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Josiecock edition
>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Josie finally showed up
• Kato accused Jacob of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

last thread
>2AM in FL
>Fat piggy Taylor is stuffing her face with a pub sub
>Greenshark works at Publix to give her free subs and gambling money
>He's out on the late shift
>She's getting ready to find a john at the casino
>Suddenly her phone rings
>It's TJ
>"I miss you"
>She quickly replies, "I miss you too"
>Next thing she knows a facetime comes through
>It's Abi
>She's riding TJ
>Taylor cannot look away
>She hears TJ say "Abi, you were the best freeloader on S2"
>Abi responds while looking directly at Taylor, "Do you promise?"
>TJ screams "YES" and busts
>Taylor ends the call
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Grab it before mods see
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Gavin mogs
TJ is visiting Taylor in Florida next week
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Creature won.
This is the perfect haircut for her, she looked like shit completely shaved and she looked like shit with long hair, she's cute here.
Greg and betty
Most unsettling thing I've seen all day
Once I get some health issues sorted out I’m full blown prostitutemaxxing. I don’t care anymore. Fuck life.
Ugly fucking dyke with shit brown eyes
You're a gay man
youeffoGODS....we won!
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Looking forward to seeing his streams!
Okay I'll be the first to admit it, the Jim faces were actually pretty cute and they've added a lot to the threads
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idk who that is but he does
hell yeah dude. some of them have even more sovl than chicks you have to woo and take out on dates and pretend to find interesting
was there any rape in s1?
s2 had multiple rapes, bitchtank had scott being raped by haley in the bathroom and sam raping bliccy
it feels like jet is fucking with me in particular
this person deserves to die
Frank raped josie
Chris raped letty
Frank raped letty (breathed on her feat)
Letty raped jon
times you acted like drunk claire?
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simmons raped jon
yeah this is how a guy should take a picture
times you got 2k from your mom over lunch?
Current and former Tayleigh simps should be put down
when will the trend of epic irony haircuts end
Look at my reality show Dawgggggg I’m filin for bankruptcy
It was love
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Post your S3.5 cast predictions:
>Mexican Ogre
>The Beautiful CK
>2 or 4 S3 related contestants
The season is a dating show
Yeah there's a clip of Lance and Frank cornering Letty and Frank literally rubs his belly all over her and touches her hair
Lance looked really guilty after a little bit and turned away to let her pass
Abi wouldn’t be homeless right now with nothing to show but a smashed up PC If she dated a white man (like me or TJ) rather than a fat beaner.

Bake the beans, pay the pesos
Frank raped Letty multiple times
Each day we stray further and further away from God's light.
Thanks Jet. Fishnet is shaping up nicely.
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had to show off the merch bro, fishtank merch
I've ruined every relationship I've ever had and my family hates me. When I drink I lose all dignity and do insane shit because I don't believe I have a future and nothing matters.
he pressed himself into her, legit rape
now jet doesn’t have to cast any of the fish stream guys right? all of the twitter orbiters and fish chatters have their appeasement
She was only "dating" him because her grandparents died in highschool and she had nowhere to go. He smashed the PC out of frustration that she doesn't want to fuck him.
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Content drought ends tomorrow
>hey dude, is that daddy dave on your shirt? fuck yeah, i love fishtank too!
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Do josiecels really?
How the fuck is that an irony haircut? Legitimately kys you obese loser
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For me, it's smElla (god I wanna whiff)
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Taylor stream tomorrow
Lance cried
Same except I’m not an drinker just a fuck up with no future.
an actual tranny fucker and he didn’t do it for a humiliation ritual
Sam Pepper already ended the content drought
Kato chimping out on Abi on Twitter rn, too busy to screenshot sorry fellas
dumb tranny quitter bitch made punk face crack hoe
woah lmfao
She does black lady reactions and mannerisms and has a black ladies voice. I don't know how no one else notices it
was fighting with my gf and got really drunk and texted her that i was gonna hack up her entire family with an axe and went into a lot of detail like a psychopath
kato quit. hayley stayed
where was this energy on bitchtank kato?
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This can be all yours Abi
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>waits until after the show to be a bitch
A non irony haircut is when youre a norwood 6 who never cuts his hair, everything else is "nigger" or "irony zoom zoom"
she's crashing out
God damn she can throw
>your boyfriend smashed your pc
ogre did that? no way, i don't believe it.
