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>Indians were upset about Apu
>a hard working, loving husband, caring father, successful small business owner, legal and patriotic American, compassionate and understanding man, animal loving vegetarian
How do you think they feel now that the stereotype for them is that they scam their way into countries, street shit and are rapists? He seems like a positive representation in retrospect.
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The leading theory is that he was angling to become the new voice of Apu.
In the 90s, only highest class Indians could afford to navigate the immigration criteria, so western countries got the hard working ones that knew how to use things like toilets and showers.
In 2024, immigration criteria have been lowered and enforcement was removed, so now all the 60 IQ villagers are flooding in. It has nothing to do with the simpsons. When I was growing up, there wasn't even a "smelly Indian" stereotype.
Don't forget: he's a gun owner willing to protect his business with it
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He had a sick car and was in a very successful band too
>imagine memearrowing on twatter
Asian diaspora in the US are the most insanely insecure people on the planet. Josh Luna is another great example of this bizarre, resentful, “no fun allowed” mindset
No, just one
>In 2024, immigration criteria have been lowered and enforcement was removed
Source? Canada is doing that, not much the US, since Indians are on average high-earners in the US.
Pajeets are dumb and overconfident.
All pajeets are disgusting
Conservatives who run cover for them by coping about muh high earned should be shipped to India
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Indians are illegally migrating into this country using both borders.
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All those sub 75 pajeets that Canadians imported are getting in here.
Not true, someone post the video where they interviewed jeets after Apu was kicked off and they all said how he was offensive and that they didn't sound like that (they did).
I've only seen conservatives run cover for second or third generation Jeets like Vivek or Mrs. Vance. They don't have to deal with gas station Jeets who put skimmers on card readers.
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Indians universally have such decrepit, ghoulish appearances. Like the closest thing you can get to an actual walking corpse, or a zombie. Why do they look like that?
>7 eleven indians is an offensive stereotype!
>it's the blatant reality
i mean its not even that bad of a stereotype. i know a rich jeet who runs at least 3 different gas stations in my area, and contrary to what you retards would believe they are pretty well-run. the few indians he actually hires in the stores are well-mannered and polite
Bullshit, when I was a kid in the 90s we had one Indian kid and he smelled like shit. Lovely boy but our man stank
I remember when the initial controversy happened, there was a video that showed different Indians watching Apu, saying that he sounded nothing like them.
Except he sounded EXACTLY like them...they just couldn't hear it themselves.
Wish I could find the video.
lmao Canadians are retarded.
That's my point
Conservatards have a mythos of the high functioning brownoids, who are absolute outliers in reality
>99% of GDP is from scam call centers
>rape is the national passtime
>incest is considered good luck
>literal. shitting. streets.
>so many serial killers the police just don't bother anymore
>every single indian immigrant in NA says they would rather be beheaded and throat fucked than go back to india for a day
really makes you think
That's my experience growing up but now all the Indian owned gas stations and employees are retarded and shit
But don't forget they also say India is the greatest country on Earth and so are it's people
that seems about right
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Remember when a couple Indians wanted publicity and got a bunch of white woke people tabs advertisers to force the Washington Redskins to change their name
>Chief Blackfeet welcomes honorary new member of clan, Mister Run-with-TV. "He and Bike-is-now-mine get along well.
Superpower 2020
To leftists this is a worse fate than being known world-wide as street shitting scammer. But it makes sense, lefties need Indians as the nu-slaves in their utopia
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>It’s another thread, ‘bout wobbling heads
>They don’t like Apu, but it’s on your shoe
>They’re not Crescent Fresh, nothing there is fresh
I'm unfortunately surrounded by non-whites and am forced to interact with them daily. You need to understand that non-whites belive they are flawless, almost godlike, and they completely lack the ability to laugh about themselves.
I dont remember a single pajeet in the 90’s. If there were they were rare and ignored. In a similar way to niggers

