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Arthouse and classic cinema.

Françoise Dorléac edition.

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203610001
Lynch perfume peddler


Good, I missed you guys
I kind of liked the atmosphere but the film itself felt like a mess, at this point I'm not even sure if it's intentional or just a result of Malick's trademark years-long editing
Oh god. Don’t post it…
not sure what u mean, friend
Any yall niggas done seen the new Lee flick yet? Poster looks dope
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FUCK!!!!!!!! You SAID!!!!
Nobody here is your friend, faggot
nah but I will the second it's available
Do you think he walked to the statue? What did he do?
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lol don't get so mad, bud
Do you think he went inside? What did he see?
Fuck off, faggot
Do you think he pet the horses? What did he say?
maybe he rode one of these

he didn't post any pics from inside. not yet at least

he say hello horse (in chinese)
Do you think he used the phone? Who did he call?
Do you think he used the bow? What did he hit?
Do you think he placed an order? What did he eat?
>24 posts far
>3 were on topic
>the whole thread is some fag spamming and a retard tagging along
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maybe he called Tsai lol
or one of his sexyful girlfriends

he hit the center of the target like a master

he's a double quarter pounder with cheese kinda guy i can tell
Ok, sorry you’re right-
I’m considering checking out another Mizoguchi since I liked the FOTW. Any you’d recommend?
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>Who did he call?
always true 100%

damn right everyone prefers technicolor

best horror subgenre hands down

lol yeah i love the mcdonald's scene very relatable
faye wong is cute in the movie

damn right u said it. bay and cameron shit and these boring enemies of actually entertaining cinema
Ay post more sexy trannies I wanna fantasize about fucking one while a brutalize it
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Discussing a pretty famous arthouse actor/filmmaker is on topic, certainly more than nigga posting
A phone call from the Devil...
I'm the one who doesn't like Mizoguchi. Since you liked this film on the project, there's a high chance of you enjoying his big classics like Sansho The Bailiff, The Life of Oharu and Ugetsu. The melodrama is very heavy, but if you've got a taste for the way he does it, it's a party.
Was thinking about Oharu next but I’m reading some of the praise for Sansho and it seems pretty extreme.
>discussing: to talk about (something) with another person or group of people
>pretty famous
He’s been traveling and doing multiple appearances and talks all over the world. For arthouse, yeah I’d say so.
Dumping some guy's vacation photos doesn't count as discussing his work.
From my point of view, it's beyond overpraised. But people everywhere seem to love it. Even on IMDB, where always there's someone clueless or just trolling, the lowest rated review for it is a 3/10, which is amazing for such a highly rated film.
I thought these were screenshots from the newest entry in the Walker series
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>From my point of view, it's beyond overpraised.
Yes, you don't agree with me. And I don't agree with you.
I just did. The neighbors didn't like it
And they say... JUMP
If you are a cinematography appreciator, go watch them then.
How can you appreciate cinematography that isn’t worth appreciating?
does /film/ like modern Allen? I enjoyed this more than I was expecting to. not as good as his 70s-80s work, but still enjoyable
Nigga be trufin’dat duh cintography not worf praison cuz errthing beyon’ it is empty, der be nuffin meaninfoo beyond’ da imagree, malk be too interrsted in makin postcards and billboard prints and nah a resonant subjectivity.
a cat?
yeah old guy's still got it
>mentally ill nigga gimmicker is also a Malick hater
Wow, such surprises!
Wharyou tokin bout you FOOL I like
Malk I wuz splainin 2 thuh utha anigga
Very much so. In any phase of his spectacularly long career, Allen has had high and lows, but one thing his films rarely miss is their comfiness.
Aren't there enough... woman-women?
Yeah but I feel like a tranny will actually let you beat it half to death before cumming inside.
I'm getting real tired of modern directors all being faggots.
If you don't have a hot chick in your film, I'm not even going to bother anymore.
The imagery in Knight of Cups is meaningful though, and it is definitely not a series of incoherent and disjointed images. Some images can also give an ssociative meaning see pic related. And it affected me deeply because of past experiences in my life. I don't know man, to me it wasn't empty.
>As far as I know, though, he has written only a single piece of journalism: a profile, of sorts, on the flamboyant New York Knicks superstar Earl Monroe, for the November 1977 issue of SPORT.