>your bf smashed your pc
what a damning inditement on abi
Wow the Portland microbangs woman turned out to be an emotionally labile neurotic
did haley hack her account or something
>goes on bitchtank
>enters like a weirdo
>sits and plays ps2 the whole time
>quits and ruins a cool challenge
>waits a month or so
>THEN decides to be a bitch once the show is over
based @ghostiekato 5m
Abi does flip flop everyday on people so there's truth to day also claire should kill herself
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oh hell yeah
sexy and attractive
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How is Abi a skank?
Kato literally did/does porn
Abi said he did in chat, but she says a lot of things so
Women should not be allowed to talk to each other without men present.
>flirts with jacob
>flirts with scott sullivan
you forgot these crucial parts
I mean it does show she dates retards. I legit thought that was just a meme on here
>nu-MDE has been reduced to basic bitch twitter drama
>world peace 2 DOA
Abi mindbroke another one. She's truly an S-Tier fish at this point.

AUTISMFISHY HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
picturing abi’s fat orge bf smashing a computer with his fists like the hulk is really funny
kato has nudes online, she can't use the word skank ever
kys jet
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What’s his job? How does he make money? Does he have any plans? Of what use is he to anyone? Why do his parents allow him to leech off of them?
i think it's pretty based and cool to smash up your girls PC when she dumps you
>go find a home
she already did. issac lost.
I just know that her parents are constantly seething that she's dating some poorfag loser and not a local boy / family friend from another wealthy Italian family. I know how these upper-middle class Italian families operate.
Maybe they don't care that much since her sisters are basically guaranteed to marry some rich frat-bro.
abi is my autism girl princess and i would lick her hairy hole a couple times a week
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he let his family invest his money, if anything they're using him.
That is really funny thank you for that mental image
idk nigga ask him
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Who would you eat out first, gang?????
How does TJ contribute to society?
i think he’s just going to ren faires full time now
i can only take so much jet
i keep these threads alive. there's like 4 of us posting our asses off.
you can't keep doing this. i'm gonna leave like the other 70% of the audience did midway through season 2
stop fucking doing this to us
He doesnt
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>does nothing
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imagine the pussy stink
By being a role model for young autistic men.
Thumbnail makes it look like the one on the right has a huge bulge
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is Claire in the mafia?
jet is trolling /ftl/ if true
he edits instagram shorts
Creatures meaty thighs are my weakness.
who is that? kalei is the only bitchtank girl i can think of not in drama.
Society needs winners to aspire to
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Why come back? This show isn't that good.
this bitch alone managed to make punk rock lame
>less than 5 minutes in to the stream
>already flashing their crotches
30 years old
Everyday the hate grows for Claire and she has no one else but herself to blame for it. No one wants to be her friend. Manifesting suicide
what does this mean
is the dude in the back gay?
Eh, she didn't do NOTHING.

Remember that time she yelled about being mogged? Or that other time she yelled about how she was mogging?
shes a package deal with claire now, how much shittesting can you handle every hour?
I wish
It's not like his mom is some crippled old lady picking up rocks everyday, they probably just like having him around
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I would let Abi fart on me
I wouldn't let Kato fart on me
that says it all
Yeah Abi is surprisingly one of the least skanky women to appear on fishtank.
Oh shit might have to bust out the weed for this one
i’ve only ever seen screenshots of creature streams. why do they just play on the floor like babies?
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Mindbroken by 4am drunk shitposts by an autistic high-elf
Delusional kato simp
"punk rock" isnt a thing people under 60 years old say
kys clairefaggot
its what happens when you attention whore and become shadi tier, its the simps fault
kek the sammy "hot girls all fuck dogs" was the funniest moment of bitchtank
taking anyones side from bitchtank makes you a massive faggot
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claire thinks she's going to her parent's for dinner tonight, but it's actually an intervention
Tayleigh has a late 70’s look due to her bulimia. Like she could be in a shitty low budget horror or sci fi 70’s film. She’d still look beat chuddy and dykey but it’s simply facts she looks best in 70’s fashion. Like a lot of rural fags without much of an income they just wear the same shitty Walmart outfits until they completely fall apart after 10 years. For a few weeks in January 2024 she wore a proper outfit that made her look like a cute woman, but it didn’t stick, oh well her choice
chud phenotype
all fishtank orbiters and chat fags will kill any interest in the show.
