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based. im reading the book now and the changes they made in the series are insane, i dont understand
>upcoming blogpost
Any day now.
Finish the book fat fuck
Did he ever finish the last book?
attempting to distract from the failure of RoP season 2, are we?
good, he deserves a break from writing the winds of winter to critique the show
>if you're not shilling for x that means you're shilling for y
imagine being you
Finish the book fat fuck
>no mushroom
>no nettles
>black nobles/Velaryons
>lesbian shit
>not killing your gays
>no blood and cheese tension
>retarded Harrenhal filler content
Would you guys prefer to live in an alternate dimension were George finished the books but the tv adaptation was made by Amazon instead of HBO and it was terrible slop?
fun fact
he started writing that blogpost back when s1 e1 came out
>Everything that's gone wrong
>Well, the houses are in such a tizzy aren't they? What chaos has wraught!
the book
>the last
top kek he's been on the penultimate for 12 years even if we get twow we'll never get the last
what's wrong with it? aside from his insane obsession with the word "mummer"
>writes 300 blogs
>can't finish a fucking book
Well if they would just stop giving him more things to point out...
Someone's about to get blacklisted
im starting to hate this fat faggot more than Alan Moore
Who the fuck gives a shit about his opinion?
>upcoming blog post
why does this matter, house of dragons would be over by then?
Yes. The GOT show was only ok anyways. Only the first 2 seasons were great, then it went to just good and then it was terrible. Meanwhile WE STILL DONT HAVE AN ENDING TO THE BOOK SERIES AT ALL
people pretending like everything before S8 was good are so insane, i don't get it
>imagine being this correct
so which are you shilling for?
Me neither. The downfall began around season 4/5, after the Dornishman got killed.
The sand snakes were the tip of the shitberg:
>They killed my lover!
>I must avenge him!
>Exactly, I will kill his brother and disappear forever
I mean, we do. it would have been the same as the show and just as unsatisfying, even if Mad Dany worked.
Theyre the same people who enjoy hotd.
It will be all about minor changes that trigger his autism, like the missing Maelor, the Blackwoods not being perfect Mary Sue saints or Sheepstealer trolling around in the Vale

People forget he likely signed some shit that forbid him from any serious criticism of any HBO adaptation
That fat fuck, finish fire and blood, finish ASOIAF, then complain about adaptations
Out of interest, what’s the word count of his blog since he released DoD?
no one, that's why I try to always sage.
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Writing blogs instead of writing books
you're not allowed to shit on anything without being a shill?
Based fatfuck
But it also means he will never be hired by a studio again, which means all the adaptations of his work will be garbage
What went wrong is him entrusting his work to untalented hacks AGAIN and not keeping a tighter leash on things. He's a producer on the show, he should've learned from GoT's failure and made sure he had creative oversight/vetoing rights, instead of just sitting back and letting them do whatever they want and him not finding out until its airing.
is he just in denial of his own mortality? he's 75, fat and male.
being rich offsets it a bit but not that much.
>Only the first 2 seasons were great
3rd was also good. 4th dipped in quality and the rest is garbage.
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Sean Bean dying is peak entertainment
We dont. There are still 2 books to go and weve only gotten a few sneak peak chapters that are 100% going to be changed before release if we ever do get a release. The books have so many more plot lines going than the show did that the season 8 shit just plain wouldnt work. The ending simply cant be the same as the show because it would make no sense.
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by next blog he means after another 20 posts about wildcards
but i'm glad hotd is shit, anyone who watches anything got-related after hbo burned us so bad with got deserves what they get
we should've demanded reperations first, nothing else
>just as unsatisfying
With all the plot lines and characters removed from the show, at least one or two conclusions would be either different or at least somewhat cohesive.
For example, all that build-up about the Hound should have led (and it the book may well lead) to his conjuring of a flame sword to kill The Mountain. "Your torture was the beginning of my ascension, and now I will climb you" or some shit.
And the entire siege of Winterfell may take way longer.
Also, Stannis.
>read book
>daemon taking harrenhall is literally two sentences and that's that
>upcoming blog post
So at least a decade until publication? Its hardly topical to discuss it now.
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>There is war everywhere. Ukraine and Gaza dominate the news, but there is a war in Myanmar as well that our western media just ignores, things are heating up in Yemen and the Red Sea, North Korea has nukes and is testing missiles and rattling sabres, Venezuela is threatening to annex three quarters of neighboring Guyana.

>Meanwhile the US grows more polarized every day. Hate is rising, democracy is under threat, millions of Americans have swallowed the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. Newspeak has taken over political discourse, cancel culture is destroying lives and careers, and we have a disgraced, indicted, venomous ex-president winning primaries despite openly declaring that he will be a dictator on day one and will govern on a platform of “retribution,” when he is not busy grabbing women by the pussy. His last attempt to overthrow the government failed on January 6, but some of his more ardent supporters are now saying that “next time” they will bring more guns. There are actually folks out there wanting civil war.

