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Community thread?
I never watched it. I've only watched The Office, Always Sunny and Parks and Rec and if you watched a couple of American sitcoms they all seem the same later on so that's enough for me
It's quintessential late 00s, early 10s kino.
Joel McHale has joined the cast of Yellowjackets
Community is streets ahead of either of those shows.
You're missing out anon, smdh.
The dungeons and dragons episode was the best
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>Better than IASIP
I doubt it
Community has far better writing than those shows (with the exception of a few early seasons of Always Sunny). The layers to the jokes / overlapping plotlines make it closer to Arrested Development than The Office.
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Truly, 2009 was the pinnacle of human civilization.
No it really is tho
Why'd he do it, bros?
Paintball > D&D

>just like real life
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For me it was this one
>First of all: Gay
>Second of all: Stupid
>Thirdly: Why was this a secret/why wasn't I invited?
I quote this one regularly IRL whenever I find out one of my friends did something incredibly stupid.
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It's a very useful phrase.
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Where are the white women at?
Such a shame alison brie waited til she was past her prime to show her tits
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>he doesn't know
>I beat dungeons and dragons, and it was advanced!
I will never not laugh at that line.
reddit show. reddit fanbase. reddit thread full of reddit anons
Community is /tv/core
I think I liked 30 rock more
But 30 rock didn't reinvent itself every episode
only a redditor would refer to something as /tv/core. i'm sick of you faggots getting away with shit like that and nobody ever calling you out on it. why can't you all just stay where you came from?
Leonard was easily the best recurring side character.
Frankie was hotter in her first appearance where she was playing a different character
RIP Prof. Slater
If I was the actress, I'd be annoyed that my character just entirely vanished with practically zero explanation after S1 and that cliffhanger.
The reason they made the character disappeared was the actress demanded too much money for new appearances. I believe a similar thing happened to the guy that Jeff goes to for lessons on becoming a better person, the dude from the pottery class.
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Thank you for posting
>the guy that Jeff goes to for lessons on becoming a better person, the dude from the pottery class.
I'm pretty sure he randomly shows up again in like Season 3. Slater just disappears off the face of the earth after S1
my nigger you came into the thread to post and are now mad about a response you got
I don't see you posting this in capeshit threads. Fuck off.
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Dangerously based
I love that Alison is such a hoe, great body too
Kind of funny that Community's spiritual successor would be the fucking Bear of all shows but the occasional nod is nice.

Community & 30 Rock really were the top comedies of the time, at least they're more beloved & remembered than that piece of shit that is Parks & Rec after season 2.
Doesn't she get a passing mention in the news crawl in the election episode?
We just need Chevy to show up as Daddy Berzatto in a flashback
I donno, this show has always given me peak Reddit vibes
Yeah, it was something along the lines of "still missing/plothole" if I remember right.
They rank in this order of Reddit when it comes to the glory NBC 2000s shows:

Parks & Rec
The Office
30 Rock (too many blackface episodes for those folks)
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The show would be a 9/10 without this faggot, but he drops it down to a 6/10.
Replace him with literally anybody and the show improves dramatically.
>30 Rock
>Parks and Rec
>The Office
What an absolute juggernaut of a lineup. That might be the best primetime lineup ever.
I do not grant that statement the title of based because he did not specify that it would be baby-making sex
Reminder that Season 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Season 5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Season 6
nope, 6>>>>>5>>>>>4
Nothing in season 4 stands out to me like
So for that reason alone, I've gotta give the edge to season 6 But Elroy puts it head and shoulders above S4. Hickey was a bad Pierce replacement.
I'm not so sure man, reddit loves their le epic The Office references, barely anybody remembers Scrubs nowadays.
Season 6 is/was/will remain shit. Classes practically don't even exist anymore nor do grades and exams. It's just hijinks. Abed is also cringe since Harmon indulged himself too much.

Season 5 has a terrible finale that comes out of nowhere and all the characters are regressed so they go back to school for unclear new majors so the show keeps going. Doesn't help that Troy is just an extension of Abed by this point
*She's a no good B*
Yeah, if there's anything I love about season 4, it's the focus on classes.
>fucking her while she goes on about crossword puzzles
>no hips
>no ass
white women are disgusting
For me, it's Britta's unrelenting need to remind people she lived in New York
For me it's the periodic reminder that she likes ass play.
Name 3 times this happened.
She is jewish. You are now an antisemite. The Jewish terrorist state will now turn your phone into a bomb. Should have been a better goy.
Shame this kind of tv won't be made again.
It was banned because of blackface
Community was only good for 3 seasons. 30 Rock was the better show
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>Digital Exploration of Interior Design
Best pun title of the whole series, up there with Basic Lupine Urology.
For me, it's the Ludwig Goransson score
Absolute soul
I never watched 30 Rock or Parks and Recs. Community is one of my favorite shows of all time though. What's the qrd on them?
Community is reddit, I cringe watching it. Besides Britta and the Dean were the only funny characters in the show probably because they were meant to be cringy and a tryhard loser
30 Rock is even better. Parks and Rec has an absolute disaster of a first season, but it improves after that.
I unironically liked the first season until it started to try too hard to be meta and quirky. Like the autistic muslim guy became the mascot of the show like "ohh he thinks its a TV show, WINK WINK"
Britta had sex with the only black in the school
30 Rock is okay but not as good
Parks and Rec has some good moments but a lot of really annoying characters
>Britta x Shirley
I'll take it, I guess.
Oh god. I didn't know these existed. God bless you, you beautiful goyim.
This show is complete pozzed dogshit and anyone who likes it is a faggit
Since we are going with reddit shows New Girl is better
>Classes practically don't even exist anymore nor do grades and exams
That shit started in season 3
>0 results