>Allen’s well-known claim that his “one regret in life is that he is not someone else” is on display here:

>The truth was, I immediately saw myself cast in the role of the bespectacled, white, pseudo-intellectual trying to form a “heavy” thesis about a gift of grace and magical flair the black athlete possesses that can never be reduced to anything but poetry. I have always envied this gift and have often said that if I could live life over as someone else it would be wonderful to be Sugar Ray Robinson or Willie Mays. With my luck, however, I would undoubtedly wind up John Maynard Keynes.
>look at this big negro bounce this ball
>mentally ill nigga gimmicker is also a Malick fan
Wow, such surprises!
>molests his own biological daughter
>marries his other daughter

he is actually worse than polanski in the end, though both are jews
>>molests his own biological daughter

>Allen was twice investigated over the allegations of child abuse, by Yale New Haven hospital’s sexual abuse clinic and New York City’s child welfare administration.
>Both found 'no evidence of abuse' and said that some of Dylan's answers were found to be 'rehearsed'.

But keep peddling Mia Farrow's psychotic lies.
>marries his other daughter
To be fair, he never adopted her, so she never was "his daughter"
Can music videos be /film/?
Go fuck yourself, Farrow is the evil cunt here
Allen is based. fuck off
Check out this masterpiece directed by Paul Schrader.


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79 replies. Nothing to add to my watchlist. Shame on you, /film/
Your watchlist is long enough as is.
Now go watch something that's on your watchlist.
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celebrities get away with everything, it was a puff piece, it is kind of what the whole metoo thing was all about that literally no one believed women as they were getting raped left and right and it took the entire media aparatus of the world to come together to move the needle on that.

just like polanski and harvey weinstein, you want to believe they are innocent so that you absolve yourself of wrong-doing supporting them financially. so you twist yourself into a pretzel believing their lies.
Off topic
First /pol/, now reddit. What's next?.
I have almost 600 films downloaded, I don’t need more
>so that you absolve yourself of wrong-doing supporting them financially
I don’t believe supporting them financially if they were guilty is wrong at all.
I literally sat around and smoked weed and browsed Chan all day. This was a bad feeling, I feel freightened you guys.
I really really want to fuck the tranny
I find trannys to be sexually counterfeit. I prefer to fuck a good asian girl any day.
asians are so overrated
That's someone's son
I had a good thing going with this white lady but she’s 10 years older than me and there’s no prospect of marriage so I had to cut it off. Hence why I smoke so much.
Missed? We never left!
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corr crazy how all classic arthouse is on youtube now

fact no bresson clearly shows he so boring no one bother to upload heh

does make you fink
relly enjoyed killing of a chinese bookie

propa deep film diss one

sense of enduring melancholia behind the farce
That’s my niggro
lucky fuck got to molest prime cristina ricci
hes a legend, ben
This shit is a hood classic gazzman gets to say the n word
muh negro
Is it about Chinese surveillance?
I say this and look like this.
No no no no no, MY negro
Chinese Bookie's presentation is really bad, but the film is pretty good with the sleazy atmosphere. I think Cassavetes has to have something better.
He does, Husbands. But it is sleazy as well, he's a sleazy filmmaker.
Van Halen?
Based as fuck.
It's the same director as A Land Imagined which was quite good
Godard really was right about the girl and a gun thing.
My watchlist is under 10 movies and they're all entry level
Ol’ wacky Woody. Watch Stardust Memories (1980)
What are the movies?
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Sounds like me a lot lately. Don’t do it too much…
Fudoh: The Next Generation (been getting into/watching alot of Miike movies lately)
Dune and The Straight Story (last two Lynch movies I haven't seen)
Throne of Blood (rewatch because I was kind of tired when I first saw it) and High & Low
Spider (been watching through Cronenberg's stuff chronologically, although I've seen History of Violence and Eastern Promises)
Woman in the Dunes
One of the weakest Miikes, he really did not get good until Audition.
A mess, but an interesting one.
>Straight Story
One of his best actually, sweet without being sappy.
>Throne of Blood and High and Low
Two Kurosawas i haven't seen, need to correct that, everybody says Throne of Blood is one of his best.
Saw it oncrle when i was 15, remember nothing but the main character's yellow fingers from smoking as that was the first time i saw something like that lol. I was also going through Cronenberg but i stopped at M. Butterfly and said fuck it.
>Woman of the Dunes
Absolute masterpiece and one of the few films to cause a physical reaction in me (it genuinely makes me thirsty).
Also never seen.
Criminally underrated, people don't know it's based on a manga and get filtered by the ending, I guess.

