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HOH: Chelsie

previously on /bb/: >>>203266714
good job aynon
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Good morning ladies
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having fun at 4:22 am with big mak
It's inspiring that we have nine people left and no matter who wins they're automatically a bottom tier winner
This is strategically the dumbest cast ever
But that’s precisely what makes it fun to watch
i don't think we'll get anymore "good" winners desu
Xavier was only thee years ago, and Cody only 4 years ago. Both horrible boring seasons but those two dudes ran roughshod over their casts.
Their casts were retards though, bb22 was literally all followers of a better player in their past season, or a pre jury boot except for Tyler.

And X got carried by Big D and Tiff, his only real achievement was cock misting bi ky
kek i didn't watch either of those seasons so i'll take your word for it, i don't remember cody being all that great in 16 though
still, i would be surprised to see another
Lmaooo I'm caught up on last night
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later /bb/
rip joe, sots no longer
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He would have dominated this season
they can only play against the cast they’re given it’s not their fault that casting put them up against plumbers and firemen. I think X would be good on any season and Cody has proven he can put himself in a winning position with different casts
What was his problem? Didn't he allude to a bad trip or something
>X would be good on any season
I don't really agree. The way Xavier talks and behaves and his smug "I am better than you" look just screams "I am a threat, get me out!". Reminds me of Kaysar who was never able to get to jury.
Meanwhile Cody and Tyler are good at playing clueless dumb jocks and appear non-threatening.
Damn, so Quinn is safe?
Quinn and leah are the first two in jury
She's totally gonna give all holes. They're totally gonna fuck in jury.
She'll give him the dubai experience
Women of christ f2
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>never been on the block
>never voted wrong
>got out the biggest target during her HOH
>everybody in the house loves her
>makes /bb/ seethe
what's her secret
Poc bad, white good
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She booba

To finish, give your rapid-fire thoughts on each of the remaining houseguests. Starting with Angela.


Smart, but mean.



Class act.

Unfunny, but kind.


And, finally, T'kor.
The best.

Morning Boss Hogg
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Unfunny, but kind
Shawn V. Laws O'Neil is my favorite producer because his name sounds like a court case between Shawn and Laws O'Neil
Everyone loves tkor
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end titles eating good this season
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Good name for his RHAP deep dive after he wins
good morning to little leah and big mak
getting the hiccups with big mak
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morning mister hogg
I get most people on here hate Quinn but why the personal shot at him here?
Someone brought up SotS coping for his jury talk but the true cope is his general whining about ai arena making the prejury not “real” big brother. While it’s true he wouldn’t have been a nom without the twist twists are as big brother as anything so he’s just trying to deflect from how his own autism tanked his game in less than a week post Tucker eviction
The Unfunny: How Quinn Martin Won Big Brother 26
its over for joever
Yeah that’s massive cope. This is the same dude that says he threw every comp but that he would beat Tucker in the arena
Joseph always confidently said that he knew he was funny and they were probably both competing to make Leah laugh at times
he specifically said he could beat tucker in the rope comp they played last night too kek
big brother yelling at big mak for the water but it’s ok when t’kor turns it on and walks away for 10 minutes
I thought Tucker did that once. Just left the room and never came back
>In an extremely candid interview with EW, 'Big Brother 26' contestant Joseph Rodriguez calls the show 'cheap' for not expanding jury, shares brutally honest opinions of the cast.
One of them is a BB houseguest, the other is literally Jesus. Show some respeck.
nooo sots think of your all stars 3 spot!

I fucking hate T'Kor how does she get to be the most loved woman ever? I am usually silent during convos but I am "creepy".
She's quite the fucking creep job herself with her dead eyed autist stare and alarmingly arrested development
She's a fuckin retaaahd *CT voice*
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Cory looking grim
>I feel like once I realized how genuinely bad I was going to be in the competitions, I realized that that's kind of what I had to go with and try to kind of seem weak — weaker than I was, at least. So I acted like I had no clue what was going on, that I didn't really care about the show or whatever, which oftentimes was kind of authentic.

