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Young Jet edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Kato accused Jacob of rape
• Xavier is releasing his own S2.5 episodes
• New streamers have been added to the site

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

last thread >>>>203356374
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the beautiful
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First for sex with Woodbabi
>/FTL/ News
>no mention of the ogre smashing abis computer
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Help. I am an innocent lost little bettycel trying to find my general. Can someone please link me to it?
Will autismfishy save streamertank?
Reminder that TJ is NOT a cheater and is in love with Taylor!
>TJ knew this girl for years before Taylor and mentioned her to Taylor when they first chatted on fishtank
>Taylor used to follow her
>TJ kept following Taylor for days after she moved
>TJ liked her reels even after she left for Florida
>The way Taylor’s tweet is worded implies that there were no sexual or romantic messages between TJ and the mixed girl
>Taylor has provided no evidence of any of her claims
>TJ only posted a three word response and didn’t throw her under the bus
>TJ didn’t delete the photo of them at the Adam Friedland standup show
>Dallas (who is still active on instagram) and Ethan still follow TJ
>TJ unfollowed a bunch of girls on instagram
>TJ made sure to turn down the wench in CK3 (he’s not a home wrecker)
>Ethan was watching TJ’s stream (possibly Taylor watching on his account)
>said his roommate (Carter) was not sexy and attractive
>TJ said he wished it worked out with Taylor
>TJ said he wouldn’t change meeting Taylor
>TJ said he appreciated Taylor being around
>TJ said he didn’t get black pussy
>TJ said his favorite part is s2 used to be something else (meeting Taylor) but that changed
>said he wouldn’t know how the (black) pussy was
>said there was not even emotional cheating
>said that his parents liked Taylor and that there wasn’t much for them to complain about
>said that the movie MRS doubtfire was not a healthy way to handle a breakup
>confirmed he doesn’t have a new girlfriend
>Said he liked to think that him and Taylor were the fishtank royal couple
>said he drank more because Taylor left
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sam hyde raped me in the baskin roberts toilet on the hot smoldering summer of '12.
Post chin
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Just saw Katos tweets. What exactly was her problem? Abi shitposting in chat?
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Markyposters are growing in numbers every day. Soon Sam won't be safe in any city. Channing won.
a nazi chick who does porn? based, i bet she gets really corrupted. just totally cum drunk and does things that totally go against her nazi morals. hot.
I originally replied to an anon but I’ll open it up to everyone lol: those who saw season 1 and 2 live, what was it like going from the white interior house to the winter cult 70s house?
unironically fishtank is over
she's Jewish
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Letty is a princess!
Yeah... No.
noooo :(
so looks like tonight is pretty dry huh
kys baiting faggot
So what’s going to happen if TJ starts streaming while Taylor is still live?
I hate fake tits also the majority of plastic surgeons are Jewish just a Snapple bottle cap fact to think about
He should do it
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The first week of Season 2 was probably the best Fishtank will ever get; genuinely 10/10. after like 2 weeks it quickly became worse than season 1. The Season 2 house was still better, though.
How I go to sleep knowing Tayleigh and cuckbuddy Jordan will have nothing to do with Season 3.

Total Jace victory.
i liked the S1 house more because it was easier to follow with everyone mostly being in the living room/kitchen
jesus christ letty is really lucky she was big tits cause that bitch is ugly as fuck
I don't know, sorry
>Xavier is releasing his own S2.5 episodes
Where is this happening? Is it only on the site because that would suck since there’s no VODs. Is it going to be a livestream or prerecorded.
nothing he wont do that right away.
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nontent x2
the s1 house can't keep sucking away with it.
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Jet Neptune was a TIGHT little piece -Sam Hyde probably
The season 1 house was easier to follow but the season 2 house had much more SOVL, ironically.
Jews are disgusting
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I don't think she's ugly.
I think on his YouTube channel
mommy betty and creature are friends now! happy happy happy!
he's editing all of the xavier moments and posting them to his youtube
>The first week of Season 2 was probably the best Fishtank will ever get
his youtube channel. check his twitter. i can't be bothered to link it right now.
appreciate the dedication
remember when sammy and jacob or whatever were applying to be #40boys. seems like it was just yesterday, classic fishtank moment.
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They spent too much on decorating and not enough spend on planning daily activities and challenges
Link please!
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will jet let blacked betty stream on the site?
>after like 2 weeks it quickly became worse than season 1.
People dickride Season 1 too much, it was godawful for almost the entire middle section of the show.
>now the real game begins
Hopefully when she gets no donations and her chat is literally just her mods she gets the hint and fucks off
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That was physically painful to watch
God I hope Kato's next beef is with Betty
Not true at all
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why does no-one want to be BBC B*tty's friend?
the only shit part of s1 was when the wigger ruined the plumbing and they had to "camp" out in the living room.
Yeah, this was when it went to shit. And FFS even Jimmy realized they should stop cheering on the sharks, how is Tayleigh THAT fucking stupid?
I haven't watched that clip since it happened live and it was even worse than I remember.
Reminder Jimmy and Tayleigh are always welcome to come back
Lol was that tayleigh's bed?
every body racist to what mommy betty does with chocolate ment but not creature! creature like big chocolate men also!? happy happy!
it's literally fucking Xavier Ravenblood you dumb fucking nigger
Nope the camping arc was good, the only bad thing s1 was the gang larp
I don't care, don't respond to me you faggot, nobody here likes you
yep a lot of it is rose-tinted glasses. i'd say the last week of season 2 was much worse though.
Who is that
>i'd say the last week of season 2 was much worse though.
It was the worst in the franchise, comparable only to bitchtank.
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lol triggered
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I now hope Jordan becomes Clayton 2.0
We need to have jacob ask jimmy about the story of how he learned flare guns give third degree burns
Lmfao s2 fags are embarrassing
Hi Xavier
it involves scissors. you dont want to know.
>Lol was that tayleigh's bed?
Yeah and nobody cared about bed snatching because there was 800 places to sleep in the S2 house. Once again production got owned by recycling bits. They snatched Abi's bed every single night on bitchtank and she didn't give a single fuck.
Little. Some viewers would troll her about TJ streaming, some would switch from hers to his, he'd get donos and she'd get maybe one or two. Her stream would be mostly like the last.
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Jordan's going to finish what Clayton started.
I didn't like the look of the s1 house, very sterile and boring. Thought the s2 house was a good change of pace at first, but i remember people looking at the carpeting and thinking about how much vomit/fluids would end up being caked into them
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Why are you so sensitive damn nigga stop crying it's just some light marky posting you can handle it
are you just mentally blocking out the half the season where sam didn't show up and jet had them larping.. gangs, mom, detective shit..
What they need to do is find a middle ground and have a season 1 style house but put art on the walls and lay down area rugs that are easier to clean
the issue is we have all seen these pictures ad infinitum, all you're doing is shitting up the thread.
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Reminder Jimmy slipped and said Tayleigh is going to be on s3 production
If Sam didn't want me to Markypost, maybe he shouldn't have shit on me for asking an honest question. You get what you deserve, you fucking asshole. And I will make you pay, one way or another.
>Kato's Twitter.
Damn. I go away for dinner and she goes ballistic out of nowhere.
Bitchtank never ended.
Moms and detective were both good
Welcome to /ftl/
Every thread is the same pictures of fishtank girls over and over
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jit nibberton should bring narcissa on s3.
i will single handedly take down sam hyde (who i hate but also love at the same time but also hate but i want him to be my dad) by posting on 4chan for 16 hours a day
>If Sam didn't want me to Markypost, maybe he shouldn't have shit on me for asking an honest question
care to elaborate while you're at it?
thanks for all your hard work
someone saying mean stuff about me in fishtank chat? how could this be happening to me??? the culture of the chat atm is so fucking dicksucking hugbox gay
youre welcome
Actually, Jordie is gonna get beaten up so bad she will go full lesbian butch. That nigga is built like a twig and she will go to town on him with a bat during a drug-induced psychotic break.
I believe in you anon. Just a few more markyposts and you'll get 'em.
why doesn't sam just eat green eggs and ham?
Sister Tayleigh
This is honestly sad. Just let her stream on the site already, Jet. There needs to be some conflict in the fish streams universe, and Clacob can't do all the work.
itll happen any day now
Pretty cool of that guy to wear Shadi's merch
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erm I love murder and torture
surely betty can't be any worse than all those horrible orbiter freaks they just let on
no bro please no
If Sam Hyde pays back his dad the $6k and Channing the $20k I will never marky post ever again ong

