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HOH: Quinn
POV: Leah
NOMS: Joseph, Rubina, Kimo

previously on /bb/: >>203199138

This is the first time I've started one of these threads so be gentle.
>thread died overnight

dead season
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I deserve big mak head scratches
On page 6 already... guys I knew I would fuck up making the op somehow. I'm so sorry.
>thread died in the morning
Big Mak attack incoming btw (by the way)

At least Drew is a debatable top 10 winner, he'd be more like Adam, Dick is a bottom tier winner too but he gets remembered for being entertaining
shout out all my dawgs at the crib
No Tucker
No Joe
No Watch
joe ain’t leaving this week
There is still big mak
This you?
No I didn't take that screenshot. My screenshots are typically better than that.
The only thing that could redeem this season is Angela winning
Do you guys think Tucker will wait for Zubina or is he already out fucking models again?
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With how optical he is, he'll maintain the facade for at least until finale night. He probably already got a quickie from the ex that was taking care of ziggi.
Kek you're probably right
I hope if Zubina makes it to jury she'll cool off about Tucker, for her sake
Its going to be hard to watch if Tucker gets caught moving on while she's still obsessed with him
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cam living the dream
If Chelsie were to win the next HoH, who would she put up?
>oh now you want to get my feet?
cameraman is being a footfag this early
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joseph (if he is still there)
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ick status?
Ffs, I want her to fuck over T'Snore
leah still hasnt showered and still in the same pajamas
big mak calling out the cameraman for being a footfag
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Leah trying to get big mak to sell socks and feet pics
Leah is doing baby talk again
Leah looking thick
>quinn is mirroring leah's bit
he's lost in the mist
his cringe knows no boundries
>I miss my pussy pump
>I miss my dildos
cameraman being a footfag again

