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what the FUCK was his problem?
Too black
Too strong
he had to shoulder the weight of being the best antagonist in the entire series.
how did he see that Dexter was faking his act?
He has the shining and knows Morgan is a serial killer
roidrage: the character
i think people in general have an innate psycho radar and he had a particularly good one
You're his problem.
Why are you so fucking weird?
do psychos detect other psychos that easily?
Too cool and masculine for this world. (and series)
I like the theory he was a childlike retard who had a crush on Dexter and couldn't find any other way to express it, but to bully him at his job like a high school girl.
He was a cop. They are pieces of shit who are trained to lie and prey on goycattle.
he was a black white man who wanted to stop the violent white nigger Dexter
He was too good for his job. It happens.
he is a trained killer who seems to suffer for this knowledge and here comes a lab assistant dweeb dork with as good an instinct for catching killers as he does, it rings massive bells
audible chuckle
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>go to work everyday while minding your own business for the most part
>occasionally bring in donuts so people like you more
>do your job well and everyone knows it
>some black guy starts calling you a creep
>thinks you're some kind of weirdo and starts following you around
>starts accusing of you of henious crimes
Story of my life.
But he was also a killer like Dexter
what kind of donuts
he was just a cop
inferior genetics
Doakes had probably killed more people than Dexter simply because the government told him to.
The book's explanation was that Doakes went to war and could recognize a killer when he saw one.
>works a full work day, meticulously plans kills for days or weeks before executing.
>Doakes is on to him anyway

>Doakes goes sleepy
>Dexter starts only working 20 minutes a day (usually to run countless searches for things pertaining to his future kills on his government issued computer), gives 10 people conflicting reasons as to why he has to leave. Starts grabbing people in broad daylight in crowded parking lots. Starts setting up kill rooms in the garages of his targets that the cops are already on to/looking for, or better yet setting one up in a cordoned off crime scene where he was ordered to be.
>nobody senses anything

Doakes was the only thing keeping the writing from being dogshit
He just wanted some fries, motherfucker
Got bored enough to watch this Soap Opera
>watched season one, it was okay
>season two was not better
>finish it, realize how many seasons there are
>google what episode his sister finds out he’s a killer
>watch the scene, it’s not great, she doesn’t even find out that she fucked his brother and he was the whole reason she was targeted
>skip to final episode of the show
What the fuck? She just… becomes brain dead? And Dexter Judy’s dumps her in the ocean?
Also my friend said I missed a plot where his sister is in love with him?
>she doesn’t even find out that she fucked his brother and he was the whole reason she was targeted
she finds out that Brian was Dexters brother earlier in the series
Deb gets a shrink and surprise surprise the femoid jew brainwashes her into thinking she wants to fuck Dexter when nothing before that ever implied she saw him in that way.
jelly filled white powder
he’s already seen what crazy ass white boys that pretend to be nice/innocent are capable of in the Iraq war.

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