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HOH: Leah
POV: Angela (used it), Leah (jankie veto, didn't use)
NOMS: T'Kor (replaced Kimo), Rubina
being old as shit with big ange
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never one for tact our big mak
Previously on /bb/ >>203638117
stay strong T'Korsisters we will prevail!
faith in Chelsie
i want chelsie to tell mak cam and angela its ok for tkor to go but she (chelsie) has to give her a sympathy vote.
and then those three say in their good bye message that chelsie was cool with you going but didnt want to burn a jury vote so she gave you a pity vote
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>everyone else having fun
>tkunt in full punished cirie mode
Haven't kept up with the feeds
Is T'Kor finally finito?
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isn't it amazing how much lighter the mood has been since t'kor hit the block
at least cirie was funny, there’s nothing redeeming about t’kor
>angela started talking about schlongs and tkor left
kek the shot of the season
cirie got really lame once they got her crew out
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she's pouting on the balcony AHAHAHA
Mama dud fucking with her toenails on Cirie's bed is still one of my favorite moments from last year
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fuckin based big ange
wont have a clear picture till cam and chelsie have a meaningful convo. the clock is ticking
I actually liked Cirie personally
What I hated was Grod setting it up trying to just steamroll her to the end and her misbegotten son pootard
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Kimo took the bait
I absolutely loathed her shitty ass fanbase and the twist but Cirie was pretty based
what was she saying about schlongs
kimo on soothing patrol
kimo and rubina's games would both be better off once tkor is gone
Yeah I agree, I thought Cirie was funny and it was cool seeing her in the house. Jared fucking sucked though.
why does kimo have a bag of pills?
>have you noticed nobody is talking to me?

holy fuck sometimes you have to initiate things, you dumbass
>kimo: everyone was talking today
>tkor: no one was talking to me
t’kor cannot be a real fucking person man no way
seriously. her not coming around to talk game is going to make people feel even more a way about wanting to get her out
kek she knows she's blowing it
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god I love tkors schizo seethe this week
thank you leah and ange
T'Kor is a confounding combination of arrogance and autism
i need rubina to talk with kimo and let him know how ready tkor was to let him go this week
i respect t'kor for at least knowing that she's fucking this up big time. most people wouldn't admit it or be completely oblivious
she says she's going to have convos tomorrow. where have we heard this before
I bet the poor soul who has been dating her since elementary school hasn't even gotten to fuck her. Sad.
>we have to talk to quinn
Shocking of Chelsie to leave Cam and big Mak unsupervised on the couch kek
If only we got got a cam of people still talking down there instead of four cams on one convo eh Grod?
>you've stayed here because people wanted you here badly
no they didnt tkor, they wanted the bigger target sitting next to kimo gone over him
being unsupervised with coomer cam and big mak
since elementary school? seriously? still she was raised in a cult or some shit
I saw a picture of him at the start of the season and he looked like a fruity nation of islam member
the budget is so tight they dont actually operate and record all 100 cameras at all times. they weave a narrative and only concentrate on capturing those moments with as much detail as possible. theres nothing going on in the yard or they are talking about something that cant be shown. its not a conspiracy
>all 4 cams on the t’kor pity party
poor kimo on his birthday has to stop having fun and go prop up fuckin tkor
Will Mama C take it home?
>let them know i want to be here
>i havent been able to share my story yet
>i am reserved in comparison to a lot of the house guest
>but there is still so much left for me to prove
>i can be an asset
>let me play in BB comics
tkor has got this in the bag with this pitch!
holy kek t'kor is just phoning this shit in and bombing hard even with kimo
the lower bowl got a "stop that"