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Leah and big mak are showering together
leah spraying warm water on the shower curtain so mak can warm her bum
F3 right here
angela fangirls over the girls so hard. she is going to watch this season on repeat when she gets out
big mak went with her good sweats today
leah has been in the shower for 20min. stop talking and wash your pussy and get out of there
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wash yo cracks
leah telling sots she'll vote someone else off if he shaves his mustache
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kek based little leah
9-11 EST is always the danger zone desu
Guess every bumped collectively took a break kek
Leah doxxing her friends full names
>big mak telling tuckor game ideas and happenings
What disability does t'kunt have
t’kor tells big mak that she has her vote if she’s top 2
mak talking too much again. someone get this woman some food
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I saw the thread on page 10 but decided not to doublepost
t’kor saying tucker leaving was a good move for everyone while her two closest allies sit on the block kek
Not being allowed to leave the house as a child while living in a hostile and racist home environment.
It's ok Queen Chelsie is still there. That's all that matters to tkor
Footfag chelsea seething
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white girls running this house
The endless mmhmms and mmms god damnit
damn t’kor turning her back on kimo
She definitely is trying to help him stay imo
But I also think Rubina is her new #1 this week
How on earth did the tard trio think pitching an all girls alliance plus kimo only when they lost ticket would work? Silly fools
they should build a small outside area in the house that they can always go out to and won’t get closed like the backyard
>I have the whole house wrapped around my finger
Makchads we RUNNIN that house
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>Makensy after talking to T'kor: I've got this whole house wrapped around my finger.
Then how will they hold no outside time over the hgs head?
cause it would only be a small area
chelsie is SEETHING today
gotta love big mak
I really wish we saw these supposed late night talks because we have no clue if it’s just Chelsie delusion or Cam going full poohunnit
I will give her not being at pissy given she doesn’t even know about her camsession
If ya'll are bored you should read the lipstick alley bb thread, nbombs are so funny with their nbomb wars
are you guys ready for the kimo burp fest tonight?
Not really and I won’t miss it after tomorrow
Hope we see a Chelsie melty tonight
She looks on the edge
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you really really do
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cam wants the big mak pussy, she needs to get over it
Is there anyone that would put up T'Kor after winning hoh?
Wow what a week for Big Mak. She was bawling last week certain she was going home and had nobody
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t'kor will send her white ass to the jury next week
big mak told chelsie last night that she would
The Girls + Quinn
kek Leah has Joe fully pussymisted
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bless her tard heart
she’s right, she’s in the position chelsie once had
kek at the shots of quinn cucked out of the hoh room
Joseph spilling his game again
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le Brains of the Operation
kek at them acting like cam and mak are in the wrong
Questioning Dinah's(t'kor) Blackness with chocolate mommies
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holy based ty anon
they did for CBB since the yard is always closed building comps. they put a swim pool out there for that one guy first season
>chemo wins arena
>they blindside t'snore and vote out rubina
I need the mindbreak. she's already accepted chemo might leave but not rubina after this girls alliance bullshit
classic colorism
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They love arguing about who is Black over there
The nbomb who said they would pull Cedric's Black card if he was a woman is right
Black femcels cannot stand a pretty lightskin or biracial
isn't it standard practice for all of them everywhere? Cookout got rid of lightskin and mutts right after evicting non-blacks
chelsie is a crazy femcel
Never even heard of LSA really and this is a goldmine of retardation with a few kind of normal people randomly shitting on nbombs I love it. Arguing over whether Cedric is black or white to the audience at home as if every non-black isn't just immediately "Look at the cute nbomb". Being this out of touch with other races is kind of beautiful. The black femcel mind works in mysterious way.
Cedric has two quadroon parents.
Cool what color is his skin and how does he present himself?
They should replace Ainsley with a Mama Dud avatar
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please grod
The funniest part is I'm pretty sure the userbase is mostly millennial but they argue like 14 year olds
Just constant cheap shots, over confidence and hostility, making stuff up to "win"
LSA betrays the worst nbomb stereotypes... and these are nbombs who can read and write well enough to want to use a forum
makbros... the femcel is going to weaponize the girls to take her out...
the WHEW CHILE PLEASE and usage of "yt" is hilarious and yeah pretty grim when you consider these are the 'smarter' nbombs online
Cam has yet to cum. There is still time. Chelsie must take cams month long load before it is too late, for tuckors sake.
she told t’kor last night she’s not mad at mak cause she doesn’t know everything between her and cam, she’s mad at cam
all chelsie does is talk shit about cam, no wonder he doesn’t like her
Yeah she made clear mj had no clue about her crush and in her opinion was too dense to pick up on it naturally kek
Only ttwit and rubina seethe about mj in this
Big Mak will triumph and the tongues speaking femcel will seethe
what is mak pitching to ang?
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what if juror 1 and 2 are chelsi and cam so they get close in the jury house but then mak is juror 3 and cam starts busting nuts in her all day so chelsi goes insane and kills everyone in the house due to what god told her when she was speaking in tongues?
>Hello Joseph, Rubina, and Kimo. Welcome to the BBAI Arena. This competition is called FUCK BOWIE JANE.
For Angela to set up matt with her daughter.
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>This HOH competition is called FAITH OF A MUSTARD SEED. Whoever can use their prayers to grow the mustard seed large enough will become the new head of household! Come on God!
This is unironically what I feel like is going to happen in jury house minus the literal murder. Mak seems religious enough to not fuck on camera but also enough of hoe to ride the ride the second she can.
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tkor is a stupid motherfucker
A lot of people think Joseph was a really stupid nom but my devils advocate is that, as long as he wins or you can convince allies to keep him its good because you won't make people angry with that veto nom, the plan should be get Kimo out with Rubina backup plan.
wtf if you didnt know what is going on you would think mak is OTB and pitching to kimo kek
win somethin yo
Production has to be pissed that they're going to have to remind the viewers who Leah AND Joseph are tonight.
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kek she’s so based
Leah and Josep are on the feeds quite often.
and t'snore is the one who hates mak
but its the viewers
Chelsie is making it far. I don’t even know who would even take a shot at her anymore now that Tucker is gone
rubina was insisting mak didn’t know about chelsie’s crush the other night and t’kor was like no she DEFINITELY does lol
the general audience has zero idea who either are
They have both had drs though
kimo tried so hard to get mak put up on multipe hoh's. i wish someone would tell her
i think she'll be an easy target mid-jury, house is full of goats
she’s lying to his face right now so it’s ok
My favorite players are ones that suck at the beginning and then learn the game as they go. It’s fun to watch.
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she has risen
It’s what made jag fun last season for as much as the second half steamroll got boring
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best part of the day
matt on tiktok live addressing mak and cam’s flirting and saying he’s gonna be fine
It is something we must consider.
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He's so cringe I love it
As muvh as I don't like Paul, his development as a gameplayer from early 18 to late 18 was insane.
I enjoyed watching Paul in 18 and wanted him to win because of his evolution. I despised him in 19.
T’kor said that she never watched big brother and applied for survivor. This is the kind of player that modern work survivor creates.
i think she said she watched 24 and 25 before coming on
probably in sequester
straya survivor > nu survivor
I think they gave them those in sequester
is chelsie eating straight cool whip out of a glass?
Chelsie telling mak she wants Rubina to stay against Joseph
>matt loves brett
lets go have a rare brett /bb/
Because she thinks Cam will put her and Chelsie up if he’s hoh LMAO
She’s fucking seething and spiraling
big retard been talking game for almost half an hour without a mic
mak stop interrupting and let chelsie make her points kek
bigger retard cant see it clearly attached to her shirt
kek gottem
Her and MJ* whoops
Lack of sleep doing me in
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Thanks broseph, I didn't have that one
>mak: angela will do what i say