>It is hard to escape the feeling that we are living in the Weimar Republic.

>And don’t get me started on immigration. We are a nation of immigrants, yet millions of us have now decided we hate immigrants… refugees dreaming of a better life who are no better or worse or different than our own ancestors.
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>gets pink eye
Didn't he champion HotD and consult on it before this?
Fucking .gif took me off guard lmao
>Upcoming blog post
This fucker can't even finish a blogpost without talking about it endlessly now?
What a fucking loser.
should stick to sword and magic
you can lock him up and take away the key if he hasn't posted it by the time s3 comes out
He's got 2 more to go.
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Fool me once shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me
>"the book is the book, the film is the film", they will tell you as if they're saying something profound
That's literally one of his own quotes he's roasting, the fat retard.
GRRM and the tropes he popularized is everything wrong with modern writing.
>Author cucked and emasculated by his own character
Another examples?
he's a complete piece of shit
i've truly come to despise this fat turd over the years
i will not watch hotd, i will not watch their shitty dunk and egg adaptation, i will not engage with anything grrm-related
a thousand curses upon the faggot who allowed /lit/ to get a grrm general
Gurm is lazy, greedy, and lacks authorial integrity. His "complaints" are performative, he doesn't give half the shit about the story that wiki autists do, he's content to sit on his fat ass and let HBO shower him with money in exchange for ignoring them as they exploit his work and name. I don't give a fuck what he has to say.
>no mushroom
Good, I cringed every time I read something with "but according to Mushroom..."
These kikes are about to blacklist his fatass
blog comes out after the books so any moment now
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>blog comes out after the books so any moment now
HBO adapted almost everything from Mushroom's perspective.
so you're going to stop shilling that faggot hotd subreddit on the board?
Thats what made the book good though, that you dont know if what youre reading is credible or not.
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>kill mushroom
I actually think that he'll complete WoW, and when he finishes it I fully expect this board to go into a meltdown. He won't finish SoS though.
unreliable narrator has to be one of the most retarded midwit iq "technique" employed in the last few decades
it's the /lit/ equivalent of muh split personalities
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Will he write about troon insert?
i imagine wow is already almost complete
i pray he dies every day so i can just read what he's written already before i die by accident
we all know those kikes are gonna publish everything regardless of his wishes, even if it's scribbles on soiled toilet paper
Waiting for J.R.R. Tolkien's blog post. No, wait...
Just wait until he says there a few minor problems but its mostly a well done show
unreliable narratives are literally centuries old. Its funny that you use midwit as an insult while having a lackwit understanding.
>there a few
there are* a few
everything is old you retarded fucking nigger
but were there countless "unreliable narrator" books getting pumped out in the 30s? the 40s? the 50s? no, there were not, you would just take for granted that a first person narrator might be unreliable, but there was none of the faggotry subhumans like you exhibit
what martin wrote is shit, and you are shit too, suck my cock niggerman
has george ever said anything negative about GoT as he did with HoTD??
>summer islanders calling themselves valyrians
>minor problem
Nice try. They had issue with tainting their blood by mixing with the dornish but im supposed to buy this giganigga sitting at the table calling himself cousin? Makes no fucking sense.
I agree its a real problem but I bet Martin won't say so because it would be considered racist
it was just a cop out excuse for GRRM to write underaged sex scenes.
Well it was off the table
>but were there countless "unreliable narrator" books getting pumped out in the 30s? the 40s? the 50s?
That you are too uninformed to know doesnt mean that there weren't any. Your impotent rage says more about you than anyone else could. Enjoy your miserable angry life.
I stopped watching around season 4 because it got shit
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>>lesbian shit
Not even a hot and steamy lesbian sex scene since it would be the male gaze and objectification.
He's not gonna shit on Condal or Hess. He's gonna repeat what everybody says about how HBO/discovery cut the budget and number of episodes after the merger and how the writers strike affected everything etc. Move along. Nothing to see
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Im rereading the series and the earlier books are really amazing. On ACOK right now before the battle of blackwater. Fix the series GRRM redeem yourself finish what you have started nearly 30 years ago. I hate how the show removed the minor houses and their characters and heraldry.
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Nah this will be bullshit. GRRM will pussy out and will never fully nail the show in a way it realistically deserves. He's a retarded coward.
>watches Velaryons gets blackwashed into their family tree making absolute 0 sense in a show with a plot that wholly revolves around bloodlines and families
>watches characters get completely bent out of shape and made pathetic to suit the weird closet lesbian themes inserted by the showrunners
>watches events get completely flipped in ways that the source material never intended under the excuse of "unreliable narration"
>"uhh... the show is fine but uh maybe dragon symbols should have 2 legs not 4!"
Fuck off George.
He'll probably commend them on being so good at playing a female character.
Who are you quoting
>>watches Velaryons gets blackwashed
He's going to die within the next 5 years and he's already a gazillioniare. I don't think he cares.
George R R Martin. One of his recent complaints about HOTD, when the story was completely shitting itself, was to ignore all of that and just whine that dragon icons should have 2 legs and not 4.
>It is hard to escape the feeling that we are living in the Weimar Republic.
Uhh, what did he mean by this?
Me mum.
it's an interesting device like when it was used in Momento but consider that a sub 70 IQ dei hire nigger is just going to use the premise "bad guy like bcuz he think it funny lol he unreliable narrator"
His leftist mask just slipped a bit is all. With the college students protesting israel he isnt sure if youre allowed to hate jews again or not.
We’ll get the Sanderkino ending for WoW
>refugees dreaming of a better life who are no better or worse or different than our own ancestors.
because they're filthy shitskins that ruins every culture that they infect
He said at his panel in Albuquerque that he's battling with the idea of dropping all involvement in HotD and the other 7 spinoff shows HBO has in the works and just fully focusing on finishing the books. He also said he'd make a blog post when he started to rant about Season 2, cutting himself off before he said something too outrageous since he knew someone would report on it.

