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so is he genuinely an uncaring scumbag or was he just playing mind games?
Understand that his character is a mix of many things, but his main story arc is "borrowed" (ripped off) from The Crow. he's a dead man who's been revived, and he isn't sure if he's really alive or if it's really a dream. That's why he comes off as callous or flippant as it's all a game for him. Julia was the only thing grounding him and the only thing he cared for, and it's why he has a death wish.

Faye is Spike's mirror in that they both have a past they have to deal with, but Faye makes peace with it and moves on, while Spike is dragged down by it.
Jew protagonist, woke anime
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a big part of his character is that you don't know and you aren't really supposed to know. it works out for the best there and if you slow down the tram shootout you can see he actually grabs the kid so he doesn't catch a stray bullet but at the end he doesn't even try to stop Vincent from blowing up the balloon. then again he was kind of far away so who knows.
that's a cartoon, this is a board for adult entertainment
Of course he cares. Vincent would have won if he didn’t care
Was a bit let down by Bebop. Went in expecting the greatest thing ever and it was just alright. Some really good episodes though
>he's a dead man who's been revived
I didnt think there was supernatural elements in CB, just thought it was sci fi.
I have only ever watched the movie
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Cowboy Bebop has a lot of vaguely supernatural elements mixed in. It's intentionally written in a way that makes it unclear if it's truly supernatural or just a coincidence though. Spike literally has a Native American mentor figure that foresees his death, he shows up briefly in the movie.
Basically everything in CB is written to be vague in some way desu, it's very much a "let the audience come to their own conclusions" kind of show. Spike's by far the most open-ended character though.
i always read it as him just refusing to negotiate with terrorist, ever. it's pretty obvious that he cares about innocent people getting caught up in his bullshit especially if you watch the show and like you said he was able to manipulate the robber into making an error in the cold open. i'm pretty sure he knew Vincent was insane and no matter what he said or did he would always pull the trigger so he just stuck to his guns.
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He genuinely cares but is also closed off because his past and the tendency for it to go tits up, like the rest of crew besides Ed and Ein. They're all kind of actively closing themselves off because they're not really ready to face moving on with their lives, Jet couldn't handle being ditched and betrayed, Faye didn't know how to move forward without knowing who she was, and Spike couldn't move on from Julia. After he finds Julia, then she dies, he goes to get himself killed to see if he literally had the will to live. They even take the piss in the Andy episode where Andy is a reflection of how Spike's persona is kind of a LARP and Andy is him writ Bold. And for a more serious reflection Wen is trapped in undeath as a child and his death is him being hit by centuries of life that couldn't touch him but he feels at peace after it washes over him. He asks Spike if he understands, Spike says "as if" and then does finger guns at his harmonica. In the finale, Spike is shot to hell and does finger guns at God.
Anyway here's some tits.
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>I didnt think there was supernatural elements in CB, just thought it was sci fi.
>I have only ever watched the movie

It's not literlaly the plot, but it's lifted so directly from The Crow that it might as well be. He feels as if he's dead, his life is over, and he just wanders, until he meets Julia again, she dies, and he goes on the roaring rampage to avenge her. Oh and Vicious looks like another character from The Crow too.
Are you genuinely so retarded you clicked on >>>/tv/ instead of >>>/a/?
>goes to a 2chan clone created by a weeb who mostly posted on /a/
>gets mad there's weebs on every board
Don't hate the player, hate the game that allows the player to do this.
This The Crow shit is the most bonkers theory I've ever heard. You're bonkers.
yeah that's what i'm thinking, this anon went full retard
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>CB is a ripoff of a 90s b-movie
wait till you watch literally any ronin samurai movie ever made. it's gonna blow your mind.
Cowboy Bebop is a pastiche of all the films the creator liked mashed together. You could go through the series scene by scene showing where it was lifted from, often directly from films like 2001 and Bruce Lee films.

