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HOH: Quinn
POV: Leah
NOMS: Joseph, Rubina, Kimo

previously on /bb/: >>203168049
thank you for the new thread, op!
counting the days with big mak
Mak attack incoming
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sex with the star of the show
how many posters do you think we have now
15 on busy days, 5 max on slow ones
overnight is like 3 until hogg shows up
Is Leah the most attractive house guest of all time? Reddit thinks it was Makenize(not surprised).
big mak telling chelsie she will put up tkor
Who is makenize?
who is makenize?
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Tucker was asked in an interview about the things Leah got in trouble for and he said they were all just "hypotheticals" and that he "was taking things very personally", whatever the hell that means.
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thats music to chelsies ears honestly. everyone else wouldnt touch tkor
would be extremely based. She just said she wanted to put all boys up on the block but will have to target Rubina or T'Kor if they're both here
Burger dogs are done btw (by the way)
means he made shit up
chelsie a tard. she thinks rubin is tkor and kimo's glue
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yeah, basically. i'm convinced that Kimo wasn't even the one that got pissed about the "goodnight guys, goodnight Kimo" thing she said but Tucker put it in his head
listen, as long as chelsie gets to the point that one of the trio has to go this week. im good. i dont care what her reasoning is
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shitty cap poster is the worst poster in each thread
big makenize HAS to win
>we all know Cam's type
>hispanic women or blonde women
big mak dated a 5-8 guy
what do you mean?
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Mak describing all her exes. She said the shortest guy she's ever been with was 5'8" and it wasn't for her
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fraid so
i wonder how much energy that proto box uses to display that holo 24/7
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kek theres a reason chelsie is a virgin and it isnt religion
Enters thread because big girl dated 5'8" guy
>it wasn't for her
Leaves thread
tucker doesn’t deserve to be stuck with them
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doing the lords work anon. dont let them get you down
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Leah has been in that onesie for almost 24 hours
don't encourage the autism
holy shit leah looks so fat
i HATE heart hands
bb19 kevin is on a game show on fox right now
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her inhaling lasagna last night was pretty kino
even the way the koreans do it with one hand?
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Angela says that Quinn IS funny but that it's just too much and goes too hard. It's hilarious that she says that to his face now
>angela describes the perfect girl for quinn
>quinn says close and then proceeds to describe leah

i never really thought that Leah had a cool sense of style. the makeup thing, sure
What is autism?
i like quinns use of 'situationship' as a form of intimacy / dating.
i bet he would describe his relationship with leah as a situationship
>angela suggests they keep the description to 1 sentence
he said a girl who likes to dress up which leah does
Leah said that Angela's description of Quinn's type is the perfect description of her sister
kek it's funny that she is calling people out on their annoying habits. leah never shuts the fuck up
is there any photos of this dani character?
oily footjobs with big mak
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Her sister. I know there have been more photos around but not sure where I saw them
sucking on milkers with big mark
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Leah’s real estate agent photo
looks like a Russian prostitute selling herself as a bride
they look like the trashy bimbos we all knew kek
"real estate agent"
"vip cocktail waitress"
T’Kor pointed out earlier that Leah is Ukrainian and it made me realize she actually does look it
Gross. Reality TV show.
isn't her last name peters?
doesn't sound ukranian to me, she's not full slav

