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HOH: Quinncel
POV: Leah
NOMS: Joseph, Rubina, Kimo

previously on /bb/: >>203224768
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Leave the asians and blacks to me
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>we will never see the Ainsley actress ever again on the show
Looks like a bollywood male lead
why does Leah keep doing laps around the petal room
what is the little leah character doing
sex with ainsley
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she's been doing it all night. i think she's reciting things from all the videos but for some reason she does it while pacing around her room
this version of Sots and Tucker could have unironically ran the house.
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remember when everyone thought Quinn was trans and/or gay but he ended up being the horniest dude for Leah in the entire house
This is unironically how CBS hoped he would look basically I bet he did the mustache crap as some ironic hipster BS.
i look like this
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i look like this
not helping joseph study with t’kor
jag before growing his beard out and donning the turban
i was thinking , if i was joseph, id say some of stuff wrong and see if she corrects me to test her
there's zero chance they're gonna show all of these in the episode tomorrow. they haven't even covered the blowback from Leah using the veto, and they have to explain all the new twists. It'll probably be a ten second montage which sucks. They should show some on the feeds
>25 vids already
Imagine they don't matter kek
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Cam finna win HOH
or they'll be true or false questions so it'll be easy for anyone that sucks anyway
please grod let the throuple over study and fuck them up
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sex with fat leah
still hotter than rubina
>chelsie and cam up in the fish room
>say they dont want to study with other people cause they got shit wrong
>say makensy has everything all wrong and whats them to help her because she is cooking for them
>cam: i didnt ask you to cook for me
this ungrateful mother fucker. giving you head and back scratches when ever you want, feeding your belly and you dont want to give her the correct order of things? i revoke my shipping of cam and big mak
he's just trying to suck up to Chelsie because he knows she's pissed about them snuggling. they probably had a big blow up off cameras today
wow what a prick, good luck with megamind cam
he's with chelsie the shittalker extraordinaire kek
confirms to me that we're sleeping on Cams social skills
kek everyone is starving and waiting on Leah to start cooking
>they probably had a big blow up off cameras today
i think that could've happened cause earlier mak and him were on the couch and she said he could lay down for some scratches but he said nah and got up and left. chelsie was right there painting her nails too
was thinking makensy seemed a little down actually
if big mak gives cam some head scratches later he’ll help her study
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i think angela doesnt have much hope for this HoH if this memory thing is it
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yeah and Angela was saying that Cam "blew up her game" and she wouldn't want to sleep next to him anymore
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Quinn should consider veneers to hide his creepy shark teeth.
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you can tell how fucking hungry Mak is. her eyes are bugging out of her head when she's working around the food
why the fuck is Angela crying again
I think it's just the vids desu
the whole house vibe crashed
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Quinn knows he is so fucked next week. He even said so to Leah and thinks she's going to be the one to put him out or vote him out
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he's still gonna rearrange her guts and have D1 babies with her
did she melt 44 slices of kraft cheese into a pan??
oh wait nm but what is in that other pan?
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i dont think so, they putting them on the burgies
yeah i spoke too soon
she is putting 44 slices onto the burgers but also melting american cheese slices into some queso they're making for some reason
Leah is getting pissed how much the burgers are sticking to her spatula
kek ok
the queso is a topping for the fries + shredded beef of some sort
tuhcore making some gwok-a-MOLAYYYY
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i like those bowls they have. it reminds me of a fudge swirl vanilla icecream
why don't they tell some people to eat the burgers that are ready? it's going to take like an hour to finish all of these
this is proof all you have to do is put leah under a deadline and she can cook faster
they wanna eat together when have-nots are over
kinda rude to eat in front of the HNs with 20m to go. you could get put OTB for that kind of behavior
yeah but you can call the goobers like Quinn or Joseph to come eat instead of people eating cold burgers
they all eat in front of the Have Nots. they were literally eating pizza and shit in front of them two hours ago
cam has these things locked down pretty good
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>22 burgers to cook
>have 4 done after 20 minutes
bring back well intentioned bullying
no shit sherlock, they do it all week. you wouldnt even make jury, maybe even a first out
nah i'd make it to week 7 and right after the last pre-juror leaves the house i'd scream nigger at the top of my lungs while julie scrambles on live television
jangela is something i never thought i would ever type
define well intentioned bullying with examples of previous HGs
be great if it ends up being slip and slide
having an have not feast with big mak
i would drop another ai right now to really mess them all up
and another right in the middle of the feast
and another in the middle of the night
leah's butt is poppin tonight
>12 o clock
>leah still has 15 more burgers to cook
aren't they early