The Creator just liked some scenes and story elements from THe Crow, so ported it over to Cowboy Bebop. The scenes of Spike and Draven falling from the window "dying" are almost identical. The music is similar. Both fall from a circular window onto the street at night when it's raining.


So to answer the question: Why doesn't Spike just chillax? Because his backstory is taken verbatium from The Crow, and they play out the same story arc. Only between his "revival" and his quest for revenge, he goes on a bunch of side-story missions that have nothing to do with anything.
It's pretty much a pastiche of every film the creator liked from the 70's to the mid 90's so it's a fun game to spot which movies it's ripping off for which scene. This kind of pastiche film-making is only ever done in the West by The Matrix and Tarantino.

The benefit to this style is that since it's aping the best hollywood films, it combines the best elements from the visuals and storytelling into one package, and it is aiming for a cinema like form of storytelling and visuals which is why it was so accessable to westerners. Because it was just a 26 episode Hollywood movie in TV format but animated.

Unlike a lot of anime which is aimed at weirdo pedophiles wanting little girl simulators which don't look like anything.
/a/ threads on /tv/ are actually great because they’re populated mainly by people who have a genuine interest and knowledge in the show being discussed, and there’s a distinct lack of /a/ brand autism, spammers and schizos. Anime doesn’t get posted much here so when a show is brought up, the thread attracts people who are knowledgeable on it and wish to properly discus it. The same thread on /a/ wouldn’t have the same impact because most of the people there watch 500 anime a month and it barely registers for them
Never drew the parallel between the window scenes but I did think the church from the same episode looked way too similar to the one from the Crow's climax.
both, but the real question is what about this jag-off
Anime fans like anime, which means they slurp up all the slop. They have literally the worst taste in the world, and can't stand anything slow or artistic. /tv/ at least discusses shows from the peak of 76-01, when there was a lot of anime that was heavily inspired by and aspired to be like Hollywood films, so they're highly accessible to anyone who isn't an insane weirdo.

If someone says "I like anime", it's pretty much an admission to being an unsociable weirdo.
Don't talk shit on space dandy.
He's like half spike, half sweet jp from redline.
i love space dandy man, that fucking episode where him and some idiot start a band is GOATed
This is true of basically all subjects. The reasoning is that autists and schizos on any given board don't know how to respond to a topic removed from the board that they're not autistic/schizo about. So conversation can happen normally without some faggot derailing the whole thing. Even if that generally limits discussion to more popular things, at least that discussion is more civil.
Yeah that’s what I mean. An anime thread on here is rare and niche so it’s going to attract a specific group who are invested and knowledgable about the show. The same thread on /a/ invites schizos and speed watchers who binged the whole thing in one night to check a few boxes on MAL.
The best comparison I can make is the DBZ thread that’s still active I think. There’s shitposting sure but the discussion is actually pretty solid and nothing has been totally derailed. On /a/ it would be a toxic dumping ground of ENTER posts, Vegeta kneeling, Bulma porn, Gohan Blanco, ESL posting and other general dogshit
the difference is also ethnic

its not aryans posting those shitty memes over and over
its favela-macaques
funny? more like sexy.
not only is it literally confirmed that he never really died but his whole story arc wasn't even about revenge until after Julia died. in other words; you're a retard.
>not only is it literally confirmed that he never really died
what do you mean he never died?

That would explain why he's just incredibly good at martial arts and shit despite being a chain-smoking booze-addled old fag. He must be supernatural somehow.
Checked and bestgirlpilled.
i mean before the events that happened in the show. he faked his death after leaving the syndicate and is quite alive in the literal sense of the word during the show. it's plausible he dies after his fight with Vicious.
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sex with faye
I thInk he was actually a truly terrible person at one point but he had a zen moment and tried to get out of that life.