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Sorry but its too much to type anon maybe next time
nobody in these threads contributes to society in any meaningful sense, least of all the people obsessed with the employment status of contestants from an internet tv show where being a neet is a prerequisite for even appearing in the first place
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Fuck these skanks I miss summy
This is a huge mistake
Gretty is pretty cursed fr fr ong
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She looked awful in the 70s clothes, her one outfit is better, you have awful taste and are probably approaching 50 years old
is abi going to make tj unfollow kato now
idk nigga ask him
summy's gone back to sucking on bbc
Just plap or hagmax anon and work your way up from there. We all have to start somewhere
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>being a neet is a prerequisite for even appearing in the first place
Why did he dye his hair the same color as Betty's pubes
they should have a “turn off avatar” fishtoy to reveal the fat guy behind it
I think he has some kind of thing with the Critter girl. Not sure what though but they're together a lot
TJ and Taylor are both cool and good people
Is Creature streaming on Twitch too or only the Fishtank site?
idk who this guy on gregs stream is but he just shouted out /ftl/
seems pretty cool. are some of you guys cool?
i've been operating under the assumption most of you are losers
Betty’s the one who recorded herself sucking a BBC. Summer dated a mixed guy when she was in high school.
you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain taylor did nothing wrong
Not cash but they've bought me a few cars
does he even know who kato is?
both of those things are fucking awesome
only incels disagree
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Is it worth it ftl or should i let nature do it's job? this would be for claire
hes so disgusting looking
i’m so cool that i’m too cool to even go to a ren faire
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Post more Letty's.
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>her one outfit is better
No this outfit is NOT better than the brown pants.
I'm going to be nice and support both of them in their streams :D
Where was this Kato during bitch tank?
bitchtank is way more influential than bloodgames
our guy
She looks like the average nonbinary barista in any liberal city
summer also said she loved the taste of his cum
disgusting coalburning tranny
this ugly methhead bitch looks awful. you gaytriots are subhuman
one of his best traits is liking egirl selfies. of course he knows who kato is.
yes it is, the brown pants were god awful, literal cheap plastic shit that looked fucking disgusting
Alessandra, please let me love you.
I just want to cuddle in bed with Creature and whisper sweet nothings in her ear all day
4chan will call me a simp! :D
I’m racist but it’s not worth some anons calling summy a skank when she’s one of the fish who’s never posted straight up porn
i think somebody posted a picture of him following her instagram
Nvm delete my last post
And they're getting back together
Just FT site but she said she had her twitch chat open
hey creature, in 5 years you'll be pushing 40
ugly retarded freak
is that Cole
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I wish she would
Yes it had a massive negative impact (influence) to the brand. Jet opened up pandora's box with bitchtank and there's no going back.
she is a pedophile dont forget that part
No she didn’t, stop fueling your weird interracial cuck fetish with an innocent woman
why do my ps5 controllers batteries die so fast now?
do i need to get new ones?
>thinks someones cool if they go to a ren faire
respectable amount of cups
kato needs to say whatever jacob told her about claire. do it kato it will be funny
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Sip of mornin' driveway beer for the working class!
No furniture
i said it before i'll say it again. for better or worse bitchtank was the most influential season since the first. people will still be mentioning even fucking kalei during season 8.25 next fall.
ragebait not even worth a reply
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paul won
who is this
Pretty sure this guy posted about going a couple days ago
did that goofy pedobaiting hoe unblock u yet or what?
the highschool freinds being against her, u don't remember that part? during her story
going to ren faires is cool if you're hanging out with friends and laughing at weirdos
you know what's not cool? spending the last beautiful sunday afternoon of the summer sitting inside posting on offseason /ftl/
the idea of a curse being discounted is funny to me
yeah. you, in comparison, should think anyone brave enough to leave their house is cool.
