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He hit the wall but won’t go away
>movie makes gorillions in the box office
>"Why does everyone him?"
His cringeworthy as fuck funnyman routine had an expiration date and he knew it from day one.
He invested smartly so he doesn't need to give a fuck.
But it's true that everyone him?
The Voices is the only good RR movie
I don't know, why does everyone hate Reddit?
It's Social Credit System
lol, try the retarded users.
He plays the same character since Van Wilder. It gets old fast that is why he vanished until deadpool revived his career.

He is also getting too old to play the late 20s/early 30s beefcake so he needs to start getting into other roles like drama instead of action schlock.
FUCK Wrexham
t. league 1 enjoyer
someone deepfake when logan insults him in the car but add reynolds face over deadpools
>getting too old to play the late 20s/early 30s beefcake so he needs to start getting into other roles like drama instead of action schlock

Eastwood, Neeson, Cruise, Gibson, Willis, Statham, Butler, Statham, Ford... Action schlock is all about old men.
Do people hate him? He's still Reddit's darling isn't he?
You do realize that all those men (both Stathams) were once young in their careers, right? Like. They weren't 70 their whole lives.
>everyone hate him now
Oversaturation. Unless someone keeps their bullshit somewhat fresh, we all get fucking sick of them. I don't think Ryan has quite hit his point, but he's flirting with it.
He's not a serious actor and he keeps trying to be. Just go full Mint Mobile brother.
What!? He's like the gay friend I never had! How can anyone hate the guy?
a lot of his roles are similar now, hes not at that tier yet but he is rapidly approaching the rock or kevin hart levels of sameness in his movies.
Yeah but they are still making action schlock in their 50s, 60s, 70s.
Voices & Buried were good. He's this way cos no1 saw those movies.
Whats that headshape called?
His wife is a cunt
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STFU old roastie
Incel freak
ive always hated him, one of those "write the role for me" type of actors with only 1 side.
also the wrexham bullshit is gonna have consequences with more rich american idiots buying sport clubs in europe as a hobby. not good at all. man is just evil
I don't hate him, I find him kinda obnoxious but liked the first Deadpool. The 2nd has some funny scenes but is pretty meh overall. I liked him in the amityville movie he starred in.
all of his characters are the same and it's not even a funny character to keep repeating
Reddit fatigue.
they hate him because theyre stupid. he's in one of the best x-files episode and best season as well.
stale millennial humor, it had its time, but society has evolved past that
it's not all bad, i laughed when he got spaguetthified
bike seat
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>"Bro, I just, really love being fucked in the ass, isn't that just hilarious??"

Literally all three of those Deadpool movies were centered around being pegged, or sodomizing some other guy in the ass and being degraded by women. Well shit, I wonder why some people don't like this borderline faggot simp. I mean, this asshole wasted the Juggernaut on ass-fucking jokes.
Deadpool 2 was very unfunny. I don't recall checking anything of his out after that. I think I watched the one about him in a video game or something, it was very very forgettable. He doesn't have the presence and isn't given the material to engage me anymore.
One dictates the other.
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No one hates him except DEI shills who can't accept their social hiring policies failed across the board.
> Antiracism - The juice that's never worth the squeeze
I wish he would shut the fuck up about deadpool 3.
The film that turned me off of him blackstained a literally white skinned character. When Deadpool 3 hits torrents in streaming quality I'll give it a shot at redemption.
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Because he thinks it's cool to act like a faggot.
Science denying schizo.
Dude is 60 and still playing the role of zanie douchebag. Of course people hate him.
What does the government funded science say today?
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>50 years old
>still makes movies where he acts like a wise cracking 19 year old

