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....semoc eH
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kill yourself
Half of Preston and ACKmine's fanbase are turning agaisnt them cause Preston is so stuck up his ass he can't take the L ,admit he was wrong and move on like a man.
Why won't Preston just write his own fantasy novel series IP?
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Preston Jewcob and Reddit Team Rectum booty butt assblasted. Normies are waking up.
Get fucked you delusional stubborn hypocrite narcissist.

before they get deleted
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Why did he generate so much roastie seethe? Is it because he resembles their perceptions of men in reality?
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TAOOBA, with haste.
>upjumped above his station
>exploitive to gain favor with people far above him
>murderer but suffers no consequences
women don't hate him for those reasons.
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My King.
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Yup. YUP. He's a CHADfyre, which means all the craven shit KEKraven did was for nothing.
Posting this so we can all laugh at the HBO shilling glowie who wants to fuck Sweetrobin.
Skip to 2 minutes in for his first cucking by GRRM, then to 4:50 to see how he gets cucked because literal salad dressing is more interesting to talk about than his theories.
Femoids call him an incel yet he smashed both Rhaenyra and Alicent. Fuck what they think
I'm suprised there is more than one piece of art with Young Griff and Shireen, especially with her being in Castle Black when Aegon invades the Stormlands.

In the CK2 game as Young Griff I always send Varys to Castle Black too help kidnap Shireen. Everyone in Stannis court hates her and helps with the plot, including Melisandre.
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>Posting this so we can all laugh at the HBO shilling glowie who wants to fuck Sweetrobin.
I mean, he could get it
He was an ignorant simp who was not aware he was just being used for fun. When he went MUH HONOR on Rhaenyra, a concept they literally cannot understand, and proposed to elope together he outed himself as clingy weak man, the most worthless thing in the eyes of a woman. His following arc going through murderous rage to honorable seppuku to finally being redpilled about women added more salt on their wound.
>I'm suprised there is more than one piece of art with Young Griff and Shireen
All from one guy paying for commissions for his now abandoned fanfic.
>not having daenerys marry quentyn and young griff marry arianne, achieving total doran victory and replacing all the lord paramounts
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WHY is Aegon brown?
unimpeached valyrian stock
Dornish Mother and spending way too much time under the sun
D*rnish mother, imagine the smell
Dornish mother, but it's not canon. Aerys only said Rhaenys "smelled Dornish" which may not even imply brown skin for her either.
GRRM's answer
"Do you have any idea what Rhaenys and Aegon looked like? (Hair color, eye color, etc.)"
>Rhaenys looked more like a Martell, Aegon more a Targaryen.
Suddenly I'm not quite as bothered by what Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch did to Rhaegar's children.
I don’t really understand why he is so hated, he’s a tragic character. His bitterness comes from a place of heartbreak and unrequited love. I think it’s more because the majority of the audience ships Daemon and Rhaenyra or Rhaenyra and Alicent. Cole is an obstacle in the way of both of those ships.
He's a knight who supposed to be celibate yet fucked two royals and acts like he's a tragic figure for this. I can't wait until he gets turned into a pincushion
rhaenfags rhaenyrafags rhaegarfags and daenerysfags should kill themselves
>won as Young Griff
>Married Dany
>She still declares war on me despite us having two kids together already
>King's Landing is S8'd and now I'm playing Dany with her pissed off king-consort husband
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>"Drogon said its my turn to sit in the chair!"
e yes
o no
0 next
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problem chud?
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What's wrong with liking this brain damaged psychopath?
I hate this shit so much
>GRRM doesn't write fairy tales and the would-be best ruler usually doesn't get to win
>These characters were outrageously powerful for no good reason and didn't earn shit. They were literally born this way or would randomly have armies dropped in their lap or characters would just act retarded with them so they could magically keep or gain power.
>Messiahs are shit, aren't good characters and aren't compelling. This is why Rob and Ned were super-murdered immediately but Daenerys gets to stomp on bad guys and make retarded lecturers the entire series. Which would be "kino" if she went full fucking Sauron when she meets the rest of the real cast.
Maybe? Can you repeat the question.
What is a female equivalent of ASOIAF written by a female author?
You ever wonder if there was a Targ king who said fuck this ugly ass chair, and put a cushion down when he had to sit on it?
Burst into flames like a sausage on the spit
GRRM recounting the events of GoT

