up Tucker maliciously and enjoyed it. Was obvious but it’s nice to hear her coon ass say that
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>house is given a grill
>nobody left knows how to grill
big mak was super excited about it but then remembered she is a have not
is she not doing revisionism? she didn't want tucker to leave
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>4 cams of t'kimo
the mental gymnastics you had to do to come to that conclusion, schizo
she is 100%
>maybe Quinn hasn't trusted us for a long time now
>i might have been off with that

Love that The Ballers has somehow become a real thing. Tucker will just automatically assume he was right because they never showed anything about it on the show
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these dumb fucks wouldnt have lost quinn had they included him in the cedric blindside
Tucker might have been an asshole to Quinn this morning judging by T'Kor and Kimo's convo
remember these two are gods at gaslighting themselves
Tucker consistently treated Quinn as his little bitch boy
Total goblina death
>tkor to kimo: is there anyone you can trust outside rubina and myself
>kimo realizing he hasnt talked game to anyone other than those two and quinn
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Good morning ladies
why is quinn so obsessed with that object
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morning mr hogg. burning the ole midnight oil here
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Mornin hogg
We and the hgs all still awake,fml
>tkor: if he does end up putting you two on the block
>makensy has moved to #2 on the list and quinn is #1
god forbid mj not roll over and die lmao
>tkor still thinks she's queen shit
>t’kir saying she will not vote for Quinn to win if he puts up Kimo
Hopefully someone talks some sense into Quinn and he puts T'snore's dumb ass on the block straight up. Someone from this trio needs to go.
>if im in that jury, im sure going to let everybody knkow
that you're a petty betty who got outplayed in the game of big brother?
she's fucking seething and they aren't even up yet. she might have a melty this week
T'Kor acts like she hasn't protected Chelsie more than anyone else?
this bitch has been coddled her whole life and it's obvious
have a tantrum and make threats when things don't go your way
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>another shuffle og poised to leave for the third week in a row
/shufflers/ i'm gonna be sick
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big mak has secured tkors vote if she gets to the end
im fucking dying
>we just have to convince people not to drag angela along
wasnt this the argument that was being made to you guys last week on booting angela?
Damn, t'kor isn't coping, she seriously thinks Tucker's boot was deserved and not her fault.
it's cope in it's highest form, deluding yourself
she's a master of the art
You mean Tucker wasn't a retard that offered himself on the block? Multiple times? He's just lucky it didn't happen the first time
hopefully incoming KIMO vs QUINN
finally no t'deluded on feeds for a minute
dont say that. shits like Beetlejuice
he fucking barreled in there lmao
>Quinn how could you betray me, I only ratted out your power, excluded you from alliances and never trusted you despite you bringing me tons of info
it is nearly 5am BBT and Quinn is still doing 1-1s fucking hell
Rubina is a rotten whore. Quinn is going to put you up anyway. Why shit on Tucker? Have some self-respect.
>quinn: theres tampons in here, or pads. thank god
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can someone edit his sunglasses to have this Leah in the frames? i wanted to try but i'm just too tired. maybe i'll ask tomorrow.
>rubina to tkor: putting up kimo instead of makensy would be crazy
tkor is gonna find herself on the block outright or renom at this rate. I hope she tells chelsie this kek
if Quinn had more alcohol in him he would spill the beans about why he doesn't trust Quinn and T'Kor
Rubina & Kimo both volunteered as well, to make it easier for t’koon but she said she would never put them up. Tucker who thought he was in a final 4 with T’kor, offered to go up when he didn’t want to & she greedily took everything she could get from him. She took all his open transparency with her & she twisted it & used it against him; She stood in his good graces to use him to protect herself, & she never returned any loyalty back and bashed him behind his back any chance she got. T’kor definitely didn’t deserve that 5k Tucker gave her & she definitely doesn’t deserve to win this game. She’s a bonafide nigger
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rubina and tkor massive cope sesh in the storage room right now
t'cuck showing her ass hard tonight coping and seething constantly
>T'kor: I think you (Rubina), me, Tucker and Kimo will all be friends after this
>If ONE more person would have voted differently, it would have been a split vote. 5-3.
>it would have been......6-3?
thank you based anon
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anon beat me but i used a different picture
negative iq midget
both are based thanks anons
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oh gosh big mak. dont yap, take your safety and go to sleep
what's the fat albert character tkor reminds me of
well done, damn. thanks man
tkor reminds me of tucker last week when he asked her to put up leah and she didnt, and he kept on saying how stupid of a move it was
Tucker really knows to pick em lmao
any of my /bb/ sisters watching the joe bob briggs nightmare-a-thon tonight?
makensy's strategy is to yap everyone to death one by one
Big Mak will be the F3 boot ;(
leah painting the target on kimo
Old Weird Harold
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otp cams