Also whenever he produces a movie, at least one character will remark how hot or sexy his character is. The guy is a more restrained Steven Segal.
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the only good thing he was ever in was waiting
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giving normies online universal suffrage leads to the shitties takes
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Hollywood has been recycling the same 'stars' for decades now and hasn't figured out how to integrate new talent.
Reynolds has been playing the same character from 20+ years ago and it's sad.
He's always been a one-trick pony.
Is Rían Reynolds aware that he is an actor without range and that he plays the same character all the time?
I'm sure expensive PR people in Hollywood just tell him to "roll with it" and cite examples of other successful talentless "actors" (there should be a term for people that just play themselves on-screen).
He looks like an old lesbian.
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>hasn't figured out how to integrate new talent
Because they've been picking literal-who "talent" that just parrot whatever it is they're being given on a note. There is nothing there, the lights are on but inside nobody's home. Everything is amazing, lifechanging, an experience and whatever buzzword they can think of and the worst sacrifice or rather buzz creating comments they can come up with from working on set are stories such as "oh this wig made me feel so warm that I almost puked, haha" and "the heli experienced some turbulence and since I am a "certified" pilot now I knew we were going to be fine".
People aren't allowed to be individuals anymore with social media, when the camera is off they're trying to sell you products by sponsorship deals or gain followers and that is how they gain most of their fanbase these days. Not by acting, but by shilling their made-up persona and lifestyle on social media with badly disguised sponsorship deals.
This is your new talent.
because he got popular
>Wife is a crazy bitch
>Hes a controlling, manipulative freak
>Tons of stories about them being shitty to other people

gee I wonder why
I mean look at Eastwood, he's in his 90s basically still playing the Man with No Name.
Reynolds also had an extended period of being a RomCom star that only a part of this board will remember. (Lets face it, all a lot of this board watches are Super Hero movies, Sci-Fi bullshit and Middling Comedies)
Guy was in a forgettable but okay RomCom a year between Waiting and Green Lantern.
Name one Willis, Statham, Butler, Ford hits after hitting old age
Smokin Aces
>>Hes a controlling, manipulative freak
I hear this a lot of people, not about him but about a lot of people who work in the creative field. Thing is, most people simply do not understand dedication and perfectionism. Like sure, you could settle for something average: a dish at a restaurant, a certain take of a scene and so on, but there people out there who understand how much is at stake and how much of a different an actual good cut is as opposed to just good. These are people who simply will not settle for anything less and who push others because they know they can deliver something better. Most individuals will not see the difference, only someone with a similar ocd for perfection will understand and see it.
So yeah, there will always be those grunts who work on something who will complain and call someone difficult because they had to redo something 20 times and it was just a shot of 20 seconds/just the sauce of a dish and so on. That's why they're not the director.
hustle culture sellout man
rob is 100x worse but we're just tired of ryan
like the rock and john cena
Well shit I don't know
>a non-woke movie blew away everything Marvel has done in the post-Endgame movies.
>Trannies seething
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People hate him now?
His shtick is always the same shit
RED was silly and fun and Looper was decent
Not even old.
Younger than Statham
42 wasn't an action movie, but was a good sports period kino, and did okay enough Indy, Blade Runner and Star Wars movies all in the last 5 years or so.
It's not their fault the last decade has just been a drought for good movies. Too much Studio control over the product, changing distribution methods basically ensures that any movie is either gonna be extremely expensive and full of executive meddling until it becomes a very pretty and very agreeable piece of can't criticize but barely remember a year later or a piece designed to take advantage of tax breaks on a budget designed to be minimal and anchored by a bankable enough cast or director.
It'll change over in a few years, but the studios gotta putter out
Says you can't escape your biology, schizo.
Name one (1) single person who hates Ryan Reynolds other than me.
Action movies aren’t popular anymore, that’s why non get made. If you’re movie isn’t propaganda for fags you are making dangerous content
No one hates him but people despise his wife right now for some reason
>it’s a 4chan bitches about reddit thread
you guys are such faggots
Yes they are. Why do you think Top Gun did so well, retard?
>RED was silly and fun and Looper was decent

Both were busts
>Blade Runner and Star Wars movies all in the last 5 years or so.

LOL, a cameo and shitty SWs movies?
He peaked in Waiting, where he played a ridiculed parody of the character he would proceed to typecast himself as for the rest of his career.
he's playing the same character in every movie he's in, himself
Twitter is cancelling him now? What happened?
apparently his wife is a huge bitch and i guess he is too?
How does his wife being a dumb cunt make him an asshole too?
no, im saying apparently they are both assholes.
He's on the rock and Kevin hart ship and he doesn't seem to care
over exposition.
I'm just tired of seeing him everywhere.
Neither Butler nor Ford even got to their first action movie till their late 30s to early 40s.
Does he? Of the films I've seen him in over the years, Free Guy, The Proposal and Smokin' Aces he's nothing like he is in films like Deadpool or Waiting.
I'm sure he's a nice guy I just don't think he's been in any good movies
He's in too much stuff, playing the exact same character every time, and none of it's particularly funny or good.
I don't care if it's Reddit, I liked Free Guy.
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No sorry I don't believe women.
Tired of being subjected to his faggot face and "humour"

