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sons of the conciliator edition
prev >>203309808
>inb4 dunk&egg is pure kino and revives us to former glory
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I am forgotten…
I mean, assuming they didn't pozz it up or try do their own thing... Dunc and egg will be much easier to adapt because it's a COMPLETE written story by George. With HOTD, it's basically a wikipedia page, therefore the writers have to fill in the blanks and dialogue, but with a Knight of the Seven Kingdom's they can simply adapt the book... so I'm cautiously optimistic.
The threads will be full of pedophiles who will ship dunk with egg so no, it's going to be awful.
>perfect heir just has a single daughter and no kids
>third son is a volcel but likes porn
what the fuck were their problems?
Is ASOIAF post-apocalyptic?
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Cute and canon!
>CHADs get killed
>Weakslop takes over
only if youre a valyrian fucking shit
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how peculiar
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Realm's Delight
Remember when F&B told us Jocelyn did some cool stuff and then never showed it. The coolest Targ family got robbed.
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My Kings.
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My King and My Queen.
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The whore on the stone!
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My glorious king
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>kill half of your main cast in season 3
>the show must now be carried by a new cast of characters who have collectively had about 10 minutes of screen time
>some of whom have not even appeared at all
What is their endgame?
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>Your brother Rhaegar, whatever happened there...

How do you respond?
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"There's an Andal saying, For every twenty wrongs a child does, ignore nineteen."
"There's an old First Man saying "You fuck up once, you lose your head."
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>kill half of your main cast in season 3
You are right and I just realised that most of them die next season.
All of them except for Daemon and Aemond who will die on the fourth season because budget
Daemon doesn't die. He survives and flees with Nettles.
Nettles doesn't exist
>What is their endgame?
crashing this franchise, with no survivors
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Daemon already died, the second this scene aired
Jace has to die at the Gullet. He was meant to die at the end of this season like Luke but they cut the season size to eight episodes. Helaena is confirmed dead next season.
Daemon dies, Alys predicted it the moment she saw him. Nettles doesn't exist on the show btw.
How does Cole and Gwayne die? In what episode will it happen? I'm not a bookfag so I need someone to tell me now.
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Gwayne is stabbed in the back by alicent as she lets in the blacks to the city and Cole dies in single combat with Cretan stark (hbo insider here)
This also suggests that Joffrey will die at the beginning of S4.
>canonically brown girlpower tomboy that ticks every box the showrunners love
>remove her from the show
What was their purpose
black characters are interchangeable according to the showrunners so they gave her subplot to rhaena.
>Whitewashed Rhaynera
>Destroyed the nuance of the Dance by turning it into a generic good guy vs bad guy story
>further ruined the story by tying it to nonsense about a prophercy
>Ruined Criston Cole's character, cut his jousting murder/duel with Joffery, and cut his duel with Harwin Strong
>Ruined Alicent's character by removing all of cunning, scheming, and ruthlessness, instead replaced her character arc with lusting after Cole's cock, bitching about the patriarchy, and lusting after Rhaynera
>Ruined the Green Council
>Ruined Blood and Cheese
>Ruined Baela by forgetting to give her a personality
>Ruined Rhanea by giving her a nonsensical subplot that's full of plot holes (how the FUCK did she escape the Aryn's watch? Why is there a Dragon in the Vale? How is a teenaged girl able to navigate bandit infested lands solo?)
>Cut all of Jace's interesting scenes in the North
>Daeron is STILL not in the show, 2 seasons in, even though he's a key fucking player in the story
>Cut Maelor
>Ruined Alys by turning her from a cunning femme fatale into an ugly plot device
>Ruined Daemon
>Added a poorly written filler arc with Alys and Daemon in Harrenhall for literally no reason
>Added numerous filler scenes that only exist to make the Greens look bad (like Aegon laughing at Aemond's cock)
>Butchered Aemond's character by making him attempt to murder his own brother
>Ruined Helenea by changing her into an emotionless and autistic freak who doesn't even care about her own children or her dragon
>Genderbent the leader of the Triarchy for no reason and made her a literal cuckold transgender to boot.