betty was given a chance seeing behind the curtain and she couldn't help but spill the beans. she'll be blacklisted until fishtank shuts down after s3
Shamu just loves to samefag her own shit
I superchatted Sam an honest question about how to get my life together and he called me an "obsessive retard" because I had superchatted him in the past?? Maybe take my fucking money and be happy you piece of shit. Now it doesn't matter, I'm going to make him go broke. He ruined everything for me so now I will ruin everything for him.
Channing deserves nothing but death
>surely betty can't be any worse than all those horrible orbiter freaks they just let on
Ironically Betty runs streams that are totally safe for any platform. She is the safest fishtank person to have on the site outside of Taylor.
does sodaman really think he has a say
post channing tits
You are an obsessive retard. Look at yourself, you're seething about him because he offended you.
if she's ever allowed on the site, that gross bitch can suck on black dildos and piss on the floor like she usually does
Sam shitting on me for not having a dad was the final straw. I may have gone too far by saying he reminds me of the father I've never had but it's no need to burn the bridge we had together
none of these people are doing or saying unsafe stuff on their streams so far though. 98% of fishtank streaming is pg shit
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>Giving Sam Hyde money
Channing is a princess
>no bro please no
Insider here: Tay is going to host the first two weeks of the show only for Sam to come in and make it hellhouse. Guys let her cook its going to be wicked.
You wouldn't happen to have a clip would you?
I sent a superchat to Sam asking him what his favorite flavor of ice cream was and he told me my life was over if I didn't learn a skill before hitting age 21 and he also said that he likes to rape women that are underage
tru story
I don't get why Arielpedos try to push her on the platform if she has said many times she doesn't want to be related to Fishtank any longer. Get your lore straight.
unironically that was great advice though, retard. stop watching his stream and spending money on him, thinking about him.. go work on your self
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On it
Not me someone's still seething about their e dad's homoerotic and pedophilic tendencies lol
she literally talks about ft/all the people on it like she's deeply ingrained in it anon. she talks to fish she never met
>Not me someone's still seething about their e dad's homoerotic and pedophilic tendencies lol
dude that's exactly what you do all fucking day come on now
Every time I feel like I may be in the wrong I just take my methadone and open up my "Sam Hyde Hate" folder.
I fade into bliss and realize that I am doing God's work.
Sam will fall.
>Tay is delivering cigarettes for the contestants
>TTS with the letter Q comes in
>Suddenly she gets ptsd episode
>"They are fucking with me"
>"Production is trying to fuck with me"
>"This is all about me"
>"I win if I start fucking with everyone"
>Starts throwing food at the contestants screaming "dude its the name of the game dude"
>Ben drags her in the basement
>Tay is never seen again
hope there's some pies around for a truly classic recreation
She completely stopped talking about letty and ignores any questions/things related to her
The Sam hater is 100% a better namefag/samefag than most of the people coming here, only topped by Sargeposting
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is it because letty ignored her tweets and wants nothing to do with her?
Not really Sam and his fans that are too dumb to realize he's just grifting and wasting their money are easy to bully
Sounds based
okay? I saw a stream a couple weeks ago where she was talking about the goings-on in everyone in the shows lives for like an hour, like she knew them all, talking about the state of the site, etc
Put your name back on and delete everything related to fishtank from your computer.
Block 4chan and fishtank.live from your browser.
I promise you, your life will improve.
everyone here realizes that, youre just wasting your own time and making the threads worse
That insane bitch is obsessed with Letty and all of Fishtank lmao
sam openly grifts though. hiding under so much irony attracts the biggest idiot fans though who will buy overpriced coffee and seltzer water and shit
do not engage with anyone talking about B*tty.
they literally get off on talking about her, even if it's in a mean way.
just ignore her
I suck balls just because I like it so much
why do you hate her? she did nothing wrong
i'm homosexual (gay)
>Making these threads worse than they already are
>Wasting my time
It's not a waste if you're having fun
we all know that, dude. if you really want to reach new people, start posting on twitter and not these threads. please be courteous and stop being an annoying faggot.
What if Season 3 is made to fuck with her the first week?
>All fish are hired actors.
>They are in the joke.
>It's a slow boil during Week 1.
>Something makes her break in one of the rooms.
>All the doors are closed as she begs for production while hyperventilating.
>The door opens.
>It's Clayton.
>He reveals to the camera he is suing for slander. He never laid a hand on her.
which b*tty is we not talking about?
the fitted one or the one who pees on herself?
Aren't u doing that thou
Here are two examples of people who should never be replied to. they are going to die sad, lonely deaths.
Grow some thicker skins. You guys bitched and cried about hunger games and ip2 and ice Poseidon for an entire week and I said nothing
because she's weird, off-putting, and worst of all desperate for attention, especially negative. it's really that simple
finally, creature was added to the site. about time we get some hot women around here
Why does everyone still called by their fake fishtank name except Abi?
>Nina still Letty
>Ariel still Betty
>Claudia still Claire
>Brittany now Abi
I feel sorry for you anon. Hopefully you will find someone who loves you so you won't die alone, you little projecting cutiepie.
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>You were always on my mind
>(You were always on my mind)
>You were always on my mind
You should keep that mindset and say nothing if all you're going to do is post the same tired pictures. We are trying to be nice. if you want to post, by all means post but stop shitting the threads up with your trite shit.
because abi never even tried to keep up character outside the show
ban evasion
that's just what they all call themselves
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>Please be courteous and stop being disruptive while my Jewish gay pedo grifter daddy bribes the mods to allow this off topic streamer thread because he thinks 4chan is his personal army
Hmmm well this isn't 2016 anymore and Sam doesn't have a tv show so imma say nah
Prostitutemaxxing anon here. Should I go for an Asian or a western girl? Price difference isn’t even that much. Not really the yellow fever type and most asian hookers are busted jungle rats and plastic surgery monstrosities
