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HOH: Chelsie
POV: Mak
NOMS: Kimo, Angela

previously on /bb/: >>203304261
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Angela melty coming
any day now...
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Angela tells Leah that she thinks this week will be the actual week she leaves. Leah tells her not to isolate herself and campaign
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little leah making chili on one of the hottest days of the year
>angela asks big mak to use the veto on her
>big mak and leah campaign to chelsie to put up rubina or tuckor
Best case scenario the tight trio is pretty dangerous this late in the game.
It's called chili because it helps cool you down
What's the point, kimo is already going
my mom always ate a huge bowl of pasta on super hot 100+ degree days
freaked me out
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why do they hang out in the bathroom so often
definitely zero point besides freaking T'Kor out. would be pointless since most of the house will agree to vote out Kimo
How sure is that? I haven't been on feeds much. I saw the island game yesterday but that is about it.
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shes from florida so its normal to eat chili on warm days for her
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>that's a lot of beans
>what do you put in your chili?
big mak probably likes that disgusting texas style chili
it's only saturday you know how these people are
Poking lil leah's belly like the Pillsbury Doughboy
wonder what's the season record of POVs being used on the same person by somebody else
can't be more that twice
yeah don't texans freak out about beans being in chili? they think it's wrong
>feeds go to pets for 12 hours
>feeds come back to them talking about redoing the comp
>feeds go down for 5 hours to redo OTEV
>big mak still wins
chelsie cam and mak were up in the HoH earlier and basically decided that kimo needs to go, because if they keep him another week. having a 3 person unbreakable voting block in the house is too dangerous
leah and quinn we're already discussing last night that kimo should probably be the one to go this week as well
>I was so convinced I was going to win this. I was going to win this for you, protect you.
>I will win the next one and I will dedicate it for you
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nice webm, thanks
Cory and Bowie Jane are streaming right now. They partied so hard last night that America is sick. Cedric flew back home
who said this? icko?
quinncel talking about relationships flourishing in jury house
bowie jane needs a life
was waiting for this
people are requesting that he gets Tucker on the stream but he says he doesn't think Tucker will like him. Said that it felt more natural to contact Cedric
who fucking cares
running up the ramp once really wore mak out, she sleepy
yeah, that's the reason, totally not because America lusted after Cedric all season
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you know it baby
Jared heard that Quinn called him "dog water" on the feeds and said "who's Quinn?"

someone brought up Jared wiping up cum off the couch and Bowie Jane said that she heard Cirie was the one who told him to clean it up
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nobody cares about former hg instagram streams
quit crying, the thread is dead tonight anyway
Thank you for the cum updates
>heard Cirie was the one who told him to clean it up
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They're talking about Game of Thrones and Cam thought that the Hound's name was Dog Man
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everyone fucking fell asleep in the bathroom
imagine your mom telling you to clean up your cum
I love big mak
I think temp wise it’s usually the most comfortable part of the house
Nah I’m glad she got some friends from that cast
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Leah is pissed that production didn't give her cornbread to make with the chili
maks going curly hair this week!
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Rubina is hiding on Kimo right now
yeah she said they don't want her having curly hair when playing veto
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>putting corn in chili
i would be too wtf
no cornbread??
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game time
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>Leah, do you ever put marinara in your chili?
its good
one night Jared went back to bed without showering after fucking blue. cirie had a look on her face like she could smell the sex on him kek
the visionaries are having a meeting
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T’kor: “So where are we?“

Quinn says that they are good with him and he shared his skepticism. He doesn’t think it benefits him to hold onto that.

Kimo says that no one still thinks they are together.

Quinn: “Yeah. In the shadows.”