All i remember is some peaceful, prosperous society in which predominantly whites and asians + some latinos got along. and niggers were just in the background, being niggers.
>pajeet destroys hospitable environment for slight personal benefit
Nobody should care about Indians being upset and I'm sick of this cultural meme that I need to treat people who eat their own shit and can't stop raping each other as my equal.
There was one Indian kid in my high school in 2002. He was a fat little shit and everyone ribbed him for stinking of curry. But then they would gladly order one themselves. Good old ENGER FACKIN LAND
You only saw them working at 7-11. It was a true stereotype and why the character was so popular. During 9-11, people went after 7-11 employees thinking they were Muslims
>portrays an arranged marriage tastefully and as an ultimately successful arrangement
>because this is how most arranged marriages end up and it's a good system
He cheats on his wife
APU ran a shitty corner store that regularly scammed customers and had expired products
Acting like APU is some great representative of Indians is like saying Cletus is a good representative of white people
Both Apu and Cletus are funny though.
>but it's offensive
Name a time other than Homer’s hotdog
aside his stereotypical voice, the dude was one of the few characters in Springfield who wasn't a total looser
And didn’t APU apologize for that? Profusely?
Everyone in springfield has major flaws. Even flanders was an anti-vaccer, passive aggressive, bipolar dullard.
Apu just had better qualities than most men on the show.
>Why do they look like that?
They have seen things that no man should have seen.
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>Apu, a supposed Indian stereotype
>Successful business owner, 3 dimensional character, devoted husband and father, with strong family and spiritual connections, has a broad range of character moments that show he is more than just an Indian stereotype
>This is bad

>Willy, a supposed Scottish stereotype
>Loser in every walks of life including career, education and love, one track character, can't read or write, may actually be retarded, his only leading arc in the show is reserved for when they can play up Scottish stereotypes such as football hooliganism or looking for the Loch Ness monster
>This is okay

Defend this without admitting it's okay to be racist to certain peoples but not others.
>anons having a real time Lovecraftian visceral disgust reaction to immigrants and comparing them to inhuman monsters
lmao cast the shadow over innsmouth poo edition
>people would say "thank you, come again!" to him and it would make him seethe
>now indians get to be told they're street shitting retards with tiny dicks trying to scam people out of their money when they aren't sexually harassing white women
Wow, he sure showed... somebody, I guess.
I hate Indians so much it's actually unbelievable.
>it's okay to be racist to certain peoples but not others.
duh, have you been in a coma since 1946?
>Willy is a Scottish stereotype
>Luigi and Fat Tony are Italian stereotypes
>Bumblebee Man is a Mexican stereotype
>Cletus is a Redneck stereotype
>They've had countless British stereotypes
>Apu is the only one to face backlash and be cancelled
Valentine's gift
Penny candy
Aspirin or whatever it was, marked DOWN (still to an inflated price) because an escaped lunatic tampered with the bottle
>>They've had countless British stereotypes
>new Simpsons
>Lisa wants lip filler to fit in
>goes to cosmetic clinic
>'The Big Book of African Lips'
No. ONE americanpajeet was upset about Apu.
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It's kinda sad how anyone fell for this faggot's grift when he just wanted to steal the only known indian part with his shitty ass documentary because he pretended to be offended.

Now indians are the only acceptable race to make fun of. They are retarded, mean-spirited, ugly, grotesque, rapists and diarrhea fiends with no redeemable qualities. The entire indian race has been completely besmirched worse than the cast system and all because this goyboy wanted to shake up the status quo because he's a cry baby about racism. Congrats, Jeet. You ruined your entire country and the only positive indian influence. You think fucking Mindy or the guy from the big bang theory are gonna save your reputation? You may hate stereotypes but they are the ONLY thing that makes racists and people against immigration warm up to you. Do the funny voice and dance, monkey.
Willie loves his job, is jacked as shit and women love him.
But thats entirely consistent with the progressive narrative. Racism isn’t bad, in fact racism is VERY good as long as its directed at the accepted people to be racist toward aka whites.
Don’t. They’re being used as the mew slaves. Treat them like shit, they expect it, but don’t waste your energy hating them. They’re lower than dogs
>BPD girl calls Bart yellow (i.e. white) trash

Also Miss Hoover's rant about Lisa doing PC white male bashing has aged like a fine wine.
The post 9/11 open hatred of muslims was really something else. Hell, even us kids at school talked about nuking entire countries off the face of the Earth and the teachers would agree.
Incels are ultimately harmless and don't really believe in the stuff they say that much
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post-Modernists adore racism. I honestly cannot tell the difference between your average /pol/lack and a progressive anymore.
Giving them internet access, call center jobs, and H1B work visas has made the entire world hate them. It literally only took being in contact with them in any way.
Apu was the only positive depiction of them, and it was comically generous.
I guess only the street shitting rats flee the ship and stay here. The decent Indians I have met through education are from well to do families and cause their little bubbles in India are nice and cozy, the ones one percent fluent in English with good degrees that I've seen goodness in go home eventually. Shit, the one educated richfag guy who was dead set on staying in the West is a scummy sociopathic bitch, with bitchtits too.
>dirty poor indians can afford international travel
Sure thing.
>loving husband
He cheated on her, bro.
You’re lucky that one stunk only of curry. I had indian coworkers many years ago, who wouldn’t shower for weeks at a time. And then they would bring snacks with 6.5 ton of spices into the office.