At least he admitted he just sucks at them
Most of the house has done it at one point or another kek without getting called out
They must be mad at mj
America got him eating good
theres a pic of her with ryry and bitchboy too
bowie jane spotted
>cedric was so so so so nice i loved him he is exactly how he was in the house same hand movements and everything. when we got a picture he was like caressing my shoulder like rubbing it and i was like melting, so nice and so cute in person!

Cedric was trying to fuck her lol
This house is full of literal retards game wise so leave that out of the equation and you have the equivalent of a quiet seemingly nice autist. She’s sadly smart enough to restrict her most obnoxious talk to kimo and rubina.
Not clocking her insane positioning is hilarious but again, you could say that about almost every hgs general game strategy this season. Quinn is a living what NOT to do in big brother example for instance
who is mak talking about, angela?
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leah had a feast last night of cold soup out of a can, pizza, mashed potatoes with chicken nuggets mixed together, and s'mores.
leah joining in on the angela bashing.
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they put Mak's hair extensions on Quinn last night
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only because Angela keeps telling the HOH to put up people that haven't been up yet like a total dumbass. i legit don't think Angela even knows who hasn't been up yet because she's even said that in front of Leah
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but she told chelsie to put up someone who hasnt been up but not leah. leah just knows she is trouble and could go up as a renom so she is throwing her utb
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Last night Chelsie told Mak she's going up on the block and Mak attacked her
mak digging in her ass
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This vote will 100% flip against Kimo if he’s otb Thursday
Letting a trio past this week where they already could force a tie if none of them were up is insanity
>ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Now that you're out of the house, what's the first thing you're going to do with your freedom?
>JOSEPH RODRIGUEZ: Smoke some weed.
They think shes so loved by the outside because shes le quirky black kween.
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damn they're shitting all over Angela's social game. she wants to be painted as the "fun nana" but they said she's ruined that image over and over again
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too much applebees
You talk about your overconfidence. Let's get into it. Because you were open to others about how good of a game you were playing, that you had compared your game to Doctor Will–

>They prompted me that in the Diary Room. They asked me for comparisons and of who I was modeling my game after. And I said, Dr. Will and Dan. That was not me being like, "Oh, I'm as good as them," or anything like that.

lol he is such a clown
it would be the smart thing but i think they're seriously sick of angela's shit right now. can't believe they're thinking of a renom that's not part of the three too
I mean they’re not wrong kek
She’s kino to watch but I’d be campaigning against her every week if I was in the house for her bpd bullshit
how come Matt never goes to these things? Reilly was voted out the second week and she's always hanging with Jag and these two
backtracking hard. NEVAR FORGET. he was never /ourguy/
The renom thing is because Chelsie is playing overly safe so is only willing to potentially evict Kimo “accidentally” in order to hold off any autism from Rubins or Tkor, though given their reaction last night she probably could put Rubina up as renom and Ttwit wouldn’t bat an eye
I could definitely see it going south for Angela is she endlessly melties this week, Chelsie will be too pussy to properly hint at evicting Kimo so she’d just let it happen
He basically burned his bridges with the rest of the cast one way or another
Surprise surprise shittalking Fatt not actually popular out of the house with his nasty side
who are the house guests this year that will disappear and not do any reunions? besides Kenney i mean
Lisa. Not close to the houseguests, fans don't really like (or dislike) her and hated her time in the house.
I don’t see most of this house doing large scale reunions, Joseph is the only other one I could see vanishing totally. The only person he might keep in touch with is Leah and we all know like 95% chance she ghosts him
>Quinn’s first season was BB23
this explains so much
yeah they made plans to hang out in Tampa/Ybor together but who knows if she will even leave Miami for that
i could see that. she's been doing some tiktok lives with everyone but that's probably the extent of it
are you joking? she is a total fame whore she is going to milk this shit for all its worth. she is obviously oblivious to her annoying personality and just runs with it
The ease with which she’s slowly ditched Kimo for Rubina the past few weeks and her personality tells me she’s not maintaining any relationship out of the house
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opening the theater doors 15min before the show with mid rytard
remember when tkor said she was going to confront quinn and call him out?

