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The summercords days are numbered edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Josie finally showed up
• Kato accused Jacob of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

last thread: >>203363924
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Total Betty love
summer became a non-person to me the minute she claimed she kicked a pregnant woman in the stomach. people that simp over her are scum of the earth.
summer is a woman
use an apostrophe to denote possession next time please
summer is a man
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Summer could have easily sued fishtank into complete ruins. Getting dropped off at the airport with no help in the middle of a mental breakdown was fucked. Too bad she's retarded.
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Based fuck breeders
Reminder that TJ is NOT a cheater and is in love with Taylor!
>TJ knew this girl for years before Taylor and mentioned her to Taylor when they first chatted on fishtank
>Taylor used to follow her
>TJ kept following Taylor for days after she moved
>TJ liked her reels even after she left for Florida
>The way Taylor’s tweet is worded implies that there were no sexual or romantic messages between TJ and the mixed girl
>Taylor has provided no evidence of any of her claims
>TJ only posted a three word response and didn’t throw her under the bus
>TJ didn’t delete the photo of them at the Adam Friedland standup show
>Dallas (who is still active on instagram) and Ethan still follow TJ
>TJ unfollowed a bunch of girls on instagram
>TJ made sure to turn down the wench in CK3 (he’s not a home wrecker)
>Ethan was watching TJ’s stream (possibly Taylor watching on his account)
>said his roommate (Carter) was not sexy and attractive
>TJ said he wished it worked out with Taylor
>TJ said he wouldn’t change meeting Taylor
>TJ said he appreciated Taylor being around
>TJ said he didn’t get black pussy
>TJ said his favorite part is s2 used to be something else (meeting Taylor) but that changed
>said he wouldn’t know how the (black) pussy was
>said there was not even emotional cheating
>said that his parents liked Taylor and that there wasn’t much for them to complain about
>said that the movie MRS doubtfire was not a healthy way to handle a breakup
>confirmed he doesn’t have a new girlfriend
>Said he liked to think that him and Taylor were the fishtank royal couple
>said he drank more because Taylor left
Don't forget the days of anal rape.
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Claire is the glitter bomb that we'll never be able to get rid of!! No matter how hard you try /our/ girl is just gonna keep sparkling~~
Did the website break?
Did Summer's brother ever finish with filing that lawsuit?
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The beautiful Jan.
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Channing was supposed to help her find a lawyer but she probably couldn't afford one either way plus if that happened Sam and jet would have sent their discord trannies to harass her for life
No wonder he only shows his eyes
So far, his streams have been my favourite.
The lengths production will go through for a gaslight is impressive these days.
you get rid of glitter with the vacuum that sucked off airsoftfatty.
Haven’t seen this in a while, love it so much lol
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GET IN HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
>1 hour
Damn u
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I don't think she meant to hurt anyone she was having a mental breakdown after Sam and jet made her stay in a doghouse for days without her meds she probably thought the people in the airport were members of production trolling her
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evening all, how's it swingin' :D
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We can still save her guys. #SaveSummer
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Good evening today I heard a rumour that JOSIE IS A SIZE QUEEN
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Chris would make a great villain in a found footage horror movie. Just give him no clothes and a machete.
i didnt realize that there was a new thread please refer to my last two posts. thanks.
trying to get another shot of fatty ass at the end gets me kek
you guys ever browse archived /ftl/ threads and want to yell at the ineptitude of some of the posters? One guy was complaining about the season 1 archive being "all MKV's and thus being a bitch to work with" when and MKV is nothing more than an encapsulation and one could literally script the demuxing of the video and audio source with incredible ease?
Normies hate mkv for some reason
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Watching the TJ Taylor part of the s2 episodes is going to be like watching family movies before your parents got divorced.
I forgot how much Scott tried to insert himself into STAR POWER kino lmfao
what a mess of a woman
need both of them licking and sucking on my shaft ASAP
How long has Creature's stream been going?
You can save her
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Far too long
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a certifiable girl on a ton of meds smoking dank, no way that ends poorly
>Tay thought this was Q
dumb fucking fried brained druggie cunt
I'd rather not. After the voicemails I realised shes beyond all help
Why do all these freaks want to be streamers when they are shit at videogames and have no personality?
Finally. Even the Korean's didn't stream today. It's dry out here
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>you could have asked me before you took the sword out of my hands.
Save Summer. Januki is a predator. Betty was corrupted by the evil simp. Do you want to see summer off her meds pissing in a Nazi SS helmet on a trampoline? I don't think so
playing modded GTA IV is a lot like smoking meth. Once you take your first spin you can't go back.
the s1 archives were actually shit because the mkv files were broken and didn't have proper header data, meaning you had to remux them if you wanted to be able to seek them

you shouldn't be using the archive clips for season 1 anyway because the TeamSimmons and Racist Cat Collective torrents were much better
Wendys sucks
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Where did it even come out that Vance broke up with his alien hapa gf? I just remember her being referred to his ex all of a sudden.
yeah. who cares. yeah.
>Why do people want to get paid to do nothing???

