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>Australian remake of "The Office" with female lead
Literal Satanism
Is it a remake of the American The Office or the British The Office?
>everything I don't like is... le satanic!
burger boomers belong in the grave
This looks identical to the American version desu
>female leads
>female coppers
>female irons
Traditionally, only one of these is a good idea
I don't think it even matters, it's awful, no laughs at all, and not even australians like it according to the comments
look at that hook nosed jew
jesus christ
Lulz. Wait until you see the yank version.
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>Australian remake
>So mad about Aussies he keeps a screenshot for over ten years.
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>he keeps a screenshot for over ten years
I made that image from this one that I looked up online, retard
why does she look jewish? do all australians look like that
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>you will never have a MILF boss that seduces you at the office Christmas party
I hate working in a company with 98% dudes
the first words that came to my mind after seeing the trailer were
>bloated and unfunny
way too many people in the cast and some of them also felt quite flanderized already, meaning, they are not going to take their time and wait for their characters to grow and have their own gimmicks and personality, but force the group into owning each other constantly.
>too sanitized
everything feels sterile, committee approved and safe for everyone, like the mean girls musical from early this year.
I doubt it will even be a "so bad, it's funny to laugh at it" type of show, but a cringefest that will be memoryholed soon after its debut.
Oy, that is not a shiksa.
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>Australian remake of "The Office" with female lead
Ray Gunners. Our time is now.
the boss has big tits
>Anon, I need you to work overtime at my place.
Wut do?
Are there so many samoan/light abbos in office work in Australia? genuine question here.
Aussie Kazhar Milkers????!!!!
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>Maori starts doing Haka for no fucking reason
Both kinda looks the same as the straya troll cunt, are they all like that? you can know by the nose everytime?
god i love curvy women so much
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y-yes mommy
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why did they cast Lorde?
why do they always put quirky music that stops for the "punchline" multiple times in trailers now? it's the worst. Also she's totally doing her very best Micahel impression.
Of all shows to get remade three times, the Office? Really?
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Dwoight: Jaims!! Did ya feed my stoiplar to ya dingo, m8? Crikey!!
Michelle: where's da shrimp on da barbie, cunts??
Don't care. Won't watch.
she looks jewish
>Aussissies can't into bants
Jeez. Wtf happened to you koala hugging niggers?
The office is already unbearable and so are a*stralians I can’t even imagine how bad this is
The cold open will be 15 minutes of them acknowledging the indigenous people and land that was stolen
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Felicity ward has really filled out since her time on The Ronnie Johns Good Times Campfire Jamboree Half Hour Show (Now on Television)
nope, islanders mostly work in the security industry or are tradies, abbos don't work unless it's for some dodgy "charity" for abbos
looks really bad
Why is Australia so embarrassing?
They gave up their guns and their balls. That's why they can have concentration camps for the unvaxxed and nobody riots.
spend like 2 seconds to go look at her face
She looks like Roy Hodgson on this promo shot.
I wasn't interested until I saw those.
the nose knows
finally, a realistic depiction of a woman in management
>watch an ugly retarded woman bully her underlings!
You watched an ugly, retarded manchild bully his underlings for 7 seasons.
But now it's a problem?
Holy shit.... and I thought I had low standards
Steve Carell isn't ugly.
Ok Steve
I'm not Steve.
I honestly enjoyed the jeet one
Why are Aussies so bad at making films/tv?
Ok, fine, whatever. But why do all the female characters look like 50 year old byll dykes?
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>three times
we aren't, it's just that the only shit that gets government funding these days is garbage dei crap and abbo shit, and because those movies are such failures it then scares off private investors from funding other films, which then makes film makers even more dependant on government funding to get shit made but the only stuff they can get made needs to adhere to film Australia's demands and so the cycle continued untill nothing worth watching was left
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missing Saudi Arabia
US ones are most attractive
Why are they all so ugly?
>israeli office
>jim halberg pranks dwight al-schrute by rigging his pager to explode
Who would want to watch her face? wtf. Is that some money laundering scheme? How can that be.
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Exactly, we Aussies are PROUD of this particular piece of absolute cinema. Foreigners need to lighten up and stop being so feckin roysist. I shall be watching with me sheila and her aboriginal BVLL
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Why are australians so utterly bad at comedy? i don't get it, in here they are really good shitposters, but anything regarding comedy, stand up or that shit is the most awful shit i have seen on this planet.I'm not even part of the anglosphere, and im not gonna pretend americans and britbongs are the funniest people on earth, but at least a lot of their comedy can come across to people who are not part of their countries, but not australians they are just god damn awful at comedy
