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Why won't twitterfags talk about Josie's groomer discord? Edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes have been cancelled
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has lost 0 pounds and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Fishtank is proud to announce its newest sponsor: Galaxy Gas!

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

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Fag OP
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jet neptune dies today
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Lol bliccy met the tates before Jon, KWAB
Letty needs to release a Jet diss track to promote season 3

A rap feud will get a lot of eyes
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Manifesting TJaylor comeback.
Call her mid stream Teej do it.
lol this is the nigger that made her whole ass steam game, which she still promotes in every video. then he got exiled by her orbiters
no mods on taylo stream lmao
Alright, here’s the list:
>College Dropout
>Late Registration
>Cruel Summer
Liquid Cole
>Donda 2
Anyone from the cell/bitchtank
>Vultures 1/2
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Awfully chilly tonight...
Jimmy was raped in the sweltering hot summer of 2002 by his black uncle Frank
is no anyone going to ask her about keegan or is she too boring for that?
Taylor 100% has his number blocked. She has to call him lol
tj is already in abi's dms its over vro
very accurate
The Dark Taytriots patrolling these threads has been an objective improvement in terms of schizo posting, they're our community watch
When does Keegan show up?
Kill all Josiepedos
reminds me of that “it’s cold outside” story patrice o’neal told way back when
Keegan is a banned word
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Jimmy fucks and gets fucked by 70 year old men
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get her in the tank
has a single person ever been successfully cancelled by spamming discord screenshots in an /ftl/ thread?
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You should try one.
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Wtf Jet
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*prostituted herself to
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The better MDE.
glorious if the implication is trve
i figured that was more about the initial doxxing
I'd maybe switch Cole and Letty but otherwise perfect
>its real
same thing
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erm is that for me? :3
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>extremely low effort
>barely passable as a troll
>extremely irony poisoned and cynical
yup it's fishtank time
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Why are you all trying to start something with the josiepedos, that's so 2023 have we gotten to the point of rehashing old happenings
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so was the announcement just hawk tuah girl?
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manifest jacob stream
manifest jacob stream
manifest jacob stream
The production crew is terrified of sincerity
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Proof she was friends with him too.
I’m still waiting for something else. This can’t be it.
Kek I thought about adding him too
Jimmy hogs the luxury family vacation home all summer. He refuses to leave, even when his sister makes plans to go with her friends for a nice private weekend. Jimmy insists on staying. He hovers over them. Jimmy is a selfish, privileged, creepy sperg. He still hasn't addressed these allegations.
they don’t even have to be gay about it
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if you ask me this was more egregious than the mallet incident
The "jokes" Jet makes are the jokes Sam would make as examples of lame hack jokes. Surprised the partnership has endured this long.
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I mean at least they can RP unlike SOMEBODY WE KNOW
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Patrice would have been the best freeloader
a sign of things to come
he's getting fucked in this picture btw
Oh it's damn true...
Ice Poseidon is a piece of shit scammer but at least he values his audience's time. These wiggers will take 3 hours to tell their viewers three minutes of information while soaking up TTS money. It's awful.
the beautiful ck mogs
yeah by big claire cock
just say nwis or greenshark
im the coach
woah this pic is like an optical illusion. i can convince my brain its either tayleigh or tj
>Josie has her very own Channing now
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kissing josie, dating josie, marrying josie, spending josies streaming money, getting josie addicted to percs, isolating josie from her family, stealing all of josies streaming money and spending it on mondomegabits, hitting josie when she doesn't do everything perfectly, sending josie on a cross country hoe tour to fuck her incel fans, letting the wiggers fuck josie again for mondomegabits, making josie fuck niggers for cheap when no one cares about her anymore, divorcing josie once the well is dry, dropping off josie on the side of route 66 in the middle of nowhere with no money or phone.
Someone get me in contact with Petew Thiel
>chat is now keeganmaxxing
oh snap
stop posting your erotic jet collection, we dont care to see what you fap to
or faggot
the virgin walk will always be funny

