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femanons, who wins?
No feminine here
Pattinson wins. He was hamdsome enough to play Sarah Gadon's husband
Rpats is the only one that should be on there
Why James Hetfield ofcourse
Shut the fuck up already, cabinfat
>not a single white man on the list

Whitesisters... we really are being replaced
>the "young" men in that image are nearing 40
kek, I can't believe so many people unironically cope with the whole "men peak in their 30s" meme.
I only recognize Kevin Bacon. Who are the other faggots?
Left to right:
1) I don't know
2) Glen Powell
3) Jacob Elordi
4) That Jew from that shilled Hulu chef show.
5) Kevin Bacon
6) Simu Lu
7) Robert Pattinson
8) I don't know.
9) I don't know.
10) One of the Jonas Brothers.
11) Kelly Rippa's husband?
12) That black guy from Criminal Minds and Young & The Restless.
Not a single woman in the known universe finds the asian dude sexy

Women I know find the guy on the bottom right the hottest, Jacob Elrordi, Robert Pattinson, and maybe the "SOMEONE IS ORDERING GOOD AT MY RESTAURANT" guy
Not a fag or nothing but he's truly the only good looking guy there, the rest of them are ugly as fuck.
i was gonna say keving bacon but you present a solid argument desu.
That's why he's the only one there who has played Sarah Gadon's husband
Timothée, always <3
Missing Henry Cavill.
None of these uggos. Pattinson is cute in a very faggot way that I wouldn't call sexy. Bring Mads Mikkelsen to the table or bust.
where's Goose
busy injecting his face with whatever it is that makes these people bloat up for a period of time
for 2024? probably hunter schaefer
>Simu Lu
god they're still pushing this. If (((they))) really want to push the hot asian guy meme why not go with the kpop star look ?
Based Bacon slipping in because Brads too problematic
pretty much
Magazines are for old people. Old ladies read people Magazine
Pattinson is /ourjew/
He’s getting old, he could just be on steroids (medical not gymrat) I guess.
The asian guy looks like Xi Xinping
... Idris Elba
They all look like test tube freaks except the Korean guy I guess.
Pattinson is the only possible option pictured. But he's definitely not the hottest man alive.
I don't know why it always has to be actors. Jalen Hurts, Joe Burrow, Charles Leclerc etc. are all way hotter than any actor.
If it has to be an actor, probably Michael B. Jordan
Starting from top left clockwise:

Disgusting mystery meat mutt
Eyes too close together inbred freak
Gormless imbecile not even human
Gene wilder but ugly retarded
Old fuck
Square headed foolish Lego man
Sex criminal orange fruit
Shaved caveman with syphilis
Mr beans even more retarded spawn
I’ll fated stupid cunt can’t even look at the camera
Token black
Token asian
awful selection
Robert Pattinson
I asked my sister and she don't know who half these people are. Also she said Pattinson and Elrodi
Pattinson it seems.
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>If it has to be an actor, probably Michael B. Jordan
A fucking chinlet is not the hottest man alive
Carmy although Battinson can get it too I guess

Wtf, they're all ugly.
post faec
Where's Adam Driver?
I’m guessing you’re in your 30s? That sucks bro
Robert Pattinson isn’t jewish, are you confusing him for Andrew Garfield or Daniel Radcliffe (both of whom are half-jewish)?
Femanons don't watch these guys movies . They WILL WATCH JOKER 2 THOUGH
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>no Mads
Why bother?
Elordi is the only one I would feel genuinely threatened by if he talked to my gf.
he would be ignored if he wasn't tall
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only time People got it right
not with that beak.
racist bullcrap

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