He will forever be known as Reddit Reynolds.
I like Blake Lively especially if she makes the usual suspects seethe
Mormsen was wayyy hotter. Same for Meister. Lively is meh. No homo - Lance Bass was prettier than her in Gossip Girl
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>Ryan Reynolds
>Plays the same character
>Normies hate him

>Plays the same character
>Normies love him

Why the double standards?
RDJ comes across as more relaxed. Reynolds is too zippy.
RDJ doesn't pretend to be the pinnacle of humor. He's also done some legitimat kino. Van Wilder is Reddit Reynolds only decent movie after a 40 year career
When has Ryan Reynolds pretended to be the pinnacle of humor? Have I missed him declaring himself the king of comedy somewhere?
I guess for serious actors, you see that: John Wayne, Ed Harris, Tommy Lee Jones, etc.
Altho I do hate when comedic actors get serious though. I hope Bill Hader doesn't through the comedy>dramedy>drama pipeline like Jim Carrey.
I guess you can be good without range. But having range definitely makes more roles available for you to demonstrate your talent.
>every single movie is him playing his quippy faggot-self reciting lines approved by a reddit focus group that no doubt lauded his objective hilarity
And how is that him pretending to be the pinnacle of humor, and how does it not apply to every single comedic role ever portrayed on screen by every other actor trying to be funny?
Syzygy is one of my favorite comedy episodes
Ryan - you're not funny. And doing capesshit while pretending to be funny is absolutely pathetic. I'm not even rich but I wouldn't trade places with you (ever)
>Reddit Reynolds on deathbed has flashback of his life
>It's just endless unfunny quips until it fades to black
Yeah not worth it lol
Why do you believe I'm defending Ryan and not just poking fun at your idiocy?
>bro I'm not hurt I don't even have feelings
Whatever faggot
Seen him in a couple of interviews, comes of as totally full of himself and a tryhard
Also his sense of humor and the kind of comedy movies he’s in are painfully unfunny to me, kind of like Will Ferrel
I despise blue comedy
I'm just asking you what makes Ryan different from every other comedic actor trying to be funny? You label him with using focus groups heavily to decide what gets written and what makes it into a film, but that's true for every single film produced in Hollywood for decades. So how does that mean he has declared himself the pinnacle of humor somehow?
because his mint mobile commercials.
>why how come Reddit Reynolds no funny like peak Jim Carrey or Will Ferrel?
Because he's a zippy cringe faggot who recites cringe scripts? Even his Mint Mobile commercials ooze Reddit
His routine is tired and old and its just annoying now. He needs new material unfortunately his only material is being himself which is a annoying snarky asshole.
Okay. But how does that mean he has declared himself the pinnacle of humor?
Perhaps you should have used a focus group to write your quips about him. And I should probably have consulted with a focus group to write this response as well.
I like Ryan Reynolds.
Fight me
He refuses to go woke for Disney money
Idk how Blake Lively can stand him. Maybe she's deaf. Imagine you're trying to host Shabbat or perform a Kabbalist demonology ritual and Ryan starts making quips nonstop
>I'd fuckin lose it
If you dont know why, you're reddit
>what is body language and the way a man "carries himself"?
I don't expect someone with Asperger's/autism to understand. I forgive you.
Why do you assume how he acts in his personal life is anywhere similar to how he acts when he's on camera doing press or in films?
He doesn't act he just plays himself. As evidenced by his entire film "career". See>>203685982
Isn't she Italian?
You think his body language and how he carries himself is that of a man thinking himself the funniest guy to ever live? It screams insecurity to me, he's a sad clown playing pretend.
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Not in Smokin' Aces, not in The Proposal and not in Free Guy.
Smokin' Aces was a great movie.
It really should get more respect
He cant act for shit, he stars as himself in all his shitty movies
Why would you watch all his shitty films if you think he can't act? And if you didn't, how would you know?
He wouldn't have to be a sad clown if he stopped doing a shit job. Just retire and fuck off
How would he continue to get the validation and attention he so obviously craves if he retired?
Lel, Not My Problem. Just tired of being subjected to his 50yr old face and 11yr old "humour"
Who is forcing you to watch his films or his interviews? And you being tired of seeing him, how is that all relevant to whether he has declared himself the pinnacle of humor?
Tons of action movies get made all the time.