t. I was there

>It is hard to escape the feeling that we are living in the Weimar Republic.

bad news: we're living in the Weimar Republic
good news: we're living in the Weimar Republic
No, this is new. He probably can’t handle HBO fucking up his shit again so he’s trying to force them to change course on HOTD by publically airing concerns
write the fucking book fat man
But he didn't say any of the stuff in green. It sounds like you're projecting
I assume its because the GoT ending is famously bad and then hotd came out and it was more S8 type shit. Significantly more people have only seen the shows than those who read the books and saw the show so its reflecting poorly on him. Before he just had to deal with being called out for his release schedule and side projects but now hes getting flak for what hbo did.
This. He will completely dodge the show's main problem: Being too afraid to make Alicent or Rhaenyra do anything bad or unsympathetic that isn't the fault of a male character somehow.
umm death of the author chuds
>cuck thinks everyone is championing a corporate cause
Being brown must be rough
I dont think that's the shows main problem. I think the issue is simply that it's poorly paced
>Being too afraid to make Alicent or Rhaenyra do anything bad or unsympathetic that isn't the fault of a male character somehow.
what bad do they do in the books? genuinely want to know.
Is he allowed to do that? Legally?
I thought he was right behind this show, working even more closely with the showrunners that he did with D&D
We got the ending, simply more compressed
The Bran/Dany/Others would've played it the same. Classic LE SUBVERSION from fat man.
He did say that littlefinger giving Sansa to the Boltons in S5 made no sense but that’s about it.
I'll care once he actually starts writing books again the lazy cunt.
Fat hack.
Sits there and talks shit about everything but won't publish the end of the only thing he's going to be remembered positively for.
Not directly about GOT but he said that TV shows where the creators deviate from the source material always end up being dogshit.