Quinn says that there are only three guys left. He says he hopes that the guys get voted out as it would be iconic.
Leah is trying to make cornbread out of Corn Flakes
Cirie would know, she had sex with her BF in a closet full of clothes donated to the homeless.
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I wish I was the guy who grocery shopped for the house. I'd rush to the store and get cornbread for Leah. Then I'd watch her happily eat it on the feeds
no she needs to eat less cornbread. she is getting too big
very sick nasty of you
You strike me more as a bowl of eggs kinda guy.
>sex surrounded by used musty clothes
i don't understand people
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treats for Leah
why not just crackers or tortilla chips, leah
calm down
i don't think corn flakes will have enough of a corn flavor if that makes sense
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imagine Leah and Dud cooking together
idk what she thinks she'll accomplish but cornbread from corn flakes won't happen
just eat it with tort chips and sour cream, some avocado too yummy
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dud would have threatened her out of the kitchen like a mafia boss
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>what is a tallywacker?
>it's a weiner!
mak looks like shes in front of a greenscreen in this cap for some reason
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Mak said that "what you should do before the thing" and the word was foreplay
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getting flipped over was an outlier
big mak knows you gota warm the engine up before engaging in a long ride
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>curly hair back
lets fucking go makchads
same Big Mak that said she almost masturbated in the HOH shower
kek Kimo got yelled at for singing immediately even though it was just something he was making up
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big mak doing some funny faces
Well in fairness that's literally the only thing she was I'm the house for
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since day one
day one big mak trying to form a counteralliance against the hoh before the veto ceremony
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they god booze because they were being so fucking boring
they got booze
mak gonna pounce on cam again
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Big mak pounced on the bottle like every time they get wine
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>femcel can't put mak on the block for being a homewrecker now
jfc grodner give them something that will actually alter them
Cam chugged his can to get a little buzz
is big mak gonna use the vito?
their faces lol
Tucker got edibles, Angela gets sedatives, and leah gets amphetamine
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>give them bottle of wine
>dont give them a wine bottle opener
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As of right now, no.
okay but leah looks fat fat here
Do they not have a wine opener?
what would've happened had finn let vito blow him?
Thanks for the cornbread anon
honestly all wine bottles should have screw cap
corks are just for presentation anymore
Big Mak with the power of veto and the courage of vino
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they should have given them a twist off bottle. if i were the grocery shopper i wouldn't let this happen.
too much stab potential I guess
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friendly remind femcel not only had a dream last night about cam making out with leah she told people about it
based veto mak can fuck cam and chelsie can’t do shit
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sick screenshot, bro. hope you have 90 more just like it
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another classic
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Leah is already hammered
little mak
>leah chugs wine
I just took the one
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Leah chugged her drink and is gonna burn the cornbread
>house guest are chugging the alcohol to feel anything
>fish cutting increases
>you are not allowed to get hammered tonight
would production get pissed if they just let one or two of them have all the booze one night so they actually get hammered?
I always thought getting drunk as fuck would be a great strategy for lying. Everyone believes drunk people tell the truth.
feeds are going to be down for an hour while they are all buzzed and being goofy
i think they're opening up the backyard
what the fuck is Leah even doing now?
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if i was the first person in that room id just chug all of it
i remember in bb20 tyler and kc walked into the storage room and found booze without the house knowing. they both chugged a beer before letting everyone else know
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Kimo hid a wine bottle from everyone
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loved drunkmerica
They're making fun of big maks frame :c
hes gonna shove it up his ass!
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Mak is already drunk
this is some love triangle kino on that little seat KEK
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she wont leave big mak and cam alone together
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gender swapped challengers
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the random zoom of Chelsie's face and then a cut to the suspicious cat in the petal room for two seconds was fucking hilarious. button boy is funny tonight
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he has shifted seats
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curly mak is so fucking cute
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Leah's pants are partially see through when she bends over.
cant stand the baby voice shit
>*Jolene blaring inside her head*
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>truth or dare
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thanks Twitter!
>tfw we will never see cam dare big mak to tickle his pickle

Haha any pics?
this bitch trippin
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does Angela not drink? I know Chelsie and T'Kor don't
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Just rewind :)
Luchasaurus spotted
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Kimo was dared to lick the floor and he did it
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wtf they had kimo lick the floor.
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i saw Kimo's balls and/or shaft
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too much bb penis these past couple days for my liking
yuck but based

rubina prepping kimo for cam
of course he did, he's nasty. and it's definitely not the worst thing he has licked before
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she asked why his knees were so sweaty
somehow none of my bb20 caps have kc in them so i always forget that she exists nevermimd won that season
Chelsie's fantasy about Michael B Jordan is lame as fuck. she's talking about them listening to music and describing the playlist. she said she likes to "get messy" whatever that means
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Cam might be into Chelsie now that she was talking about going all night long. He was just nodding his head
he'll remember she wont fuck before marriage and sober up kek
boy just wanna cum
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Mak was asked to describe her fantasy with Matt. She said she can't because she knew him nine days. Angela says "describe a nice date with him then"

They told her to pick someone else. She said she's normally a very sexual person when she gets to know someone and the feeds cut
maybe she cant actually read and doesnt know what the bible says
being sexual with big mak
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and oh man Cam got a new target now, no wonder feeds cut
Cam is an incubus
pg13 is too much too let the twitter retards analyze
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So is Mak going to use the Veto?
as of now no but they have time to waffle
big gay mak
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femcels taking Ls tonight
Cam says he doesn't sext and doesn't even send spicy texts. Mak keeps asking follow up questions kek
Cam put an entire hot dog in his chili.