Nah she still thinks I'm skull Hyde probably
blood games was worse for the brand and introduced everything bad that was in bitchtank (orbiters and post jon cell/tower showed that the wiggers can’t even do a two week show.)
it was confirmed to just be sjw high school drama, it’s pretty karmic that the accused becomes the accuser or whatever way around, but you are genuinely retarded if you think summer has the capacity or desire to do something that heinous
>going to ren faires is cool if you're hanging out with friends and laughing at weirdos
which he obviously isnt, they are the weirdos
>spending the last beautiful sunday afternoon of the summer sitting inside posting on offseason /ftl/
its summer year round here so this means literally nothing to me
>pour one out for the dead niggas
>greg: hey don't say that
our guy lmfao
>the most powerful curse spell $300.00
>generational death curse $499.9
>destroy your enemy $1850.00
'most powerful curse spell' seems like a bargain.
didn’t she fuck some little league baseball kid.
why does he have an inbred person skull
just tuned into the stream and this guy sounds gay as fuck
You are a retard.
Does anybody even want them to get back together at this point? I'd rather see him get with Abi desu
Im actually liking this, and I never watch streamers. I think I like tuktuk keeps falling apart
warming up
why doesn't abi stream
He sucks
ogre smashed her pc
Damniel tried to sneak into Josies tent during camping arc
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Ogre smashed her pc
They're both going to move on and live their own lives. They both have brighter futures than anyone on this board
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Letty is a cute bug!
I wish I was with them
It's a gay stream
that is a movie
ogre smashed her pc
how so that's what i heard it was her friends sister or something like that
Summer Glau is a rapist is what I'm getting from this thread
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I'd breed that bug
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that never happened, her ex gf accused her and took it back
>oh.. hey.. just randomly ran into you greg. oh, i don't want to be on camera, i have to go see my friends. actually i think i'll stay

lmao what a fucking loser
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Bloodgames was just supposed to be a fun larp with the "all-stars" from past seasons. Embedded in this were redemption arcs for the unfavored fish ( like Tay ) among other things.
Bitchtank opened the doors for twitter orbiter """fans""", moralfags, and the like. Look at fishnet. Autismfishy? YouEffo?
You can split hairs and say well cryo & oddbod were on the tailend of bloodgames and that was the first sign of things going south.
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Handsome Chad. spends his time making weird autistic family trees for royalty. What's not to like?
You don’t breed Letty. Letty breeds you
Built for Russian camsites
>its an ugly fat guy
Is jet trolling?
Nina volyanska is sexy and attractive
blood games started off good and killed any good favor they had gained and went lower than it had ever been.

the shit lazy ending, the fans, and listening to pay pigs kicking out jon. it was supposed to be none of those things but wiggers couldn’t help themselves.
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oddbod60 rage quit because he realised no one wants to watch him now people with personality are coming onto the streams. Man child chimp out.
>filters virgins who don't go outside and furries
>annoys greg
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Letty is a princess!
greg is going apeshit because this guy doesn’t like furries
Cringe millennial paypig
Claire's cunt bleed apathy
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The way she touches her nose after and is so smooth with it, this is definitely not the first time she's hit a line
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>holy shit look a black/indian couple lmao
this guy rules
This guy is pretty chill ngl
Letty knows what went down with the goblin.
Letty knows everything.
I actually think Kato is the most well adjusted bitch mentally and probably the only one I’d like to hang with.
someone said that earlier this morning but he came back on. did he actually say anything
Yeah the moment people in chat recognized his website username I knew he was a fag.
you literally look like elmo stfu faggot
he is objectively handsome. why do you think women are always throwing themselves at him?
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what's his name on the site?
God he looks so much better with short hair
>let your gf on neo-nazi show
>fans shit on her for dating you
>she dumps you
>you smash her computer
did he really not know what fishtank was? a simple google search is enough to see its a humiliation show.
guy fucking sucks. literally pretended to meet-cute greg of all people lmao
manlet having a melty
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ctrl+f claire
ctrl+f abi

You mean the bitch doing small penis humiliation videos online?
who remember in S1 when the thumbnails of each cam were actual full HD live feeds causing their data bill to skyrocket in just a few hours.
genius devs
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This but the total opposite
humby or something like that
he was trying to act like sam hyde to win her back
>You mean the bitch doing small penis humiliation videos online?
Well someone needs to get humiliated.
hes objectively ugly
I've been looking for that video for a while now. I want to hear Kato make fun of my dick so bad bros!
uber - now!
