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Did you like Fallout ?
I wore my fallout shirt to school today
Is she related to Emma Stone?
not fallout
It was acceptable.
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always here for my frogwife
She's cute bros. Why did she have to get blacked?
>what did you think of current thing trending nu-slop spoon fed media
Are you asking me if I'd like a s'more?
'cause I'm afraid all I can give you is a scotty smalls answer
Awesome man. What's your favorite of the games?
Didn't watch it.
Someone post that clip of the power armor iron man flying around
Fallout 4 with mods >FO1 >FO2 > New Vegas > 3
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She's a hot little slut.
Disgusting tattoos
cool how you can tell her tits are completely hideous even without seeing them
Why are they like this?
It's not like any woman would look at you anyway. Don't worry about tattoos.
Why yes, yes EYE do
I have a boyfriend.
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>current thing trending
it's not though
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I did. It wasn't perfect, far from it, but it was leagues beyond most shit released today. Especially franchise adaptations.
I've had sex with more women than the years you've lived, dumb zoomer child
woah really?

stay fluid, little zoom zoom
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If that were true then it just means you pumped & dumped a bunch of sluts, what are you complaining about?
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Only for about 5 to 10 minutes before I turned it off because it sucked so much. I can only go through so much before turning bullshit off.
what tv shows do you think don't suck ?
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Millennials were utter failures so I doubt that. 90% of troons online are literally balding Millennials.
Not many, the last ones were Bablyon 5 and Las Vegas.
the sexy squidward genotype needs to be stopped
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I don't know if I dislike have having tattoos more or just that they are such lazy shitty little scrawls that make them look even more trampy. I guess that explains partially why she never took off her clothes; they already had to makeup over them when she was in the tanktop.
Not complaining, just expressing my disgust. I prefer my movie stars not to look like sluts, that's all. She should be getting paid $50 to suck my dick, not $500K to star on TV.
I forgot about it the second I finished the last episode.
>I guess that explains partially why she never took off her clothes
Not really, only chuds seem to hate tattoos
No, it was fucking awful. Just like Fallout 3, 4 and 76.
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No stalker, you haven't. These are you delusions again, child.
I'm Gen X, and yes, millennials are the OG trannies
Dude, that bitch needs some room to spaz out in or at get some shock therapy in
Based NV and 1 and 2 enjoyer.
if it was awful how come everyone liked it ?
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she cute tattos and all
English rose who wants to be plucked.
This includes women too and millenial women are massive coomers, which is also why Gen Z has cosplay as their most coomed since that is women again.
She'd be cuter w/o the tats, the tats make her look trashy
Good, but not great. It had some pretty bad issues with shitty writing in places, especially with that black guy being such a complete asshole and the writers desperately tried to make him likeable, but just made it even worse.
is she a secret alien?
It was bad but atleast it wasn't as boring and dragged out as the most modern series. It had a story and it told it somewhat coherently.
shes cute and yes
Sure sure, she's right out of the flying saucer
She seems like a slag
noticed nothing makes people here seethe more than pointing out tattooed women are trash, is your plapjak girlfriend perhaps covered in childrens drawings, anon?
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hahaha, only "seems?"
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It's not so much that the women are trash, it's the shit trashy tats that some of them have, don't mistake one that might be a hot smart woman with some shitty trashy tat.
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They are also the ones that pushed interracial and cuckold fetish. And now they blame Gen Z for it.
Why the hell did Cameron and Rodriguez spend all that money making an uncanny valley CGI Alita when they could have just hired this fucking ayylmao
Damn I said the same exact thing right after watching the series with a friend and he didn't get it. Said she looked "perfectly normal".
what's wrong with her eyes? imagine how witch-like she'd look as she gets older and loses her babyfat
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They're hollywood types and don't know anything better, what else would be expected from those yo yo yo types?
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we need to breed Ella a thousand times so anime women are finally real
>boring tits
>boring body even with thot posing meta technique, angles, filters and cherrypicking 1 pic out of 1000
>thyroid disease tier exophthalmic eyes
>barefoot on a filthy floor

She looks like a fag's beard.
Maybe more like JIZZ EYES, salty and stuff
yeah, thought it was great. but I also set my expectations really really low.
it was decent to be fair
ended up skipping some scenes, but it was ok for amazon slop
guess i'm a sucker for fallout
Stick to gooning to 200lb whales.
But did you make popcorn for watching amazon slop? Popcorn powder helps.
People who like it are retarded and there are a lot of retarded people.
Her eyes about to fallout of her fucking sockets, more like!
hahahha, that seems like something only someone from Britain would come up with.
those same people disliked The Acolyte
>>barefoot on a filthy floor
not everyone wears shoes indoors, mutt
>took this many posts to be posted
/tv/ go to your room and think about how much you have fallen off.
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Goddamn I love this beautiful bug eyed bitch
Give it 5 more years and people will like this too.
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it's dead though
Tattooed women absolutely suck
Easy to creampie though
Garbage written by women for women
When she get blacked?
some tattoos are just hideous, you can't just tattoo yourself a smile on your arm and expect me to like it or be impressed by that fucking shit, bring me some real work not a doodle even my niece would do
>Garbage written by women for women
Yep you can especially tell when even the male actors' characters think and talk like women too
I watched it once. It was alright. Not sure it needs a second season.
yeah it's diversity training for homosexuals
Triggered beta males.
stiff your feet? okidoki
Quiet american mutt.
Have it saved to watch but still haven't gotten around it yet.