Yeah it's a real mystery
I honestly have no idea they're probably still dating
He is worse than jet in terms of how much he inserts himself into bits and making them less funny by result
They're getting paid in tokens and fishbux. It's a bad deal
remuxing is easy though, it's a 5 minute bash script at most for the entire archive. Also aren't those torrents poorly seeded? If there's a proper working archive why hasn't anyone made anything available? I'm not even talking about edited footage. Most if not all this work can be automated.
nah because when the jimmy doxxing drama was happening im pretty sure vance himself called her his ex, also obscure vance lore of that he has night terrors and she calms him down. I wonder if it had to do with him fucking off during the holidays for weeks at a time to hang out with sam instead of her,
Nifty was trying so hard to ruin the bit she's such a bitch
iirc it all came out on/around his birthday
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Night terrors? The fuck? Did fishtank give him PTSD?
Jet is taking 60% and there's no guarantee it's even gonna be paid in cash it's a bad deal.
Is Fishtank the only streaming website
i don't recall him giving a reason, just that they happen a lot and she calms him down. well he has been alone for so long now how many nights does vance wake up in fear that we are unaware of, it breaks my heart to think about, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmbCOMM8peo
Is ANYONE seeding them anymore? I'm guessing not
You guys hate Jimmy because he's an unfunny faggot
I hate Jimmy because he hit & abused my dear Peter
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i miss season 2 so fucking much
I doubt this fishshows shit made them more than 1k in actual sales of tokens. Its just people using tokens they bought during the sale before bitchtank. No way they sold a single season pass.
I guess this is a decent way to get pigs to waste their tokens so they buy more for s3 but its not profitable right away
It might as well be for nobody loser orbiters.
we are never going to get kino like this ever again
According to 4chan /tv/ yes
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most boring fish from s2? bonus points for no meg
I have debated posting this so, so many times.
This is my 7th draft. I might as well put it out there.

When I was 21, I was backpacking in Japan. I was brutally raped by the man you all know as Shinji Kawasaki.
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i've been scraping most of the music i link here from /mu/ but there's been so much linkin park and boomer shit like foo fighters i can't trust the content anymore

what is the line between trolling and poor taste?
JC, she was not very memorable
boy howdy does Creature smoke a lot of marijuana, is this normal on her streams?
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Hugging Josie
Thats her personality. "Woah dude weed bro" + twerking
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we need to start a /ftl/ fantasy football league
a few anons did already
vance 100%
give me sumsum's social
Vance wasn't a fish in s2
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Gorden beeto…
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Kill yourself pedophile
Why are these threads allowed to stay up in between seasons now?
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dude.... i'm sorry.
She's 58 you sick fuck
The jannies gave up and no one wants to go back to bant because of Betty
agreed when it comes to s1. was a piss off back then too cause anyone pointing it out in the threads would just get a "yeah" reply
woops... if i cant choose meg then its brian or jc
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stop asking questions, nigger

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princess letty
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Lol she has full agency and is an adult. Can't figure it out? Too bad.
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The tearful JC
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Jesus Christ
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You weren't his first victim, and you surely won't be his last.
Why would you pack a cone just to light up a quarter of it?

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>Cole is a 3
>Brian is 7 or 8, his personality brings him up to 9
king cole wouldnt want you anyways you hag
>white and asian
My fetish
>3,000 steps
>10 Hours
>most fish have blocked him
hey cole
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>his personality brings him up to 9
What mods? I want to replay it some time with mods but I never got around to setting it up.
wes finally brought rolls back
These last few threads have been a shocking glimpse into the mind of schizo simps inventing scenarios to insert themself into, truly chilling how detailed the delusional conspiracies are able to get from just a few stale crumbs of reality.