Someone posted stills of it at one point but I’ve never found a working video. The shower video is easy to find but boring
- Banged Taylor
- Abi wants his retard cock
- Some onlyfans mulatto want's to be his GF

Women throw themselves at lubecooch.
Post it
>yeah you know how people all say greg is this cringe reddit faggot but..
Get this guy another round
Total Lubecooch victory
Adding this to my clairebear kino compilation
I don't have it. No one seems to have it.
please do
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He probably was an MDE fan
You're literally losing money by not buying it
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If this is the fishy I think it is then I'm pretty sure Q wanted to interview her in one of his twitter spaces
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good shit
>greg keeps trying to passive aggressively attack the guy
>his own friend keeps siding with the random guy
nice silent hill 2 online ceramics shirt
>Banged Taylor
>Abi wants his retard cock
No she doesnt
>Some onlyfans mulatto want's to be his GF
No she didnt
I think she's an actual she but fat
Its a man anon
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shadi update
greg wants to punch him so bad lmfao
>greg punch me in the head
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Greg boutta knock this nigga out lmao
pathetic tranny shit. ywnbaw.
shamu resurfaces
shadi won. need to see her blowbang a couple estonian guys though.
everything leads back to this nigga
This is the exactl kind of gay shit girls like Claire make for their girl shows on YouTube to ship their favorite characters together for female fans and guys with AGP to masturbate too.
How bad is your AGP anon? How many hours a week do you spend in women’s clothing?
Shut up fat fucking pig no one cares
youre a grooming faggot

troon stare

no woman threw themselves at his sped looking ass
All day unless im working it makes feel good
Tj is just a gooner and that's okay
based TJ realist
hope this fatso dies soon
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What is Letty doing right now?
wiggers and drugs
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The TJseethe has fully devolved into total shit. Not funny, extremely boring. Better off dead.
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probably thinking of some unfunny redscare esque tweet to post later tonight
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Betty my love
Abi verified its a troon on bitchtank. He dm'd her pics.
Yes congratulations you made an account with Taylor's picture good work we're all so happy for your ebin trollin bro.
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eating dinner
Fuck you Jet I know you’re laughing your ass off at all the bullshit with the whippets and weeeeeeeeeeed in your system
fugg bro epic own fuck dat bitch
That's hilarious if true, why are so many trannies fans of fishtank?
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Sammy Sweethearts, what are we getting up to this blessed Lord's day?
Kiwitroon astroturf. Pay them no mind
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new agey feminist witchy sex magic with a Peter Thiel funded e girl cult in a mansion somewhere innawoods.
bro keeps reposting it looking for some kind of validation. shows you the type of person he is
Shamu L. Shamu is a fat piggy oink oink.
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If you made this while the show was airing it might have been cute, but posting this like 3 months after the show has ended is extremely cringe
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Kill yourself pedophile
letty sloppa
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stop watching gay fishtank streams
the palace is live
when do we get to send gay guys and pizzas to her dads grave while she's getting dicked down florida style?
wtf letty is hot now?
I hate AI kissing videos, but that look Abi gives at 0:55 is a great edit.
He wouldn't have left so soon if Peter showed up
I am not Matthew Carey
hot women don't have cleft chins so no
was he around to meet this guy on greg's stream
gonna make some guac and chorizo tacos soon have a nice bottle of red wine to go with it
sam it up
kek what website is this?
is it actually this easy to make money on the internet?
The 40 IQ boys are having a twump walley in Ben owegon
Their juices are contaminated with thc and greasy foods
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charls and sam are gay lovers who were disowned by their fathers
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so true
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>Kill yourself pedophile
Bad Poncho. Was this over the flea powder incident?
Based Mexi-bro. He wont let some little elf bitch disrespect him! Smash the hell out of her bullshit PC! Piss on the parts! Shit on the RAM!
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All fucking B*ttypedos must fucking hang
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make the call jet
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Sounds delicious my friend, glad to hear it!
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she was the whole time but yeah
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>hey greg you're a reddit fagg-ACK!
Fishtank isn't lindy
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wow she's beautiful
Besides the obsessed simps everyone here it’s decently alright. Discord is where the real freaks hang out
TJ completely demolished Taylor with a single Instagram reel. Why do you deny his power? My boy is handsome. He's like prime James Franco.