>High and Low
One of my fave Kurosawa's, I feel the villain was an inspiration on the Monster manga

>Woman in the Dunes
Watching it later tonight

Criminally overrated
>One of the weakest Miikes, he really did not get good until Audition.
If it's similiar at all to the first Dead or Alive movie I think I will like it, I dig hyper kinetic, trashcore yakuza vibe that movie had, it's probably my 4th favorite film of his out of what I've seen
>I was also going through Cronenberg but i stopped at M. Butterfly and said fuck it.
I definitely recommend Existenz and Eastern Promises pretty highly, two of my favorites by him, Eastern Promises is probably his most emotional film
>Criminally underrated, people don't know it's based on a manga and get filtered by the ending, I guess.
I think I'll enjoy it, the plot sounds like a decent slightly psychosexual b-movie, which I like
Wayans brothers > Lumiere brothers
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NTA, but I didn't like eXistenZ that much... I think Crash and his 80s material mog it.
>If it's similiar at all to the first Dead or Alive
It's not, i like DOA as well. Have you seen Full Metal Yakuza? I'd Fudoh is more in that tone.
>definitely recommend Existenz and Eastern Promises pretty highly
Saw Eastern Promises in the theathre when it came out.
>I'd Fudoh
*I'd say.
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Cassavetes is pure sleaze the only time he casts himself in his movies is when he can slap Gena around.
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>rosamund pike
>certified rice queen
Certified nigga queen.
Nahnahmah mah nigga dis lady got riced on tv show and IRL has her own Chinese name and reaches her daughter mandarin
Best fan music video + song combo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeuOxpVPjPU
*teaches but kek
Definately agree on Crash (my favorite Cronenberg) and the classic era stuff being better, but those were my favorites out of his mid/late career stuff I've seen, Existenz is definately a bit of a step down compared to his classic stuff, but still decent enough for a watch I though
Nah I haven't seen that one, I've seen Ichi, Audition, Gozu, DOA 1, 2 and 3, Katakuri's, Visitor Q and One Missed Call so far, I'll see how I like Fudoh, then maybe give that a watch after, any Miike recs for me? I feel kind of bad cause I asked this question a few threads ago but his filmography is so big that after watching the recommendations I got in that thread I don't know what to watch watch next, I guess 13 Assassins is a big one.
You've seen the two best ones already (Gozu, Visitor Q). I'd say Deadly Outlaw Rekka and the remake of Graveyard of Honor.
OG graveyard slaps mafucka
>Cronenberg is /film/
Anyone and anything can be /film/
More like /hor/ with /film/ elements. Videodrome kinda film, desu
>More like /hor/ with /film/ elements
Bit of a reductionist take when most of his 90s onwards films aren't even horror
Awful """"""film""""""
True, but those movies still carry that b-movie edge most of the time. Even "serious" films like Cosmopolis and Maps to the Stars feel kinda low budget.
Yeah. Also the silly concept than it's like a ladder and /hor/ is steps back from whatever would be true /film/
pseud filter maybe
Pathetic forced meme
Not in this case. I'd actually argue anti-pseud filter: filtered by forcing yourself to think the movie is shit by trying to align with elitist views about filmmaking for pseud cred. Kinda like in the 70s, when Black Sabbath first came out and all of the elitist critics at Rolling Stone, etc., were criticizing them to hell and back for being different to Bob Dylan and Floyd lol
I do both.
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Crash is both Cronenkino and /film/.
Are you the Lola Montes spammer? Funny name, Lola Montes.
folk art horror*
Not even 365 films on it
I did, now I'm back. Will see if you are really talking about /film/
Added from the last thread. Thanks if you are the same anon.
Added, thanks, man.
Bro got traumatized over me handing Lola a 6/10. Kinda funny desu
>You’ve got to be delusional to the point of brain damage if you think American filmmaking comes close to the heights achieved in the rest of the world.
No serious film can use the name Lola, its a funny sounding name. And Montes, what a combo.
Just watched The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. Good movie, but I dont like musicals. Nice colors and overall mood.
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I second that lol, in terms quality-quantity the US absolutely mogs the rest of the world in cinematic output. Italy and Japan are second and third, France fourth.
I'm the brazilian Cimino fag from the previous thread btw.
It's not funny, it's tragic that 70 years later we still feel the waves of public and criticis adhering to the cahiers boys' numerous idiocies and naivities. Another sad testament to the crisis and ultimate anti-academic rigidity of film criticism.
what's the deal with this dog?
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What are the latest at least decent films released on streaming? I didn't follow recent releases much and would like to give a try to new movies.
Imagine paying for anything that's not a theatrical experience. Rest you better off just pirating.
I read that as f/a/g anon meaning films that got out on VOD
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Here's some recent shit that leaked, most of it doesn't seem very good, I'll start with possibly the best one.
>Direct Action documents the everyday of one of the most important activist communities in France in order to see how the success of a radical protest movement can offer a path through the climate crisis facing us all.
An anon who went to Berlinale said it's very good. I posted it before but I'll repost it again.
Based sharing is caring anon.
this isnt leftypol
>documents the everyday of one of the most important activist communities in France
>how the success of a radical protest movement can offer a path through the climate crisis facing us all.

