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HOH: Quinn
NOMS: Angela, Rubina, Kimo

previously on /bb/: >>203066037
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I had a dream last night that Tucker was fucking my ass bloody. Think I might have to stay out of /bb/ for a while
Angela winning veto would be the best outcome
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imagine if we lose tucker then angela back to back. cursed season
Because it would force Quinn to put up someone that he wants to work with like Joseph or T’Kor
thats valid
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Mak wants a final two with Chels because they will be the first two women of faith to do it
i genuinely think tkor is gonna win. everyone is too pussy to nom her and the jury will love her and vote for her to win over literally anyone
you clearly haven't been watching
BB26 would be my least favorite season of all time if this happens
most of the cast would rather neck than make tkor sad
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I just watched House of Villains and I would not recommend it. And holy shit was it fake.
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Miss me yet?
I woudn't call season 1 fake but the cast all come from reality tv so they know how to be dramatic for televsion. johnny bananas carried the first season.
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the only way the season could be worse is if kenney was still there. i cant think of a single memorable thing he did on the feeds
Joseph winning and using it would be. I need T'Kor up there.
Kind of wanted him to get dragged to jury so he'd spend the entire 90 days insanely depressed and whining about his family
If ourguy Joseph goes i'm tapping out.
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Gonna slide into his DMs, wish me luck!
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Any AZfags find her on hinge yet?
Noms definitely staying the same. Kind of gay as I really wish she would use it on Angela but whatever
goodnight sots
she'll def push for it, but it probably won't happen
Why would Leah turn on Quinn and Sots this week though? She would just be helping Chelsea’s trio, which she is already wary of
I think there's an informal arrangement that they want her to make jury because she's poor as shit.
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>me and Leah really are a power couple, we are running this game!
I was talking more about how produced it is which is making me doubt the veracity of the entire thing. Like when that chick said in the dr that she had a crush on Bananas and they cut to a fucking music video they made of the two of them. It wasn't even used making footage from the show, they filmed a fucking music video with the two of them.
And when Tinashe made a phone call getting a fucking choir in the house. Not only is it obvious that was all production's work but they had her fake a phone call planning it and then they made it look like they were filming her without her knowledge when she was making the call. Just makes me think everything was fake.
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I just woke up
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>even now he is still protecting kimo and rubina, we have to get rid of one of them
clock that quinncel rat, mak
punished retard
I think rubina is going to end up booted. Nobody has any reason to keep one of her/kimo other than T'Whore.
>quinn's target was angela
>there's a really good chance lil leah uses it on him
this dude is such a flop. two hohs where he can't get out his primary target
i hope he puts up joe and he goes losing another ally of his
>they're both on the block
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>tfw tucker and zubina revive tucker's weed review channel

Tucktroons so cringe

Game not as fun without Tuck, power is back to the boring people, I stopped even making threads because it's sad just seeing the thread with a bunch of schizo posting from the big mak man
mak played?
posting always goes down dramatically around when jury starts
Lil Leah's comp beast era begins. Cute Chelsie in the mirror too
it's time to move on sis
i havnt posted a mak cap all day and i wont just so you will stop whining
joseph thinks chelsie will be the renom LOL
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hosted, I guess
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why is he so clueless
ah ok that makes sense
The "game" is still pretty fun. Some of the most fluid gameplay in a while. If you only read weekly summaries, one would assume this season was good.

The problem is this cast is boring, religious, socially awkward which makes for horrendous feeds. Ang/Tucker are the only ones who delivered on this front.
Leah will never shut the fuck up about this win will she?
he said he has thrown *only 3 comps
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>chelsie and the pentagon from week 2 until the blindside of cedric week 4
>then for one week tucker and his misfits had power during his hoh reign
>then t'snore wasted it by being a shit hoh
>now quinn won, had all the power with the game wide open and what does he do? he hands the power back to the pentagon/chelsie who will now continue to run the table to the end
incredible stuff
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aaarggh make a final 2 alreadyy
of the remaining HGs the girls have 9 comp wins and the guys have 4
How many times has SOTS thrown now? Fitting end to his story if he goes out
i dont think he is giving the power back to chelsie if he takes out one of tkor, rubina or kimo
this dumb ho gonna wear that veto around all day like kat
how fitting for big retard to become a chelsie minion
shes the only one who games with her, what is she suppose to do keep pretending joseph is on her side?
she should go talk to people instead of being told who to target just like how tucker treated her

