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The Main Character edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has has gained 1 pound and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203670097
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Keegan status?
he fucks his tay?
Ivan go to bed. Your handlers aren't here.
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>cute monkey
>couldn't accept a pity award without stuttering
>TeejGOD spent a whole stream singing at the top of his lungs with the confidence of a true winner
Sucks to be Keegger lel
You fucked up Benji You forgot to increase Cryo weight gained to 2 pounds.
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>didn't add the Hawk Tuah Girl + Sgt. Pen S3 confirmation in the news section
Brownji L
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why was the other thread deleted
iwanna rape tayleigh
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Fact: Brownji doesn't deserve to be bleached by Ben from production
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clairepedos endrose this
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Taylor is absolutely glowing! ! She's still beautiful!!!
She was crying because Keegan wasn’t there :(
the rapidly growing Taylor
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why is she crying in every new picture???
it's (not) pink
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she lost Him
I want a love triangle between Taylor TJ and Abi already god
why did abi call tj a cute monkey
Keegan does not consent to this
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Monkey boy is the pet name she calls him in DMs
This gay dude's dick flopping around was the funniest thing to happen on the fishstreams. Kalei panning down to the balls was kino
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edit of an edit
she just looks like that. you're gonna have to face reality at some point, keegan
Y’’all know that monkey is slang for dick right?
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natural selection
Jimmy just eats shit he finds on the ground. Dude needs a full time caretaker
she has more fans than that idiot quit hating
So all the fish lurk here. So they are all well aware that sam is a bisexual pedophile. And they still worship him. Really weird stuff
shut up leaf how bout u suck this cock lil nigga
Who's leaf?
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>So all the fish lurk here. So they are all well aware that sam is a bisexual pedophile. And they still worship him. Really weird stuff
i can't wait to goon for her during her stream later. should i send her a tribute video?
i thought monkey was slang for pussy
Happy birthday Josie!
I do love how these threads are /bant/ /ftl2/ colonies

There was a Canadian in love with taylor
And now presumably defends here here
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evening all, how we doin
this stream confirmed kalei is the most based bitch to stream on fishtank
This man is allowed to drive a car
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sex with mariomovie
well it wasn't obvious in the context dumbass
i don't spend money on the crochet whore, unlike you, cuck
so fuck you for that
Go to fucking rehab
need to plap josie
yeah but she'll only watch if you're white
I want them to go back to bant, the threads are getting as bad as the bant ones ever were and without flags and IDs all kinds of simping and stalking faggotry goes unpunished.

Enough is enough.
you will never fuck my future wife
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Josie is just a dumb whore who deserved being raped as a kid and nobody should feel pity for her. Nobody should feel pity for Sam or Jet either. All the lowest scum imaginable. Bad things happening to evil people is ALWAYS funny. Please break into my house more and steal from me more SAM WHITCOMB HYDE thanks to your FREEMASON BUDDIES SCOTT AND ANTHONY.
Don't you need to cook crabapples or they give you a stomach ache like our boy is experiencing?
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so i decided i was over my new desk chair after a few weeks and wanted to go back to my old one i put in storage. brought it back inside for a few hours but something told me to really give it a good look, and under the legs there are little portions where things could hypothetically live. well it was full of spiders and i had to take it back outside and kill them al. thank you for listening to my nightly blog

also happy birthday josie
Have you considered going on psych meds?
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Has Josie ever been honest in her life? All I've seen is her milking simps and fucking who has the most money. Like how Shinij said she wanted to buy his dick. LMAO stupid prostitute whore. She should kill herself just like Sam/Jet's kids should get raped. It's genuinely funny when bad things happen to bad people.
MDE Proved I'm not allowed to have any life. Developing medical hardware? making friends? No thanks. You want to play God then you can do everything. I'll drink myself to death while you tell your Freemason buddies in the police to charge me with fake crimes. I don't care.
you can eat them raw, just gotta avoid the core and seeds like any other apple

