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Sorry, maybe it'll be uk tier
Chud filter confirmed
Holy shit! I can't fucking breathe! HAHAHA fucking hell I'm gonna fucking die!
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Sex with Abo Pam
hmm.. seems better than the other offices
Doubt it'll be top tier like the uk one.
Feels like they're 20 years too late to use that office aesthetics
this show is so fake and gay i've never seen an abo working in an office the closest i've seen are maori people
ok this looks decent
Trailer wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Still not very funny, but neither was The Office
Every comment I see that is shitting on this is getting me more and more excited. I can't wait for it to piss off the office fans!
Why are they so ugly?
My favorite is the Abo that looks like Norm from Cheers
why are they all so ugly?
Australians I've known in real life and the shit posters here have always even funny but Australian comedy is fucking dire. Why is that?
Who’s your wholesome fave? For me, it’s big chungus
it's all partially funded by the australian government
Because real Aussie comedians become fuckin plumbers
to be fair there was no attractive ppl in the original american cast outside of jim
When engaging with foreign media, it's always key to remember that what you're watching is funded in part by the government of that country. This is unlike America, where our films are totally independent of government influence.
Steve carrel is unironically better looking than Jim
Apparently she has nice tits.
All of our television and therefore our comedy spawns out of Melbourne which is the gayest least funny part of this country. Melbourne is filled with fart sniffing cunts
Pam was cute
Erin was cute
Maybe you're gay?
they certainly look heavy. I'd be interested to see those things out and about
I've only met one australian person in my life and it was an autistic girl with huge tits and a gorgeous face
holy shit
i will never forget her
is she like a 1 in a million in AUS? the people in the poster are horrid
>female Michael Scott is just a bit quirky and not an embarrassing oaf with no self-awareness
Wow I called this being a Parks & Rec ripoff
are all aussies ugly or did they just pick ugly people on purpose
Australians are sunburnt
American girl accents get Aussie dick hard
we have some hot as fuck white girls here, thanks to being a european migration country we got a good mix
I work with a blonde tall swiss goddess with massive tits
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Which country mogs.

Also someone fix this image. All the Australian characters are wrong except for the boss. Aussie Pam is the abo female, not the abo f to m trans. What the fuck is wrong with Australia?
he's old.
pam looked old for her age and was a little pudgy.
erin was hardly in the show and wasnt there since the beginning so i dont really consider her apart of the cast but sure shes alright i guesss.
not gay, just insightful.
What are Australian women like? I have a crush on a small time vtuber from Sydney. She seems so cute and friendly and just a sweetheart overall.
I'm so ashamed to be an Aussie.
I think the lead actress didn't want to get mogged. Personally, I don't find Aussie women attractive at all, more into asians idc anymore
the perfect middle ground between US and UK girls
Take that however you want
I've never been more proud. We need to drown the world in our shit and this has been a good year for that. More please
just look at the cast lmao that's all i need to know
>middle ground between US and UK girls
So just uglier than US girls? Outside maybe Italy the US has the hottest chicks on average
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Vtuber is built different due to superior japanese anime culture.
do u have a fat fetish?
tanja, dana, therese and both annas look amazing
australia got cucked HARD with stevie
It's government funded. You have to be the right kind of comedian politically and/or come from a rich family.
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why must God give the ugliest women the greatest racks.
You see girls in Australia as hot as the hottest Americans plus way less uglies. However you basically have Asian or blonde (in Ausfailia). Very little variety.
can confirm my mums are bigger
I'll only watch this if she gets out the milkers
>Crad dick
look at the schnauzer. it's a feature.
Unironically looks like a tranny
If we give enough of our tax dollars to fund this they'll inevitably do the beach day episode and she'll get them out for us. Only 2 more season for that
There's 3 branches of Aussie women:
>The beach Stacy (rare)
10/10 looks, pretty nice but is hypersexual and most likely an OF model
>The Gen Z boss and a mini (most common)
solid 3 or 4/10 that acts like a 8/10, quirky fake persona hides the absolute cunt of an attitude and she is so deprived of purpose that she will continually create drama for entertainment because she saw that on the tellie
>The bogan sheila
6/10 tomboy rural type that is pretty but maybe a bit unwashed, a lot of fun to be around but has the worst accent you've ever heard and can be annoying if around for too long

