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>History: 400,000k people on the beach, 64,000k vehicles and 100 battleships
>Nolan: I'll put 50 people on the beach, 1 boat and 1 French person and Tom Hardy flying a plane for 3 days with no fuel
I understand that Dunkirk raked in money and received a boatload of awards. I also generally like Christopher Nolan as a filmmaker. So I was looking forward to seeing Dunkirk.

I just finished watching Dunkirk, and now I have a headache.

The film doesn't have characters, it has people the camera lingers on longer. Its soundtrack is constantly oppressive. It's somehow boring in addition to being oppressive. And the time difference between the three plotlines is confusing and makes it difficult to get a sense of the stakes sometimes.

It's pretty clear that Nolan was trying to capture the oppressive, disorienting nature of war in a film. Nolan is a really good film maker, so he succeeded, which means that Dunkirk is an oppressive, disorienting movie. Unfortunately, the fact that these qualities were intended does not make them good, at least in my view.

Am I missing something? Did you like Dunkirk, and if so, why? I'm genuinely confused here, because I just don't get it.
At least he tried

Supposedly he wants to make a follow up film about TOBRUK which could be cool
Watch the 1958 movie instead
Dun kirked me head aint I
that's kinda like all new movies from these big name directors go nowadays, they are old and washed up but there's nobody else to replace them so everything they make comes off weird
He should unironically make a movie about the Gaza war
Dunkirk is a lot less impressive when you find out the germans let them leave.
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What's his name again?
No they didn't. Why would they?
They survived by the Spirit of Dunkirk. God bless Blighty!
Kirk Dun
I like it because it’s disorientating and just like in a real war the soldiers just struggle to stay alive.
I liked that it felt claustrophobic in a sense because you could tell that the germans were constantly closing in on them.
The sequence with Tom Hardy was also kino.
nolan is a visual filmmaker.
I have no fucking clue why he chose to make a movie about dunkirk, an event famous for "not much happened except retreat"

he clearly doesnt have the skillset to do drama or emotional tension in his movies, this is why it's a slog to watch. the 15min of good action couldnt save this movie
It's not a movie. It's a 2 hour montage. And it's shit.
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Lmaoing at this Hitler guy letting his enemies retreat, thinking I'd help him with peace talks later.
>I also generally like Christopher Nolan as a filmmaker.
What's my name? Dunk-kirk-chino ...dunka dunka dunka dunk-kirk-chino

Nolan: alright that's a wrap, chino. Good work everyone
can you believe millions of men were marched to their deaths over national borders and manufacturing?
>oi thats a bop on the head innit?
>i cant see mate
>u wot? can't see? from a bop on the 'ead?
>aye bugger ive not got much fuel then guess ill be on me way luv
Who wrote this fucking script?
WW2 movies from the 50s and 60s came from people who were either there or spoke to people who were.

Unfortunately old movies look too weird for zoomers. They often use real people and real sets instead of CGI. Extras were cheap.
>3 days
Retard. You’re right about the under population though.
>Tom Hardy flying a plane for 3 days
it was 1 hour.
there was literally text on the screen that told you he was flying for one hour
You don't put the k at the end of the number if you're writing out the full figure, retard. Its either 400,000 or 400k, not both.
>1958 was 124 years ago
His refusal to use CGI killed the movie for me. During that intro when the town was in near perfect condition with no bullet holes and it just looked deserted opposed to the pile of rubble it was in real life. Like nigga just CGI some shit it make it look real.
Sadly there are so few films about 1939-1942

A full fall gelb movie would be wild, but never happen…
Agreed. 1917 is the better film and its also actually rewatchable.
The story of Dunkirk in itself is pretty interesting since its terrifying but i cant escape that as a movie its not great. Im also a Nolan fan. Didnt like Tenet either.

nta but im trying to think of a reason not to like him. The cinematography is always great, the music is usually 10/10 and hes good at picking stories. He makes entertaining films that are made for the theater experience.
Why dont you like him?
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>Tom Hardy flying a plane for 3 days
The explosion in Oppenheimer looked incredibly underwhelming. It just looked like a gas station blew up. Some cg trickery here and there would have helped.
almost get of truth.
For Nolan's reputation as a visual filmmaker, I was completely let down by the effects. Watching just a dozen guys chilling on the beach was let down, and during the plane scenes they didn't even try to hide the town's modern architecture and layout. Then the dogfighting scenes had the planes obviously release canister smoke to show they've been shot down was eye rolling as well.
I really wanted to like the movie but instead of being large and bombastic like all of Nolans other work it just came off as cheap.
Nolan wants to have the prestige of using real sets and extras like the old silent era epics, but doesn't want to commit to the budget that the old silent era epics had. Sad.
allegedly hitler ordered to have his troops stand down and let them leave as a gesture of good faith, as he had a high opinion of the british
this, of course, was misguided and gave the allies a wonderful propaganda piece for the home front
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If Nolan made Lawrence of Arabia this scene would have been of five guys and a horse they put papermache on to look like a camel. And it would have been filmed in that desert near Hollywood where they shot all the Star Trek away missions on.
>100 battleships
>Batman 1
>Batman 2
>Batman 3
Havent seen memento, is that one good? Overall I think he has a great track record for making solid movies. Also dont disagree with me because ill get super mad
Yes it doesn’t have characters, so fucking what? You sound like a 108 IQ woman. You have been indoctrinated all your life all media needs to be character drama.
Worst fuckin movie ever
Brother Titus, weve lost. Let her die.
memento is my favorite of his with the prestige being second. I'm not a fan of this bombastic cinema he's going for most of the time
>Am I missing something?
You just watched Nolan masturbating in front of a mirror for nearly three hours. Yes, you missed three hours of you life.
>Extras were cheap.
Hollywood was still willing to hire people off the street as extras. Literally just holler out the window of the office building: HEY YOU WANNA BE IN A PICTURE? I'LL GIVE YOU 5 DOLLARS!
>mfw the Germans are coming to kill us all but I’m a double agent (they know not to strafe me)
>The film doesn't have characters, it has people the camera lingers on longer.

Applause. This is a great line.
Why not get Oasis to do the soundtrack? Biblical.
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The whole film just felt like a high budget Dunkirk reenactment. It's like watching thirty fat retards running out of a single landing craft across a flat beach to a wooden pillbox trying to reenact Omaha Beach.
there were more extras in the bridge of the dark knight. watch it again, knowing nolan he probalby didn't cgi any of it

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