ywn know what it was
>part of t’kor’s campaign is asking to let her play bb comics
solid I think that will work
her only hope is chelsie roping cam back in kek
never underestimate the buddy system
>t’kor says she’s gonna tell cam about her crotchet stuff
Would be the worst move for Chelsie though
This is the one week she can get her out while still giving Tkunt a pity vote for jury management, unless she’s dumb enough to actually take her to F3 kek
t'kor gonna share her story and reveal she's black
i am actually going to miss this retard
she's fun to hate
how does he not know by now?
but just think
no more of this all cams on tkor bullshit
I thought they all knew she had her own "label" since she was bragging about it weeks ago?
Yeah, what more is there? She's talked openly about her brand.
I need to win the prize money because I have a means of income
so her pitch is her "story" on the last day before her possible eviction, day 65
it's amazing she thinks people give a shit and that it will work
she told kimo chelsie said cam and chelsie are keeping her. kimo is going to be the swing vote unless cam grows a pair
i'm surprised she didn't make Kimo carry the giant teddy bear down the stairs
Chelsie hasn’t actually talked to Cam about the vote
Chelsie also claimed Angela would vote out Rubina kek
We need the actual Chelsie Cam talk to see
chelsie said that without having even talked to cam today, cam talked to leah and said he wants to vote t’kor out
well that's one jury vote Chelsie has locked down. she's thinking ahead. i forgot what ex houseguest said it best but any time they caught wind of people trying to get jury votes they voted them out immediately.
>if ya wanna paly jury, get in the jury
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what if the only unanimous vote this season was to evict T'Kor?
i understand but it doesnt mean cam isnt a buddy
would be extremely funny
but I think kimo votes rubina out no matter what
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comfy week but i'm glad it's over
if that's true there is a serious risk of t'kor staying then
things are definitely up in the air
Waffle Wednesday is going to live up to its name
so it's solid that Mak and Angela will vote T'Kor out but Cam, Kimo, and Chelsie are still in the air? I know Cam has said he wants T'Kor out
she really is a real life disney character
was tschiz strangling that teddy?
Kimo hasn’t been explicitly approached on the vote at all post veto, and Chelsie has only talked about it with Tkor herself (she was trying to talk to Cam earlier but MJ walked up)
Cam said he wanted to but wanted to talk to Chelsie to get her okay I assume
There is a small chance he votes out T'kor. We just need someone to spill to him that she wanted him out and really sell it to him. He seems like the most opportunistic one out of the trio but maybe I'm just coping.
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I love big mak
mak is extra animated tonight
>talking about people faking accents in front of t'kor
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roasting big mak’s dad with big mak
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why are they bashing big mark
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why does Cam have this look on his face 90 percent of the time when hanging out with everyone having fun?
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it’s his birthday roast
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we're all acting like the mak schizo now but with higher quality caps
only when chelsie is around policing him like the SS
and actual reactions and not just her in mid motion
they have all lost it.
exactly lol
getting screen capped in mid motion with big mak
what a week in jankie world does to a mf’er
leah looks like a homeless crazy princess
it drives me crazy when they post basically the exact same screenshots milliseconds apart and fuck with the image limit
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he knows it pisses people off and is just trolling at this point. started off just being a genuine dumbass though
hobo leah. imagine what that robe smells like
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>when chelsie tells you to stay away from other girls in a house full of girls
how cam really feels on the left
Probably like heaven if I were to guess. I can't imagine Leah stinking
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it's weird how Leah is seen as this rich Miami girl into husky millionaires but then also the biggest dork in the house along with Quinn.
i just noticed the lighting on the back of the sofa
the mood is so awkward. they cant split off into rooms and have discussions.
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>t’kor: I don’t know how to say my middle name
>t'kor: i've never peeled an orange before
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>it's real
holy fuck
or spell it
where the fuck did they find her??
>t'kor is an abbreviation of my middle name that i don't know how to say or spell
I used to dismiss the autism talk about her as bull, but she's really putting on display tonight
she’s 100% on the spectrum
ange is fuming kek
I'd love to see an interaction between mama dud and t'kor.

>what the hell you mean you can't spell yo damn middle name
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dud would be like the mother tkor should have had but tkor wouldn't listen to her at all
chelsie just said her opinion has changed on some things and they need to talk (to mak)
chelsie told big mak they need to talk about the future because things have changed for her
wonder if on tkor or cam
OOOOOOOOooooo what's this