how new
marriage with creature
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I used to watch everything MDE put out and now I can't even stomach 5 minutes of their appearance on Legion of Skanks. they've fallen so far.
she not banning it. is she learning from her mistakes?
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>used to watch everything MDE put out
I still do
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This is code for Cleh coming back
this is it... the final stream
just watch the show
more beautiful deaths next
Kek Did he say that? A clip of that would be kino. Does he kno about bliccy?
Kek no doubt
I’ve been on a patrice kick for a few days now and i think any real social discourse ended with his death. It’s all been downhill since.
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Is Letty the type of girl you'd take to meet your parents?
what are they saying?
How do you faggots watch twitch the ads are retarted.
im willing it into existence
So is fishtank just gonna become a hazing ritual funded by Thiel? Send someone on the show, get them to say nigger and be body shamed by Sam, and then you essentially have them trapped in terms of career advancement
Her husband will replace her with minion. Its the natural course of things.
hopefully truuuuuuuu
TJ's stream was pretty comfy even if there wasn't much going on
Taylor's stream feels... a bit awkward
like something something bad is about to happen or something
also what the fuck was that russian voice
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yo peder dm me wets cowab
some paypig usually comes around every few streams and drops lots of gifted subs
How do you draw a winter cabin without snow on the roof?
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What were they discussing?
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Utterly vindicated on Josie and Tayleigh
i would kneel
why did he start beef with benleaks, that was his downfall
grab a brew and login boys
it’s too boring for me. people talking about keeganposting got me to watch but i got bored in half a minute and gave up. i’m sure someone else will note anything interesting.
Sargeposters are relentless
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I won.
what was deleted on the taylor stream.
kys niggerlips
It’s real. It’s DAMN real
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scott sullivan mma confirmed for season 3
Yuriy would win
big if true
Keegan posting
nobody came close to jon's outfits and he wasn't even there until the end
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>you essentially have them trapped in terms of career advancement
Mike won
Yo petew I can be a gweat asset. I bewieve in chwist wike youw eunuch.
This looks like Jordan lmao
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There is way too much silence in Taylors streams how do people watch this?
some keegan posting remains tho did he go overboard
I'll admit that putting Letty with 808s is a bit flimsy but putting Cole with TLOP seems perfect. TLOP is kanye wrestling between his egoism and degeneracy with wanting to be a good husband and father. It's a very contradicting album (on purpose) and sort of lines up with Cole's narcissistic but honest personality. A lot of the tracks from the latter half of the album like FML and Real Friends seems fitting for him.
yeah he skims 10% of revenue off every 20 viewer streamer
the chat is an insane hugbox
why even bother
>He hovers over them
How else will he charm one of the fine womenfolk with his weird gags so that he can have five sons.
nah on some real shit
what's wrong with silence also we're watching a master painter
I would. My mother would love her.
it’s a valid question wtf
watch the m3u in vlc

Where you hear this?

Also hell yeah we aren't sorry for Scottyrocking
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>You won't see Josie after tomorrow.
Actually yeah I definitely see that
Youw awe gay but Ill pway for you Petew
When will BiffMcRiff start lashing out?
they seem to let the other ones fly
do her chatters ever say anything interesting or does address anything interesting? whats the appeal here? what could any of these people ask her that isn’t a first grader’s style of questioning?
Please tell me this is true. I need to see that plump pink body in a jockstrap on S3.
mr “nice guy” is a creep too
scott rocks
35 year old fat khhvs in this thread hating on a girl cause they didnt get to fuck her and got called cucks LOL
she barely reads any of the chats or answers questions very little engagement.

she will repeat a chat and agree with it thats about it.
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>Please tell me this is true. I need to see that plump pink body in a jockstrap on S3.
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>we're back
>it's oooover
>i fell off the ledge hee hee
>meatballs are grosss