Holla to the best ass in the crib
Tucker’s promise : )
some sisters in the replies be salty
Do ya thang Miss Chelsie mmmmmhmmmmm gurrrrrrl
Yeah she ate that queen you ate that go awff sis yeah sis you ate that sis go queen she did that shit she girlbossed that queen shit she ate that she slayed
Bunch of fucking asskissers lmao
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Oh shit look out the "Southside" is gonna come out of T'snore
She's gonna crochet a bitch
i would love nothing more than to see ttard in a real confrontation 1v1
lol, who does t'whore think Quinn is putting up? You idiot, he blindsided you on your own HOH.
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>She's gonna crochet a bitch
you cheeky devil
She would turn into a statue and become a sobbing mess if you even slightly raised your voice to her
SotS and leah think kimo and rubina railroaded tkors HoH
Was the exact opposite when I read it. She really could go all the way though
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>wants to make a 7 person alliance at final 10
>one of those 7 will go on the block if someone wins veto and comes down
I know she's doing a great job, I just roll my eyes at bootlicking in any capacity, over a decade of wageslavery will do that not to get OT
>mak telling quinn they shouldn't include t'snore since she's close to rubina
>doesn't trust sots and thinks he'd cut her
>says she'll use veto on anyone in the alliance doesn't care how it looks
Quinn is obviously picking favorites and just trying to survive this HOH from all of them sucking up to him. I think he’s going to completely abandon a lot of those if they don’t set a true alliance soon
based big mak
>quinn walking down the stairs after talking to big mak
>'she's cool'
icko is gone soon
crucify quinn in the garden
He's gonna take Leah hostage in the HOH room
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all smiles with no icko around
>Ory Streams pointing out that T'Kor is easily one of the most emotional players ever and that she thinks she's playing strategically
Based? Just turned this on because I was bored and didn't watch the feeds much yesterday.
The only hg left who would have a cool winner story is Big Mak
To go from a guaranteed prejury boot to a certified Janelle
Such better energy than with Leah
He needs to let her go kek
She lost a number, an alliance member, a shield and someone who wasn't even her intended target all in one go
They're just gassing her up cause she's black
Lmao if T'snore joins this new power alliance it's over for them before it even started
She's gonna ruin everything once again
chelsie is gonna be based and tell quinn he doesn't want t'kor in
It was all part of her plan, chud. Black girl magic and all that.
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morning mister hogg
She'd better, T'tard's a fucking snake and is trying to use this black sistah shit against her to try and weasel her way and muddle up their games, it's what she does
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later /bb/
Top 10 anime deaths for sure
Bro that's the whole gameplay this season. Make a big alliance then betray it next week.
Rubina/Quinn F2
why was joseph so sad?
I thought he didn't want this season to be like the others?
>Tkor already threatening to try to get jury against Quinn if she puts kimo up
This is your literal last chance to not have a racist piece of furniture get 2 months to ruin jury
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>"now that tucker is gone, people will really start scheming and the game is really going to get interesting!"
>most obnoxious house guest wins HOH and his targets are going to be the most obvious ones to go after with tucker gone
Quinn will bow down. Keep seething Tucker fag
Yeah honestly I wouldn't even be mad if they just gave Chelsie the $750k and ended the season now. Everyone else in the house is a retard and she's playing way above them
Tucker's out, summers ending
It's that back to school feeling
It would be hilarious cosmic justice if T'bore gets evicted on icko's HOH. He might be too worried about "optics" to put her up though unless Chelsie and Cam push for it
Students of the game are analyzing and taking notes
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>his targets are going to be the most obvious ones to go after with tucker gone

