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We all wanna be Rust, but we're really Ray.
I want to be Frank. He's 1m96, a badass boxer, has a head on his shoulders, runs a nightclub so free booze, hot wife who loves him,...
Ray is divorced with kids.
I'm actually Sugar
Doesn't really matter, they're both alcoholics.
/tv/ is more like fat pussi desu
>We all wanna be Rust
I'd prefer to be Marty. Rust seems to constantly be living in misery up until the final scene.
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I'm actually Rust though. That whole speech about "I'm not easy to live with. I don't mean to be but I can be critical." is literally me. Something about the disciplined and minimalist way I live my life makes other people feel attacked. It's the wierdest thing.
Rust fucked another man's wife. Ray beats up the father of his son's bully.

Ray>>>>>>>garbage>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pokemon>>>>Two Pump Chump Cohle
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>Rust seems to constantly be living in misery
The tree of knowledge is not the tree of life.
For me, it's Roland.
why the fuck would i want to be a reddit faggot nihilist
i want to be frank so kelly reilly would be my wife
dorff was a pleasant surprise
>70s sideburns
>just wants to live out in the woods surrounded by dogs
yup, literally me
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>Has the least amount of personal baggage of all the protagonists
>Still just wants a buddy to hang out with to escape the inevitable loneliness
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>Rust seems to constantly be living in misery up until the final scene.
Literally me.
I feel like Pizza had so much more to cover with him but HBO wanted more screen time with Purple's boring wife.
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Frank's final walk is one of the best scenes I've ever seen. I know its about him coming to grips with the end of his life, but for me its like watching different versions of yourself and your dreams die one by one.
You keep sleepwalking through a daydream every day until one day you finally realize its over. You squandered it.
who the hell would want to be mr reddit atheism
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>You squandered it.
That's not how anything works. People think they are in control of their lives because they can decide to turn right or left(metaphorically speaking). The truth is the number of factors outside your control that shape your destiny is innumerable. Real enlightenment is letting go of the burden of feeling you have fucked up and just finding a way to live with the knowledge you are a leaf floating down a stream and watching the scenery and thinking is about all you can do.
I don't want to be any True Detective character except maybe Steve Dorff's. The rest are all miserable fuckups.
I wanna be the nigger from season 3. he gets nigger pussy
Sounds like a based nigga but idk who he is since I only watched seasons 1 plenty of times and s2 just the once.
Gimme the tl;dr on the guy
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Me in 30 years
Frank's one-man coke and tequila party inspired me to try it out and it's very fun but quickly becomes deeply depressing.
Ray is the best character in any season.
Based and determinism-pilled
I just drink straight tequila. I'm white but I like to think I'm turning mexican.
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Why is this show so good at depicting male loneliness?
Just combine it with shitposting. It's less lonely and there are no repurcussions for running your mouth and acting a fool.
>Just nice and want to do good
Based is what you are
So just like in the show?
Fuck off space-nigger, we're full.
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I wonder if Colin Ferrell has any actual experience with coke
He didn't even know they were shooting.
It’s the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There is no “tree of knowledge”. Retarded reddit faggot.
Why? Does it look real or not at all?
Never did coke.
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>hurr durr semantics
>calls me leddit

projection. check your brain hole.
What is Rust’s zodiac sign? He comes across as a cancer to me.
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I'm not like either of those drunkards, I'm Marty.
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That's a pretty solid wig. I should get one.
I relapsed super fucking hard yesterday and woke up drunk so yeah I am literally Rust.
This scene put me onto that song and band. That’s ma shit right there
Birth date of November 6th, 1964, giving him a star sign of Scorpio.
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You guy's aren't even worth being Jerseys or whatever his name is.This dude at best
If that really is a wig, you could do better than that. Still looks like he's receding, which I guess is a more realistic hairline for a 40 year old or however old he is here, but still.
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>we all wanna be......

None of you losers could make it into the police force never mind become a detective.
Couldn't even become traffic wardens, you tendie munching man children.
What having no fat pussy does to a man
He's got fairly well documented drug and alcohol problems
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November 6th, 1964 the sun would be crossing Libra
>some depressed rich fag said that only smart are sad because they're so smart
>I'm a depressed poor loser in 2024, that means I'm smart!
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Even got a part as a colonizer in a sextape.
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>Aspen? That's a boy's name?
For me it's Sarah Gadon
Same. I never understood why people take shit that isn’t about them personally.
I guess it’s because I seem cocky and like I think I'm better than everybody but really it’s just that I don’t give a shit about most stuff others care about.
It’s the little things that seem to set people off the most, like not drinking coffee, not eating sweets, not having any pets or anything else. They get pissed off when I talk about how I just left work last thursday and went hiking for 4 days without a worry in the world because my life has the absolute minimum amount of variables I can muster.
Just like the us. Minority white by 2035.
Cuz pizzaman is one of us.
Yup. It's like saying "I do this" is saying "what you do is stupid" when I'm literally just saying "I do this." I don't care what you do even if it is stupid.
I think it’s the lack of freedom that sets people off. They create extra work and hindrances for themselves and get mad when someone else basically says “thats retarded” by simply stating that they don’t have any of those problems.

