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Are the poor people really that evil?
Well, Asians aren't exactly known for their empathy... so it might not be poor people being evil there.
i wanted the rich people's life so bad. i'd kill for it
Killing rich "people" isn't evil. It is a moral imperative.
All ugly people are evil. Poor people are defined by their ugly bank accounts.
>cropping the delicious feet out
The moral of the story was “Koreans are fucked up”, not some kind of socioeconomic message.
yeah probably worse
that wasn't the point of the film
Movie makes you feel for the poors taking on crappy jobs just to survive. They're no angels, nor are the rich. It's dog eat dog, why are you dick measuring?
>finally make money from stealing from the rich
>don’t rent a new apartment when theirs is prone to flooding
poor people are stuck at the bottom for a reason
Reminder rich people are only "nice" because they have the luxury to not have to worry if they'll survive until the next day. Take away their money and you will find out how ugly they really are.
the poor are closer to behaving like animals than the rich. compassion and generalism aside. and you faggots know this is true.
>immediately blowing all your cash as soon as you get it
You're not too smart lmao
So devoid of awareness and nuance. You picked one tree in the entire forest. The wealthier you are, the more time you can dedicate toward thought and the more resources you have to dedicate toward higher learning. Rich people know the wisest people and pay to learn—as well as the most intelligent, the most talented, the most emotionally mature, etc. Rich people aren't naturally better necessarily because of money, but because of how they use it. It's why so many of them take the empathetic side in politics as well. Not the crazy ones of course (Musk). Being poor allows for more creative development in a lot of ways though. Having to McGyver your own ghetto version of something you can't afford, or finding ways to adapt to new worse situations like second nature, for example.
Granted. But
>Rich people aren't naturally better necessarily because of money, but because of how they use it
Not an expert, but i suspect there is more than just the typical "muh baseline" argument to all of this.
Genetics perhaps? Idk but something tells me this is not just a zero sum game.
Injecting money, like Magick Johnson and AIDs.
Of course.
Fucking cheaters.
I understand why people dislike Elon Musk, but for the most part I'd say he's an example of how to use wealth really really well. Space exploration would be pretty much dead without him. That alone makes me not care if he makes an ass of himself on social media or bullies a bunch of losers working at twitter
I'm not saying he hasn't spent a massive amount well—your example, the enormous solar grid that also powers a solar battery-making factory he's planned. He just doesn't use it on himself the way a rich parent would their child, plus the xitter crap.
they are not evil because they are poor. they are poor because they are evil.
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>kills rich
>becomes rich
>gets killed
>meanwhile me investing in both poor and rich plebs at the right time
remove all poor people and what happens?
Societal collapse unless the parasitic landlord class gets off their ass and starts working and producing.
His only mistake was the low kill count. Should have taken out all those rich fucka
Yes, fuck them and the shitty decision they made. Going and buying yeezys but can't even pay rent. Then they look at me who has multiple thousands on the side and get envious thinking I cheated the system, but all I did was live frugally.
Same mental retardation as fat people looking at me pissed off I have a six pack.
The only thing that determines your value in life is genetics and luck. Rich people have genetics because that's what it takes to become rich. Everything else is a cope.
There is no reason rich people should be allowed over 10 million dollars in net worth. Anything over that should be forcibly donated to philanthropic causes like building a hospital ward or funding research. This will prevent the rich from spending money on psychopathic and frivolous trinkets.
what if i win the lottery and get $100 million
The most manipulative sociopath I've met have been cute girls
not being a richfag causes mental damage
it is very unfair. the movie was kino btw
Why are people so retarded and think rich = evil poor = good or vice versa rich = good poor = evil. People are individuals. There are people who are rich and are good and there are people who are rich and are evil, and there are people who are poor and are good and there are people who are poor and are evil

It’s childish to make it into like team sports
That's not true at all. Rich people are preoccupied with growing their existing wealth, much more so than gaining wisdom or knowledge. It's the priestly sort who accept poverty like conditions to further their understanding of the world that are the wisest of all. Socrates wasn't a rich man.
I don't disagree but my bullshit meter starts firing when I hear the "people are individuals" line on 4chan in regards to humanizing the rich but never in regards to women, Jews, or communists.
the real crime is cropping out that qt gookettes feet
>Socrates wasn't a rich man.
Uh yes he was? Literally they killed him because he was the best friend of a rich tyrant who fell from power?
>There are people who are rich and are good
Completely impossible, all other 3 cases are possible, but think for a second here, how can someone be good and become rich in a system where you have to exploit others and steal from them in order to become rich? And how can you be good and stay rich in case you were lucky and inherited it or won the lottery or whatever? Do you have no empathy?
you mean poor jogging kind?
depend on where do you live. if you live in usa and your family is still poor then you guys are evil. how can you fail living in easy mode and end up like that?
They are poor because god hates them, so yes
you're driving out the mom and pops. the ones who actually live near the property and care about what the place looks like when you move in. i'm selling at a nice profit to who?

who do you think is gonna buy me out, you stupid fuck?

your sanctimony endorphins enslave you and i'm gonna take my 1.2 and move to argentina.
Tell me more...what did they look like? Amber heard?
yeah and they're also fucking broke
Ah yes, I'm sure bimbos who charmed, manimulated, and sucked cocks to get to be gold digging wives of rich old men are actually very sweet people.
are you actually retarded?
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Yes. Kill them all.
>societal collapse
You said good-looking sociopaths are broke.
I said there are many who are rich.

Then you sperged out because I assume you can't read.
If your next post is "I'm le somebody else" dont bother btw
if they were good people they wouldn't be poor
Most poor people are much worse than the poor family in Parasite.

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