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The Film that Filtered /hor/ edition
Last time >>203655712
I will watch this eventually. Maybe for October actually.
All three?
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Second for Ginger Snaps (2000)
Yeah il have to watch it too. Hope it’s more some troll film like swallow or raw
get ready for a violent, but somehow boring, experience
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Are you guys ready for the horror film event of the year?
I will watch literally anything with hot zoomers so yes
>Watching Suspiria (1977)
>Eating chicken nuggets
>On a September/October night
Name a more comfy experience
Best October movie list?

Dark Shadows
Hocus Pocus
Trick r Treat
The Crow
Monster Squad
Black Death
Idle Hands
The Exorcist (i dont like watching that Jesuit filth)
Hubie Halloween
It OG version
Romero movies
Penny Dreadful
The Lost Boys
The Craft
Fright Night
The Shining
Under Wraps
Moms Got a Date With a BBC
Probably just the first one, unless I really like it.
damn we got two nugget eaters in here
I watch Don't Look Under The Bed, Phantom of the Megaplex, and Halloweentown every October
Its comfy. It’s so easy to make that meal too.
I would remove all the children’s films. Maybe add Salem’s Lot. And some modern ones.
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Make that three.
I feel like anthologies are comfy so maybe also Creepshow 2, Tales from the Darkside, Body Bags and Asylum too
I left out those because they didnt age well
Halloweentown is already on TV though