Finish? He hasn't even started. Doesn't even have an outline.
Considering how long it takes for him to write I wouldn't be surprised.
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>bad news: we're living in the Weimar Republic
>good news: we're living in the Weimar Republic
2 weeks at the very least
>uhh they shouldn't have cut Nettles she's important to the themes of the book
>Blackwoods shouldn't have been the bad guys
>Daemon wasn't cool enough
>and uhhh HBO was wrong to cut down the show's budget and runtime
That'll be all we get. You'll see. If he actually went full honesty mode and explained EVERYTHING he considers wrong with the show, I guarantee you it'd be a mini essay instead of a blogpost. But he can't, because he's still executive producer and has ties with HBO.
i literally work in publishing you stupid nigger lmao
you got fucked, you're also stupid and tasteless, go read more of your chatgpt-tier slop from the fatman
>GRRM has an announcement
>"My criticisms of House of the Dragon season 2 are ready to be published imminently, my editor is reviewing the blogpost at this very moment. Thank you for your patience"
S3 was the last good season, S4 was maybe passable but the writing was getting so bad even during S3. It just became a cultural phenomenon and beloved by normies around then too so it didn't get flak.
>writes blogs all day
>writes the backstory and lore for an entire videogame epic
>writes multiple tv episodes to a deadline
>can't finish a fucking book he's been writing for a decade
i can't believe he used the nigger word 400 times in a 1000 word post??
yeah well that isn't what it's like when you look at genreslop, it's almost always
fucking by definition most books have unreliable narrators unless it's written in third person omniscient (and even then, depending on *how* it's written, you can make the argument)
this wasn't a thing in and of itself at all until all these brainlets started using it as a gimmick
It's amazing this guy got HBO to buy his unfinished series and they didn't even get him into some binding contract to shit out the finished books in a certain timeframe. They delayed their show for a whole year just so he could release the next book and he still hasn't done it all these years later
Considering the number of books Tolkien's published since the last GoT book, I fully expect a previously-lost essay of his to be discovered and published before GRRM's blogpost is ready
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blame the author for dumb and dumber turning the series into bad fanfiction, they could have just stopped
why are you such a raging tardfaggot and still so heavily invested in this still
>Can't write about WoW
>Won't even write his blog post about HoTD
Lazy fuck
>baseless gotcha claim
I'm actually head of your publishing company. Don't bother coming in next week. Not only are you wasting company time on 4chan but you're also an insufferable faggot. You're done here.
Why would he announce it first to give (((them))) time to intercept it?
>Nevers posts it
>no mushroom
Why would he even play any major role in the show?
>no nettles
That actually sucked.
>black nobles/Velaryons
Nobody outside of 4chan gives a shit about that, chud. Its over.
>lesbian shit
Lesbians make my peepee hard so thats a win. Cope.
>not killing your gays
They killed Joffrey in the fist season and Laenor off-screen this season. They will be killing Jace next season so don't worry.
>no blood and cheese tension
>retarded Harrenhal filler content
Filtered by the Harrenhall kino plot. Embarassing.
>writing anything
>Not enough black people
>Not enough troons
>Girls aren't girlboss enough
Honestly, I'd be really happy with that. At least Sanderson doesn't intentionally shit on his fans.
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>The sandsnakes were bad
Sorry, but no. Still jack it to this once a week.
It means Trump is literally Hitler about to be elected
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Yeah he’s got 15years tops, the last 5 or so he could easily get dementia or something else debilitating and unable to write anything. More likely given his weight has got less than 10. If by some miracle he lives healthily well into his 90s and he hasn’t just been bluffing about working on winds for the last decade we might see dream, but it would be an absolute miracle.
GRRM: I need to write...............any and everything but Winds of Winter!
The show picked up steam as it went along so I think you had a lot of people who would watch S1-4 for the first time while S5 was running and then lump them all together in their mind
I liked HotD season 2 I don’t understand all the complaints about it
>buuuut the Dragon Demands told me he liked season 2
>we are living in the Weimar Republic
>alt left and alt right both reach the same conclusion, but with different reasoning
Are they right?
this, the series tricked people into thinking it was good because of shock factor sex and violence
This show has S8 syndrome where everyone suddenly turned on it, but it was it was shit from the start. Season 1

>opens with tourney where 100 highborns die
>Daemon solos the Stepstonnes like he is Captain America
>Horrible CGI, like a white stag that looks like it came from a PSX game
>Lady Mysaria's actress seems like a complete amature
>Almost no interactions between Harwin and Rhaenyra
>Cole murders a guy in front of the entire court at a wedding banquet. It is never mentioned again.
>Why would one of the two primary narrators in the book be in the show
Yes? Why would he have a major role?
You know how they keep secretly meeting up and longing for a peaceful solution and their old friendship, well instead in the book they act how women act when another woman is responsible for killing or maiming their child and want nothing more than to see the other dead at the cost of the entire realm is that’s what it takes.
>coping this hard
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Uh, HotDbros?
>"How many children did Scarlett O'Hara have? Three, in the novel. One, in the movie. None, in real life: she was a fictional character, she never existed. The show is the show, the books are the books; two different tellings of the same story." - George R. R. Martin

so much for this quote
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Reviews have become so dishonest, HotD whether you think it’s good or bad has people watching it and talking about it. I know literally no one who has watched rings of power and I’ve never seen it discussed online beyond people hating on it for existing.
You forgot Rhaenyra Clinton killing hundreds of smallfolk with her dragon but sparing her mortal enemies.
>Nobody outside of 4chan gives a shit about that
One of George's ghostwriters gave a shit about it.
Days the gigacuck still relentlessly shilling gurm when he abandoned the books over a decade ago.
You are a retarded incel who deserves to get jerked around by that fat fuck
Holy fucking cringe, bookcucks are literally retarded children
Notice how HOTD has more than double the amount of reviews from both critics and users. ASOIAF has a cultural grasp LOTR still wishes it had. I legit wonder what caused this. Did The Hobbit movies do way more damage to the brand than people imagine? GOT had a shit ending but most people think it bounced back with HOTD season 1, TROP season 1 didn't had that same effect.
at least it triggers /pol/ so it's okay
>>no nettles
imagine the kino, of her being the only black girl on the series and she feeds and chases and gets a dragon
what a bunch of retarded hacks they have working over there on hbomax
both camps have no idea what the weimar republic was like and are just regurgitating memes
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>He is announcing blog posts now
He is THAT lazy.
It was really actually not as bad as today as Jews didn’t have control of the goveerbment or media to tell you everything is great (which it is, for them)
Why are people pretending the show got shitty in season two? Season one was absolutely atrocious. The scene where the old lady busts through the floor on her dragon without getting a scratch on her, killing hundreds of innocents in the process, and then stares at her enemies in the face before flying away instead of burning them all there, is one of the worst things I've ever seen.
>write the fucking blog, George