Letty was doing it to distance herself from Jeremy and the revenge porn situation.
Betty is Betty because she's trying to grasp any strand of relevance she can get.
Claire goes under Brietney or whatever as well, she has plenty of aliases.
He really could sue her for slander. she claimed he wanted to fuck his mom too. add that to zero (0) police reports for domestic abuse and he has a good case.
If josiepedos and bettyniggers can spam their same pix here along with the rest of you simps then so can I. Maybe I'll be nice and only put a name on when I decide to do it so you can just filter me and Benleaks.
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that's nice. i'm now adding every image you post to my filter.
unironically get hashed, you mentally ill faggot lmao go die
I would be fine with this, especially if she dies on her way back to Melinda's.
>Sam even copied the logo
just keep going and ruin these threads bro. they're already bad enough. needs to match how fucking horrible this streaming shit has gone and will be going, now that they are having literal fat trannies on
that would be preferable, yeah. thanks.
Legal reasons.
She's still on character when she interacts through chat and stream.
She dropped character minutes in on S2 and we could see a more relaxed, honest version of her on Bitchtank.
We respect xer pronouns here.
She's been called that her whole life.
Can't call him James because he is still mentally a child.
Very esoteric S2 lore.
Don't ask. You will find the snuff films and you don't want that.
checked and a pretty good post other than the claire and abi simping
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>Edits them using filters
Your move
Go to the monger thread on /gif/, unironically.
Personally, I'd just jack off and spend the money on clothes or something.
because she came back on bitchtank as Abi
>ignores you because i dont spend 18 hours a day in these threads like you do
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Marky wasn't lying
That's his real name, no?
you must really hate claire and abi to think that post is simping for them lol
Why does no one care that Sylvia isnt her real name
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Why does everyone still called by their fake fishtank name except Peter?
>TonySimprano still Brian
>Tall Guy still Alex
>Psycho Killa still Richard Smalls
>Pedro now Peter
Yea this is really bad just make a /incel/ for streamer and e celebs already
That's fair
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What do you want to do to Tayleigh?
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Lock her in a room with Q for 30 days.
I mentally blocked her because she is having a child and deserves privacy.
Even before that no one cared and they seethed about letty being a fake name
Monkey gooner physique
because she is honestly one of the most irrelevant fish when you think about it. the only reason she ever gets mentioned is because an anon here got here pregnant. she's shadi/meg-tier
>Tayleigh said her ex bf wanted to fuck his own mother
Sounds like something a scorned ex would say because their bf's parents knew she was no good
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let her exist
>Even before that no one cared and they seethed about letty being a fake name
Because the fanbase is fucking retarded and bought into the production led idea that Letty was the villain of the series so the fanbase shit on her for every single thing she did no matter how trivial.
Jimmy even stated multiple times how he regretted not keeping his mouth shut when he realized everyone was a fan because all hell broke loose after
passionate sex
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I'm confident that Q would not give her the time of day knowing what he knows now. That would probably be torture for him, if anything.
The princess tribulations
I don't even remember her real name that's how forgettable she was
this makes the friendtank taynigger seethe
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Electra complex projection
Can't charge the sarge.
you guys don't think it's kind of creepy to find pictures of these people when they were children?
everyone in the house was so numb at this point
I asked him, he said when he was in highschool his friends went to burn off his chest hair with a road flare (he volunteered) one friend said they give 3rd degree burns so another friend with a really hairy chest tested it on himself first
3rd degree burns occured
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Why did Cole only call out Nina for using an alias and not the others? lmao
Letty could win the swamp olympics
Not at all
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>giving an evil look like he's about to pummel the Rat to death for leading him on
LMFAO i love Q.
Not when they're male, no.
So that was projection this whole time now that we know about the incest duo
i do but weird obsessed autists think getting childhood photos of people and their families is some kind of flex
He's letting Creatures friend stream and they haven't even been on the show.
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What do you want to do to Duanye?
we need ebz to fight him
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Throw him off a cliff if he's again allowed to smoke weed while on the show
If I was ridiculously rich and wanted to be nice I would:
>Get Tay dental and orthodontic care.
>Full medical checkup, hormonal panel
>treat whatever issues her blood tests indicate
>most likely anemia and hypothyroidism
what was this stupid challenge about in this pic?
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How did chris get a blue 4chan badge?
make a tower using uncooked spaghetti and marshmellows. they do it at STEM fairs in high school
Neither have Kalei's friends but they hop on too
lefort 3
Cole is a mid-functioning autistic person and doesn't understand why someone might use an alias, apparently he didn't even hate/possibly liked Letty too lol.
To give him truth serum so he reveals everything he knows about the wiggers.
i want to fuck him
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Abi should shack up with TJ
They both deserve happy endings and the community needs good vibes right now
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they were saying he is a /tv/ poster. making fun of us
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TJ doesnt deserve anything besides a bullet in the head
This is like the faggiest Batman backstory
you must be a pretty sad little man to even think about posting this lol
is this what runs through your head at 11pm?
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he didn't really call her out or even actively dislike her, he just wanted to call her nina instead of letty because of autism
>why the fuck is Sam doing this?
>is he intentionally sabotaging my show?
>why? what the fuck is wrong with him? fuck it's so over
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i don't stand for this abi straightwashing