Everything they say about bant being a hive of the worst stalker psychos seems very true.
Now you see why we don't want to go back there?
The biggest winners also have the most haters
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Im sick of seeing this fat ungroomed faggot doing dreamworks faces
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Shit's getting crazy already
She has little girl lungs
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fishtank mogged
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indian harry potter
You should stop being a pussy and unblock Tay and do something to make her block you.
Riding an elephant is way cooler than riding Jet Neptune's weird mushroom head penis
Too far...
I guess the millions of other tourists who pay to do this shit also mogged fishtank
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bro everything mogs fishtank
He's a cartoon, so it's only appropriate
No he is a fat and ugly manchild
>Fishtank mogged by millions
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is an angel
elephants are such beautiful mysterious creatures
Dream female fishtank reverse gangbang rotation?
that's debatable
isn't this the nigger that threatened to rape that twitch whore live on her stream and got away with it?
content alert: https://kick.com/suspendas
elephants worship the moon. they're dumb idiots because they don't worship the one true abrahamic God.
They're pretty cool but I feel bad for them they're often treated poorly or maybe I've just been psyod by dumbo
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This seems like the dumbest shit to be into. Like even dumber than reality shows on TV.

Reexamine your lives.
replace letty with cleh
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speed just crashed a tuktuk LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
kys claire
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Marky was a TIGHT little piece
For me:
errm replace bex with Josie wosie
I want the whole bpd experience
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sorry bro im busy watching sam peppers tuktuk stream rn
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It's okay she's not real
it's fine, incels who only see Perfect Princess Pussy in their goon material will think it's beat
I'm ashamed to have had a big crush on her and to have boosted #bringbacksummer throughout Season 2 up until the hospital calls leaked.
It's not great I wouldn't go down on her or anything but whatever
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The Holy Bextain
It’s very brown. Odd colouration
No shame in that she is sexy and attractive
ngl i think i just had the most regrettable fishwank
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I believe Tayleigh said that Vance told her that she'll likely have vivid nightmares for a while whrn season 2 ended, I'm curious if he had night terrors before the show, or if they became a thing after he did season 1.
There's nothing wrong with it. I reall don't understand why fags in here complain about it. I swear they must be gay or just shit posting.
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lupka quits the trip because shes shy to fart and poop around sam
Hot steamy sweaty sex in the middle of a rave with bex
Fishtank ruins lives
Letty's blowjob video was okay but could've been better
I'm getting mixed messages here. Can I get a rating from 1 being the worst pussy on earth to 10 being the best?
So far I've noticed none of the fishtank girls are very good at recording sex videos
why the fuck are you always here? fucking druggie
Trannies in the girls bathroom everyone.

harry plopper haha
It's not roast beef so basically good
He lost his legs to a fishtank contestant in 2018.
Because most of them aren't whores.
She's an innie with no roast beef and puffy. These fags are just complaining because it's hairy and not entirely pink.
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Yea the bad lighting and shitty webcam make her skin look yellow/grey tinted too plus the unkempt hair I would have scrapped that one and tried again
keyword: was. Busted as hell nowadays
Shinji because I either couldn't or didn't want to understand what he was saying.
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I still would
She was drunk and it was never suppose to be seen by the public. It's revenge porn all of it.
scott if you're reading this, i love you
There can be a perception that a trainer who is overweight might lack the discipline or knowledge to help clients reach their fitness goals.
I want Trish to be my monogamous wife.
How many videos has Greenshark made for her now? I was surprised when he was still doing it like 2 months after the show ended, but it’s fucking September
Oh, for sure, but I should have listened to my brain instead of my penis.
speed is about to get fucked up in muay thai

