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>a fantastical epic about mythology and folklore
>the Norse mythology
READ ANOTHER BOOK. Fucking hell, the horse is a rotten pulp at this point
What are you upset about? Are you complaining 'cause Norse mythology is way overdone and they need to give it a rest? Cuz i agree.
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getting real sick of all these hooting pagan albino niggers
>netflix logo
Insta-nope. You know it's the sign of low quality, utter dogshit slop.
Celtic shit is so cool. But I don't really want anyone in these times to adapt things I like. They should stick to ruining Norse and Greek for all time.
>This soulless artstyle
It's by Chad Snyder doe
Has any animated netflix production not looked like shit? I'm still mad that they ruined Ajin and Blame! with their horrible 3d animations
anime if ugly
I liked how Castlevania looked. What they did to Blame! is an affront to God.
how many blacks are in there?
>The movie hasn't been released yet
>Already plagiarized
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Show me how many blacks there will be.
As long as she's cute. 40k has the sisters of battle so I'm okay with sll female armies
There are countless shows about or featuring reservation Indians these days but for some reason we aren't getting another Geronimo. It's like people only like Native American culture when it involves frybread.
Other mythologies suck
>name is Hera
>an obvious Greek name and not a Norse one
Tolkyboi would be having a field day with that one lmao. Could've just named her "Helga" or something instead.
>zack snyder
>the plot is about getting revenge on Thor, the guy who literally kills himself to save humanity
this shit is fucking embarrassing
It makes no sense because it completely removes Eowyn's character
>40k has the sisters of battle
What? 40k has no female characters or armies, that's why they introduced female custodes. Maybe read a little bit next time
the female main character didn't give Thor her consent to be saved. It's going to be like Masters of the Universe netflix cartoon
This shit was coming out today, right? Did anyone here already watch it?
I like how they always portray Nords as North European Greeks because in reality they had fuck all there. A bunch of villages and basically nothing else.
In that new God of War there are all those ruins and shit despite the fact that such ruins just don't exist anywhere in Scandinavia, lol. At best you will find some kurgans and megaliths here and there.
it's very revealing when people like snyder and the fags who wrote god of war read a body of ancient poetry about powerful white people destroying demons and think to themselves "Poor demons, being oppressed by those evil white conquerors! I should write a story about the powerful white people getting killed!"
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Unrelated, but thanks to googling this shit I realized this movie I was waiting for was already out.
Based. Farmer revenge. Indo-European steppe gods are now portrayed everywhere as evil. Get fucked steppe niggers.
>Farmer revenge.
Aren't scandis like 70% EEF? Or am I misinterpreting all the /his/ haploshittery that I barely skim?
I thought whiteys love norse mythology?
Scandis are strongly steppe, but they are dominated by a pre-IE haplogroup I1. Some chad in the bronze age carried it and I think around 40% of Scandinavian men are his descendants.
For me it's Celtic, Egyptian, Germanic/Norse, Greek/Roman, Slavic, and absolutely nothing else.
Are there any Celtic myth movies?
I'm sure there are already like a dozen of these Chinese mafia/outlaw movies.
>Shit artstyle
>female main character
Hard pass
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>le stronk woman girlboss.
>le generic viking crap.
>le traditional male heroes are the bad guys
>le netflix
Dad of Bore. God of War was about a violent asshole with anger issues fucking bad bitches for red orbs, brutally murdering gods for revenge, and was based af.
>no it's woke!
>what do you mean Loki got fucked by a horse and gave birth to a 8 legged horse and Thor crossdressed to steal back his hammer?
I know, so boring, not watching
yes, loki is a tranny, and the gods insult him for it to his face
What about Thor's crossdressing?
the punchline of thrymskvitha (yes, it is an intended comedy) is that men in dresses is inherently absurd and laughable
the premise of the story is that Thor and Loki dress up like women to retrieve Thor's Hammer. Thor has a big dress and a bridal veil on. The Evil King Thrymr who stole the hammer keeps seeing who he thinks is the beautiful, lovely Frejya doing unsightly manly things, like guzzling several barrels of ale and eating like 50 oxen. Thrymr lifts up Thor's veil to get a kiss at one point only to see Thor's scary eyes (scary eyes is a common norse motif, characters who are supposed to be badass can always scare other people with their eyes) and jump halfway across the room. Loki keeps somehow convincing Thrymr that "Frejya" is just acting weird because she's nervous. So I guess the punchline is also kind of that Jotnar (demons) are fucking stupid. Then the poem concludes with Thor in a dress beating them all to death with his hammer.
>bride is a muscle mommy who can party hard and make others piss their pants with her glare
/tv/ would coom at the mere idea of being in the same room as 'her'
I’m trying to develop a story based on Celtic mythology. I’m interested in the lore behind HyBrasil, the Four Treasures of the Tuatha de Danaan, druids, etc. The amount of research to connect everything and create an interesting and coherent story is pretty difficult though. Maybe I’m not cut out to be a writer.
That's hilarious, we need to bring tranny comedy back.
Those are all well known pantheons that have inspired many movies/books/shows/video games. Show me something with Germanic, Mesopotamian, Aztec/Mayan/Incan, or African gods.

I know we had Onyx Equinox but that’s about it.
>Show me something with Germanic
anon, you're in a thread about an IP based on the germanic pantheon
kek based vikangz

How did Scandis become so fucking cucked?
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I'm watching the series right now just because it was made by Zack Snyder and thus far it is just Loki using the main lead, which is a couple of human king and half-giant woman, to pit them against the gods in an attempt to trigger the apocalypse. Oh, and Thor being a violent giant-hating cunt.
Norse mythology is North Germanic. I was referring to more the Anglo-Saxon West Germanic pantheon. Like Ēostre/Ostara
Zach Snyder clearly has a noncon fetish. How much rape and SA is gonna be in this?
Main girl is a "blood bride" so she's probably gonna get defeated and plapd first episode for shock value before becoming a "strong Nord woman"
How many niggers are there in this "norse" mythology?
Very little rape, other than Thor possible noncon fucking Loki's daughter, who was turned into a cute asian lady fish and is actually Jörmungandr.

The plot of the show is essentially a viking king marrying a half-giant lady, and on the day of their marriage on the giant lands Thor shows up hunting for Loki, who's hiding as a lizard in that place. Because the giants didn't hand over Loki to Thor, Thor essentially butcher all the giants including women and children.

The viking king and his half-giant bride survive and the half-giant lady bargain with Loki for vengeance against Thor. Loki is essentially manipulating the group against the Aesir Gods so he can trigger Ragnarok. The only one wised to this is the viking king, but the half-giant bride thinks he is being a cuck.
Devilman Crybaby
What is odd is about the show is that the art-style is kind cartoony and cute, but the content is hyper violent with little kids and women being ripped to shreds and cut in half in all its gory details, and also all the sex with naked tits and bush.

The show portrays the gods as uncaring and the half-giant lady seems to be a cuckqueen that wants to brutally kill everything and is pushing the viking king, who seems to kind and just, to be brutal against everyone, and be more aggressive in sex (she wants him to essentially brutalize her), and also wants him to cuck her. The viking king is also the only nice person in the show.

If this end up revealing that the viking king is actually a born again Christian i will laugh because it almost seems to be heading there.
Yeah there are a couple of exceptions i guess because they're jap productions that netflix just bought the publishing rights to. Devilman crybaby was made by science saru but all their shitty 3d productions are outsourced to China or Thailand. I guess Pluto was also pretty all right and good voice acting. But that's like 2 in 6 years
Zero negros, but a thrall-daughter to the Vanir gods seemed to look like some sort of mutt. Odin's wife, who's a Vanir, also seemed to be a black woman or something. Basically i think the Vanir, in some cases, are being depicted as mutts.
Wolfwalkers is FUCKING AMAZING.
I convinced my friends to watch it on mushrooms with me and it was quite the experience.
>cry my heart out
>the beautiful visuals
>the artists clearly love nature
It's better than all of the 90's disney movies.
Last post since i will return to watch the show.

This show seems to be almost exactly the same plot as Rebel Moon. Some lady goes on to recruit several warriors to fight off some powerful group mostly out of revenge and the warriors recruit all have a bone to pick against the powerful group.

What surprises me is that this show is vastly more coherent and better plotted. Even the crash humor where the characters call each other names or talk about sex seems to fit because of the setting, what with these being a bunch of vikings. The story is also way more engaging.
Which brings me to the fact of why the fuck was Rebel Moon even made in the first place when Snyder had this story which is almost a copy but vastly superior in the pipeline. Why not focus on the effort and money on this instead?

