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/tv/ - Television & Film

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The guy who found the North Korean TV signal is showing it live now. Get in here anons for some juche kino

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>tfw no nork soldier waifu
we korean war revisionism now
It's pronounced Yu-keh
Best Korea versus Worst Korea Tang Soo Do match,who wins?
It says the video isn't available anymore you jerkus maximus
Only the best fed get to be on camera. 2 meals a day!
where are you watching it from? it's still up
>this music
try with a different browser or on your phone
where are the racemixing commercials? Fucking dystopian
Oh yeah,it woyks on the phone. Is this the goodbye signal? All I see are beautiful scenery to the sound of the pioneer youth's choir
I think they do the choir and music pieces in between programming. They just finished some history show about Kim Il-Sung.
What does KE BOOYA mean? A cartoon started ,it's cute.
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The only difference is that North Korea is obvious with its brainwashing.
this pig is getting way too bratty: send his fat ass to a camp
holy pig kino!
>patriotic songs during breaks instead of ads
holy based
stop motion kino at 1:23:00
Is this the first time we’ve ever seen NKTV? or has this been common knowledge for a while now?
I feel like their TV broadcast might tell us more about daily life in North Korea
Over for now. That was interesting

There was a news story about a month ago when the TV signal was first found
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Never seen this sport before
Yeah, Teqball is a thing, I've just never seen it played in a 1960s commie sports hall.
For me, it's the singalongs.
>commie leader sing along
>documentary about great leaders clearly filmed at least 20 years ago
>commie leader sing along
>cartoons clearly made at least 25 years ago
>commie leader sing along
>party update: leader is great, country is ahead of everyone in the world
>commie leader sing along (i think some are just repeats)
>a long news shows on how great the leader is, this looks recently filmed
>commie leader sing along
>another commie leader sing along
>evening news: leader is great
>weather report, everything is great (weather girl is very cute)
>commie sing along
>sign off sing along
What the fuck, this is like a parody of a dystopian novel. I wonder how many people actually belive what the party says. I think most probably know its BS to some extent but they keep their head because why make trouble for yourself. Also its interesting that all the major programs seems to have been filmed decades ago, they are in 4:3 and seem to gave been filmed on tape, meanwhile the news reports and party updates look like they been filmed on digital and are 16:9, i wonder if new actual shows are being made or is it just repeats forever fascinating yet terrifying.

Also points for the weather girl being so cute.
Not really, like 70% of it is just propaganda and sing alongs, doesn't even show regular people. Also all shows seems super old. The only recent stuff is party updates and news reports.
Yankee go home
North Korea comes off as particularly sterile. Even the Vietnamese Communists had a little bit of soul to them.
>party update: leader is great, country is ahead of everyone in the world

Hey, just like american tv!
>Hey, just like american tv!
If that were true then 90% of news companies would be publicly executed for reporting an approval rating of 38%.
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From what I've seen about escapees from there most of the hive are totally braindead and believe that the world outside North Korea is like Mad Max, some elite kids know more and even the privileged usually tries to fuck off because it sucks even if you're one of them
peak zhangposting
The Vietnamese Communists are still trying to be an actual functioning government, they aren't led by GOD EMPEROR bullshit.
Imagine N Korean or even Chinese news media reporting that their latest space adventure was a complete and total fuckup and had to be brought to Earth remotely.
How about Laos? What are they up to these days?
Rural poverty and making crafts with bomb scrap
Kim il sung was indeed based.
Good documentary also
Reminds me of infochammel
>3 minutes of staring at the president's face with music in the background
imagine if it was a video of biden's face over the star spangled banner. this is some fucking awful TV
Doing the foreign policy equivalent of sucking off """Communist""" China for national development gibs
It's interesting, but depressing how probably the single biggest reason by far they don't overthrow the Kim regime - is because they have no clue that the rest of the world isn't as bad off or worse than the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
fucking 키노

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