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Book accurate Team Black Edition
Prev: >>203085738
Rhaenyra is really fucking the viewer with her eyes in this art
Ned would hate Cersei. She's too hedonistic and cruel. She'd also treat Jon even worse than Catelyn did, which would lead to massive amounts of tension between her and Ned
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....semoc eH
>she fucked jaime in the morning of her wedding.
>BEFORE she married.
That doesn't make it any better, anon. She still cheated on her fiancee, and on the day she was to be married to him no less, that's heinous, and it proves that she never entered her relationship with Robert, with the intention of being faithful
Dany also did this btw. They're all whores.
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That's why boys should get with boys.
reminder that the hacks had 38 days before the strike to rewrite season 2 but didn't.
>march 28, 2023 they announce 8 episodes
>may 5, 2023 strike starts
>That doesn't make it any better
it's a huge fucking difference.
>She still cheated on her fiancee
there is no such thing as cheating on a fiancee.
no marriage vows = no cheating
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Fire and Ice
>there is no such thing as cheating on a fiancee.
So you would be fine with your fiancee cheating on you at a bachelorette party before your wedding?
I can't wait for the dragon pit slaughter
I really wanna see some bumbfuck peasants kill the precious dragorinos
i repeat.
no marriage vows = no cheating
>he doesn't know
it's green propaganda and the dragons really died by happenstance
t. CONdal
Again, would you be fine with 10 male strippers running a train on your fiancee before your wedding? Because according to your "logic", that's not cheating, even though you're already in a relationship with her.
i would not be ok with it because i do not like sluts.
the technical cheating line is wedding vows.
can you go to court and complain that your girlfriend is fucking around? no.
you used to be able to do that if your wife was fucking around though.
idk about the current laws.
now, back to topic,
it's not like Robert was fidelity incarnate. he was cucking Cersei all the time.
Do you think Cersei was mad Robert had many many affairs with different women and not just 1 like she had with jaime? I wonder if Jaime will sleep with another woman to move on from Cersei before the end, maybe Brienne
You think they have trannies or crossdressers in Westeros? Or is that a Free City thing?
why do you post this in every thread
I'm sure crossdressing is a thing in Westeros, but probably done more in jest or secretly as opposed to flaunted openly like in the Cities.
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To piss you off.
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fair enough
Highest res gif I've ever seen.
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AI just hasn't gotten there yet. Reality is still more enticing.
The normies are gonna be so asshurt I’m gonna savor it and watch every reaction video
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Same, its pretty much the only thing I'm looking forward to in this show.
And they have to do it, they cucked me out of Daemon actually getting Laenor killed and Aemonds bury the light moment.
But this, this they have to do.
I think it's ironic that Black Aly - Cregan's second wife, looks like genderswap!Jace.
Right now she looks invisible.
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TAOOBA, with haste.
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We have an empty companion slot, who should we recruit?
The answer is always Shagga, Son of Dolf, so that your cock isn't fed to a goat later.
Those are who are currently in my party, I've just unlocked another slot though.
no one.
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Alright I'll get Jaqen, thanks for the suggestion.
Get a second Shagga, because there's always another goat.
AI is creepy but it gives you the results you want. Reality can't do that.
I can be patient.
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no one
i thought he'd be stronger.
i meant Arya because i thought he would be a lord in the house of black and white or something
what are Jaime's weapon stats? the Hound's? the mountain's?
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Daenerys really is being built up into a Sauron like figure, she's going to invade Westeros with an army of Eastern horrors that will appal the nobles
>Brazen Beasts
Freed slaves, breaking the feudal hierarchy as they don't want to be peasants either who wear beastial masks like the Egyptian pantheon, a sort of fantasy pagan look to go aganist the Faith of the Seven the fantasy christian stand in
Army of warrior eunuchs who have no fear and the best soliders in the world
>Dothraki Screamers
Savage horse raiders that even Robert was worried/scared about being in Westeros. He didn't care about the realm but Dothraki worried him
>Essos Free Companies of killers for hire
I think its clear that most if not every of the big free companies still in Essos will be made to join Dany, Second Sons, Windblown, Stormcrows etc. Knight balk at Mercenaries
Everyone remembers Aegon forged Westeros with 3 dragons and the field of fire, burning of Harrenhal
>Victarion/ Ironborn
The pirate savage raiders that everyone hates
>Dany is supported by R'hllor
Foreign scary fire reilgion

