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>Ummm so yeah just drop out of school, get into trades, avoid socializing and be a contrarian to public opinion and you should be okay
>thatll be $50 + tip
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did he really suck off a tranny or is it a falsehood
He's a born again Orthodox Christian
He's a jew, he's always been a jew and he'll always be a jew. Anybody taking anything from this guy other than just laughing at his comedy is a gigantic retard.
Fat unfunny faggot gets socially inept 4chan autists to pay him for based and redpilled life advice
Its a good grift
he never said that
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yes, he also got punked by a couple of zoomers and has yet to recover from it
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There is no such thing as a good grift
He's a fedora fag that hides it because fedora fags got btfo years ago. He doesn't believe in a god.
those 2 are hero status now
Total fraud and hack but he used to be funny
how much of that funny came from just stealing jokes and ideas from 4chan/facebook comments and people he has since burned his bridges with, Im starting to think he always was a fraud
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troons mad, many such cases
can't imagine taking life advice from Sam Hyde
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nice to see you finally show up Luna
Kek. It's nice when the troll gets trolled.
Why am I supposed to care if he fucked some groupee even if she was 16?
it's funny because it pisses Sam off that underneath it all he's just another jewish nonce
there was never any moral crusade
Doesnt convince me
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don't care
honestly old mde just straight up sucks dick, shit aged like milk
I assumed he kms'd himself during the covid times
What's the zoomer obsession with this guy? He had some funny trolling moments ten years ago but now he's one of these Andrew Tate lifestyle coaching grifters and runs some bizarre subscription based big brother knock off with mentally ill zoomers.

What am I missing here?
Is it really 'punking' if Sam didn't care and said he wanted to discuss it, but the zoomies ran away in terror?

He made media that was vaguely anti establishment and bootlickers are furious to this day.
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Nice larp. Sam literally froze with a look of dread and the only reason he wanted to "talk about it" was to punk them back somehow but they left before he could stick them with a comeback that took him 2 minutes to come up with. They tagged him on instagram and he blocked them so that pretty much proves what his real intent was lol
if he had married her and treated her with respect this would be fine.

the real issue is pumping and dumping young women, ruining them for marriage with a man who actually cares for them.
I only like World Peace and it's still great.

>it's just some gay meme i found on 4chan
why do zoomers try so hard to pretend they don't care about things. this fag is probably the one who keeps obsessively posting about sam all day.
Hi Sam
>trannies using "tranny fucker" as an insult
So you know youre subhuman animals
Channing, this won't get you your money back for your ketamine fix. You'll simply have to suck cock for that the old fashioned way.
link to said video?
ok Luna
hyde = hide
It's being edited
Dont forget, waste your parents money going to the best art college in the US, go massively into debt to gamble on crypto, try to become internet famous in your late 20s while living with your mom and be lucky enough to have it all pay off.
On the other hand... Christmas example.
Two more weeks I presume?
>What's the zoomer obsession with this guy? He had some funny trolling moments ten years ago but now he's one of these Andrew Tate lifestyle coaching grifters and runs some bizarre subscription based big brother knock off with mentally ill zoomers.
You aren't missing anything. You summed it up pretty succinctly.
>What's the zoomer obsession with this guy
A white man tells people to get a job
Trannies hate that
Sam hyde bad
hi spindledoodle. have you been able to launch a successful youtube career over this forced meme yet?

at first i thought it was funny, but the obsessive spamming of the board is tranny-tier. was the girl your sister or something?
He should've stayed at CMU and pursued a real major, his dad wouldn't have disowned him if he'd done this
Because Sam is massively successful he can posture like that and people give him more money because of that. Its the same logic behind the Joe Rogan type grifters (who Sam hates despite being the same as them) who just write books about how to live life and then just go on podcasts and shill. It's all cult of personality
>sam had sex!
>he put his cock in a TIGHT young pussy!
wow sam btfo, this is literal homosexuality
In this day of age, ppl are willing to listen to anyone. It's crazy.
When was the last time Sam produced anything of artistic merit? I feel like nothing since World Peace has actually been any good, he wont release WP2 for some reason, maybe its terrible?
I'd give a shit if she wasn't obviously fucking brain damaged, and enjoying it.
Jesus you zoomies are really defensive of Sam. Maybe ask your effeminate millennial father to put down the lego star wars and Facebook and help raise you instead lol.
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>the obsessive spamming of the board is tranny-tier
imagine having the nerve to imply this when fishtank trash that nobody watches is spammed here almost as badly as kpop is on /mu/