That's it. That's all you're allowed to say. She's so boring
>jet now opening facedoxxing tayleigh's father on the official fishtank twitter as a joke
this whole community makes me fucking sick
People should show up to Josies house and get shot that would be cool
i love hearing that :)
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I wanted to drop a major Keegan TRVTH bomb but unfortunately he's not there in chat today. I guess we'll wait for another day....
they want to fuck her. they're doing bullshit 20 questions. nobody is watching for her lack of personality
Taylor sucks, She will never become huge on twitch she is way to fucking boring. I really did use to just watch for tj lol
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many people are saying this
g r i m
No she’d lez out with my sister and infect her with feminism
but that would be funny so obviously it didn't happen
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Is he fired or just hiding? That’s what I want to know.
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What would she have to do for you to forgive her?
what if he's fired?
Insider here, the streets are saying Jet Neptune is going to be involved with season 3. Nothing confirmed yet but that is what I'm hearing on the ground level.
you just want to be mean that's all this community find entertaining
lose weight go back to TJ get married and have kids with him
If Jet was smart he would have a dress up darling fishtoy for the girl fish so the perverts can buy. Yes put her in the red dress for $500
is the game gud?
she doesnt even answer questions. she hasnt had one opinion this whole stream.
yeah idgi. i guess it is a can of worms but it only gets worse if she keeps hiding it.
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*pish pish pish*
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Letty was the only other contestant with a sick outfit.
So I fucked hew wight in the asshole
>then he got exiled by her orbiters
what happened there
Most of her viewers were people looking for TJ updates or appearances. She's just boring/fake/0 personality.
tying Josie up and mindbreaking her forced orgasms
Kino tip. Thank you
no just be entertaining. she can address the keegan stuff in a mature way and move on. she already did that with tj but this weirdo gets a pass?
Why are women like this Taylor and tayleigh are never honest.TJ rolls with it and has a laugh about it do they not realise the way they act makes it worse?
crabs in a bucket
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This and the Jon and Taylor by cross makes them him feel like a Princess Diaries character.