It's time we admit that this series is unsalvageable. I will NOT be returning for season 3. This show is dead to me.
DEI quota already reached
Based. 1 is already too much
Made Rhaenyra look bad.
They care very little for the source material. The Halo show was like that too. Added in their nonsensical Wokeslop and forgot about this dude.
need new blog
Sergeant Johnson.
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>cut Jalabar Xho, the Summer Islander whores who help Tyrion, and the entire Cinnamon Wind, all generally liked and positive characters
>fix the lack of black characters by race swapping Saladhor Saan and Xaro Xhoan Daxos, two despicable rogues, one of them a literal criminal whose motivation has also been rewritten into "where da white women at?"
the HBO adaptions' treatment of race is genuinely unhinged
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>this is Daemon Targaryen, the Rogue Prince
>this is aemonD Targaryen, his arch-rival
What a sad cuck.
>why have one when you can have several?
it's gonna be filled with nogs like all asoiaf adaptations from now on, screencap this
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I didn’t give you permission to speak targsissy
My one true king...
>homosexual fantasy
Yeah, whatever you say cuck.
Saladhor Saan wasn't really despicable. He was raunchy, sure, but also saved Davos and provided him with useful advice regarding Stannis.
They will surely make some changes with this. I can see the show going on without Otto, Helaena, Cole and Gwayne, but Matt Smith was the biggest reason people were interested in the show outside it being related to GOT.
Mind you, I'm not saying I want Daemon to survive his canon death, but I can totally see the writers going with another "maester propaganda" moment.
Alys predicted Daemon's death. He will die in the last episode of the third season or at the beginning of the fourth season.
>No Robert! The bloodline must stay pure! The prophecy said s-ACK
Hopefully. Would be better to give him a badass end than keeping him alive without purpose.
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Protector of the WINE
Jaime should have made the Blackwoods and Brackens split the Teats between them as a laugh
fucking kikeraven
Imagine being a younger twin and having your four minutes older brother succeed to the throne instead of you. There definitely would’ve been a civil war when Daemon Blackfyre died if he won.
Ridiculous coincidence
Sex with Rhaegar
Sex with Jaime
Sex with Robb
Sex with Viserys III
Sex with Jacaerys
Sex with Gwayne
Sex with Criston
Sex with Otto
Sex with Robb
Sex with Tommen (Show)
Sex with Satin
Sex with Loras
Sex with Gendry
Sex with Robin
Sex with Daeron I
Sex with Daeron the Daring
t. cersei
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>forgetting semen demon Laenor
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Sex (canon) Ser Laenor
Its fascinating how in the past we needed 5 seasons for it to get bad. Now in a single season, they've obliterated any and all goodwill they had with the first Season. Its honestly amazing.

Just wait, Daeron will be revealed as a cuck child of Cole and Alicent.
what happened to episode 9 and 10
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Keep coping with your child bride embitteredsteel
hbo lost them
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>Sex with Rhaegar
Only book Rhaegar
>Sex with Jaime
>Sex with Robb
>Sex with Viserys III
>Sex with Jacaerys
>Sex with Gwayne
>Sex with Criston
>Sex with Otto
Fuck no
>Sex with Robb
Yes again
>Sex with Tommen (Show)
>Sex with Satin
>Sex with Loras
>Sex with Gendry
>Sex with Robin
>Sex with Daeron I
>Sex with Daeron the Daring
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>names her dragon DEATH
House season 3 is gonna be a disaster
actually it might be SAVED since the fat fuck brought a focus to the quality of the overall writing (even though it was mainly about a fucking empty plot device)

EXECUTIVE producer btw
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Why did he do it?
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>So that’s it? No leeway, no compromise, just stupid fucking assassinations on teenage girls?

>You want compromise? How’s this? 14 years on the Iron Throne, I wanted all the dragonspawn dead years ago. I compromised, I let those two kids grow up across the Narrow Sea instead. I wanted Lyanna, but I compromised, I married that bitch Cersei instead. Ya see where I’m going?”