you can tell her nips are blasting
she later said she basically understood why Quinn did it but that he was still wrong for doing so
the trio is a good thing for chelsie
t'kor is controlled by chelsie because black women bs
and t'kor controls/is the only connection kimo/rubina have in the house
imo quinn is the biggest real threat to chelsie because he has at least verbalised that chelsie is in the best position in the house and she is
she essentially said that about quinn last night but also included leah in that. said she wants to keep quinn at least one more week but then told others she would be find keeping him around a few more. if Quinn wins HOH again next week he would be smart to put her on the block but probably won't
Quinn having to grovel to tkimo again over the Rubina nom he asked them about which they said NOTHING to
Meanwhile Chelsie outright dictates to Ttwit that Kimo is up as a pawn and she just smiles and goes on her merry way
It’s always the moralizing hypocrisy that enrages me every season, I know it’ll happen and still it infuriates me kek
who the fucks in the middle
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listening to leah explain why she's not religious
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Leah's ex boyfriend funded a bunch of synagogues in NYC. figures the dude was loaded
I fucking love rytard
the fan that got the picture taken
>i'm sorry that you guys have to deal with six more days of Angela like this
>cuts to cam of Angela sitting alone looking sad in the kitchen
does she know?
you get to fuck rubina, panda or blue. who do you choose?
crawling through jewish tunnels in nyc with little leah
kimo/rubina feeds worst of all time
>quinn bullying a 51 year old mother
i wonder what that little blonde girl who use to take all the pics with former HGs looks like now.
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she was the best
kek big mak is passed out behind those glasses
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I guess Chelsie congratulated Angela for making jury last night and Angela said "that's NOT why i'm here"
Angela looks like she’s loading up a melty
Quinn thinks that ZingBot will have a song about Angela and she will take it very personally. I honestly think Quinn might get the worst of it
I just marathoned the season up to last Thursday's episode because I was on holidays in Aug.
How did CBS let this man go? He is the most charismatic HG I have ever seen. Perhaps since Dr. Will and I haven't even watched his seasons
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one is the loneliest number...
He was great until his relationship with Rubina got more serious. She basically sucked the life force out of him.
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>i always like cute ugly things
She did I heard her last night with her pitch kek
She’s going to have another melty for sure
the camera cut straight too him rofl
Dude spent more time with awkward PDA moments with goblina then actually keeping the votes in line that week was sad to see
how would you guys feel about the hoh crew right now being the final 5
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why didnt he remove the shades during A.I. Arena? So many mistakes
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> She basically sucked the life force out of him.
many such cases
I’d be fine with it and could be realistic if they actually locked down an alliance and not tell T’Kor
kek angela freaking out
Low budget movie status?
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Leah is pretty shitty at doing make up
kek and Quinn is just listening to Justin Timberlake and staring at the screen
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she looks way better with less makeup on
i'm not good at it either
Whose feet are those in the corner? Judging by their size I have to assume it's someone small like Rubina
i guessed they were Leah's at first glance but then I saw Leah is already in the picture. you're right that they seem a little off..
He could have went full BB19 Paul but just said fuck it and ditched half of his personal relationships he made on his HOH week. Then mentally wanted to leave after his ally T’koon put him up. Still a pretty kino run for a recruit though who only watched BB14. Grodner fucked up not giving him the rope competition from last night.
>what goes around comes around in his ears looking at Angela
Can’t prove he’s listening to that song but it is the right album
makeup asmr with little leah
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morning hogg
Bowie Jane was hosting a watch party for the first episode in L.A. that I was tempted to crash. My friend also stumbled into a party with her, Jag, Matt and a few other immediately after last season ended
Bowie Jane seems like someone it would be fun to drink with
You should've tried to sublease her apartment
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Don't lump Panda in with those smelly gremlins.
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>Fuck you Grodner
Based Joseph calling BB too cheap to have a 9 person jury
whats funny about that is we hated her kek
why was he cast?
Latinx representation which they don't really care about since buddies make up 30% of cast in big brother and survivor
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Joe would run the house if he wasn't stuck on a season with bad players.
If you can’t run a house full of bad players what does that say about you as a player?
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nooooo crazy eyes
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>she was supposed to be the one
I don’t think Matt really gives a fuck about Mak all that much but is riding his 15 minutes. Reilly did the same thing and then dropped it once the show ended
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They did absolutely nothing in the house beyond some talk and he was out
Not nearly enough time for any real romance sentiment to linger
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bro just find another girl
she's not even into you
I hate that mama had to see
Too far
so they could give him a poncho and sombrero at some point
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raw sex with lisa with glitter on my dick
t’tard is pouting
They were all saying how Lisa looked really good in her message she sent for the HOH. I’m curious
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Joseph talking to Tucker
Chief Crazy Eyes needs to find his own Rubina (loyal Philippina).
What’s the process when you get selected for the show? Do they put you in a hotel for a week beforehand or something
We watched him become a MAN in that house. Good for those kids.
curly cue bros we are so back
Yeah they put everyone in a hotel with a couple alternates in case anyone happens