What will the jews project on the TV during peak Halloween viewership this year?
Make it 5.
>Name a more comfy experience
I made choux pastry after the evictors
Remove Romero. He’s overrated.
what is suzy's favorite dipping sauce?
What, you made chud pastries?
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Rotisserie chicken from Walmart while watching SpongeBob and iceberg vids
Embarrassingly bad taste.
uh whats that last one
Can you post a picture of the movie's main actress?
Kids meals and cartoons. This anon is trolling.
No, but >>203673258 is
No, he's right.
it's the stuff eclairs or profiteroles are made of
>Nooo (great horror director) is actually le bad because I said so!
Fuck off, faggot
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What do you consider “grown up” food?
>inb4 literally anything green
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>not a single Hammer movie or Corman Poe movie
More than half are shit
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I rewatched some early SpongeBob recently and that shit’s even better now than it was as a kid.
Romero has a blacked fetish. Even in the 60s when he didn’t have to pick African actors, he still chose them. Guys a cuck.
lol "great horror director", faggot made the same mediocre film a million times.
Oh, it's (You)
Are you stopping at the movie, or will you push through season 4?
If you're retarded, maybe.
It’s the best cartoon ever, would rather watch early SpongeBob episodes than pretty much any other cartoon
Ignore the faggot trolls, discuss horror instead
Well the meal has to be complete with the proper amount of carbs, protein and veggies. I like to be plant based. So a good regular meal I have is beans and tofu and edamame.
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>12 days until October
He’s not wrong. At the time, he went out of his way to cast an African. Tells you all you need to know.
The Human Centipede
The Human Centipede 2
Trauma (2017)
Subconscious Cruelty
August Underground
August Underground's Mordum
Guinea Pig
Guinea Pig 2
Serbian Film
I Spit on your Grave
Faces of Death
Men Behind the Sun
Ichi the Killer
The Hills have Eyes
Hostel 2
Cannibal Holocaust
The Untold Story
Visitor Q
Terrifier 2
The Loved Ones
Mad cause his cucked director got called out. For being blacked too. A literal African main character in a black and white film.
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>Well the meal has to be complete with the proper amount of carbs, protein and veggies.
Or what? Your parents ground you?
I think I stopped at the Strangler episode. Didn’t really do a comprehensive rewatch but it’s crazy how much more polished the animation looks in seasons 2 and 3 compared to the cel animation in season 1. It’s also funny how I still remembered half the dialogue in every episode lmao
Is Prom Night any good?
No I’m just an adult grown man now. I meal prep every Sunday. I don’t drink soda and my meals are washed down with onions milk and bean broth.
Are you black and/or bisexual? You try way too hard
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Not really. It's a pretty middling slasher. The sequel is fantastic though.
Careful now, you don't want to cut yourself on that edge, Timmy
No, Romero tried way too hard to cast a black lead in a time when that was not even a thing.
It's our resident autist
Don't bother with him
Is it just me, or did October come faster this year? It feels as if time has increased it's speed
Horror films for this feeling?
Yes but Prom Night is better.
Excellent slasher with an off the beaten path ending. Prime JLC too
>Seething because a horror film is le edgy
Not really but it’s got a kino disco soundtrack
*Prom Night 2
I remember when Alien Romulus came out I thought “shit, is it really August already?” Now it’s almost October… time has fucking flown by since May.
Yeah he’s the autist. Not the director who obviously has a blacked fetish.
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alright everybody, let's rev up those soifag engines!
spitting image
>Not liking Romero is trolling
Anyone who claims they don't like any Romero has obviously never seen Martin.
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That middle picture is actually literally me lol
Kek. It reeks of faggotry in here. Romero clearly has a blacked/cuck fetish. He went out of his way to cast a black guy.
Horrors about extreme attention seeking?
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so we should ignore you and you're shitty B grade 80's schlock slop hor ror movies lol
the devourer of a 1000 nuggies
Circlejerking so much with other cucks he thinks a different opinion is trolling.
>It's our resident autist
I like how he's been seething about the same things for almost an entire year at this point. It's looped around to being funny because it's hilarious seeing him samefag when everyone ignores his tired bait, he wastes so much time talking to himself.
Holy shit.
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I feel like Christmas wasn't that long ago and here we are 3/4 through September. October is going to fly by, better enjoy the season while it's here horror bros.
Yeah everyone that replies to him is the same person.
soifaggotry to be precise anon lol
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that's great lol
Your thoughts on this scene:
Reeks of Reddit. You think this is /horror.
He calls you the troll but ironically he is the troll simply by ignoring all the black men in his favorite horror films.
Why not? Perhaps it's someone whose pic is not often posted here
Is the 2009 Night of the Demons remake worth watching?
Jannies exposed him the other day for samefagging and talking to himself for hours, it's hilarious. They deleted all his posts you you can tell which ones are him. It's really fuckin funny how much of a loser he is.
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soifaggotry and plebbit are one and the same
This scene is cucked af. Something Romero would direct.
It's ok. Not nearly as good as the original though.
Someone recommended this in another thread and I loved it
If it's on tubi then might as well
Yeah. All the posters that circlejerk 80’s movies is one person.
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I haven't really been able to find the desire to watch any movies lately so I've just been playing a bunch of World of Horror.
Best is Penance because it gets meta about how boring these movies are and how the main characters succumb to the bordom and aimlessness of torture.
I’m starting to think this too. One guy keeps replying to himself talking about 80’s films.
Going to watch Femina Ridens, which I think an anon here rec'd. Looks pretty cool.
Recommend me some 2010s horror films
Do you identify with Jenna's character in it? Do you watch blacked.com videos on pornhub? Do you find yourself agreeing with Tariq Nasheed's main ideas?
Lol pulling up threads and post history like a redditor.
The Town That Dreaded Sundown remake/meta-sequel
In Romero‘s times, there was no blacked.com so he had make his own films.
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look at this faggot getting all sensitive about a troll on fucking 4channel of all places lol
Might have rec'd it. It's hilarious and sexy and has a sixties version of a smart house, hope you enjoy
But he doesn’t mind getting cucked and blacked in his movies.
You didn't answer his question
He’s like will smith. Can’t take a joke about his wife while his wife fucks other men. Kek.
Grave Encounters
The Tunnel
Last Shift
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now that is fucking hilarious lol
Which Scarecrow movie is the good one?
my problem with it is its just gross, the people are gross, the props are gross, the sets are gross, ontop of a plot thats more outlandish than violent night, seriously how do they kill so many people and no one notice or find out?
>watch zoomers
why not hang out with some?
Starry Eyes
The Beach House
The Witch
It Follows
The Wailing
Train to Busan
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
You're Next
The Collector
Total Redditor
Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1981) and Scarecrows (1988) are both good and get rec'd here.
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What the hell do I watch tonight that isn't Suspiria or Alucarda?
nah martin is a must watch everything else can go in the trash though
The Omen or Pieces
All of that is pretty kino, so just pick a random one
Maybe The Omen? Part 2 and 3 to that are good too
Thanks anon. About to watch it. Was in the mood for something 60s or 70s tonight.
Oh nta, but is he the anon whose girlfriend fucks black men?
Rollin's Fascination or Grapes of Death
Lisa and the Devil
Night of the Eagle
I think so. There was a thread about this.
Phenomena is by far the best one there.
Here you go
Samefagging overdrive
You just know that soifag is sitting on that report button.
Report them, do not reply. This also makes them seethe, see >>203674155
No but part 2 is
Has anyone here seen part 3 or 4?
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sure soifag lol
All good movies except for The Beach House. That’s Shudder trash and not decent Shudder trash like Arcadian or In a Violent Nature
Wow no shit
Everyone knows their is two spammers. You are Cock Lodge, the other faggot is Pissman
Are Beach House and August Underground your least favorite films? It seems you have a massive dislike for them
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this soicuck thinks I'm this anon >>203674155

