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previously on /bb/: >>203254829
leah threw away one of her simps and the other is probably out the door next Thursday.
Quinn threw away his competition
Leah may be the hottest house guest ever. Easily.
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You must mean shelby
Brit but Leah is good to
Quinn 4 eviction
Previously on /bb/
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she won
Joleen is live. And now you know the the recapprs i follow.
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tkor creeps me out ngl
shes had it for quinn for weeks and he's been around. also what did kenny even do to her
Almost want her to win it all
None of these people left deserve 750k
>voted for him to stay and he still left
swingin ken did not give her sex
she had her head in her hands like she was crying and when she lifted her head up she had a completely straight face with no tears, creepy
is this a zoomer thing where they need recappers and reactors for every damn thing?
She was happy that her best pal was gonna stay
quinn hasn't sat on the block eviction night except next to ken and she had to squash that first
maybe t'kor was controlled by an AI this whole time
How is it any different than sitting in a 4chan thread?
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that's not happiness on her face that's "none of these fools knows i slaughter kittens for fun"
Yes. Just ignore the spammer.
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I'm watching the shelby highlights
are you stupid?
does this look like a fucking video stream to you?
That would be fine. I wasn't expecting such a crazy reaction in the first place! Y'all really overreacted I feel.
i cant believe how stupid this question is
i still cant believe they removed OTT entirely from p+
Are you being obtuse on purpose? You're analyzing and discussing the show. Same as the recappers and podcasters. It's the same thing. All that changes is the medium and who's doing the analysis. It's the same.
everyone in jury has won at least 1 comp. only mak, chelsie and angela have more than 1
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Just rewind the feeds and watch it that way.
just win somethin yo
"Dark triad nicole franzel" is a fun concept desu
Time for another Queen Angela hoh
why was rubina coughing so much
If we don't get a Cam HOH I'm gonna lose interest. Season is boring and unlikeable hgs.
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sore throat after deepthroating grodner

she had to in order to get the comp to be tailored for her
It's a sore throat from eating grods poop
That's the look of someone who watched their lesbian moms commit domestic violence through their whole childhood
they filled the arena with dust and she breathed in too much
the mhmms is an instinctual defense response. Notice how well the mhmms get the people she is listening to keep talking for way longer than they reasonably should.
bster up

(I'm not posting a link)
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>9 people left now
>6 people voting and you need 4 votes to evict, 3 to tie this upcoming eviction
>if none of the tardtrio are nominated, they are the swing votes and can help decide who goes with the help of only one other player
>eviction after, you only have 5 voters and need 3 to evict
>if they're all off the block again they choose who leaves by themselves
with quinn and leah seemingly being the next two targets, they're about to dominate the jury phase. more so if they can win an hoh or two
seems they would be back by now if it were just a booth question comp.
I mean bstsrs
and it's all big retard's fault
God asked chelsie and big mak to send sots out
it was a different time....
cope and seethe bitch lmfaooo
then again when tkor won in 3 questions feeds were down for like 3 hours
If one of the trio wins HOH I am avoiding feeds like the plague this week
Prod had to lecture the cast on what to do for the week.
there's nothing to "cope" about. that's literally what happened lol
it's still 96 in studio city
maybe waiting for it to cool down?
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why didn't cam cry for sots like he did tucker?
motherfucker if tboon wins this season you WILL see me seething and i WILL be blaming makensy
end of
i dont think most of the house knew who he was
I never saw those two speak.
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chelsie or leah?
both pretty good options
Tucker was genuinely friendly with everyone, he even left on good terms with Cedric and Lisa.
Joseph was autistic to everyone except for Tucker.
chelsie would ruin her game if she won kek
leah will be kino
I hope Leah wins
sucks for you bitch
>just fish no we'll be right back
was that the end of feeds forever?
big mak and lil leah safe
Chelsie won
Femcels we up
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It's crazy to think how Rubina can still win.
>She has a solid alliance
>Two locked jury votes when only needed 4 to win
>She’s not a big gossip or shit talker
>She hasn’t played a personal game even after Tucker was voted out
I think if she doesn't flub her final 2 speech like a Matt last year and can somewhat explain her game, she could pull out a win