To be fair it all leads to rhaynera’s downfall so it’s kinda important
I mean sure, but surely there are other ways to do it
>i wanted a boar roast, I compromised, I ate eels in jelly off the fireplace instead.
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>your nephew, Jaehaerys, whatever happened there.
Everything happens in S3 so it would have to be a fuckup of colossal proportions
>The beheading-Seven bless his soul.
>Everything happens in S3 so it would have to be a fuckup of colossal proportions
D&d had way more than enough material for season 5 and intergalacticly fucked it up.
Condal said that his goal is to subvert every iconic moment from fire and blood
Nigger velaryons, DEI up the ass, cutting or changing characters and plot lines to the point where the author makes a blog post throwing you under the bus. Of course they will fuck up S3. HotD is dead.
How the fuck have the Targaryens retained their Valyrian features? Realistically it would’ve ended after Daeron married a Martell but even after the infusion of Dayne blood Egg still married a Blackwood who had black hair and black eyes. Rhaegar’s son Aegon also had/has Valyrian features.
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I found this old picture with Tommen and Jace, it's a small world after all.
cute bastards
nigga read a book and thought he was the protagonist
Prove it!
It's not a real world, it's not real people or events, they've been created by an author and the author wanted them to have these colours because it looks cool
Look at their hair. Simple as.
she would've been a metalhead qt3.14 in another life
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I know a specific anon who would appreciate this picture but that anon doesn't post here anymore.
>Sex with Rhaegar
Book!Rhaegar only
We get it, Cersei...
Speaking of Cersei, her plan to kill robert was retarded.
>dude I'm going to get him drunk on strong wine(something he was going to do anyway)
>and just sort of hope something goes wrong
I guess it all worked out for her but whatever
Cersei should have married Rhaegar
>Sex with Rhaegar
Yes but the book version only
>Sex with Jaime
>Sex with Robb
>Sex with Viserys III
>Sex with Jacaerys
>Sex with Gwayne
>Sex with Criston
>Sex with Otto
>Sex with Tommen (Show)
>Sex with Satin
>Sex with Loras
>Sex with Gendry
>Sex with Robin
>Sex with Daeron I
>Sex with Daeron the Daring
I wish HOTD had more attractive women, the women I liked barely had screentime, it was Daemon's first wife and his mother Alyssa.
I wish the writers understood cause and effect and consistency
nigga he's like 60
I wish Condal and Hess were never involved with the show.
NTA but Otto looks hot in character, he's someone I'd call DADDY
Considering that the author had Ned find out about Joffery being a bastard due to him looking nothing like a Baratheon I’d say it’s pretty important.

Maybe George is just a hack.
Tommen in this picture looks like a blonde version of Will from stranger things
Tommen and Jace look nothing like their "fathers"
>Cersei's bastard kids died
>Rhaenyra's bastard kids died
What did GRRM mean by this?
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Died a bastard and traitors death.
someone post that screenshot of GRRMs blog where he wonders why women like the Hound more than poor Samwell Tarly
History repeats itself
>everyone thinks Jon is a bastard
>gets resurrected
hold on
He conquered the Seven Kingdoms is what he did. He was a brave Valyrian explorer, and in this house, Aegon Targaryen is a hero. End of story.
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i blushed seeing that photo
The funniest thing is that originally Gurm seems to have made all Targaryens silver haired and purple eyed, thus all the kings have the same colouring, but then kept adding potential non-Targ looking heirs and then killing them off in increasingly ridiculous ways.
>kill half of your main cast in season 3
You're dreaming if you don't think they'll be re-imagining the events in a way where rhaenyra lives till the end. Likely other characters, too.
Brownoid fags
Rhaenyra and Alicent sail off to go be lesbians
>"Sunset saw them scissoring..."
That's the cutest thing ever!
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kneel ya shits
Why did they make Egg, Viserys and the twins babies
Was Harry a Billy Elliott too?