"report them" fuck off soicuck looooool
Dumb esl poster.
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Can't wait for Weapons to flop. Horror film with a $38 million production budget is insane.
I’m repoooorting
I love The Beach House and have often mentioned it as the movie that best encapsulates the concept of cosmic horror, which it ties in with eco/natural horror. The micro/macro contrast is brilliant, likewise the post apocalyptic 3rd act and the last image-- one of the best in any horror movie
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we're not spammers, we just know how you soifaggots love deep throating the C grade 80's slop movies like the good little sodomites you are.
>images you can hear
How many times have you been cucked? Why so much seething?
It’s an 80’s circlejerk every time I drop.
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>I'm gonna repppppooooorrrttttt ugh ugh ugh ugh
Ask Romero that or the regulars in here.
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that's a good question sodomite,how many boyfriends has your wife had lol
>ugh ugh ugh ugh
Swallowing that negro cum while X plays in the background.
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Holy shit hahahahahhaa
You just know he’s seething cause his 80’s circlejerk is interuppted.
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Times you acted like Der Fan?
can't be the catcher in the rye for you newbs everytime a troll wants to shill his pet shit movie. you'll just have to learn the hard way but don't go holding it against the rest of us here
Recommend me a horror film that's not immature dumb shlock
Sometimes I hear the soundtrack to this movie in my head while I'm walking around.
Name is Der Fan? Guess I’ll add it to my watch list.
This but with Suspiria (1977)
The Bay
Also known as "The Fan" and "Trance."
The Ritual
Why would someone put carbs on something that is already half carbs? Meatball sub > delicious, spaghetti sub > dafuq?
It’s female protagonist? Idk I already watched the Loved Ones
>Lisa and the Devil
Based and Bavapilled
It was pretty good. I put off watching it because it got trashed so much in /hor/ last yeah. Sometimes I forget to not listen to dumbasses that make bashing movies their entire personality.
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The quickest way of knowing whether he’s currently banned or not is if you see this post kek
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Mia Goth with eyebrows
That’s the harperfag
Saint Maud
It obviously isn’t lol
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Гoт a cute.
Mia Goth is cooler than Jessica Harper
>i’m a female and I feel my beauty is fading at 24, I dont think I look as pretty as I did when I was 18/20 years old. What should I do?
/hor/ movies for this?
I feel that some people have dismissively watched it in a shallow way-- which is ironic considering one of its main aspects
Okay now you’ve gone too far.
I read forums where girls ask those things and the amount of female cope is hilarious.
>I read forums where girls ask those things
One of the more pathetic things I’ve seen on /hor/ recently.
the 2002 Scarecrow is the best, don't even bother with the others they pale in comparsion
What do you expect from Pissman? Of course a faggot who spends multiple hours a day spamming /hor/ is pathetic lmao
It’s for the epic lulz
Only reason I actually watched it was because I caught it towards the end and realized it was actually kino so I had to immediately restart it to find out what the fuck was going on. I'm happy I did. Same thing happened with Mandy. People don't give movies a chance to breathe before writing them off these days.
The Substance. Are you working out, eating/sleeping properly? That will delay the onset of your beauty fading. Make the best of what you have and don't try to compete with younger women
Oh shit this movie. The one with the old lady.
>People don't give movies a chance to breathe before writing them off these days.
True. We have to flow with the movie instead of expecting whatever or swimming upstream (as in expecting it to be what it isn't)
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for sure and I'd imagine that cunt is only here on 4channel because they hate him over at plebbit because he can't dislodge the C grade 80's cock slop from his throat for five seconds lol
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>old lady
She's not a day over 7.
Yeah it is as pathetic as simping for mid 80’s actresses.
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Y'all niggas better be eating them spooky nuggets
If you eat the ghost ones do you get possessed?
I’m more of a 70s guy myself but the 80s had some babes.
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>From the twisted mind that brought you Get Out, Us and Nope...
No but if you eat the bats you get Covid
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I took a picture of these to send to my friend the other day lol
Thing is according to dermatologists, a girls skin compares to a man’s, assuming both over 25, the girl will look 15 years older. I always knew girls looked older but to see the reputable site say this in 2024, I was surprised. Now the site removed it. Kek.
Not from the website I was talking about but another:
The handy hormone testosterone makes male skin approximately 25 percent thicker and there is more collagen density. Furthermore, a guy's skin ages more gradually.
By like age 27ish, a girls collagen just plummets.
Your husband will love you regardless, just don't get fat
You might like picrel, it’s got two vignettes. The first story is directed by George Romero and is kinda cheesy, like a Creepshow episode. The second story The Black Cat is directed by Dario Argento and stars Harvey Kietel and is amazing.
Based. It’s a great soundtrack