Preston needs to get better co-hosts
he needs someone who can actually point out when he says something stupid or someone who can come up with a counterargument to his strawman arguments
this redteamreview guy is honestly like an npc, he barely says anything interesting and when he does it's usually because he took it from twitter
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i'd start by killing every targ shit but myself, after that i would force the seven kingdoms and essos to convert to parliamentary republics under threat of annihilation, parliament would reserve 50 out of its 100 seats to smallfolk, 25 to nobles and 25 to the guilds for all the great houses, clergy would not hold seats. presidential election would be held every 4 years, maximum terms 2. any citizen of the nation is eligible for election. universal suffrage would be one of the first things codified in the new law which follow the napolenic code. iron bank of braavos would become a legit financial organization and eventually a branch would start in KL where it would form united nations equivalent in westeros, starks and baratheons would be the core partners and eventually all major houses would hold representatives in the united kingdoms. later on it would evolve into a military alliance and human rights organization as well guaranteeing long term stability and social progress.

now because we know that colonialism is extremely bad, it would be among the first things outlawed in the new legal code, any attempt at aggressive expansion or establishing colonies would be seen as a violation towards all the other members of the united kingdoms. member nations would also be subject to rigorous monitoring by a central council within the united kingdoms to ensure no corruption and to ensure full transparency.

basically, the people's republic of westeros will be respected, in return its citizens will respect their civic duties. monarchies, feudalism, the clergy will be a thing of the past. royal/noble bloodlines are to be vanities of society, no more than celebrity gossip. infinite death by dragonfire shall ensue for those disrespecting the reforms until the respecting begins, if need be, until that disrespecting party is no more.
>enslaving Westeros to (((merchant))) class
fuck off back to the Braavos you cunt
There is none. Closest is Throne of Glass which is literally ASOIAF fan fiction that woman fucking love for some reason. Also someone made not!Aemond romance fanficiton that got a book deal and possibly a movie called a Fate forged in fire
A huge amount of current successful EU organizations are formed by or were previously headed by jews, and some still are. I'm sorry but the merchants just make for good partners in governance, and rigorous litigation ensues they will not get more rights than they deserve.
e yes
o no
0 maybe
>seven kingdoms and essos to convert to parliamentary republics
get help
>50 out of its 100 seats to smallfolk and 25 to the guilds for all the great houses
kill yourself
>presidential election would be held every 4 years, maximum terms 2. any citizen of the nation is eligible for election

iron bank of braavos would become a legit financial organization and eventually a branch would start in KL where it would form united nations equivalent in westeros, starks and baratheons would be the core partners
beats being ruled by targshits
I'm pretty Preston has some sort of diagnosis, but not sure which
die in dragonfire, papist cunt.
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>drawn/shipped with everyone BUT Sansa despite their intended similarities
an enduring mystery
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>What's west of Westeros?
> to convert to parliamentary republics
> 50 out of its 100 seats to smallfolk
> any citizen of the nation is eligible for election
> universal suffrage
> human rights organization
Ultra cringe
> iron bank of braavos would become a legit financial organization and eventually a branch would start in KL
Even Cuckraven being a totalitarian leftist was not as retard as this shitpost

Craftsmen > merchants
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>iron bank of braavos would become a legit financial organization and eventually a branch would start in KL where it would form united nations equivalent in westeros
I'm confused, it seems like this Carmine guy hates the adaptations? Which is, you know, based.
trade unions are one of the core pillars of western democracy, EU was founded on a trade union.
sansafags are mostly show-watchers who don't know King Aegon the Sixth of His Name. That's why there's barely any content with Sansa and Willas, or Sansa and Harry the Heir. sansafags are also self inserts who wants to fix the bad guys hence the amount of Tywin/Sansa, Sandor/Sansa, Jaime/Sansa, Tyrion/Sansa, Littlefinger/Sansa, Theon/Sansa
Ahh, yes.
maybe we should give the dogs a seat as well
What's something The North could do better than any other Kingdom to make them more financially powerful?
I have seen more Sansa/Ned Dayne, Sansa/Margaery and Sansa/Dany
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he literally kills her entire family
>Sansa/Ned Dayne
>274 Works in Tywin Lannister/Sansa Stark
>least intelligent papist cope
They could be mega-Swiss and provide Northmen mercenaries for Southern wars.
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>Fearing for her sons, Queen Alicent went to the Iron Throne upon her knees, to plead for peace. This time the Queen in Chains put forth the notion that the realm might be divided; Rhaenyra would keep King’s Landing and the crownlands, the North, the Vale of Arryn, all the lands watered by the Trident, and the isles. To Aegon II would go the stormlands, the westerlands, and the Reach, to be ruled from Oldtown.
Say Rhaenyra accepted, how would these two divided kingdoms look like? Is Oldtown even capable of being a suitable capital? Wouldn't somewhere like Lannisport work better?
Back slick hair is not very flattering for her
>Is Oldtown even capable of being a suitable capital?
Hell yeah. Commercial/universitary/religious center, old and properly developed. The only problem would be the unbalance of political power.
I wish I was her sex slave.
>Is Oldtown even capable of being a suitable capital?
It's better than King's Landing.
>how would these two divided kingdoms look like?
Aegon and his descendants would be the richer Targaryens thanks to the Reach and West but would suffer with dorne and the iron isles raiding their lands.
Rhaenyra and her descendants would be fucked with the worst kingdoms to maintain and they would have to rely a lot with trading with the Free Cities
That's such a shit deal for Rhaenyra to accept, especially when she was winning.