there's a good chance he just ate it whole or whatever he ate wasn't even a crab apple
Shinji is too ESL to understand the escort peptalk on s2 was a joke
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>i can't wait to goon for her during her stream later. should i send her a tribute video?
bro thats pamperchu
Why do you like men?
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why are they so mean
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Holy mother of wtf??? I just had a dark taytriot dream guys. I was hanging out with friends when one girl let it slip I had become a fishtank lolcow. She says at first everyone watching the show thought I was the cute funny guy with a big fan base. But then HD directors cam revealed all my little blemishes and abnormal features people started enjoying making fun of me as the ugly freak with memes. Someone told me the doxx of the big instigator of who the hate was. It was this middle aged balding professor guy. I went to go confront him and it turned out he was this insecure short guy.
I leaned my lesson dark Taytriots. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry. Words means something. They aren’t just words. They have power to help or harm even more so online. I will be better. I will live to build up my fellow humans . I will be a force for goodness and kindness.
Holy mother of fuck dark Taytriots you got me good. Your magic is strong almost like you have the help from a powerful witch and her coven who know of these arts
i hope the beautiful ck knows that she is loved by many and that she is very brave
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josie's mom never had her tested because she said autism and mental illnesses are made up white people bullshit and i fully agree desu. never take the white man's advice and medicate, bros. embrace your true nature
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how do you explain cryokeen then?
Who the fuck are all these random streamers on Fishtank now? Did Jet just make it a free for all?
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why would she need braces? she's beautiful™ the way she is
Jet made it a lottery and stripped fish status of people who hasn't streamed yet, including Josie
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sometimes i say some really outta pocket shit like this just to have you quote me
>patrick booing
season pass holders who have been recently active get entered into a lottery and get randomly chosen to have streaming perms. you stay offline for 3 days and they revoked

i haven't ever seen half of these people in chat
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why are the captchas 6 letters again, did i get a bad ip
licking sam peppah's vile indian food induced diarrhea clogged toilet bowl with my bare tongue
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Bex becoming a Doordash driver as DJing doesn't pay anymore
here's an idea: nude benleaks tied up and in your living room
keep it or leave it?
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he's brown so... no.
i guess sucking and twerking on nigger penis was paying the bills
Can we try to be normal for the rest of the thread please? I think I'm gonna be sick
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>thanks for sticking with me while i abandon you to hang with the guy who called you all pedophiles
that's what Sam used to do for fun at RISD
milk it and pump milk into it on a regular basis
sam peppahs 10 inch flacid penis dangling over a toilet bowl full of curry diarrhea blast
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bex blasting her lazy loud ass edm slop in a residential neighborhood like this is shameful. i'd fuck her but she's shameful
niggerlips is still alive
rent free
it's true tho
Hello all,

This is Fred Hyde, I'm rotting in hell while my son sucks transvestite penis. SAMUEL cut that out this instant. I didnt pay 300,000 dollars for your risd education just so you can poorly sketch andre 3000 and suck ladyfella penis inbetween classes. I do hope this letter finds you well.