do you understand how last names work?
We need an Irish winner desu
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based big mak mogging that jealous bitch
how long will it take tkope to take put her braids? seems like it would take all night
hate potato monkeys, not racist just don't like 'em
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solid 7 without blond hair
they got jenga
jenga with big mak
yeah, do you?
or are you saying that an english last name somehow survived in a full ukranian family?
Fuck this man I can't believe Quinn is a 3 its not that bad wtf
He could get out Kimo which is great, Rubina its like who knows might be a number against him. Yes Joseph could go but still. Is he cringe yes but come on bro...sigh. I had Leah too.
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Quinn washed his body for the first time this season today
who said she is full ukranian. she clearly isnt. you are making a fool of yourself just stop now
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why are they having t'kor cook when she obviously has no fucking clue what she's doing? she just learned how to turn on the oven like last week
cause it’s funny
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yeah, that's what I said >>203191931 she's not ukranian
what are you even mad about lmao
that would be the thing to completely break joseph
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im not mad i just dont understand how you can be so retarded as to think she couldnt be partially or even majority ukranian and still have the last name peters.
What is that from? Why are their rankings so off?
Russian plant
>mfw I mak post
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i forgot that they closed the backyard at like 6 am. not that big of a set up so Quinn might be right about it being slip and slide
big mak is winning slip and slide
Oh yeah
This big retard cast really gonna let a trio get into final 9 aren't they. Gameplay is horrible this year.
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No you see it makes perfect sense to put up an ally on the block instead of the last member of a trio who backstabbed you and will throw you on the block given the chance
kek looks like a wallace and gromit character
if you're not mad then why you keep being aggressive about it kek
was just pointing out that americans tend to call themselves ukranian, native american, or some other thing they deem more exotic than english or german(which is generally the case)
and all this coming from a post, which was claiming she "looked" ukranian(lmao)
>Quinn says I like to date tall, I will date 6'5" and I dated 4'8"
Any woman over 5'11" is <0.1% of the population

Quinn must date men or transgender women
can't believe i used to watch this slop instead of the challenge. you all should make the switch too. seasons 10-39 are on paramount+
What is the challenge?
no live feeds no watchey
guess you won't be watching bb after this year then
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I tried watching and had too much drama, it's like a trashy Bravo show with comps at the end
another L for joseph
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if they’re gone correct
Dumb camera guy missed the fall on cam3
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seasons where the vets don't just jerk each other off and eliminate everyone interesting are alright. The vast majority of the challenge recently is not that.
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if cam wins he gets a handjob
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this is almost a good cap its a shame your brain is broken and you aren't even trying
see this anon gets it
What do you mean?
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tkor just asked if she has to flip the pork chops
Tuckor just learned what cooking oil is for about a week ago.
cam cheats. he keeps partially tapping blocks out and back in
Footfag keeps zooming in on the memory wall
yup, mak called him out on it in the beginning but he said it’s not cheating
>angela: you two should wager the writing on the backs
ohhhh shit
make the next hoh jenga
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kek, it was falling over and mak held it up
Kimo is drinking milk with a spoon
kimo gotta go
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uhm excuse me sweaty
I'll have you know she learned like 5 months ago
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He drinks his coffee that way in the morning some of the times.
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my favorite part of the day
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her accent isn't as thick
>quinn is wearing a dress
shes sending a message to tucker
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cam don’t play about jenga
>The fake southern blackcent
>Clearly almost never used nice stove
>"I don't have much counterspace since I don't have an island" in her kitchen with tons of counterspace
You already know she talks shit about white people underseasoning their food
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T'Kor teaching Kimo how to campaign, kek. Didn't someone else tell him how to do it yesterday?
cam is a jenga god
I have about 3'x3' of counterspace and typically half of it is taken up by dishes
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angeler fucked it
Tuckor went into storage to look for broccolini for 15 minutes
She was talking game with Kimo in there
remember when t’kor asked cam if dinosaurs and humans co-existed
Correct but she told the hgs she was looking for broccolini and then chelsie said we told you broccolini is in the fridge out here
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Rubina caught me looking at Chelsie's ass
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Behold the grotesque beast known as "Quinn"
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Ehhhh He's not even ugly
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Here we find the beast in his natural habitat, he is deep in thought, plotting his next attack on Little Leah, as he soaks in his icko juices.
didnt they? dont they?
I like short androgynous men
cant wait for the late night HoH bed foot snuggles
although i can see little leah not doing it tonight cause she been up there every night since his HoH hasnt she?
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she's grown a little fond of her pet icko. no doubt she stays at least an house
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pussy mist?
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getting misted by little leah
housewife leah
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comforting big mak
what is leah even stirring? is that supose to be mashed potatos?
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i'd get pissed if someone was doing this to my hair when i was trying to sleep
kimo dead
it's loaded mashed potatoes so i think she put a lot of cheese, bacon, and some other shit in it. looks good to me
looks too runny
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it’s ogre….
they played 3 whole games of jenga and kimo is packing it back up
probably because they're eating soon but i'm sure it got pretty boring quickly
trust the sevens
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holy fuck. we have entered into head hair stroking. lets go quinnick!
rubina is better without tucker there
Kimo hasn't been campaigning because slop is fucking him up so much. he looks like he has a fever
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>he looks like he has a fever
and only prescription is more tuck
1 hundred percent. the showmance stuff was dreadful with those two. but now i think of cory and america and i was fine with those two.
so maybe it was just their personalities together that made them both feed switches for me
T'Kor is kind of bossy
i didn't know mak poster capped snl too
it wasnt even so much when she was with tucker. it was her constant talking about and obsessing over him to everyone else
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he must be uploading them to wikipedia because that's where I got it from
I just pasted the url on the 4chanx thing
joseph who didnt help at all is the first to dish up
chelsie doesnt like it
thats probably it. that would be her only conversation and needing reassurance about the whole thing constantly was drowning
>quinn is still wearing a dress
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here's one that does look like complete shit
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listening to everyone talk about how good the food is with mak
how do you know?
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big mak needs nutrients for the slip and slide
she buried it in sauce and then you could just tell the way she was eating it and she never praised it like everyone else is
they're talking about saving the best bite for last. sometimes i eat pizza and watch pizza reviews online
>saving the best bite for last
i do that too.
have a big mak
why is chelsie such a cunt, bros?
is it the lack of sex?
The best bite of pizza is the corner
Pretty much
I can fix her
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Chelsie is in a bad mood for some reason
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kek production tried to wake up Kimo but it didn't work. dude is passed the fuck out
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T'Kor wears granny panties
chelsie saying kimo wins AI arena and rubina going home this week! She on the trio gotta go train. LETS GO!
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Chelsie says she leaves used floss all over the house
I found that funny as that is way more disgusting than leaving clothes around.

