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Better than Ariana Grande, at least.
I hate this whore like you wouldn't believe
This would be coomkino
she has a nice pooper and a pretty mug and most importantly, she's not black
Last I read, they wanted to base elements of this one on tiktok.
That's Ariel Demure
I love this whore like you wouldn't believe
FPBP and checked
Meg has a tiny waist and a nice bust. Dua Lipa is shaped like a refrigerator. Also fuck off with pop stars and other non-actors in movies as anything other than short cameos (if at all), thanks.
Based, this whole blurring of the line between musicians and actors needs to go away
Meg's not a fridge though
How does Disney "court" her?
I love you, Dua Lipa!!!!
>hey babe, that's a sweet looking ice dispenser you have. how much volume can you fit inside you?
Hercules will be black for sure, right?
>knowing anything about her beyond her songs on the radio
aren't you a man?
I don't even know her songs on the radio i just find her fucking annoying
So you're saying Hercules will be black?
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impotent pink skin is unfit for a god, illegitimacy should not be tolerated
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>posting on /tv/
>doesn't know that one song
how is it her fault they decided to put her dumb song in a jarringly unnecessary scene? showrunners being retarded
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such a fuckin' ho, I love it (I love it)
>can't sing live
Meanwhile Susan Egan was a Broadway actor for most of her career and was one of the few Disney VA's that could do their character songs.
Think about how much time effort and energy went into making these dumb ass block bodies and figuring out how to put motors in the arms so they movie appropriately for 8 seconds in a 90 second music video.
Guy Ritchie is better at directing non-actors
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>getting an Albanian to play a Greek
Just add the niggers and be done with it.
wait when are the arms moving in the video? i just rewatched it and didnt spot it
Greeks are brown tho
Greeks are Turkified, orthodox Albanians so seems like the right choice if you ask me...
Okay reddit
I wanna feast on her Dua Lipas
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NOT BLACK?????????
tell me all the ways you need me
I'm not here for long
catch me or i go
If she's not black, that must mean they're backwashing either Hercules or Phil.
that's fine i don't watch movies for the men
she is mudslime
I like her music even if she looks like a bit of a bimbo
Came here for this.

I hate this nigger so much. Look at that disgusting face it looks like it got stuck in the process of being aborted. I hope some day soon we put these worthless pieces of antiquated farming equipment back in their place.
Courting? Is that like grooming but for adults?
That means she would play an accurate Meg then
Haha yeah like there's any difference between Greece, Macedonia and Albania, or Serbia
This woman is the albane of my existence.
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Downtown Megara, Greece

Either way, I don't care unless they hire James Wood to play Hades. The guy even looks like Hades now, just need to dye his hair blue.
If they autotune this song it's over forever
Why does she look retarded? I mean literally retarded, she looks like her brain is empty.
Nothing is better than Ariana.
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Lizzo, Ariana Grande, Beyonce, Megan Thee Stallion, Doja Cat
Nah, Doja is Jewish, they threw them to the lions back then in Ancient Greece.
Literally who?
If Greeks are Turkified, then Albanians are full on roaches at this point
only care if devito is playing himself
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no bro, we are not.
it's funny cause growing up in germany, as an albanian, i always saw turks, greeks and italians are some sort of gypsies.
i'd invite you to come to my house or go to kosov so you can see that we are more european looking than shitalians.
Dua would fit the role perfectly. Like most women in Ancient Greece, she’s actually got a massive cock so really that’s the casting done and dusted
And James Woods
Nah Jacob Elordi
is there a source on this or are you just getting mad over something that isnt true because you have to blame someone else for your problems?
>b-but it COULD be true!!
what a sad way to go through life
>it's a "/tv/ gets predictably angry at a shitpost image macro with no source, date or quote" episode
How could you find her annoying if you haven't watched her interviews or tv appearances? You're just a faggot or worse, a fat jealous roastie.
What's the point of 4chan if not this? I come here to shitpost not to get my news. What kind of retarded mouth breathing faggot do you actually have to be to believe anything that gets posted here?
ok chang
>picks a fridge to play that waist

Can't we just celebrate beauty once more? Just once?
what goon kino is this
dua lipa physical music video
>they actually cast a mediterranean girl to play a greek character
Based Disney
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Nobody can tell the difference between us anon, accept it. Just be glad she isn't a Turk.
Based. Ugly Whore
The truth? I've never seen this music video. I don't know the song. I assume its Kanye, but I'm not sure.

I'm surprised if you've seen it that you didn't call my bluff for guessing the length of the clip or the music video incorrectly, unless i was coincidentally right on both those counts.

I'm amazed that the audacity of my uneducated guess fooled someone who actually saw the video. Thank you for flattering my ego zoomer-kun :3
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nothing can beat having ricky martin
as adult hercules as VA

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