this is what we've come to
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>Still seething over HBO fucking over his works and vision instead of finishing the fucking books.
My contempt for this fat faggot continues to reach new heights.
>It was really actually not as bad as today as Jews
stopped reading right there
How about a blog post talking about everything that's gone wrong with the book? It must have been an awful lot.
>I do not look forward to other posts I need to write, about everything that’s gone wrong with HOUSE OF THE DRAGON… but I need to do that too, and I will. Not today, though. TODAY is Zozobra’s day, when we turn away from gloom
Holy shit it's real I thought you guys were trolling. It's probably going to be something like "I can't believe HBO didn't give them more time/money!"
RoP has no relevance to LotR you goyslop slurping retard
unironically I'd love to hear him blog about how he feels about dropping the five year timeskip that was originally planned between Storm and Feast, and if he regrets not doing it now.
Want to know the real shit, the same shit that always happens? Its the decline of society. Its two old hags bickering like two dumb household wives.

There was no passion or anything good in it. It was trash. How is there even a surprise in this? Society feminizes and loses more supreme values. Its always the same shit.
Anytime a fantasy series randomly casts niggers like this, it just ends up looking like a local theatre production. House of the Dragon and Rings of Power are thoroughly unserious shows.
He's right though. Weimerica is worse. Bigger. More degenerate. More international. More degenerate. And no Hitler in sight.
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This is the problem with nu-authors who really focus on subversion. After a certain point, they want to make their books political statements rather than standard fiction romps. Clearly evident in Feast where most of the POVs start to really meander and get hackneyed takes. 9/11 mindbroke him badly and he thought his campy fantasy series had to fix society's ills instead of being an entertaining read.
Oh he still has time to update his blog and watch this garbage? Why isn't he finishing The Winds of Winter instead? What the fuck is the matter with this fat shit?
And then he has the brass fucking balls to plan a book after that, when it's evidently clear he's never finishing even this one. Because we just fucking NEED new plotlines being introduced 5 books in, they're extremely fucking important to the overarching plot.
God fucking damnit.
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> everything that's gone wrong

Unlike Kirkman, the author of "The Walking Dead", Gurm is a dumbass who handed over his magnum opus to HBO without including a clause giving him some level of control over the show.

HBO is free to fuck up Gurm's stories however they see fit and there's nothing he can do about it.

And what's worse, Gurm actually worked a bit in Hollywood years back and knew full well how they operate.
The progress so far.
It's going to be a nothingburger. He'll softball some criticisms like "This should have gone a little different, I felt", but won't be anything truly scathing. GRRM is a fat libcuck who knows where his bread is buttered, he's not going to go scorched earth.
In the books they're far less concerned about "the good of the realm" or "Aegon's dream (which isn't a thing)", Alicent is the stepmother who despises Rhaenyra for whoring around and placing her bastards ahead of Alicent's sons in the line of succession, while Rhaenyra is the spoiled brat who spent her whole life pampered by daddy and wants the throne because daddy said so.
Kek this is it. Who does this fat fuck think he is to talk?
>9/11 changed the direction of the books

huh I honestly never thought about that. I'd believe it since there is a tonal shift between Storm and Feast
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>George is still butt-broken that HBO used his intended ending for GoT and hates that normies and fans despised it.
>Pic related managed to finish his trilogy using George's same tropes while also finishing a second trilogy and multiple stand-alone novels.
A cautionary tale of not selling out before your books are finished, sticking to your craft, and not being a lazy fat fuck.
Come on, now. Stan Lee's "writing" involved telling Jack Kirby to draw the fucking thing and then put whatever text came to mind in the bubbles afterwards.
And I thought him reciting Summer Islander crime statistics at the last ComicCon was some sort of weird in-joke
Is that a Blackfyre?
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Since A Dance With Dragons was released, Terry Pratchett managed to write 3 books while suffering from fucking Alzheimers...
The real answer is no one besides incel nerds gives a shit about LotR. GoT brought in normfags which is why it's so popular.
I didn't even say a word in defense of RoP, you double digit IQ neanderthal. And honestly the fact that RoP has no relevance to LOTR is part of the problem, instead of elevating the brand to the same level of relevance it had after the Peter Jackson movies it just didn't do anything for it. ASOIAF still remains more popular.
But out of the two of them, who has more money. The sellout or the nerd.
Too Based for that fat bastard

oh but then you sold the rest of your properties to them anyway so.......
What does Elden Ring guy had to do with this?
JK Rowling has finished seven Cormoran Strike books since ADWD was released and will soon release her eighth. This is why GRRM seethes about her taking his Hugo, he knows he cannot compete
He wrote plenty of episodes for GoT, what are you on about?
I think he was waiting to see the "payoff" of stuff like Daemon's time in Harrenhall before he gave it criticism. I think he liked episodes 1-4 and hated episodes 5-8. Blood and Cheese was fucked up, but part of that was due to child labor laws restricting what you can and can't do to kids on tv. Jaehaera will probably survive the show.
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Then how did Walking Dead tank equally as hard as GoT?
>fatman whining about how they made his super cool and specialest blackwoods the bad guys
lol, mayhaps even lmao
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>He wrote plenty of episodes for GoT, what are you on about?