Why would he not target his enemies? are you a fucking moron?
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>all these alums saying the season is dead without tucker
I really don't understand why big mak is liked, I like her as the underdog and she is expressive but she comes back and stays in the dark and does nothing until she is saved by blacks at the end of the every week.
90% of alumni are showfags or casuals with worthless opinions on the game. Yesterday Janelle said she was cheering for Joseph because quote "he's not a floater"
>the ratings are going to go down
these nothingburger HGs will say shit like this then proceed to do nothing to make the show entertaining
what is dud's take? she's the only one that matters.
It’s the worst meme 4chan has come up with in years. Blah glop with muh Big Mak
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I just think she's neat
no one needs a reason to like anyone
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It's too soon
>she is saved by blacks at the end of the every week
3 times she was on the block she pulled herself off with comp wins
I guess cucker was being saved by the blacks the entire season too, until they turned on him
This doesnt make sense
Big Mak is a meme now. Sweet.
How does that not make sense?
im in love with her
How do you like something or someone without having at least one reason
IQ wise, Tucker is on the same level as Lawon
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I like her because I think she's neat
Everything doesn't have to have a reason my guy. Do you want to hear my reasoning?
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>advanced AI will allow /bb/ to interview houseguests since they are too afraid to visit 4chan
Why do you want to know?
The mak caps are excessive and sometimes annoying but she's a fun underdog and her terrible reads are funny
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Nice cap moon hitting just right
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ziggy won big brother
Dud said on a live the other day she wanted to see Tucker go cause it opens the game up
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what did he mean by this?
he respects tucker for playing bombastically and psychopathically.
game knows game
>Tucker gone
>have to watch Quinn being cocky for a week
This season is fucked
im kinda happy tucks gone now after seeing how much people sucked him off
shout out my dogs at the crib
opening the awnings with big mak
Never before have I see so many big alliances be made then be destroyed in a single season.
with every hoh a new one formed and one got obliterated
Does Dr. Will even watch the show nowadays?
It's Tuckers fault he's gone. If he really wanted to be in the game, he would have campaigned hard.

Simple as
Daniele Reyes at home :)
To finish, give your rapid-fire thoughts on each of the remaining houseguests.

Starting with Angela.
Crazy, unloyal, paranoid.

That's my guy! Cam, smooth and steady.

[Pause.] Very observant and calculated.

Oh, man, I love Joseph. For Joseph, it's hilarious and incredibly smart.

One of the loveliest guys I've ever met. A bundle of joy and very observant.

[Pause.] Sneaky.

Oh, that's a tough one. Makensy, she's adapting. She's good at adapting. And a competitor.

Snake, ungrateful. But probably the most well thought out player in there, and deceiving. He knows what it takes, and he's got all the qualities of it. Untrustworthy, but a great player.

Cute as a button! Amazing person, just as lovely as a human could possibly be. And she is incredibly strong and independent, and needs to trust in herself a little more, and she'll witness.

And, finally, T'kor.
My artist buddy! She's shy, a little afraid to play the game, for what it's worth. But she is so creative and talented.
Joseph interrupting Quinn’s HOH shower jerk sesh
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Ohayouuuu Bosuuuu
Angela 4 Veto
big mak be spreading her cheeks when she lays down
getting ready for cam
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>gee too bad Tkor and Chelsie have a racial alliance that wypipo aren’t allowed to have or else he might have stayed
This show deserves its slow heat death
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love Chelsie and rooting for her
hate T'Kor and rooting against her
Aren't goodbye messages usually up by now?
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jfc quinn didnt you learn your lesson
Finally, did you get to keep your BB A.I. Assist costume?