she's a retarded hypocrite who'll hide behind the spiritual connection chelsie uses
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that's what she deserves, lil leah earned it

or maybe she should be teaming up with kimo who tried to get her OTB with every hoh and tkor who actually put her OTB. who is telling her to target who? she cant target anyone when she has no power. she is just observing (correctly) what weasely game joseph is playin and what is she being hypocritical about? your hate boner for her is something
also she still seems hyper focused on getting angela out like she has been since week one.
T'kor is trending on X, what's happening?
he most certainly is since those were his people and the ones staying are now more loyal to her than quinn
"trending" is tailored, stop reading too much into it
people want leah to use the veto and t'snore to go up
bs. angela and rubina were never chelsie minions. tkor and kimo are trying to have their cake and eat it too. they burned quinn and he should repay the favor.
leah showmance with side eye cat
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>leah would kiss inanimate object over quinn
it's so over...
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>you shined my hoh key
>i shine your veto necklace
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Literally the first thing we saw on feeds this season was big mak spilling her spaghetti to Chelsie, who the fuck else would she work with?
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>Icko wins Hoh
>Leah is the nicest she's ever been to him
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getting the ick from both of them desu
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another day another simp sesh with quincel
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He's unbearable
he's lost in the mist
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Quinntrannies...we won't win the game, but we'll at least get the girl!
Take that Cory !
big mak looks adorable in the veto outfit
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sots already breaking records unlike cucker


what a fucking all star
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truly the next dr will
except without the charisma, looks, entertainment, and strategy
Pentagon stopped existing with Cedrics eviction
he probably should have won this one
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Dr. Will 2.0
Is that really the glasses?
Mak is starting to game but she's still retarded
nobody cares crybaby
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SOTS is pretty entertaining but for all the wrong reasons. His post season reality check will be one for the ages
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>cia handsigns
GLOWIE big mak
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>her hands
what does it mean?
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his ego is out of control with tucker gone
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he literally knows she’ll backstab him but he doesn’t care fucking kek
if leah won she would unironically be the best female winner of BB
Leah will use his shower to pussymistmaxx. Quinn will shower immediately after.
shout out my dawgs at the crib
grod made big mak get rid of her curls cause she was mogging her
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Quinn's genius idea of an alliance with everyone not on the block is GROUNDBREAKING
All cams on ick
End me
luv leah
luv mak
simple as
kek leah chest bumped with maks stomach
It’s so dumb. I forgot who said last night that they need to convince him to tighten it to five but he already told most people about it forming. T’Kor thinks Kimo will be involved too
is leah pushing at all to use the veto on ang?
Not yet I don’t think. Maybe she knows he won’t be down
I think she does but she’s trying to approach it delicately with quinn
holy cringe
quinn is so retarded
>i really like tkor

what is wrong with these people.
not much of an achievement, female bb winners suck dick
they view her as some sort of retarded monkey that needs its hand held
quinn telling leah he has F2 with sots but she is his REAL number one, of course
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quinn told leah about his F2 with SOTS