Every time I get caught outside in a thunderstorm, I feel like Suzy from the opening scene calling for a taxi.
Still have to watch this one indeed, good rec
Classic scream queen.
I have literally told girls these facts online and the amount of seething I got lol.
No one cares NPM, discuss horror movies.
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Looks like we're getting into real incel hours. What are some incel kinos?
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Woman cope is hilarious. It’s like 20+ year old women spazzing out like children. The “reeeeee” meme is real.
eh. problem is you watch them in order, and 3 is retreading too much ground from the first two.
Reminder to report that faggot, he's spamming hard tonight
The remake of Maniac
Some of the girls in here do
Yeah like this one >>203674849
NPM is actually a woman. Remember her "Nell Tiger Free" phase? That's 100% woman's envy.
this thread isn't worthing of koloposting in
Yeah I remember. She was envious of that girl. I know for sure some girls lurk here just like other boards. Usually their replies when they seethe reveal them.
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I hope someone pisses in NPMs next order
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For me, it's Jeffrey Combs in The Frighteners
So you do have a piss fetish lol
I'd say he's a tranny actually
That would explain his hatred of women. He has "jokingly" admitted to being gay here a few times. He also seethed over Sleepaway Camp a few times too for some reason
He has disgusting ass fetishes he brings up all the time too, like his interracial shit.
Here he goes with the samefagging again too
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The eternal debate
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Looks like I’ll watch The Omen then Pieces if I’m still up at that point.

I’ve had Lisa and the Devil recommended to me here more than once now, guess I’m finally downloading it.

I’ve put off watching Phenomena forever, which is criminal considering it’s probably JCon kino.
>He has "jokingly" admitted to being gay here a few times.
An anon here is literally gay btw. You can check archives.
1, 2, and Army of Darkness are all 10/10 kinos
I also like the 2013 one, Rise sucks
Look in the mirror, NPM
I’m not him don’t accuse me of being him.
LMAO, nice try, retard
He would like that though
Certainly check out Phenomena, it's awesome
Opera is also very great
Just watched Phenomena a few days ago. I think it’s Argento’s best film. Watch that shit
Based, I also think it's his best
The soundtrack is also KINO
>it’s probably JCon kino.
it is, I really thought it was fantastic.
Why does Rise suck?
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Go to sleep Kolobosfag, you clearly can’t think straight.
New thing bad
Or perhaps, thing is literally low quality and actually just sucks?
except rise isn't low quality and it doesn't suck
in fact it was fun
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>mfw I just remembered that one thread where 200+ posts of NPM spam/someone giving dating advice were deleted
Not enough sophomoric humor for ya?
It's barely even an Evil Dead movie
It likely started out as something unrelated and only had the Evil Dead shit added on later, like those direct-to-DVD Hellraiser movies
Also, the cinematography is utter shit, and the gore is awful. Even if you like it, it's objectively the worst entry in the franchise yet
Just watched. Absolute kino
factually wrong, the concept of it being an evil dead movie happened before there was any story or characters attached to it, he and raimi had talked with each other at sundance after his premier of a hole in the ground because he really liked the film
It’s been proven more than once now that reporting him for spam does in fact work.
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He just comes back.
Nta but that doesn't stop it from being shit. It's an obnoxious film. It really rubbed me the wrong way from the very start. It's as if it was made by a bunch of people that had zero actual interest in the franchise and were just circlejerking about "how totally evil dead" this or that scene placed in the movie would be.
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What's wrong with the cinematography and gore?

They also worked together on some Quibi horror show.

Elaborate. Also, what should Evil Dead films be like then?
Gentle reminder to take comfy autumnal strolls between your viewings of horrorkino, /hor/.
Genuine humiliation ritual.
For who? Don’t think he cares.
Like you can censor yourself and not get banned. Or you can speak your mind and get fired at work. I think the regular posters here are really rich. Cabinanon is clearly very comfortable. And another anon that recognized from another board lol.
And the anon that keeps going on month long vacations. I think generals tend to have really rich people.
I can’t even bring myself to report anons. Especially on 4chan. That’s just cucked af.
I shouldn’t reply to you but I’ve had people recognize me on other boards and it’s the funniest shit.
Anyone else notice that the phrase “not /hor/” hasn’t been mentioned at all since that one anon got banned?
He was in the other thread.
>incomprehensible happenings are scary
>call them cosmic horror
>happenings are now a bit more comprehensible and no longer scary
Many such cases.
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>insane hype about a new horror film
>great reviews for the new horror film
>succumb to the temptation
>watch the new horror film
>it's 10% horror because the filmmaker needed to tick enough horror boxes to get the film financed