Gurm was ALLOWED to suggest ideas, he has no _contractual_ right to control what HBO does with his stories, because he greedily took the suitcase of money HBO dropped in his lap and let them do whatever the fuck they wanted.
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The only retards that care about this faggot shit since it' been driven into the fucking ground are the shitskins tasked with shilling this faggot garbage on this board
No one actually cares about your blackwashing girlboss garbage
All the whining about martin is because you are too fucking stupid to create something interesting on your own and need to leech from whites like your entire welfare existence
George can just sit back and watch you shitskin losers cry and cry while consuming endless amounts of nigger pandering trash
I hope he never finishes the books
>Then how did Walking Dead tank equally as hard as GoT?

Both made shitloads of money for their respective networks and while a lot of TWD was stupid and retarded, it probably would have been canceled after S02 if the original showrunner had his way, as he wanted to have thinking and talking zombies who had zombie relationships and built zombie communities. Kirkman bitched up a storm and got AMC to fire the guy.
Im right. the only thing not as bad is inflation. Your life and mine are utterly dominated by international finance and business and your government doesn’t give a fuck if your quality of life deteriorates every year.

It’s true whether you want to cling to some anti-racist rule or not. It’s an easy fact to see. The government is a tool of business and that business is part of a Supra-state that profits and gets richer with no regard for you or I.
No, he literally penned those fucking episodes. Only 4 of them, thoughwithstanding.
Elden Ring sucked.
>both camps have no idea what the weimar republic was like and are just regurgitating memes
>Why would the character mentioned almost as many times in the book as Rhaenyra be in the show
He won't say anything too bad because he doesn't want to piss off the Jews at HBO who he is still working with for Dunk and Egg and some other projects. It wil be a light critique.
He barely had anything to do with elden ring, only the the distant past, and lore about how the gods were in the distant past, basically nothing that actually was explored in the game
>No, he literally penned those fucking episodes.

Sure, because HBO _let him_ write them but Gurm has no contractual rights over the shows, HBO can do what they want with his works.
This is so bizarre. They flushed his magnum opus down the toilet and yet he still sells them more material and writes "blog posts" about what could have been done better. Well perhaps stop selling it to them then or concentrate on your job, writing.

This guy is his own biggest, autistic fan. Things have to be adapted perfectly cause nobody can write better than him. But he won't write.
It wasn't in the contract that he could write episodes, they let him do it a few times but they could have cut him out whenever.
Well at least the original Daario Naharis is getting work again.
Checked and the only path to his redemption. He better do it for real.
Are you too stupid and autistic to even write your own comebacks cuck?
Yes, and he sent me to the rescue
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why would I need to insult someone projecting their insecurities
Shut up retard, I'll handle it from here
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like you handled the hotd subreddit on this board lol
Yes? Oh did you just want to see a funny midge?
>dedicates his life to producing new shows and then shitting on them
Kind of based ngl
>the last
Anon, Winds of Winter isn't the last book, it's the 2nd to last... there's going to be one more after that... and also a sequel to Fire and Blood... and six more Dunk & Egg novellas...
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>one canonical black character in the series
>don't adapt her
I don't get it
Who cares?
Do we have any way of knowing if ASOIAF is actually good? None of it goes anywhere. If fatso doesn't know what to do next, then of what importance was all the stuff that happened so far? Those events weren't bricks in a wall, building towards a satisfying and thematically sound conclusion, they were just the impulsive movements of a frightened animal.
based grrm i never doubted ye
Asoiaf is a dying franchise, and the fact that the dumb author and the show runners are playing the blame game is obvious proof of that
>can't even finish a blogpost now
Go back to your containment thread spamming retards. Or better still reddit, where you get all your memes from anyway
she isn't black
TWoW is going to be so tight when it comes out in time for this year's Christmas rush
>"I need to talk about some of that, and I will, I will… I was away from my computer traveling from July 15 to August 15, so a lot of things that needed saying did not get said. I am glad I took that trip, though. My stress levels beforehand were off the charts, so much so that I was seriously considering cancelling my plans and staying at home.
lol, deep down he knows he's a fraud and he's tired of living a lie
What is he even stressed about? Not like he's working very hard
>the changes they made in the series are insane
You mean the change where the show runners put chimps in the show? That is the only change that can be considered "insane".
>HOTD has more than double the amount of reviews
Because everyone is shitting on it retard. Moronic cunts like you are the reason Disney is haemorrhaging money
the whitewashing of alicent is pretty crazy and obviously some feminist bs crammed in there. same with daemon being a bitch
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>having any modicum of stress
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joggers would be very upset if they could read this