I think basically everyone left has a shot to win except only player. I have trouble seeing a path to win is Angela. I don't think the people left in the game who will make up this jury will respect her game.
chelsea is such a tard. nobody would have nominated her this week
tkor seems awfully happy for a leah win
yet another hoh chelsie shouldn't have won kek, she blows up her spot yet again with half the house with noms
tkor gonna try to park her ass in chelsie's hoh room

praying for a tkor eviction
>bad skin
>no tits
touch grass n bomb
HOH win in order of Kino/Team Fun Feeds

Angela > Cam > Leah > Rubina > Mak > Chelsea > Kimo > T'Kor
who is Chelsie putting up? is she pissed off enough at Cam to take a shot at him? or put up Kimo and Rubina again?
Kimo and rubina are pretty inert players I bet you could pull the "I'm gonna put you guys up and backdoor Quinn - oh no, it didn't work :(" trick on them
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big mak making it at least two more weeks keep seething bitch
she also has told everyone different targets
dumbest possible move she's ever made
she should have thrown. similar situation as t'snore
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i like Leah's pants
really made you mad huh
T'Kor/Kimo/Rubina if she isn't completely retarded.
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Femcel winning at the worst possible time for her is so on-brand for this season
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Is he capable of getting out somebody other than an ally?
leah/angela noms INCOMING
Is Quinn actually safe this week or will Chelsie take a shot at him? they never really formed their alliance
tkor will be eternally seething at her, look at her with quinn
this was the worst for her game
he should start allying the people he wants out. maybe he can get them out that way
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nah I’m hyped at more big mak
>if she isn't completely retarded.
should we be worried?
she told him right before HoH comp that she wants him in top 5. i dont know how you swing that with putting him up this week
>nom'ing women after trying to start an all girls thing and pissing off the trio who will be in jury voting for you to lose
Erm sweetie, Chelsie is a black woman, I'm sure she had her reasons gurl
nah it’s angela and kimo
Her being the one to target the trio instead of someone else like cam would be the absolute worst move she could make
Hope she does it
If jag can win then so can like quinn or big mak. Infinite possibilities
why didnt they give chelsi the friendzone stamp on the ep today?
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Damn, the whole house crying out "thank the lord" when Ainsley said the AI arena was over. They acted like they just survived a shooting. They are traumatized.
t'tard will be fuming kek
Quinn sister I'm feeling good this week
it's probably gonna be this
I think she got rid of fucking lisa on her last hoh kek
on god?
Leah being put up with Kimo would be based
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chelsi lookin good
why would she put leah up?
I don't know if chelsie would nom leah just to toss quinn a bone. plus makenzie and cam would have nominated one of the trio too
That's one for the Side Boob Hour.
quinn and kimo ... noms?
big mak thighs lookin tasty
all girls alliance isnt real. angela will be pawned for the rest of the season
kek quinn hearing those girls laugh like that from the other room
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kimo, cam, mj, and chelsie all had a shot at winning hoh apparently
the word sensational comes to mind
sick nasty
it went to a tiebreaker between them apparently
looking at yourself in the mirrors with big mak
well shit thank god kimo didn't get it
then maybe quinn and angela noms? it already feels like angelas got the stink kek
i knew tkor would win
I assume chelsie was somehow scared kimo would win because otherwise makes no sense
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running this house
any posts of tucker celebrating mubina's win?
chelsie went with a small number to throw but everybody went over so she won kek
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can't wait for one on ones. my favorite part of a new week :)
imagine the smell in that room
we going to get to see mak do math?
on twitter
he livestreamed it on IG but i just skipped to Joseph getting voted out. i'll go and see if it was entertaining now
I think kimo is finito without a veto
She's good at math, she's bad at almost everything else
leah you fat slut
chelsie/cam talk
cam throwing little leah UTB
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I sleep
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y'all ain't ready
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chelsie's tiddies sittin right