tkor i think because cam wanted to talk too? unless updaters are wrong
sounds like tkor is cooked
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mak cradling her teddy bear is so cute
tkunt turning into tcooked
I doubt chelsie tries to push back on this
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it’s ogre
>chelsie: im down to go with the house
wew, lata tkor, mmhmm to that sis
jankie world has been incredible
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icko is about to be shook when de'cor joins him in the jury house kek
this is what dyrefest was probably if it wasnt for the wall yellar
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i wonder if he'll have the balls to shoot down her shit?
especially when he finds out it was a leah hoh
im getting worried about cam mak and chelsie huddled up like this in full view of the yard but i guess it doesnt really matter
My guess is the changed game stuff Chelsie wanted to bring up is getting closer to Leah
She’s very conspicuously absent from next week eviction talks
rubina was just looking over
i don't think it matters
I think Chelsie has been ready to clip T'kor but was waiting for "the house" to make the decision
I never should have doubted this cast. I was dooming hard at the start of the twist
sound right honestly. perfect opportunity to do it this week.
unironically very smart of Cam and Mak to do this together
harder for Chelsie to push back 2-1 even if she wanted to
love the dynamic of this trio. chelsie in love with cam but doesnt know how to show it outside of middle school bullying. cam just wanting cuddles and to bust a nut. mak being platonic with non flirting cuddles and massages that triggers chelsies insecurities
I wanna play with big mak’s curl
rubina please stop rubbing your mouth for the love of god
mak saying tkor goes this week, kimo next and then angela.
thinkins leah, cam and rubina will take mak and chelsie into F3
we might get a good f4 after all
I'm genuinely fine with anyone but tkor winning so I'm ecstatic tonight
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right? it's great
these fucking idiots really though they were going to skip into the endgame together
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>we shouldn't be in this position. it should be other people. it's messed up.
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tkor: hated jankie world
leah: loved it and thrived
tkor blaming tucker as if she didn't put him up?
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she'll be free of it all thursday :)
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shes pissed she has to sit in jury house for a month
>tkor: honestly, she(leah) doesnt want me in jury, cause im going to drag her name through the mud
>rubina: same
rubina did the sassy snappy
>girl, same.
LMAO these women hate Cam.
he's a dumb fuck for making sure quinn went home. of course all the women are gonna shit on him when he's the last straight dude left.
so pathetic kek
complain complain complain
whine whine whine
bitch bitch bitch
I don't think mj does but she'll join in any good shittalking session kek
>r: how do you laugh at things i don't think are funny?
She thinks of him like a brother. He definitely annoys her sometimes.
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>like a brother
like the brother she'd marry if he wasn't her brother and gay? kek
ttard's downfall has been delicious
one of the best, if not the best, modern bb plots
>tkor talking about campaigning to people while on the block
>tkor: its like they already have their minds made up
>rubina: now you get it
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rubina always downs herself so whoever she's talking to can shower her in compliments
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goodnight /bb/
nighty night boo
I respect Rubina for being brutally honest to T’Kor and not always tip toeing around stuff. Maybe that’s just been recently though
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night babes
see i think she handles her with kid gloves and isn't as honest as she should be
Chelsie desperately trying to gaslight MJ that no she has no problem with her cuddling Cam but everyone else does kek
tkor is an absolute retard
>Mj: If Cam tries to touch me I'm gonna tell him to get off me from now on
The Cam coomer who thinks they'll fuck on suicide watch
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>t: it doesn't make sense that we're a target now.
kimo is waayyyy worse though. you can tell he's fed up at times but doesn't speak on it. rubina will give jabs to t'kor at least. she literally made her cry last week because of it
she's also telling other people Chelsie gotta go kek
I put this in the file with Tkor talking to Quinn, which still won't happen in jury outside of forced stuff
yeah true, she does slip sometimes
she just called her a bitch but it's hard to tell if she means it or if it's just sassy talk
what was Angela so mad about earlier?
they woke her up for a conga line
being woken up from sleep to conga
Keep coping
america wanted to see tkor, rubina, kimo, tucker, chelsie, quinn according to tkor
I don't care either way kek
but never trust these people with firm statements holding up
I truly can't wait for the bullying tkor is going to receive. One of the few times a houseguest really deserves it.
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one of those is right
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no more big mak and cam cuddles...
Pretty telling she said nothing about her Leah convos beyond trying to say she wanted to get with them again
Definitely cracks in that relationship, Mak a week ago would’ve spilled literally everything
chelsie and mak are now talking about leah and how she is trying to get closer to everyone
rubina and tkor , well i cant say really, havent been listening
Chelsie realized how she left the minions unsupervised for days due to her melty and is desperately trying to reprogram MJ to hate Leah again
im like 1/3 thinking that big mak takes a shot at chelsie when its F3/4 depending on who is there with them
She’s already been talking about taking the shot with Rubina and Leah
If the chance arises I think she takes it
Mak is playing both sides brilliantly desu.
tkor and rubina pissed that kimo is hanging out with other people in the house while they are on the block
mmm now this is some spicy seethe
keep it up girls
>you and kimo being on the block the most while being the oldest is giving some type of prejudice
>rubina: i know, i said that
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>tfw i also struggle to speak and have conversations
>i also don't go on reality television
What about Angela lol
lol why the fuck did they try to hide from kimo when he woke up kek
Not sus at all
tkor said she has been up a lot as well but she deserves it
Sounds like we almost are very close to having our first unanimous vote to get T’Kor out unless someone pleas to give a sympathy vote
i think kimo is voting for her, chelsie too even if she's good with her going?
jesus what the hell is the point of shitting on kimo?

