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How would you rate the actors of the Gen Z generation in television and film?
Hunter > all of those generic roasties
Sydney Sweeney is right there in the pic.
I only know the fuck these people are because of /tv/ not including anya
snood > all
The ones that aren't boys are fine by me.
So the three on the left.
Why does this generation have such a small pool of notable actors?
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out of these 6 i've fapped to jenna, snood, sydney & hunter.
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Genuinely insane how hard she (he) mogs the rest in this image.

I don't even know what zoomers are anymore? Is it anyone under 25 now?
Sydney, Hunter, Flopya
Snood & Ortgea
Mutt for her money
Zoomers are anyone born between 1996 and 2012.
No one born after 1980 is good at anything. So 0/10.
from best to worst
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I agree Hunter is the prettiest there.
Imagine Sydneys breasts on Hunter
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they just have no star power
actresses in the past were so beautiful it blew your mind
now they look like regular people you see outside
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once again men proving they're better than woman at everything
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>moner is already forgotten
baaaaaad news monerbros
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Ever Anderson is so beautiful it blows my mind
>Mutt for her money
well I'm marrying syd for her money because shes worth more plus her tits lmao get fucked retard
she's the ugliest
She got too chunky being too smol, it messed up her proportions, she looks like a bean now. Some of you wierdo anons may not mind it but everyone knows short women are best petite.
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Emma = Sydney > Jenna > Anya (because she's been bogged) > Hunter = Zendaya (because I can't figure out whether I'm more racist or more straight)
then what gen are the girls i follow on instagram?
Shit/10. Hope they will all die in a plane crash. What a waste of a fucking decade.
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>this is the future of cinema
i'm icking rn fr
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Running to suck that pajeet dick.
cinema is a dying medium, all the kids want to be ewhores and Minecraft streamers
It's dying because these clowns are faces of it.
i think it's a more natural drift away than that, kids want to be what they grow up watching and nowadays they watch the internet much more than legacy media, but it's just going to spiral from here anyway even if they wanted to try to correct for it
good. cinema isn't a permanent fixture of humanity. it's only been around for 100 years.
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>cinema is a dying medium

this sounds ridiculous to me
the people watching streams had no interest in cinema anyways
hollywood blockbusters arent the only movies you know
nah its def because of ugly people but more to do with shit fucking stories. Nothing original or iconic has been made for 20 years
>ugly chad squidward
>ugly cute
>ugly big tits
>ugly mutt
>ugly alien
yeah at least old bad movies had sexy people to look at
ugs ugs decent decent ugs bogged
>all these fags pushing a tranny onto 4chan
>newfag doesn't remember 4chan has always been a trans supportive site
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For me it's the eternal cycle of Announcement>'Ooh, really?'>first word from showmakers>'Oh...anyway'.

The new Blade Runner show is perfect example of this, them announcing Hunter Shitter as main protagonist was the last time I engaged with it.
now post your six most beautiful actresses
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>random girls mog the "beautiful" hollywood elite
a lot of cases
pick a random hot girl off the beach and she won't be able to act well enough to do a commercial for a local auto parts store much less a movie
>le traps arent gay meme
Fags pushing the revisionist history again
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>implying actors can act these days
so she's the same as any of these "actresses" except hotter, then
yeah you guys are so right, there's no competition at all for those jobs, you can just have no talent and they will pay you millions
>the weight watcher seethes as she knows she isnt the one being recorded
you can tell she has the personality that, if she was worth looking at, she would be encouraging it
>has to move his goalpost
I don't think you know what moving the goalposts means.
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taytay mogs
Really wanna step onto this landmine just to damage control for repulsive zoomer uggos?
>all bogged whores
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>you can just have no talent and they will pay you millions

Literally yes.
>implying zoomers arent getting bogged earlier and at a far more frequent rate than any generation in history
All in their prime. Really wanna bet if your 3/10 won't be bogged? Most won't make it to early 30s, and Shaeffer will have beer gut.
>that's them in their prime
good god anon
cept the tranny - mad cap frfr
I suppose assuming it's just random chance that people are successful and well paid is easier for you because it exculpates you from your lifetime of failure.
people putting JCon in an image together with others is so deeply offensive to me

it's like putting Jesus next to images of regular humans
it's blasphemy
Your waifu has no talent anon plus shes ugly
Zendaya and Anya Taylor Joy are technically some of the youngest Millennials. They were born in 1996.
>that people are successful and well paid

She isn't successful. She is ugly, wooden retard and she didn't even go through casting, she was straight up approached by director, was given a role and paid millions.