i don't even like sam or his boring shows, but this daily spam is becoming insufferable. either kill sam like a proper psychotic stalker or just move on.
if i have to put up with seeing fishtank threads you have to put up with sam hate threads
>I feel like nothing since World Peace has actually been any good
It hasn't been. He just figured out, like a lot of people, that he can just make money being a "YouTube personality." You pretty much just have to be a stupid, eccentric fucktard on YouTube to attract millions of braindead viewers and make like half a mil per year. You used to have to have talent to make it in entertainment. Now you just have to be willing to be a spastic fucktard. Sad times.
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I mean, if you put it that way why would Sam direct his discord of troons/wiggers to mass report a tweet about it that was getting millions of views to put a label on it to get it censored? Why did they mass report Soph's channel and get it banned over her video on it?
Maybe the alleged pornos he filmed with her were real which would have been a CP crime?
>Don't disagree with me, you're obsessed
Babbys first 4chan
>millions of views
lmfao imagine unironically believing twitter's view counts
This is one of the most kino videos on YT, Sam still tries to recapture this lightning in a bottle to this day
thats basically what fishtank is, the whole show is lazy as fuck and they made over a million on it because retards who watch streams pay 20 dollars to send a text to speech no one listens to
Not samefag.

Nothing but World Peace was ever good from them. When is WP2 coming out btw?
for me its https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9NXhBYxa7Y
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You just dont understand Sam's artistic vision.
Interesting how they don't laugh it off, especially Nick and Sam, seems they really like to fuck around but don't like to find out
TIGHT little piece
i still don’t understand what the fuck is supposed to be so fucking hilarious about this. it’s just a group of guys verbally abusing old women who barely speak english. this is only funny if you think bullying is comedic gold. the fact these faggots and their fanbase think they’re the good guys is pathetic.
>bullying is comedic gold
it is, ofc unless it's done to Sam >>203668814
then his shills/fan get all defensive about it
its almost as if chuds are fragile
You know you won in life when you have an army of obsessed haters who worship you 24/7
>just become a dropout dude and ignore that my parents are wealthy, also remember to donate to support the stream or something
you can tell by her face that she was going to get fat once she became an adult, sam did the right thing.
>When is WP2 coming out btw?
Fuck if I know. You think I watch that trash? If you do, you should take a long hard look at your life.
sam has k-pop type fans, insane people who defend pedophiles
Sixteen isn't pedophilia, the jew united states is the only developed country which seems to think so strangely enough.
Great answer anon, very helpful.
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according to Sam ur a pedo just for dating an asian
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He at least tried to hook up with them. Nobody knows if he actually did, but he tried
She wasn’t a groupie and a lot of the things people say about her are false. Sam groomed a girl who had already been abused when she was 15 until she was 16, and then took her across state lines to fuck her “””legally”””.

A lot of the information only came out in the past few years. Had it come out way back then he would probably have trouble.
She isn’t fat though lol
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I said *CLICK* sam did the right thing
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She left Sam not the other way around. Rumor is that 2019 she tried to get back with him and the only reason Sam didn't come back was because he intended to keep her in somekind of dungeon setup and realized it would not be a good look for him.
nick looks like he is having vietnam flashbacks
zoomers won
total millenial death
lmao this caused him to resign from fishtank
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>i wish i was forgotten
She got some big honkers now.
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>college is mostly being pushed on the retards with rich parents who can afford to send them away for a degree they'll probably never use
big think
I don't think they're doing it for nefarious reasons, however telling white kids to avoid education and take jobs that mexicans could conceivably learn to do is setting them up for failure.
At this point you really need to have an irreplaceable skillset, or you will be replaced.