Imagine wasting your time watching alarmist woke dreck
This is from the duo that made Inside which is French Extremity (genre horror, not transgressive side of the "wave") classic, but it seems all of their recent work sucks, this has middling reviews as well.
>When the disappearance of children and bloody murders multiply in a small mountain village, an old legend shrouded in sulphur reappears… Commander Guardiano and Captain of the Gendarmerie De Rolan are forced to join forces to uncover the truth.
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TIFF slop from LAST year. Took very long to get into theatres in the US and didn't do well. A24 wanted to push it to the Oscars but the Academy will most likely ignore it because they barely watch anything, and they especially don't watch things that are under the radar. Looks quite sappy, but I guess if you're a completionist type who watches everything they get their hands onto (i do that myself).
>Divine G, imprisoned at Sing Sing for a crime he didn’t commit, finds purpose by acting in a theatre group alongside other incarcerated men in this story of resilience, humanity, and the transformative power of art.
wasnt this the plot of a Nick Nolte movie?
Anon who went to Berlin said it's good, and I would trust someone who actually watches shit more than two /pol/yps who only care about having their worldview validated rather than cinematic quality.
Of course you would, discord tranny
>everyone i don't like is a tranny
Ok schizo
Not talking about everyone. Talking about you, retard
My dick is intact and I'm not taking any hormones so I think you're seeing things (like a schizo would).
Just read that synopsis and you'll know exactly what the film is. Propaganda pure and simple.
Propaganda can easily be art, one is not contradictory of the other and only bad faith retards (as in "only things i disagree with are propaganda") or smug "le enlightened centrists" believe that there ia a contradiction.
There are unironic discord/letterboxd trannies in this general. For instance, that one with a chinese sounding name I can't remember right now and who used to post its profile on generals, I'm certain it never left.
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>"DISCORD TRANNIES could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighborhood before. There could be TRANNIES anywhere."
Je m'en fiche des manifestations français. I'll never forgive those connards for putting the metro workers on strike when Zazie came to visit Paris.
Yes. This site is notorious as a target for them
I'm inside your walls nigga
based schizo
Who's the greatest little girl in cinema history? My vote goes to Zazie. Don't say Mouchette or the brat from Satantango
Ionesco gave the best performance for my eyes
What the fuck is a discord tranny? Isn't discord just an app for calls people started using after Skype went to shit? I used to talk to my friends on discord in 2018
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It’s /film/.
Is that Deep Red?
Just looked it up and apparently she was in The Tenant. I don't even remember a child character in that.
The other movie she did at that age is unwatchable. Not even morally speaking; it came off as a lazy film.
Discord is huge, like super huge, and alphabet soup people, specially the more activist ones in recent times like trannies, found in the place a safe haven for all kinds of activities, talks, sharings and raidings. 4chan in general, but the more cultural war boards in special like /pol/, /tv/ and /v/ are a common battleground for the two ideological sides to meet. Discord tranny is an overused but catchy epithet people from here use against people from there, even though there's much confusion: they're lefties but not from discord, from discord but not trannies, lefties from elsewhere, etc. It's a lovely mess.
I'm pretty sure anon wasn't thinking thinking of The Tenant with that post. As for unwatchable, well, there's sure stuff to watch in the other movie.
>so completely triggered not only it can't quote right but actually thinks I wrote that post
Stop shaking, discord tranny
There's "stuff to watch" meaning certain moments but as a cohesive film, it's awful.
/film/ would better for everybody if there were IDs and filtering people was an option.
/film/ would be better if >>203647645 died.
I meant streaming shit that I can download without paying a dime you fucking useless faggot bitch, kill yourself piece of trash.
cannot wait for this but i bet my uncultured swine country won't play it on the big screen. many such cases
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Yep. Deep Red was released as Suspiria Part 2 in Japan despite coming out two years prior. I’m guessing they did this as they’re set in the same universe (picrel). Also, the actual sequel Inferno was released as a standalone film in Japan lol
/film/ would definitely get better if you got raped and murdered.
It's pretty pathetic hating your own country. Even more so thinking you're above the masses just because you watch films they don't.
i'm just looking for a place to vent! i've started a local film society and it's going well so far :)
>i've started a local film society and it's going well so far :)
That's great. Sorry for being harsh, but I don't like people hating whole countries, even when it's their own.
Hope your film society blooms.
>Even more so thinking you're above the masses just because you watch films they don't.
But I am.
Why did he do it
wym that's a good joint
>midgets with flamethrowers
It’s pretty pathetic loving your country out of some naive sense of patriotism, willfully ignoring faults and negative aspects
Is there a FOTW this week?
That scene where he confiscated the druggie chick’s bag was hot.
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prefer the harvey keitel one