>We must write! Ser Condal Cole has written.
>.. what has Ryan Condal… wrote?
>He’s written Rhaenyra sneaking into Kings landing to negotiate with Alicent.
>She’s spreading to be a septa… brilliant
>Gods help us all…
cute gif folder you got there, did your mommy download it for you?
What good is that much money to someone like George? He could slash his fortune to 1/50th of what it is now without having to compromise on his lifestyle. I'd rather have millions in the bank and be beloved and happy than hundreds of millions in the bank and being a fat and depressed guy like George.
what did you mean by this
can you not read? nettles isn't black
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It is stressful living a lie. He could be as rich as Elon Musk and still know deep down it was all hollow, and he is not a real person
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oh she will be
>We are a nation of immigrants, yet millions of us have now decided we hate immigrants
an invasion destroys a civilization.
just like the redskin civ was destroyed btw.
does he think redskins allowed the euros to go in the future US, saying: let's not hate migrants?
no. redskins hated the invadors.
what a retard this guy is.
Why do you think that?
Even the blog posts are delayed
because i read the book. why the fuck do you think she's black?
redskins weren't a civ. they were many civs. And they fought each other just as much as they fought the euros.
>genocide is ok if they're infighting
Good to know.
Why do you guys hate black people so much?
Because she is.
Imagine what your life could have been if you'd dedicated the energy you spend collecting 4channel memes on something worthwhile. And then realise that life will always be beyond your grasp.
she's literally described as "brown" several times you drooling retard, why do you talk about stuff you haven't read? you can't even google?
What should we do as white saviors? Perhaps we could mass enslave them all and force them to stop fighting? Maybe we could get them into an elaborate debt system that will keep them in line to our ongoing system of world peace!
Ask that question to the invaders on their way.
are you one of those retards who thinks brown means black? and that ancient egyptians were black?
euros weren't a civ. they were many civs. And they fought each other just as much as they fought the redskins.
don't say to me that negroes don't hate us.
Hm. You might have a point.
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>Shoehorned minorities
>Feminist propaganda
>Completely alter story characters and plot
>Turn into daytime soap opera with dragons
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dumb and dumber ruined the ip, george sees no point in continuing the plot
Seriously tho, imagine it. You might have actually been able to become witty andcharasmatic person, instead of mindlessly appropriating the jokes of strangers
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gurm would be a forgotten failure without GoT, which is what he deserves to be because he is a retarded pederast
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>Old age and poor physical health leading to evident cognitive decline. He already admitted he has two assistants who are more well-versed with the universe he created.
>Sold out to HBO. Has enough money to not care about anything whatsoever.
>The show ending was his intended ending all along for the books. He gave the showrunners the broad strokes and is upset and bitter that it was universally reviled across his fan base. Probably at a crossroads of either sticking with the same outcome or writing an entirely different one.
>He became overtly concerned with international geopolitics as early as 9/11 (evident in the meandering plotlines in his fourth book). He became less interested in finishing a standard medieval fantasy series and more invested in changing public perception - which isn't too surprising since he was called "the American Tolkien" and got his dick sucked for the better part of the 2010s.
>That is the only change that can be considered "insane"
Not Rhaenyra and Alicent being best friends?
Not Rhaenyra being a lesbo?
Not Whitewashing everything greens did becouse of "misunderstanding"
Not Rhaenyra being the voice of reason while all the men are wrong?
I can go on...
Remember when the internet was like this and people were honest about what they liked?
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No. He is scared to death now he won't finish. He just thought he had time and next thing he knew, it has been 13 years. Elio had some interesting things to say. He is working on it the majority of his working day, but he is just really struggling.
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When did you guys realize these threads are just the showrunners bitching that they don't have any new material to bastardize
I love how he pretends that any of that affects him in his Mcmansion in New Mexico where he does nothing but eat and make plans for his next convention appearances. What a fraud.

How leftoid boomers don't die from embarrassment when they post this glaringly fake shit about politics affecting their lives is beyond me.
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>euros weren't a civ. they were many civs. And they fought each other just as much as they fought the redskins.
The only people who ever claimed otherwise also push the noble savage trope about the redman.
Why do you guys need new books, just rewatch seasons 5 through 8 and hotd, you love eating shit
Yeah she's brown. GRRM is beyond obsessed over brown girls which is why her made sure to personally help casting Shae.
Well that's just GRRM's version of events so who cares besides nazi incels?
You going to say something clever? Go on, say something clever.
imagine having to make a blogpost when a single letter will suffice.
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Even canadians, the worlds most friendly people, dont want you around.
Stop blogging and start writing you fat fuck.
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Friendly fire?