Imagine thinking that the mexican business will hire you when 3 out of their 20 cousins are plumbers.
Is this from fishtank?
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>I don't think they're doing it for nefarious reasons
Sam is, you think Sam gives a fuck about you? He doesn't give the kind of advice that comes from what he's learned to be personally good/successful, he gives the kind of fortune-cookie advice that can get click-baited by clippers. He's only interested in making shekels.
I think they're just dumb, and they're around a lot of blue collar guys who think they're heroes for unclogging a drain.
It's also a popular thing on social media bullshit advice circles("go into the trades, receive 100k+ salary!").
I doubt they ever questioned if their advice was retarded, they just think it sounds good like every other guy out there.

also i regret enlarging that image
why do people look up to this failure? Even his parents hate him. He's meant to be laughed at, and then forgotten.
Don't meme yourself out of a college education. My wife has a fucking BA in Spanish and makes like $150k a year in a corporate job that has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
If you don't have a trust fund or big inheritance on the horizon it is quite literally your only chance at a job that won't make you want to kill yourself every second you're at work and make enough money to live in your own house and do anything fun whatsoever.
Did your wife go to an Ivy?
>My wife has a fucking BA in Spanish and makes like $150k a year in a corporate job
That's obviously a diversity hire, telling men, and especially white men to use her as an example for themselves is beyond retarded.
study math, physics, engineering, or cs
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What's more interesting to me than what Sam Hyde and other life advice type guys have to say is the fact that there is a market for them. I think that we're pretty close to the overton window shifting so that this can be discussed in legacy media. We're not quite there yet. Right now we're still at "what, you don't have a job or a gf? well why don't you just try harder dumbass?"
It says a lot a about the state of society when young men look to Sam Hyde for advice
how did a jewish pedophile become /pol/'s idol?
unironically yes
whats wrong with trades?
It's a meme whose only upside is maybe you can start your own business down the line and boss other people around to do the dirty work for you.
If you want a path to retirement that wont make you rich but also wont make you break your body and is a safe bet just find a way to work for the government. Like, become a mailman for the USPS or join the Navy.
If you watch MDE, you're not someone thats cut out to work in trades. MDE fans are sensitive, quietly angry young men who play too many video games, are irony poisoned by meme culture that don't get out much. That type of person should not be working a backbreaking physical labor job surrounded by meth addicts and mexicans. That person should work in IT.

Sam is from an extremely rich Connecticut family and has never worked a day of physical labor in his life. Its very easy to say "blue collar work is based bro, escape the college matrix" but when you're getting up at 5am every day to work in the rain, snow and extreme heat as you destroy your body decades before its due date, you'll wish you'd just went to college and gotten a quiet office job instead.

Sam has never lived in reality, thanks to his money, family connections and zoomer paypigs.
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Sam Hyde sucked off several trannies (but they're so heckin' disgusting)
do you really think they're not in on the bit, you retard?
following this advice right now
gonna just spend all my money fucking ladyboys in thailand and snorting coke off east asian butts

I know not every single person who does any trade makes big money, just like not every single person who becomes an accountant or a lawyer ends up making big money. I will say personally I'm an electrician in a specialised field and I made 200K last financial year and so did most of the guys I work with. Without question I out earn my more educated friends who also had to pay for their degrees and endure four to five years of no income plus internships and low paying jobs when they started out. I bought my first house when I was 21 while most of my school friends are just finally becoming financially established now in thier 30's. I often work 50 hour weeks but I do that by choice to make some extra scratch. I know I have never once regretted choosing my trade, its not hard on my body and its mentally stimulating enough. That's more than I can say for alot of glamorous corporate jobs involving sitting still all day staring at a screen under artificial lights.
>literally begged a tranny to sit at her feet and jerk off
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so you're taking this guy's advice?