they are actually in the future. we are viewing from the past.
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mak's plate
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looks fucking tasty
yummy sloppa with big mak
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kek i just took this cap and was too late to post it
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congrats big mak!
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mak is chowing down holy shit. she said she wants another burger too
kimo’s indigestion burps coming in 3…2…
Why does Chelsie always look so pissed at the dinner table?
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fuck. i forgot about that.
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oh christ
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chelsie is doing work
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based leah saving the day with her food once again!
another vid mid meal?
grod fucking with them tonight kek
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mmmmm spicy
cam seems to have it down
would he be dumb enough to put up guys if he wins the next hoh?
that’s leo
i think he would go for tkor kimo rubina
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my guess is trio or joseph depending on how tomorrow goes
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there will most likely only be two noms. he originally wanted some of the trio up but he might just listen to chelsie. leah and t'kor would be kino
its been 15m and the feast is over
they don’t call her big mak for nothing
what was the thing Mak gets all weird about with 2 liter sodas? like she says that they can't be put in the fridge after being out for a bit?
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i know this is crazy late but it really captured a moment
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i just saw Kimo's entire balls showing through his shorts. didn't get a cap tho
30m past the deadline leah is still smashing burgers.
watching tarzan with little leah
who didn't have a burger yet? wtf
going to bed smelling of beef with big mak and little leah
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finna spark an L and have myself a big mak attack
she made too many but she was only doing it so they didnt waste food bb bought but now she is unintentionally making food nobody will end up eating so she doesnt get canceled for wasting food.
left over burgers are great. specially with that burger sauce she cooked up. id be eating those for the next couple days
these people are going to stress themselves into a choke job tomorrow
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being lost in a memorizing comp with big mak
cams a lock imo
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angel legs
god i want to piss all over them
that isnt the point its 1am and she is still cooking for reasons
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>the video was about pee
nice, thanks
i want to chop those off and hang it on my wall
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watch it pal
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16 more hours until Tucker's battle back and an endurance memory comp that tucker has the answer key to
fucking up every ones order of scenes with big mak
Imo if sots really looked like that he'd be the hottest guy on the cast for this season. Even hotter than Tuckah.
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yea tucker's a cutiepie but anytime he got anxious he would fall into being a lunatic fentanyl junkie that you would catch outside a bodega shop asking for cigarettes. A chad Joseph would be to cool, calm and 'collective' for such defense mechanisms, and would just run the table
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tucker was good looking but had a pretty busted face and a freak mouth desu
nice hair though, miss the guy in the pic
question for makfags: is her butt getting bigger or is it the sweatpants?
hard to tell. she has a little bubble butt for her frame
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forgot pic
His freak mouth is one of his biggest sellers though. It's part of what made him so animated in the diary room.
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kek it weirded me out
like a bass or some other fish idk
might just be the pants
she's too tall to show weight gain just yet
>show weight gain just yet
also coming off a week of slop. probably drop some pounds doing that
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>mmhmm rape with big mak
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thought that bitch was gonna take her braids out
tkor saying she is going to talk to quinn after his HoH is over. and has cooled down.
says she didnt like his tone when she was talking to him earlier
>rubina: is he still butt hurt about something
>tkor: it seems like it
>he just assumes we were valuing tucker over him, which isnt true
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she thinks she's the fuckin queen
someone please knock her down a couple hundred pegs
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kimo or rubina gotta go
the trio are insufferable
watch it cam yo wife gon catchu
its what needs to happen. if the house really keeps that trio intact this week. im not going to be surprised
quinn presenting his bussy
i dont care what anyone says. craft american singles are fucking tasty
>leah mak and quinn going over the slides
>leah: this is the blind leading the blind
makes the best grilled cheese when used alongside real cheese
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icko looks straight out of clockwork orange rn
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>leah wins the hoh competition
>T'kor says I don't like Quinn's tone. He makes assumptions. Rubina says Quinn is not your cup of tea. T'kor says I did not get to talk to Quinn before his deep fake noms. Tkor says Quinn has a skewed Idea of the game, he thinks she and Kimo valued Tucker more
>T'kor says I kept Quinn off the block and used Tucker as a pawn. I prioritized Quinn and it is hurtful now. Rubina says to T'kor you always listen with intention.