she says she will probably put up angela and kimo but feels threatened by quinn and leah
i know cam isnt into chelsi but i think hes horny enough to try to bust a nut in the hoh bed this week anyways
camtard pushing angela over kimo
so her initial thoughts are angela/kimo and possibly BD quinn or leah
he's fine with both of them putting put up. actually sounds like he's pushing for Leah to be put up or renom
this tard house just dont quit
another whitey going home
protect little leah
its not a backdoor unless you plan it from the start with 2 pawns
Cookout 2.0 is a rousing success
probably trying to prevent more males going home
there are only 3 left, if can even count kimo as male
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haha he did the mouth thing!
very entertaining
his big mouth is so gross
more of a female steamroll than a buddy one at this point
lmao cam is a retard
>t'snore going another week of not touching the block for her resume
women run this season, deal with it incels
Rubina was kind of cute in that AI arena outfit. She wouldn't look so shitty if she didn't dress like shit.
she looks like a bulldog
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based izzy
I think kimo goes imo against Angela
what does Chelsie mean that she's aware that Cam would keep Leah if she was on the block? he didn't even fight the accusation and just said "yeah"
these two are going to land on mak renom cause they think she wont be evicted. oh no no
leah farting
they played with 3 noms for so long that they are stressing about renom now
my mouthwaifu is so silly ^__^
chelsie and cam have negative chemistry holy shit
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>makseether headcanon
She’s still seething he likes white girls better kek
What is negative chemistry?
>what if I put her next to you
dawgs at the crib bros….
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kek Chelsie straight up saying "what if I put you and Leah up" to Cam. She doesn't think Cam would keep Chelsie over Leah
surprisingly based even
the queerdo and the weirdo??

I agree with you anon
kek shes still seething over leah

this bitch cray
chelsie going for tard
Cam immediately trying to throw Leah under the bus right after Chelsie threw out the idea of putting Cam up lol

what i don't get is why would he be telling her to put Leah up if he wants her to stay so bad
Chelsie has to play this week perfectly or she’s cooked. She did NOT need this win. Today hasn’t been good for her game
damn chelsie seething at cam
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agreed with izzy
She's putting up t'kimo with rubina as the veto nom and quinn as a backup in case rubina wins veto
cam needs to eat this bitch out in the hoh shower
yeah she def shouldnt have won this hoh. theres was nobody that would have put her up
this house is full of retards except for tkor who is just a narcissistic psychopath
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Please backdoor Leah. would be fucking incredible
chelsie will get pissed and try to backdoor mak this week when mak gets to comfortable and is cuddling cam in the hoh bed. she'll have the votes with the trio voting block
mark it
i need big mak to go up there right now and start laying on cam kek
Big Mak is winning veto
miss her south park visage
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not happening makseether sorry
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>angela kimo noms
this is what SotS died for
Holy fuck Chelsie would go nuclear lmao. She hasn't been the same since she saw her laying on cam's crotch
expect the expected
I can’t wait for the Chelsea and Leah one on one, she’s gonna trash Icko so hard
Julie is a makfag
She puts on chapstick like a man. The way you guys apply chapstick is inhuman.
chelsie torching an ally and jury vote an hour into hoh kek
Chelsie doesn't want a lot of blood on her hands this week but she basically would have to if there was a renom. Her perfect big ass is lucky AI arena is over
she's just like me fr
As God intended
i'm a girl
this is fucking hilarious
Then I wasn't talking about you.
watch kimo do it it's revolting
especially when you know his lips have set upon many a dirty island asshole
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I haven't used chapstick in over a decade
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kek this whole conversation is trying to get Cam to say that he prefers her over Leah and Mak. why did she bring Mak into it all of a sudden?
chelsie really showing how stupid she is in this game
>i want us 3 in the end and i know you know who the other one is

these fucking buddies
The lesbian community is likely well-represented in /bb/ and we should show them some respect
chelsie looks like a classical painting in that blanket
she's been very good besides this shit with Cam. just vote him out if you're that fucking miserable with him around
cookoutBros, we are back on track
If I was in the house I would publicly ask t’kor why she specifically wants to protect chelsie in front of the whole house
I saw a post on threads about this and I've been self-concious about it ever since. I don't think I was pursing my lips before but I definitely don't now.