Oldtown would make a great capital and all this offer would do is cause a cold war of Targs breeding more dragons and dragon riders for an even more bloody second Dance.
>Medieval Cold War with literal magical nukes
That sounds pretty based. How would the two ideologies form up? I figure the Rhaenyra Westeros would take up the Old Gods, seeing as the Riverlands are the only ones worshiping the Seven. Its end-focus would be preparing for the Long Night. Meanwhile the Aegon Westeros ends up full Andal nationalism. What kinda names could they get?
At least Preston is writing Winds
>I figure the Rhaenyra Westeros would take up the Old Gods
why it doesn't make any sense especially considering that the Vale is the most andal-ish realm of Westeros, and Rhaenyra would rule the Iron Islands as well
>seeing as the Riverlands are the only ones worshiping the Seven
The Vale worships the Seven. So does everyone in the Crownlands. The only places in Rhaenyra's kingdom that don't worship the Seven are the North and the Iron Islands (and the Blackwoods, maybe the Royces and other First Men Vale houses too but I don't think it's ever stated that they do).
>without you i'm a silhouette
You're actually right, so what does it look like, Valyrian-worshiping overlords with Faith, Old Gods and R'hllor underlings?
>Say Rhaenyra accepted
I did this once in CK2 but I didn't play much of it. Let's just say Rhaenyra pink empire was crumbling because the lords didn't like her at all and the ironborn kept raiding Egg's green empire.
Aegon however was drinking his gold away while he and Aemond became rivals and Aemond plotted to take over (I as Rhaenyra helped Aegon against Aemond)
Wait, you can do it in CK2? Link to the submod?
Most likely one of Rhaenyra's descendants starts their own branch of the Seven and build some sort of Sept of Baelor for their religion
any moment, someone would make a wojak out of this, can't wait.
>Its end-focus would be preparing for the Long Night
Isn't it just a scary story at this point? Also no way they'd go back to the Old Gods, the North would probably get more autonomy but that's it.
I did with some cheating. As Viserys I gave myself all the kingdoms titles, granted myself the empire of new valyria, then i granted the green kingdoms to aegon and the black kingdoms to rhaenyra then granted them independence, broke westeros title and so it was done
>breaks up the seven kingdoms like the frankish empire
Kino but it needs a Middle Westeros
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I remember thinking Aemond was going to get a huge amount of screen time this season because he was such a focal point in the poster. Maybe next season will be our season.
mayhaps i should have given Daemon the crownlands and start a third targaryen branch
>Maybe next season will be our season
oh anon...
Nah, the Riverlands and parts of the Crownlands maybe? You could have it an AU where he goes his own way at Harrenhal, which becomes his capital.
Mildly Targaryen-related, but up until two generations ago in CK2 I had Westeros, New Valyria, the Summer Isles, Ghiscar and Asshai and decided to divide then between my children because they were getting too hard to manage. It ended up kind of messy though, so now one of my relatives, the empress of New Valyria, has her capital beyond the Wall.
So Aegon gets the West, Reach and Stormlands
Ranny gets Dragonstone, East Crownlands, Vale and North
Daemon gets the Riverlands and the rest of the Crownlands
Who keeps the Iron Isles?
>Aemond takes regency
>Begin exposition of the literal war
>Opt to slowly pan on a woman seething she was denied power as all their voices get muffled
what did you think you were watching
Not really because they’re combining the fall of King’s Landing and the Gullet, and we know Helaena dies this season, so God’s Eye probably happens like half way through the season
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>preston finishes winds before grrm
funniest timeline
Daemon should get them. He should also get a bit of the northeastern Reach, I think, to make his kingdom a bit more viable in the long term.
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I would have been happy if they just kept the camera on him for his longest piece of dialogue he’s ever had at the council table in the episode literally titled “regent.” Or at least not muffle his voice. But no we must have even more Alicent.
Hopefully it’s the final and not halfway through.
Why didn't the Riverlands build a canal system so ships can cross through the riverlands instead of going all the way around? Would've turned them into an economic force.
how did it look like?
tommen is the valonqar
They already are an economic force, and canal-building is tricky engineering when your shit floods often.
because he is a simp who actually knows how to exploit the women he simps for
and breaks the boss girl fantasy
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I've done at least 5 circuits of the North after a bit of power leveling beyond the Wall, and I can't get a chest to drop. Its passed time I go get a wife and then come back to get the chest. I come to ask again who we should pursue. Asha? Arianne? Melisandre? Sansa? Arya? Margaery? Daenerys?
>"And Maelor...who's a little older in the book, would have been an infant because of the age of Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. And this goes back to our first season, trying to adapt a story that takes place over 20 years of history instead of a story that takes place over 30 years of history. And we had to make some compromises in rendering that story so that we didn't have to recast the whole cast multiple times and really just frankly lose people. I mean, we were walking right up against the line with it in season 1, and I think we did a really great job and I think the response to season 1 extols that. But the casualty in that was that our young children in this show are very, very young because we compress that timeline. So those people could only have children of a certain age and have it be believable where it didn't feel like we weren't hewing to the realities of the passage of time and the growth of children in any real way."
Combining the gullet and the battle of Kings landing into one battle? If that’s what they are going for, I’d say that’s a smart move to make things more grand and also to satisfy the budget.
Though I believe the battle of the gods eye will be at the end of the season.
So basically Maelor is completely off the table regardless of George’s feelings.
Was Aemond killing Luke a bad move? I mean Otto and others call it hasty, but.. did it really lead to anything bad? If anything it helped the war effort quite a lot, especially in the books. It immediately neutralised one dragon, and also left Rhaenyra in grief, which weakened her leadership and made her unable to send her children to assist Rhaenys at rooks rest. Rhaenyra was already rallying the the Vale and the North and was fully intending to fight the war in the books, and pretty definitely in the show aswell. Sure, Aemond got referred to as kinslayer, but we never hear of anyone backing out over that… in fact, the reputational damage it caused was mitigated by Blood and Cheese that came after, which was directly caused by Aemond killing Luke
>you want a good girl, but you need bad pussy
What’s happening on February 25th?
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I bet your belly wobbles when you walk.