Cam says the craziest thing he did sexually and he said food was involved. then whips and handcuffs. Mak finally shut up after that kek
send more booze in grod come on
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she is still talking about the whips
He's just like me fr
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Leah says she doesn't like whip play because her skin is too sensitive. Mak asked Cam used a whip like Indiana Jones
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chelsie would 100% have nommed mj after tonight kek
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damn they really abadoned the truth or dare after Cam said he used whips and handcuffs kek
a dominant bull
kek i don't know why he was taking such little bites out of a a bite sized piece of hot dog
if rubina was worried about being tkors shield tonight just wait till kimo is evicted
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has that mic always been hanging there
wow they really don't like fun on the feeds huh

why is Rubina saying she doesn't want T'Kor to be mad and that she "took the joke too far"?
i legit think that production told him to lower his mic because of the slurping and shit. he's had it a bit lower since thursday and you can't really hear him eating as much

Kimo is fucking hilarious when he has a buzz going. I think he would be a funny dude to be friends with
tkor brought the blanket into the toilet stall
She called tbore out for kimo and rubina being her shields
Guess now she’s second guessing because god forbid anyone calls her out on her shit
she was bawling because Rubina made a joke about Kimo and Rubina being her shield
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rubina told a joke that made tkor cry
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Noo my heckin' POC shield keep going otb :(
leah getting that close to a camera was crazy. it looked like a different show entirely
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wish i had gotten a better one
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choose your player
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is tkor like actually retarded?
>im down to support the cause
>what cause?
>you know
>i dont know
rubina needs to be executed
Rubina is hinting at a cookout alliance and that she wants to support it. She just won't say it. T'Kor playing dumb or she really is that dumb
what did she say?
There's a mountain of evidence indicating she isn't particularly intelligent. Still got into an actual college and graduated somehow!
i genuinely think rubina doesnt know how to articulate the cause she is talking about
this is some cringekino
tkor sad she has 2 die hard loyal meat shields in front of her
UChicago too which is one of the top colleges in the world.
it's more just the women of color shit but yeah I'm baffled she doesn't get it when they talk about it at least once a week???
i hate that they don't have any cam on the kitchen now when they're having a blast
shoutout to casting for deciding that "subpar woman who wasted an elite university degree" will be a modern archetype
tkor getting lowkey called out by a minion is worth it though
she's going to melty when kimo is out thursday
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these hoes dumb af
yeah i'm glad she isn't backing down either. she's straight up saying they are shields to T'Kor whether she planned it or not. alcohol was a good idea tonight
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Giant stumbling bumbling woman in tech!
she got in through a program for people from the southside of chicago and majored in sociology so not that smart
>but im not doing it on purpose
T'Kor: I'm not doing it on purpose! What do you want me to do?

i don't even know what she could do so it's honestly a good question
Actually fight her allies going up?
She did absolutely nothing to push back on Kimo up this week despite barely surviving last week
there is nothing to be done like rubina said. it is what it is. the whole house loves tkor.
rubina and kimo will go first before her. and rubina making the joke about it upset tkor because i guess she doesnt want to be viewed that way?
Not Kimo coming in lmao
right, the real problem is that she prioritizes Chelsie over both of them. i know she genuinely cares about them but Chelsie has been her number 1 all along
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if grodner is going to be a bitch and make us watch tkor pity party all night instead of fun drunk feeds then im going to bed
Chelsie would kiss Cam or Matt, kill Joseph or Tucker

Makensy would kiss Matt or Quinn. Quinn probably shit himself. I missed everything else
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based anon

Cam just said Rubina has "fuck boy tendencies" and Rubina says that everyone should have a hoe phase. They need booze every night
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>MJ would marry Cam
>Cam would marry MJ or Chelsie (we all know he placating Chelsie there kek)
Femcels in SHAMBLES
behead those who bring tears to queen tkor's exotic yet wise eyes!
remember when tucker called cedric a motherfucker and she had a melty about that too?
she's fucking weird
Production thanking god for this alcohol induced mess after the otev flop
Cam: kiss Brooklyn, marry MJ/Chelsie, evict Lisa