Egg is not a nickname for the name Aegon. It was only a nickname for Aegon V because he would shave his head while squiring for Dunk.
gee anon i didn't know that
Who would have used it? And why is it Stannis?
>Stannis Baratheon, LORD OF DRAGONSTONE, BROTHER to King Robert I Baratheon, UNCLE to King Joffrey I Baratheon and King Tommen I Baratheon.
>Stannis was married to Lady Selyse of House Florent and was father to Lady Shireen Baratheon.
>Lord Stannis rebelled against his nephew Joffrey in the year 298 and he suffered a defeat at the Battle of the Blackwater Bay and fled to the WALL, in the next year Lord Stannis was defeated and killed by Lord Roose of House Bolton in the year 300.
From his wikipedia:
>Collett began his career in the West End productions of Billy Elliot the Musical at the Victoria Palace Theatre
To save budget maybe? Toddlers are not getting paid as much as kid actors.
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TAOOBA, with haste.
Show me his body
He shaved his head before that. And I call all the Aegons Egg. My little eggies. Stupid idiots. God I hate Targaryens.
> What is their endgame?
Cohndal is an accountant. Tax write-off, devalue the franchise
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Reminder that Carmine of Red Team Review is a confirmed Nazi.
The Lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep.
if you tell a retard that he is a retard, he is not gonna become a genius. Condal is a talentless shortsighted nobody, only way forward is to replace him
welcome back
Why did George leave it so late to put pressure on Condal to change things? Filming begins for season 3 on the 31st of October.
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This season in a nutshell
Carmine is brown
>A brown white supremacist
many such cases
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>Jaehaerys was a beautiful innocent creature. What did he evah do to you?
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....semoc eH
…gnimoc ton s’eH
...revo gnikcuf s'tI
So which HotD character is most worthy of an edgy Youtube "tribute" set to Linkin Park? I'm torn between Daemon and Aemond.
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laer os saw ti traeh ruoy ni tuB, nageb yllaer reven ti dnA
%001 dnomeA
Aemond without a doubt. You could have made a case for Daemon before he was turned into a cuck, but not anymore.
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of course this fucking exists
Italian and Spanish are basically the same language. If a Spaggot slowed down his speech and started ending every word with a vowel like a Spaghettifaggot, they would understand like 90% of the conversation. In this way, I believe that Valyrian and Westerosi should be able to understand each other flawlessly and George is a giant retard for making Valyrian and Galactic Bassic non-mutually intelligible. Valyria is much closer to Westeros than Mexico is to Italy.
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>Valyria is much closer to Westeros than Mexico is to Italy
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They understand each other just fine. You realize all the Targs are Valyrian, right? We see them conversing freely all throughout the show. They're each speaking they're own tongue. They don't show it on the show because the audience doesn't speak valyrian and they don't want to have to do subtitles every time a Drag-goon is talking. It's like in Star Trek. Everyone is speaking their own language through a universal translator. It's why Kirk can understand Sulu despite it being functionally impossible for a cacausoid to understand chinese
this looks like badly done hentai. I know that style well. This artist has, beyond a shadow of a doubt, drawn pictures of all these people fucking.
get the fuck out cuckraven
the Westerosi common tongue isn't descended from Valyrian though, it's descended from the language of the Andals, their urheimats are thousands of miles apart and they've been evolving in isolation for thousands of years

holy shit why are 90% of the people who complain about GRRM's worldbuilding the stupidest people on earth
I think most artists take commissions to draw characters fucking. It’s where the money is.
This has got early 00s energy. It reminds me of DBZ fandubs set to Disturbed and Korn. Classic early Internet kinology
Where have you been? Please don't leave us, post more.
I do not believe a single word that guy posted was serious
Wait, who are you? I'm me and I didn't post this. Is it Bunnies? Did you come back again?
I wish I had a marketable skill. Even degenerate fanartists make money.
having a "common tongue" in the first place is shitty worldbuilding
>I can't just call off the war, I need to kill Aegon. No one will accept me until Aegon is dead
Why not just murder another innocent person and present their body as Aegon's and let Alicent and her children flee? She's already done this once.
yeah but it's shitty for a different reason than the guy I was replying to thinks
He only comes here on weekends.