At 0:50 he talks about a scene where he confronts Robb but that doesn't happen in the show. I'm guessing that would have been the practice spar they have in books.
>At least Preston is writing fanfic
I don't care about that Preston guy, but Rhea Royce looks yummy int hat fanart.
yuo of nead da bad poussey
They could set up exporting the one thing they have a shit ton of: Ice.
I imagine if they could set up a reliable way of transporting it, ice could be a big luxury in places south like Dorne and make them good money, not to mention other parts of the south ice could be used for preserving foods and such.
he's still so assmad George brushed him off at a dinner his fans paid for
Quads confirm
kino villain origin story
i bet something similar happened to darktard
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I like that idea. Arya was cursed for some reason (eating a forbidden fruit or drinking from the ''fountain of youth'') when she was the last surviving member of her crew. She's old and crazy, but knows a thing or two about the land, so she helps the new Westerosi Conquistadores...or does she?

Some of the POV characters are direct descendants from ASOIAF characters. One of them is a Stark which had Sansa as his grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grandmother or something.
>one is a lazy 75 yo.
>the other one writes, creates posts, streams and ultimately does his job.
Your choice...
This is the guy you faggots want to take over the books when Martin dies? Turns out at the end he was just a salty clown like the rest kek
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Cute and canon!
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>it's a Cersei whispering ASMR scene
>no respect for the almighty Stansa ship