Compare this with FAegon, the rightful heir to the Iron Throne at his back the Golden Company, created by losing Westeros lords knights from the Blackfyre rebellions, culturally much closer to Westeros than Essos so much easier to deal with. As well as the sexism of Westeros Dany will be seen as a very sinister character with a scary sinister army of fanaticaly devoted beastial men, much like Sauron
What game
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Here's Sandor. Unfortunately I can't see Jaime or Gregor's stats because I haven't met them yet. Jaime is a wanderer but Gregor is a Lord. Who they have set to companion/wanderer and who they have set as lords is pretty arbitrary. I think they should have dug a little deeper in the lore for more obscure characters that could be fitting companions but instead they're all mainstream characters with half of them not making sense as a companion.
And in case anyone is wondering Sandor is wearing Royce armor because I'm doing a Thenn larp so I'm trying to give everyone armor that is or looks bronze.
Realm of Thrones mod for Mount and Blade: Bannerlord
it'd be pretty gay if Dany actually managed to get a Dothraki horde to work for her because they don't cross the poisoned waters and whatnot.
the Brazen Beasts are a Mereenese thing.
she might have a freed men following though.
the unsullied are pretty disciplined and can't rape.
the sellswords are few.
now, if she manages to get Volantene R'hollorians on her side, she might actually have the foreign savage army you post about
>Twitter banned in Brazil
It’s over. 90% of the fan and update accounts are Brazilians.
now that's more like it.
if jaime isn't at least 350 in every weapon, it'd be EXTREMELY gay.
he should have more riding than athletics. he managed to unhorse Jaime.
>no burned side
>not even marks
>Who they have set to companion/wanderer and who they have set as lords is pretty arbitrary
>Twitter banned in Brazil
I think the cult of personaility she has, which will only grow when the R'hollorians delcare her to be their messiah will result in loads of Freed men following her, Shavepate is a queens man and will follow her anywhere. The sellswords are few yes like how knights are few and most of the army are man-at-arms. Danys army will be sellswords as a stand in for freed slaves/ unsullied and dothraki. They might not actually be as savage as Westerosi lords fear but they will perceieve them as much more evil and scary than they are. Orcs and the evil men under Sauron weren't raping or burning the country they went through either but they are framed as pure evil in LOTR, which George is clearly invoking with Danys many armies.
Dothaki crossing has been foreshadowed since book 1, they will cross. Dothraki also beleive in prophecy, hence why Drogo married her because he like Rhagaer was trying to fulfill prohecy.
>it'd be pretty gay if Dany actually managed to get a Dothraki horde to work for her because they don't cross the poisoned waters and whatnot
That is what is being set up to happen. A Khal must ride and she has the greatest mount. I think their superstition about poisoned water would be easily overcome when she's the actual leader and not the leader's crazy wife.
>the Brazen Beasts are a Mereenese thing
The Brazen Beasts are her loyalists in Mereen, and while I can see many of them wanting to stay behind in Essos, there will probably be a significant portion of them that wish to follow their glorious leader.
>the unsullied are pretty disciplined and can't rape
How they are isn't the point, it's how they look to Westeros
>the sellswords are few
That's fair, most of the bigger companies are still out west helping the Free Cities fight each other. The Second Sons, Long Lances, and Windblown are all very small comparatively.
>now, if she manages to get Volantene R'hollorians on her side
Nigger did you read the books? They're already itching to burn down Old Volantis in her name and they haven't even met her yet.
>“Should you reach your queen, give her a message from the slaves of Old Volantis. “ She touched the faded scar upon her wrinkled cheek, where her tears had been cut away. "Tell her we are waiting. Tell her to come soon.”
kek, she seduced jaime to get him into the kingsguard cause she expected to marry rhaegar. Think about that. Not only did she consign her brother/lover to a life of shackled duty to the king just to keep him around for fucking while in kingslanding and protection, but she did it fully expecting to marry rhaegar. She wouldn't have even been loyal to rhaegar of all people despite claiming to love him more than anyone, she was already putting jaime in position as her side piece.
Brazil's government tried to impose censorship on Twitter, Musk told them to eat a dick, so the Brazilians blacked out Twitter on their networks.
Like anon said here >>203097794
it’s a disagreement between musk and the government. Don’t know the ins and outs but he had a certain amount of time to assign someone as the head of Brazil’s Twitter or Brazilians won’t be allowed to access it. If a Brazilian is caught using a vpn to access Twitter it’s a ten thousand dollar fine. Most of hotd and got update and fan accounts are Brazilian.
Aerys said no then 5 years later she told Jaime to become a Kingsguard.
>She was ten when she finally saw her prince in the flesh, at the tourney her lord father had thrown to welcome King Aerys to the west.
> Her aunt had confided that truth to her before the tourney. “You must be especially beautiful,” Lady Genna told her, fussing with her dress, “for at the final feast it shall be announced that you and Prince Rhaegar are betrothed.”
jaime became a Kingsguard at 15
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Lord Stark, I'm Small Council.
And jaime thinks about it during one of his PoVs about how cersei dresses as a washerwoman and seduces him and starts talking about going to kings landing permanently, and tywin continued to insist she'd marry rhaegar. Jaime is a kingsguard because cersei seduced and convinced him believing she'd be marrying rhaegar.
post it
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hey guys , stream anon here. I just woke up so we'll continue the rewatch for episode 9 and 10 of season 4 tomorrow.
I was pic related
Was Tywin autistic for killing Elia and her children instead of letting Robert decide their fate?
i'll post it for you.
Cersei is not as cuntish as people like to make her out to be.
>He remembered that night as if it were yesterday. They spent it in an old inn on Eel Alley, well away from watchful eyes. Cersei had come to him dressed as a simple serving wench, which somehow excited him all the more. Jaime had never seen her more passionate. Every time he went to sleep, she woke him again. By morning Casterly Rock seemed a small price to pay to be near her always. He gave his consent, and Cersei promised to do the rest.
>A moon's turn later, a royal raven arrived at Casterly Rock to inform him that he had been chosen for the Kingsguard. He was commanded to present himself to the king during the great tourney at Harrenhal to say his vows and don his cloak.
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Littlefinger? I'm grab them by the pussy
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Alright, I decided to tweak Balian Bronzeblood's name and house.
At the moment I am experimenting with Balian "the Bronze" Fireblood. And swapping from the runic swastika to a droplet of blood surrounded by fire. It's really tedious so I did 1/4th of the fire and stopped to post how it is looking. Does it look awful? I feel like I should scrap it, these flags tend to look shitty when you have too much going on. What do you guys think?
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He wasn't alone.
>Cersei is not as cuntish as people like to make her out to be
I dunno anon, it sounds pretty cuntish to trick/seduce your lil brother into a lifelong vow of servitude to keep him around while you bang another guy, and cheat on said guy with your lil brother.
ok, so the misunderstanding seems to be caused by gurm's gardening. gurm retconned it
the jaime quote is in ASOS while the Cersei quote is in AFFC.
here is the Jaime quote.
> You would not like the truth. He had joined the Kingsguard for love, of course.
> Their father had summoned Cersei to court when she was twelve, hoping to make her a royal marriage. He refused every offer for her hand, preferring to keep her with him in the Tower of the Hand while she grew older and more womanly and ever more beautiful. No doubt he was waiting for Prince Viserys to mature, or perhaps for Rhaegar’s wife to die in childbed. Elia of Dorne was never the healthiest of women.
> Jaime, meantime, had spent four years as squire to Ser Sumner Crakehall and earned his spurs against the Kingswood Brotherhood. But when he made a brief call at King’s Landing on his way back to Casterly Rock, chiefly to see his sister, Cersei took him aside and whispered that Lord Tywin meant to marry him to Lysa Tully, had gone so far as to invite Lord Hoster to the city to discuss dower. But if Jaime took the white, he could be near her always. Old Ser Harlan Grandison had died in his sleep, as was only appropriate for one whose sigil was a sleeping lion. Aerys would want a young man to take his place, so why not a roaring lion in place of a sleepy one?
> “Father will never consent,” Jaime objected.
> “The king won’t ask him. And once it’s done, Father can’t object, not openly. Aerys had Ser Ilyn Payne’s tongue torn out just for boasting that it was the Hand who truly ruled the Seven Kingdoms. The captain of the Hand’s guard, and yet Father dared not try and stop it! He won’t stop this, either.”
