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>free AI tools can now make better effects than billion dollar studios
What effects will this have on kinomaking?
>arm morphs into the bed
It's so over for hollywood (finally).
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just realized in the future there will be AI celebrities with careers, social media presence, fandom etc. Pretty wild
uh uh penistime
>better effects
Good morning sirs
An enormous avalanche of slop will endlessly flood the internet due to indians; that's all I see. Anything made by humans that use practical effects and minimal CGI will be considered prestigious by consumers and luxurious by Hollywood.
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Think 5 years into the future. Babysteps for now
Reign of Fire 2....finally...
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Do not redeem!
personal video cameras were going to put Hollywood out of business back in the 80's
that "liquid" physics is pretty fucking impressive desu
Already exists
please sirs I need corpo slop!! I desire to submit, spread my very soul hole to consume onions machine content like the good little redditor I am
> kekerino! it’s heckin 80s dark fantasy!
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And that Final Fantasy movie was going to make real actors redundant
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I'm still trying to forget Cats.
Looking better than Cats is not a high bar to clear. I could doodle a cat and it would look better, doesn't mean I could actually make a movie.
Arguably they have. People prefer YouTube and TikTok to movies.
Both required extensive human intervention, now it's a one button solution. Ai movies might still require some editing knowledge, but who knows.
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Fuck off you stupid furry faggot
Just 40 more years then!
Do these image generators have object permanence yet? Like can I tell the AI "I like this character you created but can you put him into a different environment?"
I require more fox-wives!
>Both required extensive human intervention
At that time it was supposedly just pressing the record button too
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This one came out perfect
You do this but don't get her nude? Retard
>in the future
holy shit
You cant retard
It blocks that stuff
Is Xochitl the base?
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and 3D tv and film was going to make 2D video obsolete once it got perfected
Someone find me Pierce Bronson's non-union Mexican equivilent.
Kek, the way it seems like hi might grope her then the bowel of goo comes in is so funny
Xochitl Gomez?
dead technology
Bullshit. you're actually retarded if you believe that
>free AI tools can now make better effects than billion dollar studios
Where do you think it copied the assets from anon?
Two week load for sure.
Sci-fi has been predicting this since forever, but I don't think anyone is really going to care about a AI celebrity because it's not like you can meet them in real life. They're like an animated character.
Wtf is this real
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nah it will happen because everyone will live online
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He's morphing into Jeremy Clarkson.
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The sign is a subtle joke
I want a cute girlcat gf
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They already tried to do that in the early 2000’s w/ Aki Ross. It didn’t take off. Humans may be retarded enough to take the bait now, though.
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I cannot judge how impressive this is because I'm on LSD.
All these ai's being censored is fucking lame.
local stable diffusion is great for freedom but it's falling behind, maybe the local models will get better but Nvidia is being cheap with VRAM.
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Is this some chinese software? When I look up hailuo ai all that comes up is some gook speak website
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i mean actual real human looking ones that have jobs and problems and shit. Manufactured dramas etc.
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I mean..
I didn't mind that movie at the time. I think I have the DVD somewhere.
holy fuck.
insanley levels of kino
>thinking nigger makes nigger mad and think nigger
Is this meant to be some meme? I dont get it
>in the not-too-distant future, a new corporation has taken over, and employee Tyrone has had enough of their new identification policy...
Doin alright?
Yeah the chinese don't care about this stuff but still won't let you whip out billie eilish's big american titties.
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>AI thread
jeremy clarkson's suck and fuck?
i'm genuinely scared that I'm going to fall in love with an ai girl in the future.
And I mean, why wouldn't I?
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Somebody get it to spit out shit like this
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the black guy is mad because the white guy can think of the word nigger freely
it's referring that one tweet
>What effects will this have on kinomaking?
Soon no one will have much reason to complain about woke or DEI or whatever. Too bad most people are idiots and this will just create an avalanche of sludge that children will be trained on for generations growing increasingly more vapid and annoying.

I'm going to go live under a bridge.
They're all from that site. There's no English, you just type your prompt and hit the button. After it'll render and have a percentage box at the bottom of the page takes a few minutes sometimes
what makes me laugh is what's being made with these programmes will be why A.I nukes us lolll
You may not but future generations will for sure.
>we finally get AI kino tools
>anons just use it to regurgitate the same memes over and over
o brave new world...
By 2030 people will be marrying their AI girlfriends in lavish ceremonies.
It understands English for some reason enough to do stuff with it but the best prompters are Chinese speakers who can type the moonrunes.
it's bound to be one uncensored version right? Not from these big companise because of shareholders, but they'll lease the AI at some point or a specifically NSFW company will come up and charge premium prices for it. I hate getting around censorship and local models will NEVER catch up. They have 50x the VRAM and model sizes as your shitbox PC.
>wechat signup

Yeah I'm good
you can always go (back) to reddit if you don't like this board
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Yeah. You have to dance around it with stuff like bodypaint and see-through clothing to get any results like that. But there are models specifically for porn already out there. Though the good video ones are probably paid
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no way lmao
phonefags have to sign up
bullshit, its ask for like your phone number or something first.
Governments will NEVER let an uncensored AI be around for too long.