Trifling... Feckless!
Preston is one of those "the maesters are le evil racist white chuds" posters from Reddit and believe they rewrote history so when stuff goes against his theory, for example Helaena's suicide, her love by the people of KL and things like that being true go against his narrative.
For me its Willas or Sandor...
Holy kinoli, you're onto something. I need to do some tweaking to my ship list.
There's a lot of really, really hot fapfic of those two. I believe 'Queen of the Seven Kingdoms' was my favourite. Robert and Rhaegar kill each other on the trident, Stannis becomes king and is betrothed to Sands to preserve the STAB alliance, or something like that. It's been a while.
At this point there should be some Meryn Trant/Sansa content.
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I dont care what de masesters tell you dem d'Targaryans was black.
As a matta of fact the great empire of da dawn was made by black summer islanders.
cucks are attracted to each other, like stand users
For me, it's the part where Theon goes down on Jeyne on her marriage bed while Ramsay waits for his turn on the cuck chair.
jesus what happened to preston, he looks like death
and why would he be talking to that cum eater?
Are we sure young Ramsay wasn't exchanged with one of Robert's bastards in a comedy of errors?
Is that what Preston looks like? I thought it was a really stressed out Ryan Condal.
In my headcanon Ramsay really is the son of that miller and his wife, making his biggest grievance not real in an ironic twist.
It will be so funny if George sends him a DMCA on the fanfic or tell him his theories are wrong
He's destiny's glowie handler
it whats happens when you marry an asian
>papist cuck tries to restart old argument but has no actual argument
There's a lot of depraved shit in this series that turns me on like the innkeepers daughter. I wish Walder Frey kept Catelyn as his cocksleeve and dunked on Hoster Frey by spawning devil kids from her cunt. I also fantasize about the Beesbury kid killing Jaehaerys in their trial of combat and banging Saera over his corpse I'm so fucked bros there's no hope for me.
Jesus Christ
It's time to turn the computer off.
Yes, Walder should have forced Cat to take a Frey dick on the rebound. No clue why he didn't.
>Hoster Frey, son of Whalen Frey, son of Walder Frey
How would sex with Catelyn dab on him?
>There's a lot of depraved shit in this series that turns me on
You like the scenes because you are a coomer. I like the Theon scene because I can laugh at a cuck. We are not the same.
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Call the hotline Preston...It'll be alright champ!
Empires of Dust by Anna Smith Spark
Harry Potter.
Are you mayhaps mentally ill?
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Really tame desu
>continues to reply to an old argument just to seethe with no argument
My brain is porn rotten. I meant Walder Frey should have given Catelyn Frey babies to dab on Hoster Tully.
Argument? You think people are obliged to argue with your embarrassing fanfic about isekaing medieval fantasy settings rather than just making fun of it? And you've still not given a coherent answer to what the hell you meant by having a meltdown and gibbering about catholics.
> My brain is porn rotten.
On that much we agree.
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Tick tock, lizards.
>papist cuck continues to try to argue while having no argument
Actual schizophrenia.
Catholics are doing wheelies on your hippocampus.
>5 replies with no argument
>Walder Frey kept Catelyn as his cocksleeve
Stoneheart slut is still around
What are the words of house /got/hotd/?
TAOBA, with haste
(Winds of) Winter is coming
Feed from Seed
>catholics could be here
Would you like to see the tapestries?
How the heck could the smallfollk kill dragons that big?
Cute and canon
Dragons were chained and couldn't turn around so they attacked from behind. Also Seven helped them.
Words are wind.
>Also Seven helped them
No wonder the lizards lost then.
Her cunt became the world around his fat pink mast
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The more she drank, the more she shat
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A finger in the bum
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What would you have me do?
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These two
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Both are very STRONG contenders.
Wow Howland Reed got to plap and breed that?
Imagine making a gigastacey fall in love with you so ahrd she moves to live in your swamp castle

How did Littlefinger know what a table was?
FOTS = Pap*st cucks.
FOTS = Catholic CHADS.
> Hi, Ashara, this is Ned. I killed you brother, here is your toy sword. Remember this swamp manlet Wowland? He helped me with the killing and he will fuck you in the ass
Come on bro man, the seven are clearly orthodox christianity.
They play distinctly second fiddle to secular authorities and have always been fine with that.
>have always been fine with that
They launched full scale rebellion though. They are the Avignon Papacy, but are going to retvrn to Rome.
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What the fuck looks flattering on her? A burka?
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>Be Ned
>Kill Arthur Dayne
>Ashara kills herself by throwing herself into the ocean in a way that implies it was your fault because you broke her heart
>Return the Daynes legendary family sword that if you didn't everyone in the realm will know you were the one to steal their sword
>They name their sole male heir after you
>He is milk brother to sister secret targ love/rape child you claim as your bastard

There is something fuckey about the Daynes and Ned, clearly the current story presented to us is bullshit somehow
Is Arthur Dayne actually Qhorin Halfhand and Ned just sheared the fingers off his sword hand to end their fight at the tower?
Is Ashara actually alive?
Did the Dayne men tear down the tower of Joy (Ned and Howland couldn't do it alone)
What of the wetnurses/maids of Lyana who know Jons true identity?
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Okay so Im just now watching HOTD season 2 and just watched episode 4 and I gotta ask.
Did anyone else think Rhaenys going back to fight Aemond to be really out of character?
She's always portrayed as more calm, collected and strategical than most others, I find it hard to believe that
>A) she actually fought she could take Aemond and his dragon out 1v1
>B) or that she let her emotions get the best of her
Idk i'm just left with a little bit of a bitter taste, doesn't feel like it aligns with her character

I feel like Rhaenys would try to do as much damage as possible and then leave to cut the loses
The fact that they were trying to reconcile with Maegor at a late stage, were perfectly happy to be under the thumb of the Gardeners and the Hightower before them, indeed were founded as subservient to secular authority in oldtown casts some aspersion on the faith militant uprising as an attempt at anything other than resisting a foregin occupier imposing his own culture on westeros.
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Age is but a number Lord Stark
say that to the hundred million christians lived and converted into islam under ottoman rule and 400 year losing streak in wars
To me it seems like she had accepted that she was likely going to die even before the battle started and that’s why she made peace with Corlys’s bastards.
>A) she actually fought she could take Aemond and his dragon out 1v1
Not necessarily, I saw it more that she sacrificed herself to do as much damage as possible to Vhagar or maybe even get lucky and hurt Aemond.
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>ESL that can barely concoct a sentence
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Seethe, papist cuck.
Her goal was to protect Rook's Rest
>Not necessarily, I saw it more that she sacrificed herself to do as much damage as possible to Vhagar or maybe even get lucky and hurt Aemond.