> “But,” Jaime said, “there’s Casterly Rock…”
> “Is it a rock you want? Or me?”
the rest is here >>203098517
>while you bang another guy
she wasn't planning on banging anyone but Jaime.
Aerys said no at 10. she made Jaime a Kingsguard at 15.
gurm introduced a plot hole. why did Tywin summon Cersei to King's Landing if Aerys said no in a rude way?
> Her laughter died at tourney’s end. There had been no final feast, no toasts to celebrate her betrothal to Prince Rhaegar. Only cold silences and chilly looks between the king and her father. Later, when Aerys and his son and all his gallant knights had departed for King’s Landing, the girl had gone to her aunt in tears, not understanding. “Your father proposed the match,” Lady Genna told her, “but Aerys refused to hear of it. ‘You are my most able servant, Tywin,’ the king said, ‘but a man does not marry his heir to his servant’s daughter.’ Dry those tears, little one. Have you ever seen a lion weep? Your father will find another man for you, a better man than Rhaegar.”
this is AFFC quote and the Jaime quote is ASOS
>why did Tywin summon Cersei to King's Landing if Aerys said no in a rude way?
Because he's delusional? Because he thought he could force it? Or cersei is so delusional she continued to believe she'd get him regardless? Nothing was retconned, cersei convinced jaime by fucking him, like I said, it's still in the book. that's how it happened.
>people make excuses for HOTD season 2 being shit due to reduced episodes
>ignore that 80% of the season was complete filler despite having less screen time they had to fill
are these people retarded or just coping?
Why not just wait for the blogpost to talk about this?
>without you i'm a silhouette
>>Nothing was retconned
>Tywin summoned Cersei to court at 12 hoping of royal marriage in ASOS
>Aerys mocked Tywin for the suggestion when Cersei was 10 in AFFC
>>Because he's delusional? Because he thought he could force it?
now you're just inventing shit reasons to cover gurm's ass.
>>Or cersei is so delusional she continued to believe she'd get him regardless?
Tywin summoned Cersei.
why is he dressed as a goat-fucking Essosi instead of a true knight
>are these people retarded or just coping?
they also had a 38 day window to rewrite the season so the >they didn't have time to rewrite is an outright lie
How long does he normally take to write a blogpost? How soon after visiting the chocolate factory or wherever the fuck he went was his one on that posted?
Nights watch sounds like a good deal desu even if I were just a normal smallfolk I'd still try and join.
>true knight
I'm larping as a Thenn. Essos is the only source of Bronze armor which doesn't look like shit.
Too cold. City Watch is preferable.
Pic related is why Ned's legacy is greater than Tywin's legacy.
When Ned dies, his son and thousands of men rise up to avenge him, save his children, and uphold his legacy.
When Tywin dies, after being killed by his own son, no one truly cares. His dynasty crumbles, his family falls apart, and the entire realm schemes to tear his legacy apart.
I wish more people understood this. So many people think that Tywin "won" while Ned "lost". But if you go by ideals and legacy, then it's clear who ACTUALLY won
What did Ned ever actually do to deserve any of this loyalty?
And they blame the writers strike too, despite it being stated otherwise, and the fact there were no delays to production (summer 2024 was stated since the end of s1).
just every possible cope and headcanon to avoid calling a spade a spade. and no, there’s no hope for a better s3.
Lets say that Robb won independence for thr Riverlands + The North what happens after? Would they go broke?
Tywin won
Would get assfucked constantly since the RIverlands SUCK, unless the Arryns align with the Starks its hopeless.
The Iron Throne would wage another war against them once they sorted themselves out, leaving no chance for another Northern victory.
never count on Gurm to follow through on anything he promises ahead of time. you should know this by now.
he could have simply published it when it was ready, but he wanted to tease and drum up hype. for a fucking blogpost. didn’t think the fat retard could get more pathetic but here we are. can’t even finish a fucking blogpost.
even if he was shit, stark worship in the north is a like a cult.
>What did Ned ever actually do to deserve any of this loyalty?
He comes from an extremely prestigious family that's ruled for centuries, he was honorable, he was fair, and he listened to and dined with his vassals.
He's also insanely famous in the universe even before the story starts. He smuggled himself out of enemy controlled territory in the Vale, then he rallied an army in less than a year, then he beat back the Mad King's enemies, then he (allegedly) beat Arthur Dayne in combat, and then he played a key role in putting down the Grey Joy rebellion, finally, after all of that, he ushered the North into a period of peace and prosperity.
So, by all accounts, Ned is a legendary war hero.
>Father and Older brother unjustily evily and cruely murdered by the Mad king
>Ned is the single most wronged Great House
>Joins in the rebellion and gets to Kings Landing before Robert
>Doesn't delcare himself king plunging the realm into a second civil war on the heels of the first
>Pardons everyone who surrenders to him when he could strip them off their property and titles
Doing everything right in a war when you were the single most slighted and wronged great power in the conflict made everyone like him. Overthrowing the targshits gave him greater legitimacy than Robert whose a great great great etc grandchild of
>Tywin won
>When his son killed him and now works for his enemies
>When his grandson, Joffery is dead
>When his granddaughter, Myrcella is a Dornish hostage and pawn
>When his youngest grandson is a Tyrell pawn and a manchild
>When his daughter, Cersei got BTFO by the Faith and the Tyrells.
>When Cersei and her children are probably about to lose the throne and their lives to Fake Aegon too
>When Jaime has rejected his family and his heritage
>When Kevan and Pycelle are dead
I wouldn't call that "winning", anon. House Lannister is one book away from being wiped off the board entirely
Lads, I have food poisoning. I can't stop shitting and puking. I'm exhausted. Please, dear Lord. Take me now and all will be forgiven.
>book away from being wiped off the board entirely
To be replaced by another House Lannister. Meanwhile the Karstarks have sworn against Stark.
Honestly, Robb could unironically go for the Iron Throne. And that's because the only scenario where Robb "wins" his independence is one where the Tyrells don't ally with the Lannisters. So Robb could march on King's Landing, break his marriage pact with the Freys for a Tyrell marriage alliance with Margarery, then kill Joffery (or Stannis if he's on the throne due to the Tyrells never coming to Lannister aid during the Battle of Blackwater) and sit on the throne.
I'm dreadfully sorry, anon. I was sick as shit three weeks ago and it's not fun. Just rest and wait it out best you can.
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Stop eating party pussy, anon.
Ned was steeped in superior Andal culture from growing up in the Vale. Dumb norfs thought he was just extra great rather than attributing it to icky southron values.
>Nothing was retconned
nothing was retconned. is it still in the book anon? was it removed in newer prints?
I know anon, but it’s our only chance to inject life back into the general or it won’t survive the week.
I'm surprised the Tyrells aren't more popular when they're the most "normal" great house. The Reach is all about knights, chivalry, courtly love, beautiful maidens, knowledge (via the citadel), and wealth. It's basically Le Morte De Arthur's interpretation of Camelot (minus the round table and the magic) when you think about it
And yet the fanbase really doesn't give a shit about them. Instead, all of the love, goes to the Targs and the Starks
Roberts Rebellion feels like a crazy university party. Everyone is so young and attractive.
>karstark tries to get his nephew executed so he can become lord of karhold
>bolton is fucking bolton
>dustin gave her virginity to Bran Stark like a slut
>Mormont sold dudes into slavery
The North isn't really that honourable huh. Even Manderly's method of disposing the three Freys is slimy.
Yup people attribute the traits of the Starks to the entire North. Funnily enough, the Starks were just as savage prior to Ned, whom was raised to be more honorable and merciful like the people of the Vale.
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Because the Tyrells aren't the real deal. That was the Gardener Kings. The Tyrells are up jumped steward faggots who have no claim on the Reach. Imagine thinking a House with a flower sigil and words "Growing Strong" is in any way cool. The Tyrells will never produce figures like Garth VII.
>The Tyrells will never produce figures like Garth VII.
Garland Tyrell has potential to be really badass. Loras too.
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I just had my first daughter with Melisandre, what should we name her?
>Garland Tyrell
Follows his dumb dads ideas of jumping from one cause to the other and serving the Lannisters which will most likely end in disaster for House Tyrell.
Enjoyed getting his asshole filled with semen and pathetically murdered Renly's loyal Rainbow Guard in a gay rage.