The fat fuck got rich and laid because of HBO and now he's biting his master's hand
I can't wait for his review about the show. I'm excited about the roasting.
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>Try to score points with the woke mob while casting this dude
>Inadvertently make him an absentee father whose bastards sons hate his ass

What was the message here, exactly?
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Ah finally found your words I see. Now please take them back to where you came from cancerous reddit cunt
It's going to be a massive nothingburger
He complained about dragon sigil and a dragon being in the vale, even the most diehard wiki readers and book purists were confused
Orwele is Orwyle
Blood and Cheese was seriously fucked. Dan and David would have delivered.
wtf I love Martin now
It was over from the start
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Or he'll just pussy out when his studio masters hear of it and tell him to settle down or they'll leak details of picrel
HOTD is nothing like the book fire and blood but at least it has hot actors
Three times a day in public I see some 65 year old obese bastard who has seen this guy being celebrated and gone "oh cool" and bought their own stupid sailor hat to present themselves as this bloke. This is the dignified fat bastard costume now instead of the waistcoat
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>sneak peak
What good are books to the illiterate?
Finally, he'll become Rhaeddit Targaryen
>”aw jeeze guys I’m just demoralized by the bad adaptation I can’t possibly make progress on TWOW, f&b2, or SWOW, you must understand!”
it’s coming I know it
>Non sequitur rage posting
Lmao you eat cow shit and think its holy.
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peak is correct because they were showing off the peaks of the story. You have to buy the book to see the valleys.
I haven't been watching. What did they change?
hbo is dogshit, it's showrunners are dogshit and the community of shitskins that shill this crap are cowshit
keep eating shit, shiteaters
How would you map out the dance?

I would do s1 roughly the same. I think they did an alright job juggaling the time jumps, but i would add in a dwarf to play mushroom, the velaryons would be white, and laenor would have been killed by his boyfriend on Daemons orders.

Blood and cheese
Criston cole becomes hand of king
Battle at Rooks rest
Bastards fly dragons
Blacks leave harrenhal
Greens arrive at harrenhall
Aemond meets alys rivers
Death of jace

Rhaenyra sacks kingslanding
Behead otto hightower
Nettles and Daemon adventure
Aemond burns towns with Alys rivers
The death of criston cole
Bastard betrayal
Seasmoke escape
Daemon v aemond at the gods eye

Death of Helena
civil unrest breaking out
Mystery behind death of grey ghost
First battle at tumbleton (bastards arrive for aegon)
Full revolt caused by the Shepherd
Joffery steals syrax
Death of joffery
Death of dragons in the pit
Rhaenyra escapes kingslanding

Death at dragonstone
Second battle at tumbleton
Baela v aegon
Return of the king
Escape of Baela
Poison the king
Kill larys and cut off his foot
Pardon corlys velaryon
Crown aegon iii

Each season Rhaenyra looses something. In S1 she looses Luc, in S2 she looses Jace, in S3 she looses Daemon, in S4 she looses joffery and kingslanding, in S5 she looses her life.

I'm not sure why the choose to adapt the dance. The ending is sort of disappointing, and some of the storylines aren't resolved by the end. It goes straight into aegon the iii.
it has a couple hot twinks and literally everyone else are Arya tier goblins.
ran out of pajeet memesI see
You will never get TWOW btw. gurm will keep teasing your retarded ass until he is dead, and that will be it
he means that our lefty utopia is about to be destroyed by Hitler 2.0, for reasons completely unrelated to the lefties in charge (again)
>wouldn’t change the jarring, momentum killing time jump
Stopped reading there.
the way that should’ve been handled was a quick jump at the end of the season, after a full and complete arc set in the past. otherwise they should have merely alluded to the past and started in the “present” of just before the dance. the season was structured like some awkward extended recap montage. Audience barely even tracked who Laena was from one so to the next, but we’re supposed to mourn her sudden death?
Look how mad they get when you wont show bobs
Speak English ESL retard
>repeating insults hes seen before without understanding them
Could you be any more of a poop golem?
I actually like that the valaryons are black. It's aesthetically pleasing
I think he means the events of S1. I think anyone would agree to go back and do it differently. Starting with an episode or two in present day right as the dance is about to begin, then having a few episodes exploring the past. Showing how things came to be.
Power dynamic means this is rape
> This has not been a good year for anyone, with war everywhere and fascism on the rise… and on a more personal level, I have had a pretty wretched year as well, one full of stress, anger, conflict, and defeat.
Nothing makes me happier than fat dysgenic leftists experiencing their self imposed illnesses with the vague realization that fascism is inevitable. Beautiful to see. Hope he survives long enough to feel it first hand.
Could you stay in your containment thread and stop cancering the whole board?
There's no difference.
americans detected
you can’t distract from something nobody gives a shit about to begin with

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