I see but even then I feel like she wouldn't do such a thing since it could (and it did) cost Rhaenyra's side a dragon and an experienced rider/ good counselor.
>muh balloon turbán will make me look like less of a retard
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She didn’t stand a chance against Vhagar’s camouflage abilities.
You're seething so hard, papist cuck. That's what 400 years of defeats do.
>you can't fight and that's exactly why the only soldiers worth a fuck in Muslim empires were enslaved Christian Balkan boys
I feel that this is one of those things that got changed from the books and ended up being weird in the show, starting with Rhaenys's and Aegon's personalities and continuing with everyone treating Aegon like shit and not telling him anything.
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choose, Andal man.
the smart christians realized they'd rather fight for turks than pap*sts.
>Catholicism hater reveals himself to be a brown, illiterate roach
What the fuck was George thinking.
He obviously wasn't.
yeah but she can still fix him
>not a single Muslim country even remotely civilized in the year of our lord 2024
>have to resort to fostering division between Christians who let that shit go 200 year ago unlike Sunni and Shia who still butcher one another.
so Sansa vs Dany fanbase war was just a self-insert war between Sansa self-inserters and Dany self-inserters
>I also fantasize about the Beesbury kid killing Jaehaerys in their trial of combat and banging Saera over his corpse I'm so fucked bros there's no hope for me.
this is based THOUGH
Patricia is perfect
This one is so weird. Did they ever interact?
>pap*st so mad they mask slip /pol/ for a second
>uohhh six year olg beautiful girl
Based pick.
In the book Theon remembers that he once dreamed of marrying Sansa and Eddard thinking of him as a son.
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marry Patricia Redwyne
keep the Lysene and Dornish girls around as my mistresses
simple as
Dany and her horde of 100,000 rapemongols could not even dream of doing as much damage to Westeros as you would accomplish in 1 year. Bravo.
>trying to restart an old argument with no argument
It may surprise you, but some ship them AFTER Show!Theon got his cock cut off. He still have a tongue and a prostate, after all.
give me something for the pain and let me die
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The Seven is literally just a manufactured political religion to keep the Andals from straying into Rhllor or the Old Gods. Not sure if that's good or not. Its definitely not Catholicism though, its more like, if you took the Greco-Roman Pantheon and turned it into an organized Church.

And in ACTUAL PRACTICE, it actually reminds me more of the Bush Era Religious Right where the higher-ups only pretend to follow it when its convenient to rile up the populace.
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I will take the Dornishwoman for the free entry to the only waterpark in Westeros.
Why is a Qorgyle there? Dorne is an enemy at this point in the history, what was the play here for the Qorgyles?
Viserys should have been a girl

rereading the books, I've noticed that every time GRRM writes a sex scene from the perspective of a woman, it includes a passage that says something along the lines of "she rode him so hard that for a moment she thought she was fucking him" Unironically what did he mean by this
>Those tits
How do they fit under the breastplate?
ancient first man bronzeworking technology
>marry into the most powerful family family in the world
>use your lands as a beach head for the Targ forces in a new war on Dorne, using politics to become a new Prince or Lord Paramount of Dorne
Don't know if that was their plan but if it was, it could have worked. Other Dornishmen would have hated them for it though.
>beats you cruelly for your insolence
GRRM flavour girl power or something.
More logical to put a canal through the Neck
Preston is Condal, that's why he's taking it so personally
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I had a lot of fun making my shitty short

think I'll do another one
Maybe one for Aemond with The Warmth?
The level of absolute SEETHE this is going to cause will be off the charts.