All the best
Fred Hyde
How do I get a black girlfriend?
so the notice said 3 days to stream or lose your key, I didn't even get 1 before fucking wes took it away
I dug out my webcam and shit for nothing, fuck you wes
How do I get a Benleaks-esque boyfriend?*
The lovely JC
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letty should consider straightening her hair again.
dig the shit out of your ass and make way for peppah's meat. all that diarrhea got a nigga feelin frisky
shut up idiot
he didnt do any of that
Hi Fred
You really are a little faggot, doing that to the beautiful CK.
>Bb bex
they forgot a letter
What did he actually do?
kek good post
No hes not he doesnt have a license
idk probably made art or something
steinful funsies in america plap plap plap
shoved stuff up his ass
peppah poopoo
Shrimp cocktails, mai tais, and sharing a hammock with Benleaks sounds heavenly
i think i'm going to start a tayleigh general on /bant/
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In FTL threads YOU control the ACTION
he wishes
his fat black ass cant fit in one
who the fuck is sam pepper
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who is this?
gonna put him on ozempic then
so his 2016 kia soul that he's getting fixed up is just something he leaves parked at his place?
Man, Jet is such a little bitch for getting mad over this. Still the funniest shit to ever happen on his faggot website.
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ur little pussey belongs 2 me now
the cope begins
Sam Pepper is hosting season 3.
sissy dominique for season 3
can we kill the worthless waste of life betty?
i just want something to watch at 4am again
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no she's cute.
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i asked earlier if anyone wanted to come play beyblade with me and no one responded so i just played beyblade by myself all night
i wanna see her ugly fucking head splattered all over a wall
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sad little bri'ish man living in thailand, does IRL streams with ice poseidon, hosted the overnight chunks of ice's hungry games starring letty and jon
nice blades i like them
i'll play yugioh with you anon, but not beyblade
clout chasing cunt
>it’s my job to run fair competitions
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why though she's cute.
kys bettycuck
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I just checked the fishtank website. Why are there like 100 new literally whos?
she's disgusting, i hope some nigger enslaves her and she has the worst life possible
Because Jet is retarded
S3 cancelled
Hairy Mary!
Betty is actually less cringe than shadi, rat, tay, or any of the orbiters. That's just a fact.
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why would you want such a cutie pie to be enslaved? she deserves smooches and hugs only.
Not a Bettyfag but I can agree with this. All we can do is pretend bitchtank never happened
It was easier than working on season 3
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if i ever saw betty irl i would do this to her instantly ugly vile cunt
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All fucking Bettypedos must fucking hang
people get a stream key at random and have three days to go live or it goes to somebody else
Except for me, mine was revoked before 24 hours were up because Wes is an inept disgusting drunken Finn
There’s something I can’t quite totally explain where Betty has this total misunderstanding of what fishtank, Sam Hyde and Letty are that is just so pathetic and embarrassing to me.
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Fishtank is no longer a reality show. Now it's just a really shitty streaming platform that you have to pay to use.
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All Bettychads must thrive
what does she think fishtank, Sam Hyde and Letty are?
Great way of putting it, I think she can be defined by the “bro thinks he’s on the team” meme. Like she knew these people for a few days and was just way too familiar with them
What an antisocial take your post is
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Kill yourself pedophile
Matthew Carey is a pedophile, Caleb Sovic is a sex trafficker, & Januki is a rapist
Betty is a consenting mid twenties lady. Just because she's a faux cunny that doesn't mean if you like her you're a pedo. Everyone who likes Little Lupe and Piper Perri arent pedos either.
>new rules
>no nudity or pirated shows and movies
>give random unfunny faggots a shot at streaming
>you have to stream within 72 hours
>no saying nigger or tranny
What's the point then? Why is Jet such a little bitch and making random ass decisions?
rat isnt that bad. shes not obsessed with the show unlike the rest.
is this real? i havent paid any attention the last few weeks. No wonder when i looked at the site it was completely dead
>you have to stream within 72 hours
untrue, they revoke the key whenever they feel like it. Very on brand for scamtank
I really hope season 3 blows up in Jets face. Dude is a giant inept faggot and I want this little cunt dead in a ditch somewhere.
what is even the point of streaming on their own website if they censor themselves so much?
Uhmmm you get access to the tens of thousands of fishtank.live fans???
that's like saying you have access to tens of millions of twitch viewers if you stream on twitch, retard.
If my content doesn’t have my favorite words in it (nigger and faggot KEK) then it is complete garbage
i just don't like her because she inserts herself into all things fishtank

she will always be known as that one girl who was in the house for a day and flashed her tits
this but unironically.
someone catfished her on tinder and she even tells strangers about her being on fishtank. It's sad really.
and don't forget her cutting board arms
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Chat, is this real?

when did this happen?
Jesus that sucks
Bots are not real people, dude.
last week maybe? Nothing interesting came from it, I just thought it was sad that she tells strangers about her being on fishtank.
no I mean the catfishing or are they one in the same?
>no pirated stuff
so you can stream your LEGIT dvd of steward little 2?
>can't say nigger, faggot, or tranny
>no nudity
>no pirated content
>you have to stream everyday or you lose your fishtank "privileges"
Am I supposed to be impressed by this? Am I supposed to cheer Jet on?
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>no saying nigger or tranny
uh why not
isn't certain aspects of fishtank itself porn?
Who in their mind would pay retards like Tim Pool and Benny Johnson hundreds of thousands of dollars every month to continue making dogshit podcasts? Are Sam, Jet, Ben & Chris Lynch next?
Its one in the same. She said on twitter that she was going to start using tinder and someone from /bant/ instantly made a fake profile and started catfishing her.
do you think they'd let tayleigh stream her special edition cut of garfield 2?
>show that prides itself on saying and doing whatever you want
>you can't actually say or do whatever you want
Why am I supposed to like Jet or the fishtank website again?
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that's not what happened.
Im embarrassed for all of you at this point
you don't.
they are grifters that see you nothing more than dollar bills and what they are doing is borderline findom.
You are having a meltdown because xxfeeshguy710xx isn’t allowed to say nigger to 8 viewers
You got it wrong at least get the details straight
that's hot
I wanna fuck you and then massage you with various body oils afterwards
>can't destroy the house
>can't send mean tts
>can't say naughty words
>can't get naked
>can't fight
>no peepee poopoo