tour de force performance from harvey
Yes, it's The Crucified Lovers (1954), by Kenji Mizoguchi, AKA A Story from Chikamatsu.
Wow didn’t realize it had two titles DLd the mega for 7gs but it’s on CC Well sir you have indeed made a nigga out of me
Another totally genuine interaction, yes, sir
Hello guys, I'm kinda new to serious cinema, decided to check some of the serious lists containing the best movies, or should I say films, of all time. On Youtube's cinephile channels, wiki, BFI, etc. I came to the conclusion that the best film of all time is Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles so I guess I'm gonna start with it
You're twisting my words to force a counterpoint. I didn't say anything about loving one's country unconditionally or schoolgirl patriotism. I talked about the issues of hate and generalizations.
NTA; I agree that hating your own country for no reason is kinda lame, but thinking you're above the masses is just a reality. If you're smart and / or a good person, you're already superior to like 80% of people out there.
You should feel bad for making these disingenuous gay posts.
Which you are making right now
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Developing a bad of view of humanity comes easily through living in the world, I have that myself. But I take humbleness as a great virtue. And so its reverse, arrogance, as a great vice. Arrogance is prevalent on this general.
I prefer to view myself as different from most people (not into arts and specifically cinema), rather someone on a superior caste.
>hating your own country for no reason
Lots of reasons
post 'em
Ahhh I've already seen it
That's why I said "for no reason". If you have a reason, then the post is not for you.

Look, humbleness seems superficially like a "good" value to have, but the reality is that superiority and inferiority do exist in life. Just as there are athletes that are better than others, there is people that is better than other people, -because they have better morals, manners and more intelligence overall-, so whatever "arrogance" might come with that, is justified, the only problem would be to openly flaunt yourself against people of your same caliber or superior, in which case, you'd be inferior. Imo, christian values are overrated, look at the world we live in; you can't be so foolish as to think that having compassion for everyone and trying to think that we're all equal is a good idea, that will only breed chaos and discomfort, and the tolerance of evil people by the retarded masses and some brainwashed, good but naïve people.
Sadboi. Cool.

Le patriciénne
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Nigger faggot
I don't think at all it's a superficial value, it's a vital one to deal with our human condition. In the example, the humbleness in a great athlete would come from understanding his natural gifts must be joined by constant preparation, and to be better than competitors demands effort and attention.
Virtues are to be cultivated internally, and then they can become manifest acts on the world if someone wants. Charity is an act, altruism a feeling, for example. The objective should be to better yourself in 'morals, manners and more intelligence' for your own sake, not as means to compete against everybody else.
I can easily have as misanthropic a view of humanity as you do, but I don't want to just sit above and view billions of other people as cattle, slaved and debased in endless corruptions. We all share a lot together, and I respect that while valuing to be different in my preferences.
>but I don't want to just sit above and view billions of other people as cattle, slaved and debased in endless corruptions

That is just the reality, and it's because they don't care at all about being good people, so why care yourself about them? Just focus on kino and making your life enjoyable. I really think in the future people of higher caliber will be forced to completely separate from useless and stupid, immoral people through some sort of walling of cities, kinda like Kowloon Walled City, because atm, good people are being completely attacked everyday by evil and corrupt people in the largest cities of the world. It's not misanthropy, it's just reality. If you are good and have self control, then you necessarily will start hating others who lack those virtues because of pure choice and indifference for the lives of others.
Few of them. Most of them are shit though.
Thank you.
how many have you seen?
>Top Films of Century XXI
Not clicking
Only seen Pulse from that list
>hasn’t seen the Costa or Godard
Any movies about being a lonely lesbian in your mid-20s?
You're the one who should kys.
I've seen only half of Pulse from that list lol
I definitely recommend the Rivette.
>/film/ gets BTFO by a simple list
>only seen horror slop
Only formally.
TSPDT or 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