Fucking hell, Snyder. This is basically Rebel Moon but 20x better.

Whatever, this is the one i actually wanted anyways.

Leave our lands, and it will cease to be your problem any longer.
>Chad Snyder
How much more, “I’ll never ever watch this dogshit slop” can one become?
The show is unironically good despite it being clearly trying to portray Loki as a misunderstood anti-hero.
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Goddamn it, Zack Snyder.
>Since the first of the Ten Thousand were created, there have always been female Custodians...also Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia
Looks like complete dogshit, also their accents sound retarded, they have le quirky jokes in it and Thor's VA sounds like a bitch

Also the animation looks like shit you could make on flash.
Shakespear is woke
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The dude can't stop his religious nonsense. Every fucking little thing he does need to have some heavy handed Christian overtones.
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LMAO. Can't believe this shit.
>MFF threesome instead of MMF
maybe Zack is based after all
I take it back
Zack is DEFINITELY based.
There is a gay main character, who everyone makes fun of for getting fucked in the ass, and the main reason for that is because he can use magic stones, which only women are able to. He ends up romancing a witch making him an ex-gayboy. This show is weird as fuck. They also make fun of Loki for fucking a horse.
What does Christianity have to do with norse mythology?
syncretic manipulation by Christians in the late viking era
oh fucking bravo. brah-fucking... bravo. bravo.
coward put it on TV so we can't walk out of his theater showing.
Sounds lame and preachy, I wanna see norse shit not the degradation of it by another religion.
Basically the Norse gods are all fucking uncaring cunts that are tired of being immortal and envy mortals, and want Ragnarok to come so everything can end.

Even Thor, who's this show antagonist, wants to die in defeat and because of this he's making everyone his enemy butchering everything in his path hoping to piss off someone that can finally defeat him.
Thor, Loki, Baldr, etc everyone is courting Ragnarok.

Odin is the only one trying to avert this, and for this he's trying to learn more about the future which shows that the norse gods will die and are going to be punk'd hard by Christ, who's a better version of him.

Even one of the main protagonist, the kind and just viking king, is a proto-Christian, and the voice of reason of the show.
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This is going to piss off a lot of Pagan guys.
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Odin, what's going on, big guy?
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Don't worry, Christ got you, bro.
>You will end unworshipped, unloved.
All but two days of the week honour Norse gods. I don’t care about religious squabbles but it’s funny to think about.
encapsulating norse mythos entirely into its own is impossible because the sources of the poems are already somewhat compromised that and understanding them in the context of from an actual believer is impossible.
This is the weirdest crossover
How will this affect their cinematic universe?
She cute. I shall be watching. Hope she's a lesbian.
She gets piped by a mortal man and is a cuckquean.
>brown Jesus
Christbros....our response?
>is impossible because the sources of the poems are already somewhat compromised
no they aren't? The poetry in the codex regius is authentic prechristian stuff. There's lots of junk in norse mythology, like the prose edda (kinda), but the poetry itself is a super strong bedrock of knowledge that we have that we know is genuine.
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Daily reminder instead of watching this low tier shit you can read a top tier KINO instead.
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He read somewhere that the Prose Edda had some Christian stuff shoehorned in so thinks the Poetic Edda was also corrupted
This shit sucks, Gayman.
Is snyder a christian?
This shit looks like when leftists write self-masturbatory stories about how leftists are awesome and conservatives are bad but with religion instead of politics
He's a hardcore Christian and pretty much everything he does is some sort of Christian parable.
Man of Steel? Christian parable. BvS? Christian parable. Justice League? Christian parable. Rebel Moon? Christian parable. Fucking everything.

But this cartoon have a lot of lore that is straight up from Norse sagas. Very obscure stuffs. Lots of autism about explain myths and concepts. So there is a lot of care put into it. It's just that there is also Christian stuffs in it as well and very heavy handed.
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>But this cartoon have a lot of lore that is straight up from Norse sagas. Very obscure stuffs. Lots of autism about explain myths and concepts. So there is a lot of care put into it.
you sure, because everything I've seen so far looks like a horrendously butchered version of Voluspa, which is the most well-known poem in norse mythology. So not only is he adapting super conspicuous shit, he's doing a bad job of it.
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>implying anime isn't ugly
Whatever happened to that greek one? I remember it being semi decent
>Show based on Norse mythology
>Not a single darkie on the poster

Might actually be kino.
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It wasn't subtle enough so he asked priests to preach about it.
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>New Gay Man
Go read Planetary, Maximortal, Miracleman
there is no way there is not at least one black person in that show
Another Jewish subversion of White European myths where the gods, who protect and uphold humanity are bad and the giants, who are agents of chaos that want to destroy the world, are heckin’ misunderstood oppressed minorities.
I guess in a way it’s comical that they identify with the mythical race which seeds chaos and destruction
Keep the kike shit out of it! Damnit, I was actually looking forward to a mythology series.
Is this shopped?
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>le norse mythology
>faggy pseudo-celtic swirl tattoos
also reminder that women were stripped, shaved, flogged and exiled in germanic tribal society for being whores. I dont know (((who))) keeps portraying vikings as sexually liberal in media
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you mean sick of jews perverting my aryan heritage? im sick of it too
theres a few greeky names in tolkiens books but i think it was mostly the southern peoples, numernoreans or whatever their name is. rohirrim are very clearly modeled off early anglo saxons
watch the movie BRAZIL which is about HyBrasil and not actually brazil. also research cu chulain, hes probably the most interesting character in irish myth, at least in my opinion.
also I think its undermentioned that the trope was preserved into pretty recent times. little red riding hood is very clearly a version of the myth. the wording that thor and thrymr before the wedding is almost identical to the wording of little red riding hood interrogating the wolf.
>27. Thrym looked 'neath the veil, | for he longed to kiss,
>But back he leaped | the length of the hall:
>"Why are so fearful | the eyes of Freyja?
>Fire, methinks, | from her eyes burns forth."

>28. Hard by there sat | the serving-maid wise,
>So well she answered | the giant's words:
>"No sleep has Freyja | for eight nights found,
>So strong was her longing | for Jotunheim."

tl;dr the giant leans in for a kiss and notices that his 'bride' has furious, blood-red eyes that burn with fire, so terrifying he is taken aback. loki explains that the bride was simply anxious to meet her husband and thus stayed up all night, thus her red eyes.

remarkably similiar to how little red riding hood remarks at the length of the wolfs ears, or the sharpness of teeth, while the wolf (while wearing grandma clothes) explains it away with bullshit excuses. its something the germans found funny for 2000 years which is in itself kinda funny

…The one directed by Terry Gilliam?
>that zeus shit
>the tranny dnd show
>this shit now

what's up with all the god awful western-anime trash? these are literally all garbage with all the same exact benchmarks of gross nigger tv: unnecessary swearing, unneeded fag shit, "diversity", terrible hammy voice acting, weak fight scenes that are padded to hell with flashbacks for nobody characters and pointless dialogue so on. might as well all be the same show
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yes. trust me. go with it bro

but really do research cu chulain and lugh
castlevania is better than most jap anime
>There is a gay main character, who everyone makes fun of for getting fucked in the ass
Not watching unless they call him a rassragr
The norse were in heavy contact with christians throughout the viking age. Oftentimes leading to syncretism. There are numerous cases of norse-christian syncretism in the icelandic sagas. You can also see it on some runestones
comparing the two is pointless. one is for faggots with a netflix account and one is for trannies who can type "crunchyroll" into google. i despise both parties for eating plate after plate of dog shit and loving it. they're both trash is my point. you're comparing day old trash to week old trash. you're a fucking mutt if you eat either of them