so what is the point of this again?
for Jet to rape the female contestants
the point is getting another josie, normal people don't find enjoyment in watching tayleigh's crusty panties and a naked tj rubbing his pecker on men
erm.... jet gets to play with his paid friends?
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*male contestants
Fair competitions
that's Sams role in the show
at this point its just going to be scuffed big brother but with the only competition being who can make sam hyde the most shekels
So let me get this straight. You can't use the monkey app because Jet is afraid some nigglet is gonna show his cock or some thot is gonna flash her tits. You can't say "no-no" words because "its bigoted". You can't show pirated content anymore. Website is not properly equipped to do IRL content. So what the fuck are people supposed to do? Fucking watch youtube, whine about drama, and play some shitty "/v/ approved" game list by some random faggot fan I never heard of?

Can I just fucking kill Jet?
>Can I just fucking kill Jet?
You have my persmission
You would be doing us a favor on that last part
Please make it slow and gruesome
Sam said streamers shouldn't exist why is he making streaming site now?
Its insane because Big Brother and Ice Poseidon does this shit almost every other day and yet Jet thinks he is above all of it and believes its "advancing culture".
Sam also has spoken out against sodomy

Sam also decried OnlyFans and just DJ'd at an OnlyFans fashion event with Bex and Bic

Sam can be a little hypocritical
who cares what a pedo crypto kike grifter says, Sam is an actual retard and would be a nobody if bitcoin didn't exist
I doubt he even knows this is going on
The state of fishtank is currently so grim that I don’t know how they pull themselves out of this. Season 3 is going to be horrible isn’t it? How do we break down and dissect what went wrong?
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Would a pedo crypto kike grifter say this??
I just found out you don't even get paid in real money for streaming on the website. You get "fishtokens" for it. How are people doing this not feeling like they are getting ripped off? Fuck. Just go to Twitch/Youtube/Kick/Rumble then.
You think Sam cares about this shit after all the money Jet lost? He shit down Bitchtank a day early because he was so mad
Starting to think this whole fishtank idea was thought up while Jet was under the whippet influence. It would explain his logic every step of the way and how he fumbled fishtank as a whole because I doubt s3 would fix anything. They don’t even bother advertising their show. I don’t understand them
get the fuck out of his ear bro, he's advancing the culture while all you do is sit here and whine like a baby after eating from his plate
There’s no money to pay them with, fishtank funds are in freefall
>How do we break down and dissect what went wrong?
A jewish pedophile put an 85IQ crackbaby in charge.
It all started with season 2 tbqhwy
It was a novel enough idea to get Sam to fund it for the first go round. I can’t imagine he’s too happy 2 unsold houses later
Sam came up with the "hellhouse" concept on PGL
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season 3 is going to be great
they made the logo red
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1 letty plz
>always confused why Josie and Letty continually shit on Jet and Fishtank and refuse to stream there
>always confused why Sam looks pissed ever since season 2
At last I truly see.
sam also catfished pedophiles online pretending to be a 16 years old girl to expose and harass them for a frank hassle video
The wiggers default creative state is Bitchtank. A lurid, unfunny mess of thrown together at the last minute bullshit. Anything good that’s come out of fishtank is at the hands of people who aren’t the wiggers. The wiggers have basically ousted everyone else again for a “lore wipe” and it’s going to be bad
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an important message from letty
*with the season 1 cut
They very likely tried to sexually assault Josie and Letty. Even if not, imagine the drug use and weird shit that goes on in those basements. Sam is pissed because the show isn’t profitable,
I want fishtank to continue in the hopes of a strike three so we can see jet get btfo or another Sam stare down
Bitchtank literally was thrown together at the last second. They wanted to extend 2.5 for an extra week but none of the fish wanted to keep going so they did the cell and bitchtank to milk paypigs instead
Cryokeen had a chance along time ago to get his shit together but took the wrong path.
I very highly doubt the fishtoy purchases were organic in bitchtank
Season 2 jet and wiggers got cocky and thought they could push a great narrative and rig it to who they wanted to win
Instead of doing the smart thing and allow the most entertaining contestants to rise up the ranks