t'whore is just a entitled brat.
you're not getting amazing race with tucker zubina don't even think it
Kek this is such horseshit. Kimo only really seemed upset when he was a have not and couldn’t eat hot dogs whenever he wanted. He always acted pretty chill with whoever put him up and talked to everyone. T’Kor is a self unaware retard by not knowing her closest allies and that she bothers them
i think she will unfortunately
i am voting for lil leah for AFP, she got the house eeyore out, so she deserves it
>tkor: i will not be mad if you stay, i will be mad at certain individuals
>mouths 'cam'
cam betrayed the black race, higher purpose bros...this is your dawg? this is your crib?
girl, same.
>tkor: honestly, i think america will be sad when you get evicted, if and when you get evicted
im expecting a chelsie convo with t'kor today where she "warns" that the votes may have flipped and it is all cam/mak's fault.
Wonder if she’ll go full Izzy with pipsqueak kek
How in the fuck does this woman like survivor given her higher purpose big buddy bullshit?
TAR doesn't want to cast BB alums anymore because they keep winning
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Good morning ladies
those fucking white whores, they sang kimo happy birthday
i think this will just confirm and fuel rubina even more. apparently rubina told mak that kimo came up to her today? and told her he is sorry that she has to go this week.

morning mr hogg
Lmao oops
getting sloppy tcooked
god i hope this is a tkor blindside
she might legit faint
It’ll be spoiled by Chelsie but she’ll be furious regardless
I actually want her to know early tomorrow so she can stew all the way to eviction
She’s either autistic or a sociopath maybe. That’s my diagnosis
i didnt even think about that aspect of it. you think the house would actually blindside her? i see everyone except kimo coming together tomorrow and agreeing tkor needs to go and then informing her thursday that the house has decided to vote her out.
i think the have to if they really want her gone
can't risk getting cold feet when it's this close
i think chelsie will let her know 1-on-1

she knows t'kor will be a bitter as fuck juror, so she cannot have any blame for this. She will blame most of it on leah/cam.
chelsie has her vote regardless
1 hundred percent. she just told rubina in this convo if rubina stays, she'll be mad at cam for being the one who flipped
>tkor: america loves you, i dont see how they couldnt
she's in for a rude awakening when top 3 for AFP is some combo of tucker/angela/mak with leah as the dark horse
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>i sleep safely knowing chelsie kimo and cam have my back
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good morning.
Morning Hogg
tkor finito soon
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morning mr cliff
Would they really have an all white top 3 AFP? I’m sure they would just randomly throw in a black person for some potty points
they may throw a bone to kimo or rubina, but none of the buddies are popular. or maybe chelsie is on twitter idk
if BBN is correct Chelsie is a distant 5th place for AFP and she is the highest placing minority player.
right now the top three would be Tucker, Angela, and either Makensy or Leah in 3rd with the other in 4th
plus either they give Chelsie the edit whitewashing of the decade or she's going to be raped by the obsessive chelousy edit incoming tonight
I would imagine that chelsie blowing up on cam and everything that happened this week would be too juicy for the editors to ignore
doing the freak nasty with big mak
I'm watching the episodes to get caught up
while I also think either of those are likely, her not having any father figure during childhood is also a big problem. she seems to have been coddled her whole life and is in for a rude awakening soon.
tkor must be an actress they hired
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today T'kor will face the fools plotting against her
all those who strayed will be punished accordingly
T'Kor just strikes me as someone who has never been seriously challenged in her life in any capacity.
Is that fucking Berserk
bring jerry back!
let jerry from BB10 in the house!
but she's black! the biggest challenge of all!
Morning Boss Hogg
>if I got to pee I'm just gonna pee
thanks for keeping the thread alive
That ending music was pretty good. doo doot doot doot doo doo dun dun doot doot doot doo doo doot dun dun
least blurry makposter screenshot
mccrae new thread

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