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>My boy is handsome
TPD (total paypig death)
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kato drama continuation
This genuinely made me angry
lmao instantly back to 1k from his 15k last night
i wanna blow raspberries on Letty's tummy!
taylorcels out in full force tonight
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get offline
true, letty is skallas approved though
fake drama. nobody cares about this ugly literally who bitch
you're doing tricks on it
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Poncho why?
TJ should kick her ass!
Mutilated troon castrated himself
Unemployed egirl just pwned unemployed egirl (hopeful to get a new pc soon)
thats you speed replying to every post with “TJ” in it
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Go back to /bant/, pedo
warming up to kato ngl
i don’t care about kato she’s a quiter.
Sex with Benleaks
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can the scorned taylorcels/tj faggots shut up about some womanly gossip drama that's been basically dead for weeks now
This isn't like you what would Betty think seeing you behave this way
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kato does shrooms and is retarded, thinks she's in a position to judge how other people live their lives for some reason
just realized that these are two quitters who weren't even competing against each other on the show lol
why do all the quitters attack abi
all was quiet until taylorcord showed up
this nigga Greg is about to pop a button on that vest man

Our next move?
>she could learn a thing or two from me about being on her own
holy fucking shit this is so sad what a dumb loser
rather talk about the current womanly gossip about some ugly lightbulb bitch with an ego.
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It's a pedo show
mommy kato defend mommy betty against meanie abi
he looks like a fag.
>dude muh heckin cult classic sh2 shirt
go jerk off to super eyepatch wolf faggot
…. And Abi isn’t? She literally ruined bitchtank leaving early to go take care of some random cats she found in the street
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That whore is a pedo who got banned for posting cp
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Is there a clip of the tier list Claire made? Apparently she got shit for it and deleted her twitter?
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Poncho I saved you from that crackhead.

I am so hurt :c
i love josie
benji put it up on his twitter
fucking kek
she got unbanned though
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A gay pedo show
Does kato not comprehend Abi is actually autistic? She just says things to make noises most of the time like babbling little girl. You have to be retarded to get offended by Abi’s autism which her ogre ex probably was and couldn’t handle a bitch that aspie.
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yeah why don't you post your neck
guys i think it would be a funny gag if we all replied "anywhoozers" to kato's tweets
Creatures retarded ass should spend like $40 on a basic USB microphone
the last thing you see before jon explodes you with his mind
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Die, pedo, die
>gay pedo
please make this the OP image for next thread to cleanse us from this cringe drama
creature? our new tattoo onlyfans girl is fighting with some mongaloid bitch and you're talking bout fucking creature?
>squashed the beef with claire
How can she keep gettinf away with it?
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She really needs to leave my elf wife alone. She isn't going to like me when I'm angry.
kato thinks of herself as autistic because she doesn’t have any friends and not because she’s just a normal ugly retarded bitch poser with an ego that no one likes.
Humby you did good lol thanks for yapping groomzy’s head off
got you
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admit it, he won
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Why isn't she at the Ren Faire?
Abi is homeless and the means by which she supports herself was smashed to bits by the fat Mexican ogre she was dating. There's no scenario where this isn't a total Abi L.
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>cause a scene
>"uhhhhh sorry"
alcoholics privilege
I haven't been keeping up with abi, what has she said about her? All I remember is she said she left cause kato had a freaky look about her and she thought she was checking her out
There's a guy that looks like me but it's definitely not his neck is too big
>evil bitch mode
that was literally what the show was for
you're just sending bad tweets into thin air and nobody cares?
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I'm an ugly fat retard... but it's ironic
I briefly opened her stream and could barely hear shit due to her 85IQ setup. Apologies.
Greg and TJ hate her, and are loyal to Brian
hes a faggot
yeah I'm thinking I'm team kato now
Go steal more money out of your moms purse Benleaks and shut up.
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Should have been released during bitchtank. This is wayyyyy too fucking late now
She has it handled, if she can spend a couple hours saying kato is a whore that deserves to be raped and get away with it i think shes fine
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More Letty!
post your neck long aah neck nigga
How could you hate such beauty...