and even saying that - FUCK no. at least legitimate anime TRIES. i'm not talking about the trannyesque anime they use for steam profile pictures. i'm talking actual anime. that shit, while still shit, is LEAGUES better than whatever the fuck that garbage straight-to-stream attempt at a video game animation was supposed to be
>produced by pozzflix
>directed by Snyder
>about white culture
>with heavy christian symbolism
So can chuds stop pretending you're oppressed?
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and on top of all that, god awful animation. like, kids were making better looking shit with flash back in 2005. its unbelievable anybody looks at these new shows and thinks they look good. its so choppy and cheap. ugly to the eyes. horrific shading, or even just nonexistent. bad all around from just a pure artistic point of view.
except the norse sagas were written by christian icelanders after iceland converted. The codex regius, which we know to be substantially authentic to prechristian, germanic beliefs, has never been demonstrated to have serious admixture with christianity.
You of all people should know that oppression is very complicated and not clear-cut
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i thought snyder was anti-woke, sirs..
>except the norse sagas were written by christian icelanders after iceland converted.
I know. What's your point? They still record clear cases of men who believed in both Christ and Thor.
>The codex regius, which we know to be substantially authentic to prechristian, germanic beliefs, has never been demonstrated to have serious admixture with christianity.
What does this even mean? The codex regius (konungsbók) is icelandic and was written by icelanders in the 13th century.
they should get me to write a viking flick. Only I wouldn't make it have anything to do with norse myth. The best sagas all happen post-christianization anyway. Those are the ones that have the wackiest characters. Hell you can even make an entire cinematic Sagaverse that culminates in one big crossover at the battle of Svolder.
I used to think that odin hanging on a tree and being stabbed by a spear was very sus and a sign of christian admixture with the original lore, but tacitus claims the germanic tribes would sacrifice thieves and murderers to a 'mercury' of the germans by hanging them from trees and piercing their sides with spears; and tacitus was a roman pagan who lived long before the full advent of christianity in rome. so alot of the things that people assume to be christian were authentic pre-christian beliefs, and its likely that these similarities were what lead to some tribes converting. take note that the symbol of catholicism was the chi-rho in the oldest times, and did not become the cross until the germanic tribal migrations had cemented control over the old roman empire. the anglo-saxons in particular were very fond of crucifixies, and especially ones adorned with the 4 animals of the evanglists, which strikes as some remnant of animist belief conformed to pre-existing christian symbolism . theres also the dream of the rood, where the cross is literally animated and treated like a living thing that had a soul; a very odd poem
>They still record clear cases of men who believed in both Christ and Thor.
after conversion. The people who wrote the sagas weren't around during the viking age to know to what extent vikings were mixing christianity and heathenism
>The codex regius (konungsbók) is icelandic and was written by icelanders in the 13th century.
it's just a transcription of an oral tradition. Some literate guy or guys, probably christian, went up to pagan skalds and said "recite your poetry to me," the skalds did so, and the compilers just wrote it down.
It's different from the icelandic sagas, because nothing new is being created to the best of our knowledge, and so there isn't any room for someone like a, say, Snorri Sturluson, coming in there and making a whole bunch of shit up and getting certain details wrong.
I remember expecting the heimskringla to get boring after they turned christian but somehow it just got even wackier and the pagan gods turn into shadowy supervillains hiding in the trees like slender man. honestly pretty awesome
It was pretty lame. The plot was incredibly predictable and generic, the fight scenes were ok at best, the overall aesthetics was too clean and the violence was sanitized.
Kinda boring.
>after conversion. The people who wrote the sagas weren't around during the viking age to know to what extent vikings were mixing christianity and heathenism
Neither where you, but they had a clear connection to it via oral tradition. Auður djúpauðga, one of the most prominent settlers of Iceland, was a christian woman with a court dominated by pagans, and she had raised a cross on a hill the moment she landed in Iceland according to the sagas. I don't really see any reason to doubt it or to think that they just made it up. The idea that pagans were all dumb and ignorant of other cultures as depicted in the northman is, I think, a stereotype.
>it's just a transcription of an oral tradition.
You mean... like all the fucking sagas?
>Some literate guy or guys, probably christian, went up to pagan skalds and said "recite your poetry to me,"
I seriously doubt there were any pagan skalds in the 13th century in iceland, which is where that book was written.
>It's different from the icelandic sagas, because nothing new is being created to the best of our knowledge
How do you know that the sagas are making stuff up to the best of your knowledge? Why do you think Snorri was making stuff up and not the guys who wrote codex regius? Keep in mind that you are blindly assuming that there were some pagan skalds in the 1270s in iceland who recited the codex regius to a bunch of clergymen, as if skalds were unique to paganism and christians could not be skalds.
yeah, people get hung about on stuff like Odin's hanging to himself because superficially it looks so similar to Jesus' death on the cross.
But actually stop to consider the metaphysical purpose behind their actions. Jesus' death on the cross represents martyrdom and sacrifice for the purpose of cleansing original sin.
Odin didn't hang himself from Yggdrasil to cleanse our sins. Yggdrasil spans mundane reality and the supernatural realm. It is a bridge between our world and the world of infinite potential. By hanging himself on the Axis Mundi, Odin became the Axis Mundi, and become very powerful from it. Now, of course, Odin shared this power with humans to help us according to Havamal, so it wasn't completely selfish, but it was nonetheless largely self-motivated.
The significance of Jesus' and Odin's death is much greater than simply the basic observation that they were ritualistically sacrificed, but that superficial facet is always what trips people up the most.
>unnecessary swearing, unneeded fag shit, "diversity", terrible hammy voice acting, weak fight scenes that are padded to hell with flashbacks for nobody characters and pointless dialogue so on.
Most of these things are typical in anime
The animation is so disgusting it's not worth getting upset about
Looks like dogwater.
Not really outside of the flashback padding that used to be more common in shonen shit, stop being a faggot anime-hating redditor
>unneeded fag shit
>terrible hammy voice acting
>weak fight scenes that are padded to hell with flashbacks for nobody characters and pointless dialogue
>You mean... like all the fucking sagas?
no, because the prose in the sagas was all created by the christian authors. Some of them were obviously based on an original oral tradition. Hervararssaga ok Heithreks is the obvious example because the older pagan poetry on which the saga is based is reproduced in the manuscript.
But everything that is original is the work of the author, and we know some of these authors would put in bullshit and make things up without connecting it to the original oral tradition.
I mean, if we're going to say that any fanfiction which loosely draws on the original oral tradition is a "transcription of the oral tradition," then Snorri Sturluson's retarded headcanon about Thor being a refugee from the Trojan War would have to be an authentic part of norse mythology.
>I seriously doubt there were any pagan skalds in the 13th century in iceland, which is where that book was written.
And yet all of the evidence seems to verify the authenticity of the codex regius
>How do you know that the sagas are making stuff up to the best of your knowledge?
Because the saga writers are pulling shit out of the poems that found their way into the codex regius as well as others (such as the eddic poems I mentioned in Hervararssaga ok Heithreks). It's not the reverse. Snorri fucking cites passages from poems he's writing about, and then often gets fucking details wrong because he's a dumbass, despite clearly having the source material right in front of him while writing.
Holy fuck, what is the point of painting Thor as a cunt who slaughter women and children for being giants and fucks everything with a breathing pulse, if at the end you're just going to try and redeem his character as some DINDU NUDDIN who's just being manipulated by Odin/Loki?
Why even make Loki the antihero who just wants to save his children from the evil Aesir gods if at the end you're going to flip shit and make him the villain?

Nothing was resolved and there is no clear villain. What the shit. If this end up with all the Gods redeemed by Christ i'll lose my shit.
Why am I supposed to like anime?
Oh, fuck. Baldr sacrifice redeemed him. Oh, fuck you. I just got this now.
Hanging and crucifixion are very different things, idiot
what a shitty characterization of thor. hes probably the only god that shows any mercy to women or children and is loyal to sif. odin is the only one that fucks a giantess
both involve being suspended from a tree (or wood carved into the shape of the tree) and both involved being stabbed in the side spears. im not really sure how you dont see the similarities; which is the word I used. i did not anywhere in that post say that the mechanism of hanging is the exact same as that of crucifixion but youre too retarded to pick up on that.
>Hervararssaga ok Heithreks is the obvious example because the older pagan poetry on which the saga is based is reproduced in the manuscript.
same for plenty of sagas, even post christianianization sagas, like the sworn brother saga, has its poetry reproduced in the manuscript.
>And yet all of the evidence seems to verify the authenticity of the codex regius
Ok... We also know that there was a large hall at Bergþórshvoli and that it was burned down... What evidence are you specifically referring to? Because I'm not doubting its authenticity. I just don't think that you can with any evidence say that it was pagan skalds who recited it for literate clergymen who may or may not have been Sæmund the wise.
>Because the saga writers are pulling shit out of the poems that found their way into the codex regius
What on earth are you talking about? What does, say, laxdælasaga have to do with codex regius?
>It's not the reverse. Snorri fucking cites passages from poems he's writing about, and then often gets fucking details wrong because he's a dumbass
Ok, you need to bring some actual examples before I can engage with this.
In the show Thor is brass and crass, hates giants to the point of slaughtering women and children without any care, is depressed and suicidal, and is making enemies out of everyone by being a huge cunt because he wants to push people to come and defeat him because he's longing for death. He's also cheating on Sif with Loki's daughter, the giant snake, because he knows said daughter is prophesied to kill him, and is fucking the goddess of defeat, also because he hopes it'll get someone to defeat him.