She also mentions not to have an "ashy" attitude, she's one to talk.
If I was in the BB house and didn't know how to cook you'd know my ass would be doing dishes every night. Angela and Joseph don't do either
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there is a reason we orbit stars anon
rubina locking in big ang's vote
i actually think rubina is a pretty cool person and like her a lot, and she's definitely much better on feeds without tucker, as he was better without her
hope she gets some real help for her issues
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his nose is bloody?
He snorted some weed during the interview
>rubina: i wana do an all girls things
>angela: so you would put up the males?
>rubina: yeah, except kimo, i want to protect kimo
he also has a black eye
but I'm pretty sure it's make up
got to do coke again
tkor has really come out of her shell the last few days
The only guys left are cam, joe, and kimo
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tucker picking rubina up got angela wet
kek did you tell it to turn cedric into a monkey?
ohnononono bitchboybros this can't be happening
Angela says that she will yell at people in grocery stores if she sees they're doing something wrong. Isn't there a video of her screaming at a lady in her car?
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angela rehashing the shit joseph said to him
they're cooking joe
he deserves it. dude was acting so fucking cocky and his entire game got blown up just because his buddy got evicted
rubina finally sounds like a 35 year old here
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damn Leah goes hardcore with food late at night. does she even work out in the house?

don't get me wrong, she's still perfect to me
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making a 800 calorie desert with little leah
the "leah is fat" poster is going to love this
never seen her workout once