Simple as.
feel free to make something yourself post it with the prompts in addition to the video
They don't
I'm not though and it still asks
something always has to walk or stumble as it were, before something else can run. It's just how it is.
MidJourney v6 does, in SD I think you need a separate lora for each char
Not if you actually download it yourself and tweak if you fucking tech illiterate retard. This is why AI fag aren't taken seriously
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i made a couple of them last night without any need to sign up
Yeah two more weeks and it'll work huh retard
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I've been a fan of ai art from day 1. I'm an artist too. I thought those fags who were complaining that it was going to run artists out of business ought to jump off a cliff.
How do you even get it to do billie? or is this not hailuo?
Last year it was only a year away. Lmao now it's 5 years.
I went through the trouble of seeing why you're so fucking retarded. You're on the wrong part of the website. Add /video. I've spoonfed you so much this thread.
6 months ago, naysayers were telling me AI wouldn't be able to do convincing animations for a long time
This is already fappable
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yakub the AI animated movie?
is that possible?
And yet billion dollar movies still exist. Keep dreaming.
I forget the name of it, but there was a pretty decent porn ai thing that was free for like 20 images a day. It was based on a mainstream one so it had a similar name. Like the official one was called something like "Regenerate AI" and this one was called something like "Degenerate AI"

Anyone know what Im talking about?
>now it's a one button solution
Wow really? Where's your feature length film then? Do you have at least one full scene to show us?
already predicted in that al pacino movie called Simone or whatever. by the same guy who wrote truman show
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I think they are mostly mad because it puts them out of a job, and by that I mean it renders their furry porn fetish commissions moot since perverts can just make their own now.
he would go to jail for sextorting an AI girl, dummy
honk honk
>the rock turns chinese
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>insanley levels of kino
>coomers and pajeets
>El hermano de la Roca
translate the page you fucking dolt
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So it's useless
>translate a virus ridden page bro
No thanks esl
Anything is possible
What's the deal with 4chan's fanatic desperation to dimunize AI by associating it with Indian people
Look at these little pussies trembling that their Disney slop is going to get A.I'fied as if it doesn't seem that fucking way already lmao fucking pathetic
The Jordan Peele flick looking lit.
Nah allowing a limited amount of cooming is what's going to stop people from rising up out of their pods.
Maybe the AI can give us the butthole edit that was stolen from us.
Dunce. Imagine posting on 4chan while unable to navigate the internet.
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Why does it look like a gay romance?
Stop asking for prompts
mildly impressive
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You've never had a real friend, have you. Another no, discord "friends" don't count
tell pronpts
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Sorry, trade secret.
>AI could never make kin-ACK
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a jap made this just recently
>CGI model/actress
>has C cup tits
i fucking hate everyone involved in this
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What is YouTube
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is it img2video or txt2video?
Why aren't none of you making some pornos? Scared you'll get arrested lmao
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porn is about to get real crazy
Did you type "UK at 1am".
The fact that the Cats movie looked worse than this, really should tell you something
thats how ai works kek, regurgitation with no creativity
Ah yes, the famous midnight Indian poo eruptions, certainly a sight to behold.
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>le rock face
keep in mind better AI video technology already exists, it just hasn't been released to the public yet
Marvel movies have been using AI since like 2019
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ginormous cope, AI generated movies would look better than what marvel's outsaarsing team shits out
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this you?
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he even fights like a pajeet
Hot, I want more.
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>ywnbaw flag

my sides
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Well this one's shit so please keep your secrets.
Like LotR, but good
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>They're like an animated character.
waifuing fictitional characters?
now, that's unheard of
Two more weeks right retard
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Fucking based
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why the fuck does this site lag my chrome so much, there's barely anything on it

chinese spyware, or that stupid animation in the back?
i keep hardware accel off btw
Works fine on my machine but I have ublock origin and its blocked like 255 things.
How did you get it to do Jenny's face? I tried making Anna de Armas and Isabela Merced clips and got unrecognizable results.
install firefox gentoo
China will dominate AI since they don't give a fuck about copyright
This is fucking hilarious I’m dying
>random purple fart
what was ai trying to express here?
that was the whole concept behind Final Fantasy: Spirits Within. they wanted to make a "virtual actress" who would play different roles in different movies.
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A bit too far ahead of their time.
these are the only ones that seem real
No. Its literally just trial and error. You can type the same prompt 5,000 times and get 5,000 different 6 second clips. And no it doesn't remember your last prompt.
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i know it's funny, but I really hate retards like you that will inevitably lead to faster and more strict regulation before the good local stuff comes out.
Can someone make some cool jack sparrow crazy pirate ones lol