Then Baldr, who's always with him and the voice of reason, sacrifice himself to spare him, and Thor gets angry but then calms down. This completely changes him and he decides to align with the protag who throughout the show has been trying to kill him out of vengeance.
When Baldr dies the ground turns to flower, and he's always bright like a shining god. Seems to be like he's a stand in for Christ.
>both involve being suspended from a tree (or wood carved into the shape of the tree
Wait until you find out the most common way to crucify people was to just nail them to a stake, not a T shape, not a Christian cross
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>He's also cheating on Sif with Loki's daughter, the giant snake, because he knows said daughter is prophesied to kill him, and is fucking the goddess of defeat, also because he hopes it'll get someone to defeat him.
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>says and does absolutely fucking nothing
>is loved by every single fucking thing in the universe
>fucking dies.
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oh lord one of you JW autists. go edit more bibles so they dont have the word 'crux' in them anymore like the original bibles written in latin do
In the show only the women that are able to defy and threaten him can get his dick hard. He also wants to fuck the protagonist but she's so faithful to the viking king that she's a cuckqueen.
>Oh no vikings and gods, and battle, and shit is so boring.

>People watching the Shitting Penguin "batman" show instead.

We need to clean tv board, make a tv thread on trash, and send most people there.

Look a lot of strong female video is junk, but some is good.
Does no one want a strong girl riding their d*ck hard all night?
What are you, gay?
>Ok, you need to bring some actual examples before I can engage with this.
Most basic bitch example from gylfaginning:
Snorri says that there is a golden-thatched hall in a region named Gimle ("Fire Lea," the place that will be spared from the flames of Ragnarok)
However, Voluspa stanza 62 (CR version) is exceedingly clear that the hall whose roof is thatched with gold is called Gimle. It is not in a region called Gimle.
There's also little things that aren't direct errors, but are more so just Snorri making shit up, like him describing "dark elves" (not a term that occurs in the codex regius, he's probably thinking of dvergar) as being actually dark-skinned. But we know from Alvissmal that evil spirits like dvergar are pale, not black.
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honestly without the context of any other myths involving baldr its somewhat funny how it all goes down, especially hel being a petty cunt and demanding every single thing in the universe including rocks and trees weep for baldr before she sets him free. sorta lacks any of a tragic element since we know very little about baldr or what heroic acts earned him such love and a title like 'the bold one', which kinda deflates the tragedy of it all and makes it more funny than it should be

really, what was hodr thinking? dumb blind bloody bastard
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He's pretty much Christ in the show.
god im so sick of this style of animation in 'adult' cartoons. its so fucking boring. if youre gonna bother with R-rated toons at least try to stylize it a bit
This show is weird because the style is very cartoony and cutesy like, which feels weird with all the action and gore. The male characters, specially the Christian viking king has a huge comic dick that they always make a point of showing.
western animation hasn't looked good since early disney. they need to take the stick out of their asses and start copying japan.
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Baldr dying forces Thor to cry and that's it. The entire show the protags are trying to kill him and he's a huge fucking cunt, but Baldr dies and is all let bygones be bygones. Thor is cool now.
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is it really so hard to come up with something good? it doesnt even have to be something new. why does shit from the 90s look better than shit today?
Balder's death is significant more in how it impacts the other gods. He's a very feminine character in that regard, in the sense that he is a "character" who is always be acted upon, rather than being a character who acts.
let's unpack this:
>Snorri says that there is a golden-thatched hall in a region named Gimle
>Á sunnanverðum himins enda er sá salr, er allra er fegrstr ok bjartari en sólin, er Gimlé heitir.
it seems to me that he is here literally calling the hall "Gimlé" and he proceeds to quote Völuspá:
Sal veit ek standa
sólu fegra,
gulli þakðan,
á Gimlé;
þar skulu dyggvar
dróttir byggva
ok um aldrdaga
ynðis njóta."

I don't know if you know old norse or icelandic, but I fail to see how "on the southern heaven... that hall, which is fairest of all, which is called Gimlé" is Snorri calling Gimlé a "region".
but why would a feminine character be called 'the bold one'? snorri said baldr was a good god to pray to in battle as well.
I'm not a Christcuck you retard, I'm just pointing out that the Germanic practice of hanging human sacrifices by the neck from the branches of a tree is very different from nailing a person's hands and feet to a stake
I'm sorry, I got that backwards
>Voluspa (CR) Stanza 62
>I see a hall standing there,
>more beautiful than sunlight,
>thatched with gold
>*AT* Gimle.
Gimle is a region in Voluspa, and the hall in Gylfaginning.
>(not a term that occurs in the codex regius, he's probably thinking of dvergar) as being actually dark-skinned. But we know from Alvissmal that evil spirits like dvergar are pale, not black.
This is just an abyssmal inference. You just automatically assume that he is talking about dvergar when the poems barely even make distinctions between elves and dwarves to begin with.
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This is how Thor fights Jörmungandr in the show. With his dick.
>You just automatically assume that he is talking about dvergar when the poems barely even make distinctions between elves and dwarves to begin with.
the poems are extremely unclear, but customary usage amongst practitioners of norse heathenism was not. We have uncovered multiple runic charms with inscriptions attempting to invoke the aid of the gods in defeating evil spirits which are referred to as "dvergar" on multiple occasions.
why is jormungandr a girl? its gender is never described anywhere in the text. probably because its a giant fucking snake a literal inhuman monster. what is the point of this besides appealing to furries maybe? sorry, scalies. i just really cant think of what this adds to the myth, besides coomer appeal
>besides coomer appeal
why is this a bad thing
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There are some excellent western animations but the problem is that nobody watches them.
>why is jormungandr a girl?
Because women are snakes!
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It's... uhm... thematically important.
Because there's no reason to watch that when anime exists.
>we want the XCOM audience
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if I wanted to coom I would jerk off while thinking about ur mum. i dont come to epic myths or animations to coom to some deviantartists snake girl design. if I wanted to coom to snake girls I can google hentai snek gurl and get 2 billion result
Humanizing the enemy (basic modern globohomo trope) even if said enemy is another species
>cant draw a crescent moon right
Well, it's hard to say. A mistake is not something I would say is "making stuff up". I also fail to see what this has to do with the other sagas and the fact that norse-christian syncretism was a thing recorded in many sagas that were, for all we know, not written by Snorri. Nor have I seen your evidence for guessing that christians came to some pagan hermit skalds and asked them to recite some poems. It seems much more likely to have been a tradition of storyteling that simply continued after christianization by christians.
Coom potential is essential to myth. Inanna's descent was peak ENF.
>It seems much more likely to have been a tradition of storyteling that simply continued after christianization by christians.
this isn't a logical assumption at all because the advent of christianity is literally what caused the norse oral tradition to die, so christians clearly weren't memorizing these poems like their pagan ancestors did. That's WHY the codex regius, hauksbok, and the prose edda exist in the first place: some christian antiquarians/ historians in iceland were fucking terrified that this shit was about to disappear forever. And they were right.
>also research cu chulain, hes probably the most interesting character in irish myth, at least in my opinion.

Interesting. I know a bit about Cú Chulainn but I haven’t read too much. I’ll have to look into him more. I’ve been mostly doing research on Amergin Gluingel.