Just this year:

>The Beekeeper
>Rebel Ridge
>The Fall Guy
>Civil War
>Monkey Man
>The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
>Land of Bad
>Chief of Station
>Trigger Warning
>Road House
>Beverly Hills Cop 4
>The Bricklayer
>Wanted Man
>One More Shot
>Cash Out
>Dirty Angels
>The Union
>The Crow
Background noise during sex
he have 0 good movies
So your reference for his acting ability is hearing his voice in the background while you plow some whore who is being whisper quiet during it? Goddamn...
>try to stream something
>get force-fed ads with his unfunny mannerisms
>try to pick a movie
>forceFed a trailer of him playing himself for the 4000th time
Ryan - You Are Not Funny Or Cool. You're an old fucking man pretending to be both.
So now Ryan is also to blame for the algorithms on the streaming platforms thinking you want to see his films?
But again I return to my original question, how does that equate to Ryan having declared himself the pinnacle of humor? You keep dodging the question.
I can hear Ryan's squeaky faggy voice over my boyfriend.
His judgement is very sus leaving prime Scarjo for a sociopath C-list PUTA like Blake Lively
Any particular reason why you have him specifically in the background? Having trouble getting in the mood unless you hear that "squeaky faggy voice"?
>majority of the list is remakes/sequels/capeshit no one wanted
>the rest is shit writing: The Screenplay
You just know some cancel inducing info is going to be released soon about him.
Kek, I think Ryan is actually in this thread. Look at >>203686840
And >>203686790

Bro getting hella mad. Like just stop producing garbage. Maybe he should kill himself.
Overexposure. It always is and celebs never learn. Ortega is next.
Your point?
What a sad deflection you have been reduced to, just over being asked to explain a stupid comment. Don't know why you can't just say: "Fine, Ryan hasn't literally declared himself the pinnacle of humor, I just don't like him".
I had ortega overexposure from Beetlejuice alone. Just 2 hours+ of her mopey ass face pretending to act
>what is hyperbole for 800, Alex?
As I said before - I don't expect genuine autists to understand. You should check out Rangz of Powah though it'd be right up your alley.....
And there you go. I knew it was fucking hyperbole, I was seeing how long you were going to keep trying to defend yourself instead of simply letting it go.
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>mfw esl so i read hyperbole as hyper bowl and not high per bolli
Stop arguing with angry children on the internet. This whole argument is the peak of pointlessness. Ryan Reynolds makes bank doing what he does regardless of not being the best of his craft and we could only wish to get some of the money he rakes in. Its really as simple as that.
Yeah but he has aids and no amount of money can cure that
I know it's a pointless argument, I'm being a pedantic asshole to see how long the idiot is going to keep defending himself instead of simply letting go of his need to. It's amazing how long people will keep trying to defend something stupid they said instead of simply acknowledging how stupid it was.
Squeaky redditor makes average guys look and sound manly by comparison.
Nah i like definitely maybe, because i'm a fag
Oh, so you need Ryan's voice in the background so your boyfriend doesn't think of you as a girly twink while he is plowing you? How sad.
I'd rather be Warwick Davis than Ryan Reynolds. At least Warwick can act and doesn't have 40 years of cringe behind him
Round 2 I see. How fun. Go on, defend yourself some more for my enjoyment.
Because he is an obvious faggot and everyone pretends he isn't. People liking the faggy snark of Deadpool is even gayer.
He does give off hella gay vibes
>I actually can't tell what I detest more - the gayness or his abject lack of humor
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It’s true that he has leaked: Sacre Jo’s nudes, Blake Livelys nudes, the Deadpool sizzle reel, and the Wolverine Origina work cut.
It's an AstroTurf campaign by the big carriers trying to take down Mint Mobile. They Fucking hate him because he is out there saving so many people so much money!
>It's amazing how long people will keep trying to defend something stupid they said
anons really will double down infinitely if it means saving face, which is somewhat inherently ridiculous on an anonymous imageboard
Yes. God knows what they let the jews do to the children in exchange for all that success and fame.
Yup, it's what makes it such a fun game to play because of just how utterly pointless it is for the opposing side to keep defending themselves.
Meh, the dude is kinda right. He's touted as a comedic actor but everything he does is fake n gay
They don't, Ryrey is at the top.
>The notebook ;)
The problem is really just that he's nearing 50. He looks more emaciated rather than handsome and likely can't just do stuff like steroids to beef up like actors can easily do when a bit younger.