Yahoo Serious needs to save Australian comedy.
>Hannah Howard tells a "that's what he said" joke
>Dwight al-Schrute arrives the next morning by paraglider
she was cute when she was younger, I'm more surprised at how big her tits have gotten
why even do this, doesn't Australia already have Utopia?
for me, it's Pammi
This is high art compared Finnish Office
you probably haven't seen good Australian comedy, we keep the best stuff for ourselves
Why would you even compare Utopia to this?
Utopia has nothing to do with Office, essentially Utopia just shits on recent government decisions.
plus several other shows like Utopia, we even did the office mockumentary/talking head style show before the original office did it, the games, brilliant show if you can find it it's about the organising of the 2000's Sydney Olympic Games
ricky gervais is involved in this? not funny.
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pammi enjoyers rise up
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Oy vey
she literally looks like a man in drag
Maybe this show is based
Pam Ranking:
David Brent and Michael Scott being men is kind of fundamental to their characters - the show is satirising a lot of the unconvincing pretentions of machismo that those sort of soft middle-managers have, which you really don't get with equivalent female bosses. It might be interesting if they created a different type of boss archetype making fun of a lot of female boss stereotypes but she just seems to be doing a David Brent / Michael Scott impression.
>they named french David Brent David Gervais
Only the Boss and (debatably) Audience Surrogate. Swedish Freak mogs Dwight and German Girl mogs Pam.
The name is a subtle joke
German Boss looks like Christian Bale. If he had hair and wasn't pulling a stupid face he'd mog Michael Scott
She's one of those isnt she?
Not Australian. Jewish. Fully Jewish. The Pam replacement is a ghastly hog. Dead on arrival.
Ok, I'm watching it for she. You've convinced me.
Where are the bloody jokes?
Why are Australians so horrible at comedy? It's all like a worse version of Letterkenny which isn't all that good either.
is there confirmation that Felicity Ward is Jewish? the only thing I could find said she was greek
Honestly there have been a thousand Australian office based comedies. But Australian media fucking sucks, it’s boring and really miserable and mean spirited for some reason
why are they all so ugly it's genuinely distracting
I just finished marathoning season 7 of American Office. I guess it's downhill from here?
Will Ferrell was awful in the handful of episodes he was in. I actually started skipping through his last episode which I hadn't done for any episode except the clip show one.
Your bags look so heavy. Allow me to carry them in for you, please.
Is Finland like the South Dakota of EU
HR Karen would lose them too many female audience
so its not even its own thing its basically just late season the office with new actors
looks like shit.
wouldn't mind see those huge honkers though.
>HR Karen
would actually be funny, we're not getting that, ever
I thought women weren't allowed to have jobs in Saudi Arabia.
Finland is like Michigan of EU
It's so weird how the cartoon about the talking dogs became an international smash hit. Of all the things that country has produced. Bluey becomes the major cultural export.
I'd start working overtime on cunnilingus if you know what I mean*nudge* *nudge*
not that weird, Australia has always produced top tier children's entertainment, just look at the wiggles for instance
Young Einstein was really horrible but when I was a little kid I thought Einstein was Australian for a really long time
>Tobias Flenderberg from HR kills Dwight's entire family and blows up his apartment building
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Someone needs to update this
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>killing Australia's comedy
They are trying to destroy every form of culture aren't they?
8/10 in ausland
Explain yourselves, ausfags.
looks like if the guy from dune trooned out
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>Literal Satanism
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>the way they're oozing over the bra
why does Amazon keep burning their money like this?
Looks like
Why do they always remake the US office instead of the comfy grimness of the UK version
>literal satanism
Christfags like you make us look bad
>hmmm yes this is the work of the literal devil i should pray more that'll make it go away
People occasionally clapped back against Michael, they can't now because it would be sexism. Just try to imagine how that "did I stutter" thing would go with a female Michael.
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pays off in the end once Jews wipe out whites from existence and rule the world
> in here they are really good shitposters, but anything regarding comedy, stand up or that shit is the most awful shit i have seen on this planet
None of you guys know the duality of Australia unless you live here. We can be both dangerously based and the worlds most soul crushingly mediocre cringe nation at the same time within 5 minutes of each other. Raygun exposed to the whole world the stuff that only we knew about. We have the worst traits of California existing in the same space as the best traits of Texas. ABC flavored goyslop is going to infect the entire planet and god fucking help us. Vid below sums it up for me.