There's already fans bitching about it or demanding it not be adapted and that 'dragons shouldn't die to a stupid civil war'

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>"she rode him so hard that for a moment she thought she was fucking him"
I’ve thought about it for a few minutes and I have a theory but it might be retarded. Does he mean that she’s riding him that hard that the motion of her hips is like what the movement of a man’s hips would be?
building canals is hard without steamshovels or infinite manpower to throw at the problem. When Westeros industrializes they could canalize the Trident, God's Eye/Blackwater and Mander together though (and build an outlet to the Bite from the north coast of the Riverlands)
being able to ship things from the Reach to White Harbor without sailing around Westeros would cause a massive economic boom in the norf
>being able to ship things from the Reach to White Harbor without sailing around Westeros would cause a massive economic boom in the norf
And this is exactly why the (((Maesters))) wouldn't allow it
You people really go full retard with your maester conspiracy, don't you.
The runes make it a bag of holding
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Jacaerys would appreciate Viserys' Lego set, something that Alicent and Aegon never did.
That's why Vissy loved this boy more than his son and wanted to see him on the iron throne.
>Chained hands typed this post
Very cool anon. Good to see you got the crackling sorted out. Warmth would be kino, were you inspired by
>a child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth?
Wouldn't that give Robert a better claim as women can't inherit Iron Throne?
The stupid show never gave us the scene where Viserys puts Jace on his lap and tells him that one day the Iron Throne will be his. They cut so many things from the book.
The guy ranting about dragons constantly is unhinged
Yeah but it gave us him meeting little Aegon and Viserys while cutting all the time he spent with Helaena, the twins and Maelor.
Yeah, but "he isn't a dragon"
would the Dothraki have killed Fem!Viserys/Visenya?
>but sister, why won't YOU marry khal Drogo
That's because Aegon the third and Viserys the second are future kings. The showrunners thought that it's important for the King to meet the future heirs, especially the one who got his name.
some engineer autist actually broke it down based on what we know about elevations and geography said the most logical for the Norf/Starks is actually connecting the white knife to Torren's square. Use giants and mammoths to build it quickly without needing industrial tech
No way. Now imagine if we got Visenya/Viserra and Daenar instead.
I find that hard to believe given the Neck is already half sunk and only has a single road higher than the bog through the middle.
>Visenya discovers that 'golden crown' is Dothraki for 'assfucking'
>Norf never conquered
>for some reason they stop doing blood sacrifice to the Old Gods
>start allowing southern cultural influence
>start hating wargs and not believing in old Northern myths/history
>don't rebuild their navy
>become dependent on food imports despite surviving independently for 8000+ years
maesters brainwashed the northern lord's children over the course of generations but they are starting to see through the grey rat lies and looking up your real (((last names))) that you try to hide
>become dependent on food imports despite surviving independently for 8000+ years
Isn't this more logically that Southern imports allowed for a larger population than could previously be supported and/or drove Northern farmers out of business due to a lack of protectionist policies by the Starks?

Think what happened after the Brits got rid of the Corn Laws.

Your other points are 100% correct and the Maester who suggested Free Trade to the Starks was almost certainly a Hightower, however
I think human sacrifices are not good.
>I think human sacrifices are not good.
Post chain
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>muh fantasy imagined joos won't let me sacrifice humans anymore waah I'm a manly man though
the fact that in thousands of years not a single Stark has tried to build a shipyard and fleet on the west coast despite directly admitting that Brandon the Burner was a fucking retard is honestly really weird. To me it's one of the key inconsistencies that implies "history" is way shorter than the 8000 years everyone says
Nah, it's just that the (((Iron Bank))) doesn't give loans for that
There is no way Visenya would survive to the beginning of the book as a virgin and thus khal Drogo wouldn't marry her.
>have to sleep with ruch merchants to provide for her brother
>sleeps with Golden Company leader after the feast to get him to help her
>gets laughed out anyway
>see them supporting fAegon
Poor Visenya.
stop sucking down the weirwood paste, smart smelting iron and cease the human sacrifices you weirwood commie.
>Implying she'd stoop to letting anyone "fuck a dragon"
She'd probably try and LARP as her namesake/have a knock-off Dark Sister
don't remember the full argument but it was a combination of politics and other things beyond just construction
>swamps are hard to drain
>Neck has malaria like disease referenced, making construction even worse
>canal would compromise moat caelin's ability to act as a bottleneck for defense
>whoever ruled neck canal would be a threat to the Starks, connecting to Torren's square means the Starks control it and collect taxes on it directly
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>when your magnar graces your wife with his divine seed as the old gods intended
>You VILL eat ze Reach grain
>You VILL live in stone cities
>And you VILL NOT skinchange
The malaria bit makes sense, though you don't drain a canal, you canalise the swamp so it remains deep enough for ships.