she is our gay burp queen
bs, why didnt he call betty ariel?
camping was the last consistently good part of s1 until the finale.
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I think the others can be explained away as him not giving enough of a shit to learn or remember their real names.
>what was it like going from the white interior house to the winter cult 70s house?

The S1 house was relatable and boring and all the focus was on the cast
Then the S2 house had so much going on it was a distraction
I appreciate what they were trying to do, but didn't like it at all
I love Xavier so fucking much.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erVSAca6rrw
so hes only autistic about letty and no one else, makes a lot of sense
remember when this was first posted and we thought brian was going to be on brotank.
It felt like production had their shit together and had plans for the season. Oh well
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News over the last 24 hours:
>Summer confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
>Summer is being groomed by Januki and others on discord
>Said discord actively monitors these threads like the creeps they are.
Now creature streams on the fishtank site only? this sucks her streams were comfy

Does she get more or less viewers on the site?
Anyone have the betty leaks? I have the Letty camwhore vids.
Ask him to wash his hands and then shake his hand for carrying Season 2 and putting Claire in her place.
the irony in her posting that is insane
Boring, Late, Nobody cares. Typical MDE problem, running a gimmick into the ground.
who the fuck cares
I can only imagine how pissed Jet was when Tayleigh screamed, "Let's go!"
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ftl has been infiltrated and is now noticeably worse. ever since tay started streaming again there’s been a slight difference. this weekend it’s undeniable that orbiters and twitter fags make up the majority of ftl now. sad
she can get more naked on fishtank possibly?
If my girlfriend started ewhoring towards 4chan i think I might genuinely kill myself.
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if i was isaac i would kill claire and then myself
why is letty upside down
you're all talk
i cannot wait for his commentary on these clips lmao
Benleaks where are you, you autistic freak? I want you to commit this to memory. The one time I need you and you're nowhere to be found.
s1 house made you focus on the the fish and made them seem more interesting by having everything else more boring.

s2 the interesting cool house when nothing was going on made it seem like the season was living up to its full potential by being in such a cool setting.

s2 has better screen grabs and webms. s1 media is not as fun to look at because of the bland house.
Letty Xavier irl stream?
Sam is autistic about female nudity because he unironically worries it might piss off the tradcath groyper(muh coomer porn addict degenerates) side of the audience so no, if anything Jet likely had to tell her to cool down on the sexuality.
Why did /agatha2/ drop her after the Vegas stream with Jeremy? Same with Josie it seems.
>16 hours
more like 24
There was a Summer /agatha2/ thread?
Shinji's friend that steps in the robot in one episode and immediately gets crippled and vanishes from the story
really hope they actually do this
What is their endgame with summer
LOL she triggered Xaviers autism. Based Jace
>i cannot wait for his commentary on these clips lmao
fucking christ its just a clip review? just put him out of his misery he has no fucking idea what he is doing
imma get in the bettycord and report back for you fags januki is a real nigga
quite a bit more viewers for Creature on the site, but we still don't know if Twitch pays better than Goran
He wouldn't do that he still has love for bigolm1 despite it all
there you are you freak. Commit this to memory >>203361682 use your autismo. I command you!

Bettycord is gone. There is only Summercord now.
No, he is releasing a directors commentary you seething faggot. Imagine being this bitter for this long
I remember things better than benfreaks
whats the group name?
yes and the last post was from 6/24/2024
He has the tism though, and he practically lives here. I need this news to be known by anyone that encounters Benfreaks. So everyone basically.
The what now
I'm memorizing it
Thank you Benleaks.
That won't fix her chud lines
goon incorporated
Was she on a date?
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>s3, day 1
>rice counting challenge again
post yfw
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Am I autistic if this made me tear up when it first came out? I am not even kidding. I love Jimmy.
likely just an old pic.
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who is supposed to be lettyseething there? betty?
its going to be rice counting and the fattest girl there will win it again
s1, sylvia won
s2, megan won
its going to fucking happen again
I completely forgot how scared they were of Jimmy sperging out LOL
News for the next OP

