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>lives with parents then by himself after they die
>no friends
>no girlfriend
>make-do job (co-workers think he's odd but nice enough)
>spends his free time watching movies alone and fantasizing about having a better life

Is this a good movie?
This is not something women do.
That's a man?
Nice visuals and really surreal as most Kaufman movies are, the musical ending was retarded, but I prefer the book.
Some anons are just pigs filled with maggots, simple as
It's an extremely simplified version of Synecdoche New York. Few people understood that movie, so he took a single plot thread and made another movie from it, and of course people reacted way more positively to it.

It's okay, but it's completely redundant if you've seen Synecdoche.
The twist is the woman isn't the one having the fantasy
>Is this a good movie?
it's not a movie it's a futurementary of my life
it's a lonely old janny daydreaming about the life he could've had with a girl he met as a younger man but didn't have the courage to say anything to, he's imagining everything play out from her POV because you get the idea he's had similar fantasies 1000 times already and he's judging himself through her eyes
Unironically, the most life changing movie for me, it hit me really fucking hard. It really motivated me to get my ass up, things are much much better now.
synecdoche fucking sucks
made me hate writers for awhile
not really, it is a Jewish movie about a neurotic effeminate self-hating loser faggot, true, but it's also really fucking smart, funny and (sadly) relatable
I wish I didn't like it, and I generally hate post-modernistic BS, but I can't help recognizing just how fucking good it is

you're probably just a massive dimwit normie
lucky you!
>watch movie with new gf after a decade of being the janitor
>get to the twist
>instantly get quiet and in my own head
>”did you not like the movie, anon”
I think you might be filtered lil buddy
I'm 100% sure I will end like this, and maybe then I will care, but know I don't.
it's pretty pathetic that so many people think they can flex their patheticness as some kind of superior wisdom. unfortunately you'll never be capable of telling the difference. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>few people understood
I get it's overwhelming but it's not hard to understand
I'm not a fan of doormat protags but I thought the movie was well crafted and PSH really sold it
arent all his movies about daydreaming losers?
make-do is not make-work
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>I'm just a little person, one person in a sea
Charlie Kaufman really tests my patience sometimes, but damn if he doesn't bring it home every time.
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Who's your Kaufmanfu?
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>but I prefer the book
Same. I'm glad I read it first. Would've been even angrier at the movie without this added context. It encouraged me to try reading the source material before watching a film adaptation moving forward.
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Synecdoche was shit anon, Michel Gondry was the genius all along
You are a woman
I am not, I'm just not a pretentious film snob who rates films higher the more droning and needlessly convoluted they are.
You are definitely a woman.
Eternal Sunshine is shit though.
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i watched this two years ago after just breaking up with my gf and being in my late 30s. Wew, what a horrible time. I've since adopted a better outlook.
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Is it though?
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Literally Every. Single. One.
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I fail to see what point you're trying to make here.
It made me want to kill myself even more than I usually do
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Even... MORE??
Its this super sad and trippy combo, you won't get a vibe like that from anything else. Its pretty special
watching movies like this after you ruined your life is uncomfortable. I get it I fucked up stop rubbing it in.
All of you are females in male bodies. The things you say and the way you think is effeminate and embarrassing.
Suck it up, buttercup. Own your truth.
first twenty sumn minutes in the car almost bored me to tears, 2/5 stars
Yeah I'm a faggot and love sucking cock and wearing cute stuff.almost forgot
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That's great to hear anon, I hope the two of you parted ways on good terms.
and that gives you power over me?
this movie came out during the covid quarantine, i already feel like i wasn't doing much then this movie goes OOHHH YOU'LL GET LIKE THE MC BEING A FAILURE, yeah, what do you expect, i can't do shit because of a boomer illness
The use of mixed media was p cool, more films should try that
demoralization propaganda slop
kek someones not in touch with their feminine side

now excuse me im gonna go suffocate in my moms smothering mountains
I think part of the reason hes imagining it from her perspective is because his self perception is so low he can't even be the protagonist of his own fantasy
when you put it like that, no. It's not.
she ruined the generation of women that inspired ramona flowers who in turn ruined another generation of women.
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Am I alone in finding Toni Collette weirdly attractive? Been keeping an eye on her ever since I saw Hereditary.
they do but then you say it's for attention.
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She has a kid, so no; you're probably not alone.
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Fellas, what does girl ass taste like?
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Going into this movie blind fucked me up. Is this what anons with AGP go through?
I need to measure your IQ real quick. How would you feel if you hadn't had breakfast this morning?
The redheaded waitress from Adaptation

This is a book adaption.
>movie where a guy imagines himself as someone else
>movie where a woman reminisces about her real childhood
I don't get it
I'm in the wrong thread.
I'm a very tired young lad.
it's actually just because it's more interesting
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Kaufman always reminds me of this Orson Welles quote about Woody Allen. His work is totally masturbatory. For some reason a lot of Jews think their personal neuroses are the most interesting thing in the world.
I find his depictions of social anxiety relatable. Rarely do I feel as seen as I do when watching a Kaufman movie.
Therefore, by the rules of the current year, he must be good, because representation is the most important task of a film.
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The redheaded waitress from Human Nature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f46H6Gmwv6U&t=119s
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Who's more insufferable, Dan Harmon or Charlie Kaufman?
Kaufman is the king of midwits
Charlie Kaufman is easily worse. Dan Harmon is basically just a Joss Whedon type who is making slop to entertain people. Watch any interview with Kaufman for 30 seconds and you can tell the guy thinks he's God's gift to cinema.
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>and you can tell the guy thinks he's God's gift to cinema.
Isn't he?
As a late thirties fella who lives constantly in past relationships, I am going to kill myself.
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that's the cheater's way out. you should try living your life to the fullest instead
You're right.
what does that mean

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