Claire and I think Christian were both alts. Some bald chick failed a Covid test (even though it was a faulty test) and was whining about it all season long
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they're so running it back for BB27, sots has a bright future ahead of him
Josh and Kaycee were both cut from AS2 for failing covid tests in sequester, replaced by Memphis and Keesha. Amber from 16 was another alternate
that’s a shame, josh spazzing would have brought some entertainment to that snooze fest season
Memphis should have been a lock, best player on All Stars after Cody
Corey is doing pretty good for being cast the nerd archetype, bitch tits or not. Most of the nerd castings remain losers after the show unless they win like steve & Ian
yeah as much as I don't care for kaycee or josh It would've been nice for Tyler to have actual ride or dies in the game besides fucking christmas
kek no way he furnishes his own place like that. confirmed still lives with his parents
so many coomer caps if amber had been subbed in
she gets naked on onlyfans now
Joe and Tucker together was SOVL
post baby? she use to do nude shoots al the time before OF
yeah she got big ol nips
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femcel bros….big mak just agreed to let cam do her makeup on thursday
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>angela to chelsie: if you say you’re working by yourself then you don’t have slim pickings
based angela putting the n-bomb in her place
Angela is right. House of tards gonna let the trio get to the end.
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Dumb Chelsie burning a jury vote, telling Angela she's lucky to be here and is there because of her
lol and now she’s basically telling her to be grateful she gets to play in veto
>Chelsie: I know backdooring is a thing but I don't believe in it
Fuck off, these recruits are so hateable
Sure would be nice if any of these moronic HoHs had the capacity for foresight or knew how to operate in their own best interest. Enjoy getting ganked by the tard trio you fucking idiot.
>stuck in the chelsie mist
the rule that they can’t straight up say their noms and have to say they’re “thinking about” noms is retarded
didn't Jeff in BB13 try to use this to stay off the block?
>haha you told me you will nominate me so you can't anymore, I'm immune
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kek angela saying she blacked out when she voted last night
its the softest rule in the house. people do it all the time
based big ange pushing for t’kor to hit the block
chelsies such a bitch
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>still lives with parents
>loves old b tier cinema
>has well groomed facial hair
>stupid middle school haircut
>always was included in alliances (never a core member)

Other than the simping he's literally me.
the tension between angela an kimo rn
sheeeesh cam lookin drippy as hell bruh no cap
kimo pissed kek
Joseph was my self insert
its 112 degrees in studio city right now
im in la with no a/c right now
its fucking rough
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Is she still putting out new stuff or is it just old shit that hasn't been seen before? And do the Nolans still do OF?
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Why do people this season keep putting their allies on the block
that mirror is streaky as hell
chelsie going off in the hoh
bout to release the most fire album of 1998
>kimo will be tough to get out, he will always have 2 votes
>that's why should vote angela this week
ok, these last 3 buddies seasons were a fun experiment, but let's start casting good players again next season
mak is out of the CCM trio. cam wants to go with tkor and rubina instead
based retard, t’kor already put him up once kek
femcel tanking her game this week because she won hoh
only if kimo gets pissed and stops listening to t'kor
>Keep the trio intact
>Immediately win next hoh and put one of them up
>Now you just created a bitter juror and/or jury block that will make up a small 7 person jury
She's deserves what she gets
no signal message on 1/2
no audio pet cams clucking kek
25 was so much better for gameplay
haha what