get in here!!!!
against all odds, scott perseveres
i have no idea which /tv/ character this is but this is so hot mmh
off-topic niggercoal
She's a famous actress
i wonder what he gets paid. she doesn't have a job or parents to give her money so i'm wondering where she gets money to pay him.
maybe he does it for free? maybe she leads him on?
I would say 85% of her content is edited by greenshark, she tried to edit few videos by herself.
didn't mean to link the markypost
back in medieval times, people had so much time on their hands that they used it to do things that they liked to do for free.
some would help with statues
some would help clean up or build the towns
nowadays, people like that waste it on whores who won't fuck them. we call them simps and we hate them for a good reason.
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>my niche shitty low budget "reality show" is on topic but this streamer that is watched by literal millions isn't
Go make a thread about it then and see what happens. No sarcasm I'd like to see what the jannies would do.
haha dude have you listened to cumtown?
Greenshark is a weirdo simp who does it for free and excepts pussy for a reward. It has been speculated that he is the one who fed Taylor ideas of him cheating to sabotage their relationship.
is this the niggerfight general? i don't think it is.
>hey guys i know this is the breaking bad general but i really like pokemon ash ketchum make my dick go doki doki pikachu is so cool why are you guys so upset that i'm posting here lol?
You already know if it doesn't have /ftl/ in the title it gets deleted
look at the title of the thread you in braindead nigger
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this is a livestreamer general
twitch streamers aren't fishtank, cx or ip2, brainlet.
Stop crying about content and go watch some losers sleep on fishtank.live
its kick not twitch, newfag
Then it's off topic. These fags should be grateful that /ftl/ exists.
If Sam and jet are going to shit up our board with off topic bs then we have a right to shit up that thread too fishtrannies
ok retard
If Sam Hyde spit in your face and tapped your nuts you'd say thank you sir may I have another
the 10 fishtank samefags that post in this thread only post about mid egirls anyway, fishtank was never good
i would rather see the posts about interesting streamers
stop posting gay faggot fousey he's a soulless mud and needs to go
new thread
Is the 25-29 the most mentally raped cohort of young people? Seems like a spiritual wasteland age bracket
He's pretty funny we need more schizo people that irl
>abloobloo waaah waaah you should post about what i want instead of what you want
glad we're making you seethe. feel free to leave whenever you want, we're gonna keep talking about what we like. nice little cherry on top knowing it makes you so angry.
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glad you liked my post faggot
fitting for soulless ass fishtank
>Ftl was never good
True. All it does is encourage simps to never leave their home and waste their money on mids that don't fuck
very generous
chat is this real?
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>He sent nudes of my goatse'ing to my dying grandfather and he used them
Pam Grier is so hot, lads
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I wonder if Sam even knows about this and if so perhaps it was the first ever time he did the glare at Jet
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>first crystal meth pipe hit video
>first liquid heroin laced with fent needle in vein injection video
its THAT cringe
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She's built for Big White Cock
Of course he knows about it. There was CP audio in the 3rd clip that's why Sam hired him.
Do you think S3 will improve the quality of these threads?
brattysis - claire eldest of three is brat
they can't get any worse.
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a thai cop just stopped to ask speed for a photo
blackedraw - betty newcomer is given a warm welcome 2160p
No, if anything it will get worse when the TJ, Taylor, Tayleigh, Betty and Josiefags see this seasons equivalent retards and either start frantically obsessing over them or defensively shit up the thread with their obsolete POI
Aesthetics wise? Betty mogs Letty's pussy. That being said Letty keeps it hairy, which just so happens to be what i'm into. They're both great, but aesthetically Betty wins.
naughtybookworms - autistic teen abigail gets fragged during video game
Strange that you would forgot the claire simps considering they're shitting up these threads more than any of the people simping for the people you mentioned, you wouldn't have a stake in the matter would you?
Simp Wars: The New Order
Cry more. Speed clears
Hey guys Sam here, thinkin of my next comedy show... what jokes you guys wanna see?
fishtank simulator 2024 - the cell dlc
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Claire isn’t mentioned nearly as much as any of those people and I’m being all unironic. Fucking yourself
Andrew Dice clay impressions. Might as well go full hack.
>Claire isn’t mentioned nearly as much as any of those people
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>this girl tells you to recharge her vape and bring her a new bottle of hard liquor
>responding to the actual Indian
Fuck you
Betty's can look pretty dry and bumpy at times I like my ex gfs clam the best tho the one after that had a nice bush it was trimmed
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these are the two things i love most in life
simple wood construction and grainy low res video
>It just didn't work
Cope master sam
It's one guy, mate. Im sure he'll be here too but you filter the 4 photos he posts and the word "cleh" and he's gone
Funnier than anything MDE has ever dome
Is she hot
Jimmy randomly threatened to doxx her during bloodgames for some reason and called her his ex
Did she really say this? In the trash she goes
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Abi JOI arc unlocked
I wonder how the josiepedos were coping on bant
she's on her sober arc now keep up with the lore
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guys stop posting her stuff her srsly
she should stop making screenshottable posts then
Oddly enough they barely even discussed her appearance on Brotank
She's right coal is really ugly
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What if you wanted to go to heaven but God said
>nahh you said mean things to wosie on 4chan
I was framed
She's right thoever
I would probably just tell God that Josie is a SIZE QUEEN
abi i lick your poophole clean please
What is a size queen and why does it matter?
You mean dick size?
Is this another case of parasocial simp outrage like when Tay got a boyfriend?
Um this is rape
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the one time Josie directly stated a specific penis she wanted in her mouth and it was a black man's BBC lol she even said it TWICE in that one stream just in case some of her cuckold paypigs fans missed it

she really is such a sizequeensie that she'll put her white worship racism in 2nd place temporarily if there's a BIG BLACK COCK to be had. either way sucks for her 90% brown mexican/indian fanbase and the 2 TWP fans

her standards are definitely higher than most early 20s women when it comes to size. she tells her fans "bigger is always better" frequently to remind them that they're her cuckolds. sick shit if you ask me