I'd say that 99% of Aussie women are not wife material. An increasing amount of Aussie men date non-Aussie whites or asians, 10 years ago I didn't know any these couples but now it's virtually every bloke under 40 that I know.
Idk if it’s just that I’m from Aus but like the average American looks way fucking uglier than the average Aussie to me. Less milk people.
American cast was prettier and bigger than the original
>Dwight and Gareth
Both are ugly but Dwight is better looking in a real goofy way
>Dawn and Pam
Even when they made her plain and without makeup she BTFO Dawn
>Michael and David
Steve is a handsome man, Dad type and Gervais...It's okay, I guess
the coast town giga stacies and chads mog anything else, literally 90% model tier no matter what race its daunting
No I’m not Mexican
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Pammi chads, where we at?

id rather the dumb country girls but even their insufferable now

US cast mog everyone. But I kind of dig the Aussie Boss
I know the exact kind of insufferably pc urban normalfag here who'd eat this up. You know, that kind of psycho that watches shit like Utopia, whatever that even is
I have an Aussie friend who's somewhere between a beach Stacy and Millennial boss. She's great fun, smart and looks great.
She wanted my dick, but I declined because she has a kid and lives on the other side of the planet.
>Jagdeep Chadda
>She wanted my dick, but I declined because she has a kid and lives on the other side of the planet.
i gotta get out of aus at least dating their women has been nothing but hell
Raygun: The TV Series?

I wish raygun was my boss....
Jesus Christ the women are aggressively ugly.
Have you met her in person? My guess is that she's still with the father of that kid and is hiding a lot more.
Turns out, our media is also run by nepo hiring jews.
It's a cruel twist of fate that we are a naturally funny people but the lens the world views us through is this bleached and sanitised humour our dipshit politicians put out through the ABC. Pretty much any yobbo that works on a job site could write a funnier script than this shit. Deciding to gender swap the cast is really the icing on the cake.
It's ok, we're still friends. Just one of those missed opportunities, but it's honestly better this way. It would have been pretty fun to fuck her though.
I'm very good friends with one of her sisters and her husband too. Every Aussie I've ever met has always been great to me. I don't know if I've just been lucky or something.
Finnish cast looks severely inbred
Saudi boss mogs
Yeah I have. Her ex husband and father of her child married somebody else a couple of years ago, but she's still single.
Her sister's family come to visit me once a year. I'm close pretty close to them.
>Saudi boss named Tard
Kino, might watch it
Josh and Dylan look like they're brothers with Downes syndrome
Daily reminder that every Office remake is legally obliged to adapt the entire first season.
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Indian Pam mogs
What happened to the downie? Where's my little fella?
It's closer than whatever you thought before, eg Chris Hemsworth?

95% of people in any country are pretty ugly
i thought this would be more a disaster than it would be but it doesn't even look worth mocking its just so bland
Yeah she's pretty hot after she's shaved her moustache
nosejob and she'd actually be an 8/10
Context for Americans: Shows like this only exist because the government FORCES streaming services to fund local productions. The reason they're forced is because:

>Local production companies cry about a lack of successful Australian shows, which affects their jobs
>The argument that Australian "culture" is dying, and they need to fund content to keep our culture alive
>They especially can't handle that younger Australians don't give a fuck about Australian TV and movies

So, basically this show exists because Amazon is FORCED to make these shows and spend money on production here. In reality, I don't think many Australians watch TV or movies made here:

>TV is dying in this country and only kept alive by boomers
>Our TV shows are just gameshows about renovating houses, cooking or trashy people dating

You should see these industry people cry about streaming. They can complain so much about Netflix, Prime etc, and think they JUST need a little money to get Australians watching their shit, but it never works lol.
US pam was made to look ugly and plain. Jenna >>>
Amy Adams cameo
The actress who played Erin was nice
Should've had Aunty Donna do it instead
US was full of good-looking people
>Every Michael girlfriend including his real life wife
>Even the Goofy niggers were normal looking
I can't think of anyone hideous even the writers; Mindy, BJ and Paul were normal looking
Put 3 white men in charge? But that would be sexist
Australian comedy is just...weird. It's the most bland, "boomer" type of content, basically. You are right though, your average Australian, especially on here are funny as fuck. There's this quiz show here, where Australian comedians participate and its somehow the most unfunny thing, which relies on tried Australian comedy traits, or referencing IRL events.

It's funny because as an Australian /fit/bro, there's too many hot people at gyms here. Like fuck, the average girl at my gym is too fucking hot. For some reason, too many people in acting, media etc here are very bland looking, or just unattractive.