They're shitters.
>Gardener Kings desend from the mythical first king Garth the Gardener
>Garth PLANTED the weirwoods through Westeros
He was some dark blood magic green man cultist or something
nice banner, what's your policy towards Braavosi?
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Where the hell was Oberyn during Roberts Rebellion?
You'd think someone of his calibre would have been at the Trident with the ten thousand Dornishmen and his uncle Lewyn.
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The Thenns do not tolerate usury.
Fights at Trident and fails to save Rhaegar Targaryen
Retreats to King's Landing
Fights and wins the Mountain and Amory Lorch during citysack by Lannisters but still fails to safe Elia and her kids
Essos probably Volantis learning secrets and magic
Thanks. It's been like 15 years since I felt this awful. I've only had it once before. My stomach still feels like it's in a knot. Even though it's totally empty. My body still tells me to puke and shit. I ate at a new burger joint yesterday, it's only been open for 6 months.
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So Stannis has been getting ganked pretty hard in the South, he has an event that sends him to the North so I pre-emptively headed to the North to tip the scales. After the Red Wedding I guess Bolton swapped to King's Landing, so we will help him defend the Dreadfort against Robb. My hope is this will destabilize the North and give way for Stannis' invasion.
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>TB fans: Green bloodline got line eradicated
>TG bloodline:
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And we won extremely easily, with the Stark forces heavily bunching up beneath the walls attempting to raise ladders after their battering ram was destroyed. It took me a few minutes to remember how to successfully operate the catapult, but once we did huge swathes of Stark forces were smashed.
They are perfect, we were robbed.
I will only like the ending of the books if Bran becomes king, but while he attempts to be become a god emperor king some knight arrives in the throne room and kills him. no gods, only men allowed to rule men.
I hope the realm tears itself apart rather than accept a sterile cripple as king of a no-dynasty.
>tfw we will never find out what happened to Aemond’s son or if Alys actually had a dragon
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My guess is Kermit Tully had everyone in Harrenhal executed
Blacksissies, our cope??
The only source that mentioned Aegon's bastards is Mushroom and Alys probably had another miscarriage
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Yeah I don’t have much faith in anons theory about Aemond’s son being an ancestor of Cat however clever it is. I don’t think he lived past childhood.
Yeah with Harrenhal curse I believe that's what happened... Also about Aegon's bastards they most likely lived among smallfolk & never reached to the title of lord/lady or knight
I think that bitch and her brat got drowned in the God's Eye with stone weights around their ankles.
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Aegon II description:

>“he does not look like a warrior. No beard, and only a faint wispy hint of a mustache”

>"Aegon, a glutton at table"

Give him a beard and he will be 100% book accurate Aegon
Damnit I only just remembered that I can steal artifacts from people. https://github.com/RealmofThrones/Wiki/wiki/Stealable-Weapons
Initial plans for who gets stolen weapons;
Myself, of course.
>Sword of the Mountain
Wun Wun
>Crab's Pincer
Shagga, son of Dolf (Shagga likes axes)
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I can definitely see Alys and her son being killed in some tragic way in the second part to Fire and blood. She seemed to love Aemond and was loyal to him til the very end. (Not like we are ever going to get the book or find out though). In the show I’m not so sure, they might just cut his son entirely. Maybe even Aemond and Alys’s relationship.
I remember seeing somewhere where Tom said the hair and makeup team are “listening to his ideas” about how Aegon looks for season 3. Maybe he will be even more book accurate in season 3.
Why is Sourleaf chew the only form of tobacco on Planetos?
Besides White Harbor, where would be another good location for a large city in The North?
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Cute and canon!
>I remember seeing somewhere where Tom said the hair and makeup team are “listening to his ideas” about how Aegon looks for season 3. Maybe he will be even more book accurate in season 3
I mean his burns are already inaccurate so idts
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>Meanwhile the Karstarks have sworn against Stark.

The Karstarks have been disbanded/outlawed and replaced by House Thenn.
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>up jumped steward faggots who have no claim on the Reach

House Tyrell is modeled on the Carolingians. Read a book, summer islander.