I have never watched it but I think thats the general vibe
Which one you is is the biggest fan? I see you lmao
talk about what happened. apologize to gemma. you can't just publicly slander tj and fuck over some girl unassociated with fishtank and not address any of it.
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>screenshots showing Josie's grooming goes back almost a decade
>twitterfags will scroll past this post and pretend it's not there
Josie's aura must be studied. They're all scared of her.
I meant the Princess Bride, havent watched that one either
I've noticed how fucking putrid the threads have gotten. All the last remaining good posters must have finally fucked off. I'm going to stop browsing after this one.
is that why bliccy follows jon on twitter?
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S1 stealing the show like always.
Address the situation and clarify what she meant when she accused TJ/why, explain her relationship with KeenShart, lose all the weight she's gained/no more cookies.
she absolutely should not address that she should never talk about ftl bullshit
i think tayleigh is genuinely a pathological liar
the artstyle is pretty cool ngl and has many josie fits but its just a tap rhythm game. gameplay is boring and songs suck.
big if true
yeah i liked the witch hat but they gave it too late. same with vance's armor at the very end. would've been cool to have each of them get gear for their class instead of just jimmy weapons
Taylor we know you are fat we want to see these cameras angles are retarded let us see your jiggly body cunt.
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>She will never become huge
when is little monkey boy going live?
is the tj cheated tweet still up? how about the explanation?
>She will never become huge
Well, maybe not on Twitch...
Greenshark is likely in chat he changed the name of his loudbark account LUL
if someone has the greenshark pony game it would be an epic find
between 2pm and 2am
you'll get none and you'll like it you only got those tweets because she was stressed out by dumbgay starting rumors
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They're making your daughter to cut herself and they thinks it's funny. Why aren't you stopping them?
>Address the TJ situation
She's live with no mods. You can ask her right now dummies
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for worst outfits i would nominate tay's overalls and black t-shirt combo and jimmy's arrested development attire, complete with oversized shoes
Why should anyone care about this?
the fuck is a loudbark account
She did put out a new reel today right? If he did get fired, I guess I would have to spare him
Taylor has always been like this. She casued all the schizo theories about where she was moving or why TJ wasn't on bloodgames initially.
taylor is boring everyone around her a billion times cooler then her.
biff is there
so you’re saying this needs to go more public for her to do the right thing?
Yeah she is only capable of thinking of herself.I used to think o wow nebby sure loves her but it was because she would spend weeks at Maria's she deserves nothing.
Why do men choose to look like this? I get that there's not much you can do about genetics but this fag can at least try and be a man once in his fucking life.
You all care about everything else why not josie
Nice spelling retard, that's not Q4L
I'm sorry but not everyone sympathizes with pedos like you.
Total tard outfit
Maybe, but why wouldn't he be a mod? Also, can't you track twitch name changes?
and yet they aren't the world's leading instagram gambling influencer while she is
Was really hoping for him to get ran over by a car...
shirtless was somehow a major improvement over this
shit reaches a certain point and freezes wtf is up with that
the dream
that nigger is so ugly LMAO
>You all care about everything else
what should he be doing?
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That's enough taylo for me just now i don't want to sleep yet
she's got 2
How are Josie's fans pedos? Isn't she in her twenties?
lmao the rip right at the dick
Stop wearing the god awful brand bs, and maybe look for a style that better matches him. Before doing any of that he should probably try losing some weight and reevaluating himself from the inside out.
she's made it clear she's not going to do this. more of a chance to get tj to elaborate and her to respond to that.
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>josiepedo playing dumb
He looks like clown in his oversized shoes. I expect him to pull out a red ball nose and a horn to match.
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does taylor even enjoy doing this?
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they made it look easy
i wonder what tj did
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This nigger looks like shrigma male. Same blank stare and everything.
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the beautiful ck
the picture of Jimmy and sodaman at the grocery store where jimmy is like 7 feet tall always makes me laugh
Guess we’ll have to ask him. Someone should tts it so he feels more obligated.
lovely quaint painting from taylor
no :)
I think you're the one playing dumb.
Oh nooo hahaha I forgot about the fucking ankle weights, Jimmy you dumb fuck lmao
think i might actually buy tts just to ask him
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she's always on the verge of tears in recent streams. it's hilarious
>but it only gets worse if she keeps hiding it.
how exactly? you retards keep saying this but all anyone managed to do was make her sad when someone TTSed TJ W or something like 5 streams ago. her mods usually ban stuff and any issues with her stream come from her production issues like mics or lighting.
We hate him so!
her mind is vacant she would watch a camp fire for hours
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i feel like this has to be intentional on jimmy's part. he tries to look like a kid
hes been a little more open about her recently he might actually answer it
In context Jimmy's modern Pikachu/Long Basketball shorts fit was the peak of Fishtank fashion. Summer wearing the same fit was the GOAT. The worst is Vance's 10 years too late baseball shirt and knee+ length basketball shorts fit
wearing ankle weights for weeks instead of just lifting is such a fat guy move
The thing of TJ being a tts slave applies even more to her i think the only thing she truly likes is gambling and kei trucks and cats.
bex singlehandedly gave jimmy and tayleigh undeserved aura by giving them cool 70s clothes in season 2. tayleigh had manson girl vibes and jimmy had serial killer vibes. sometimes i think about how annoying they were during that season and realize it would have been way worse if they were wearing their own clothes.
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>Josie canceled her stream to play fortnite with her bf
When does the Josiepedo suicides start?
the trick is how to ask the question in a way he can formulate his thoughts on it and not feel like he’s being confronted
kys already
Runner up is Sylvia's Leather Couch commie cap fit. I'd argue most of Letty's shitty horse girl clothing is up there with it.
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Did taylo post this?
>he could have her back if he just apologized...
If you think disregarding tj is smart, go right ahead and keep thinking this. It’s like you’re inviting worse to come her way.
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i agree that fit was swagless
i think jimmy unironically wears shoes that are 3 sizes too big because he thinks girls will think he has a big dick
Lol no u
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Hi taylo
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apologize for what?
Hi mike
I think she hates it but wants the easy money
lol i was going to do this but decided otherwise
>It’s like you’re inviting worse to come her way.
Two more weeks. Plus remember when ftl doxxed the gay BF? Even that was just sending gay dudes to his house. Tayleigh has received far more hate on he streams. I came in expecting something crazy from the chatters but theyre just discussing her 1st grader painting or asking her some basic shit.
i was thinking something like
>you didn't cheat, so why did she think you did?
>did either of you plan on moving in with each other?
would get some actual new information
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Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
i don't know how much it helped jimmy but holy shit it's crazy how much worse tay looks in her normal clothes
>ankle weights
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true. they could not dress this well on their own
she looks like a homeless drug addict jesus christ
The only way Taylor would talk about TJ on stream is if she's drunk
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there's more people in here discussing TJ & Taylor than people watching Taylor lmao
>Maybe the theory of her being upset tj didn't move in with her instead of his friends played into her leaving too
nobody has asked about them sharing a place yet iirc
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Spread it.
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Yeah Vance had the worst outfits of all time though they matched his personality tbf
i like how jimmy insisted on earing his autism shorts
It’s not a matter of direct confrontation, it’s more like Tj will probably reveal something that makes her look worse.
how tf are they even playing when theyre half across the world from eachother. the ping must be crazy
>Yeah Vance had the worst outfits of all time
enough about claire
Yeah and he doesn't wanna do that cuz he still cares about her
skinhead with the security shirt and bat was peak
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>hawk tuah post already has more likes than the season 3 announcement videos
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My kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder
It's never over
All my riches for her smiles
When I've slept so soft against her
You guys are just posting in these threads without a care in the world while Scottcord is going through an unprecedented crisis
Claire's outfits are bad in a good way
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>taylor making a goblin painting
oh no...
I think that’s solid. Don’t think we’ve ever got clarification on the second part so it could be interesting.
has he ever said anything negative about her since they split?
it was peak onions
everytime he mentions taylor is to say he wishes her the best
he accidentally said he loves her yesterday though
nothing besides her grilling him and implying that whatever info she fed greenshark is bullshit
>it’s more like Tj will probably reveal something that makes her look worse.
Even if he did, what exactly will that do? Her mods usually ban anyone out o fline and she is removed from fishtank at this point. Even at the height of fishtank hate, all she got was one TTS that was TJ W.
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40 boys assemble
Ben's socials