She kinda does resemble a younger Emma, from the "Easy A" era
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The People's Frog
>some tattoos are just hideous
yeah, those that cover large body parts like sleeves. Doodles like hers, i like
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tattoos only look bad on criminal skin

they get exalted in Queen Ella
they look trashy on her lol
it's like 5 to 7 am in the America's, stop letting them live rent free in your head
>they look trashy on her lol
And that's hot
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>Fallout TV show
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Damn, she really looks like a frog
A cute frog, but a frog still
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eye don't see it
god damnit
Go back to your fucking dog cell you delusional incel
On the show. Don't think she ever dated a black, her exes sre Asa Butterfield and Tom Holland
and Brad Pitt
This. Whats the deal with shitty tattoos anyway? They dont look good art wise, and ruin one's body image. Prunnel's tats look like bruises or scars from afar. She should remove them asap.
its ok. the negro sex bullshit was quite rage inducing though
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it's a humiliation ritual. like every modern show/movie
She’s pretty, idgaf

You fucking losers need to stop gooning and come back to reality

Truth is 99% who dudes on here would happily marry her
take a shower
She's a legit crazy person. But I like it. A couple wks back she was photographed out on the street just casually rolling her own cigarettes (fags).
Slag behavior
What's wrong with any of it?
She lied about quitting smoking. Which makes me believe her getting her Uhaul truck stolen was a lie too!
Yeah but her being creampied by a raider was fucking stupid. Watch her be pregnant in season 2 all throughout, I won't watch it if that happens.
Games? No.
Show? Yes.
Ella? YES.
I've fucked over two hundred women. Just go and have your cock and balls cut off, zoomer. The castrated generation.
I'm currently replaying Fallout 3 because a run through it without DLC as a kid never bothering with much of quests.
Just finished Tenpenny quest and god it was bad.
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this bitch better have pre war scenes, I want to see her in prime milf mode, even more so.
i played fallout like 20 years ago
why would i want to watch a modern slop netfags show about it

>but look at this lumpy dumpy bottom tier san francisco cunt that's in it
nah i can just watch porn if i'm that desperate to coom (i'm not)
Oh yeah? Name em
How long will Amazon wait to start filming season 2? Enough time again for people not to care anymore. Why do they do this lol
it was absolute trash with a nice coat of Fallout paint
>Gen X searches for troons more than Millennials
>Gen Xers still try and blame Millennials for troon popularity
Why do women get these shitty small scribble tattoos? A well drawn sleeve would be better than randomly placed margin drawings. Tattoos shouldn't have become so common. They look so fucking retarded.
Shes a slag like most bong women.
This one is kinda hot though. Plus it has a deep meaning. You wouldn't understand, chud.

I'd take slut scribbles over a full sleeve anyday. Whatever keeps more skin intact.
they're exactly the same to me
the smallest single tattoo or non-traditional earlobe piercing is an instant ruiner and signal of human garbage
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Peter Lorre
You sound like a real pussy magnet.
It's like she let her roommate tattoo her

A sleeve at least took time and care. They're also expensive so it's not something you just do on a whim. Those shitty scribbles show weak impulse control and poor forward thinking.
I have no idea what you think that is or why it's supposed to be a moral ideal.
>prison tatts

She cute
Would fuck
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no i actually prefer to throw myself on the ground and roll around and beg for pussy. shes been with 10 guys, 50 guys, bad tattoos and shitty highlights? im in on the ground floor on that. all women are perfect princesses who can do no wrong. and me???? im just a wriggly little worm man. im the one who gets fucked
Why do you assume people act the same in real life as they do on 4chan? I'm extremely polite in real life but very rude online.
Got annoyed and bored by the third episode.
I find her pretty hot but I find most English women hot due to being Irish. I'm sure you understand the implications.
she's not a slut though?
This anon gets it.

Tattoos on Frog's body is like spray painting graffiti on the Mona Lisa. But she's simply advertising she is DTF. All girls with tattoos, same thing.
And here's some advice for all the incels out there: if you see a girl's tattoo, pretend that you like it. That's it. You will get laid.
Your hand doesn’t count anon
She is insane. Like a wheelbarrow with five wheels.
>zoomer keira knightley
>takes selfies of herself half-naked and posts them for the world to see
Yes, of course she's not a slut. That's very healthy and normal.

inb4 brainwashed and buckbroken zoomers
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Body count in the hundreds.
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Zoomers live rent free in the balding numale faced millennial basedbrain.
It was mid. Great production design, didn't give a fuck about the characters or the plot.
scary to think basedface will be become more and more prevalent as the years go on.
Both of you faggots are so obsessed with a slight generational difference when the truth is you're both just autistic retards
She's cute fuck you guys
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Women trying to scream to appear intimidating will never not be funny.
no it objectively was a retarded tv show
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that's not how objectively works
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I'm the protagonist

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