kek where did all this confidence come from
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she has the house wrapped around her finger
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Rubina sounds safe no matter what this week
my bad
big mak HAD been talking game for almost half an hour without a mic before Quinn brought it to her from the bathroom
Who is MJ?
Chelsie thinks Cam will put Mak on the block? Is she retarded?
mak and chelsie are overthinking this
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just when big mak was stating to get a foothold on the game she goes and fucks herself up once again by getting into another nonshowmance
why doesn’t chelsie just talk to her instead of silently seething?
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based big mak wants to backdoor icko if she wins hoh
Because the blacks this season only want to work with the blacks and minorities, but you can't say that or you'll get cancelled
Speaking of Survivor, I always wanted to watch. What seasons are worth watching?
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little leah and big mak are running this house
Cancel culture does not exist. It is a paranoia that came about due to irrational and farfetched fears.
that’s only t’kor
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almost every season is watchable tho, not counting the last ones
Do you also think the Earth is flat?
for OG classic survivor go with season 2 - australian outback
it's what happens when you become the comp beast of the house. power goes to your head
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what has Kimo said he's gonna eat tonight?
Most of the earlier seasons are very good, up to the late 20s. Modern Survivor pales in comparison but it's more consistently entertaining than BB
Why the fuck would Leah tell Quinn that Angela won't put him up?
kek leah told quinn he can sit on the bed and he lays down next to her. so then she says it wont look good if someone walks in cause she just wanted him to sit on the end

maximum ick
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leah said that quinn should move because someone might walk in and get mad
joseph groveling
you give him an inch and he takes a mile
theoretical leah next hoh
does she nominate quinn + tkor and hope to get quinn out or does she continue to mist and use him as a shield and tolerate this for a few more weeks
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He would win big brother. His style of forming a power alliance is the dominant meta and he would easily make final 2.
hes gonna try to sneak a finger in soon
why would they cut away from chelsie and tkor laughing at the sucker fish
stop bullying the sucker!
she probably targets cam
for all the ick talk she clearly enjoys Quinn's attention
>she clearly enjoys Quinn's attention
yeah sure like she "enjoys" fondling and old arab's cock
bible reading handjobs with big mak
whatever happened to quinns 7 person alliance kek
It imploded just like every other mega alliance this season.