Also why are there women in here? Go to Jokers/Facebook/twitter. I'm joking whatever.
kek mak wanted to dive between them so bad
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The comment was directed at men, not lesbians.
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Chelsie caught Leah in a lie right before the vote. I'm starting to think Leah is overplaying her hand a little bit
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there we have it
anon was right weeks ago
buddy games are a go
buddyanon i apologize for doubting you
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based big mak interrupting
kek this bitch is crazy
Any time I saw Izzy's eyes bugging out I knew feeds would be kino
the cookout has broken the game
so brave
they would cheer for her tho
>big mak comes up to grab cam for kitchen shenanigans
>cam immediately gets up to follow
>chelsie dejectedly stares at the floor
lol the three of them are not making it to final three together
I dont think leah was lying. it was just women being women and saying they didn't want to vote out either of them
whatever THAT means
If it makes you feel better, it comes from a place of endearment. It's just a goofy thing you guys do.
Then you'd have a bunch of N-bombs sending death threats to your family
Also I've been here from the beginning of /bb/. These threads have the best memes.
t'snore is winning this damn season huh
>these 1 on 1's are sponsored by Krave™
>Made with real chocolate!
>telling the hoh you lost trust in her
cam bro...
here comes kimo to throw big mak utb
pretty sure no one's targetting her, yup
after what she just told him it doesn't matter
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very true
>le still
what does that tattoo mean?
i can already picture her f2 speech. it will be taylor speech but poorly spoken because she's a dumb retard with a cheap accent.
I'd eat big maks poo
I remember her face when Hisam was having a tense conversation with her
>uhhh yeah I think makensy would be a good target *BURRRPPL*
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tkor telling rubina about the visionaries
what season did /bb/ start?
>yfw the guy you're obsessing over leaves leaves your 1on1 conversation he cannot wait to escape out of to dive headfirst into the mist of a girl you are jealous of
14 due to ian originally on /sp/
bb 23 when everyone noticed that big d was bombsquad posting on the feeds
he is so ditching her the first chance he can kek

there were threads before /sp/ found out ian mentioned them on bb14. dont believe them
>chelsie: is there anyone who you think would be a threat to my game
>kimo: honestly, ive never heard anyone say your name
>chelsie: i know
kek, chelsie gotta go
also kek at kimo only have a 4 minutes convo with the HoH
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*the Brigade

They solved the game decades ago
>form a core of 2-4 people
>each member of the core picks a person outside that group as their number
>create an onion alliance where there's loose trust between the outsiders
>if your person wins hoh you can steer them away from targeting core members
only issue is finding a core that is solid and won't turn on each other until deep into the late game. if you can do that, you'll win. it just makes the season boring
she was not into that convo at all, he’s probably going up
angela gonna melty bigtime when chelsie puts her up
he's definitely going up imo
chelsie may torture cam but she isnt stupid
angela vs chelsie yikes this one will be brutal
>you're so beautiful and smart and just a genuine person
>angela after chelsie telling her they are going to do an all girl alliance last week
anyone spare a link to the ianbowl thread?
Angela made jury. She won.
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I will always be grateful to Ian for bringing us all together. So glad I have /bb/ instead of Twitter or Reddit.
all she does is bitch about him, I really don't get their dynamic. They have zero chemistry.
if rubina isn't sketched out by how long it took them to reveal that she's hopeless
Angela saying she would only want to put up Quinn and not sure who else
>he plays dirty
goodnight /bb/
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Angela's husband, Chuck, won
visionaries hasnt been at thing for weeks though and it was always a side alliance
another week of disaster hoh kino
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bb14 when I was scrolling on /sp/ in college
I remember watching ian swing on the hammock mumbling to himself for hours each night by himself on the feeds until it started squeaking and broke and it was replaced and he broke the new one too
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Bittersweet Symphony is constantly in rotation in the PlutoTV ads
big mak is gonna mist chelsie into putting up t’kor
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I miss watching him stim on that hammock. It's amazing nobody knew he was autistic before the show.
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Mama Dud watches feeds all the time and thinks Leah was a dumbass for taking Angela down. Says that she immediately put a target on her back for doing something that dumb

>live on cbs

lmao showfags
high functioning enough I think people just tried to write it off as "eccentric" stuff
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\( • o •)/
take me back bros
when has she ever misted anyone about anything
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Ian, if there's any chance you are still lurking, we love you buddy.
he doesn’t even watch bb anymore
thing is no one is going to catch shit for targeting a group of whites
you target an obvious group of blacks? nuh uh kiss your ass goodbye
every week, she’s literally running the house
Angela trying to deny she has any sort of alliance with Leah
for me, it's Lane
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what did Chelsie whisper to herself about Quinn?
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>i want to keep you safe. you are not a nom or a renom option

chelsie definitley pissed she won hoh kek
her vibe is funerary
couldn't tell myself
can't believe it's still up
>mak was closest to the number but over
I wish I could experience BB14 all over again.
mak went over by 1 number