>The Gen Z boss and a mini (most common)
This type is the worst. I'm so over mediocre Australian women thinking they're hot as fuck, just because guys give them attention (because they want to fuck).
The only funny Aussie comedian is Rob Sitch.

If it wasn't for Asian QTs here, I'd rarely find any women I see public here attractive. In uni, I only find the Asians hot for the most part.
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'straya already made a much better alternative many years ago.
The Castle is one of the greatest comedies of all time
The gen z boss in a mini type isn't just a problem in Australia. It's not just gen z either. It's all over the world.
>For some reason, too many people in acting, media etc here are very bland looking, or just unattractive.
Because HR is a bunch of feminist Karen's that would hire a fat white guy b3fore they hire female more attractive than them.
looks ok
>Aunty Donna
I hate Australians
>Australian born Asian
gross, even worse than the whites

Maybe it's something the land. It's cursed.
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>3 s0i faces on the cover
kill yourself
I stand corrected.
gay mexican > gay indian
Indian Jan is also smokin
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Reviewbros, we eatin' good
Look at the Canadian boss's name.
The boss has some fat tits, that I like.
She's got Jewface though
>dwight is a femcel 4channer
they really want us to watch it
What face?
>woman boss
>commands no respect
But that's just a normal state of affairs. Where's the humour in this scenario?
I traveled in SEA a lot and almost all the australians were sexy amazonian blonde whores. I didn't know you niggas had ugly white women, can't imagine it.
I don't think it's a bad initiative but I doubt anything good will come of it. Maybe the guy behind Mr Inbetween will have an easier ride getting his next title greenlit.
Ohhh she's part Abbo that explains the hideousness. She looks sickly as hell. Probably some kind of health issues due to being a mix of altogether different species.
Nice gunt
Is it true that in 'straya it's illegal to make fun of Whites who claim to be a small percentage of abbo?
There's hotties and uglies in every country.
Being racist is a big no no here like all western countries. Those 2% aboriginal are grifting faggots.
I know but in my mind all you guys are either surfers or steve irwin types
great post
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Is Yariv's actor a failed clone of Ed Helms?
>show mocks girl bosses
>no blacks
>no gay shit
>no trannies
Yeah but so is everywhere else
Steve Irwin was based. The modern Australian "man" is an embarrassment.
>>Our TV shows are just gameshow
I saw an episode of Australian The Chase once. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves
MasterChef Australia is streets ahead of the US version at least.
>No blacks
Worse. Abos
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THIS is the best Australian kino
American government maybe, but not Israel's influence. I wish I was only being a chud but Hollywood is literally the propaganda arm of Israel.
No one asked for this.
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What's your problem with abos?
If you were wondering how many shills shill here, the youtube comments shit on it harder than this thread.
We don't click on links here.
This is the only Australian comedy I know and I liked it
Australians are actually incapable of being funny
>all ugly
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will she make an appearance?
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So i expected it to be bad. But not THIS bad. Its like a direct copy of the US office. Peak millennial lol randum writing too.
aus replaces groid worship with abo worship
He should've been the one to do this
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>Michael scott.. but female
>Dwight... but female
>Pam... but abo
>"Out culture is dying out and being flooded by the big hollywood machine in Hollywood, USA!
>"Give us tax dollars to keep our culture alive!"
>uses tax dollars to make gay woke slop which supports the very globalist policies they say necessitate this anyway
I feel like Australia, Canada ect all have shit like this.
>Australian culture is dying? Quick import millions of chinks, pajeets and africans
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the office only worked because I was sexually attracted to jenna fischer.
Summer Heights High? Kath and Kim?
I also liked the first two seasons of Utopia.

You are mentally ill
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I'm kinda interested in tasting some qt abo pussy ngl
michael has a great rack ngl, probably the only positive i noticed from that trailer
we keep the best stuff for ourselves like double the first, life support, the elegant gentleman's guide to knife fighting and Clark and Dawe
I petition Amazon to have Hannah Howard say to a potential employee
>We don't hire chudcels here
Then girl Dwight say yeah but then signels to chudcel to call her because his racist rhetoric turns her on
or the Ronnie John's half hour which also had the big titty boss from this new office show in it


Which... uh...

Which one is meant to be the attractive one that has the will-they-won't-they?