technical difficulties screen and a different song
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they should use this song for pets all the time and the theme song for fish only
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song is a banger
you might even say its sick nasty
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yeah it's a solid bop
its joever
season is officially over
big ange blew the house up for the final time....
its over..........
everyone on twitter saying angela tried to kill herself? what the fuck
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>You voted out somebody who voted yes to let me in the house? Shows over houseguests.
how could you kill yourself in the BB house? They don't give them sharp knives after Justin
she dived off the hoh balcony
it's literally one story
worst case scenario you'd land on your neck and paralyze yourself
wait, did they already come back after veto or is that what they're doing now?
feeds back

angela threw quinn through the glass sliding door
my sides
imagine the sound
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corey streaming on twitch right now with cedric and bowie jane. corey looking fat as fuck too
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He’s a big guy
>thinks cam is dumb enough to say he wants to take mj or leah to f3 when chelsie just had that melty on him
Come on now, that would be a death sentence for him
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what happened to my frail king
what the FUCK is america feeding him???
they are doing nominations
fashion a noose out of a bedsheet and hang myself from the balcony
its only been 1 hour. dont know if tech difficulties extend to actual feeds or just the pet cams
imagine watching someone do that live but production says nothing and doesn't cut the feeds
they'd cut feeds and rush someone into the house to stop it
an 8 ft drop with a correctly tied noose snaps the neck. id be dead before anyone could get to me. but the delay on the stream would probably prevent it from being shown
i wish they showed more behind the scenes shit because i'm guessing there are people in very close proximity to them at all times. I remember last year you could hear someone go "really?!" to Mama Dud requesting tons of food.

also probably delayed the feeds even more after last year. we don't even get nip slips anymore
they'd see you making the noose and order you to stop

you can't fashion an effective noose in 10 seconds
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video store mustache man
gaining 50lbs of fat in one year is impressive.
i wonder if him and america sit inside all day and door dash
How are the hgs handling this heatwave?
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I asked a question in Cory's twitch stream once and he sounded annoyed that it was so dumb.
cory looks like he drinks too much and smells bad
i think the backyard is still closed to build the veto comp now so they're probably just blasting the AC. i didn't hear them mentioned being hot at all. building the set probably blows though
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well dont be cute about it, what was the question?
kek i think this was when the schizos kept flip flopping back and forth who they wanted to vote out
what the fuck lol
i asked if Tucker could get penalized for throwing the arena if he admitted he did. it was a dumb question and wasn't thinking lol
the former HG who ate cory wurtenburger
he wouldn't know anyway because cory 'iamverysmrt' wattaburger and comps didn't mix
she's heavier too but not by much.
where julie full interview with the loser
what's the point, there isn't really much to ask, the dude was useless and uninteresting.
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based sots
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big maks gbm
back to pets wtf
maybe zing bot?
apparently theres a bunch of power out in LA

someone on reddit says studio city is out
posted 1 hour ago and someone posted 3m ago that its back on for them
He's actually completing the Hero's Journey.
That has to be edited
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spooky frame from the glitching earlier
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was it glitching in the house cams before it went to glitchy pets?
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yeah went to pets and was glitching for a bit then went to a technical difficulties screen
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The best part of these season is everyone in this cast is fucking terrible at this game. It's honestly has provided so much Kino.
yeah I’m sick of watching good gameplay with steamrolls, messy gameplay is 100x more entertaining
i fucking knew these 'people' were aliens
big mak ran around the house naked and we missed it
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that's what happens when you get a latina gf
America is keeping Cory’s belly full and balls empty, good for him.
Siamese twin cat?
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>izzy to america in the backroom: i dont need your vote to stay
she's not making him home cooked meals lol
he's eating and drinking too much slop

two pretty panthers
rubina's size really helped her with this
The whole house is ai this year.
makes sense being i saw makensy at the grocery store like week 2 or 3
sippin on gin and juice baby
>drunk and eating good
>creampieing horny latina daily
living the dream
kino twist
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>just wash yo cracks yo
>thats it
young ced, ditch the bonnet my boy
ditching bonnets with young ced
Me and my dawgs waiting for feeds at the crib
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im ready for feeds grod. lets go.
Pretty wild that feeds have been down so long wtf
Angela had her final epic melty.
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must have something to do with the heat or power
or they got some bullshit thing to shill idk
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luke broke in and went to the cheese room
power outages apparently
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