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Whoever wrote this is an absolute genius: Its important to think outside the box to get a solution. The test paper scene test was solved by dragging the table across the room as a solution. testing and are looking for people who think outside the box and don't hesitate to do the unusual.
not only that. it would be one thing if the table glided gracefully across the floor. instead it fucking GGNNNNNGNNNNHHHHNNGNGNGNGNGN GRATED across the floor loud as fuck. not only was J willing to do something unconventional, he apparently didn't care how disruptive it was. they have the flashy thingy anyway so it's not like they care if the job is messy; so long as it's completed.
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Why does he insist on putting his ass out like that? Is he that proud of his butt? He's the type who would tie his shoelaces without bending his knees.
Writing on a few pieces of stacked paper isn't hard.
and then the 3rd move happened
The 3rd movie was surprisingly good.
I hated that retcon. I never understood the hype mib3 got.
I wanted more TLJ and will smoth kino.
y no videogem?
This. Only I personally hate 2 with a passion. 3 a lot less so since it goes out of its way to be kinda inoffensive, but that retcon was a genuine bad decision and a major fumble. It exhausted all the good will they built up. Neither movie matches the level of the first.

And I can't help but notice no one mentioned The Other One.
Yeah, Thor was in it. I saw the poster. 'Ocean's Eight' wasn't too shitty. I think.
Tommy Lee Jones was the soul of the MiB series

what the final nail in the coffin was that retarded spinoff with Thor and female Thor
Great insight, OP. I've never looked at it that way.
Was at least one on GBA and maybe 1 on PlayStation?
you can't have Will Smith alone, look at 3's scenes without K or Josh Brolin. it was almost a parody.
>Tommy Lee Jones was the soul of the MiB series
I still think Rip Torn was my favourite in the entire movie
i thought it was just that he caught that alien on foot, and Tommy Lew Jones instinct told him he would be good at it. ignoring movie 3 when it turns out it was just good ol' nepotism
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You can maybe help me /tv/ I've got the biggest case of mandela effect. I could absolutely swear that at the end of that scene the dialogue in pic related is something like:

>Z: He's a loose canon.
>K: Yeah, but he got the girl, tho.

I must have watched MiB maybe a dozen times when I was a child, and I distinctly remember that scene, that line, repeated each time. Which I found at the time pretty clever because it validated indirectly Jay's decision to kill the girl.

Except that I can't find that line anywhere.
Bug man first Mr. Torn second. Restpecpa.
A genius to a general audience but as a Navy man myself I know most if not all of those men would seen the table and not only used it but organized each other into an orderly line to take turns using it as a team.
I thought another big part of it was >>203676760. He didn't just shoot all the aliens on sight and ignore the humans. The MiB aren't actually trying to murder aliens or keep them off the planet, they're trying to deal with the non-peaceful ones who arrive and are up to shit, of which a lot take otherwise normal forms.
Brolin's TLJ impression is the only good thing about that movie.
3 is a good film.
Yes, that ending twist is fairly stupid/silly. It's still a better film than it has any right to be, especially after 2.
Zed shares some doubts, K points out he chased down a cephalapod is how I remember it. Zed double checks and K confirms his choice for his replacement is the closest I can think of. Makes me wonder if there was a TV edit that removed the girl getting shot where the other is the running.
>that removed the girl stand in getting shot as the topic of the conversation
Is what I should have typed but didn't.
was the 90s the best decade for niggahs, they made them look cool and good in movies. When social media happened it was the end of them of looking cool in movies.
3 is better than 2, which isn't a really high bar. But it doesn't deserve the hype or praise it got.
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Damn, really makes you think.
3 made me cry at the end. I hate how people don't like it. I never bothered with the new one. But 3 was a perfect send off.
Nah, I feel like 2000's black people were portrayed the best. 90's had to many ghetto gangster movies. Good movies but fucked up a lot of black peoples perception of themselves. 2000's had us calm down and mostly were just the "cool guy" in the movie.

We all know why Anon...
as a kid I used to laugh so much at this scene that I would almost pass out
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Better than the second and third movie
Such a good intro.
you have to pay to have your hands imprinted there (extra humiliation)
>the nurse or whatever was so obnoxious on set that TLJ had her blacklisted from the entire industry
Whereas the nineties had the best movies could be a point of contention, the nineties really did have the best cartoons. Animation, camera angles, creativity, design, style, script etc..

I don't think you could argue any other decade having better cartoons. Of course we had ugly drawn shit like 'Hey Arnold' too. but those were the exception.
Linda Fiorentino had a reputation for being difficult to work with
TAS batman
TAS xmen
are just two that are certified kino of the highest order and can never be remade or duplicated
when the CIA wants to use MK ultra for overall positivity, you get racial based Buddy Cop films that overcome nuances and cultural norm differences. Notice the CIA, Jews and Hollywood have all abandoned the buddy cop film, and if you do happen to see it, it will be antogonistic with either one female, one male or two females. The Buddy Cop film is the dial to turn for societies racism
Don't recall the exact dialog but Z tells him will smith is dumb and failing all tests and tlj vouches for him saying he catched the blinking alien on foot and that feat is worth more than the tests
i hate time loops, they can be ok in a comedy sometimes

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