There’s a bunch of different elements from Irish myths and legends I want to incorporate, but I also want to make sure the lore is somewhat accurate and not pulled just cuz it sounds cool
yes greek and jeet myth is full of cooming but not really germanic myth
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Hel is also a cute girl that is constantly living and dying.
In the show Loki, who knows that for the Aesir gods to die his children will also have to die, decides to use the main protag as a pawn to kill the gods, because if humans are able to kill the gods then his children will be spared from the prophesy.
So the entire show is Loki manipulating the protags and everything else to get them to kill one another so his children can be free and safe. He's depicted as a good father. This until the very end where he tuns into a cunt.
That doesn't really help your case or your inference. Honestly, the idea that elves were "the good guys" is a possible christian addition that I think most modern pagans just completely overlook, especially since belief in elves persisted in iceland and they are depicted in many folktales as vengeful and capricious (they even live in mountains!)
Yeah, that's always struck me as odd. Most Indo-European myth is full of rapist/coomer gods, but the Germanics seem a bit abstinent. Apart from Loki going troon-mare.
sex shows up a bit in norse mythology.
Rigsthula is all about Heimdallr travelling around and having sex with a whole bunch of people to create the classes of men. Lokasenna is just all around extremely raunchy.
But sexual morality is evidently something germanic peoples cared about long before they became christian, which is why you see things like Odin sending adulterers to hell in Voluspa, or him mocking Loki for both being transgender and getting fucked by men in Lokasenna.
how many black norse gods in this one?
>this isn't a logical assumption at all because the advent of christianity is literally what caused the norse oral tradition to die
It definitely didn't happen overnight, though. I think it's more likely that the clergy's obsession with recording stuff had more of an influence. By the way, you blame them for destroying this tradition but then have to live with the fact that they spent copius amounts of ink and calfskin (very expensive) to jot all of this shit down (and they did jot down A HUGE FUCKTON OF IT. In fact, what we have today is just a tiny FRACTION of what they actually wrote down because the icelander who was collecting all this stuff in the 17th century thought that the massive fire that was occuring in copenhagen SURELY would not reach his apartment. He ended up having to run in and out of a burning building just to save enough of it to fill a single wagon.
Any good movies based on HK comics or movies about the Walled City?
Every time I think about some ancient archive/library going up in flames...
Think about how many legends, philosophies, medical practices, historical records, plays and stories, and God alone knows what else, lost forever.
The viking king, one of the main protags, and that is married to the red-headed woman, who's the protag, is based on Leif Erikson, the viking that introduced Christianity to the Greenlanders.
>Honestly, the idea that elves were "the good guys" is a possible christian addition that I think most modern pagans just completely overlook
people who look for christian influence in norse poetry always seem to find it. Elves are clearly good. The only elf character in the codex regius is the hero Wayland the Smith who was popular throughout the germanic-speaking world. A true elf in norse mythology is probably a deified ancestor spirit, which is why Volundr gets called an elf in Volundarkvitha. We also see the elves are frequently mentioned as being in the company of the gods, like when the Aesir are having a feast at Aegir's hall, and Loki accuses Freyja of having slept with every "God and elf" at the feast.
i didnt say it was nonexistant in germanic myth, just not as prevalent a theme as in other mythical cycles. yes heimdall goes around fucking all 3 women to spawn the various caste systems but it doesnt describe it in detail; actually it never specifically says heimdall had sex with the women; just that he 'laid in their bed' and left the next morning and they have a kid. obviously its implied he fucked them but never clearly states this; for all we know heimdalls mere presence is what imbued her with child. even greek mythology tends to be somewhat allegorical when it comes to some of zeus' rape adventures; one of his demigod children I remember being born after a bolt of lightning struck a woman, imprinting a child inside her womb when she was a virgin. so clearly even the ancient pagans understood the godly rape of humans to be something metaphorical more than literal. its like hindooism where its like
>and shiva coomed in parvatis butt many times!
>then agni surprised them by popping out of the bushed unannounced
>so shiva coomed in agnis mouth!
>it was literal molten poison coom since shiva is a death god so angi almost died choking on shivas poison coom
not like hindooism*
>By the way, you blame them for destroying this tradition but then have to live with the fact that they spent copius amounts of ink and calfskin (very expensive) to jot all of this shit down
it's not really a matter of blame or cope or whatever
it's just to say that the norse had oral traditions where they held on to stories for centuries and centuries. I mean, there are references to the character and story of Volundr back in the 600s, and his story still made it into a compilation of pagan poetry in the 13th century. It just persisted for at least 600 or so years without anyone ever writing it down. Then iceland christianizes, the pagans slowly die off or convert, and all of these poems go away in the span of a few generations.
It explains why Jeets get so rapey.
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The show constantly make fun of fags. Kind sus for Netflix.
/co/ doesn't seem to care about this show at all
does anyone care about this show?
That's the only thing I care about about this show.
/co/ have awful as fuck taste.
/co/ shouldnt care cause its ugly
/his/ shouldnt care cause its not accurate to the mythology
pagans wont care cause its got christcuck stuff in it
christians wont care cause its got paganlarp shit in it
im not really sure how its supposed to appeal to, honestly. i think zack just played god of war ragnarok and thought it was cool
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No because they're probably going to put niggers in it.
Well, I think you get overly gloomy over christianity and blame without any clear evidence. I don't think a cultural tradition goes away overnight. The Icelanders even kept making records after the civil war. Which is what most of their sagas are. They are like records of things that happened and probably were supposed to help in legal cases. The norse were such a highly legalistic society it's not even funny. Not everywhere were you get a completely decentralized society like medieval iceland.
Half the plays the greeks invented contradicted the illiad and they fucking loved it.
But sure, it did eventually die out, but societies change ultimately. It may be that the real nail in the coffin was the reformation and its crackdown on any "unholy" customs.
No niggers in the show.
>i think zack just played god of war ragnarok and thought it was cool
Yeah, that makes sense.

Zack Snyder has always been obsessed with translating the visuals of his favorite comics and video games onto the screen, with no regard for their context.
Snorri was based
I'm not really upset about it. I'm thankful that we have as much info as we do. The poetic edda is an absolute treasure trove of germanic lore. Just compare that to the poor fucking bastard Rodnovers who have nothing but some skeptical christian writings and some contemporary forgeries that they have to pretend are legit because they have literally nothing else.
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Things that are positive about the show.

It isn't your typical anime-styled Netflix show animated by Koreans.
It is more of a cartoon style but the cartoon style clash hard with all the naked tits, heavy bush, and detailed gore.
There is only one faggot who is a slave but everyone makes fun of him and he eventually falls for a witch.
There is no cuckolding other than the main protag, that is female, being a cuckqueen.
The show goes into detail over several myths and it seems that the people working on it know their stuff even the obscure stuff.

The huge negative:
Too much naked tits and naked dicks and women with full bush.
Too much violence and too much gore for such a cutesy style.
Too much curse words and crass jokes.
Too many awkward sex scenes.
Thor being depicted as a violent hothead willing to kill women and children.
Loki being humanized as dindu nothing good father
Heavy Christian propaganda.
Some characters look suspiciously like mutts but then in certain scenes not which is weird. Could be black coded.
whats wrong slavbros, didnt preserve no BEE spells?? sucks to suck
can you imagine not even having BEE WIZARDS like germanic chads did?
Is Loki really a bad guy in norse myth? Seems like Odin is just a paranoid old man trying to delay the inevitable.
>Chad Snyder
Do you think his daughter killed herself because of the DCEU?
Loki is a trickster that brings about the end of the world and fathered/birthed a bunch of monsters.
>Because in feeling pleasure, we forget our home.
>And that is?
I thought Surtr brought the end of the world. Good riddance I say.