said she is his #1
sots bros i don't feel good
I’m starting to think joseph blubbering like a baby and outting his final 2 with tucker in front of the house wasn’t a good idea….
Unfortunately she's easily jury-bound
letting t’kor in jury fucking sucks, she’s said multiple times she’s gonna vote for who she likes the best personally not who played the best game
she is jury poison and will try to get others to vote her way
this kills the gamebot tards
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hes gonna jerk off to this in the shower later
quinn won
Ironically too she's already said she is poisoning the jury against Quinn.
hes got the fuck socks on just in case it goes the way he wants
angela already begging for votes
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hes about to bust
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i jumped in at the middle of the convo but it sounded like big mak said she would volleyball dive down the slip n slide to go faster
based retard
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big mak said she watches the show and youre not supposed to go against the hoh
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the succubi claim another victim
kino strat
that would be hilarious
threesomes with big mak and little leah
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>tucker so influential they're still quoting him
jfc quinn STOP
making a candy goody bag with big mak
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stop fucking eating so much
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>you know Leah, I might be ok with you saving Angela if you do a little something for me...
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Quinn memorized this
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hes creaming his pants
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gay ass posts
not enough shirtless men for ya?
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stimming clapping with big mak
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thought that was leo for a second
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>we should have a sleepover tonight ladies
Sometimes I wonder what Quinn would look like if he had short hair, no glasses, and the mustache gone
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someone take the skittles away from her
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Cam ready to put quinn in the corner and start going to town on Leah/MJ
mak getting the ick from quinn
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>leah claims shes elite at rock paper scissors
>proceeds to lose to cam over and over again
cam has no tells
cam is puttin the moves on mak
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cam and big mak will fuck before this season is over
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yeah in the jury house
big mak salivating over cool ranch doritos
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pegging with big mak
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out the doritos away you fat bitch
irritating the fuck out of joseph with big mak

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stop calling leah fat!!!!
leahs mom confirmed a genius

>she would put 2 frozen taquitos in my lunch box and expect them to be thawed by lunchtime
>going in to the season leah mentions how she’s a chubby chaser
>becomes chubby throughout the season
is the plan still angela thursday?
What was she doing
shes just being a bit extra. i think she ate too much candy
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quinn finally took the doritos away
she hasn’t eaten any cause she’s a have not, she made a goody bag for when she’s allowed to again
oh thats right she' still being more extra than usual.
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>You are sick nasty, you are incredible, you looked really cool in yellow, I like your smile, you treat people with kindness, you are really funny, you are really good at cooking. There's a lot. The word sensational comes to mind when I think of you.
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the fact that i dont know if he actually said this but could've
he actually did

>leah to mak: can you give me the cheese balls please
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I felt physically ill after hearing this on the feeds
was veto even in season 2?
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How are the feeds this evening?
mak and leah are scissoring while quinn watches in the corner
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already doing meet and greets or was this a random spotting?
What baffles me about Quinntard is he said outright Tkor is a jury threat but isn’t targeting her when he can? Wild
I doubt she actually has any influence in jury frankly though she’ll be a bitter bitch herself
quinn and joseph have a weird frenemies thing going on
meet and greet I think
Begun the simp wars have
>I doubt she actually has any influence in jury
i see this happening. she is going to spit whatever baloney about be betrayed and people are just going to look at her and be
>that's the game
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hes really milking it all huh
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shes not so bad when she hides the hairline
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why does she hold the 3 ball
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Jesus christ dude have some self respect
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Sucked since week 1
dis dude retarded
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Onlyfans DM leaks be like
he's right the feeds have always been slow this season. they pick up here and there sometimes, but most of the week is a chore.
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thats every season but as the years go you forget all the downtime and associate every seasons feeds with the great moments
How boring is this week gonna be?
cams just more elite
truth nuke, we’re watching people living in a house, there’s gonna be lots of boring moments
we may get some angela melty vote securing kino but now that leah has the veto, its pretty much done.
probably have to wait till tuesday / wednesday and see if chelsie makes a move against the trio or goes along with getting angela out this week
mak made a point last night to chelsie, that this is the last week they have to get angela out before jury. if not, they are stuck with here till the end of the show. that might be a big selling point to get her out
t’kor said she was gonna blow up quinn’s game after renoms but who knows if she’ll finally do something
No, on an average season we usually get at least a little consistent entertainment until the jury meatgrinder. This season's feeds right now are like how an average season is at Final 6.
which is worse: the bb19 just make it to jury to get the extended stipend convos or the bb26 think about who you have to live with in the jury house convos?
last season was definitely more active and FUN
What horseshit, last season was absolutely not like this until like F8.
not sure what she can really say that people don't already know lol. Quinn has been exposed like 20 times by now
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A lot of the current houseguests are complaining that production is pissed since they evicted Tucker. They said they are getting called out more often over the speaker and chewed out in the DR.