News over the last 24 hours:
>Summer confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
>Summer is being groomed by Januki and others on discord
>Said discord actively monitors these threads like the creeps they are.
nothing wrong with this whiney nigger
Clare when you ctrl+f i want you see that you should kill yourself
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Her kiwifarms thread is probably more extensive
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>me in bed watching it go down at 4:05 am since it took that long for Dexter and Rajneesh to get there.
I am going to marry Creature.
you should probably try spelling her name right.
jimmy only spergs out on 110 blonde girls delaney was safe.
fatties don't want to waste food
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You don't remember the pat downs and ben searching the house for knives?
I have a soft spot for Jimmy but Tayleigh's retarded voice ruins it for me.
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*Claire you should kill yourself you 3rd place dog faced cunt
dis nigga stupid as hell
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Letty wanted to experience what it was like to be Australian. She felt sick afterwards sadly but said it was fun.
random agatha2 poster's gf, just thought it was funny
hi kato <3
>holy shit I really believe I’m on a real reality show and not some internet prank humiliation ritual
>creature ruining her stream with a methhead retard

oh well
its tradition
i dont understand how you can watch jimmy and legitimately hate him. of course he's cringe, but if you actually feel anger towards him you are probably worse than he is
she doesnt deserve a kiwifarms thread, hasnt done anything interesting in 8 months
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>110 lb blonde girls

yeah… no
most josie simps stayed on /bant/
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Xavier just wants to take Letty out on a date kek.
Her cunt is crazy hairy.
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made some fresh guac and chorizo tacos for dinner. bottle of natural red wine with it. what have you guys been up to?
Just how I like it.
Sad her only use is to be raped
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Normally I would say that a woman filming herself sucking on a black dildo and uploading the video to Twitter would be a sign of mental illness...but after seeing what a psycho this januki guy is, I think Betty may have been acting rationally. She had to get rid of him somehow.
i just never want to hear or see him again. it’s not hate it’s annoyance
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not really and not always
That... actually is a very plausible scenario. I never considered this. You've opened my eyes anon.
My gf hated when I would browse 4chan I can't even imagine what her reaction would be if I was an Agatha e-girl poster
Damn that looks good, I cleaned up my place a little bit and went on the computer
I thought about it before and of course betty would be the type to take it that far
and still you couldn't keep her. maybe stop being a pushover faggot
(formerly small)
Kent hospital was probably a wake up call for her unfortunately her meds don't prevent her from dating losers from vegas or talking to discord fags like januki/camel
he only likes dog girls
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this methhead on Creature's stream has probably hit more times than yall will ever get in ur life
I broke up with her and kicked her out of my house
Sure you did.
this is why everyone hates bettypedos. your whore is demented and you fuckers cant stop justifying her
She hangs around the trashiest dudes. Except for Zake. We love Zake.
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imagine if that ugly girl Julianna got breast cancer and died from it
that's her brother lol
not our faults women are awful
>2AM in FL
>Fat piggy Taylor is stuffing her face with a pub sub
>Greenshark works at Publix to give her free subs and gambling money
>He's out on the late shift
>She's getting ready to find a john at the casino
>Suddenly her phone rings
>It's TJ
>"I miss you"
>She quickly replies, "I miss you too"
>Next thing she knows a facetime comes through
>It's Abi
>She's riding TJ
>Taylor cannot look away
>She hears TJ say "Abi, you were the best freeloader on S2"
>Abi responds while looking directly at Taylor, "Do you promise?"
>TJ screams "YES" and busts
>Taylor ends the call
no it isn't
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It's true I got sick of the bullshit she always drunk and annoying like claire
imagine she got a masectomy and then huge fucking bolt ons after. imagine bimbofied ratto.
We are discussing Januki's RAPE of Summer anon. Why are you sitting idly by talking about Betty when Summer is being actived RAPED on discord by Januki and Hollow Camel and Belcher?
The januki internet defense force is out tonight
Zake is literally repulsive
Well the 2 vids I have sure show a hairy but pretty pussy
chris lynch was funny this night
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Don't forget about their leader
I like the webm where theyre all coming down the stairs and it shows bex, taylor and josies fridge bodies
nta but no-one likes januki or the bettypedos, alright? they all should be put down
I just woke up. Nice food anon
Name him anon. Say his name!
Shes a known bush activist
I haven't let a girl dump me since I was 13 I either dump them or they die lol
I've saved the s2 clips for content draughts like these.
I'm on the new years clip and LMAO at Sam and Jets reactions to Tayleigh screeching like a banshee
why do you keep bringing up Betty? Januki is actively GROOMING SUMMER. Check this post. >>203361682
it’s funny cause she has very small tits so there’s less actual mass for a tumor to develop on so it’s more unlikely. and also she’s a stupid bitch
How do we save her bros
You can't hide your crimes any more >>203361682 she slipped up
looks awesome man, i love chorizo. >>203362432
i had to turn my volume slider down watching that clip. i hate tayleigh.
You already know who it is
It's a harsh world. truly grim
heard stories that januki would comb through people's facebook accounts to find pictures of them. If it's true Summer should keep away from him
it's the opposite for me. I've spent so much money on strippers and escorts.
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Was she ugly and stupid too?
It’s so hard to keep caring about all this bullshit and now I gotta keep track of some faggot named Januki because he’s obsessed with a girl that was on the show for a day over a year ago
those are totally implants
But think of all the insider lore you wouldn't have otherwise
It's more for the record anon. So people browsing in the future can see how it all went down.
this is the clip that got taylor fired from dealing poker.
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Not ugly I posted her nudes on bant before just stupid (like all women)
This was fucking weird and I still don't think anyone has posted a plausible explanation for this.
What the FUCK was this about?
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what was the point? did they really think they were that cool?
get out of here newfag
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they sure dont move like implants
not all women are stupid, your mom is very smart
watching this live was crazy. shame it didn't really have a payoff
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What were they even sperging about? they already knew about Jimmy's handlers by then
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januki is pretty based even if he doesnt orbit betty, but because he orbits betty kinda a fag
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They're not and there's plenty of proof. If you don't know how tits work go outside and get laid or watch an educational video about female anatomy.
They were looking for codewords and other hints that night and just decided to fuck with Jimmy with the advil bottle. I totally forgot Delaney was even in the room during this nonsense.
I love my mom but she is still a woman
A fine dinner, my fellow Sammy Sweetheart. :^)
Clayton is taller than jordan so I doubt he'll do anything
yeah that escort you fucked 10 years ago was really hot
it's so fucked up that you know this
If Tayleigh is on S3 I will never watch this trash slop again. Fucking whore.
Nobody fucking cares
>If Tayleigh is on S3 I will never watch this trash slop again. Fucking whore.
nobody cares fuck off
kek this is exactly what I was going for, thx.
lol I used to live with her she was not an escort
Guys any of you sick of this shit yet? I like posting here I like you guys but it’s getting hard to give a fuck about like Tayleighs streams and some annoying girl with fucked up bangs being mad. You guys wanna find some other interest? Like can we get into birdwatching or something and start an /ftl/ birdwatching general where we shitpost about fucking birds or something.
I don’t really know shit about birds but I saw a cardinal today in my yard and that was more interesting than like Scott Sullivan mma getting fired or whatever.
fuck jet Neptune and his gay ass show let’s go on hikes and find black capped chicadees and stuff
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To the current and former Tayriots, what is wrong with all of you? How do any of you still have the will to live?
trish, letty, vance, jimmy, claire, duanye, chris and tayleigh are all on season 3 and it's going to be horrible and you're going to watch it.
>resized image
i like how you took the time to resize this thinking anyone but the other 3 clairebears care
everyone cares actually. Nobody will watch this trash if that meth whore is on. She sucks energy like a vampire Jordie.
I could care less about the nontent or the drama I'm just chilling watching movies
>Scott Sullivan mma getting fired
wait what? i'm very interested in this news.
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>everyone cares actually. Nobody will watch this trash if that meth whore is on. She sucks energy like a vampire Jordie.
Nobody cares dude, you'll watch this slop like the drone you are and pay Sam the shekels he deserves.
well he was seething about his boss who fired him and talked for 10 minutes about how he was gonna call him up and tell him how it is and demand his money for his last week worked and railed on the boss for being an asshole and how he was probably gonna be a dick about it and how he's gonna destroy him
then he called him
>how's it going scott
>you're gonna pay me for the last two days worked
>yeah we are
>ok. anything else you wanna say?
>i think that's it
>alright bye
from his other manual labor job he was bitching about his boss and crying about how much his life sucks and shit
that's just what my cropping tool outputs files as