As for the Moat Caelin thing, if anything a canal would make it harder to invade the North depending on how wide it is. That and if the Starks are worried about who runs it, put it as close as possible to Moat Caelin, rebuild it and give it to a cadet branch.
>have absurd amount of ironwood, the best quality wood in Westeros
>frequently attacked by ironborn raiders
>need to import food
>do nothing to build ships for war and trading
Starks are retarded, I assume GRRM just needed an excuse for Robb not having a Navy and sending Theon to the Iron Islands

Iron Islands and the North should logically work together to build a giga-navy, North has unlimited natural resources and just needs the skilled labor and manpower for building ships
George is fucking worthless in every regard except characterization. White Harbour and Gulltown ought to be massive metropolises long before KL should even exist
>That and if the Starks are worried about who runs it, put it as close as possible to Moat Caelin, rebuild it and give it to a cadet branch
this is what they did with White Harbor and the greystarks but they got rich and cocky and tried to take Winterfell for themselves. An actual decent piece of world building by GRRM to explain the lack of Stark cadet branches, they got burned in the past and aren't doing that shit again
The Redwyne girl is a keeper.
What is the context of this picture?
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...actually, where the fuck do the Ironborn get their wood from?

IRL the Brits had to trade their wood from Scandinavia after deforesting their island and went to great pains to maintain good relations with the Swedes and Denmark-Norway for this exact reason.

Is GRRM telling us the Starks are actually retarded enough to sell ironwood the Ironborn? Is there still the stigma of not paying the Iron Price if you can't get a boat without it?

KL wouldn't physically be able to exist anyway. The population would starve because there is physically no way to move the amount of grain the city would need daily from the Reach to it via land like they supposedly do.

Perhaps this is why we don't know about Robert's tax policy after all.

>Not just intermarrying with your cadet branches to ensure they remain loyal
Rookie mistake, pic related knew what was up
>...actually, where the fuck do the Ironborn get their wood from?
they steal it from the Riverlands and Norf iirc
preston's like 50
>ywn have a tomboy schizo Visenya
image might be doing her too much justice, she's got spirit but redwyne's are usually described as ugly gingers
>Somehow the Starks never had the idea to build a fleet again, go to the Iron Islands, Copenhagenise the Iron Fleet and then put a blockade around the island long enough for the Ironborn to all meet their Drowned God

The North deserved what it got in the wot5k
Why did you post a picture of Aemond?
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>successful EU organizations
Aegon III had a literal parade of girls brought in front of him to audition to be the next queen after the Dance
The Dance would have been better if it happened for the same reason as the Spanish war of succession.
Bro should have just chosen all of them and reinstated polygamy.

Is anyone actually going to try and depose him and in doing so risk restarting the civil war?
Which girl he picked at the end?
Its because the North is a stand-in Russia. Westerlands are England, Reach is France, Stormlands are Germany and Riverlands are both Poland and Belgium. The rest should be obvious if you're not retarded.
Henrietta Woodhull deserved better.
If the North is a stand in for Russia it should actually have a massive wheat output and not have constant famines.

The black soil region is no joke.
>but actual Russia has constant famines
What did you mean by this?
Patricia Redwyne, what a qt.
I vaguely remember in the books some character (don't remember which) was teased because he was going to marry a daughter of Paxter Redwyne or something but he didn't mind.
The North is a fantasy generic wild, cold and barren place for tough people and spooky old beliefs.
Russia has constant famines but it's because they constantly fuck up their agricultural production.

The North has famines because somehow it can't physically grow the grain to feed its population and is reliant on the south.

IRL it was often the opposite, with grain out of the Black Sea ports of Poland-Lithuania or Russia feeding a significant chunk of Europe.
Which was always a flanderized take on Russia, especially prior to the Second Cold War (2014-now).
I never said the analogies are perfect. Its as simple as GRRM looking over and going 'Yeah, Russia has a lot of famines' without actually looking too deep into it. This is a world with 3k year old royal families, you really think he's going to be too precise on his analogies?
Move on.
Agreed, I just got hyperfixated on the realism element.

You're right, the North is just 'American pop cultural Russia'.
>the North is a stand-in for Russia
Nah, it's just a huge Scotland. It's not even subtle.
>Which was always a flanderized take on Russia, especially prior to the Second Cold War (2014-now).
I see. I always associated that type of cold land with Scandinavia instead, but I guess this might be because I live close enough to Russia to lack the Western view.
>papist cuck tries to restart an argument with no argument
What the fuck are you talking about?
All EU institutions are bloated and ineffectual messes. I don't know why you bring religion into this.
Honestly the reason the North always felt a bit more Scandinavian to me is because Robb's arc reminds me of Carolus Rex with the whole "young king who manages to curbstomb in 90% of his battles but fails diplomatically and ends up being assassinated".

Only difference is personality, if any ASOIAF character is close there it's Stannis.
The North is Northern England and beyond the wall is Scotland. Because the wall is just an oversized Hadrian's wall and GRRM made a big thing of ginger wildlings, he's not being subtle.
He's a turkroach that was shitposting before against Catholicism, don't ask me why
Patricia(n) taste
Maario Naharis
lol. good one Ivan

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