Kimo: kiss Tucker/Cam, marry Quinn, evict Kenney

Chelsie: kiss Matt, marry cam, evict Tucker/joseph

Quinn: kiss MJ, marry Leah, evict Lisa

MJ: kiss Matt, marry Cam, evict Lisa

Leah: kiss Cedric, marry Quinn, evict Lisa
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>Leah: kiss Cedric, marry Quinn, evict Lisa
lets fucking go!
>kiss brooklyn
wtf cam
Cam straight up sounds drunk and I think he only drank one can
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i would marry big mak
>otev flop
what happened?
Who is he going to say, Chelsie? Leah? MJ?
No right answers to that one tonight kek
the good thing about the alcohol too is that they'll all pass out when it wears off in like two hours
Everyone but Makensy got the first question wrong lmao
quinn said big mak
None of them have eaten yet kek
He’s not dealing with chelousy ready to evict him the week he stops his balancing act
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i like how they all basically aired out their crushes. Leah is probably the only one that lied
Holy shit! Flop indeed KEK Go Big Mak :)
they all ate chili. some of them put whole hot dogs in it and i think mayo? or some weird shit but the cams were down for most of it
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i swear Leah's ass is getting bigger
well yeah she wont stop eating food all day
big mak just spilt her wine over via jenga block tower falling
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Mak spilled her wine :( there seemed to be a lot left
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Leah said her cornbread was the worst she's ever had in her entire life
nooooooo we need her drunk hitting on cam damnit
id like to taste that cornbread and judge for myself
leah is a little freak when it comes to mak and i love it. she totally wants her toes too
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dayum girl
so now rubina knows not to bring up "meat shield" ever again
well done, tkor
buttonboy with the femcel seething cinema again
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leah really would be the perfect gf but she only likes rich fat boys :(
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Rubina: Kiss Quinn, Marry Tucker, Evict Kenney

Quinn: you're setting me up to get killed by Tucker. I could escape maybe the first few times but he would get me by the 7th or 8th
mj arm on cam's leg
chelsie is fucking seething (notice which way he laid towards femcel? it's ogre) kek
Cam being fucking lame for shutting down Rubina kissing Quinn on camera. she almost did it but he said that it would make the show out of context and Tucker would get pissed

Chelsie wanted it so bad though
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what did I miss tonight bros?
they're gonna ask Leah to kiss Quinn KEK
poor dude would have to crouch on the couch to hide the boner
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nevermind Leah shut it down immediately and hugged Kimo instead
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feeds cut before rubina kissed quinn. those cunts
lmao meanwhile tucker is probably balls deep in a brown woman with her boyfriend's cock in his butt
>angela: wait, rubina you're going to kiss quinn?
>rubina: only because i want him to do something i want to see
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>t'twit balling in either DR or somewhere in the house while everyone else has fun
thank you based goblina
give these people booze every night grod pleassse
based gif
i would die for queen elissa
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>we eskimo bros now, tucker
>is it just me or do those feet seem too small for her body?
i thought Chels was about to push her sunglasses down to get a better look
saving it for the drunk lovefest segment clearly
is Leah wondering who the top three would have the biggest dick in the house?
leah has streched out her pants so much you can see her undies through them
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im cringing out
and i love it
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tucker needs to contact devin to get back into the house and PUMMEL QUINN live on the big brother feeds
what was Leah saying about guys in the house? I know she said she loved Cedric's mouth and that was important to her. I seriously thought she was talking about dicks with Kimo
kek he was saying "yo Quinn i'm watching the show. I'm watching it all. Watch out!"
tucker bros….rubina was ready to cuck us
>I didn't think it'd mean anything
airhead logic straight out of an NTR doujin
pretty nice that tucker is watching feeds
thought he wouldn't
oh no tbore's ugly glasses broke
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so lame a fucking kiss didn't happen
need the BY open so these drunkards can fan out
Bros is it getting kind of hot in here??
sending big t the thread
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leah pretending she's nursing a bag of chili
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kek wtf was mj doing to chelsie in that brief cut to the bathroom
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massaging her head looked like
something happened when they went into the bathroom with the chili and they didn't show it, dammit
Quinn and Leah are having sex
sounds like someone slapped the chili bag
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big mak cucked tucker
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>chili baby
>leah ass
genuinely think Angela just doesn't want to leave the house because she likes a lot of them so much
if Quinn kisses Rubina it’s so over for Tucker
that's sweet
but she's jury now so i would take and enjoy the week of alone time desu
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rubina never beating the fuckboi allegations
cam clocked her kek
I want it to happen because all of the hardcore tubina fans would be on suicide watch
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her? nahhhhhhh
linked him this post he'll be here any minute boys trust
Leah refuses tell Quinn why she picked him to marry and also refuses to talk about what she does at her job
>big mak going to bed
quinn ickoing out now that he's alone with leah
Did Quinn just hint at Leah and Quinn fucking in the jury house? Feeds cut immediately
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something about jury house for sure
it was either production talking to him or the bathroom crew that asked him if anything was going to happen in the jury house and he replied
>bold of you to assume we'd be in the jury house
feeds cut, so it was probably production that asked that
>anons still not realizing quinn has transcended the ick and will be all up in those guts soon
>vicariously fell for the pussy mist
yike my dude
the anon in a previous thread is right that she'll fuck him in jury but will force him to never tell a soul or she'll call him schizo
mak finally has some power to hold over people’s heads I love it

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