Tayleigh's pussy is destroyed and walled. She's a meth whore. Nasty bitch. And her dumb redneck mom is too stupid to get better internet. She will forever stream pixilated to retarded fag's like Wes FOREVER. in purgatory.
Why didn't he just Jiu-Jitsu his problems away?
I guess fishtank.live streaming ain't paying the bills
holy matrimony with creature
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nice recycled gibberish, we've loved seeing the same exact post all summer faggot
claire kato big gay drama picking back up, expect kato stream
her mom will always watch the office at 4k
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>Like can we get into birdwatching or something and start an /ftl/ birdwatching general where we shitpost about fucking birds or something.
Fuck yeah, brother. Yesterday, I saw an Eastern Towhee. Let's also stop posting ugly bitches and finally start posting hot chicks.
is that one sketchy guy still on stream reacting to every comment?
I will keep posting it too. Just to make you seethe. Ha. HAHAHAHA.
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What was the deal with Jimmy always trying to do front flips?
Not even Wes is there anymore it's just brock and her chat baiting her into getting mad.
should have joined the fantasy football league.
I really enjoyed the anon posting about the different birds they saw and heard during Bloodgames
just a weird gag
we wanted him to break his neck
By putting Januki back in the cuck chair where he belongs
sometimes people do weird gags, okay?
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Nice try virgin. Here's more proof!
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how did he go from some guy who posts on ftl to actually getting on the show?
impressive lack of commitment on the flip
> /ftl/ birdwatching general
Post birbs
it's #bitchtank4ever and you haters are SO MAD
i'm surprise the other groomer doesn't get a mention
>how did he go from some guy who posts on ftl to actually getting on the show?
That's half of fishtank since s2
there's more than 1 groomer?
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well played
because he was working with the show before he was on /ftl/. he was a production plant on /bant/ and you marks all got worked.
he was also very drunk
he auditioned for a vampire. seems like all of the new people/orbiters were cast from old bloodgames auditions
this is badideas by the way, making whomever he seethes at look good in comparison.
i wish you were dead man
who is this fucked up beaner cartel looking dude on creature's stream?
He got upset with everyone calling him docile and actually did something
that's fair
buddy, they only let groomers on the show
yeah i was in one of betty's telegrams and they were shitting on some aussie called sovic, he was trying to pimp her out and was working on autismfishy as well
He just had "it"
madison beer looks very uncanny and very large like a prosthetic
who fucking cares about these faggots?
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oh shit i saw that even skull hyde destroyed him kek
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birds are fucking dicks.
Jimmy looks like a completely different person in countenance when someone like Sam is screaming
christ I want to SNIFF AND EAT her pussy
there's an aussie rn orbiting betty on the bbg is it him ?
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reminder that there are two (2) bettypedophiles replying to themselves in this thread, do not take their bait and just ignore them
richard never posted
He was trying to pimp out a 600lb transvestite?
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i like abi more
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I don't know but this is the pimp's twitter
There’s way more than that not even mentioning the bettycels in hiding scared to come out to say it loud & proud
probably he seemed like a dumbass in the telegram
I want to know more about this januki and sovic. where do they get off on pimping girls out?
evidence for the eventual Summer rape case.
Better entertainment event than Dunc 2 or Longlegs or Furiosa or whatever other BS people hyped up this year.
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I wish he would post more videos
Australians are evil
You didn't hear this from me but januki was planning on visiting summer talking about plane tickets thats all i can say without giving myself away
I don't know anything januki doing any pimping other than what i've seen in these threads, he just struck me as a hardcore simp, sovic being a pimp comes from my time in their telegram when everyone was shitting on him for trying to do it to betty and calling him a rat and stuff
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I like Dua Lipa more
She should be on S3
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Will she ever get her comeuppance?
who gives a shit. wont be the first time an egirl gets beheaded by her simp.
post screens please
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Someone told me Tayleigh is actually going to be on S3, any actual proof to this?
>he fell for the Richard is Q meme
I did but I also don’t care about football much anymore and especially fantasy football I grew out of that in my early 20’s
Bant would never lie
When did januki start simping for summer ? he doesn't even follow her on twitter
>Someone told me Tayleigh is actually going to be on S3, any actual proof to this?
She is the host for the first two weeks of S3 until the rugpull happens.
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I smoked sativa now I'm kinda paranoid I usually smoke indicas
dua is pure sexo
she's too powerful for the tank
Damiel live
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cryo the cops are coming RIGHT NOW
how do you groom an adult what are you even saying
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None of the bitches on Bitchtank could ever shake their asses as well as her
true, is there anymore lore on this sovic ?
I’ve been cloudwatching. Just sitting at the park and watching clouds go by with my sunglasses on.
god damn finally something different
Haha once I ate a custom high loaded edible many years ago and I was on the floor so afraid of that haha
She has a secret account
10 hours
That's what I don't understand about all this as well, but it's fun to read
yeah and i follow it, januki doesn't follow her and summer doesn't follow him
You have to build a tolerance, king. Keep smoking that good shit!
Q, you're fine. You can stop running interference now.
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Will you donate to TTS if Cryo is allowed on the site?
.. more than you :)
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There's also Hollow Camel, Goose, Belcher, Bloop(I think?), I forget all the names, they aren't super memorable. Since you were in there, who are the rest of them? Someone needs to save Summer!
I don't think you're going to want those bud
Get this fat faggot out of my sight
the clock is ticking. sodaman knows
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Fr weed
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>Someone needs to save Summer!
You should do it
what i saw was all those guys shitting on the aussie dude for being a pimp, most of the names seem right, skull hyde ruined that telegram with his constant posting
Death to both of you
Summers secret account. pic related.
Cryo do you also play elden ring?
Why can you and your goner group leave summer alone
i'll have a look to see if i still have some screenshots from that telegram, it was kinda funny
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>Caused Tayleigh to have a schizo meltdown because she thought he was stalking her (he just wanted to see the S2 house and check out the address leak for Bloodgames/S3 that wasn't even right)
>Still got on Fishtank before Tayleigh's bf who has said he would give up his first born to get on
Q/Richard won. Cuckbuddy lost.
This is either the most boring life blogging ever or full of the sickest most degenerate shit possible.
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It's an extremely sad state of affairs when fucking Summerposting is a welcome refresher to the coal these threads have been plagued with
No, I've been streaming myself playing Yakuza like a dragon infinite wealth on kick tho I also play deadlock (badly)
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If I need to dismantle you physically with the training I have received from ScottSullivanMMA I will anon. I will save Summer and if I must break your body to do it then so be it.
LQ, why did you simp for Methleigh?
Remember when he constantly bragged to Q about how he was going to fuck her and then proceeded to lose to Jordan
LQ and Q both dodged a bullet.
Isn't he some old fag from the UK? Jesus summer this is why you keep getting raped
i didn't
>why would a guy messing with Q ever taunt him about having sex with tayleigh???
he's fookin scootish
when i was in the telegram i think he said he was 30 ?
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Januki, why do you try to groom mentally handicapped women?
that's a good story but richard isn't qanon and juliana said so
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yeah so shut up about all that gay simp shit guys. If you wanna start getting mildly into birds you should download the Merlin Bird ID app. you can click listen like Shazam and it ID’s whatever bird it hears and you can catalogue all the birds you’ve encountered. you can also log birds by sight with a loose description and where you are. I’ve learned a lot about what birds sound like from this and built a small but respectable list of logged birds.
to put it in gay guy virgin terms for some you guys it’s like catching the birds like a pokemon. gotta catch em all. more interesting than gossiping about faceless discord simps for girls on the show. stop doing that to yourself guys. Birds
you got me, bettycel, now allow me to go back to posting anonymously
the freaks are out tonight huh
share obscure fishtank lore that everyone missed