For now
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I honestly don't get what the point of this character was.
He's introduced as the hedonist faggot, but then they play with the idea that he is gay just so he can use magic, which is something feminine. Which could still be a positive example of a gay hero.
But then every character makes fun of him for being a faggot and he eventually stops being gay, falling for a witch.
Loki is basically norse satan.
People always frame him as a trickster god, but he isn't really. Odin is more of a trickster with all of his cloak and dagger antics. Loki is just a cunt who fucks with people. One night, the gods were having a dinner party together, and Loki decided to throw a temper tantrum because he wasn't getting enough attention, so he murdered one of the servants and then starts slandering the gods to their faces, saying that he fucked their wives and how they're all gonna die at Ragnarok. So the gods rip out the entrails of his son and use his intestines to chain Loki to a rock where a snake drips acidic venom onto his chest for all eternity. Loki eventually escapes his prison and collaborates with Surtr to destroy the entire universe.
So yes, Loki is a bad guy.
I watched Secret of the Kells a few years ago and remember thinking it was the first movie I had really loved in, years. Song of the Sea was great but I'd say not quite on the same level. Will watch Wolfwalkers literally right now b/c of junkie anons recommendation.
Idk when the JIDF psyops stopped being schizo-babble and became reality, but we are definietely living in that reality now.
Making fun of people for being gay or implying that they were gay was just a norse thing. Iceland even had laws dictating that whoever had to suffer specific insults to his masculinity can legally kill the perpetrator without repurcussions
yes he was, there is no evidence of any cultic worship of loki, and the only depictions of loki we have from that time period show him with his mouth stitched, or in chains
Well, he also calls out the gods for not being all they are cracked up to be. Kinda like a Jungian shadow or whatever. I wouldn't call him satan. After reading paradise lost, I think Satan is pretty much the final boss of all mythic/literary antagonists. Unlike Achilles, he'd rather live in literal hell than heaven
Just watched the first episode and it was kino.
Why are you telling lies
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>Iceland even had laws dictating that whoever had to suffer specific insults to his masculinity can legally kill the perpetrator without repurcussions
They show exactly that. This character is caught fucking another guy, but that guy's brother, and the brother acuse him of seducing his kin with foul magic, and then he accuse the brother of lies, demanding a fight to the death to protect his honor.
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I liked it a lot, I presume the other twelve people who saw it did too.
Snaketits, alright you've got my attention
They're in a video game, it's a fantasy moon.
Now I'm thinking of the spaceport in Treasure Planet, cool ass scene.
All these screenshots are ugly and discourage me from starting watching
he's talking shit because he thinks he won't get hit on account of his blood oath with Odin. He even admits to Eldir that it's all just slander and rumors, he's not doing a proper expose on the gods' indiscretions.
yeah but almost all of his accusations are blatant lies or just shit-talk. he accuses freya and freyr of having incest together and specifies that freya farts in bed. now there is something else to this; in the heimskringla it says that the cults of the vanir, found in scythia and germania, would practice incest and polygamy, before odin incarnated as a living god-king and led the aryans to conquer those lands. the aesir, the new gods of the land, forbid the practice of incest and restricted marriage to only one partner. now whether this really means that freya and freyr practiced incest before their captivity under the aesir as loki implies, or whether loki is just taunting them for their vanic heritage is unclear. there are no myths to substantiate any of lokis claims against the gods, leaving the modern reader to wonder if these accusations bear some truth to them and those myths are now simply lost; or whether the myths are fictional events in lokis head
>satan is the final boss of all mythic/literary antagonists
wrong again. its prometheus.
oh, ok. I thought he was telling truths. The norse gods don't really come across as particularly worthy of worship anyway. Or at least, I fail to see how Odin causing generations of people like the Volsungs to die horrible deaths is something profound and spiritual
When are we getting Slavic kino?
Wrong, Prometheus is not an antagonist. Unless you think living in the garden doing nothing but munching on fruit and fucking like retarded bonobos is the peak of human activity
it's not?
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>Unless you think living in the garden doing nothing but munching on fruit and fucking like retarded bonobos is the peak of human activity
Yeah. Also, Surtr is the good guy.
Honestly, watching this just makes me think that Zack Snyder is better suited as a showrunner.
This series pretty much did everything Rebel Moon tried, but way better.
It is the same plot structure where shit happens where everyone dies, the protags then go out on a merry chase to recruit warriors to get some revenge, and then there's a big fight in the end.
The main difference is that in this series Snyder had enough time to work on the setting, characters, lore, and pacing. It maybe helps that the setting is based on Norse myth so the heavy lifting is already done but the characterization here is much better. You actually get to know the character and give a crap about them. The pacing is also good.

Imagine if Snyder had not done Rebel Moon and used the budget to actually make a series about this.
senna literally means "truth-telling"
>he doesnt know
>hasnt read prometheus bound
>he hasnt seen the dread vision of mans future that drove prometheus mad like I have
is Tyr in it?
It's anime, it was always going to be shit.

Why is anyone shocked?
No, which drove me crazy.
Baldr is in this but Tyr is nowhere to be seen.
Though they tease a second season and the wolf hasn't showed up yet outside of visions of the past. So who knows.
Still Tyr together with Baldr are the most level headed gods. It is weird that Tyr isn't this as a voice of reason.
>The norse gods don't really come across as particularly worthy of worship anyway.
The norse gods are far and away the best pagan pantheon. It's not even close. No fucked up sex shit like in hindpooism, and so callousness like you get in medshit. Thor is the dedicated protector of humanity with a strong sense of fairness and justice. He literally dies protecting the human race from extinction. Odin is a good man who does evil things given his circumstances. He recognizes this, which is why he addresses himself as "Bolverkr," the Worker of Bales (bale means misfortune).
In norse mythology, you travel to the afterlife in the state you are in when you die, minus the condition that killed you I guess. If great heroes like Sigurthr the Volsung were allowed to grow old and die of natural causes, then Valhalla would just be a retirement home, and the Einherjar would stand no chance of defeating the Jotnar. Also, as Odin says in I believe Eiriksmal, no one knows when Ragnarok will occur, so he kills powerful heroes in their prime so that he isn't unprepared when Ragnarok does come. Odin showers heroes with gifts in Valhalla, I guess partially as compensation for stealing their lives. Helgi Hundingsbana is allowed to go back to Mithgarthr to sleep with wife, and he seemingly gets turned into a god as well.
no it doesnt, it means 'to prove' and refers to an exchange of insults. there are numerous other examples of senna in norse literature which have nothing to do with telling truth. perhaps loki is trying prove something, but without any evidence or backing
seethe and cope all you want
>doesnt get the tragic beauty of the fall of the volsungs
filtered hard by germanic culture. go be a mayan pagan or something
native american mythology is interesting but no one wants to adapt it
It's amazing how much Western culture insists on milking a halfassed canon that comprises of one incomplete work (Poetic Edda) and one work that is written centuries after people stopped worshipping the gods in question (Prose Edda)
>raccoon steal tobacco
>cursed with thief mask so everyone know he thief
>possum steal tobacco
>cursed with silly zombie tail and burned white face
i have noticed a recurring theme in native mythology
well, they have to take what they can get since westerners have no culture.
>le stronk woman girlboss
how many times are they going to do this before they realize it's not a compelling enough hook anymore? every dumb shit nepotism writer that ends up in a major writing room these days thinks they have the secret sauce that will make girlboss shit finally work out for the first time ever.,, this insanely conceited thought process is playing out in dozens of writing rooms across the country AS WE SPEAK

fucking clown world
theres much more to germanic mythology outside scandinavia than just those but nobody reads them. at most maybe some of the sagas
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But what if the stronk woman girlboss is also a cuckqueen.
>halfassed canon that comprises of one incomplete work (Poetic Edda)
there's a ton of shit in the Poetic Edda. Just Voluspa alone tells a complete story of the beginning of the world, many of the significant events in the mythical history of the world, and the eventual destruction and rebirth of the world at ragnarok. Then you've got another 30 poems that explore the nature of the norse cosmos, norse morality, customs, and wisdom, comedic skits, several heroic stories, character dynamics between the gods, some material on mythological races like elves and dwarves, and more. It's not complete, sure, but what we have is very substantial and compelling.
That lie died with Revel Moon
your culture is child trafficking and eating shit, assuming youre not a westerner
it might maybe work if they actually modeled them off actual female characters in history of some interest, like brunhild or joan of arc, but they were also completely insane psychopaths and that type of energy is difficult for a woman to emulate, it must be genuine. also joan of arc would beat prostitutes for coming to her camp and we couldnt have that in a girlboss movie, she would be proud and amazed at how sexually liberated they are instead
>Odin is a good man who does evil things given his circumstances.
paradoxical. It doesn't matter how much he tries to justify his actions, he ultimately cannot explain it. He has no answer to pain. Only Surtr, who's victory is literally inevitable, does. Odin spends countless words trying to persuade people to his cause. Not Surtr. Because Muspel speaks for itself.