All of these zoomer fucktards are astroturfed as fuck and absolutely no one goes to see a movie because they are featured in it.
They are so fucking ugly jesus fucking christ what a wasted decade of film, fucking Dark Ages of movie making.
This the one and only QUEEN of /tv/
don't know who she is
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>not a single Jew
these arent even real zoomers.
3/4 were in euporhia, which is a millennial show trying to act zoomer
>generations are no longer when they were born but what shows they were in
Hunter mogs 99% of cis girls
The fuck is cis.
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>not a single black girl
problematic choices anons
Emma>Anya>Sydney>Jenna>Zendaya and then in a seperate category of undesirables Hunter.
I don't get it.
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>it's like putting Jesus next to images of regular humans
>it's blasphemy
no it's not
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All things considered, not so terrible. At least we have a white titcow that is comfortable being a slut, the tranny doesn't look too bad and can act, the latina is pretty cute, the ayylmao is cute too.
Only the nepobaby is a pain in the ass but her movies sucks anyway.
>All things considered, not so terrible.
2,3,4 I have never seen act
the others I wish I never had. plus they are disgusting to look at. unsure what exactly led to their careers but they are 0/2 on female celebrity prerequisites
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i rate mbb
Hunter > Ever > Snood > Anya >>>>>>> idc >>>> the rest
You know what it is man
add Isabella Moner
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I've noticed that all zoomer "sex symbols" are not conventional beauties.
They have wider skulls, dull and large eyes, are shorter than average and have pronounced facial features, such as the Ortega's jaw.
It's almost like a middle step in the process of uglification that's been in full swing for a decade by now.

They're not ugly per se but they're not really beautiful either.
>spend years telling everyone not to simp for unattainable 10s
>gets mad when anons simp for attainable girls instead
>>spend years telling everyone not to simp for unattainable 10s

who said that? that's the only girls you should simp for
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Snood is the only one worth marrying
you should only simp for your wife and it should be reciprocal
Coalburner pickme
What a retarded argument.
Films are not real life.
You're never gonna fuck an A-lister.
"Lowering your standards" is something you do to score IRL, it has nothing to do with appreciating real beauty.

Even Sydney who's the least ugly of the zoomette waifus cannot compare to the likes of pic rel.
Paki cumdumpster.
you're aware all 20 of swifts boyfriends have been white?
Zendaya took their spot.
Kikfag seething that no one even remembers his potato headed waifu
you live on Discord and 4Chan
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You know you don't have to date someone to fuck them
all it took for snoodfags to scatter like cockroaches when you turn on the light

hard to stomach such a ... thing
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would anyone even care about her if she didn't show her big boobas in every work?
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For me, it's bottom left.
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ya'll homosexuals
that's a negative
Fridge hips being a 6 is generous
Jenna is a naughty girl.

Daddyneeds to correct her.
I like Team Smol:


These portable, flexible pixies are cute packages, adorable and fuckable.
it's all inflated, her tits are nice but by no means 10/10, 8 or 9 at a push
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Snood did dance and gymnastics she would canonically be the most flexible
And she's smol too
Probably alpha
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One scene, I don't know why
Doesn't even matter how hard I cry
Keep that in mind
I made a huge oversight
after kissing a mudslime

Fans are a valuable thing
Watch em leave town as my career fades
Watch em move on to another waifu
for the mistakes that I've made
(It's so unreal)

Should'nt have signed on the show
Watch the money go right out the window
Tryin' to hold on, I didn't even know
I wasted it all just to

I kept everything inside
And even though I tried, it all fell apart

What it meant to me will eventually
Be a memory of a time when


No u
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snoodroids on suicide watch
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Better to the Jew Defiler of actresses.
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Please stop.
It wasn't pleasant to see that, we don't need to be reminded every time.
>checks for boner
Harvey was a radical pioneer because he required his cock suckers to have at least a modicum of acting talent. Now? Total free for all
Yep, on Team Smol, and as your webm shows, likely the most flexible.

Myers 1.6m
Foy 1.59m
Shipka 1.57
Merced 1.55
Ortega 1.55
Lillis 1.52
Has anyone been as mindbroken as kikifag?
Central Intelligence Services?
Those are still unattainable (for you) 3/10s.
>Gen z
Sydney zendaya Anya and Hunter are all millenials you fucking retard
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>Snood is the only one worth currying
one day you'll grow up and realize that your waifu fucking shitskins (on or off set) is actually cool and based
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>all these frogposters
Oh so it's reddit who are kikifags
Interesting twist
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Frogs are based hate symbols.
Snootshits are brown pakistanis.
Frogs are reddit tourists
What is the equivalence here between all these phenotypes. Cleft chins, pronounced philtrums, "cute" and "kitten" appearance. What else?
My penis wife Hunter Schafer is the best zoomer actress.
snood > hunter > jenna > titcow > ayylmao > zendaya
big boobs girl
strange eyes girl
I don't know the others.
Jeeted. I was meeting this girl and all of a sudden she told me her previous boyfriend had been Indian and I felt such disgust and contempt that I didn't meet her again
I want to kiss Snoods perfect philtrun
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>always tries to shift his position so that he's 3/4 as not to show his broad shoulders
>keep hands hidden
>when he waves they're literal shovel sized
Fucking kek, YWNBAW
Sydney > ATJ > Snood = Ortega > Hunter > Zendaya.
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I wish I could get a gf like her. She has dedicated her life to be the most feminine woman. You can see how much she loves her own skin, her own womanhood. Perfection.