Delusional, take him to the infirmary.
they fuck Rotisserie chickens in public
Um why are both the Jim and Pam character men in the Australian version? What did they mean by this?
she used to be cute
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How many 50Ps in royalties has he made from this latest arbitrary remake?
Nothing quite says "strong and independent woman" like women shoving their feet into unnaturally pointed shoes. >Chinese foot binding? Who cares? These torture devices look too cute next to my shoulder pads.
Kek good one
>American government maybe,
Yeah, I'm sure Israel was the one forcing propaganda about muh 911 and le Iraq invasion being a good thing.
That was independently funded without the government. It was so low budget that they had to choose the surname of the family based on the name on the trucks they rented for the film.
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>watching anything other than the vastly superior German office
the absolute plebdom on this site
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>Here's your new Pam bro!
I'm honestly surprised Netflix isn't adding shit like Indian office but subbed. The roasties would love it.
I would definitely watch the Saudi version if subs were available.
I'm amazed the project is still going, who the fuck watches that shit? lol
Swift and Shift Couriers and Housos are better representations of Australian humour and office life.
It's Angela Kinsey for me.
Gen z boss and a mini came out at the perfect time to make people loathe this. And They lost me at girl Dwight.
>Female Michael
Otherwise seems accurate of an office nowadays
No one likes indians.
Anon.....i have news
At least they got an Asian lady doing Angelas job. That’s accurate, no loss of immersion there
I was wincing throughout. Actual disgust and shame. Nothing close to a joke in it.
Legitimately a disgusting cast. You have to really go out of your way to cast that many gross people.
This is Amazon funded with Amazon diversity policies and Amazon politics.
We have some decent stand-up comics but in general, the ones that reach 4chan are the vile women comics that were hired for their politics. In general, we're about casual bantz, not big setup /payoff stuff.
Smells victorian.
Jesus Christ. I can't bantz for the next hour, this thread has taken it out of me.
If this was corporate Australia, you'd need to swap a third of the cast for indians now.
Looks like Sara Jay
whats the point when utopia exists?
British office isn't funny
Australia is like America but without any of the things that make America worth living in.
She's borderline white.
underrated and true
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>watching anything other than the vastly superior REAL German German office
you are the real pleb
>She's borderline white.
Abbos whiten quickly. Make no mistake, that's only their skin, they're still very clearly non-White.
Find it so strange people actually watched the US version and not just the original
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>the one where Stalingrad is lost because Ernie didn't send supplies in time because he suddenly had to check on his grandma because Hitler stole her wheelchair to make a big show about how he made the office wheelchair accessible
did the germans try scrub all these episodes from the internet? i can hardly find some shitty quality videos on some random sites anymore, jewtube used to have all of them in good quality
Since the first season will be a straight adaptation, will the acting be weird like US S1
what show is this?
a parody of the German office where the show is set in the Third Reich and the boss is literally literally Hitler
its from a german comedy show "switch reloaded" its called "obersalzberg"
let me guess everyone shitting on it is funnier than the show will ever be
>make America worth living in.
The only thing worth living for in America is the first amendment. That's it.
lmao that's a hell of a front butt
>The Office Australia
>cast isn't 3/5ths Indian
immersion broken, unrealistic. cancel it.
The Finnish characters look like caricatures of Finns.
also worth adding that our TV studios are on the brink of bankruptcy because they haven't produced anything of value in decades and nobody watches them any more. the only reason our free to air TV studios are still in business is because gambling ads are keeping them afloat, i doubt that's sustainable for much longer because the only people who watch broadcast TV at this point are boomers and sportsloppers, and any boomer who isn't completely broke has cable TV and is watching american slop most of the time anyway. australian TV died in the 2000s, i can't think of a single good show that was made in the 2010s and right now it's just completely over
we got UK genes before the goblins started outbreeding the actual humans
Should be 50% Jeet, 50% chink with the convict boss.
Would be 100% realistic
it should be 0.05% white, like walking outside in Australia is actually like.
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Aussies aren't white, m8.
that's my point
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Dios mios....las criaturas hurribles del land down under...
shows looks pretty good I'll check it out with the missus
German The Office is unfiltered kino, would recommend
I see. I'm just confused where the 0.05% came from.
Tard is the name of the company where they work
Uh, member Creed? Looser
That's the chance you've got of seeing a white person in public in Australia
Great taste love fat titted Karen's
It used to be great.
rip Jon Clark, absolute legend, I hope his son's Trevor, Trevor, Trevor, Trevor, Trevor, Trevor and young Trevor are doing alright now that he's gone
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>Jewish Pam looks a lot like US version's Pam
Really makes you think
>not bossy mommy milky tier
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This has ABC written all over it. Everyone avoid.
So Park and Recs. but bad gotcha
same reason i have a big dick
Is that raygun
Channel 10 replaced The Simpsons with this trash and it was the death knell for Australian television.
Literally nobody in this show looks like an Australian.
Where was this shot? Because it sure as fuck isn't Melbourne.
Are they going to show the downstairs/cargo crew? Will they be a bunch of tradies?
>Are they going to show the downstairs/cargo crew? Will they be a bunch of tradies?
Of course! For that we have Stevie and Josh. Two true blue Aussie tradies jus trying to get their honest days work in before hitting the pub and downing a couple of VB with the lads (and ladettes) over a game of footie
>top left guy is supposed to be dwight
>he mogs every other character in frame
I hope you like vb and stale chips
wow, what an edgy faggot you must be.
>not a single black
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>Still with the Office remakes
What the fuck is the point? Especially since it takes place in Australia, all the English speakers must've watched the US version by now and moved past or rewatched it so many times they puke from anything Office-related
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You're very young, anon.
No bottom left is Dwight. They did a gender switch. It's going to be funny watching a man bully a woman in the office and everyone just laughs it off as funny jokes
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From watching the Paul Hogan Show, it was my understanding that Australian women were attractive. What happened?