my contribution: jon asked letty to kiss him for his challenge vs jimmy during bloodgames first. letty rejected him and told him to use a charisma potion on someone. She was talking about this alone in base camp before everyone was summoned to a canyon event
based chatter
Nice job doxing yourself
45 minute long Trish farting compilation
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Why do you let B*ttypedos live rent-free in your head? lmao
but why is that worth caring about
This guy
Yeah I also caught this, the audio was insanely low and they werent visible on cam
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So they just found a guy who looks and acts exactly like Q? l00000l
Juliana was probably told not to reveal that richard is Q
yeah I live in Massachusetts come get me
there is one deranged guy constantly bringing me up and so i assume you must be him. i dont think about them and i wish they all went away.
i like the sargeposting btw
yeah why talk about fishtank when we can talk about this januki nigger and his pack of bettypedos
There was a dude in these threads during Bloodgames who was cataloguing all the birds he could hear on stream. No idea how accurate it was but it was cool seeing him add news ones every few days lol.
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This guy also.
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Trish is just strait up posting Escort ads now like Shinji

We entered the Grim Timeline

Tayleigh and Claire Hawk Tuah blow jobs for $20 when
I don’t want that either I just want to talk about fucking birds or some other shit man
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You lost to Jordan btw lmao
need s3 asap. jet, at least put a trailer out or something so we can discuss that.
DRAMA UPDATE: Kato has deleted the tweets about Abi and posted picrel
That's Peter retard
share an obscure piece of fishtank lore NOW, bitch
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>i dont think about them and i wish they all went away
Let's just kill them all
>i like the sargeposting btw
Hell yeah, brother! Cheers
cooling off kato ngl
same normie shit that you could find on her old tumblr account
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Why do you keep bringing up Betty when no one else is? These guys are grooming and raping Summer right now. Summer. This is who we're talking about.
Yeah, spergs all sound the same and people around Boston look like that.
The Entity is forgotten and not talked about anymore. One time an alien came out at night in s1
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>still living rent-free
no one gives a fuck, stop samefagging
abi W kato L
What is his shirt? Does it say HA HA or are those supposed to be stiches or something
She's just modeling Oliver's merch. It must be an old pic too from around the end of S2 because her eyebrows are still grim and fucked up in that. She briefly promoted those shitty loveamerica clothes too.
Not samefagging and it’s true none of this has anything to do with Betty and hasn’t for a good while
Q still hasn't been doxxed even though Tayleigh told Jimmy and Molesto to find him.

