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>In the thread posting business, the cardinal rule is to keep them baited and to keep them posting back. The longer they post, the more they (you)s, and in the end, we get it all
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>This is the end result of all the Jazz threads, and the trip post, and all the WebM post it threads, and sneed & feed, and all the Cavill and all the Cruise threads. It's all been arranged just for us to get your (You)s
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>For two days and two fuckin' nights, we beat the shit out of this jannie. I mean, we even stuck ice-picks in her balls
Had this moron kept the redneck on a off the floor job he wouldn't have had any of the problems.
Also, don't marry street hustlers.
And don't go head to head with you made man friend.
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>This guy could fuck up a dubs thread
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In other words I'm fucked?
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>this motherfucker do you believe this?
>two fucking days and nights
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The jannies left?
They're gone?
They're not here?
The jannies are out....

You know I think maybe they went to /lgbt/ or somewhere else
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>In /tv/, everybody's gotta watch everybody else
>Since the off topic shit-posters are looking to bypass the ban
>The soprano posters are watching the Wire posters
>The Sneed posters are watching the Soprano posters
>The troon posters are watching the sneed posters
>The discord trannies are watching the troon-posters
>The jannies are watching the discord trannies
>The Mods are watching the jannies
>Nishimura is watching the Mods
>And the eye-in-the-sky, glow niggers, is watching all
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>No matter how big jannie might be, Nicky would take him on
>You beat Nicky with a warning, he comes back with a Soprano thread
>You beat him with a 3 day ban, he comes back with an off topic porn thread
>And if you beat him with a range ban, you better ban him, because he'll keep comin' back and back until one of you is Sneeded & Feeded
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From now on, I want an EQUAL amount of blueberries in every thread, you understand me? An EQUAL amount of blueberries in each thread.
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moar like Cakino
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>I think in all fairness, I should explain to you exactly what it is that I post
>For instance tomorrow morning I'll get up nice and early
>Take a browse down over to the /tv/ catalog and...
>Log in and post sneed and, uh...
>If you don't have my (You)s for me, I'll... sage your fuckin' thread in front of everybody on the board
>And just about the time that I'm comin' out of a 3 day ban
>Hopefully, you'll be posting another thread
>And guess what? I'll sage your fuckin' thread again
>Because I'm stupid, I don't give a fuck about bans, that's my business, that's what I do
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>Look at this fuckin beaut they put in now
>Jannie send you in here to ban me now?
>Been fucking knocking everyone's threads in all night? Huh, you been 404ing all the threads tonight, motherfucker?
>Huh? Jag-off
>Ban me
>Take this 3 day ban and pound it up your fucking ass
>Ban me again
>Take this range ban and shove it up your sisters ass
>Ban me again
Shit movie. Robert DeNigro is a fag.
Good movie. Robert DeNigro is straight.
>Frankie, some of these threads got a lot of niggers in 'em. Tell that fuckin' jannie if he's switching threads on us, he'd better take a fuckin' camel back to Nigeria
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If he's so straight why did he marry a man?
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>Get this through your head, you jannie motherfucker, you! You only eat hot pockets out here because of me! That’s the only reason! Without me? You, personally, every sneed-poster skell around, will take a piece of your fucking jannie ass! Then were you gonna go? You’re fucking warned, don’t ever drop a ban over my head again! You motherfucker, you!
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Yo, Ace. What ever happen to Ginger?
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>You see the jannie. Good. I want you to see that jannie 'cause that's my wife. But that's not my thread. It's not my thread. You know who post there? Huh? Nah, I mean, you wouldn't know who post there. I'm just saying, "But you know who post there?" Huh? A nigger post there. How do you like that? And I'm gonna - I'm gonna sage her. There's nothing else. I'm just gonna sage her. Now, what do you think of that? Huh? I said, what do you think about it? Don't answer. You don't have to answer everything. I'm gonna sage her. I'm gonna sage her until a 404 not found.
optimally timed trips
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>It wasn't long before what I was afraid what was going to happen, happened. Nicky managed to get himself banned from every thread in /tv/, from then on I couldn't be seen talking to him anywhere in /tv/ or anywhere near it
Better than Goodfellas.
People probably don't even remember the days that when you were banned, you couldn't even browse the site. That when you were banned, it was usually permanently.

Granted, faggot tranny jannies issue way more bans now, but it was a bit more harsh in the past.
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They issue bans over any arbitrary stupid thing now, even when others seem to do the same thing and get away with it just fine. You get banned because you posted a tv actress you like, and it's the same punishment as these people posting gore and porn. And they almost never use warnings.
There are no good clear images of Sharon Stone out there from this film, they are all grainy and cropped to no end.
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>And where they get Nishimura from? Who the fuck knows
>All I know Nishimura was a Japanese hikikomori who barely had enough money to pay for the server fees
>And of course it was the bosses man, Moot, who gave all the orders not the fucking administrator, Nishimura
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And this is what casinos look like today.
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>Jannie, what happened over there? I mean, did you know that guy you banned was with me?
>No, I didn't know that. But you know what he did?
>He posted off topic. And then I warned him politely and he tells me to go fuck myself.
>Then he called me a faggot. So what do you think I do? I range banned that cocksucker
>What? Hold on a second
>Hey, come here
>You called a jannie a faggot? You tell him to go fuck himself?
>Nicky, I didn't - I did - I didn't...
>Is that what you did? Tell him to go fuck himself? You fucking hick! Fucking.
>You big fucking hick, you. Come here. Come here.
>Get him up. Come here.
>You post an appeal right now and you apologize. You better hope he lets you back in the threads. If you ever get out of line on there again, I'll smash your fucking head so hard you won't be able to get that pokemon hat on. You hear me? Fucking neckbeard
>Jannie, listen. This guy obviously doesn't know who he was talking to, you understand? He doesn't know that, uh, we're dear friends. I mean, he's already very sorry. But, uh, if you could do me a favor to let him back in the threads, I swear to you he'll never get out of line again. I promise you that.
>If he does it again, he's banned for good. I don't care what it is, Nick, I'm gonna ha- I'll - I'll never let him in the boards again.
>I'm sorry about this. Really. All right, jannie?
>Thanks, pal.
>You posted off topic? You posted trannie threads?!... you shit-posting, stinky, horse-manure-smelling motherfucker you! You fuck me up over there, I'll stick you in a furry thread in fucking /b/! You understand?
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>So, once they pulled that shit I started doin my own things no one ever thought of doin.
>To keep an eye on things I brought in my dyslexic kid brother Dominic and some desparados from /r9k/ and started knockin over high reply threads, Soprano, dubs, anybody right here on /tv/.
>I had a good fuckin crew goin I'll tell you that.
>I had Sal Frisco a great thread bump guy. Jack Hardy who worked as a mod for reddit before he did a six month ban for grooming. And then there was Bernie Blue this guy could bypass any permanent ban. It was like old times.
>And I opened up my own threads too called the Architect and Sneeds. Sometimes I used to go along on a shitpost just for the fun of it.

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