Kato is significantly uglier and has no friends
>what has she said about her?
just called her stupid for hanging out with jacob. and made fun of her 2018 "goth" style.
hahaha because josie isn't streaming on the site right? lmaooo good one
mommy betty anon! I'm glad to see you're still around. :)
looks like she’s ripping off her skin
TJ followed her until Taylor cut it off
So how is this going to go? You guys hyped that you were going to ruin Tayleigh’s return stream for months but nothing happened.
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Peter W
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Is this the new vtuber autismfishy?
Why does she look so cute here
I like the new pic of the guy that looks like me but isn't better than the black and white one
the normie fish always lose their minds at the autists. Its insane
greenshark gearing up for war
Fucking pathetic. Getting fucked by Jacob could have prevented this. Clearest case of dick deficiency I’ve seen in awhile.
These are the people who call our waifus mean names, never forget that
Chudgang's new member
nobody really cares, even tayleigh doesn't get as much hate on streams as she has gotten on here. we're worn down and bored with them all
>You guys hyped that you were going to ruin Tayleigh’s return stream for months but nothing happened.
Nobody unironically hyped it and if you couldn't see that then you might be retarded
half of her chat will be banned
Why is he laying in dirty water?
Why isn’t she streaming on the fishtank site
you guys really tried thoughbeit
cuz it's Pino(Peter + Kino)
She still pay her bills tho bitch!
The TJ stream tomorrow is going to be life changing
you wouldn't get it...
>mumbles about really boring stuff
>responding to simps flaccidly flirting with her
>anyone in chat will be banned for saying anything not nice
>TTS will be off because someone said "Taji W" last time
He's cleaning it with his aura
I think they're all retards lmao the people here who waste energy seething over them are part of this places charm
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It's simple, if you support taylor you have sex, if you support tj you don't have sex
How tho didn't she just lose her job as a waitress
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I support TJ
Taylor's stream will be fine. Boring as fuck but fine. Probably a few troll comments here and there but Greensimp will be there, ready and waiting to protect her from this cruel world.
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You don't shoot Letty!
you're throwing out some great bait here today anon keep it up those (you)'s are flowing
this girl has a wicked camel toe and you’re wrong and gay, simp
the righteous path is liking both
Unemployment! She on that gubmint tit! I actually don't know how she's paying her bills.
samefag L go to hell samefag
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watch creature
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>rapes your favorite fishtank contestant
how do you respond without sounding mad?
you pay her money on a website called fishtank dot live and she does a little dance for you
the secret is that most people who have the free time to come on fishtank never had to worry about bills in the first place
she found a "classier" restaurant where she can just do 10 hours a week.
not a samefag you autist it's sarcasm. holy fuck you people are so fucking autistic
TJ won
by walking 20 feet without wheezing
According to the anons on ftl, taking a picture with someone is basically the same as having sex with them so he actually did rape these people
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Dude can barely fit on a plane
kato making a real case for bottom 5 in fishtank history despite barely being noticed on the actual show
Creature my love, we could have a beautiful life together!
Meatballs are back on the menu >:)
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imagine running to the fishtank chat for validation
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Diabetesmus's problem is he literally fucking stalks them and tries to justify it
Strip club
It's true summer had a threesome with goosmus and his wife while her bf watched
6 pm :)
this is the most an image has ever made me mad holy fucking shit
What are we talking about here? Steakhouse classy or like, from IHOP to Denny's?
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>Nobody unironically hyped it and if you couldn't see that then you might be retarded
There are archives idiot, you hyped it on bant for months and Tay had a chill stream. There wasn't a thread for a day or two out of shame because bant got blown out so fucking hard.
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>no picture with TJ

Common TJ W
Taking over someone's bed as a guest, going through their phone when they explicitly told you not to, and being a creep isn't rape but is disrespectful.
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Just Chinese, Built for Sex
I just want Josie to suffer desu
The fact she even got mad enough about Abi's autistic chat trolling to the point she needs to write paragraph after paragraph about it is pretty pathetic.
>Jimmy pfp
common Kato L
NTA but stop arguing with yourself please it's shitting up the thread even worse
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>everyone on Bitchtank is a huge bitch
Took you long enough to realize?
kato shut the fuck up you ugly loser nobody fucking cares about you
Nobody hyped her streams besides anons fishing for (You)s and her streams get lower viewers than greg now lol
unmatched aura
rumor was ruths chris
Any good TJ content today?