What's with all the kindergarten-tier artwork for ASOIAF? Are there no artists with talent left anymore?
They're boring. Tullys are underrated imo. They have the best family drama.
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Don't care they're a dull house with the worst sigil and words for a "great house". Their vassals are all more interesting and have superior Gardener claims.
>stannis pic
Opinion discarded.
Pretty close already. Show Aegon just needs more hair.
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Our eldest son Uthor is doing pretty well.
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>Retroactive continuity, or retcon for short, is a literary device in which facts in the world of a fictional work that have been established through the narrative itself are adjusted, ignored, supplemented, or contradicted by a subsequently published work that recontextualizes or breaks continuity with the former
finished reading the books and i'm not gonna lie, its pretty mid...
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I can't wait for these threads to move back to /tg/

I want to discuss ideas for my ASOIAF RPG one shot that I'm working on
Why because he managed to outlast the entire Reach in a siege as a teenager, a siege that proved a strategic blunder for the Loyalist cause. House Tyrell could have brought the bulk of their force to turn the tide at the Trident but instead they solidified their reputation as craven opportunists.
And has george stated that it's a retcon? Do you speak for george now anon? That's quite the impressive resume to be able to speak for the creator to unilateraly decide this.
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In reality Aerys was like:
>"yo Tywin I can't have my granchildren getting your male pattern baldness, the prophecy says that the dragon must have a full head of hair"
Why don’t you start a gen there now and we can split book discussion and show discussion. I think some of the posters who left would come back for the /tv/ general if that was the case.
And if the Carolingians never produced a Charles Martel or Charlemagne they'd be remembered as the house of Herstal, grasping mayors of the palace with delusions of grandeur.
Where is the Tyrell Charlemagne? The Tyrell Charles Martel?
Probably Mace Tyron was sympathetic to rebels and disdained King Aerys so he didn't want commit fully

There is a thread in /lit/
/lit/ is not /tg/, I want to discuss the TTRPG
A thread or a gen?
>has george stated that it's a retcon?
i can read, anon.
so can you.
you can do it!
> arguing seriously about correct Cersei's age (10 or 12) at one minor scene and appealing to Holy GRUM to judge was it a retcon sin or not
What no Winds of Winter edging does to ASOIAF's autistic fans
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I have successfully absconded with
>Gregor Clegane's sword
>Roose Bolton's sword
What should I acquire next? I wanted to get Lamentation but Bronze Yohn seems to just be teleporting back and forth between settlements that have tournaments so I can never nab him in the field.
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Also, I just rescued Stannis from a dungeon in Storm's End.
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So are the Ironborn gay of they like fucking Kerwin's anus so much?
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"Pippin was not immediately rewarded, but eventually was given the position of maior palatti or 'mayor of the palace' of Austrasia in 624. This reward was incredibly important, as it secured Pippin a position of prime importance with the Merovingian royal court. The mayor of the palace would essentially act as the mediator between the King and the magnates of the region; as Paul Fouracre summarises, they were 'regarded as the most important non-royal person in the kingdom.'[7]"
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Do you prefer

It sounds goofy and quirky, like me.
im fine either way but prefer Ayyy
i hate how the audiobook narrator swaps proper noun pronunciation all the fucking time even in the same god damn chapter
Ayy-gon. Doesn’t make any sense to say Egg-on unless we call Aemond Ee-mond.
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>bachelor's in wiki reading
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interesting that you avoided the question.
Why isn't there a general for ALL things ASOIAF? Books, show, games, so on?
Because different groups aren’t interested in each others topic most of the time. It’s why the general is dead, all the show shitposters left when the gen turned into mostly asoiaf theories.
Sorry for digging up an old discussion.
Cersei would never be happy with Stannis imo. Her main issues, before the years of shitty marriage and her family dying off start to wear her sanity down, were:
>She's a narcissist who can't really love and value other people normally.
>She's extremely arrogant and thinks she is far more capable than she really is.
>She craves authority and respect, desperately wishing she could be her father's heir, and is deeply frustrated at not having either.
Stannis is an uninteresting guy. He isn't handsome or dashing, he doesn't impress with his sword play or romantic gestures, and he is not ever going to delegate power to his wife. He would not beat her or cheat on her, and he'd rape her a hell of a lot less than Robert did, but she'd find him boring and ugly, be frustrated at being "just" the wife of the King's brother, and probably go a bit stir crazy without Jaime around and in her control too. She'd eventually cheat on him as payback for not being a good enough husband or just to feel some measure of control and if he ever found out he'd have her executed.

Him being a better dad than Robert wouldn't even be enough to endearing her to him. Pretty sure if she had any kids that weren't Jaime's she'd love them a lot less than her canon ones.
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Literal perfection
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Too skinny. All you fake Black supporters spitting the book accurate BBW Rhaenyra. We were robbed.
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I appreciate you made these posts some time ago now but I’ve just entered the thread and they are so utterly retarded I feel compelled to reply

Yes, you cretin. Sleeping with someone other than your betrothed is cheating. The reason it is considered ‘cheating’ is because is contravenes the boundaries and expectations set by each person in the relationship, implicitly or explicitly, regardless whether marriage vows have been made or not

But the fact in this case, which makes you an ultra mega retard, is that in medieval times, cheating on your betrothed before marriage often had even greater ramifications that cheating IN marriage! EVERYTHING hinged on ideas of purity. Having a daughter in medieval times meant one thing only - that you had to groom her to be the BEST prospect possible to attract the most successful husband and thus strengthen the position of your own family.

With dozens of noblewomen to choose from, suitors could dismiss any one almost arbitrarily. For a maiden to lose her virginity meant that her reputation and prospects would plummet like a fucking stone overnight. We even see this with the panic around Rhaenyra being seen in the brothel vs the lovers she took in marriage.

If it got out that Cersei had cheated with Jaime on the morning of the wedding - yes, cheated, even if the vows hadn’t been said - nobody in the realm would fucking touch her and Tywin would have known this

The marriage vows provided a bedrock which meant that, while there would be consequences for unfaithfulness, many husbands and wives took lovers in the knowledge that their partners could not leave them as easily. Marrying for ‘love’ is a very new prospect - think the last 200 years. For most of human history marriage has been purely for the strengthening of familial standing, pooling of resources, etc with many not having a choice of spouse. In this kind of market the quality of the product is everything
Yeah just from the books Cersei seems to despise Stannis too. She absolutely hates the way he grinds his teeth and would be 100% sexually frustrated being his wife. Stannis would hate her narcissism, attempts at being in control and her coddling of "their" children.
They'd drive each fucking insane.
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Who would win, the Night King, or 9 Giants?
Cersei needs a man who will put her on a pedestal and worship her, respect her advice, and defend her against foes she can't beat herself.