I don't blame them, people had been saying this is the best season in years. Now that they lost the main star and fan favorite of the season they know the season is doomed to fall off. He didn't even make it to jury. Sure, Angela meltys are funny, but most of them she's just whining instead of a full blown meltdown.

Don't get me wrong though, it would dumb of them to keep Tucker over Angela. He's the bigger threat. He messed up his own game by getting into a shitty showmance and constantly volunteering for the block.
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yeah youre doing exactly what i just said about projecting the good moments across the entirety of a seasons runtime
that’s true but you can’t get a dud every season
no threads never stalled out for 25 like they do this season
Last season was an exception
24 was just like this

I wouldn’t be surprised if BB is cancelled after Tucker got evicted
hes got to milk me next
BB14, 17, 19, 20, 21 and 25 were pretty good at least early on.
Quinn just eavesdropping and heartbroken that Leah said if she was at home watching that Joseph would be her favorite
Not really

But it was the first season I remember intrusive and consistent feeds cuts
fans of this show are a bunch of fucking whiners. so many people freaked out when Matt went home too and he was a dud. Tucker would have been boring as shit and just cuddling with Rubina all the way out
look through the archive of bb24 and threads have like two posts before dying
THAT was a dead season
I didn't enjoy last season feeds as much as some anons here seem to
sure, dud was based but I dropped out of feeds at about this point I think
he hasn't done anything but jerk off in a tent
how are we at the point now where an article is written about how angry people were in a random comments section
should they have intervened? cancelled the eviction?
i hate normies
just let him back in the house!
Good post, it turns out people are repelled by Angela and attracted to Tucker though. Also I feel Tucker was a overrated player who lost 2 in a row and might have had different opportunities to be taken out. The more important player to remove was Angela so that people would improve their vibes and the second and third most awful players would be targeted, Quinn, T'Kor.
>angela: you try to hard sometimes (quinn)
>never said you wernt funny
absolute lol, production gave him a puzzle, they even made it fairly physical. He choked. What else could they have done?
I want winter bb season to be a permanent fixture. It's a numbers game. More chances for good feeds. Isn't big brother cheap to produce?
kyle situation killed the threads in bb24 desu
the true dead season was bb23
there was made less threads for bb23 overall than for bb26 at this point
the fag lawyer nuked the season
i don't get the tucker thing. he was fun for a few weeks, sure. but by the end he was just as boring as the rest of them, with the added negativity of a grossmance.
why faggots like dr will are coming out calling him the "best player in years" i'll never know. he didn't do much of anything.
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i liked big T and that's about it
oh and when the spider jew turned on his pet and got GOT
ok, taran
whatever you say
i didn't even realize Mak was in the fucking room
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reminds me of audrey from this angle
Being hidden from anon's gaze with Big Mak.

>gold derby comments section
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stop screaming leah you annoying twat
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I think it was getting into a grossmance was what did it for me. She ruined him. He lost his spark and focus in the game. I wish he had just ride or died with Sots.
>people begging for rigging
because hes been amazing on the episodes and theyre all showfags
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exactly. people who are complaining didnt watch the feeds last week
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this fucking bulldog landed herself a younger man model
yup, rubina sucked the life force out of him, many such cases
Yep would you look at that almost everyone says Angela is making them not want to watch.