> Zoe is a FTM they/them that had her tits lopped off.

Hope they have that as the B plot in an episode.
>Australian office
>troons, jeets, chinks, greeks and the mentally retarded
Sounds about right
NOTHING about that trailer was funny
This fucker carries the whole chilean Office by himself.
>Horny, delusional and incompetent.
>Make stupid faces.
>Pretends to have tension pains when in trouble, doesn't say anything, then just leaves.
>The whole plot is him being incapable of firing people because he doesn't want to upset people. Ruins everything for everyone.
>Reminds me of like 5 real life people I've met in Chile.
>The actor is a real life disgusting fat fuck, providing another layer of humor.
God, Chilean tv did La Ofis dirty.
it's all been downhill after fat pizza and summer heights high (20 years ago)
How much abo blood? Also I'm the only one seeing picrel, the fuck is this shit
Pam lookin BEAT in this version
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>crickey there’s a gatah in my kickers!
>cor bloimy me family’s been detained in for vaccine questioning
>feck off were full!
>ello aboriginal gentleman please stop drinking gasoline from my generato—RACK
at least the bald one, he should've been michael
Why do the brits look so putrid?
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>Maybe it's something the land. It's cursed.
>land that gve birth to abos
Wow, you really think so?
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This is Australia. Forever.
You like the Office???
your fat ass couldn't do that
>I feel like Australia, Canada ect all have shit like this.
Yeah pretty much. Canada is not a country. It's a whore, that spreads her legs for the entire world.
That's how it's been in hollywood too for a while now.
Random instagram whores mog the fuck out of 99 percent of actresses.
Why everyone here so ugly and dysgenic?
Why does australian Jim looks like he has down syndrome?
He isn't a Olympian athlete representing his country
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Is the AusGov like "ashamed" of the Steve Irwin stereotype or something? Why not lean into that and create some really adventurous shows to, at the very least, bring more foreign eyeballs to your programs? The music scene for y'all has been great for a whiile, just replicate that but with TV. Maybe some Aussie /tv/-sters need to be the change they want to see?? Make a Jackass-lite in the outback set to whatever flavor of the month pysch rock band is big at the moment, hell let King Gizz do the soundtrack for the first 6 episodes. This shit is easy as fuck
>there's too many hot people at gyms here
Felt the same after moving from Texas to Utah, used to be mister big white man amongst all the little Mexicans but now feel like an untermensch
Will this end with the main protagonist and a minor side character from the fucking warehouse creating a massive sports agency?
They literally had Amy Adams on the show
is this what happens when australians stop saying cunt for an hour
Aussie comedy is so shit Chris Lilley gets treated like a God
Let me guess, someone from the american cast will make a cameo, like that guy who drops the chili or the old scammer. Was gonna say the black guy but I think he's into some shady bitcoin shit or some shit like that
For me, it's Nidal.
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>Indian freak is called TP
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I never thought highly of the American version of the Office but for some reason I think this actually looks decent and worth watching. May be something wrong with me, the boss lady and the Dwight stand-in were kind of doing it for me and I don't know why.
It looked fine. The worst parts of it were when it was trying too hard to be like like the US version. Give it a season or two and it'll probably find its own footing like the US version did.
So you're telling me to start watching it in 2027?
Hopefully not, hopefully it’ll be funny.
That used to be true but I don't know about that nowadays.
>your fat ass couldn't do that
flop around on the ground like you've fallen and are unable to get up? not only do I think most anons here could do that, but I assume they're used to doing exactly that.
My favorite one is the one where you can see her competitor still giving it while standing on the side. It reminded me of a video I saw of a fish freaking out and dying while all the other fish just went along with their fish business as if nothing was happening.
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>Millennials wrote the Office US
mirin that FUPA
The real problem is that she didn't acknowledge her privilege and decenter her whiteness.
It'll be better than the american one. Aussies do have a better sense of humour. A kind of mix between British and larrakinism.
Lmao keep jerking yourself off Bruce. The world is laughing at you.
So Melbourne is Australian California?
Australian people are made out of leather. I live in Phoenix, so it's just as hot and sunny here, but you don't see the average white person walking around with slimjim skin like Australians. It's disgusting.
kek, those pants are preddy funny.
Chris lilley made some of the funniest comedies to date, no cap. Watch Jonah from Tonga
The shitposter meme isn't an accurate representation of Australians. Aussies are 99% indoors because of the UV rays, the only tans you see are fake tans other than farmers and surfers which die of skin cancer. Vit D deficiency is an epidemic here