Many such cases
you come off like a 14 year old who thinks evil dead 2 is the best movie ever made
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What horror kino will you watch next?
Is there a good curated list of horror I can mindlessly make my way through?
Your digits say otherwise
You're watching Repulsion
shitty 60s flick it is
yes i know how to read
check out the hor charts, pick a decade you feel like that day https://mega.nz/folder/IPE2CAJL#oKJ14Z0JC4woJub5QK54Zg
romero is a fucking hack and a one trick pony. most lolhorror "directors" suckass. ill take ffriedkin any day ez. just look at his shit, he mogs 99% of horror hacks with one flick, then you also get tladla, tfc, etc. absolute masterclass kinos
Great movie picks.
been going through this
been a lot of good horror i discovered through it but some of it isn't horror
>Cat People and Suspiria next to each other
Waifu solidarity.
Needs a folder for meme charts
After a look I have decided on Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein
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patrician choice, maybe the comfiest watch besides a good Vincent Price flick.
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Great film. Abbott and Costello are classic, their girlfriends are cute, and Bela Lugosi is as kino as ever reprising his role from Dracula (1931).
Damn, I just watched Dagon like a week ago too
I will allow you to re-roll
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>Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein
>Abbott and Costello meet Invisible Man
>Abbott and Costello meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde
>Abbott and Costello meet the Killer, Boris Karloff
>Abbott and Costello meet the Mummy
>Abbott and Costello meet the Kolobos
What was the best one?
No, watch Night of the Demons 1 and 2 instead for a kino Prom Night experience
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what'll be the final film in the teen party game trilogy?
Seven minutes in HELL
Nice try, Blumhouse
>Abbott and Costello meet the Mummy
I have a soft spot for this one
>Abbott and Costello meet the Barbarian
Do you have a script link? Cregger may have legit sold his soul. Timing of Trevor's death reminded me of Patton Oswalt and his wife.
Those are fun.
The Guardian is 80s schlock KINO! I'm glad Friedkin was seemingly on a lot of coke back then and just didn't give a shit.
>Horror film with a $38 million production budget is insane.
they used to make big budget horror like this all the time in the 00s.
that's about the budget of It though. It Chapter 2 had twice that. lots of VFX I imagine
Cold Day in the Park, Sante Sangre, Mute Witness
j k rolling
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>Sante Sangre
half of this thread is just embarassed to post in /film/ I think
Does anyone have that one October horror marathon checklist for different categories/directors/decades? I have seen it posted here a few times
jk rolling? moar liek jk, lolling!
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wish i had a fren who also loves horror movies with whom i'd talk about horror movies..
Holy fuck /hor/ is dead
that's it? that was lame as fuck.
quads of truth >>203674444
The sequel is much more graphic and shocking
Though none of them are unironically good
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I knew the August Underground thing was a shill campaign when someone responded to multiple found footage recommendation posts yesterday and called them plebs for not listing it, as if we were supposed to have heard of it.
I'm never going to watch it and I'm just glad that my hunch has been confirmed to be correct.
rollan s. howard
>the amount of likes
we're just pacing ourselves for Spooktober
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Don't Go In the House
Just go ahead and voice an opinion, ask a question etc
I love you
Rec some films like Horror in the High Desert.
the hills have eyes
name 5
You got us, friend.

yeah, thanks guys, but that's not quite what i'm talking about.. i mean, like, a friend, online friend, with whom you will communicate regularly, in PMs. the public style of communication on imageboards is not for me. there all can easily ignore me, not support the discussion, everything like that. i guess its another lonely solo spookyween for me
NPM mostly reacts to whatever anyone else is posting here. Notice how the Nellfag disappeared though?
My bad, go ahead and add Cabinanon on discord if you don’t want anonymous online friends
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Shyamalan wishes he could write a twist ending like that.
Gonna make a new thread.
This is the shit inmates make in prison with the stuff they get from the commissary. What were you in for anon?
it's not that obscure, even back in the 2000s if you were googling "most disturbing movie" lists you'd know about it. That's all it is though, shock garbage novelty, some "people" just really really revel in that shit, the troll part is pushing it outside that niche, it's kind of a self-selecting appeal thing.

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