Tune in next week when Angela tries to form a six person alliance with T-kor, Cam, Chelsie, Leah, and Big Mak. You won't believe what happens!
well i dont think it was ever actually formed. just quinn discussing wanting it
i feel like this season will feel so much more different once they ditch the arena. targets will be clearer earlier and people will probably campaign a lot more
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its not very effective
i think this is the first time i have seen anyone sit on that couch in the mid room. infact this cast has used that room less than any other season ive seen. its weird
Quinn works in a majority woman occupation. I feel bad for his coworkers
wish i was in there between them
He is a recruiter so he doesn't work with the recruits for too long but he can pick out a good nurse based off of smells.
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>beginning of the season thought Mak was the bitchy one and that Leah was the sweet one
>turned out it's the other way around
joseph for ai arena
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remember when we all thought she was going schizo and gonna paloma herself?
i thought this at first but i think him going out pre-jury would end up being a better story than him lasting 1 or 2 more evictions and just being as useless in jury as he was in the house
I don’t want the whole trio in jury
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yeah thats valid too
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our little big mak has progressed so much in the game of Big Brother
For your first I’d go with S15 or S18
>joe asking quinn for campaigning tips and saying that his HOH went fine
it's joever
What like 2 hours of sleep in 72 hours does to a motherfucker
quarter bong
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rare mak
admiring leahs panty brand with big mak
She’d see my skid marks if she folded my underwear
Why did Quinn nominate him? What was his plan? Did he have one at all?
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as of now / subject to change:
>Weds 9/18 is 10pm,
>Weds 9/25 is 9.30pm,
>Weds 10/2 no show,
>Thurs 10/3 is 8pm two hours
SotS blubber it up with angela
big mak looking good
ainsley lookin good!
many such cases
quinn unironically seethed about angela calling him tryhard and unfunny
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the truth always does sting a bit
angela might be mentally retarded
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production setting up the black on black violence arc
>Angela: Hitler, i'm so tired...
kek don't tell t'kor chelsie wants her on the block
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t'snore's mind will shatter post season
T'kor will get mindbroken when she watches this season back and seeing how much Chelsie didn't give a shit about her
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>Joseph gets to ride to the end again