All I can think about when I hear people complain about shit is that they are a bunch of fucking idiots who can’t get a grip and just fix their situation and shut the fuck up. I have always been the type to just shut up and work until whatever I'm doing is done so that I don’t need to think about it anymore.

I can’t be in relationships because I drive people crazy by not engaging in their bullshit and then I will suddenly explode and lash out when they overstep an invisible line for the X amount of time.
Based Roland enjoyer.
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>blah blah thing I do is causing me XX grief
>>so don't do it
>but I HAVE to
>>I don't
>yeah but you're weird I don't want to be weird and I can't live like you do I like my "insert whatever normie goy thing it is" too much.
>>then having your problems is the price of not being "weird"
>you asshole....

This sums up why I don’t get too close with normies
>just stop doing that thing that way if it annoys you so much
>fuck you asshole
I think it's not having any illusions and being able to live with that level of suffering and not fold. All normies' lives are is illusion and they can't stand to be reminded(even at an unconscious level) they are deluding themselves.
You mean scorned and unemployable?
I just detectived you're a lefty tranny who overuses animal reaction images
Guys, do you think you will regret living like this? I don't even have a job. My days are blurry, nothing happens. Just time passing by. I don't even pay attention to any current events.

Maybe when we are in bed about to die at 80, we will think something like "I should have tried to do something with my life" or something
Rust is just as fucked up as Ray, but he puts up this bullshit "nihilistic" act to hide his pain
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Nigger if you can't think of shit to do that's a you problem. My days are full as fuck and I haven't worked a job with a taxable income in 20 years. Get some sun, light exercise, eat clean and get good sleep and your mind will get right. When in doubt go into nature.
you got potential
>We all wanna be Rust
Did you watch the show? Rust is a miserable alcoholic.
Also, never watched beyond Season 1 and never will.
When he's talking about being critical, he means that he picks things apart and notices the flaws in the things and people around him. Like how he talks shit about Christians to Marty or how he's brutally honest about Marty cheating on his wife. It's not that his lifestyle is passively offensive to normies; it's that he's a drag to be around.
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Yeah and that's me. Here's a recent example.

>I saw this mother and young daughter at a restaurant and they didn't speak to each other the entire meal they just did shit on their phones
>>start to explain why the system wants everyone atomized and unable to form communities anymore
>normie comfort decreases by over 9000 as they get a small taste of how bad things really are
>start to explain why the system wants everyone atomized and unable to form communities anymore
So you just randomly blurted this out to 2 complete strangers? That is weird man. Like, what you said is 100% correct but there's a time and a place. It's strange to just say it unprompted like that. You have to know someone pretty well before you can start dropping redpills on them.
I'm Marty, along with the psychotic jailbait who likes it up the pooper
No I was talking to someone I know very well and they were relating the observation of the mother/daughter from a recent lunch.
And how's that working out for you?
God I could use some coke right now.
>I could've been different.
Cope or truth? Can people change?
I tell myself I could've been different (been a social guy with a girlfriend and a close friend group) if only I'd put the effort myself. Well, fuck that. People pushed me away anyway. Not for lack of trying. I did all I could. But people just don't want to be with me in any way. Least of all, some broad. I stopped caring once I officially stopped being a kid which is about 22.
Caspere knew this.
thanks for that malelivingspace.txt post
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Ray was better than rusty and I don't give a shit what anyone thinks or says.
loll based
absolute taste. she is best girl.
Got banned from there once for making fun of a guy for having guitars on his wall and a trans flag sticker.
Top zoz
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Literally me. Based as fuck.
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Married her, had a kid with her, so far so assdrunk
Literally me(I forget everything, probably from the chinese vapes)
>I never understood why people take shit that isn’t about them personally
>I guess it’s because I seem cocky and like I think I'm better than everybody but really it’s just that I don’t give a shit about most stuff others care about
Your analysis ultimately circled back to I'm better than everyone
You do have an ego but pretend you don't because then you're like them, people with egos
Typical boring narcissist
>Your analysis ultimately circled back to I'm better than everyone
My analysis circled back to we're all making this shit up as we go along. I'm sorry if the way I make shit up upsets the way you make shit up.
who the fuck wants to be an autistic edgelord like rust?
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No one. Not even Rust. We were shoved into these meat sacks and thrown into this cattle farm like everyone else.
4chan is full of autistic edgelords. Being a good detective like Rust would be simply an upgrade.
I started the second season a few days ago, why do people say it's not as good as the first?
We don't mind being alone, because we know what we want.
>Casper knew this
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Did they really have to write this into the script?
He's not gonna say it, he just wants you to know that he's thinking it
The fuckin Lebrons
Damn it. Thanks anon. Now I'm crying...

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