Also, I seriously doubt the norse saw the afterlife as something vastly different from Hades. Most sources seem to indicate that Valhalla is actually in the underworld and that everyone goes there when they die. I mean, it's obvious. People bury their dead and so their dead continue to live in the ground.
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The sex scenes with this animation style makes everything look so off-putting.
>Most sources seem to indicate that Valhalla is actually in the underworld and that everyone goes there when they die.
which ones you insufferable tard? literally every text on germanic myth places valhalla in asgard you actual buffoon. its literally called 'hall of the slain', a specific word for being KILLED in a violent death you literal fucking monkey
>people bury their dead
yeah and the norse burned theirs. weird huh?
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Is this Snyder's fetish?
I am nordic. I know what tragedy is but I don't see much beauty in the fall of the Völsungs. Just puffed-up nonsense. People thinking they are hot shit when they are in reality being used by a god who is going to be crushed by the primordial might of Surtr when he comes back to reclaim what is his
>Odin spends countless words trying to persuade people to his cause. Not Surtr. Because Muspel speaks for itself.
Odin doesn't really try to convince anyone of anything. He just does what he thinks is right.
>Also, I seriously doubt the norse saw the afterlife as something vastly different from Hades. Most sources seem to indicate that Valhalla is actually in the underworld and that everyone goes there when they die. I mean, it's obvious. People bury their dead and so their dead continue to live in the ground.
You're thinking of Hel. Valhalla literally means "The Hall of Those Slain in Battle." Only legendary kings and heroes go there when they die. Other people either go to one of the halls of the other gods, or to Hel when they die. Norse Hel in that way functions a bit like Hades, but it's very different in nature. Norse Hel is a relatively nice, if boring, place where you live in a castle and work on a farm for a living. There's still food and drink and festivities and whatnot. Hel is essentially just a pleasant waiting room where you go to wait to be reincarnated.
WHAT JESUS DO? Why they coming to Jesus for I thought those paganism didn’t care for Jesus
>I am nordic
the word 'surtr' means 'black one', related to the word soot. literally the sooty one. you worship a giant flaming nigger
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>this thread
They’re all made up fairytales. It’s like complaining that Superman can’t fight Spiderman, only retards give a shit.
Basically the entire show is about the Aesir gods being depressed and envious of mortals because being immortal is for faggots apparently and being mortal is pure chad energy, and Odin is a little bitch because he wants to remain alive whereas Jesus Christ is fucking awesome because he is a mortal god.
For one, the saga of Gisli Súrsson has the Goði bind "hel-shoes" on the dead Vésteinn so that he can literally "walk to valhalla". Being buried with a ship also implies that you need to sail over there, such as the river Gjöll. Valhalla being in Asgard is, I think, only really found in Gylfaginning. The sources are actually pretty vague about it and propably reflect differences in beliefs. Besides, how the fuck do you explain the fucking god Baldr going to Hel and not just Asgard? Because Asgard is clearly a place for living people.
>yeah and the norse burned theirs.
Yeah, and the belief was that their dead continued to live underground. They didn't magically get whisked away to the sky. They are still there and you need to offer them libations to keep them sated.
Thanks for the heads-up, dropped
Any recs?
God this looks like ass. Why is Snyder so hilarious every time he tries being serious kek?
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Was Loki a good father in the myths?
>Odin doesn't really try to convince anyone of anything. He just does what he thinks is right.
explain all the poems and the gylfaginning where Odin is literally the narrator. He is also constantly trying to seek justification to keep on going. Not Surtr. Muspel is older than the world itself and will outlast Odin's little creation. Muspel speaks for itself.
> Valhalla literally means "The Hall of Those Slain in Battle."
Surtr is older than the Niggers that Odin, for whatever reason, created. Surtr is a truly divine god of primordial power who says nothing but marches determined to lay waste to this gay-ass world.
>The sources are actually pretty vague about it and propably reflect differences in beliefs.

>"I see a holy land
>which lies near those
>of the gods and the elves.
>In that place, Thruthheim,
>Thor will live
>till Ragnarok.
>"A fifth land is
>Gladsheim, where gold-bright,
>wide Valhalla stands.
>That is where
>Odin chooses from the men
>killed by weapons every day.
nice bait there
>explain all the poems and the gylfaginning where Odin is literally the narrator.
Odin's big speaking roles are in Vafthruthnismal, Grimnismal, Havamal, and Harbarthsljoth. In the first two, he just rattles off mythological trivia. In Havamal, he gives a bunch of advice for men on a variety of topics, like romance, travelling, guestrite, morality, etc. Harbarthsljoth is just Odin in disguise saying a bunch of nasty shit to try and piss of Thor.
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I hope the 300 show end up being good.
Like I said, pretty vague. Even when you nitpick. I think it's more likely that the norse, like most pagans and ancient religions, believed that the underworld was the place of the dead, hence, Baldr goes there when he dies and the sty-Gjöll and Slíðr needs to be crossed, whether by bridge or ship. You need to give the dead something because that's the only thing they'll get when coming to the underworld/afterworld.
God, this is one of the better panels and it still looks like absolute shit. I didn't hate Sandman but the art style is trash tier.
He was a good mother to Svadilfari
>In the first two, he just rattles off mythological trivia.
he explains himself.
> In Havamal, he gives a bunch of advice for men on a variety of topics
He explains himself. Also, most of the time he just says that he knows what you are supposed to do in certain situations but he never actually tells you what those things are.
>Odin in disguise saying a bunch of nasty shit to try and piss of Thor.
He's trying to dominate someone, justifying himself. And it's all basically for nothing because Surtr will inevitably wreck everything at Ragnarök. That's what I've gotten from reading it all. That and A Voyage to Arcturus which helped put certain things into perspective.
Ah shit, meant to type Sleipnir there.
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The cartoon have a lot of woman being a cuckqueen.
Also, was there a goddess of defeat? Because in the show Thor fucks her.
If Zack Snyder end up making a show about the Greek gods, he will definitely make comparisons between Apollo and Jesus Christ, won't he?
So how do you rationalize Helgi Hundingsbana ascending to godhood in Valhalla if the realm of the gods, Asgarthr, is completely mutually exclusive with the realm of the dead
Reminder that Zack didn't write this one alone. Anything you didn't roll your eyes after is definitely on someone else's shoulders. As it should be. He needs to full stop pretending his ideas are good.
Snyder will always find a way to add christcuckery, no matter how out of place it is
Precisely because Ásgarðr is a place of the living and the Gods (who are mortal, as evidenced by Baldr) are not dead? I'm not the one who needs to rationalize. You need to explain how it is that Baldr goes to Hel or how it is that a bunch of living people are drinking wine in valhalla in Atlakviða or why Vésteinn needs "hel-shoes" to go to valhalla or why everyone seems to want to take boats with them to the grave or why they want to take anything at all with them to the grave for that matter or why, since they did not believe in souls and nobody is ever said to have gone to valhalla "in spirit", how their dead bodies are both underground and somehow not in the underworld.
The show had a lot of Snyder-ism, though.
Remember that shit from Rebel Moon where the characters are at a table and stop to talk about their backstories?
It is in this show, but here it works because it happens after several episodes where you get to know more about the characters and the reunion is about sharing stories including known passages from the myths and only a handful of characters take the opportunity to tell a story about their past. So it isn't as jarring.
Snyder is obsessed with cuckoldry. He wanted to make superman a cuck in BvS
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After this show i'll start to believe the bullshit rumors that Snyder actually have a mistress because this shit is a constant on this show. Strange that such a hardcore Christian would be okay with a man having two women.
Sneeder already made 300 and I don't remember it having Jesus in it.
300 is not mythology, dumbass
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More that he wanted Batman to fuck everyone. In his plans Batman would be fucking Wonder Woman, Lois Lane, and Harley Quinn.
It's actually insane how many stories are based on these fucker's lore. Like even the deep lore to Game of Thrones is based on Norse stuff.

Fantasy is just recycling Norse Mythology, Greek Mythology, and King Arthur Legends. Again and again and again and again.
We need more Irish mythology.
>Like even the deep lore to Game of Thrones is based on Norse stuff
Only the Northern lore. The Iron Islands lore is based on Cthulhu, the Seven is based on Christianity and Tarot cards, and I dunno what the fuck the Essos people worship
Oh, no, he definitely put his shit into it as the director. It's definitely shit. I'm just saying someone else up his mess. He makes the same brain vomit every time over and over again.

I cannot imagine why people keep indulging him, but it sells.
>or why everyone seems to want to take boats with them to the grave
because Asgard is right next to Jotunnheimar which is near Hel. They're all right next to each other. When Brynhildar is cremated on a wagon, she wakes up on said wagon travelling through Jotunnheimar on her way to Hel (Hence why the poem snippet where this occurs is called Helreith Brynhildar, Brynhildar's Ride to Hel.). She was cremated around when Sigurthr was, but Sigurthr travels to Valhalla and Brynhildar to Hel.
And we know from Helgakvitha Hundingsbana II that Valhalla is in Asgard
>'Yet still I must
>ride the warpath,
>take my horse to Valhalla.
>I have to be west of Bifrost
>before the rooster
>wakes the men in Odin's hall."
this rooster is of course the rooster mentioned in Voluspa
>Near the Aesir
>sings the rooster named Golden-Comb,
>he wakes the men
>who fight for Odin, Lord of Battle
Nigger you cannot own ginger female with long hair.
I actually liked the show and would definitely watch a second season, but i hope they wrap this shit next season because i don't want this to be one of those Netflix shows that are cancelled without a resolution.