No just wishes her the best.
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Skinhead beard shirtless basketball shorts was pretty awesome
No doubt but he won’t do it intentionally. Nothing he’s said should technically give taylor any ire but it’s ended up that way regardless so I don’t know if your line of thinking is exactly helpful for her.
I have a patended saying which applies to Claire's clothing. It is she shops at the aunt store. Feel free to use it but all aunts dress the same and Claire is somehow 22 and has access to the aunt store.
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lance probably didn't even have to do any prep for the wardrobe
48 hours >:)
lance just wore his outfits better than him
he blocked me
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thanks Ben
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Jon's going to get it good tonight.
was that when he was talking about halo? I thought he said her name at first then quickly said halo
that was his only good look and that was just because of the swastika tattoo edit
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is Jon /fa/?
You’re thinking too much into it. He would never do anything besides be truthful to himself and if it turns out that taylor was just being unfair, it’s a bad look no matter what way you want to examine it. For both of them.
Hi Mike
God I hope Jon wins, council posting will reach unprecendented levels
How tall is Jacob?
it was, but he quickly over corrected and it came off as obviously him thinking about taylor
i'll link the clip if nobody has already
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been here since season 1 and i have no clue who this guy is
What he do this time?
He looks so much taller than Jon.
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>true. they could not dress this well on their own
Tay can, she just doesn't.
Claire is the only 22 year old who wears blouses
Jon is 5'7
someone has to have the s2 finale pic, you know the one I am talking about
He's just 5'11-6'0. Bluepill for normal heighted white guys you mog every single retard
yeah and it works
Really? That looks like more than a 2 inch difference.
Also because of his gorgeous chest hair
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>Josie will get a dozen death threats from her closest fans on her 23rd birthday
Jacob said he's 5'9, Jon is just a manlet tard
she was sexy as a mime and those simps thinking she's suddenly ugly because she's a cunt are hilarious
Its a band tee black pants and the red shark shoes because her own were covered in slop from the house.
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surprisingly yes
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>she just doesn't.
This is unironically a good look (needs the glasses) and I wont hear otherwise
wiggalationscord sends its regards
hi tay
hi nifty
you are mentally ill
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pretty sure the camera was on jimmy and alex stein talking for over 2 hours and they just panned down to jon who was laying on the ground the entire time
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Most manlets lie about your height. I'm 6'4 and I've been told countless time by women that I must be much taller than that because they're husband or boyfriend is x height and you're much taller than that.
jacob always wears those lifted sneaker tbf
Tay would fit in the Fallout universe.
Maybe just proves my point even more.
He just can't stop himself from lying.
I've said my piece
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what is this? is jon there?
she used crazy filters on her streams, her genetics are terrible
That's most likely what it is. Jon is probably bear footed as well.
5'9 isnt normal height and mogging tards isnt any kind of pill it literally doesnt matter
Yeah bro I'm sure you're a 6'4 golem where women are nitpicking about your height
clip ?
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>not the center of attention for almost an entire second
>ankle weights
Kek remember when sam laughed at him for wearing those? Sam told him that he would just end up hurting himself like that, but he kept wearing them
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is jacob taller than tj?
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if jacob was over 5'10 kato and kalei would have let him fuck
yes TJ is 5'7, Jacob is 5'9
this picture is crazy
bitch look like dat lil niqqa from gummo L
This! Kek my friends in middle school used to do this shit.
just the idea that Jon and TJ met makes me smile every time i remember it
youre meming but they unironically wouldve if he was over 6'2
jimmy thought "well if goku can do it why can't i?"
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jon is 5'10, tj is 5'10 (jon is on his tip toes in this pic), jacob is 5'9 wearing shoes
People act like 5’9 and 5’7 aren’t nearly head to head. Even personally speaking, I’m 5’10 and I was surprised when my friend of many years told me he was 6’4 because there’s no tall/short dynamic whatsoever and he’s not towering over me.
Yoooooo LFG
Real ones claim to be shorter than they are just to expose other heightfrauding manlets.

