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We live in a Joker 2 Thread. During this scene he admits that the whole Joker thing was never real, all of it was made up trash done by the media and it was Arthur that killed those people and confesses what he did to his mother. He also admits that he's just a schizo that wanted the love of someone and now that has finally got it, he doesn't feel the need to harm anyone anymore. He then turns back to see Harley, and sees her looking at him with disgust and then leaving the trial, dissapointed.
Harley = chuds
It was a Joker joke. Non world burners wouldn't get it.
I don't understand the point of this movie.
they hate us
>He also admits that he's just a schizo that wanted the love of someone and now that has finally got it, he doesn't feel the need to harm anyone anymore
he's just like me
>He then turns back to see Harley, and sees her looking at him with disgust and then leaving the trial, dissapointed.
So it IS still an incel movie? Moral seems to suggest so
Kino. It's indicative of how women only fall in love with superficial imagery and don't really give a shit about the man underneath, only what he embodies.
They really made a whole ass movie just to rollback the message and influence of the first one and to ruin his character. All because of who latched onto it, how petty. Should have known that's what this was when they gave it that stupid fuckin name.
Based fellow noticer
Good shit anon. Keep those eyes open
>Its ok that it's le heckin quirky musical full of modern nigger trash music and featuring a trans fake bitch lead because at the end of the day he's just crazy so it's all like super deep AND super silly
that's what I'm taking away from this too, I don't get how this is supposed to shit on the incel audience. it seems like it's reinforcing that theme. ironically, I think normies believed that incels were in it for the power fantasies and to watch the world burn, when really it's just because we related to a lonely man looking for love in a society that was cruel to him. sure, the joker power fantasies were a fun meme, but that wasn't the point, not really.
joker is still an incel like he was before, and lady gaga seems to represent the normies who misinterpreted us (and continue to). sadly I think this subtext will go over most people's heads but I don't get the outrage over it here.
First movie was hit with incel audience. They thought people will mock him. now they are willing to lose money to double down and make fun.
You look nervous...Is it the scars? You wanna know how I got 'em? Come here...hey...look at me. So I had a wife, beautiful...like you...who tells me, I worry too much, who tells me I oughta smile more. Who gambles and gets in deep...with the sharks. One day they carve her face. And we have no money for surgeries. She can't take it. I just wanna see her smile again...hmm. I just want her to know that I don't care about the scars. So...I stick a razor in my mouth and do this...to myself. And you know what?...SHE CAN'T STAND THE SIGHT OF ME! She leaves...Now I see the funny side...Now i'm always smiling!
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Folie a deux! Folie a deux! Uhlala Mr. French Man
It was a hit because it accidentally tapped into the steadily growing dissatisfaction with atomized society. They’re “doubling down” because they want to assert there is no reason to be dissatisfied with atomized society outside of “mEnTaL iLlNeSs,” even though isolation, in humans and every other social animal, causes mental illness.
Meds, fast.
>I'm isolated because I get no pussy
My god, they adapted those edgy "Joker boy motivational quotes" posts to worldwide cinema. That's life.
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People are socially isolated in atomized society because they have no meaningful family connections. Their social groups are causal acquaintances, at best.
>Harley only liked him for being a violent psycho
What did they mean by this
Kill yourself you evil Jew scum
Same as the point of the first one: to advertise smoking
>message and influence of the first one
The only "message" of it was promoting smoking. This is exactly the same shit
Kill yourself Jew
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You're really only as isolated as you want to be. Friendships grow distant naturally as one ages and this is 100% NOT a new occurrence. If you don't like it, put effort into maintaining it. If they don't reciprocate, bummer; move on and try to establish a new one with a like-minded person as they're most definitely out there. Like any relationship, you might experience a lot of negativity before you find something positive, but not even trying ensures defeat.