lmao she put syrup on it too? holy shit
>does she even work out in the house?
she was talking to angela earlier in the bathroom and said she doesnt work out. that her and her mom have really got metabolism
fattening reverend chelsie up with little chubby leah
this retard completely blew his game up and lost all chances of winning the game this week
he should honestly hope to leave as staying for the rest of the time in jury is a waste of time for him even if he makes it
idk why he thought he would play a "dr will" game by throwing all comps when really the strategy of dr will was to turn everyone against each other which he didn't do
he also lacks the charisma, strategy, and awareness of the game around him to implement anything dr will did
just another taran-retard thinking he could control the game
im going to make a leah eating collage. someone cap this pls
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It seems like T'Kor has never heard of The Matrix
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leah just acted out 'Clueless'
mind melting
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T'Kor didn't seem to know the reference. She did Legally Blonde though
they cut the feeds because of something Leah was acting out with a frying pan
kek aquamarine
does big mak have a favorite color
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Mak likes Nickleback and has seen them in concert. She seemed offended when nobody said anything
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also loves the John Wick series
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chelsie lost her floss in the room and people started yelling at her kek
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>mak: who thought the horse in spirit was hot?
>leah raises her hand
>rubina: bestiality
Mak said that the horse from this movie was hot
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i wish chelsie could go one day without talking about cracks. it disgusts me and something i never think about when dating
kek i had the volume down and was wondering what was going on
>tall girl is a horse girl
many such cases
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at least you know hers are clean as a whistle at all times
in the thumbnail it looks like Joseph is naked
cameraman, chelsie, leah
big mak, julie, chelsie, tucker
big mak, leah
kimo, quinn
Anything more to add to the list?
leah's hair rn though
kimo bros... it's over...
she did work out with the gals for the first few weeks

Tucker religious? Gunna need some info on this
jospeph is apex skinny fat
what do you guys think his max curl is?
when did this playing children games as a group in the living room first start and when did it become a thing they all do now?
>genuinely autistic
shitty screenshot guy
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i don't think she's gonna shower today
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bb23 big blue couch where they played mafia every night
What is autism?
looks hot
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bb22 did it for for sure though. atg did the great gatsby
that I can appreciate
ah, i think i only watch maybe the first week or two of bb22 feeds
He talked about it in his interview with Julie
Quinn is a based bisexual
tucker said in an interview that he only knew cody briefly 8 years ago and he didnt watch his seasons or talk to him before entering the house cause he wanted to play his own game. he has talked to him since being out and wants to do reindeer games
pan* since he mentions non binary occasionally and I assume trans too
im sure cody will ensure he gets the invite back for the next all stars
and then send him right back home on the first week
that is cool
grodner won't let that happen
>was going to post a cam cap from reindeer games
>didnt save any or have any of my own
>going to use a sad taylor reaction
>image limit due to screenshotfag posting 100+ snaps
i dont even know
its for the best, reindeer games is an abomination
google it. also google pluto tv.
it was fun but that's just my opinion
i enjoyed it. it was a nice two week with some of the old favorites. im not sure how well it would work as an every year thing though
I posted 65 caps ITT (In this thread)
would have been better with kaysar
without them living in the house with the feeds its not big brother and defeats the entire purpose. nobody is "watching" except showfags. its a travesty paramount has reindeer games and not OTT.
it's just a sideshow not a substitute anon, though I do agree about OTT they did it dirty
can't believe they never brought back live DRs back in some capacity, those were great.
for me it was that very brief few days right after bb25 when we tried to get a reality tv general going and watched the golden bachelor.
would be cool but only bb and survivor have enough popularity to get threads. never see any challenge or amazing race threads.
im ok with it being a sideshow, just dont call it big brother
oh yeah for sure, we just didn't want to leave after bb25 and wait for reindeer games
it was hard to quit /bb/ after that long season desu
based mak
We keep the 25 threads going for awhile, much longer than any recent season.

Also thanks shitcapperfag we're at the image limit so I can't post the Wolf of Wallstreet webm.
25 was the greatest season ever
wtf is wrong with the feeds
we're only minutes from a new thread so post it there
yeah its gone for me too
they're fine on p+ but not pluto idk
my p+ is hosed
where the hell are my big brother feeds!
yeah, my paramount+ ((great service btw(by the way)) is fubar
wait no you're right
it's a frozen loop i see it now
they're still playing island game
I'm getting a lot of good caps of big mak and leah
I’m bringing big mak and little leah to the island
can i bring a video camera to the island?
still clucking
aaannddd they’re gone
im out, no gaming is going on anyway
ded feeds but new thread

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