>Yeah dude, I'm like 5'10" haha...
>That can't be true, I'm like 5"5' and we're almost the same height.
it was pretty cool that ben did confessionals just for him meeting the season 1 fish
>give random chatters access to the stream
>its all vidja graems
Finally some decent goonfuel
>the cat's outta the bag
>homemade iron on shirts and sweatshirts of his brand that he ended up dropping.
When can we get a triplebuck shirt?
looking good staff sarge
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wait are you... t _ _ 2?
Sorry to break it to you but I'm 6'0 and 99% of the time I'm the tallest guy in the Wawa. I don't even notice you little guys.
Jon is 5'7 hes been measured and thats what his height was on the website, stop with the manlet cope
Kek it made cole so angry the first few days that was so funny.
i would buy him a beer delivery
Imagine me a 6'0 guy making a beeline for the Bang energy drinks not even noticing your presence because you are not my height and note a woman
>you will live to see josie completely lose her mind while the full weight of her past actions bear down on her psyche shattering it into a million pieces
best ending
Spill the tea
the website had him 5'8, 150, the weight was obviously wrong, he said it was a joke and that he's 5'10, 190 according to himself on a twitter space just before bloodgames
>Sorry to break it to you but I'm 6'0 and 99% of the time I'm the tallest guy in the Wawa
you must live in beanerville
>black tanktop with tie-die shorts
>doritos t-shirt with snoopy socks
>the green striped sweater
>white tanktop with candy necklace
>white Guess hat with aqua sweatshorts and heels
every Claire outfit is iconic though
>she shops at the aunt store
well, we know from her vlog that she shops at the Salvation Army, so you're not wrong
Pants or top should at least be a different color. I’d say top. White on black matches either pale skin and black hair too much. Makes it look like uniform.
whats the QRD I'm not listening to 11 minutes of this shit
surprise launch happens tomorrow guys
it literally had him at 5'7 which is what his height is
you're such a fucking weirdo
My wife!
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she doesnt look good in any colors
Yeah I do the same thing when I work in the phillipino or mexican communities in my city. I guess it depends on how you look at it.
I mog everyone around me. I’m cut from the same cloth as richie aprile, NIGGER.
he's taller than jacob
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the criticism from here really got to them
Keegan is now like tj since he is with Taylor he doesn't come around for streams anymore he sits in the other room LUL
kek'd, deserved
so fucking tired of hearing about episodes
should have watched it live faggot
I feel like 4chan height obsession narcissist is the modern version of kids in the early 00s who sat at the school shooter/mallgoth lunch table
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hes two inches shorter than him, stop coping jontard
hell yeah
this outfit looks like something your aunt who listens to Evanescence and shops at Walmart would wear.
does someone have that pic of sam (hyde) with fousey?
barefoot he's literally taller if you watched the whole brotank stuff
>making fun of the keegan incident
>"i told all my friends"
dope but just post the teasers. why is he teasing a teaser
The episodes just flew over my house!
no hes not, watch the video where they are side by side, hes multiple inches shorter
None of this is true
Its incredibly retarded. I'm 6'0 and 5 years ago I was completely unaware of my height but now I'm scanning every convenience store making sure I'm the tallest guy.
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S3 needs CLEH more than Cleh needs S3
Add it to the lore.
is there anyone here who's actually wants to see the s2 episodes?
>I love Halo
>uhh do I love halo? Probably not.
What did he mean by this?
The website has never been wrong about height. You may have evidence to the contrary but it just isn’t the case.
it's the high quality content that jet has given us access to
it's just abi talking to fishtank orbiters and the guy that jerked off on oddbods stream
Abi status?
he's trying so hard not to say taylo
yeah retard lol
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Jon wears lifts to look taller than his 5'4 gay Mexican handler
no retard lol
I do. I’ve been telling my friends about it since they didn’t watch.
i just think they'd be good for more engagement before season 3. not going to watch them since i saw it live but i'd like to see the big moments on the handheld cam
Those just look like regular cowboy boots.