she's really just completely unlikable and so are her sycophants
that’s why Joseph needs to win the arena and guarantee one of them goes
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chelsie saying she would need to decide between kimo and rubina in the moment should be a red flag
mak only one to step up and say she would want to keep rubina over kimo
and then everyone agrees kimo needs to go over rubina
based mak running the house
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holy shit, they are actually discussing who to get rid of if its joseph vs rubina
they might actually keep the trio intact
how is that not obvious to everyone
even though i think bina has a little bulldog in her
yeah sots vs zubina has been up in the air
it's the only way he leaves imo
Mj is basically the swing vote for this
how has no one mentioned that tkor rubina and kimo and an unbreakable trio and they need to get one of them
this grouping is going to die tonight kek
quinn/leah aren't going to agree with this willingly
hanging out with leah and icko in the hoh shower
he's in heaven rn
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wonder if they are going to stay in there till she leaves
they've kinda committed
icko is sooooo lucky
hey zubina fuck off
leah and quinn got busted kek so awkward
Quinn and leah saw mak naked
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please explain. i just turned these on
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spying on little leah from my pillow fort with quinn
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leah is in the bathroom with naked mak
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quinn realized leah is never coming back.....
how sick nasty would it be if quinn and little leah actually got into a showmance
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it's weird because Leah seems like she's awkward around Quinn but then also has so much fun around him
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what i was thinking of when they were doing that
leah is a total dork at heart but realizes she's hot enough to score guys like 5 tiers above quinn and joseph
very sick and very nasty
little leah trying to get tkor to say who she wants to keep over kimo and rubina
big mak and little leah need to corner her ass
she's more herself around quinn partially because she knows she could do anything and he would still worship her. so she lets the guard down a little and does whatever she wants
apparently they’ve been told to hydrate tomorrow? doesn’t seem like something they’d do for a quick true or false comp.
this is why leah covered him up with pillows. he ratted her out
slip and slide baby! live on the feeds!
I've warmed up to icko. He's like a wounded lamb
I can’t believe this is the same room where aaryn flipped candice’s bed
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same, ive leaned hard into the ick. i look forward to. i need it. it gives me life.
KEK I fucking heard what he was saying but didn't wanna jump to conclusions. she was doing fake makeout face to him the whole time. I know she would do it out of pure bottled up horniness if nobody could see, but he would blab immediately
you're saying that now but the tune will change when he turns back into the spergy retard
Leah buried him in pillows as a way to bury the pure shame radiating off her body
going over the memory comp but mak keeps interjecting wrong things with big mak
I swing violently from sympathy to disgust
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big kimo big sleep
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yes cram all night
study study study
it's just like college ;)
i've come to like rubina a lot when she's not up tkor's ass
opinions change
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if you study your qtips all night they'll have to let you win... right?
and surely your qtip guide is correct... right?
it is, isn't it, tkor?
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>snaps instead of claps
fuck this curly haired faggot
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the woman that quit bb19 because Josh yelled at her looks like this now
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Good morning ladies
best and worst hoh outcome?
Best would be Cam , Leah, MJ, or Angela
Worst would be Kimo imo, Tkor would at least want Quinn out but Kimo would probably have his hateboner for Leah/MJ flare again
Mornin Hogg
Based on other hgs comments she either is deliberately trying to sabotage everyone with wrong reads or has no clue kek
I’m not optimistic sadly
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later /bb/
hope the thread doesn't die
There's a heat wave in California. It's going to 100+ on most places maybe that's why.
So uhh... What happened here? Did ickbros win?
>Mak is unironically getting Blacked by Cam
Why do you cucks still support this whore?
cam is a white boy trapped in black man's body
it's tragic and we should support him
Boogie/Frank with Ian
This is the same house that kept Quinn over the depressed boomer that honestly had a 50/50 chance of self evicting anyway. They're all retarded
courtesy bump
This game is so easy to win. Yet no one is doing it. Bring in MJ. Bring in Joseph. Also bring in Leah. They all have people they are friends with but nothing official and everyone knows it. Picks up those free agents and you control 4 votes.