Cuckbuddy got doxxed just from his Twitter name and location.
Ah. Why does it look and feel like a prostitute ad? Lmao
Nice job editing the TonySimprano part out
i didnt even say shit about betty, just bettypedos who you people evidently are
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Yet another Abi victory. This autistic elf is dangerous.
She's just modelling clothes be nice to Trish asshole.
It wasn't even mean wtf?
not samefagging.
>I live in mass
I'm sorry
Trish called me disgusting and probly blocked me. Fuck Trish.
I thought he would be some fat guy, dude looks ok, ghillie suit is a bit faggy though
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didn't that fat fuck goosmus and a bunch of other twitter orbiters wanted to dox Q as well?
get a job bitch
That’s not him he’s fat
think that's a you problem man
Yeah he always pissed the faggot orbiters off.
ok so season 1during the immunity always stay moving challenge not only did they unfairly chain Letty to Chris (who then took a shit and Letty had to go in with him and watch him shit which was fucked) but then they randomly disqualified her for “stopping” when she clearly was still shuffling her feet while chained to Chris when the wording was “always stay moving” not keep walking it was rigged from the start and they just wanted Vance or Josie to get immunity cause they knew a Vance vs Josie elimination would be boring and gay cause they’re both boring and spineless
She's right, you are disgusting and obese
q wont be doxxed because jet will DM you and tell you he's working for them and they dont want tayleigh to find out because she'd be pissed
Wtf was her problem exactly? Abi shitposting on chat?
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Found some screens
you didnt count the pixels, fucking retard
Glad we can agree on something.
>does almost nothing on shows
>never posts again (he’s a massive attention whore narcissist)
Why would they have even brought on Q for that bit? The joke was that they were trying to convince some random Craigslist guy that they stumbled upon some sort of sex traffickin scheme.
Tay isn't sucking your dick, Keen
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yeah basically abi being catty saying she wanted to give kato a makeover and saying she was stupid for inviting jacob over and asking for it.
>6k a month for piss videos
Wtf is she talking about
It was great. Goosmus was having a breakdown and that fag Cucker got drunk and depressed.
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Hawk Tuah
stupid jewish whore tried to kill herself lmao
Eric seems to coast by somehow but he is one of the more dark ones of the group
no honestly it’s a lot better than your shit hole state my town is very rich and nice and filled with nice white families and anything I could ever want is within a 30 minute drive and the weather is idyllic with all four seasons making you feel the breadth of humanity
i believe it, she was massively popular after season 1. everyone was excited to see a based trad nazi slut herself out and shit on that whore nina.
go to your general and air out your bullshit there
oh no not the pixels. not samefagging. eat a dick.
It's not I live in NH
stop posting these or we will be forced to go to the next step
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nevermind she's based
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>Earn $800 for selling betty's piss videos.
>everyone was excited to see a based trad nazi slut herself out and shit on that whore nina.
you arielpedos are bizzare, no wonder why that kike whore despises her simps
Why is Januki now doing to Summer what he claims Sovic was doing in this pic?
why is the entire fishtank.live chat just people talking with claire rn? is it always like this or is abicord trying to piss off kato?
you exposed yourself. remember: you mess with the Bull, you get the Horns
Me nigga
this reads like he isn't, some anon said he doesn't even follow her on twitter
That's not life-changing money but it would go a long way. Just pee in a cup or something at that point.
Don't fucking reply to me LGBTQ MAP Sam Hyde AKA Whippet Wigger AKA scam/hyde AKA Toilet Taylor AKA Bussyleaks AKA Blue Eyes White Wigger AKA Red Eyes Blacked Betty AKA Jet Badson AKA Jet Failson AKA Jet No Goodson AKA Jiggle Bliccy
She is the only entertaining thing in the site rn
She only has like 50 twitch viewers and they're all broke
kys claire
If I lived in New England I would be crashing all these ftl and mde related things
image limit sorry guys
If I had to live amongst the mongrels and junkies in New Hampshire I’d probably kill myself. At least live in Maine for the nature
Bulls get slaughtered.
gay fags come up with theories for there gay fagginess because no content
she has less, januki viewbots her. but a little over a year ago she had tons. she threw it all away to coom nasty style.
you forgot Sam Lied
so you want to protect a pimp ? curious are you the pimp in question
Kato owes me cuddles
good point I probably could but it’s easier to just call them gay online
Y'all can't drive tho and your cities are overrun with Dominican and Puerto Rican drug dealers
the aussie probably does post here, he's the one that created the current betty thread
can you explain to me why this "random Craigslist guy" started fighting a homeless man and holding the rat's head like it was a stick shift all while having the same autistic mannerisms as Q?
don’t you guys feel a deep existential sadness posting about some random chatter simp named januki or skull hyde or whatever? doesn’t that just make you feel like shit? don’t you have a moment of pause like what the fuck am I doing? who cares?
stfu jancucki or hollowcamel or jt you're all degenerate porn freaks who get off on corrupting girls
Nah these threads are a constant stream of garbage either way when there's no active season
You're pretty insightful for a former junkie
wrong Boston and surrounding area is whiter than fucking Salem or Manchester or Nashua or whatever disgusting shitholes you claim.
I love driving 20 minutes passing historic fenway park going by the citgo sign to my favorite independent movie theater and not seeing one junkie or drug dealer just all college kids with rich parents.
I go up to Nashua for something and the parking lot is filled with heroin needles
I will never apologize for trying to save Summer from LITERAL RAPE. You should be ashamed of yourself.
That's a lie faggit and you know it
Go accept refugees into your home cuck boy
Stay out of my state you guys suck at driving
We are forever United against massholes we need to purge their shit state off the map

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