I don't even think you've thought through the things you're saying. You seriously believe nobody, not a one person, can say they have a best friend and truthfully mean it? Incorrect.
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Better Call Saul but good
how does what happen in this movie prove they hate "us"? He isn't being loved for his true self, the one person he loves and trust betrays him and the entire city turns on him? Isn't that like exactly what you guys want?
>Let's depict Joker as a sad mentally ill man who has everything going wrong for him instead of an epic heath legend type
>Oh no incels really latched onto this character, we don't want that
>so let's depict him as a sad mentally ill man who has everything going wrong for him + a woman leaves him for it. Take that!
Really subverted expectations there, now incels really can't like this character anymore.
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sweet, now I don't need to watch it.
>t. i didn't care for Joker
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But Better Call Saul was as good as it gets. Best show on TV (for its time).
Can some sperg sue the WB for false adverting. Just like the first movie, this isn’t The Joker.
Yes actually, just accept the fact you can’t experience the other half of life bro.
In the first of two post-credit scenes, Joker gives Batman a coupon for two free parents. The coupon is expired. Camera pulls in close on Fleck's mouth which fives the slightest hint of a smile before cutting to black
>being in a group
You just know Kim had some rank ass farts
>my life is nothing but a comedy
>they're all terrible. you're terrible. you only invited me on your show to mock me.
>i killed them because they were awful. *kills two more people for being awful*
>i just want to make people laugh
>smiling while being worshipped by the joker mask rioters

are these the actions of a man who literally only cared about being loved and nothing else? what about him does he even want "loved" according to the sequel, if not his personality and beliefs and the only side of his that has ever been anything but depressing and inactive and boring?
You missed the point of you idolized him
What about the parts where he made up a gf, projected father figures onto a rich guy and a guy on the tv, treated everyone who treated him well with respect etc?
It's not his only motive but wanting to be loved or at the very least welcomed into SOCIETY was a huge aspect
Hollywood just won't stop punching down these days.
I think every single person associated with any movie is pure evil at this point.

As such, I will only look to the past for entertainment. Everything new is shit.
harley was in the right for being disgusted that nu-joker saw himself as only being that
>Friendships grow distant naturally as one ages
this has only been "natural" since the start of the industrial revolution. same for familial relationships.
What do you base this on? You don't think people 300 years ago, once they got their own family with mouths to feed and bills to pay, found themselves socializing less than they did when they were a teen?
Even if you were right (and I think we both know you're likely not), it's still on you to maintain a friendship. If every one of your friendships went to shit in your 20s/30s, every single one, it sounds like you're the only common denominator there, my guy.
Life requires effort. A good life requires more.
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Plot is literally about the nature of women.
>1st movie: We live in a society
>2nd movie: Women
Third movie should be about troons
I said the opposite and I think you know it.
>lady gaga seems to represent the normies who misinterpreted us (and continue to).
Good lord my balls shriveled up reading this, and i have no balls
>joker is still an incel like he was before
He fucks in her in his cell
This removes any incelhood from him you cancerous twitter normalfag that wishes he was an incel
>atomization isn't natural and results in mental illness
>nah bro, people were always atomized, its natural to be atomized
>only since the industrial revolution
>oh so you're saying people were atomized before the industrial revolution? i don't think that's true bro

this happens way too often
bravo gilligan
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>gives his girlfriend the ick by disavowing terrorism
sounds kinda kino.
you are not understanding, she fucked the joker. not arthur. I know you are currently typing a reply saying "same shit" I promise to women it isn't.
People still discuss the first Joker in the context of incels? This is bizarre to me since I didn’t see any incel themes in it at all, either for or against. It was clearly focused on mental illness and alienation in capitalist society. We were meant to feel sad for Arthur and recognize that a lot of people need help in the current modernist hellscape. Which makes it all the stranger that the writers now seem to be punching down at Arthur (so it seems based on what I’ve read, I haven’t seen it yet). Maybe they got swept up in the incel shitflinging that follows this series around at all times and forgot the message of the first movie. Just like everyone else who didn’t even seem to watch it or, if so, just viewed it as some weird incel thing. It’s exhausting to see people miss the point for so long.
He fucks her in his cell
This removes any incelhood from him you cancerous twitter normalfag that wishes he was an incel
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so the film is just this tweet?
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What "opposite"? Opposite of what? Are you even following you anymore?
Get back on track: What do you think society should look like, then, what are the present issues and how were they caused? Is it structural, a pervasive group, or the fault of individuals? All three, a mix? Are you proposing any solutions or are you just complaining?

You delude yourself believing I ever said that fourth "point", I said people have always grown distant, actually, as that is just what happens regardless of you learning the word "atomized" this week. Life gets in the way of your hobbies and friendships, if you want to maintain them, that takes effort. I've said this 3 times, now.
Weird lie to tell yourself and then attempt to tell me. Either bad faith or retardation, my man, pick your poison.
>if you reveal your true thoughts and feelings to women they will hate you for it
>people have always grown distant

and you base this on all the post-industrial revolution media you've consumed. actual data indicates groups/communities became tighter knit over time, before industrialization.
Where's the joke?

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