Now compare her to pic related. Hunter mogs her so hard
Ayy (pre-Coke) > Snood > tits > ayy (post-Coke) > handsome squidward > tranny > nigger
I'd like to see Sydney and Snood naked and tongue-kissing while Sydney presses her massive tits against snoods little handfuls
>Kiernan not even in consideration
shit, subpar, butterfaced tits, male, shit, shit
none of them are really good. they're all forced by jews
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Annya is a legit talent
>Queen's gambit
>Super Mario Bros
>Little Women
>The Menu
>The Northman
But she bogged so she's automatically shit
Ayylmao taylor jew isn’t even human
You are delusional if you think the most talented person gets the role. In 99% of the cases it's nepotism 101.
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My opinion is correct
The other Wednesday chick
Sydney/ATJ are millennials/zoomers. No interest in Hunter
Sydney > Tranny > Anya
Everyone else is meme tier
Louis CK is that you?
ps: Zendaya's a millennial too (28 yo)
If it was a nigger I'd unironically be less upset.
At least I could cope with him having a big dick and that was the appeal.
But a pajeet? A stinky street shitter with 2 inches microdick and that stupid accent of theirs?
Is this AI? Or some movie fan wanting a remake with them?
Sydney Sweeney > Ortega > Anya. Rest don't rate a mention
I was mind broken when in DUNE 2, Annya tells his brother "I LOVE YOU". I almost start crying in front of everyone at the cinema.
Anya has by far the best filmography of the bunch
that's not a great achievement kek
is emma stone a zoomer waifu now
she's become a zoomer icon
much like gosling and bale
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Is ratgirl a zoomer or a late millennial?
This is because all the best zoomie talent is doing shit like TikTok or streaming. TV and movies are no longer the premier medium.
Well, in the past, for many beautiful girls it was modeling or acting, and even that takes time and effort. Now, the hotties can be filthy rich before hitting 19 with onlyfans/instagram
The canadian whore fag?
They're okay but none really wow.
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Emma's eyes are stunning
I have literally not watched a single film with any of them.
all of them

every one I can think of
zendaya is fucking repulsive
she fucks men with fecal matter on their hands, her acting skills can be compromised, therefore this is a post about acting career of an actress unlike you who should get 3 days ban for not talking about the professional career of an actor/actress as tranny jannies/mods abuse with the rule here.
Zoomers: born between 1995 and 2010.
Jenna's the best one and the only one with a real career ahead of her
z tier
Absolute mental illness lol
Shame about the chin.
Pretty good list, though I'd put both Hunter and Zendaya into the absolutely not pile.
I'd take Lili Reinhart over all of them, but she's cursed to be known as a TV actress.
snoodfags eternally btfo
I really don't get what people see in Sweeney. Her face is very off putting. Zendaya at least has a better face and more classy personality.
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>I really don't get what people see in Sweeney.
i like her face though
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Are you retarded
Sydney > pre-Anya > Ortega >>>>>> rest
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>annoying+ same expressions
>can't act+muh tits
>can't act+a tranny
>ugly mutt, can barely act, same expressions for everything
>ayy lmao+ same expressions
if that's the best they have, we are in deep shit, compare any of those whores with someone like Aniston in Friends(first 2 seasons), Courteney in 90's, Cameron Diaz, Connelly 90's, Bellucci, Pfeiffer 90's etc
at least Jolie looks like AIslop, kys immediately
prime Monica mogs JCon. Its not an obliteration, but its a mogging nevertheless.
It's not a dying medium. Kabbalists just refuse to have any strong/honorable male leads. Esp if they are white. They also refuse to pay good screenwriters and have their nepo babies write shit
Those are actresses, not actors.
actors throughout television history have basically all been nepo hires
todays actors are trash because while theyre still nepo hires, they dont have the charisma (yet) of previous generation actors like rudolph valentino or leonardo dicaprio
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Born in 1996 so very late Millennial. Even her character Ratcatcher is identified as a Millennial in the movie.
I see your opinion but I don't see anything correct
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literally never seen this bitch in anything...WHO IS THIS?!
for me, it's Dafne.
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Is snood
>t. coping zoomie
Well... at least one of them is an actor.
Half of them are men.
Men! We don't know what we did.
none have any magnetic quality
they're like people in ads for fabric softner or car rentals, you don't know who it was an you don't care
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hmm ---- which would you choose:
Boomer women or Millennial women?
To clarify, I'm referring to Zendaya. The others are actresses.
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10/10 litreral goddes tier
On that note watch the Real Loud house its the most soulful series i have ever seen
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Zendaya clears this whole roster easily.
one of her nudes has been posted on other boards, not a shitty AI pic, this is not a drill, coombrains start your engines.
thank you for the heads up. I have peeped it. I'm not sure how to feel right now.
Very nice thick nipples
Shame about her face
You want me to check every other board to find it? Help me out with a link.
her simpcity thread has them
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She looks like an angle. The cutest face out of any actress you can list.
I want to make love and marry sydney sweeney
Zendaya is a late Millennial tho
Nope, she's all yours, zoomie.
After watching wednesday I would even take zendaya over ortega
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This bitch is blowing up faster than the Hindenburg did
>How would you rate the actors of the Gen Z generation in television and film?