It just looks retarded because he's not wearing the right kind of pant.
or he's just taller than you want to admit
You won't do shit.
what the fuck happened to the website, can any jackass stream on there now?
i just watched some recap on yt so prob nah
Hey jet whats up, can you be doing some BULLPOSTING for Mondo Megabits instead of tryignto get glazed by this obvious Mossad plant?
He doesn’t love halo like the real fans of it but enjoyed his time with it in the past. Specifically Halo 4. Hope this helps.
>Those just look like regular cowboy boots.
Ok Ron Desantis
He's going to give Scott a run for his money. There isn't a single women he won't rape including his own daughter.
New >>203666973
Migrate when ready
Abi needs to get away from fishtank orbiters desu. What’s a better place for her to make friends?
seeing jacob watch the s1 episodes made me think they would be good for any new fans
pretty much
i think jet gave up
there are 211 streams now
this isn’t a real opinion anyone has
is DeSneed Jan?
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Anon, do you promise....
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It's original.
Regardless of whether you're tall or short, the fixation/obsession with it only leads somewhere negative. Self hatred, insecurity, vanity and narcissism don't do anything good for anyone.
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>baking on page 7

Lmao the josiepedo is shook.
jon is taller than most people he meets
I baked it on 6. Get it right you dammed nerd
I wish I was shorter. Being 6’6” kinda sucks. No good reason to be taller than 6’2”
because he wears boots with lifts
>vanity and narcissism don't do anything good for anyone.
yes, something jon has yet to learn
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Gavin height moggs him
why is he wearing platform vans lmfaooo
Honestly noggin mogged as well. Is Gavin the bantamweight champ?
Im gonna assume Gavin made that face because jon walked up to him sounding like a total tard
I'm not saying that to defend Jon, just making a broader point that it's bad to fixate on things you can't control
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Because most celebs and his 40 boys are short to begin with. Jon was shorter than most men during hungry games.
Jon looks like a retarded Turk
is he just walking around holding a phone charger
I didn’t notice that
This is clearly the comedy cellar. I've been there before and there's a ton of retards running counter-intell. I respect John for getting the pic with the mid-tier celeb
>just making a broader point that it's bad to fixate on things you can't control
Not like we have a choice, these things are essential to how we fit into society, you can pretend they dont affect you at all but at the end of the day its just cope, they always matter
gavin is 5'11 with bigger shoes
Is there any way to watch the vod of that Jacob stream?
He needs to have his battowy chawged for impowtant business calls
>bigger shoes
jon is literally wearing shoes with platforms, I wouldnt be surprised if he buys those shoes with the 4 inch insoles
Gavin is 5'8. I'm unironically a normal heighted whitedguy and I have a pic with Shane Gillis where Ii'm 1-1 in Nike Air Maxe's. Do the math bro.
probably not unless he was streaming to twitch too
no he isn't, they're vans, vans raise at the toe
normal vans dont have that thick of an outsole, those are platform vans
Not really, I feel like it's cope to think that you can't make peace with your internal world, that just sounds like spiritual/mental weakness
dumb zoomer post
unlike most shoes, vans have a thicker toe than heel
I've met him. He's 5'10 or 5'11. I guess one benefit of surrounding himself with groypers is he looks taller.
whats wrong with being spiritually or mentally weak?
hes 5'7
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Jon height moggs BG Kumbi
It will make your life much more painful than it should be
Nigga has size 13 feet
how small are you my guy?
hes literally shorter than him in this pic and hes wearing cowboy boots with lifts
who is that and why should i care
You forgot to put the previous thread in the bake u dumb tard.
he tucked his shirt in to show off that belt
jon is tall
Fucking retarded toddler outfit.
you act like its easy to be spiritually/mentally strong
Can someone photoshop Jimmy's shirt to have a triforce on it instead
Gross rat nobody cares about your self post
pics or it didn’t happened
Oh no it's extremely hard (obviously for me too), but you need to have the right foundation in place before you can build upwards
better than the greasy jewish blobfish you faggots spam here
ScottSullivanMMA is naming the jew as we speak

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