god knows chelsie has her back and now she can repay the favor next week
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what's makensy going to say? angela?
Cam fucked up big time by basically admitting originally that he'd keep Leah over Chelsie
load up the finale and watch it with the archive thread. you can reply to yourself
Shut up, anon. I know, let me be sentimental.
all those years gone... like tears in rain. fuck. happy these threads have persisted though.
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big mak hates sucker fish
Mak recommended T'Kor to go up on the block against Angela kek
is mak lowkey suggesting tkor renom?
glad she tried but no way chelsie goes for it kek
oh so angela goes home for sure. kek imagine
she straight up did say it but Chelsie shot it down pretty quickly
no one would vote to evict dinah clottey
no wbrb on fishtank
sucking on the fish tank glass when I see big mak with a sucker fish
it looks like it’s trying to get to the nipple of the titty
literally NO ONE will put tkor up
the bitch won't touch the block ever
now shes throwing cam utb
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god dammit if mak didn’t go over she would have won and we would have got a t’kor nom
Mak probably would this week if she had won
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>makensy, what will america think of a pretty white woman putting up the darkest black woman in the house? do you think they might... have a problem with that, hmmmmmm? are you sure you want to do that?
hmmmmm saying T'Kor is the most loved person in the house and that's why she should be put up as a pawn because nobody would ever vote her out. maybe she should be a target huh
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>Sorry Allison but this is what God told me is the right way to go.
As someone who's been on jokers, twitter, here, and even watches podcasts (how dare I) I can't imagine what the vibe is like on reddit. Don't get me wrong, I like reddit for certain things but the idea of following bb on reddit gives me the ick.
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fucking kek mr. b scared big mak
saying love you more to big mak
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>i feel like my butt is out
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>i want you to be in final 8 with me
what an odd thing to say
she gives lots of fan service, always trying to show off her feet too
feeds threads are unironically good for updates.
I thought my /bb/ started with season 23 but I vaguely remember following it here. But at some point I stopped watching then I came back. I don't remember what season I stopped.
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yep but you do have to slog through cancerous vibes sometimes
mak is not a HN she can go ham on chelsies hoh basket
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she’s literally perfect
Mak actually looks like a regular sized woman there for some reason
mak actually had some good takes for once
Hot take: It's worse having to listen to Rubina having a one on one than T'Kor
chelsie mad angela said people who havnt been up should go up but not leah. that leaves only tkor..
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I wanna lick those hamstrings, is that too much to ask for?
just nom tkor and little leah. job done
i used to use twitter for updates but it's completely unusable this year. so much bullshit, outright false info, and n-bombs running rampant.
>chelsie said in the dr quinn got two noms right and wanted t’kor to be on the block too
why????? why is tkor so beloved by everyone? i don't get it
like they told them all they had to be extra nice and patient with her because she's so retarded and weird
I'm surprised the "Leah is gay for Mak" discourse hasn't made it here.
she shouldn't be the one to do it which is why her winning this hoh was stupid
because leah talks shit and throws big mak under the bus any chance she gets
why be mad when of course angela would say that after leah saved her old ass
she doesn't want to take the shot personally imo
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My favorite is when somebody would piss him off, usually Dani, and he'd storm off to his hammock muttering angrily to himself.

I'm so bitter I don't have my old /bb/ folder. I lost seasons 14-17 when my PC BSOD.
yeah I know but it would be so kino, t’kor’s brain would break
why the fuck would anyone think that if you watch the feeds?
she's talking to rubina so grain of salt of course
because the bombsquad actually watches the feeds
it'll end up being Kimo and Angela with either Leah or Quinn as a replacement
I'm feeling kinda bad for Cam
aside from one or two instances, he really has been in lockstep with femcel and she is saying she doubts him to his face and behind his back
yeah it sucks that he has a femcel obsessed with him, he needs to drop her ass when he gets a chance
rubina being so open about the trio being a thing yet none of them may touch the block is insane.
they control the vote effectively if none are otb
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What's that got to do with what I said? lol

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that and him saying he'd like to shoot the wall yellers because once they yelled they'd close the backyard all day
rubina is straight up saying
>you are good with us
if chelsie doesnt pick up on it she is not as good as a player as i thought she was
i severely overestimated chelsie's intelligence in previous threads. this dumb bitch really wants to bring a girl with at least two locked jury votes to F3, and t'snore probably has quinn's vote as well since he's so cucked.
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>promising everyone safety
ian was the cutest bb boy
very handsome features

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