Also with Australian comedy it's the trashy stuff that's actually good (Kath and Kim, Summer Heights High, Big Lez, Black Comedy, YOLO, Housos, Fat Pizza).


Anything """"high brow"""" is usually fucking dogshit (Hannah Gadsby, Aunty Donna, The Weekly With Charlie Pickering, Mad As Hell etc). Its a distinction that unfortunately you guys may have to become more clued in to. The Chaser's War On Everything and Hard Quiz are the great exceptions to this though.


It's always been like this. You guys have just been protected from these horrors.

It's typical government funded style nepobaby bullshit.

watch pic related
It's almost as if you're a retarded sheltered American
None of that happened but OK
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God I want to see this so bad. Where the fuck do I get it?
The assistant looks like a female version of the hideous UK one
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Oh... The butch from Talk to Me is there... And she looks exactly like in the movie...
You know I lived in Aus for like a year and I don't think I ever watched the local TV once
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This has ABC Australia written all over it. Avoid everyone.
>That kike in the window
Actually horrifying.
Why should I give a fuck about what some irrelevant tripfag said eleven years ago?
you were only here for a year. why should I care?

You forgot Frontline as well.
>we keep promoting women into positions of power
Well at least they are being honest about it.
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Best Australian show
dangerously based
haven't seen it in years.
>Why are australians so utterly bad at comedy?
We're not
One thing everyone is eventually going to learn about Australia is that this country is late to fucking everything.
The Dads Google History girl could have saved this
It's because in america you have two types of people making children's entertainment, right wing pearl clutchers and left wing pearl clutchers.
You don't get as much of that weird dichotomy in Australia, people aren't politically seperated like they are in the states and more things are made earnestly without the whole "MY POLITICAL BELIEFS ARE BETTER THAN YOURS" undertones.
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damn, when i saw the poster a few weeks back i didn't expect my vision of its awfulness to align 1:1 with reality. i hope you all understand that most if not all of the people involved with writing this are bleeding heart lefty types who are fans of the american version. their biggest sin is being a fan of the other version because it'll just come off as a crude mockery instead of this fun little office inspired thing which is what i'm sure they're going for. as an australian i wish you'd all forget this, hannah gadsby, the my dad's internet history bit, and what our government did during covid.
Correction: There is a lot of lefties who impose their beliefs on people hard, but there isn't such thing as a "hard opposite" for it, like right wingers.
Aside from lefties you just have normal australians, they're not overly racist or overly PC, they're just regular folk.
Michael, Dwight and Jim are all women in this version. Also they are all ugly
if they have a cameo of gen-z mini's gang from the much cooler corporate office dabbing on these losers I will watch that episode.
I hate this franchise for the pure fact that office fags enjoy watching a work office drama that consists of wacky scenarios and mildly comedic characters when the truth is the highlight of their day is refilling their stapler, browsing their phone on the toilet for 20 mins and their co-workers all secretly want to climb the building roof and jump to their deaths to escape the soul stealing glare of the fluorescent lights
For me its the psyhotic damage its dealt to females.
Female fans of The Office basically just view men in their life as "characters" in their own little show and I shouldn't have to explain why that's conceited and narcissistic.
I never realized how ugly Aussies are. They should have cast Kiwis.
They’re not meant to be attractive you daft buggers.
>The Chaser's War On Everything and Hard Quiz are the great exceptions to this though.

Forgot about Review With Myles Barlow
listen to this anon below. Absolutely destroys the US remake. Watch this instead of Housos.
mad as hell is good, and it's a mix of high brow and low brow comedy
I did mention front line in the other thread about this show a few hours earlier, but yes frontline would be in that category of shows aswell
>wog comedy
>kath and kim
Everything on your list is utter shit bro. The last decent comedy show in Australia was The Late Show which aired in '92-'93.
I bet you giggle your faggot ass off to Gruen as well.
Oh man that was bad. It's gonna suck so hard but still get a forced second season with a Raygun appearance as boss's sister.
>Comment section enabled
>100% iof the comments hate it
Even normies wont watch this shit
Can Amazon cancel a show already filmed?

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