Josie lets a lot of junkie type men smash once to sample them. she fucked producer Ben as well and seemed to prefer him to Jet
You guys should obey her. Respect princess abi or you’re a bad person. Fishtank was just her social outlet she didn’t really want obsessed fans and haters. Leave the aspie alone
People who simp for this man-hating cunt deserve the rope

Death to Abi
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Taylor lost
Total Taylor death
Total TJ victory
God owes me sex with wispy librarian women
Alabama Altmer
>2 guys taylor betrayed and tried to destroy because she's a w faced cunt having a good time
you love to see it
This dumb bitch thinks people want to join discords lmao
Bad person alert. She’s literally just an aspie that doesn’t comprehend fishtank isn’t just her private group of friends. Leave her alone or you’re definitely a bad person. Claire will help wrangle her out of public view and there’s nothing you can do about it.
The JIDF (Jimmy Internet Defense Force) got up early today to work
what scissors
>still would
Even moreso, even
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anyone ready for ai generated fishtank slop stream coming to the site in a few days?
hey dickhead its called genetics some people are just more predisposed to look fat due to how and where they body stores the fat.
scott is a fucking athletic beast.
did i dream it, or was there not a moment in s2 where sam was trying to pilot a standup routine for tai and then a marky tts came through and sam went mental and started yelling at the basement crew... was that real?
yeah it did happen
i think it was referred to as "strike 2".
sam then procceded to do an unfunny routine which tai grilled him for.
Fuck, she's wasting that pot
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What is this from
god imagine
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i hope girl 1 and 3 are still on s3
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Ella is a total babe
unironically wife material, shame that she's into scissoring with busted hoes like chicken lady
imagine the bbc cuckold sessions
the betty general is 2 boards to the left
I miss them

i got hard
second link is from when they kicked jimmy off the first time and paypigs revolted one of the top spenders sent it iirc
files catbox moe/46i0np.webm
files catbox moe/3xfoca.webm
>He's not even that funny!
Jet and Chip's homosexual ARG World Corp
Same but I doubt it I think they got sick of waiting and bailed
what year did they make that?
Letty is grooming Bex in the shadicord!
is there anyone in mde letty won't fuck?
Jizzlane Bexwell groomed Letty first
greg doesn't brush his teeth. look at that gum and enamel damage.
What's the hottest a Fish/Freeloader/Crew has ever looked and why is it Bex in the cycling shorts?
claire in the maid outfit
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was too lazy to type so I copy and pasted some other anons rundown shoutout to them:
>around election time 2016 during all those DNC email leaks a /pol/ meme emerged with a shady video about a kid being abused/beaten in a shower with a voice that sounded suspiciously like John Podesta
>/pol/ actually took this seriously and ran with it, multiple generals trying to expose podesta and link this vid to pizzagate
>turns out it was a shitty ARG ran by Jet and his buddy and the "abused" kid was his buddy's little brother, to promote some shitty as soundcloud music group
the clip in question - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WeYw0fKpwI
example of some of the threads that shat up /pol/ for months with Jet's scam:
josie in anything
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Good post.
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josie looks like a spider monkey. no ass, no tits, lanky gross nigger spic monkey. Would not rape
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content happenign rn
That was sad and stupid. Not hot.
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Why would you tell lies that can be immediately debunked by looking at the picture I posted, and the picture you posted?
What stream?
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they're the same picture.
How has he not had that stupid ass chain snatched in a crowd?
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she's just sexo. simple as.
she grinds on niggres
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I don't know what you think that picture proves, but it certainly doesn't back up your outrageous and absurd claims.
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>mfw pulling down Scott’s pants and see his red hot ginger clitty
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what we finna call this nigga now that he's no longer a fatty? marky hyde?
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ugly spic monkey unremarkable no curves not a woman might as well masturbate to a guy
Are you the fellow who posted "Josie is a ghetto nigger" GET?
Her discord mods kick anyone who isn’t a 24/7 simp
why does every cunt need their own discord?
I've probably thrown so many words at all the fishtank whores that I dont even remember

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