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>It's one fuckin' thirty in the morning!
oral cumshot
Sorry to do it to you but we have a mother of a virus ripping through a major company file
why are zoomers so obsessed with gay porn? this is like the fifth gay porn meme I've seen in the past year. seriously, someone explain this shit.
Shut the fuck up boomer
That and trannies. Someone will make a on topic thread but post a picture of a tranny and it's 300 replies about the tranny and they aren't even ironic replies.
why did gay pornstars of the past look so much more manly
is steve rambo rambo's brother?
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i think this meme might be older than you are, kiddo
You wouldn't get it.
gachimuchi is built into the fucking foundations of 4chan you retarded newfaggot.
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more lead
Whoa bro. The bronze age store is a couple blocks back. This is the Medieval Era. I'm about to get Medieval on your uhm ass uh.
*Assumes t position,*
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>Napoleonic Imperial eagle on a Roman gladiator
ZERO out of ten
*Assumes the K beta stance*
Fuck you Yellow King (man)
Time is not a flat circle in this gym. We have the Renaissance and shit and I think the big gain Glow ups are winning
just kill that right now
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that was used as bait & switch trolling similar to rickrolling. this is just quoting gay porn. try again, little zoom
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where do you think Napoleon got the idea from, retard?
>so obsessed
> fifth gay porn meme I've seen in the past year.

I don't get it... Is that a lot? That's kind of like saying, "I saw that guy sipping a drink at a party once. He's an alcoholic."

Right to the extremes.
Doesn't mean it's the same eagle design you cretin
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>”Hey anon, nice to meet you. So you’re responsible for all the hot cock on this board?”
please explain what part of that design screams Napoleonic to you. I'll wait
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>Now there's an ass I wouldn't mind fucking, if you know what I mean.
>we come here to gaypost
>this is tv: gayposting and gay memes
>we're not gay, I promise
nice analogy, FAGGOT
What a fucking moron. I'm not gay or defending the shitpost. I'm trying to understand the reason for your laughable hyperbole, you dumb shit-kicking hayseed.
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>I'm not gay, I just get irrationally angry when somebody points out a pattern. you dumb shit-kicking hayseed!
Who's angry? You're a dumb guy. Seems like settled science. Take care. Brush your hair.
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>Who's angry? You're a dumb guy. Seems like settled science. Take care. Brush your hair.
How foolish of you. What you're referring to is the in fact the 2nd wave of western gachimuchi popularity, not the original one from Niconico videos, which is what the guy you replied to was referring to.
>No you: the argument
Alright, guy. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "FAGGOT" or a tranny. And you call them mentally ill.
>That's kind of like saying, "I saw that guy sipping a drink at a party once. He's an alcoholic."
idk about you but that to me suggests he enjoys alcohol
Yeah, it's Big Brucey from the black top
Used to love pussy, but now I love to bang cock
Yeah. Enjoying a drink, is not OBSESSED WITH DRINKING... Look this is a stupid argument on a stupid website and I don't know why I'm having it...
I guess because this guy really hates gay people. So, if someone says anything remotely homosexual, it's right off the deep end time. It's funny. I don't know.
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so you agree, you enjoy gay porn?
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Yes and I'm tired of pretending I don't.
No. I enjoy that others posting about it makes some people upset.
that would make it a 2chan meme then, not 4chan. tv is stanchly anti-weeb these days.
I like how Billy really leaned into his Japanese stardom. Wish Steve Rambo would've done the same. Although I don't know if he ever took off as a meme in Japan.
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im able to appreciate the craft
Let's get something STRAIGHT.
This was the first and the last time you'll ever say something like that about me.
Yeah, spotted the election tourist.
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Yes, next question
>"why are zoomers so obsessed with gay porn"
>the millennialfaggot says after they made that Billy le wholesome faggot a deity and totally not jerking off to "Oh shit I'm sorry, sorry for what" and totally not jerking off to le leather club 2 doors down xD
all jap memes, co-opted by zoomers. except "Oh shit I'm sorry", that's more of a spinoff. absolutely nothing to do with 4chan.
indians getting cellphones destroyed the internet
Shut the fuck up faggot
>says the actual faggot quoting gay porn
It's a loan!
Porn in general is funny. Making up some stupid story as an excuse to watch penis enter a hole is ridiculous. If you're straight, gay porn is doubly ridiculous.
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>exit porn and start a family
>get randomly killed
Where do you think you are? Goatse has been a meme on this shithole for almost 2 decades now.
>Making up some stupid story as an excuse to watch penis enter a hole is ridiculous
Life is ridiculous, so why shouldn't porn be?
That specific gay porn is camp classic because it does have a coherent plot (albeit very cliche) and actors who are trying but are just awful at acting yet have some level of charisma nonetheless. It checks all the boxes for a camp movie.
What is this new tactic of calling anything you dislike "zoomer" even if that is blatantly false?
I can't believe this thread you're posting in, it's macabre.
It's eight fuckin' twenty in the evening!
>memes after 2013 are not zoomer
The fucking knowyourmeme page about gachi is from 2009, retard
Yeah, that fits
It's just old fart Millennials or GenX being old farts as usual. Basically being the new boomers. Just give them some prune juice and they'll be alright.
Why are you obsessed with zoomers?
Zoomers don't know what gachi is
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They have very little in life.
Let them mald. They'll tire themselves out eventually.
The forsen watchers do
ok but I want to watch it WITHOUT the porn
Sumimasen! I didn't know you were posting gachimuchi memes on 2chan in 2009. You didn't start spamming it after 2013 like the rest of the english-language internet.
I work a tech job and say throw me some numbers whenever possible
Are you fucking retarded? Do you think 2chan memes get KYM pages? Why not just shut the fuck up when you're wrong instead of further embarrassing yourself?
Wow, you said that so confidently. How about you take your own advice and kys, you disingenuous faggot.
There used to be an edit on youtube with all the sex scenes removed.
It's 4:08 here. Yes, I am druk.
how retarded do you have to be to think something called "gachimuchi" is an english language meme? kek the irony
trying to do what?
Catalina Collection
but am I gay if I watch them? I just watch the and have a laugh, specially like FURRY MEN DO or MANG CHU
Oh shit I'm sorry
>but am I gay
Yeah. Didn't read the rest of your faggy post btw.
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I really want to know why every fucking girl aged 18-24 is into rimming? I'm 31 and no girl my age when I was in HS or college was into that shit. Now every girl I fuck between the ages mentioned before all do it like it's a normal part of having sex, I'm not complaining, but it's also perplexing
It would have made more sense if he had said "one thirty in the fucking morning", or perhaps "fucking one thirty in the morning". Putting the "fucking" in the middle of the number feels very unnatural.
After watching a bunch of those videos, I was struck by how often the straight guy gets coerced into getting buttfucked scenario occurred and how rapey it all seemed
>the past year
you are a zoomer and a newfag
are you just bitching to bitch?
Sean Bean was gay?
fucking go back faggot
I don't remember ever seeing the reverse in porn. I've seen it in erotica but not live action
What happened with STEVE RAMBO and STEVE HURLEY

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