I just want Josie is a SIZE QUEEN
Jc is the best streamer on the site
Lmao this is so sad. Imagine needing fucking Fishtank chat of all things to make you feel better about yourself.
Creature is chud gang too. The alliances are solidifying
>stupid fucking bitch
>this is what you get
>you should have been intimidated by me
So does having autism mean you can say anything about anyone and be totally innocent? Do you not remember Abi trying to cancel Jimmy for 6 months straight when everyone else has moved on? She's a spiteful vindictive bitch, which is why she and claire became so close
think he showed up for some screencaps and left
you'll turn on her as well. you always do.
i hate you people so fucking much what are you talking about
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>everyone on Brotank is a bro
Fishtank.live is my support group
>goes 2 fishtank chat because she knows it's full of jimmycord orbiters who don't like abi
who is lil bro quoting???
He showed up and left just in time for Greg to start getting trolled by some dude who was shitting on furries and pissing him off
Did Abi smash Kato's plastic phone? Cause it seems like she's making her seethe as hard as Jimmy. Why is Abi so good at mindbreaking idiots?
few realize this
I know there's no actual kato defenders just trolls so the person very earnestly defending kato in here could realistically just be her
Does benfreaks have BPD or something. Maybe he just gets off on telling fishtank girls to cut themselves.
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literally impossible and everyone I've "turned" on has done something bad or that i disagree with
I don't think so. Just some screenshots of his all black fit.
New Betty tweet just dropped.
No he is histrionic
>everyone I've "turned" on has done something bad or that i disagree with
Who are they and what have they all done?
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>Jimmy was right
>Nobody hyped her streams besides anons fishing for (You)s and her streams get lower viewers than greg now lol
cope you got fags got fucking mogged and are backpedaling like always
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Letty sexo
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>i just want this to blow over
This is true Josie is actually a really bad SIZE QUEEN
Wasn't Xavier Ravenblood supposed to stream earlier?
benleaks will spend a whole thread masturbating his neovagina to pictures of young sam hyde then the next thread crying about how he is a roided freak who almost raped bliccy. Don't trust what he says
Not a bettyfag but she is kinda pretty
That guy on the left is one of the most dysgenic people I've ever seen. Thyroid all fucked up. Summer you didnt have to prostitute yourself to that
When you’re a skinny elf girl yes it does. The correct response to an aspie qt sperging is always a head pat and saying I love you Abi like Claire does because she’s not retarded.
Kill yourself pedophile
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>like sam hyde when he was cute
>hate new sam hyde because he's ugly
>you got fags got fucking
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If she didn't waste the last few weeks sucking up to production and just continued building her twitch none of this would've happened.
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You should see what her discord groomers look like now
kill her with blunt objects
jacob pls keep instigating her
and josie, letty, ella, ck, abi and claire
they blocked him
>roided freak
either that post was ai or he was having an episode either way you can't blame benji
he admitted to being a thief last night! a no good common thief!
How is Poncho so fucking cool looking?
This nigga crashing out
i hate this guy
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retarded looking freakshow bitch
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He was born that way
benleaks nobody likes you nigga go home
LMAO taking psychedelics so you don’t feel antisocial around Jacob
fake drama
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Betty my love you must tame your pussy >>203356231
>Ummm Ogre broke your computer lol
At least Abi didn't let Jacob sleep in her bed and then accuse him of rape
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that fat nigger jimmy threw a tantrum over a children's toy
those are positive turns i went from not caring 2 liking them
never hated abi
don't hate Claire
He's so photogenic. Handsome fella.
he means /bant/ go home to /bant/
>needs to microdose shrooms just to leave the house otherwise she'll have an anxiety attack
she's in zero position to judge anyone
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fuck off pedo
that guys a fag
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seems personal
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jimmy invites you to hoardermans where he has invited all twitter orbiters to cum on his face, do you go?
Except for jacob who was on bitchtank which makes him a bitch
this bitch is lubecooch!
new >>203356374
what cp
i like xer
Her day long stream was increasingly cozy and I really have no idea why
What a nigger/niggress
Poncho is an angel sent to save Betty from her wretched life. He has not yet succeded.
She has no filter and doesn't pretend to like people that she doesn't like. It catches the mentally fragile off guard and the weaker ones break.

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