I remember a coworker i was friends with, who was obese like morbidly obese, HE got a desk fan and pointed it at the pajeets to blow the smell away from him. Even he, being obese was offended by the pajeet aroma of 12,947 spices + 3 weeks unshowered BO. Indians are disgusting creatures.
In zombie simpsons, Willie marries Karen Gillan. He's doing okay.
Every time I have to call a 1-800 number my stomach lurches because I know I'll have to talk to some Jeet named "Steve" who doesn't know what he's doing.
>patriotic American
>being patriotic for a country you literally in no way shape or form have an ancestral connection
>being patriotic for a country your ancestors just found out about in the 20th century
i fucking hate civnats cucklicans and trumpers youre never gonna be apart of the west and youre never gonna be american this retarded rhetoric is why its based to hate this country youre sharing it with people who have no right to be here
Are Trump and the Republicans at least paying rent to live in your head 24/7? Or are you letting live in your head rent free
Apu was clearly a high caste Indian from the north. Indians love to tear down their own kind so they made fun of him (and the entire group he represents). Now you can only have street-shitting Dravidians or self-hating Aryans who have a weird desire to destroy their own kind (like white people).
leftists hate Indians because they support israel and support muslim genocide
Why do Indians dickride Israel so much?
>being patriotic for a country you literally in no way shape or form have an ancestral connection
that is really the only difference between america and any other nation on this planet.

guess what.
if i ever set foot on american soil (which i will reach by ship), i walk straight into walmart buying an xxxl shirt with american flag n eagle, ripping the solar system apart. then id buy freedom scented toilett paper thats smells like cinamon-milk-pinaple and then press the button for service to buy that presidential endorsed energy drink has been locked up behind glass because of theft, just like their deodorants or nail files. aftterwards, i go to a wrestling match or watch monster truck or go to a baseball game or football and buy a baseball cap with whatever team has won. and i wear aviator sunglasses. then i buy a box of around 50 different candy bars and sit at the beach or in a park and open each up, only to eat half and throw them back in the box. in the evening i get a venti pumpkin spice tea or something and sing at an open fire -off key to country roads. and there is NUUUtHiN you can do about it!!
False flag shitpost, you’ve been found out

Based, this country is made for you and me
can't you read nigger ?
I literally wrote they support Israel because they hate sandniggers
too many many bots these days
They have muslim neighbors and have regular problems with terrorism. British gets tons of hate but India was also wounded by muslim conquest, the wounds still bleed. When the water wars really get going Pakistan and India will probably nuke each other.
between scams and the hygiene videos, indians seem to be the world's laughing stock right now
I watched a cooking competition show with him as a host and I literally wanted to kill him, talentless unfunny apathetic hack
okay but imagine a racist caricature of your grandpa being a major football team logo
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Muslims mog them in every way
They arent intelligent to process anything about the character beyond "get offended at sound of accent" and "why indian character not constantly rape" so none of the things you said matter in the end. Its an IQ issue.
tbf every immigrant from every country says that shit yet their little ass is here instead of there
paki you're both literally same
what does APU stand for
Advanced Processing Unit
Don't have to imagine it because the Minnesota vikings exist
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That's pretty fucking cool, if anything the multibillion dollar NFL ought to give the family some backpay on all the years they got free use out of his likeness.
If his face looks more familiar, it's because he's on the Buffalo Nickel. His family is very honored by it and want him back for the Redskins.
That's the thing that always confuses me, I've had so many Uber drivers give me the old "back in [home country] I was a doctor/engineer", and I'm sure more than 90% of them are lying. But even if I took them at their word, do you really mean to tell me being an Uber driver in Washington DC is better than being a doctor in India? If it's not, then why not go back to being a doctor there? If it is, why are you complaining?
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Legal? he over stayed his Student visa, they made an entire episode about it. he was illegal for half the show
It's funny how they managed to stay under the radar, the occasional rape story hitting the news but being forgotten. The dude put a whole spotlight on their culture instead of just Apu. I think Aziz Ansari even shit on him too, and that dude managed to survive being metoo'd.
>this Jeet cope
Panjeets hate anyone that humiliated their civilization, Alexander the Great, Muslims, and the British, maybe Chinese?
I feel like everybody in this thread will like reading through this article
Reminder that his suggestion for a more "realistic" Apu was for Apu to become the richest man in Springfield and rival Mr. Burns for control of the city's economy.
OMG wtf I'm literally shaking right now that's so untrue and hurtful
Because you can also freely make fun of Italians and the Irish, I hope you're not giving those guinea wops and stupid drunk micks a pass, they're almost as bad as the shit eating jeets
Pretty sure Azaria got replaced as Bumblebee Man's voice actor, too.
>is from irish blood
Y-yeah, fellow 4chan.org anon! I fucking, ummm, hate those whiskey-sipping potato-faced plump cracked-tooth leprecunts so much. I'd like to beat the lucky charms marshmallows out of their alchy-soaked bellies...
>we NEED to import hundreds of thousands of "skilled workers" every year!
>every single indian is either a delivery driver or a 7-11 clerk
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>Permanently puts down poojeets on a global scale
Why’d he do it?
It’s weird that anyone does fall for it. 99.9999% of the audience doesn’t give a shit. The guy complaining is just looking out for himself. Why do anything at all?