>I'm me and I didn't post this.
I'm confused, are you saying that someone else pretends to be you and posted that picture with your trip code? Btw I'm not bunnies (sorry to disappoint), I'm not sure if he still posts here.
Some of those weren't fan edits. Sometimes they were just right there in the actual movie

No. I'm just usually the one asking dragonbro to stay
Okay, I get it. I miss dragonbro too, you aren't the only one who does, pal.
oh, based
Do you want his soul Satan?
was the dragonknight a cuck
I want his posts. He should keep posting.
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>Conveniently doesn't follow his King into death during an ambush
>Captured and humiliated by the Dornish
>Saved by Baelor of all people
And we're supposed to believe this is the greatest Knight to ever live lmao
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Daily reminder that Rhaenyra is the only rightful Queen, chosen by her father, King Viserys.
I hate women but I hate usurpers and hightowers more
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A better question, was Quellon Greyjoy a cuck?
Euron molested his dad
I don’t care. Her children are BASTARDS and she is a WHORE.
no , Viserys picked Aegon on his deathbed.
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>George never addresses her as a Monarch on his blog while doing so for Aegon and Helaena.
>Not included on any Kinglists by even her own descendants.
You have already lost
Is she a WHORE or HOE? I always thought Vaemond say hoe
Big fat Valyrian milkers on my face
Why is Preston such a salty bitch about George? He gives off angry ex-wife energy when it comes to him.

From the speculation i'd seen, Condal was talking shit about george, and george decided fuck it. Condal also did an interview justifying all his shitty changes a few hours before georges notablog dropped, which was very coincidental. Also, either Condal and George are in this together or Condal betrayed his trust and George has had enough of him. Originally george seemed to trust him a lot, seeing as condal was allegedly a fan of the series since early 2000s, and george even vouched for him, which is why a fairly unknown director like condal got to work on HOTD, and condal thanked him by stabbing him into the back and turning the series into his own personal fan-fiction.
he read a prophecy scroll in his dads attic and thought it was about him, specifically. Then he realized no no that's fucking crazy, it's clearly his kids so he had to kidnap a 14 year old and impregnate her to save the world. Also maestor aemon at the wall was apparently talking to him and telling him he was also the prophesied hero, so aemon is also a retard, and at fault. Robert gave him a dose of reality at the trident anyway.
you know she's fat right
based and blackpilled
I wonder if he regrets casting for HOTD now. At first it probably seemed like a great gig. Successor to GOT, major cred if it goes half as well as the first half of GOTs tenure went, then can coast out after 4 seasons onto bigger things, and now he's stuck in that trap of a shit-show.
This is a book accurate picture, I'm pleased. The Velaryons are white, Rhaenys has black hair, Rhaenyra is fat and Joffrey, Aegon III and Viserys II are not toddlers.
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>she's fat
If Rhaenyra was accurately portrayed on the show I would be a Black supporter.
don't remember gwayne. Cole gets arrow'd to death in full plat armor, cause the 3 riverlander scum that find him are too much of a bunch of pussies to 1v3 a half-dead, starving, exhausted, man who's been awake for several days fleeing. It's also supposed to destroy his legacy, somehow, cause being too afraid to face the best duelist in personal combat always destroys their legacy. Just look at Achilles and Peseus.
she's so fat she slows down syrax when she rides her
If george genuinely wanted to force Ryan’s hand into changing the show he should have done it a few weeks ago. The only reason he left it so late is either he is just that lazy and didn’t write the blogpost in time. Or he’s completely abandoned any plans of communication with Condal or helping with the show from this point on and he posted it out of spite. Condal and George can’t possibly salvage a professional relationship now.
Is there an official book art with fat Rhaenyra?
wait til they get to the end of the published material and have to “adapt” she wolves of Winterfell from notes.
He’s made it pretty clear he’s not happy. He only signed on because of Paddy.
