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Did he deserve what happened to him?
Yes. He was a traitor.
He killed a shitton of people that raised him, were nicest to him, trusted him. And he wanted to kill/rape even more until his own shitty, cowardly, untrustworthy scum "brethren" betrayed him
Yes. Did I deserve to watch what happened to him for numerous seasons? No. He's not that interesting of a character, in fact, he's not interesting at all.
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No he's a good man.
If he wasn't there, then you'd whine he appeared from nowhere to rescue Sansa. You whine about everything.
It seems to be my arc soon.
I have these jealous subhuman small dick Albanians who are jealous of my big dick.
They broke in my apps, installed cameras in the hopes of mocking me, but found out I had a huge gigantic 9.5 inch long dick, which is also very thick. Getting envious they tried making me look small, but it failed. They they tried spreading rumours I was gay, but that too seems to fail, since women have seen the leaked vids and are coming to my defence and are now more attracted to me than before.
Now I have angry small dick genetically deficient balding albanian men strolling infront of my appartment at night yelling "quifsha none peder come out to fight" and acting threatening all because they realize they look like jokes!
I have even overheared them speak of my very muscular build and envy my penis. Wouldnt be suprised if they are sizing me up and comapring their small lil peckers with mine. Their female friends I bet are getting the ick. What man has nudes and masturbation videos of a "peder" on their phone? Most likely a homosexually repressed man. So their women are now enticed by me.

Can't say what envious small dick men, might do! I have overheared them speak of wanting to jump and rob me. Even beat me with aluminium rods. Thank god I have all their vehicle number plates and voice recordings and pictures.
Sansa was even less interesting. The fatass kills off all the interesting ones and leaves the ones nobody cares about because muh edge.
>Betrayed the family that loved him more then his actual family
>Killed two innocent children
In Bird Culture this is what is known as a "Dick Move"
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>He's a good man because the zombie child who have no free will said so
From the position of restorative justice, no. From the position of retributive justice, possibly.
Theon would have been better as a girl who was Robb's betrothed.
Trips of truth, female Theon is peak kino
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Do any of us deserve our fate? Truly, only god knows the answer.
The Drowned God says no, he didn't deserve it
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>tfw you see your favorite servant again
That girl was naked.
Only if you make Ramsay a girl too, otherwise it would be just sad.
Yes. He killed Rodrik by sloppily hacking his head offm The fact he did this infront of Bran and then last season Bran says he's a good man lmao
yes he even more or less admitted it. when he said at some point
>i dont want to be forgiven

he wanted vindication for his wrong doings and thats it.
And she was hot as fuck
That's not Bran, though. That's _______Bloodraven_______.
He deserved worse
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She would just get raped and flayed to death and give her name to the newest puppy.
Theon and his sister were also supposed to be super hot in the books and that was was established early on, before his Greyjoywank begins around book 4
Of course: >>203309329.
What an ugly bastard. I don't even know who the guy is but 100% guarantee he got into acting through nepotism.
for me, it's the scene where he looks at the two charred kids and immediately realizes he fucked up
>thinks actors must all be extremely handsome and there's no roles for less attractive people
so many TV shows do this, i expected better from a book writer
no. you just don't do that to another man no matter what, it shows poor leadership intelligence. Ramsay's troops would have turned on him IRL.
what the fuck does that have to do with acting?
Lol the Iron Islanders sound like Russians
>Lol the Iron Islanders sound like Russians
The Russians from Kiev, yes
what's the difference? arr rook same
I'm here for the GIF
One is cucked by American influence
and the other by serfdom
he should have killed the night king, that would have been true subversion of expectation and a good closure to his story.
But hollywood is too boring to give a true redemption arc a shot
>subversion of expectation
No one ACTUALLY likes that dumb shit. The story needs to be fucking SATISFYING, and that isn't it at all. After years and years of being invested in your story, it needs payoff that the audience enjoys not is left hanging by, incredulous, and wondering if that was actually it? They used to understand this.
Who knows? He killed two innocent kids, betrayed a lot of people that were nothing but nice to him, even if he was a hostage, that kind of relationship was common in those eras, Theon would have been used to the concept. Ned and Robert grew up in a similar relationship with Jon Arryn, and we even see how in peacetimes this could be used for actual hostile situations, with King Robert agreeing to have Sweetrobin being fostered in Casterly Rock, effectively making the lord of the vale a hostage of the Lannisters. So yeah, Theon definitely wasn't justified in seeing himself as a victim, and what he did to those people wasn't a fair retribution at all, since they owed him nothing.

So idk, maybe he didn't deserved to be tortured and stripped of his identity, maybe I'm saying that because I wouldn't want to watch it. I do think he deserved to die, so it really is similar to what Tywin asked Tyrion about the difference of killing 10000 people in a battle or 10 in a wedding. Maybe there is a quality in punishment that just killing someone can't provide. I don't know.
He sucks at acting
nah. he means your inbreed as ilk, Ivan.
At the very least he shouldn't have just charged at the fucking guy with a spear and get immediately BTFO by a simple side step
>No man can kill me
>I'm no man *shows dick wound*
It wouldn't fly in current political system.
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He absolutely did, those innocent farmboys he killed more then made him earn his suffering. And everything else he did.

What he didnt deserve was his bitter spiteful fathers raw cope. The amount of shit theon gets both in the books and show from his father and asha is some of the most heinous shit in this franchise. His dumb father started a pathetic rebellion that was squashed with glee by robert and co. And one of his sons, that was like 9 years old was taken hostage due to his fathers idiotic failings. And when said son shows up he acts like theon wronged him, absolutely pathetic. Glad that euron kills him.

And yes i know that there is a bunch of honor culture etc going on. And balon seeing theon again is like seeing his failures made manifest and so on yada yada. Still all the shit that theon gets from his petty family is some of the most frustrating/unfair shit that theon gets in the books. I only wish theon found his courage to stand up to them. But the fact that he caves to them is his biggest failure.

Pic unrelated.
It makes no sense. You can't train a human being like that.
There's no instance in human history of something like that ever happening.
Only because he is a childkiller.
what does that have to do with his looks?
The nafo check isn't coming, sorry.
>The story needs to be fucking SATISFYING, and that isn't it at all. After years and years of being invested in your story, it needs payoff that the audience enjoys
Okay, and it still wasn't.
Very observant of you, retard.
Thank you.

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