What's the best list?
>actually paying to use trannyboxd
TSPDT is the more serious one and has a wider diversity of cinema. But 1001 would be very good in helping someone to start out.
I've reached the point where I mostly just avoid American movies.
>ctrl+f your favorite director
>realise that one of your favorite films of his is not on the list
>reliase that those lists are still subjective
Imagine thinking Pulse is "horror slop". Do you know it was made by the director of Cure? It's actually a slow burner apocalyptic film, only grouped within horror because people find it disturbing. Would be like saying Come and See is "horror slop".
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Panos Comatos is the greatest filmmaker of our time.
>Century XXI
Not clicking
Beyond the Black Rainbow was a legitimate 1.5/10
Yea the list is exactly what you would expect from someone typing that
Wasn't that bad. And Mandy was kino
For me, it's 1001 movies until the 70s + TSPDT
Vanda's Room, Notre Musique, Threnody, Tie Xi Qu and Pulse
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>Imagine thinking Pulse is "horror slop". Do you know it was made by the director of Cure? It's actually a slow burner apocalyptic film, only grouped within horror because people find it disturbing.

As a film, 5/10. As an art / aesthetics project, 8/10. Overall, enjoyable as a trip film. Song at the end was the shit, too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMWtQuo6djM
>wojak posting
Actually made me laugh. Maybe I'm healing from misanthropy. I was the butt of the joke, btw.
>laughing along while getting mocked so he can fit in better with the /film/ ""friends""
Is there such thing as having taste that’s too esoteric? I feel like I can’t participate in these threads as my knowledge of the non silent “canon” is every limited. Does only engaging with obscure work give you a more shallow perspective on the medium?
Watch the fan video and say "no" again.
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Cure is like Harakiri terribly overrated because most people don’t watch ‘muh-bug movies’ until they realize it’s better than their stupid fucking cumskin movies. Fuck all of you. I want you all to die by the hands of Jews and niggers.
>Is there such thing as having taste that’s too esoteric?


>Does only engaging with obscure work give you a more shallow perspective on the medium?

Of course, when talking about the medium as a whole, but also makes your knowledge more specialized, and you as an expert less replaceable, because very few people know what you know. I prefer to watch films from all kinds of places, from slop to arthouse, silent films to maximalist onanist rococó, etc., but I understand that in doing so I might have a more superficial understanding of kino. I think someday I might be seen as an expert if I persevere, but I'm more of a generalist than a specialist. It works wonders with the girls, though.
Cure is NOT terribly overrated. It's basically a film version of Monster, a complete masterwork of modern jap media. If you don't get it, I guess I can only say "to each his own" or "filtered"; it's one or the other, you say which one.
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To each his own and let's agree to disagree only works in civilized places.
True, but since niggaposter's ban, I think /film/ is starting to show its true nature.
That 1 viewer movie was yours?
You better stop talkin’ shit about the Cure right now.
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Oh it’s fucking happening.
Had the same problem, but then it worked by accessing it via google search.
Just watch it.
>Is there such thing as having taste that’s too esoteric?
Absolutely not, this is a pathetic cope

>I feel like I can’t participate in these threads as my knowledge of the non silent “canon” is ever limited.
Good, leave

>Does only engaging with obscure work give you a more shallow perspective on the medium?
I’ll take a “shallow” perspective over watching every capeshit Hollywood piece of filth that’s released in order to have a “deep” perspective that is completely worthless.
What a cunt.
Smart man
Smart cunt.
You're welcome. Hope you write your thoughts in one of these threads after you watch it.
Watch more jap media you fucking child you little college baby. Bahahahaha fuck man what a pussy faggot loser bitch.
This has been a great thread
Do obscurity now.


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It’s not as excessive as other threads but the niggaposter is most definitely not banned and it is in this thread as we speak
We’ve got more work- everyone, you know what to do
Yes! Post more Niggas!
what is it with you americans
Reminder! 105 more days 10 more hours 09 more minutes and 30 seconds left of /Nigga/Film until we pick the next era
There's one main nigga gimmicker but obviously there's several people doing the bit not only him
yeah I was the main niggaposter and I got tired of it when someone made nigga OPs
I never got banned for niggaposting by the way
No one cares about this gay era shit autism but yourself
We don't pick any eras, that not how it works.
You lying nigga I am literally the one who started nigga posting here.
no it was me
Meant for >>203660470

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