For some reason when I first saw a.i videos I wanted ones like that done
It's improving. Most of the stuff in this thread is pretty goofy. But it's significantly better than what was being cranked out 6 months ago.
keep taking your gov pills
No Maisie Williams yet?
I didn't make that one but you're right about it being inevitable.
Though as this stuff becomes more and more widely available and less censored you won't have that problem for long. Also this is Chinese so who knows
kino thread
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>haha yes trapping powerful demons in transistors and forcing them to do our bidding is great
>no way it can go wrong
>i dont understand it so it must be demonic

Room temp iq
then get off your demon device fag
pure kino
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yep china won again
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i understand it and I know it is
these digits prove I'm 100% correct
not gonna be that much fun when the day comes
why is sampo a mini singer sewing machine
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>NOOOO I swear I understand how it works guys.. i-i'm not stupid or anything!!
get off the demon device NOW
>The loo. You opened it, we came.
You a warlock or something? Why are the demons not getting you now?
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>hehe woops sorry anon ^_^
I know what I'm genning next
How can I improve the PC demons? I don't want to spend money upgrading my PC and using powerful supernatural forces so I can play shitty video games is something I'd do in a heartbeat.
remember when your copes were that AI couldn't render hands properly
Death to the Machine
Kill AI
Beat AI users
Annihilate AI knowledge
Butlerian Jihad NOW
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This thread with those who contribute and those who whine
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Does that frog have four tits?
your AI overlord will be sure to read this back to you at the day of their ascendance
I need that cap
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i would murder hundreds to be one of those girls
>you flushed it, we came
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any saars?
I think about this too.
Does someone else have theories on this?
It just seems like stuff built up over the ages. However the complexity of pcbs is crazy to me.
More people have watched two hour long videos explaining why the latest Disney bomb was shit instead of seeing in the theaters
>It didn’t take off
I for one blew bathtubs of cum to that left hip.
>[chair clattering]
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that's not an AI you retard. That's a failed onlyfans whore wearing a 2D mask pretending to be an AI
THIS is an AI
Please dont do this in these threads
I just wanna see funny indain shit
And I will recite AM’s speech back to it
hi fed
Will you stop trying to kill the thread nigger. Go to /b/.
The levels
you have to eat all the yogurt
Girls Do Things and then claim
It was rape after the check clears
damn she got instantly pooified
u can if u take the pink pill :3
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It's the /tv/ DALL-E AI threads all over again.
This could actually ppass as a shot in a real movie
shut it down
Sorry anon but playing dress up as a 30 year old man doesn't make you female
let me guess, you tried giving her a skintight dress
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That's fine but ai cheese pizza will 404 the thread.
what are you gonna do? cry like a bitch again?
amazing art style
its crazy how much talent was lost with india outsourcing and kike nepotism
ironically AI might bring back some life into movies
You must have a mental breakdown when you see people playing Sims.
>better effects than billion dollar studios
that's because many studios have been outsourcing sfx to jeets
next time you watch some slop look at the end credits
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that's not ai cheese though. it can be and has been made already with this new one however
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for years the problem with CGI was movement and facial expressions and these diffusion models seem to have solved that. The future looks bright. There will be new john wayne movies and star trek episodes with young mr. spock.
This one took so fucking long for my brain to decypher, it's great.
The worst part about these AI dark fantasy shots, is that there's absolutely nothing about them that is impossible to make. Studios are just THAT creatively bankrupt and faggy. There's probably an entire army of people who'd kill to work on something like this, and do a good job, but nah, they gotta pump out garbo
All these ""advanced AI"" programs still can't put together a video of her throating a cock and swallowing the ejaculate so who gives a fuck?
>it can be and has been made already with this new one however
Yes but don't post it on /tv/.
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bro just shut up

My understanding is these models are still expensive to train and the the training date deliberately excludes porn. Very soon they will train models on pornhub videos.
Only a gay man could identify Gucci loafers by sight
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you have to trick it
"learning how to use a toothbrush" and "using a toothbrush" tends to work
please tell me there's a version with audio?
>The worst part about these AI dark fantasy shots, is that there's absolutely nothing about them that is impossible to make. Studios are just THAT creatively bankrupt and faggy. There's probably an entire army of people who'd kill to work on something like this, and do a good job, but nah, they gotta pump out garbo

They have actually strong contrast, strong colors, and SHADOWS. Modern film making absolutely abhors ALL of these things. Enjoy your Gray haze films forever.
dudes morphing between doc from bttf and the doctor / hospital admin from terminator 2

can’t wait to be able to feed whatever inane screenplay i want into an app and it spits this shit out
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yup. its fucking horrendous.
This is the advanced ai porn we've been warned of whoa...
>have to go enter your phone number to a Chinese site to use
nigga what site are you on?
no you dont

its just music. they still have to put generated voice and lipsync together.