>Sam literally froze with a look of dread and the only reason he wanted to "talk about it" was to punk them back somehow but they left before he could stick them with a comeback that took him 2 minutes to come up with. They tagged him on instagram and he blocked them so that pretty much proves what his real intent was

what's the matter sam? couldn't handle a little bantz? you can dish it out but you can't take it.
Sam struggled to respond to Channing heckling him about "Eddie" too, all he managed was a flaccid "uh shut up?"
To be fair, he did assault her later.
its an insult to him BECAUSE he rallies against trannies all the time retard. he's a self hating faggot.
>Charls laughing with them
now he's that gay jew who spams /tv/ and blows trannies
>Remember last year when he was SO HECKIN BACK for HECKIN PWNING IDUBBBZ
that was like 3 years ago
>three years
twink death is the fire in which mde burns
Because we live in a modern cancel culture age where people are jerking off to degenerate porn furry anime and other disgusting fetishist privately while publicly calling to cancel people having sex even tho we have a global birthing crisis and zoomers are terrified of sex.
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Sam is a oldfag, and all oldfags liked the trap threads. He will be punished for being a perma namfag, though.
At least at this point Sam will probly just say your fucked up and have almost no chance over 30 and Andrew Tate will lie and say we all can make it
>To be fair, he did assault her later.
I'm surprised this isn't talked about more. Is it because he makes ppl sign NDAs and ppl are afraid to offend him?
I can't help but laugh every time I remember that story about mike cernovich crying while sucking a trannys shriveled cock in that book of his, i know it's not the same person but whenever i see the phrase "suck off a tranny" that's who I think of.
>I'm surprised this isn't talked about more. Is it because he makes ppl sign NDAs and ppl are afraid to offend him?
More to do with Sam knowingly making false statements to the police and his helpful fellow jew the venue owner backing him up, which itself is definitely worth examining.
It's true xer name on socials is @qtwaifu
It's not the same without Ruse
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Yea that's crazy the police detained him but idk if they actually made an arrest or not despite there beings like 50 witnesses
>Sam claims Channing had a knife
>no knife recovered
>only a poster featuring text and an image of a large purple sex toy
>rambles on about abortions to the police like a homosexual
Sam would never assault Channing if he thought she actually had a knife.
This trend will only push men further into second class citizen status as they go for blue collar jobs while women climb the corporate/bureaucratic government ladder. So while you become an electrician women with Hillary hair import more immigrants and let Tyrone out of jail.
? Did Channing have an abortion or something? But yea that's true he grabbed cloudsprout's arm because he thought might pull a weapon or something when he started shaking and sperging out.
Electricians do make good money usually but I'm too retarded and bad at math to enter that field id never pass the exams
Like half of zoomers don't have dads and were raised on the internet. Is it really at all surprising? There is a huge market for internet father figures.

I'm friends with a single mom and have only seen her kids a few times, but every time they see me, they clearly treat me like a surrogate father figure. Young boys are desperate for dads. It's really fucking sad, man.
Anyone can find a job or a gf. The hard part is finding good ones (good luck)
Trades are fucking awful. Escpecially if you are just slaving as an incel.
wtf is this lmao
He should appreciate the humour in that. Thoughever I feel bad for Marky, because this will haunt her to her no-doubt early grave
a discord tranny false flag from before they settled on Channing as prime mover and scapegoat of the MDE homosexuality cult
im that gorilla dick pussy god
Is Fishtank even entertaining or is it just all zoomer tranny nonsense? Tried watching those fishtank episodes thing and I was bored out of my mind. Videos looked like it was edited by a 5 year old
Cope from Sam's shillcord
Sam cares for some reason.
It's mostly nontent with bad audio shitty cams and constant TTS spam with SFX earrape. Don't bother watching.
I don't believe you
>I don't like Sam
>proceeds to mass reply
Sam, I know you're in here. Please get a grip. Frankly, your life has been the definition of embarrassing for years now. Please just try to make something good for once and stop recruiting zoomer wiggers to edit your dogshit "content". I'm begging you to get a fucking clue.
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They were already big at age 16
its no big brother
Worked ok for me, anon. Genuinely, the only thing stopping others is work ethic Who's this guy in pic?
Also tv?
>Genuinely, the only thing stopping others is work ethic
How do you work hard at something? I can only force myself to do things when I'm on adderall but after stopping, nothing ever worked out.
>How do you work hard at something
You keep heckin posting what the discord tells you to post until all the heckin HATERS stop trolling the everloving shit out of Sam!!!
If he can dish it out, he should be able to take it.
That's what Edie said

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