>I'm going to bike around New York City in that, no joke. I am going to wear it for Halloween. I'm going to be wearing it when people least expect it. Expect the unexpected! That costume is just getting warmed up in my life. Yes, I get to keep it. I will get the whole thing after the show wraps, hopefully before Halloween. And yeah, you guys only saw the beginning of that outfit.

kek if he wears it on the challenge
I haven't been able to watch feeds, is Quinn really targeting a weaksauce player like Zubina?
>being racist while nobody else is = moves
this only reinforces the worst jigaboo stereotypes
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he is getting the collective back together
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*african-american womyn
superfan btw
admittedly rubina is part of a seemingly unbreakable 3
he is suppose to be in an alliance with 2 of them
>Fri 3:15 AM PT Quinn and Joe talking. Quinn brings up his talk with Leah. Quinn says I will go home before Leah. Quinn said he is not putting up Leah. Joe says people think I have a crush on her, which I do.

holy shit what is wrong with those two
Snoozefest the past years with Dr. will
>Fri 3:41 AM PT Joe thinks that the top 3 for AFP will be himself Quinn and T'kor, maybe Tucker.

joe might be one of the most delusional players of all time
Honestly Joseph might make top 3 just from the voting comments he makes on eviction night, the audience seems to love them
he has had like 30 DRs total. he doesnt exist
top 3 will be tucker, mackenzie and chelsie by the end of it
kimo scramble time
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He means that Tucker understood he's on a reality tv show and tried to be entertaining as much as possible. For multiple seasons now, we have recruits and gamebots too scared to make big moves and playing passive games.

Like right now is a good example.
I can't understand how Quinn didn't use Chelsie to vote out Tucker only to win HoH and then pretend to T'kor, Kimo and Rubina he voted with them to keep Tucker and then use that as an excuse to target the big threats of Cam, Chelsie and Mak this week. He's choosing the safest, boring option possible and stupidly trying to make a 7 person alliance at final 10 and he's a supposed superfan.
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how could quinn try to evict such a beauty as this?
I know this picture disturbs some anons but it's pure art to me
god quinn fucking sucks
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>oh leaahhh I’ve warmed up the water in the tub in my hoh room just for you
>i know you are putting me and rubina up but tkor is not happy

holy fuck why do they all care so much about what tkor thinks
lmao so the hoh was the egg comp and cam is allergic to eggs so he was going really slow so he wouldn’t break one and have a reaction
Because she's actually good at the game unlike fucker who got betrayed by Angela of all ppl lmao
They didn't want him to win
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SotS reminiscing about Tuckerisms
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checked and based
tumblr is down the hall you faggot transexual
And they are right
Shoutout to all my dawgs at the crib
You are mistaken. The transsexuals are on team cucker
Im sure its that and not the fact she’s an untouchable black woman. You are not allowed to piss those off in bb
dead thread
boring thread
dead season
Normal people were team tucker. You faggots on the other hand are team sheboon and team shemale
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goblina having a melty
She's part of the infallible minority group du jour, so it's super important to consider how she feels and is also why a spineless toady retard like Quinn doesn't want to put her up despite multiple open betrayals. Also why it's 6D chess for her to self-sabotage by eliminating her loyal meat shield and thereby painting a massive target on her own back.
kek quinn walking in on the trio
They should just skip the whole thing and start bb27 when they inevitably bring tuck back
big mak has her questionably sized feet out
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Cast Tuckah as the new joker.
Haven’t watched feeds is Joseph going up?
I never liked Tucker
you're a quinn tranny stan
>POV - you are 12-year old Filipino girl and some stranger offers you a ride on his tuck tuck
like a cancer on this season
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and yet he outplayed cucker LMAO
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the real SotS
mak feet
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running this house
On what?
Poor Tucker has to go back to his modeling life to a country that loves him while Queern has no one but fatmerica
Pretty clever nicknames you’ve got there, retard

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