But here’s my one and only anecdote about Indians
>meet an Indian girl doing a semester abroad at my college
>she’s lovely, hardworking, can’t think of a bad thing to say about her
>she goes back to India but we keep in touch
>seems like she got a bit too used to it here
>she complains frequently about Indian men harassing her
>even her classmates from supposedly respectable families
>their courtship strategy is to just bombard her with professions of love nonstop, no matter how many times she asks them to leave her alone
>the one guy she actually did like said his parents wouldn’t allow him to be with her, because they’re from different castes
>Indians were upset about Apu
Nope, literally just one gigantic faggot who made a gay documentary complaining about it.
whys he trying to greentext outside of 4chan
> be comedian
> like jokes
> but not those jokes

So is everyone else sadly not exclusive to Indians anymore
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Ur a fag
thats whats so crazy, decades of positive stereo types undone in months after people interact with you
There's so much wickedness in the world, but I'm thankful I wasn't born a jeet.
>Use the face of a man for your logo
>Somehow it's racist becaust it doesn't depict a white man
ok faggot but you're the racist here.
Comic Book Guy offends me >:[
I always thought comic book guy was an unfair stereotype of nerds, but then there was this one particular comic/games store I went to and the guy working there was 1:1 comic book guy. He was fat, unkempt, surly and acted like someone coming into his store to buy something was somehow an imposition on him. It was a shock to me because all the other comic/games stores I'd ever been to had always been really nice and friendly.
Don't forget their affinity to fecal matter
I'm guessing you're from the "hundreds of indians line up for a job posting at Tim Hortons" country
Apu was based and the jeets couldn't handle it lmao
yeah he was based on a stereotype
yeah same, we had 2 paki or some shit brothers in our group. really rich family and a smoking hot mom but man they stank, house stank, mom stank
all stank
All the Redskins fans I knew were natives checkmate faggot.
My favorite one always wanted to beat the Patriots he was hilarious.
Same here, back in the 90s there was only a couple of Indians at school. No one wanted to go to their houses because it stank. would always wait outside for them and never go in
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There was a human being who looked like this?
Red Chad.
Sopranos makes a joke in 2000 that it’s obvious Tony has food poisoning because he ate at an Indian restaurant. The only time they had a positive image was when George Harrison and other 60s kids were going over there and dropping acid and that was only within a subculture.
>the one guy she actually did like said his parents wouldn’t allow him to be with her, because they’re from different castes
So she's a golddiger, what a suprise.
Only brain dead leftists can look at a cartoon drawing of an Indian and immediately thing “it’s racist”. To normal people in the world it’s just referencing a group of native people. Not a single person looks at that image and thinks it’s offensive because it’s literally just a drawing of a person. You people have so much brain rot it’s genuinely frightening.
you just had to remind me that some fucking neckbeard redditor brought down apu, fuck you
Unlike pajeets, scotts aren’t over sensitive bitches
But anon said she liked him, it's the parents who were the gold diggers.
Newfag here, is there a board that specifically shows Indian cringe?
Did they actually kill of Apu or does he simply not show up anymore?
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