Everyone talks about what a good game Chelsea is playing, and she is playing the best game in the house, but her support structure is surprisingly weak for being the best player in the game. She still has Cam, mostly. She still has Quinn on her side for now. She has T'Kor only because she hasn't stuck the knife in yet and she will soon.

Her game is really on shaky ground. The same for everyone else. The only player no one really wants to get out is Leah, but she hasn't done enough to be a threat, yet.
One for the road for my part
Hope someone else can tackle the next hour to get through the dead period
A brown and a white already tapped that first so its aight. She no longer got options
Who are all the Blacked houseguests in BB history?
We got April for BB10, Beth from BBCAN9, Blue from BB25, Paulie if we're counting men, and now Makenzie.
Anyone else?
I 100% agree, and actually think Leah is in the best position to pull in those votes. My prediction is that Kimo goes tonight, some combination of SotS Quinn Cam goes in the double next week. At that point, Chelsie sticks the knife in T'kor leaving Leah open to stick the knife in Chelsie and then go on to win the game. But the numbers are really up for grabs for anyone, so who knows how even tonight will go. This season has been really great so far.
Megan? God damn.
If she came in as that Cody probably would've invited her to the mega alliance
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You can't erase a dogface
Kraft singles are real cheese
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stil looks pretty grim to me
My /bb/ folder has 4959 pictures
She looks like one of those twins that have two heads on the same body
got a feeling its joe's final wakey wakey
Yes queen you are that shit you slayed that shit what a serve what slay queen you did that shit what a girlboss what an empress you did that shit you served that shit I'm fucking gagging sis you gagged that shit you worked that shit
*applies chapstick to remove taste/smell of butthole from lips*
Apparently AI arena was Julie's idea? Give her a fuckin raise
says who
mak telling chelsie they should do kimo over joseph
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Am i wrong?
The cool kid insiders with the inside info that you're on the outside of
>chelsie: you know im down, i gotta wash my crack
>mak: i need go to over these videos
>chelsie: me too but im gonna wash my cracks first
one of the vids was machine gun kelly
quit it with the Conjoined Twin bombs!
God was like.. Julie you are one of the few people who actually talks to me anymore, for your faith, I deliver you the greatest idea ever!
looked like wet mic packs in the SR
Does T'Bore know Kimo is probably going if he stays on the block?
Did Leah really almost kiss Quinn last night or was it bullshit
The hgs know they should keep chemo based off of the tone of her mhmms
They had sex
It really is crazy how "trust" in modern BB is basically just an unhealthy codependent relationship where you have to be chained to each other
Makes me not wanna "get back out there" if you know what I mean
I’m so ready for bubble guts and his filthy blue flannel hoodie to burp his way out the door today. I hope an audience member calls him a faggot too. Aloha these nuts, bitch tits
Who isn't ready for Kimo to go jfc
Take his mopey ass back to the furniture store
Big Mak wears the best looking clothes in the house
Kimo seems like a nice man, why so god damn hostile?
As a straight dude watching his visible obsession with Tucker was yikes
I'd understand you not getting it if you've never been in that position before but he's a creep with no personality
Ok avocado onion may and ketchup mustard relish egg burritos are done
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how the fuck is it even a question to take out one of a trio this week???