If anything, Aussies are paler than Americans and Euros.
Yes???? Are you fucking retarded? Who do you think benefited from Operation Total Mudslime Death?
No blacks?
Interesting.. oh wait there's a mixed guy there, oh well
>Haych Arr
what a stupid way of talking
how else is it pronounsed?
That seems like communism to me
Normies fucking love this lameass premise.
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>Australian audience surrogate is literally retarded
There will definitely be gay shit
people are meant to relate to jim? normalfags are sociopaths
>Major companies are now paying for shill campaigns on a literally incel goon social media forum's television board because it is so influential to public perception
Dire. Nearly as dire as this shitshow.
I’d like to have a taste of her curry. If you know what I mean?
LOL you are pathetic
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>tfw 10/10 bait post
Beautiful delicate abo girls exist tho why cast her
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If you want good shit just watch Swift & Shift couriers, or Fat Pizza
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They shouldve cast brooke blurton as Pam
>Michael and Dwight are females
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Will they, or won't they?
Oh man I'm so excited to see if these two totally attractive people end up getting together, and I'm totally not in anyway disgusted by this hambeast.
She cute
Is OzDwight a Falcon or Commodore man?
sir please do not shit on the office desk yes? rape you later.
How is it possible 5/6 of them are white?
>Is the AusGov like "ashamed" of the Steve Irwin stereotype or something
film Australia (the government department that gives out funding to Australian productions) have a very specific view of the Australia they want to promote, in order to get funding the show/movie need to be "culturally relevant" which means endless abo shit gets funded, shit about immigrants and "outback" stuff which isn't relevant to 90%+ of Australia, and ofcourse gay shit, tons of fucking queer stuff gets made and then never watched, even the Steve Irwin stereotype isn't very relevant to most of Australia. because most of this stuff never makes a profit it ends up hurting the whole Australian film industry cause it makes Australian productions look like a very risky investment meaning it's harder to get stuff independently funded leading film makers to become even more reliant on film Australia's funding, which in turn means they have to make their movie/show align with what film Australia wants, it's completely destroyed the industry in Australia, we used to make kino, we used to make stuff that was actually relatable
>Are they going to show the downstairs/cargo crew
They did. All of the people in the high-vis clothing. Plus one is a tranny.
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should have cast Brooke Satchwell as the abo
Get it? because he is ugly so he MUST BE A FREAK? loooooooooool
The Finland Freak looks like Gareth and Dwight got melded together in a transporter accident
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>Indian freak
cant wait to see the episode with hannah gadsby where she gets raped by someone in the office
Danger 5 is pretty kino.
i only found one of their skits funny and it was the ate all the cheese one. genuinely pretty good
the rest are fucking awful
>every remake has stuck with the formula
>here comes fucking australia to "shake it up" by making the boss a woman because well you all know why
god i hate this country so much
After Danger5 Europeans put a curse on Australia forcing them to never make good comedy tv again, look it up
for me, its Swedish Pam
just blow up the world already

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