a landfill of talentless fuglies
This is true. She is a young millennial along with Tom Holland etc.
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I like her more now
>Zendaya will never love you
My life ended before it bega
Which ones?
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Dem numbas mannn shieeettt
>shes a multitalented a-lister every director worth their salt wants to work with
We weren't meant for that life.
If you don't remember Y2K you're a zoomer
what movie or show is she from?
The current whore of Babylon inflicting spells on the roastie masses.
Monica is up there with JCon. And mature Monica > Mature JCon
>posts ratface
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My heart
The ones that aren't boys are fine by me.
So the two in the middle.
Jesus Christ
sweeney > hunter > anya > #2 > zendaya > ortega
ranked in sexual attractiveness
>coked out and now ugly
Atrocious. Back in my day we had real actresses.
I though this was pugh for a second was she always this fat?
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If i wanted a faggot's opinion i'd have asked /lgbt/
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I LOVE Hunter Schafer she's a great actress
how can one man be so based
the cheek clapping must have been audible from a block away
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the guy loves her so much he bought her makeup collab
zendaya sucks dick because she always plays insufferable roles
she is so fucking short its comical.
this is how a braindead coomer person drinks btw.
A girl without a waist is not a girl
jessica alba missing bruh
nailed it.
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you give us the skibidi ick
you can't even say the first two are hot because they look 18-19 which is heckin problematic
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He passes so poorly that I question if the people attracted to him are straight up gay instead of just bi.

Sydney > power gap > Jenna > Anya > Snood > power gap > zendaya
gun to your head hunter or zendaya
Not >>203189541
but Hunter even without a gun
From left to right
Giga Would
That's a dude hahaha
Mega Would
I don't give a fuck
I just want to frot with Hunter while motorboating her at the same time
Zendaya is decent but they need to stop trying to force her as a sex symbol
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why do zoomers all have super wide faces
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snood sisters, i don't feel so good
I want snoods legs wrapped around my head as I perform cunnilingus on her
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me too me too
i'm in love with hunter and i want to die
Are all the posts about Hunter here ironic? Even putting aside the trans stuff, Hunter is fugly.
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Ayyna is the hottest and that's sad. Zoomers are so ugly.
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i'm completely serious
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Millenials had better ones

Most based post I’ve seen today
All she has is a fat pair of tits, you can tell just by the way her face is it’s not gonna age well.
It has certainly been a wild ride today.
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Such a pickme jfc
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>tits falling out of sportsbra
Sydney is objectively hotter than Anya and you know it. I agree that for the most part zoomers are ugly but Sydney Sweeney is legitimately a supermodel.
god i'm going to have a white baby with my wife then hire a latina maid and have an affair
Syd looks like a 40 year old permanently stoned trailer trash whore.
just how i like em. bet she runs a nail salon out of her trailer.
>implying that's not hot as fuck
Everyone loves bimbos, if only for their looks.
>kate winslet
Her looks are terrible though.
i want to see them in a high produced porno in these exact outfits with classical music playing in the background

4k, 70mm, dolby surround sound
File: swimsuit.webm (2.44 MB, 968x1080)
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2.44 MB WEBM
legitimately seen better acting in porn
there are no good actors period
>that implied camel toe
That crease was made by his balls nigga
he has balls
For me it is
Emma > Jenna > Sydney > Anya >>> Hunter >>>>> the mutt
do people really want a man over a mutt?
File: 1679650387052410.webm (906 KB, 576x1024)
906 KB
Zendaya is a man and a mutt.
and that's a good thing
Oh I'm laffin
>samefagging your post this hard
Looks wise;
Monica in Brotherhood of the Wolf just hnngg
There are hotter black chicks working the streets.
File: smug fish.jpg (425 KB, 1365x2048)
425 KB
425 KB JPG
4 women and a chimp
I don't see any chimpanzees in that picture.
File: snood tongue.webm (2.07 MB, 878x1080)
2.07 MB
2.07 MB WEBM
snood won
anya is top tier, idk the others

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