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why doesn't dexter kill black criminals? i just noticed this. most of them are white
did dexter ever kill a black murderer in the show? i can't recall one
notice how even doakes had to be killed by another person, not dexter
seems kind of retarded to dump all the bodies in the same exact location just slightly offshore.
Because serial killing is nearly exclusively a white people thing, occasionally a mexican thing. Dahmer, Bundy, Sam, BTK, Gacy, Kemper, night stalker, etc.... all white except for the stalker
He would have said IT
show would have been canceled
Six million in the holocaust OP.

Stop inciting hate. Never again is now.
>serial killing is nearly exclusively a white people thing
that's not true though
>night stalker
richard ramirez was hispanic

You know about Ted Bundy but you've never heard about Samuel Little.
when he was about to throw his slides in the ocean in season 1 he flashed back to a few and one of them was black
Right? Just burn it! Nazis burned millions of jews to death without a shred of evidence ever to be found! Burning is clearly the best way of disposing of evidence
you know this isnt /pol/ right?
I don't know how much of his antics would work by the 2020s, but was most of his stuff plausible enough during the 2000s? Were there ever extremely obvious moments when he did something he should not have if he wanted to cover his tracks?
he killed doakes, who was technically a lawful murderer
blacks never get away with it in front of law enforcement, so he doesn't have to
Black people are forced into a life of crime by evil white people
he killed that voodoo chicken guy didnt he
The 3% of the population that kills 51% of all victims.

In Rise of the Black Serial Killers: Documenting a Startling Trend, Justin Cottrell expels the myth that serial killers in America are predominately white. On the contrary after sifting through a myriad of newspaper records and books, he’s compiled a list of murderers that is equal too or greater than the number of white serial killers from 1860 to present. Few if any have ever heard any of their names or stories, until now. Based on his findings white serial killers have been underrepresented throughout American history when compared to the percentage of the population they represent by a factor of 1.79 on average. On the other hand, black serial killers have been overrepresented 3 to 7 times their portion of the population, with a 150 year average of 4.44. Another startling trend he uncovered is black serial killers have never represented less than 30.23% of the number of serial killers in a given decade, despite their overall percentage of the population never exceeding 13.1%. This trend has steadily increased to the point that in our current decade they represent 77.27% of the number of serial killers apprehended since 2010, yet only account for 12.6% of the populace.
Such a stupid thing that so many believe.
There is no racial correlation. You look at a majority White country and make a baseless assumption that all serial killers are White. It is a dangerous mindset because it allows serial killers of other races to never be caught because people like you think they are always going to be White.

Every country and every race has serial killers. Just because you don't hear about all of the ones in Asia, Africa, and South America does not mean that they don't exist.
Why bother when theyre gonna get shot in a day or two?
He kills mexicans
Dexter kills lots of hispanics. I can think of three off the top of my head.>>203673509
He let him go. I can’t remember if he goes back to kill him tho.
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I always wondered what he did with all the plastic wrap and PPE equipment when he was done, in S2 it's never mentioned that he dumped it all with the bodies or not
Micheal C Hall used to joke that they would die from gang wars before he could even start planning out the kill
Serial killers are people who get away with it for a long time.
Black people will shoot at each other point blank in broad daylight in groups with security cameras in their faces.
They will kill a handful of people all at once then get arrested or die from the other side retaliating
He only goes after the smart serial killers that are less likely to get caught.
It was a different time
he didn't kill doakes, lilah did

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