Clearly she was meant for Tormund Giantsbane.
If anything I feel like we should see more people glazing Ned and the Starks than we do desu. Man was by all rights a living legend but because book 1 predates most of the worldbuilding Winterfell feels kinda shitty and empty and Ned doesn't get the sort of respect and fear in KL you'd expect, at least until people realise he's out of his element.
Actually anon, I think you are on to something… he would be impossible for her to offend too.
How can season 3 of house of the dragon possibly be filmed with the new smoking laws?
Night KANG
What new smoking laws?
English people aren’t allowed to smoke outside anymore. How will that work when the entire cast smokes?
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Film elsewhere. Simple.
The government might grant Warner bros studios a special smoking loisence.
I don't know why there aren't riots, trying to curb English smoking is about as egregious as Prohibition was in the US.
Unless you're a based Boltonite
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Aurane Waters the foppish pirate, Gerold Dayne, called Darkstar by men, and Daario Naharis fight to the death over which of them is the most ridiculous person.
Who wins?
What are the Gardener words?
The smokers are too winded after taking five steps to start a riot.
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Hmmm... I wonder if...
Darkstar clears.
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I can understand the original ban on inside smoking. But they are doing it purely for the smoking related deaths which are straining the NHS. Seems kind of unfair to do smokers but not heavy drinkers.
Is longspear Ryk in the game?
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For me it was Game of Thrones: Ascent
Holy based.
The Isle of Faces and the Green Men are such bullshit
Does anyone have the Daemon basedjak edits?
Maybe someone still has the link to anons massive stash of them.
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Thank you anon
Gurm post the blogpost before I piss meself.
Is this what we're reduced to?
>Even now, news of Condal’s monstrous writing spreads throughout the internet. The great critics falter, they cannot but come to our side
>I wish to have kino! Not shit! We must write! George RR Martin has written!
>… what has George RR Martin.. written?
>He has written a preview of a HOTD critique blog.
>A preview?
>He is taking issue with the 4 legged Dragon banner.. brilliant
>Gods help us all.
Kek. Brilliant anon.
It might bring back the Holy Spirit of /got/hotd/.
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I remember christmas with /got/hotd/ back in S1. Too bad we won't last until then this time
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In Bran we trust
Good times anon, I don’t think we will ever have anything like it again. I hope gurms blogpost lets us have one last midnight so to speak until we go into hibernation for /dunk/.
I enjoyed making christmas wishlish for different characters, it was a cute idea
why did Robert not make a fuss about Cersei's lack of maidenhead?
is it because Cersei tells us that Noblewomen often lose it to horse riding, he was afraid of Tywin or did george make an oopsie?
now, you ignored the court of law point but raised that noblewomen were abundant and had to safeguard their virtue.
both claims are questionable.
you also went with:
>it's cheating because it is expected
another questionable claim.
Can you remember what you picked?
he's not immune to normal weapons?
what about wights?
He was too drunk during wedding night to notice.
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NK has huge damage resistance to the point that I probably couldn't solo him. But giant maces do like 360 damage and I think the giants have crazy melee stats too so they knock him down really quickly. The Wights are just zombies and pretty shitty. They wander in groups of several hundred though, which might be a problem if they used shields, but they don't.
Then the regular White Walkers are pretty powerful as well but few in number on the battlefield, and their resistance isn't nearly as high as the Night Kings.
does Valyrian steal not kill them?
is warband modding more advanced than bannerlord's?
i remember white walkers being untouchable without Valyrian steal and you needing fire arrows to deal with wights.
i've never played the mods just read posts about them
The safest way for for long-term independence is if the Joffery/Lannister, Renly/Tyrell, and Stannis factions have all exhausted themselves out on a mutual level or all have dead claimants - you get a situation where there is that much inability to enforce their claims and chaos that the Seven Kingdoms as a whole gradually breakup. Northern independence in pretty much any scenario, including what happens at the end of GOT, should see Dornish and Valeman independence also occur - and the Ironborn are already in rebellion. The biggest problem Robb has is the Riverlands are a millstone around his neck. The North, Dorne, Vale and to even the Iron Islands are defensible in the way the Riverlands are not.
Dunno, the only Warband mod I ever played was the Crusades one. Bannerlord and CK3 both suffered heavily from huge mod anticipation that was let down when the higher quality engines required way more work just to get the base stuff done. Dragons apparently work and are functional, though I've heard they are OP and make everything boring, which is what I sort of assumed so I never tried to get them.
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>English people aren’t allowed to smoke outside anymore
where are they allowed to smoke?
I'm sure he'll grow up to be very handsome
Inside, at home with the curtains drawn and lights off.
>Lets say that Robb won independence for thr Riverlands + The North what happens after?
Everyone else would go independent, Vale might want to join the North + Riverlands confederation. Westerlands might get partitioned between the North and the Reach, which I could also see integrating the Stormlands.
So you'd have
>North + Riverlands + Vale + Northern Crownlands + possibly Northern half of the Westerlands
>Reach + Stormlands + Southern Crownlands + possibly Southern half of the Westerlands
>Iron Islands
You can't, or you won't be able to, smoke in pub gardens.
>Would they go broke?
Not as long as they don't go woke
nobody asked about it?
smoke alarms aren't required in the UK?
what can you do with those prisoners?
are they recruitable?
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>Stalwart Men of House Targaryen! Your King has joined you! Hold to your courage, hold to your wits! For The Seven have blessed and shielded this host with divine purpose! For the one true King Aegon! ADVANCE!
Why do the writers try so hard to make Daemon uncool? What's their problem with him?
>Everyone else would go independent, Vale might want to join the North + Riverlands confederation.
I don't see why. The Riverlands joined because they were getting invaded and both got caught up in the moment with the Northerners and want to keep the Starks around to defend their undefendable region. Meanwhile, the Vale is not in an existential crisis and does not have the vulnerabilities of the Riverlands. Moreover, unlike the Tullys, the Arryns were once kings in their own right, so why should they be subordinate to Robb? Some alliance through convenience and bloodties sure but, realistically the Arryns and their vassals are not going to have the Eyrie play second filddle to Winterfell. How much of a confederation even is it? Edmure is not King of the Trident. He and Robb are not equals, he is a vassal of Robb. Which gets the issue that any independent North+Riverlands+Vale sees the Lords of Riverrun and Lords of the Eyrie be by far the most powerful vassals of Winterfell as they have sworn to them kingdom size regions.
In time I think so, but really high tier troops take forever to recruit out of prison. I was able to recruit Wights really quickly but didn't want them. I respecced to grab the perk that increases recruitment speed for high tier troops so hopefully soon I'll have a wing of White Walker cavalry.
>he was only pretending to get completely fucking humiliated
Tyrellfags never fail to crack me up
>What's their problem with him?
they told you through Rhaenyra. he reminds them of chad thundercock that they thought they were going to fix only to discover years later that he can't be fixed.
they had the herb woman fix him so now you are allowed to like this new Daemon. enjoy.
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>Lego Valyria set 10k pieces
>Dragons, Wyrms, and Wyverns: Their Unnatural History by Septon Barth
>New saddle for Syrax to gift Rhaenyra
>Coal for Daemon
>R'hllor priest to resurrect Aemma
Depends if you have your smoke alarm licence.
>I don't see why
The Vale has a good deal of kinship with the North and Riverlands that has been going on for 30 years since their triple alliance. At least half of their lords were up in arms wanting to join in on the war but were cockblocked by Lysa and Baelish.
>so why should they be subordinate to Robb?
I specifically used the word confederation.
>Coal for Daemon
Kek, I remember now.
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It begins
I am unsure about partitions of the Westerlands and Stormlands, or at least their long-term survivability. It just seems that within a generation or two both do mass rebellions. As for the Vale it will just be indpdpdnent in its own right and probably enter some splendid isolation. Long-term from the North's perspective it is questionable how long they will even want to holding onto the Riverlands plus whatever else, for as time goes by and the heat of the moment about Ned passes and the Stark connection to the Tully's wanes are you really going to get Robb's great-great-grandson give that much of a shit about the cultural distinct south that his forefathers have been expending men and coin defending for generations.
>>Iron Islands
I like to think everyone would get together to gank the Iron Islands and genocide their lands. With no united kingdom they're just going to get way worse
North (Catelyn personally) caused the war which devastated Riverlands.
Riverlands is a key to other kingdoms, fertile land, economically most perspective land
I've played both GoT Bannerlord and Warband and I simply cannot play Bannerlord. Interface is different (it sucks), the game feels soulless, naval combat is pretty much mandatory while it was avoidable in Warband, and it's buggy as shit, pirates can embark and disembark wherever they want, they can freely pass around and through cities, so for example it's almost impossible to leave Braavos without getting hammered, etc.
Also, what happened to /mbg/? It was alive for so long and got killed because of Bannerlord, kek.
>I am unsure about partitions of the Westerlands
Westerlands would be involuntary, I only thought about it because the scenario was the North winning their independence, which involves them fucking up the Westerlands. They were already in the middle of this. If Robb won then I'm going to assume Edmure doesn't block Tywin at the Red Fork and then he pridefully does exactly what Robb knew he would do and rush into the jaws of an ambush at the Golden Tooth. I'm imagining the North holding onto the Golden Tooth and the Crag, grabbing up valuable lands (assuming any of their gold mines are still producing) which all double as strategically important chokepoints which significantly strengthens the defensibility of the Riverlands if held and fortified by the North. The Ironborn would grab up Fair Isle.
>It just seems that within a generation or two both do mass rebellions.
Why? They speak the same languages, the North isn't going to start making them sacrifice their kids to trees.
