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Why are millennials obsessed with Columbo? I get that the show is good but he's a relic of the 1970s. These fucking faggots act like they were there when the original episodes aired.
The killers always had peak California Contemporary style homes
>why do people watch good old shows instead of new shit shows?
great question OP
>may I see your /tv/ watching license, sir?
>oh, I'm sorry, this kino wasn't created during your 10s to 30s. You're not allowed to watch or discuss it.
Yeah come on bro there isn't even a remake reboot remaster prequel sequel or reimagining being released, people should stick to discussing current slop
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>Why are millennials obsessed with Columbo?

he's adorable and the music and style!
>Ugh these people have such shit taste they keep watching slop
Gatekeeping is only a good thing only if people are being faggots, who is really being a faggot over Columbo?
I watched a couple episodes not too long ago. Looks very comfy. I'll give it a go later on though. I have been enjoying a combo of Charmed, Fraiser and Cheers.
>These fucking faggots act like they were there when the original episodes aired.
I -WAS- around when these episodes aired, zoomer
I bought multiple laserdiscs of Columbo earlier this year
e-celebs are talking about the show now so all the kids are watching it.
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macgyver was far better
Northern Exposure is now on prime free streaming. People are ditching this Jewish guy for a new Jewish guy in Dr Fleischman. It's nice and relaxing just like columbo
They are not.
Some company bought the rights to it or something and started marketing it.
I've noticed Columbo clips popping up in my YT feed some time ago for no reason.
Because he is literally me.
But there is just one thing that is still bothering me OP. If you're posting here, who is sucking tranny cocks at the gay rights parade?
It's about a humble, likable guy nailing crooks who are, for the most part, smug rich assholes. It's a timeless premise.
>Why are millennials obsessed with the Mona Lisa? I get that the painting is good but it’s a relic of the 1500’s. These fucking faggots act like they were there when Leonardo was originally painting it.
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I liked this when I was really young but I saw some episodes as an adult and it's cheesy as hell. It was also super-pozzed for such an old show with white supremacist villains and other brainrot shit
once you have watched one episode you have watched them all tbqh, probably way different experience if you had to wait a week for the next episode
It's because he's a meme now
Guarantee they've never watched a single episode beyond those "just one more thing" clips
early millennials start with 1980 they've seen late seasons and reruns you dumb fuck
I've watched every episode of he NBC run, it's just good tv
kek you low iq mongoloid why zoomers are obsessed with toilets and empty rooms?
why are the episodes over an hour long? sheeesh
My parents loved Columbo. I grew up in a Columbo household you prick. Many of my fellow millennials are just like me. We grew up, in the early 2000s, or the 1990s, or whenever, and our parents told us tales of Columbo. Then we investigated <vbg> and found out for ourselves. What, precisely, is wrong with millennials such as me, my girlfriend Tabitha, and my best friend Zeb, adoring Columbo, a programme which our parents all were fans of? I haven't seen a worse thread topic since the sysop of the Get Busy BBS in Bangor wrote his infamous rant about TESB. That was put on FidoNet and mocked for a reason. Columbo is something most millennials like me are familiar with due to being exposed to it by our PARENTS. Get it through your thick skull, buster.
It's still owned by NBC, I think it was the launch of their streaming service Peacock.
>Founded April 15, 2020; 4 years ago
Sounds about right.

So yeah, combination of this and >>203462527
NPCs love Columbo because it makes them feel smart
True, true. I see. Well, thanks for your post. It was a pleasure reading it.

Oh, just one more thing... would that be - pardon me if I've missed something, posts fly by very quickly these days and it's easy to miss things - but would that be the same reason you call people NPCs?
fuck this episode desu senpai
Rockford files >>>> columbo
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Who can solve the case most easily?
It was still regularly syndicated on tv when we were kids along with other shows like i dream of jeannie, the brady bunch, get smart etc.
>branagh instead of suchet
He's not a RELIC of the 70s, he's a TREASURE of the 70s. There is simply nothing coming out today that equals the quality of Columbo.
Gtfo of here
Le ((quirky neurotic)) but brilliant detective. I found this show incredibly boring. Would much rather watch Streets of San Francisco, Hawaii 5-0 or Kolchak. I get it tries to be a more intelligent show but every episode is a predictable, formulaic slog.
Exactly. Midwits patting themselves on the back.
It's zoomers who think everything they do is unique and won't shut up about it.
The cases aren't really the main appeal of these shows imo.
Columbo has fairly likeable actors even if it's usually just one or two an episode, Robert Culp and Jack Cassidy in particular could carry an entire season by themselves and whatever crime is just an excuse for their 1v1 interactions and contemporary rich people stuff. The few 90s episodes spent a lot more time on stuff that wasn't the show's strengths though.
Jeremy Brett's Sherlock Holmes had very good set dressing but could still sell episodes on his acting alone even when they walked around forests a lot and it never really faltered in quality even when he was sick.
I'd say Poirot up until season 6 had some of the best sets and actual cases helped but fuck me did it nosedive after that (showcasing just how much worse british television got from the 1995 to 2000 gap) and completely crater after season 10 with not only the sadsack shit of the original stories but also bitchy diversity hire actors spending half the episodes just being cunts to Suchet.
Miami Vice is better than Columbo
>that episode where the wine enthusiast kills his dickhead brother because he was going to destroy the vineyard and turn it into condos or some shit
>killer isn’t a smug asshole, but just a wine autist
>Columbo is his normal goofy self right at a wine tasting, but wine enthusiast treats him well and even encourages him to learn more
>criminal guy genuinely loves what he does and is incredibly friendly to even a dirty foppish idiot like Columbo
>gets caught
>calmly walks with Columbo to the car
>Columbo asks him to grab the special wine he mentioned only meant for a very special occasion
>they both sit in the car and drink it together before he takes him to the station
That’s another reason people watch it. Comfy as hell.
>every single image file corrupted or unsupported
Stop inventing people to be mad at and getting upset all the time.
That would be OP
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because columbo is queer coded, chud

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