Condal got it into his head that he could make the story better than george and started inserting his fan-fic shit all over. Rhaenyra is practically his waifu the way he protects her.
Also, you forgot about how they had Cole *beat* Daemon by hitting him in the back at the tourney. Cole beat his ass 1 on 1 in the book, while Daemon was weilding Blackfyre. They've completely destroyed Coles feats. He's supposed to be the closest thing to a jaime lannister or barristan selmy of this era and he comes off as a rented dick for the royal family, and a jobber otherwise.
better than Aenys targaryen.
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>Still no good edits of show Rhaenyra fat
It's like the Blacks don't even want our support
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reminder that grrm said that bittersteel looks like conan the barbarian, but not arnold. And bloodraven is a lanklet. They're literally the chad/beta dichotomy.
You don’t deserve to hate women you cucked faggot
rhaenyra so fat that when sunfyre ate her, he never flew again
>How the fuck have the Targaryens retained their Valyrian features?
because daenerys and viserys have those features. Unironically. Because they're silver haired/purple eyed, he had to make the inheritable trait pass until he got to them. It's also why all the dark haired targs all die, like Baelor Breakspear.
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>Loses every Blackfyre Rebellion
Bittersteel was put in a cage after the third rebellion, escaped while being sent to the Wall (the king showed mercy), only to start ANOTHER failed rebellion in which they were totally and forever crushed.
I hope the younger actors pay check is worth all of this, especially the greens. At least Matt Smith is making a fortune.
so what is today's drama?
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Imagine being Matt smith and going from the hottest new character in television to a joke after one scene. KWAB
preston wants to fuck sweetrobin
from what i'd read, people are speculating that condal didn't listen, and was brushing him off, and some shit about george having an inside source into condals writing room. I just think its very suspicious that condal knew to make an interview a few hours before george posted that notablog blog. Very well timed.
That's too bad. Paddy at least got out while the getting out was good. Smith is stuck in that travesty for another 2 seasons unless it gets cancelled, and those take 2-3 years to make, so thats half a decade.
You guys need to calm down, I'm just telling you what george said. Bittersteel is Chad and bloodraven is beta
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Today we analyze the matchup of Daemon Targaryen vs Daemon Blackfyre
We know that the black dragon was strong, handsome, the perfect knight, in war he could kill a bunch of people by himself, etc. He's said to be the warrior himself, and only died because his hippie treehugging brother was a backstabbing faggot.
Our Daemon on the other hand, the fucked up one, was a good warrior too, but not on the level of Daemon Blackfyre. Both are handsome, the Targ one was probably smarter but he also lost his shit easily.
You know what Daemon Blackfyre had that Daemon Targaryen didn't? Honor. You know what the Targ one had? A dragon. So while Daemon Blackfyre would shit on Daemon Targaryen in a 1v1 fight, Daemon Targaryen from House of the Dragon would command Caraxes to eat or burn the pretender.
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....because of craven activities that end up costing them their Kingdom and destroying their house in the end. Meanwhile Daemon Blackfyre I is remembered as a valiant warrior that fought bravely for his Kingdom and people.
I’m sure after he burns to death his supporters will find solace in the idea that “he was the better man”
It’s your day anon, you decide.
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race swapping is mega gay but that guy was fun to watch.
Yeah but at least he was cool, unlike literally every targ who followed
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>Killing enemies in a battle with your archer unit is craven
This fucking nonsense again
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I recruited more Night Kings into my army
Daemon Blackfyre is who you want to be
But Daeron II is literally you
Tom and phia carried.
we get it, you're english.
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>Didn't read the book
He murdered him while Daemon was trying to get the body of one of CuckRavenxir's comrades off the battlefield. Stealing people's wives and burning people alive in front of their children is unquestionably, and is how they lost their Kingdom. And are extinct as a house.
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fuck i was out with some friends but lets keep this shit alive

/gwayne/ btw
Oh yes I do
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>Aemond, Cole and Gwayne having scooby doo adventures in Harrenhal together next season.

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