Leah has that incredible hot chick sixth sense where she can know when creepy men are stalking her and then hurt them bad on purpose.
happend to bb20 tyler
Ainsley >> Ziggy > pink cat in unicorn room >>>>>>>>>>>>>> goblina
I bet >75% of the DR prompts they asked these bores were about Tucker or Angela. I wonder if anyone's picked up on that.
They're all calling out T'Kor for always telling them to make food for her.
>So whatcha gonna make
Chelsie was telling a bunch of T'Kor stories but they cut away. Said a bird flew over the backyard and she freaked out so much she hurt her shoulder
Who said to people that Quinn isn't funny and that people are just laughing at his jokes now because he's HOH?
kek I love how much chelsie hates t’kor while t’kor is always saying she loves her and wants to protect her
angela told makensy last week i think, that she doesnt find quinn funny at all and is a try hard. mak told quinn this
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I was gonnna say you were wrong but then I remembered he kept trying to quit BB22. In BB20 he never fully committed and chose his ride or die over her. He was a completely different player in 22. Angela is the real reason that season was ruined.
yeah tyler could have won 20 and usurped cody as the one running the house in 22 if it wasn't for angela. enzo was voicing concerns about cody to him from in weeks 3-5 he could have screwed him with
I also think the blowup with Bayleigh changed him for worst. It was obvious in season 22 but in season 20 I think it scared him and he changed his gameplay and became more passive after.
has quinn busted to leah in the shower yet?
hes added alot to his spank bank this afternoon
they keep skipping around the cams so fucking much. Angela was asking Joseph for help to get taken off the block and Joseph was telling her there was nothing he could say to get Quinn to take her off
joseph basically telling angela she is dead in the water
lets get that crockpot
I don’t think the house will vote out angela over one of the trio members
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blessed crock pot pussy
people keep individually going the hoh room to talk to quinn but leah wont leave
i dont know man. everyone seems on board right now the angela train. and she probably wont be doing herself any favors this week. but its still early, who knows
grod's fault entirely for not immediately doing a battle back just for tucker. now her season suffers
holy shit she finally left the hoh
Angela has to shut up. I see the house flipping on the tard trio by Wednesday but not if she keeps bugging everyone.
>I also think the blowup with Bayleigh changed him for worst.
I remember him crying after the fight scared that people were going to hate him. It would explain him telling Bay and Day that he wanted to give them a chance. He still had guilt.

He didn't even do anything wrong. His trolling was way too mild to warrant a nuclear meltdown of that scale. He probably still has nightmares of her blood spewing out of her mouth.
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triple sevens for luck
I was shocked they didn't start jury, cbs are a bunch of cheapskates. They stripped Survivor to the bone too.
yeah she fucking lost it over some mild gameplay and made up headcanon that he was mocking her every day by saying good morning kek
dude its a yahoo story quoting the "gold derby" comment section its a literal nothing burger
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Kinda felt bad for Ang there, I think it's hilarious Joe think he can offer game advice to anyone.
t'bore isn't invited to the cookout
hes trying to get a mastermind edit
She also said that he caused her to have a miscarriage and her fans repeated it.
kek angela is getting herself worked up
>She also said that he caused her to have a miscarriage and her fans repeated it.
holy shit, did she really? i thought that was just a meme here when she was spitting blood
thats fucking wild
Angela brewing a melty by the pool right now. Joseph's talk with her made her realize she's fucked
quinn telling tkor she might have the best social game of any player ever

these fucking people. she isolates herself with kimo for hours every day
love me jag
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She does stop hating
she cries so fucking much almost every day. she really needs to go home for the sake of her mental health
no she doesnt and im not hating and your bait is weak
i mean, just because you hate her and wish to see her head on a spike doesnt change the fact that the whole house isnt targeting her and actively wants to work with her
she's gonna freak
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leah talking to her future self
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you can see her asshole
It's true and she has flipped the game multiple times and never gets blood on her hands. Kimo and Rubina will leave before her
I feel bad for Angela's kids.
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was a very sweet emotional moment. i agree
i hope they show that deeply emotional moment on the episode
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tuh’kor gotta go
I want to tongue punch her fartbox
that cam op was real quick to get that butt out of frame
has a day gone by in the bb house where angela didn't cry? maybe during tucker's hoh?

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