what is wrong with you people

Joel McHale really kept that show together. In those type of ensemble shows its critical your straight man be grounding but still flawed and intresting. He nailed it in a similar way Jason Bateman did
Because for me it was the Christmas song
>30 Rock
Actually rewatching it now and it's comfy but not very funny
It started then yes, but Season 4 kept a good focus on classes. Season 5 and 6 threw all that out and didn't even bother
>I have to go to the bank today
I love the dean's little moments of clarity
Mmm, Britta's tummy
are you elizabeth shue
>I've only watched The Office, Always Sunny and Parks and Rec

you wouldnt get it

kikes will fund a show just to dilute a google search term
Would any of you care for a movie?
I think it could be fun in a "where are they now?" and show community colleges are not all that bad but it takes more effort to make it in life.
The closure I would give it is that Greendale has managed to become respectable after they started teaching regular trades and good careers while Jeff finally becomes The Dean.
They announced the movie two years ago, anon.
For some reason they still haven't even started filming, but it's happening.
i love that she chose not to reproduce as she is showing the same signs of mentql illness (aka being a kike) as her mom, doing the blm protests
I think the main trouble is that Donald Glover's schedule is impossible to work with, he's a lot more successful and busy than the rest of the cast
You're streets behind
S6 was depressing enough. I don't want to see Dan Harmon projecting out his mental illness anymore
troys dead. his boat sank. was on tv
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S6 was the good kind of depressing. It was bittersweet and I think they hit the perfect tone for an ending.
Funny I'd prefer the opposite. Greendale is finally being shut down, Jeff is the Governor or some State Senator pushing to make that happen. The school, knowing it's being shut down, invites everyone and does spooky comedy shit like House on Haunted Hill.

Maybe at the end Jeff semi-changes his mind, Greendale will take over the City College campus but the old school itself will still get closed
It's odd how Troy leaving felt like the death knell of the show, but most of my good memories of the show don't involve Troy at all.
I forgot Shirley even left the show.
I don't get it
She also had sex with the hippie dude and obviously Jeff. There's also the pop pop black dude. So no, you're wrong /pol/tard
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Shirley leaving was completely forgetable
Troy leaving kinda shifted the dynamics and many people consider it the turning point of the entire show ( to worse of course)
wtf? he's the heart of the show
i think it'll be ok on that front. he's doing better now, and the harmontown stuff was retired
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Since nobody has yet posted this exact verbiage I hereby claim Annie as my waifu

I've fapped to this scene on multiple times
The first two seasons of Community are all timers, but also jesus christ watch 30 Rock already you pleb
I always preffered Britta tbqh famalalam
she looks like she has naturally bad breath
>Kind of funny that Community's spiritual successor would be the fucking Bear
tbf senpai I respectfully disagree but also would not kick Britta out of bed for eating crackers iykwim
And the show started suffering when it tried to make Childish Gambino a bigger part of the show at the expense of Jeff
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Seasons ranked;
>3 pre hiatus
>3 post hiatus
Joel McHale is the reason this show wasn't more popular.
Swap 1 and 2 and I'd be inclined to agree
Haven't seen s4 or 5 since they came out tho
Second half of 1>first half of 2>second half of 2>first half of 1>3>6>5>
Parks and rec
And community
Are pure fucking aids. 30 rock and the office all have very funny moments that make them overall worth watching. The others? You'd have to be gayer than shit to stick around for any of that dogshit
I always thought it was kind of douchey but don't find it hard to hate him.
*But find it hard to hate him
it was popular enough. it's a shitty show that can barely make use of sitcom. the show sucks because it's not funny. nobody likes it because it's not funny. nobody talks about it because it's not funny. it's not a sitcom it's a sitdram just like every show listed here, with 30 rock included
Say what you will, but Chevy and Magnitude were the heart and soul of that show
They’ve done time lapses and they always make their lives seem really sad; i think would be really depressing.
Also the community production team can’t handle a big budget it would be a monstrosity of concept stuff.
Jeff being Dean would be ok if the implication was that he likes having a job that allows him to be around people without having to work too hard
best girl
digital is also used to mean " with fingers or using fingers " digits = fingers
even it you dont like the show, the annie/britta eye candy is great
you do know she's the biggest slut right ?
Perfect jew milkers in my mouth
thank you anon

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