based chelsie
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another friendzone edit. grodner hates these retards
Chelsie calling TKor a puppet kek
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They're doing sots dirty with this edit bros
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really sots? really?
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the cat screenshot made the episode haha
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Based leah pussymist master edit
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SOTSsistas they did us dirty
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>so you're saying there's a chance
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right after simp on simp violence arc
And I thought we were in the clear after the Olympics
sots getting fuckin rekt in this
sots brainlet edit incoming
oof they are laughing at us sotsbros
Edit rightfully shitting on Joseph
Gamebot losers btfo
>evicted 2 episodes ago
>still gets a segment
Tucker is unstoppable
I think it's over
This edit is ruthless
Joseph and Quinn never gonna watch bb again after they see their eps since they're show+taranfags
offended chelsie edit kek
the rhapists getting convicted
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joseph is running this house
SotS is so based. Love delusional players.
does this bitch ever stop crying
what is Sots?
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if angela was in the DR talking shit and bragging while crying in the house, she'd be a legend. this is just lame
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need that cap of quinn holding the leah chip
I was literally thinking “Wow Angela is handling this well for once”.
And then she started crying.
sucking on the sphincter
Big brain Angela
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why is Sucking capitalized
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sub optimal top service
Did Cameron get expelled or something?
Haven't seen him at all this episode
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think about how much cocaine and hookers that angelas husband is gonna have tomorrow when he learns that she is guaranteed to be gone for the rest of the summer
>im a badass
sots is so fucking cool bros
lmao joseph legit getting OTTN edit this episode
wtf is OTTN
t'kor is a false prophet
big mak is the real one
What's OTTN?
Kenny has been with his other family.
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tkor getting the corny preacher edit lmfao
anyone married to angela is too much of a whimp to get hookers and blow
he's just having a months long pornub fapathon in the master bedroom and a few extra beers while enjoying the quiet
>even the femcel knew the best noms were the trio
over the top negative, from survivor autism
Mak was too busy getting blacked by Cam
That's why they're not in the episode
that sounds pleasant too
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truth nuke
lil leah lookin good
can someone please spoonfeed me sots
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angela is going to time out of this
starting to get annoyed by leah
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the life of a free man
Ainsley... My beloved
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Grod in hell next few weeks
>wholesome bible princess edit
>interracial blacked twerking hoe in the near future edit
hey quinn stop screaming. thanks
she’s so cute in the bandana
Lookin sick nasty
did cam forget that there are tvs in the hoh room he can watch everyday
reminds me of minions
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New ick image just dropped
the word sensational comes to mind
I wish Quinn would speak up I can barely hear him in the DR
I wanna make Quinn scream iykwim
damn, goblina looking even worst as the season goes by
is she gaining weight or something?
someone cap leah peeking out of the tunnel i missed it
>feeling and stroking long things in dark room
wow, another rigged comp by grodner
did they know that the house was allowed to watch them while they sat in the blacbox?
She has lost weight
>joseph doesnt know the rest of the house is watching him
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>Joseph caught throwing due to unknowingly being filmed
Kinda unfair on Grod's part
she's pushing 40 anon show her some grace :(
thank you. very cute
Show starts in 30 minutes, I'll try to get a cap around the 30 minute mark
tucker would have smoked these fools in this
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the top end strat is to drag the pieces near your door and try to shine some light on them when you come back in after looking at the robot
yeah that's some bull
cute :3
I like houseguests being able to watch and shit on the veto players
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your sugar daddies are so proud
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stop fucking eating
>Quinn gets a clownshoe moment to fuck up his second hoh
she looks like she's melting
>ywn be leah's degenarate sugar daddy
I haven't been able to keep up with feeds the last two days, is SOTS the target if he loses AI?
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she is moving the right direction
only if he's up against rubina i think
He has a chance of going but most of the voters are smart enough to go for Kimo>Rubina>sots it feels like
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>dis white boi retarded
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what is a sots and why is he running the house?
real life angel
shut the fuck up quinn
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god just imagine her in 5 more weeks. literally my dream gf
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Simp of the South
I demand that big mak clapping webm
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Tuckorsaid sots is going though and tuckor is running the house
son of the savior
>another ick segment
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oh no the sick nasty copypasta
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oh shit it's coming
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Total simp death
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holy fuck he’s getting BURIED kek grod hates his ass
chelsie shitting on SotS to leah on feeds
>no ickroll
grodner had a little mercy
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>How bout NO
Bravo Quinn, everyone in Reddit is clapping
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shes so cute
they couldve buried quinn more if they wanted. leah telling him to not get to close or that she didnt want to have a slumber party with him
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thank you
have a big mak tard sign in return
quinn gonna thank Grod leah was boring enough she didnt get multiple ick drs per episode like most pretty girls would
they should give them a luxury comp and the winner gets to watch beetlejuice 2 with people
Mr. B can you please post the screencap of Mama Dud looking wide eyed at the box of condoms. Thank you, smooches!
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quinn stop fucking screaming
Grod is saving that angle for when flashbacks start taking up a lot of the shows.
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angeler's titties sitting wide
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Quinn is fucked regardless but not putting up T'kor was a game losing move. Actual moron.
these 90 min the challenge 40 eps are way too long. so much nothing happening
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very cute leah
Quinn found a way to touch Leah's boobs
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that would be cozy. who would you pick /bb/
just do the survivor method and skip the challenge portions unless it's really cool
>quinn rubbing his face on leah's tits
Checked thank you Mr. B
big mak and little leah with a bucket of popcorn sitting in my lap
mak, leah, and joseph
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what? the challenge portions are the only reason worth watching. the partying sequences and shots of them walking all intense from location to location is so lame
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based lil leah
and they're still gonna keep simping for her
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lmaoing at the makeup
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both versions of ainsley
like one of those anime girls. very kawaii
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is it called featherface if the makeup makes a white person look native american
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new thread i cant post caps
stop screaming faggot
i'd pick angela and make use of her hall pass while forcing quinn to watch
>if I win HOH
Leah is dead to me
Anybody know what kind of shoes Cam was wearing?
>On feeds Chelsie and Leah are having a Cam exposed party. It really sounds like Chelsie is ready to let him go in the game. She’s frustrated that Cam thinks he has her, Leah, and MJ in his back pocket

dawgs at the crib bros....
I didn't even notice he was there
>Game changing announcement
based angela

i dont think a jury battleback is that game changing anymore
5 person jury because production hates Quinn we can only hope
It makes more sense when you have a jury of 9 instead of this 7 shit
welp back to watching old challenge seasons
give me a good one with ct being based or cara being retarded please anon

New slop
cutthroat season 20. no ct but cara is very cringe
>ainsley just keeps pushing the jury count down until after quinn is evicted
this bogged brit chick named jenny on the challenge 40 has some kind of body though
they look like some kind of salomons but i wasnt able to find anything

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