It says go to the other link and bottom then I click text to video it says enter phone number for verification code
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Forced Perspective
he's standing away. Rock is much taller.
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pretty shitty just like all AI services
thats because you are a phonefag
phontarded nigger
try translating your text to chinee
some people have managed to get better results that way
Get off your phone and use a normal computer.
kek, is that supposed to be the Warwick Davis torture meme.
add /video to the url
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No, I'm just going to contribute and not be a faggot like all useless non-contributing fucks like you are.
>what is same word roots
woooooh, fucking zoome retards
Lol ok ccp
Yeah. I can't seem to get his face to be more accurate.
>because i can't use a computer you are ccp
Shut up 0n
>Do not use this function to maliciously spread rumors
peak chinkspeak lmao
monster cunny is almost here
all i hear you saying is do not redeem
We have such shits to show you.
bro stop im gonna have to r word you the one that doesn't end with "-ape"
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my sides, in orbit
Make that cat look like Taylor Swift.
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>Chunking Express second half remake
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>Amazing tool comes out where you're able to create small clips using any TV show or movie as a basis
>Only a small portion of the vids in this thread are doing it

Come on people...
if you're gonna post horrible shit of that caliber it's best not to post at all, you whiny prick
lmao. i thought it was just gonna end but it pans up so perfect like it is a punchline
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Black and White filter makes thin more kino, do it guys
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it's such a strange thing to look directly into someone's fetish
educate us, anon.
Im being ernest.
what are some of your prompts?
AI is being held back by retarded humans
haha yeah
Probably isn't trained on it. He's even too small for the chinese
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>Bob Odenkirk's most daring role
If you upload this to social media you'd probably get 5 million views, pajeets will go wild.
Jesus chrust the suit looks better than the Gunn one lmao
so instead of cyanide pills they use fried chicken instead... clever
lets make a new thread
holy shit what prompt produces such kinography
>Let's make tranny jannies delete them again
wait thats my old mall
well this thread is still up
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its not doing what i want.
im gonna try to make this prompt in chinese
you're creating demonic abominations bro
>still hasn't contributed
How many dicks have you sucked in the past year waiting for a new AI thread to show up on /tv/ to be a whining faggot in? I'm gonna say 37.
Onlyfans will be effectively dead shortly. We'll get whatever porn we want, however we want, locally.
>you're creating demonic abominations bro
sorry. i didn't mean to.
All this technology and all you can produce is garbage.
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these threads at /pol/ have been kicked out to /bant/, here will just be deleted and 3 days ban for off-topic or anything the tranny jannies hold up with to delete something and ban you
>We'll get whatever porn we want, however we want, locally.
Anon think about celebs and politicians
When it hits this point, and it will, then it won't matter what the fuck they want.
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>All this technology and all you can produce is garbage.
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cant get this one working right
looks like my wife.
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still not getting what i want.
im gonna try one more before i take a break.
>object gains focus through the glass
Alright not bad. Maybe AI kino truly will be real.
hao ling
Actual artists generally share this opinion from my experience.
It's the failed artists and pornfags who are flipping out.
Oh sweet child..
I tried one of those ai song creation tools recently and can tell you that it's unironically over for music artists
I think it's cool as shit, my issue doesn't come from regular people using it, my issue is companies using it. They're flat out stealing everything, and nothing can be done, but once local models get good, they'll cry theft over it and ultimately, get legislature passed that benefits them because they'll lobby and bribe.
>cats of istambul is now fake 2.5D animation
that one looks exactly as Velvet7 from Twitch wtf
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He's real?!?!?

When it becomes possible, and it will, what short stories/novels would you want to put through an A.I. video generator that can create anything at any length?

For me it's al of H.P. Lovecraft's work!!!FACT!!!
And talkies were gonna kill silent film
indian poop videos
The entirety of berserk in that cool 80s dark fantasy style

a little bit but holy fuck i was not expecting those titties, YOWZA
took me a while to realize this is a jew doctor working on a tranny
I couldn't care less about Disney, retard, what I'm saying is a single person making a movie at home putting even less effort than a big company is not going to be any better.

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