Wasnt until they hemmoraged thousands of viewers that they realized this was a retarded idea
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HBD Josie
The guy that wrote and performed “BITTY IM FITTED” was put in charge of a multimillion dollar production is what went wrong.
bitchtank > S2 & 2.5
it's not even a debate
no he didn't, he saw the prison stream Ice Poseidon did and realized he could possibly make money living his fetishes rather than spending it
Bitchtank was the death knell of fishtank. 2.5 and 1 were the best seasons. 2 mid.
>people are making fun of Jet doing galaxy gas on twitter
>he legit got mad over that
>deletes every single tweet of catching a tantrum and blocks everyone being mean on twitter
Is someone else running Jets account or was he always a little bitch?
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2.5 > S2 & bitchtank
the kicker is they keep trying to rig the show for a narrative, and it keeps blowing up in their faces
Time is a fat circle when it comes to Jet
have you never seen the clip of him getting butthurt at a tts making fun of his rap music?
You think the whippet addicted guy with a whore mother and Johny Neptune for a father is emotionally stable?
He goes on blocking sprees once a month
Holy fuck it’s just a faggot circle jerk in here at this hour.
Hi Jet!
It's neet EU hours, only white people around who hate Jet.
You're not invited.
It’s not even his parents fault his issue stems from being an anal creampie baby
Jet has been consistently hated since the Simmons pizza party incident you fucking newfag
real nigga hours is the only time to visit /ftl/
>thinks Jet hasn't been hated since he started working for Sam (one could even argue he was hated on /r9k/)
found the actual newfag
One could say Jet was hated his entire life
QRD on Josie Steinful situation?
It's a meme.
Steinful is fucking Josie and taunting her fans about it, he is flying over this weekend for plap
They fucked
who do I believe?
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>josie top paypigs all donating calling her a lying whore during her birthday stream
>josie having a mental breakdown and becomes catatonic a walking corpse
just stop reading the threads theyre not good
>becomes catatonic walking corpse
So nothing changes?
who the FUCK are you quoting, nigger?
its crazy how we went from fishtank seemingly like this amazing thing that will probably be an infinite money train for MDE to something hugely disappointing that seems on its last legs
Why couldn't Fishtank be like a yearly thing where they get a group of strangers in a house for six weeks to make them do weird funny challenges to see who's the winner. Why does it have to be all this?
Because sam is jewish and wants to milk his audience to the last drop
Theyre on discord like every day, playing games together, she follows him on every private acc he has, skipped yesterdays stream to be on discord with him and to top it all of he is going to arizona this weekend. Its not looking good.
Greed incompetence ego
jet has fun doing all this
Literally who cares none of this shit is probably true
There's really no reason why they couldn't have a season of fishtank every 6 months. Half of the shit they do really makes no sense, like wasting over a million on that mansion.
he's been in here most hours of the day talking to himself
its not looking good bros... our 4/10 e-wife may actually be enjoying her life as we speak. literally game over
All this is going to end with niggerlips doing a murder-suicide on Josie. Truly the most unhinged poster in all of ftl history
this sounds eerily similar to when the taytriots got cucked, Wosie isn't selling any merch is she?
how quickly do you think they'll give up on ideas they have for season 3 and new fish sit around not interacting with each other
>new season
>new cast
>only thing that remains constant is the host and some freeloaders from last season
Why can't it be like this? Why should we be under threat of Jimmy inserting himself in the new season? It's completely retarded.
My name Lil T man
Shes a lazy fucking beaner that drops like 10 pieces once every 6 months and her orbiters mop everything up immediately. Super unserious, id be dropping merch every weekend if i was her
jimmy is their make-a-wish kid at this point
I can't wait until it reaches the point where Jet is just throwing old contestants and random people in the house out of sheer desperation.
happy season 3 isn't over christmas again. one of worst times of year for a season of fishtank
Where is literally any of the proof to this
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2/3 weeks seems to be around the time the tank bweaks for one reason or another
They really have zero tactical awareness. The season 2 finale was happening at the exact same time as the Royal Rumble and NFL playoff games . Season 3 will be happening during Halloween and a presidential election.