they're seriously considering keeping rubina this week prejury if she's next to joe instead of voting her out which gets rid of a three person voting block and if one gets to the end has two locked jury votes in a 7 person jury when they only need 4 votes to win????

reminds me of bbcan 6 with paras when they let her toxic trio get to the end and they controlled the votes in the jury phase with their voting block and she won because she had two locked votes and got a clutch hoh win in the final 3 and 4 to get to the final 2. I can see this happening with t'snore if chelsie stupidly keeps them intact
leah and her 2 simps are voting block as well tho
No you see it makes perfect sense to put up an ally on the block instead of the last one of a trio that would not think twice about putting you up and voting you out.
you gotta make it to the end first and rubina will put 2 boys next week. joseph will put up 2 girls

also this >>203248772 and they all have to know in the back of their minds (but cant say it) that the 3 buddies will also vote for a buddy at the end
there's bad blood between quinn and joe now
and with femcel, cam and mak trio there's small fractures forming
the ru'snormo trio will never turn on each other and need to be split up
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>onion may?
nobody sees the CCM trio though
joe and quinn should 100% be against each other but in reality they don't really have anybody else, especially joe
It would be hilarious if Joe won HOH and put up Quinn because who the fuck does he have beyond that realistically? Leah will dump his ass the soon too
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let's see.... he is lazy, jealous, and boring. also a feed killer with his constant farting, burping, and slurping. he isnt funny or entertaining and a t'twat enabler. just plain gross and lame
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oh. im retarded
It’s hilarious how Leah justified taking Angela down because it’s “best for her game” and solidifying with Angela when she risked burning bridges with two people
she knew those simps wouldn't do anything against her
I'm so proud of /bb/
Everyone on Sucks is menopausal now and everywhere else is just theater kid speds, this is easily the best place to discuss the show
Would be extremely based if Quinn somehow gets her out during double eviction but it’ll never happen
What will we be munching on tonight?
Ya nanas dried up twat
Chicken tortilla soup
Is Quinn a target of Chelsie or Mak right now? He basically has a target on his back from the entire house so he’s absolutely fucked next week
If Joseph ends up going home that might protect Quinn another week because the trio will probably be targeted again
i can see joe and quinn kiss and making up. joe knows there's bigger fish to fry
You lesbian ?
Nta but it's a lil thing called a "joke"
leah might have saved joseph against rubina just now
chelsie is saying she is down to keep him
Joseph gives future drinking problem
I've worked with lots of many tryhard jerk ex-nerd types like him and 100% of the time it's always a front for a deep insecurity
hundo p
ive known guys like him, this is accurate
feels so good not having to try to get last feeds caps of big mak cause shes not going anywhere tonight
Lmao she's not going anywhere silly old coomer
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morning hogg
Thank you, didn't want to sperg but post-arm-wrestle I have seen Joseph completely differently. People like this fucking suck and are usually about as fake as it gets to mask deep insecurity and perceived childhood trauma from bullying/not being respected by teachers/mean friends/etc.
im not a coomer or old. i find her facial expressions second to none in the house
looks like rubina might win this one
julie lookin good!

kek if they all get stuck in a knot or keep coming up short trying to connect. kimo and joseph dont have a chance
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Kimo is fucked LOOOOOOOOOOL
When they inevitably bring back the arena next season, I hope Julie does these sneak peaks every Thursday where she does it herself.
If kimo isn’t winning he’s finito
Simple as
Holy shit production must hate Kimo’s slurping and burping too. Dude won’t even come close to doing ok in that
gonna agree that kimo isnt going to do well on this. looking like a rubina win.
girls alliance to the end looking more and more real
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There's an alternate timeline where Fat Leah simps after Chad Joseph
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>hoodie says ALREADY WON
>takes it off
>shirt below hoodie says ALREADY WON
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can you explain that to me? i dont get it
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yeah its funny
she already won
someone time them during the comp to see if they beat julies time
What's a sped?
He was making a joke haha
are you esl
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new thread ya lazy bums

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