>As for the Vale it will just be indpdpdnent in its own right and probably enter some splendid isolation
Again, despite how logical the idea might be that it would be in their own interest, we KNOW that in the setting at least half of the Vale was chomping at the bit to rush in and aid Robb. Again, since this scenario has Robb winning we might as well assume that Baelish wasn't able to scheme the Vale lords away and they take him into custody and impose a regent council over the Vale while sending the Knights of the Vale to aid Robb.
>Long-term from the North's perspective it is questionable how long they will even want to holding onto the Riverlands plus whatever else
If they did as I outlined the Riverlands would become pretty defensible.
People wanted to join in defence of the Riverlands but, they were not calling for making the Eyrie subordinate to Winterfell. Alliance between the Kingdom of the North and a newly established Kingdom of the Mountain and Vale would be something the Valelords would be happy for but, it is a massive jump from kinship to being a subordinate/junior partner when the Vale does not need that alliance and is just as powerful as the North. And I specifically asked how is it even a confederation with the Eyrie being sworn to Winterfell? You could flip this all around and ask why not have the Starks be subordinate to the Arryns?
No one is in a position to stop them, though. White Harbor can pump out ships but on the wrong side of the continent. Most of the Western coast of the North is pretty desolate though so they wouldn't have much they would really need to defend against the Ironborn.
Please go look up what the word confederation means.
If Westeros divorce happens peacefully Ironchuds would not reave. They only started reaving because of War of the Five Kings specifically Northern military was tied in Riverlands and then destroyed at Red Wedding
The Westerlands and Arbor could rally a navy to btfo them
Incredible levels of cope
It is not a confederation in the sense it is neither a intergovernmental system or something verging into federalism. The Vale is not sovereign in its own right in the relationship you are proposing. There is not some higher authority that the North, Riverlands and Vale are all under or equally directing, it is the Riverlands and Vale as feudal vassal states sworn to Winterfell. Confederation is more than just 'alliance'. In this scenario the Vale has basically has just switched the contract and allegiance to the Iron Throne to Winterfell, and no one says the Seven Kingdoms are a confederation.
The Westerlands navy was rekt by the Ironborn every single time they faced each other, plus in this scenario I put forward that the Westerlands would be partially partitioned between other powers after getting utterly rekt
>The Vale is not sovereign in its own right in the relationship you are proposing
How do you know what level of sovereignty I had in mind for the Vale when all I said was that it would be a confederation?
A confederation inherently requires the surrender of a degree of sovereignty
To some extent. They've been subservient for 300 years, presumably they would have greater autonomy in a confederation than they currently have. I don't think they have the fierce independent spirit that we would expect of Dorne or the Ironborn.
You have made it sound like the Vale is doing a Riverlands, by which the Riverlands have made Robb King of the Trident but with Riverrun s still overlord just sworn to Winterfell. What exactly are you proposing then with the Vale?
Why would Ironcucks attack Westerlands or Reach if they can gang up together against Northern separatists?
Imagine how perfect team black would be if the Velaryons were white.
Norf might be an easier target but it has crappy loot, especially western part.
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>11 hours thread
The Vale is incredibly defensible, esp now the dragons are gone, their need for cooperation with the other regions is minimal and they gain nothing but risk a lot via confederation
Because there's more money down south and in a realm divided all the new polities would be playing off one another giving ample opportunity for stealing
Because as long as Balon the retard isn't in charge they probably wouldn't have any interest in the almost completely barren western coast of the North.
>You have made it sound like the Vale is doing a Riverlands
I did no such thing
>What exactly are you proposing then with the Vale?
A confederation of The North, Riverlands, and Vale. To what extent I wasn't sure. You've also got to take into account that Sansa is also already positioned to be married to either Harry the Heir or Sweetrobin.
Its's cary how realistic this is and funny how the AI changed Jace's red cape into green.
>The Vale is incredibly defensible, esp now the dragons are gone, their need for cooperation with the other regions is minimal and they gain nothing but risk a lot via confederation
I'm not sure why you keep repeating the fact that they could make themselves independent after repeatedly being told that their Lords are not isolationist and want to join the war. And given that the scenario was that Robb wins, we should assume that they do execute Baelish and did join the war.
Their romance would prevent the war (not really)
The loot at North Westcoast is crappy because Ironfags alone could attack only backwater villages. With Southern reinforcements they would go for larger settlements like Barrowton (the 2nd most populous town of North) or Deepwood Motte where loot of course would be much better. And true target is actually Winterfell
That’s pretty good. A few from the last few days were up for 13.
Without a southern distraction the ironniggers would get decimated upon landing
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>Deepwood Motte where loot of course would be much better
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Stop being disingenuous. They have turnips too.
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Who's the one that isn't Jace and Luke?
Alicent would have a heart attack. Sodomy bastard fucking, and Targ incest all in one.
No Red Wedding ->
Robb traps Tywin in Riverlands, perhaps even routes him ->
No Lannister reinforcement at Battle of Blackwater ->
Stannis takes King's Landing ->
Robb ravages defenseless Westerlands
Red Wedding was after the battle of Blackwater though.
Oh yeah. I'd forgotten he existed.
Best boys and unironically.
Great, I hope she'd get a heart attack.
A confederation would be the North, Riverlands and Vale as all, at least quasi, independent polities in some level of cooperation where they are, at least nominally, equal in status and influencing decisions. As things are the Riverlands is not independent, it is sworn to Robb/Winterfell in a muddled and impractical situation where the Riverlords swear to him as King of the Trident but also still to Edmure/Riverrun. Do not get me wrong, the Vale will welcome an alliance with the North & Riverlands but, an alliance is not confederation and they are not going to enter a union like you have with the North & Riverlands where Robb is King of the North and Trident. Even in a scenario where you have an independent Arryn king, if the you get an Arryn and Stark king bound by blood and marriage that is just an alliance. There are extra steps required to actually be a confederation that you are not outlining.
No POV characters.
>and they are not going to enter a union like you have with the North & Riverlands where Robb is King of the North and Trident
And what do you base this on? Robb is a tactical genius with a magic wolf following him around. After a few years of war their loose confederation may very well lead to him being named King while they retain their Lord Paramountcy just like the Riverlands.
>As things are the Riverlands is not independent, it is sworn to Robb/Winterfell in a muddled and impractical situation where the Riverlords swear to him as King of the Trident but also still to Edmure/Riverrun
Which basically makes Edmund Robb's Warden of the Trident?
To jump into this debate, I think you need to clarify what you think a confederation is and what this confederation would look like. To me it seems like you have just chose the wrong word. And even if you understand it that you are unable to propose one seems to suggest that it can't function with the conditions at play.
As the guy already got at, why would just not declare the Vale it's own kingdom before that?
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Alright, I think I've finished my shenanigans Beyond the Wall. I'm going to bed now, but when I return we will continue our quest for rare weapons. Longclaw, Grey Worm's spear, Lamentation, Crab's Pincer, Lightbringer, and Lady Forlord in particular.
Yes but, no. https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Warden_of_the_Southern_Marches
>To jump into this debate, I think you need to clarify what you think a confederation is and what this confederation would look like
I said confederation because I was trying to avoid this exact conversation, getting into the weeds with the exact details on why the Vale would join
>As the guy already got at, why would just not declare the Vale it's own kingdom before that?
Why would they? They've had a king for 300 years, they don't have a tradition of fierce independence, they do still have loyalty and kinship with Jon Arryn's alliance and wish to join Robb in the war. I imagined a combination of inspiration with Robb, his acumen for taking on lords and their heirs in close confidence to win their loyalty and lifelong friendship, and a marriage with Sansa and either Harry or Robin to further strengthen the bonds between the King and the Lord Paramount of the Vale.
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The blackfish looks like this!?
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Tullys are like reverse Freys, always bickering and warring but when push comes to shove they Stand Together no matter what.
it's still fucked that Stannis was killed by a woman
not canon
I think the problem is Edmure is such a prominent vassal. In theory he can call upon the same number of men through the houses sworn to Riverrun that Robb can call from his direct lands and collective vassals in the North.
>Why would they?
Why would they not? The Arryns are equal in power to the Starks. The Arryns, unlike the Tullys, were once kings in their own right. The Arryns, unlike the Tullys, control a defensible region. Why should the powerful and proud and respected by their vassals House that is Arryn be lesser than the Starks? What exactly do they get by having Starks as some sort of overlord? They can have good relationships, marriages etc. with the Starks without having to make a Stark their king. Even houses that we can consider to be the most pro-Stark in the Vale like Royce we have no real reason to think would not ultimately be more pro-Arryn.
>I said confederation because I was trying to avoid this exact conversation, getting into the weeds with the exact details on why the Vale would join
Frankly anon you can't argue that a confederation will happen without explaining why or what it would even vaguely look like.
Who should kill him then?
>inb4 lives and joins the night's watch cope
Tanselle Too Tall from the Dunk stories is a troon.
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>Who should kill him then?
old age after 40 years of reigning over the Seven Kingdoms
Reminder if that if your favourite houses aren't included in this list, you aren't White:

I like the above. I can see why people would maybe like the Tyrells. Explain to me Connington and Darry.

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All good except for Lannister SHITS and their WHORE queen.
Change them for Blackfyre or Codd.
nice try Targshit

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