They need to have fishtank seasons during boring months where nothing else is going on.
I can't wait for Greg and dumbgay to show up to do nothing but act like faggots and drink
i cant wait for the day 1 rice counting challenge
i cant wait to get a new waifu who breaks my heart
dude I can’t wait for every faggot and the father they slid out of the ass of to post about it on day 1
I just don’t care anymore. My anxiety has disappeared. I don’t care!
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>S3 day 10
>Production has not been seen in two days
>Fishes are laying around bored
>Jet comes upstairs
>"Ok guys todays challenge is nickname challenge"
>"Who comes up with the funniest nickname wins thousand D'Shanya dollars"
>"Now remember D'Shanya dollars will be important in upcoming elimination challenge (they will not be important)"
>"You have 20 hours to come up with a nickname"

>27 hours later
>"Okay guys audience decided that Brendlayghes nickname "butthole-Billy" is the funniest"
more like
>27 hours later
>forgot the challenge even existed and moved onto some other gay uninteresting bullshit
are you happy about being on the spectrum?
>>27 hours later
>>"Okay guys audience decided that Brendlayghes nickname "butthole-Billy" is the funniest"
Hey now, we all know "Cheesesteak Linda" is the real winner of that bullshit challenge
The cast should be all cute women and they should do a challenge where they show their buttholes to the camera. Spread them cheeks nice and wide. Then let the audience vote on whose are the cutest and most lickable.
>>can't destroy the house
i love the same bits they've doing for 2 seasons now, why are they heckin taking it away i need sam hyde doing repetitive content
>can't send mean tts
being racist and saying slurs isn't that important and if you can't be funny without them, than that's your fault
>can't say naughty words
>can't get naked
it's fishtank.live not fishtankxxx.live
>no peepee poopoo
been a rule since post season 1
Where my NC bros at
We're having a /ftl/ meetup in Wilmington
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They would get blacklisted like b*tty only male nudity is allowed on fishtank
Like the ledger
The beautiful banned ck
Invited to Josies after her stream today, stay cucked /ftl/
Hi Steinful
>>no saying nigger
How come ben can say it when he's painting then?
all these rules apply to the gay orbiters only idk why you guys are so upset when you simultaneously hate them. like what, you think they’re suddenly going to become entertaining?
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Zach already has you covered
This is the most likely outcome
who's zach and why does he hit her
It's kinda like these threads on tv
Rules are made up on the spot
post this to her bant thread, her cuck fans would roll out a red carpet to her doorstep for you
Sam needs to put his wiggers in their place
how many people post in there on a given day?
>Was jet always a little bitch?
*Chews food into mic*
Get out of his ear
Tales of Wape
do the guys who complain about not being able 2 say slurs 24/7 realize how they sound, lmfao
His father should have put down the meth pipe and picked up the belt
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I am an older man, and I don't have the self discipline of most people.

I need to work on myself. Sorry to people I have offended. Thanks to the supporters. I am slowly letting fishtank go. You young people, streamers, you carry the torch. Be kinder than my generation. We're barbarians.

Great thread very pleasurable to read
Who can't wait to see what Jet and the guys have cooked up for S3? Yeaaaaaahhh let's fucking goooo
rope nigger
do you realize you sound like a tranny
Her abusive felony bf
nvm way too fat for that. maybe try toaster in bathtub
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I will be posting less to please you guys. Nameste
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Today will be the worst day of Josie's life
damn do tell
mass paypig revolt and chargebacks
and what will cause this?
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This is for the thousands of dollars she scammed from lonely men. For all the minors that were groomed on her watch. All the undocumented evil acts she's done. This all ends today.
he likely means LA as it's probably the biggest tourist trap in the US
schizoid retards
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>give the fish and people that were on the show a way to stream to their audience in a centralised manner
>ruin it a few weeks later by allowing any dicksucking paypig to stream on there for 3 viewers turning it into the shittiest streaming site out there
if any of the people that were on the show read this just stream on twitch instead, at least you get paid in legal tender and not fucking tokens
>Big Purple balloon
He knew
Hey guys Josie here

Today will be the best day of my life
You will cream and scream ofc it is you freak
>give the fish a way to stream to their audience
>almost exclusively used by irrelevant side characters
watching some fag who is solely known for spamming in chat or some bitch that was on camera for 5 minutes on a spinoff series is super entertaining isnt it
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happy for her
Make sure to tell steinful to use protection no way he used one while traveling
Steinful is coming to the states but not this weekend.
hey retard
they don't want their payment processor to ban them
It was about to be S1 shit all over again
>momxing finds josie's body hanging in her closet
The question remains, what's the upside to streaming on the fishtank site then?
you just don't give up, do you
You don't get on JRE by giving up (plus it drives the discord up the wall)
Two more weeks and Sam’s empire will crumble
Greg and Josie will also FALL
new >>203679657


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