>I bled all that blood away
Spike was a reformed gangbanger.
Newsflash: every creator has inspirations
Everyone was a loser except the dog and the kid.
>it's plausible he dies after his fight with Vicious.
He does die at the end. That's why the show ends. For some reason people mistakenly think the movie takes place after the end but it's around ep 19 after Faye gets abducted or whatever.
>For some reason people mistakenly think the movie takes place after the end
I've never understood this given that Ed is still with them. Clearly takes place before she leaves.
the film released after the series already ended is my best guess why they think that it happens after.
>the dog and the kid
Who, specifically?
I love my Jericho. Its the frame safety version but still
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Spike: The Simp
Jet: The Fedora
Faye: The Roastie
the movie is a dream, Spike literally wakes up at the end. Vincent and Electra are real people but Spike never had anything to do with either of them in his world. he even says that Vincent was "the man who lived in dreams"
And the gender bender with ADD is the hacker, go figure.
The only "gender bender" thing about Ed is her name. Trannies latched on to this because they are pathetic.
That's just the movie fucking with the viewer. Or not and it really was all a dream. Which is a phrase that Spike constantly repeats about his own life throughout the series. Just the movie giving the viewer another open-ended interpretation of things.
ask your mom
Ask yourself
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The other narrative is that she is non-binary. This scene should be spread far and wide.
Ed was always a girl.
I feel like this scene was almost made specifically to clear that whole thing up. The fact she literally says "i'm a girl" to a transexual is pretty on the nose about it.
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Absolute kino moment on several levels.
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With a boy's name.
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bebop is prime /tv/ material
I'm a man with what is commonly considered a woman's name these days. I'm still a man.
The alias makes sense, people would suspect a hacker to be a boy.
That scene is so awkward. "You're ruining my reputation over here!" Of molesting little boys?
>Went in expecting the greatest thing ever
has anything ever matched your expectations? why do this?
is Sue only a girls name?
is Cameron or Jamie only for girls?
why even point it out
That is the tranny reputation, is it not?
didn't have a problem with Jet being black in the live action, had a big problem with them randomly giving him a daughter to make him more relatable to 'le everyman'.
totally ruined the character with that in my eyes.
That's not a tranny, that's a man baby, aka cross dresser, very different from trans.
Zoomers are so soulless they need to quantify cowboy bebop, holy shit.
cross dressers are basically pseudo trannies
Not far off, follows the same path of mental illness.
>zoom zooms who only grew up knowing what trannys are.
crossdressers are men who know they are men putting on womens clothing and makup in an exaggerated fashion and intentionally being over the top attention whores. most crossdressers have relationships with women and have no desire to become a woman, they just like dressing up.
crossdressers are not at all synonymous with diddling children.
You would know, huh?
the implication being what exactly?
3 guesses.
guess 1: you're a faggot.
guess 2: you're a pedo.
guess 3: you're a pedo faggot.
Now you're projecting.
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The seminal film Boss Baby, the one great work from which all art, past, present, and future is derived
Trannies ARE crossdressers (men who dress up like women). However, self-identified trannies go one step further and claim to BE women. But they are crossdressers either way, since in reality they are men. Every tranny is a crossdresser, but not every crossdresser is a tranny.
No retard the word 'Tranny' comes from 'Transition' as in they are transitioning from one to the other.
You're not trans if you aren't actively working towards becoming the opposite gender.
Crossdressing is just wearing other gendered clothing.
How can you work towards something that isn't possible?
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so what is a man?
Yes, both trannies and crossdressers are men.

Y chromosome.
I never considered Edward on par with Dana as a non-binary name until today.
chromosome is sex not gender. that's not man, that's male. we're not talking male and female, it's men and women.
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They weren't even the worst part of that series. Julia and Vicious were way worse.
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>One person
your faggotspeak only works on other faggots
Actually tranny is interchangably used for Transexuals and Transvestites, frankly until the last decade or 2, transexual and transvestite were used interchanably and lot of the culture still overlaps like apparently half the cast of that Drag Queen show legitimately want to be women. So anon is right, especially with the timeframe of the show.
Go back to /a/
This is fucking retarded. I bet you think everyone in ed Edd n Eddy are dead too.

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