If he cares more about his health then he can't really do roles that depend on those kinds of looks. Probably work out better for him to do voice work and dramatic stuff to segue into a comfortable retirement.

>Hollywood has been recycling the same 'stars' for decades now and hasn't figured out how to integrate new talent.

I think the problem is actors are paranoid about their image and getting canceled over something stupid. So many of them took the route of having no public personas, which worked against them becoming bigger in Hollywood since a lot of people like living vicariously a bit through actors. Tom Cruise gets a lot of love for doing his own stunts which people could imagine as really cool, actors like Johnny Depp doing the funky partying and drinking seemed fun, and so on. New actors don't want to risk doing any of that publicly so their image never gets bigger.
So assblasted he tried to insult girls first and now me. Keep trying to convince people ryan isnt reddit and cringe
Every time that fag has tried even halfway dramatic roles, he's failed

He can only play Van Wilder (himself)
I'm not trying to convince anyone anything about Ryan. I'm poking fun at you for apparently watching all the films of an actor you claim to despise.
Ad hominems are for salty redditors
>I think the problem is actors are paranoid about their image and getting canceled over something stupid

The problem is that the actors are too accessible. The last true movie star is Leonardo DiCaprio and you don't see him posting selfies with his sluts on Instagram. No, he lives his life and you read some snippets about it in the media. It cultivates mystery. He's above us and only appears on the big screen.

There's millions of people posting stuff like this on social media. What's makes Glen Powell special? His acting skills? LMAO.
Not an ad hominess, just taking him at his word. He says he listen to Ryan's films while having sex with his boyfriend, even though he apparently doesn't even like his films, nor his voice.
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I think people always hated him, Van wilder's got pretty mid reviews and he's playing that character in everything.
>It's amazing how long people will keep trying to defend something stupid they said instead of simply acknowledging how stupid it was.
First day on the internet newfag?
No, why would you think so?
>Ryan literally defending hisself on the chans
Bro. Just fucking retire already you're older than my dad
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Quite the grandiose complex you have to believe he would bother poking fun at you.
>No, why would you think so?
>It's amazing how long people
Implies that you are still amazed by that instead of barely even registering shit like that after decades of talking with retards on the internet (and soon about to be multiple decades on this very site for me, how the fuck have I not killed myself yet lmao)
I think he would try since he's an insecure faggot pretending to be funny
>Now would he succeed? Nein.
I guess that's a valid interpretation, not one I intended though. It was more intended to convey the idea expressed in Einsteins quote of: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
As in, the depths of human idiocy continues to amaze me, not that I'm amazed that stupid people exist.
And testing people how much they will defend a stupid statement is something you can only really do on an anonymous imageboard like 4chan.
Well, I'm glad I could make you feel important. I should add "Ryan Reynolds impersonator" to my resume.
>As in, the depths of human idiocy continues to amaze me
Like I said, newfag.
Are you getting confused, thinking I'm saying this thread specifically was particularly stupid?
You can list it behind "Reddit Aficionado"
Oh no, not the dreaded reddit insult. How will I ever recover from such a sick burn.
I've seen things you newfags wouldn't believe.
Fligugigu threads on /gif/ for years and counting. I watched Accelspammer posts glitter on /a/ near shit taste posts. All those moments will be lost in time, like braincells on 4chan.

Time to die...
Puddy Puddy time?
You don't. You just stop replying and stop making shit movies. Maybe kys idk
he was never funny or a good actor and how only good role was buried
But how will I complete my next script about a gigachad if I don't keep talking to you about your Ryan fetish?
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Too much success. Same with Mommy.
probably has something to do with him messing around with another directors project on behalf of his wife.
I'm not sure it's about them being too accessible, so much as them not seeming fun or like they're genuinely having fun.

A few smiling photos and doing marketing stuff doesn't hit the same as being big on partying. They end up looking too bland to really be interesting.

I think it's largely directed by agents and image consultants since they can't be seen as real people with their own interests since it could offend someone. Hell most of their social media is likely not run by them of course, whereas in the past it wouldn't be that weird to at least see something on TMZ about the shit celebrities were getting up to.
He was funny in van wilder which would get him cancelled today

Kys and learn English

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