What i disliked is the fact that the show tries to humanize every character with a sob story despite showing them as absolute assholes that slaughter everything in their path. The attempts to try and explain Thor's behavior and the weak ass attempt to redeem him after Baldr's death was lame.
>talks about the mythological origin of the show
>it actually doesn't matter since the guy creating it is an idiot
good morning sirs!
I love Prometheus, but he's the epitome of good intentions gone awry. It's not his fault, he didn't have the whole story, he merely had a role to play.
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>make a series about some non white character
>reeeeeeee stop putting political shit on my shows
at this point i'm beginning to think you guys just want to be mad about everything
>none of these plebs know Odin hanged himself by his feet, think he was crucified
>they don't know he's The Hanged Man of the tarot cards
I think that's just a Snorri thing.
He just says he was hanged in Havamal, implying a proper hanging from the neck. Odin was, of course, the lord of the noose.
I think it's more likely that Valhalla is in hel, which is basically the grave. I don't think you should focus so much on a single source that doesn't even state that valhalla is in asgard and instead try to explain why the god Baldr, who lives in Asgard, dies and must then go to Hel or why Vésteinn needs hel shoes to go to valhalla and why, in the waking of Angantýr, Angantýr refers to his grave mound as "Hel's gate", you know, like the thing Helgi was buried in, who is also still found inhabiting his corpse in his grave in the same poem. It seems clearly to me that a people who do not believe in souls think that the afterlife is where the body is like most pagan religions did such as the greeks.
And you have the whole story? The whole story is that the gods are themselves thieves. Only, they are garbage thieves who steal the wallet and not the money. They will be done away with by the supreme spirit with a wave of its hand much like the Gods of Pegana
Nobody with more than two braincells thinks Odin was crucified. Snyder is just a retard.
The idea Snyder is going for is that Odin crucified himself so that he could sacrifice himself for himself, to attain immortality and omniscience in that manner. Whereas Jesus Christ crucified himself for humanity, making himself mortal. There is a lot of spiel about mortality being glorious or something.
I wouldn't mind the mistake if it had good reason, but the upside-down cross of an inverted hanging would still portray the juxtaposition better.
They're all overlapping locations. There is a realm of the living, or the mundane, in norse mythology, and a realm of the dead, which is the same as the realm of power and divinity. Divinity and death are linked concepts. That's why Sigurthr refuses to give his name to a dying Fafnir, because as Fafnir straddles life and death, his curses would be given full effect, and he could strike Sigurthr dead with only words if he knew his name. This is also why, whenever Odin needs powerful wisdom, he resurrects a witch from the dead. Being both dead and alive gives one near unlimited power. Why do you think Odin sacrificed himself in Havamal? Yggdrasil is the bridge between mundane reality and the supernatural realm. By hanging himself on it, and by existing in a state between life and death while so doing, Odin was given great power.
It's accurate in a sense to say that Valhalla is in Hel, but it is also accurate to say that Valhalla is in Hel, which is in Jotunnheimar, which is in Asgard, which is in Alfheimar. And so on.
I think your hangup probably stems from the fact that you imagine the world of norse mythology as being a series of distinct dimensions or something, like in minecraft. Hel is the nether, Mithgarthr is the overworld, etc. In reality, my best guess is that the norse cosmos would look a lot like the ice wall, with the outer concentric circles constituting the supernatural world, and the inner circle representing our world.
Also, Helgi doesn't even literally "ascend to godhood". There is literally no evidence for that or that the Norse even had a clear definition of "godhood". The only thing that happens is that Odin tells him to take care of things in valhalla like some steward and he just ends up using his power to make the person he hate do some dirty tasks. Makes one feel satisfied at the thought of them all being destined to burn in the unbearable and unimaginable pain of muspelfire.
>The only thing that happens is that Odin tells him to take care of things in valhalla like some steward and he just ends up using his power to make the person he hate do some dirty tasks.
the prose line is literally
>And when [Helgi] came to Valhalla, Odin asked him to help him rule everything.
That's the core idea why Christians send so much charity to APEfrica
why would he?
he's right
This is really all just speculation on your part. It's more likely, since the poems all come from different places and time periods, that there was no coherent norse myth to begin with. You also have not explained why Baldr, who is apperantly now both dead and alive, can die and is then forced to go to Hel and there's nothing that Odin can do about it. The case is much more likely this: Just as the greeks never bothered to think about how it is that souls die with the body but one somehow still exists in the afterlife as a spirit in hades (the underworld), the norse just never actually bothered to think about this stuff.
>I think your hangup probably stems from the fact that you imagine the world of norse mythology as being a series of distinct dimensions or something, like in minecraft
There is no hangup. I clearly state that I think valhalla is in Hel and not in Ásgarðr, which is implied to not be in hel. I think that everyone went to the underworld when they died back then because that is where their bodies went. Helgi goes there in body. He is in valhalla bodily; he arrives wounded if I remember correctly. there is no "higher distinct dimension". Helgi is a slave to Odin organizing his futile army for the slaughter to come. He goes in and out of valhalla just by going in and out of his grave. Valhalla is in the grave. The grave is the gate of Hel/Hades
Yeah. It does not say "and Odin then turned him into a god/goð"
Odin sacrificed himself partially to obtain runes which he could then give to humanity. I think it really says a lot that whenever people try to critique norse mythology through fiction, their only way of making their critiques land is to totally butcher the source material
>Hi, yes, hello, I am Anon E. Mousse, today I will totally own and destroy christianity once and for all. Check this out. Christianity is essentially the religion where you believe that the sky is green. Uh, hello? Idiot Department??? The sky is fricking blue, you dingbats! Get demolished, nerds!
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Yeah, the show just tries to portray him as a vain god out to protect himself and his children and keep the status quo where they rule.
well, he kinda is a vain god.
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They have the noose but still portray Odin's up a tree with his arms opened as if he was Christ on the cross.
>It's more likely, since the poems all come from different places and time periods, that there was no coherent norse myth to begin with.
>even if something contradicts me, I can just dismiss it anyway, because there is no canon!
very convenient the way that works.
>You also have not explained why Baldr, who is apperantly now both dead and alive, can die and is then forced to go to Hel and there's nothing that Odin can do about it.
because it would undercut the tragedy of his death if Odin could just resurrect him. Odin can of course resurrect people. He does it repeatedly in Voluspa, and Baldrs Draumar, and he presumably does it with the einherjar.
>which is implied to not be in hel.
they're distinct locations but they're all situated on the same plane of reality. They're not realms. Travelling from Hel to Asgard would be like travelling from New York to Pennsylvania.
>Helgi is a slave to Odin organizing his futile army for the slaughter to come
This sounds like some asshurt revisionism. Einherjar means "Solo Warrior." Odin handpicks the heroes who are so powerful that they rival entire armies. They're not rank-and-file troopers in a regimented army platoon.
>The grave is the gate of Hel/Hades
Yes, and Asgard. In Harbarthsljoth, Odin remarks that Odin receives kings in Valhalla, whereas Thor receives servants in his hall, which is called variously Thruthheimar and Bilskirnir. All the dead enter Thor's hall and Odin's hall in the same way: the burial mound. It's all the same place.
this is just arguing over semantics. If jesus showed up and asked you to join him in ruling the universe, accepting would essentially render you a god.
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It will be hilarious if in the next season Odin ends up transforming himself into Jesus Christ, since in the show a witch kills one of his crows, the one responsible for his memory, and because of this Odin start to forget his own past and keeps changing his body into his various past selves. It was the sacrifice she demanded in order to show him the future.
>>even if something contradicts me, I can just dismiss it anyway, because there is no canon!
Nothing is "contradicting me". What you are actually saying is that the norse texts contradict each other and that's what I'm pointing out and you are ignoring. Let's not kid ourselves here my dude
>because it would undercut the tragedy of his death if Odin could just resurrect him.
hence, Odin is a dramatist.
>they're distinct locations but they're all situated on the same plane of reality.
Speculation. I'm not saying either. I am only saying that Hel is not in Asgard and I think it is more likely that Valhalla is in Hel and everyone back then thought that Hel was were they would go when they died. The grave is Hel. The grave is referred to as Hel in the waking of Angantýr. Everybody that dies in the sagas seems to go to Hel. They did not believe in a soul that would go somewhere where the body wasn't.
>This sounds like some asshurt revisionism.
Not at all. I genuinely think that the norse thought of Odin as their lord. I'm not going to talk about how the einherjar actually fought because the texts do not talk about that at all and it's just baseless speculation.
>Yes, and Asgard.
I don't think so. Asgard is never referred to as something like that. More likely it is what its name implies, a place exclusively for the ruling Æsir elite and not their servants.
>this is just arguing over semantics.
Which is fine. Not like it's a logical fallacy.
>If jesus showed up and asked you to join him in ruling the universe, accepting would essentially render you a god.
Not necessarily, no. Do you seriously think Odin was literally making him his equal, making him rank higher than someone like Thor? let's not kid ourselves here. Helping him rule is what stewards do for their lords as well, that does not make them legally kings.
>Do you seriously think Odin was literally making him his equal, making him rank higher than someone like Thor?
Equal? No. God? Yes. We're talking about a religion that worshipped ancestors as gods, anon. That's what an Elf is, and it's why Volundr, a human man, is explicitly referred to as an Elf.
Actually, we aren't even arguing over semantics, what the hell are you talking about? We are clearly disagreeing over facts. You think he was made a god and I don't. It's dumb to think that ruling with someone automatically makes you his equal.

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